The Unit s04e07 Episode Script

Into Hell, Part 1

Previously on The Unit.
- This is our daughter, Betsy.
- Hi.
- I have withdrawn from college.
- You made us a deal.
- I made my choice, Mom.
- She's enlisted.
- She's not ready.
- She isn't or you aren't? There's a big disconnection between military wife and mother of a kid who just signed up.
Did you find what you were looking for? Where do you think you're going? - To a trial and execution.
- You take this to the team.
An officer sleeps with a shooter's wife and he's executed.
That's the Unit code.
- And if he is found guilty, we will honor that code.
- There will be a trial.
- I did cheat.
- I know.
- Can you forgive me? - Yes.
- Can you forgive Tom Ryan? - Never in this life.
Either it's unanimous or you don't act at all.
It isn'tjust Mack's problem.
Colonel's been found guilty.
It's our problem.
Well, the question still stands.
What's the punishment? He knew the punishment the moment he chose to sleep with my wife.
How does that differ from vigilante justice? We're not the first to stand in judgment of an officer who's betrayed his men.
- It's the code.
- A warrior joins the Unit, he swears to live by the code.
It holds true for an operator or an officer.
- We could turn him in.
- And? The army will strip him of his rank and he'll lose his command.
Would that be sufficient? This was an ongoing, planned, premeditated violation.
You asked for this vote.
We're walking down a one-way path.
And if it was your wife he was sleeping with? He'd be dead already.
I want the vote.
Punishment is death.
Receiving new details now on the ambush in western Iraq on an army medical convoy.
Four soldiers captured, presumed kidnapped.
All were members of the 505th Transportation Supply Corps.
- Molly, it might not be her.
- They're just saying it's her company.
No group has claimed responsibility for the attacks.
Their names are being withheld pending notification of their families.
And no one's contacted you.
- No.
Not yet.
- Then it's no use worrying yet.
Oh! Well, have you ever known a bad omen to be wrong? Colonel.
It's your daughter.
- How bad? - She's M.
We don't know where they took her or who took her.
It was an ambush outside of Mosul.
Betsy and three other troops were kidnapped.
- When do we leave? - Wheels up in 20.
Got the full resources of the Unit behind you.
And I'm going with you.
She's my family too.
She's gonna be all right.
You bring my daughter home.
Or I won't come home at all.
- Molly said Ryan's going with you.
- It's none of your concern.
You're gonna frag him, aren't you? - Is that what I'm gonna do? - We've got a chance here, Mack, to be a family again.
If you kill him, we're giving up on that chance.
Your daughters need you.
I need you.
You can choose to do the right thing.
If you kill him, you'll never see me or the girls again.
Tom, if you get on that plane, you're not coming back.
Gerhardt, I don't understand.
Mack knows.
He knows about us.
He knows everything.
- Gotta go.
- You go, he'll kill you.
They'll kill you.
It doesn't alter the case.
Mission first, then the colonel.
# Give me your secrets Bring me a sign # # Give me a reason to walk the fire # # See another dawn # # Through a daughter's eyes # # You give me a reason to walk the fire ## - Is there an E.
on Ryan? - There they are, sir.
Heard you had a personal interest in this, Colonel.
General, Sergeant Major Blane, in my command.
He's the father of- - Second Lieutenant Betsy Blane.
- Your daughter's kidnapping is the army's highest priority.
- Thank you, sir.
- What do we got? Kidnappers uploaded this onto the Internet.
It's a video of the ambush.
That's her convoy entering the kill zone.
Redcap, you getting this on your screens? Their screens are our screens, sir.
- That's her.
- Shotgun.
First Humvee.
That's the I.
Looks command initiated.
They took out the.
50 cal.
It's a coordinated attack.
They knew what they were after.
- Hostages.
- Yeah.
That's Betsy.
The video ends there.
We're trying to shut down the Web site.
I don't want my wife to see this.
- Redcap, go ahead with the containment team.
- Roger that.
The word of the day is " oriole.
" Authorization code 5-8 Zulu.
This is Redcap.
Containment is a go.
Subject: Molly Blane.
Sir, what was her convoy doing in that A.
O? Routine resupply to a local medical clinic here.
But insurgents took out a bridge yesterday here.
So the convoy had to take Route Seattle, a six-mile detour through here.
- It funneled them through a kill zone.
- That's right.
Why were they there without air support? We've got 150 resupply convoys on the road at any given time all drawing from the same air camp.
Now, we know that a black van was seen heading south here.
We've got checkpoints at all the main intersections and coordinate search teams working every town from Mosul to Fallujah.
So far, nothing.
I hear you're the man.
Actually, hacker.
It was either the army or prison in Buffalo.
- Can you shut down the site? - Yeah.
They left a back door open.
I'm in their code right now, planting bombs and viruses and generally raising hell, sir.
- How long will it stay shut down? - With these extremist sites the video's gonna pop up somewhere else, but I'll stop that too.
- Good.
With all honor to you, thank you.
- Thank you, Sergeant.
Do we have any back channels to the insurgents to start a negotiation? I've had four kidnappings in my A.
this year.
All ended with the soldiers murdered.
- They don't want to negotiate.
- They want blood.
Yes, that's correct.
- Sir, I'd like to see the ambush site.
- It's still hot.
Our E.
forensic team only lasted two minutes.
- All the same.
- Understood.
And I'm glad for the help.
But since this is my A.
, you need to keep me apprised - of where you are and what you're doing there.
- Roger that.
- You coming? - Sir.
Be alert.
This place is still hot.
Insurgents! Insurgents! Mayday! Mayday! Requesting air support! One kilometer north of checkpoint one on Route Seattle! She's bleeding.
She's leaving us a trail.
Suppressing! - 11:00.
- Second floor.
She dug in.
Good girl.
Track marks stop here.
Army says the kidnappers put her in a van here going south.
That's their intel.
Let's find out what the man on the ground has to say.
Ah, I'm coming, baby.
I'm coming.
- You speak English? - A little.
You mind if I try? I grew up on a farm.
Snipers terminated.
All clear.
- Is your family okay? - Afraid.
Did you, uh- You see what happened yesterday from your window? Uh- Uh- Do you smoke? No.
Just the lighter.
My friend's daughter was one of the American soldiers that was kidnapped yesterday.
My-My brother my cousins, nobody's looking for them.
They've been gone for almost a year.
I'm sorry.
I truly am.
My friends think that the, uh- the kidnappers used two vehicles.
Black van.
And the other, um- - Uh- - What? Blue? Yes.
Truck with white cover on the back.
- Cargo truck? - Yes.
The blue truck, is that the one they took the Americans in? Which-Which direction? North? South? My daughter, she was crying.
I only see blue truck, not which way.
- It's okay.
Thank you.
You've been very helpful.
- No.
Of course.
You didn't tell me anything.
We have an update now to our breaking news.
The four hostages have now been identified as Private First Class Gail Chavez Second Lieutenant Betsy Blane, Specialist Alex Jones and CorporalJohn Hines.
- I don't even have that picture of Betsy.
- She looks strong.
- They took my photographs.
- They'll find her, Molly.
Hmm? - Right, Tiffy? Tiff? - Our prayers and thoughts are with the families.
- She'll be home soon.
- This isn't home.
We go live now to Cindy Hines, mother of Corporal John Hines.
Uh, hello.
Thank you for coming.
I'm Cindy Hines, and my son John is corporal in the army.
I want the kidnappers to know John is my youngest son.
- I need to do what that mother's doing.
- He volunteered for the army to pay for college.
He is not the enemy.
Please do not harm my son.
I need to talk to them directly.
Do you see? Put a face on the soldier, and the people care.
- Otherwise, Betsy's just a rank and number.
- We're undercover.
You can't.
You're not Molly Blane anymore.
What if Betsy's watching right now? She needs to know that we haven't abandoned her.
- Jonas, the team and Colonel Ryan will find her.
- Kim's right.
And what if it's too late? Those animals need to know that my little girl has a mother.
I'm calling that TV station.
They need to see my face.
The line is dead.
They've cut off my phones.
Redcap, we're looking for a blue cargo truck with a white top.
She was here.
And they're heading- They're heading north.
- You see a blue truck? - Affirmative.
Five minutes after Betsy's mayday call the army's Predator picks up the truck heading north on M.
About 40 klicks in, the truck turns east and drives out of frame.
- Toward Tall 'Afar.
- Who's A.
is Tall 'Afar? - The marines.
- See if they've got a MARTS balloon in the sky.
They do.
- Southwest of Tall 'Afar.
- Gotta love the marines.
Let's bring up the video from the balloon and input target specs.
We got to get out ofhere.
Hey, hey, hey, hey.
Where the hell are Mack and Ryan? I know what you have to do.
I don't know what you're talking about.
Just let me help find Betsy first.
My wife warned you.
I know the code.
Why'd you break it? I thought I loved her.
I know what you have to do.
Dirt Diver.
Give me a sitrep.
- Dirt Diver! - I have but one question.
Did you send me away on missions hoping I wasn't gonna come back? No.
I sent you away so I could be with your wife.
What did you think, if I got killed just gonna move into my house? Sleep with my wife? Raise my children? Maybe you're right.
Maybe you should just do it now.
Mack! I'll go check on the general.
One mission.
My daughter.
Are you with me? Are you with me? I'm with you.
Roger that, Redcap.
We've got the location of the truck.
Let's move! Redcap, we've made visual contact with the target.
Roger that.
The general's Q.
, it's 10 minutes out.
We're not waiting.
She's here.
Wait! She's booby-trapped.
And multiple P.
This place is rigged to blow.
- Betsy? - I don't know.
Betsy, can you hear me? It doesn't look like she's breathing.
- I count a dozen transmitters.
- There may be more.
- How many more? - Not sure.
Let's find out.
Lights out.
- What is going on? - Don't sneak up on me like that.
Molly needs us.
It's like you're not even here.
What's wrong? I told Mack about Tom and me.
Mack knows everything.
And he's gonna kill Tom on this mission.
- You told Tom and Mack? - Do you know what you've done? She knows exactly what she's done.
Those men are the only hope my daughter has and you havejeopardized that mission and all their lives.
- I told him before Betsy.
- The first rule of a Unit wife.
A distracted soldier is a dead soldier.
- I was just trying to save my marriage.
- At what cost? Your whoring may have cost everyone we love their lives! - I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
- J-Just go! I've got a multi-wired.
Clipping five now.
Hang in there, brother.
Almost there.
Let's go.
Let's move.
- Almost there.
- One more.
We'll get her, Jonas.
- All clear.
- Lights.
- It's not Betsy.
- It's somebody's daughter.
- Chavez.
- Gail Chavez.
Betsy's company.
Body's warm.
Can't be far behind.
They're on the run, killing the wounded.
Betsy's wounded.
Hey, Top? We found something here.
I'm Second Lieutenant Betsy Blane.
I'm an American soldier.
You are a sharmuta.
- She's brave.
- No.
She's trying to tell us something.
Let's see it again.
I'm Second Lieutenant Betsy Blane.
I'm an American soldier.
- You are a sharmuta.
- Hold it right there.
Yeah, that's it.
That's what she wanted us to see.
- It looks like a tribal marking.
- What tribe? - I don't know.
- Get me a name.
Dogpatch, I'm uploading some video.
- So it's a Sunni marking.
- Of the Amberzansi clan.
All zealots, known insurgents, sir.
- Do you have a location? - As we pushed north, the group went underground.
Can you get close on that sword? That's Damascus steel.
It's made in Syria.
- You see that watermark? - Are you suggesting- You have a native speaker? Just that portion of the video right there.
Please, can you listen for this dialect? - You recognize it? - Sunni tribe, Anbar Province.
- And the word kalet? - It means " bitch.
" - In Najir Arabic? - No, sir.
It's not an Iraqi word.
It's slang.
- From where? - Syria.
- Are you sure? - I'm positive.
The speaker is from Syria.
- Colonel, you know how this works.
- Yes, I do.
We're not putting boots on the ground in Damascus.
This is a matter for the State Department and the Diplomatic Corps, not us.
You need to tell your men that if the insurgents cross over into Syria, it's game over.
- I'm sorry.
- General.
They're putting a call through to the mother of Private Chavez in Baltimore.
- Can I have this? - We got more, sir.
The other four kidnapping incidents that happened this past year where did they take place? - This is the no-go zone.
- This is the group that has Lieutenant Blane? Sir, we believe so.
matches previous kidnappings in the area.
I need- You know, I need some more information.
Colonel, are you all right? I'm having chest pain.
Where's the hospital? - You have a history of heart trouble? - Nothing like this.
This is thallium.
It's a medical isotope.
It will give us a clear picture of the vascular structure of your heart, the blockage.
Run a scan.
- It's radioactive, right? - Oh, it's a half-life of about three days.
You'll be hot for a little while.
Sojust relax.
We'll do a little stress test and then run the scan.
- I'll be back in a minute.
- All right.
Thanks, Doctor.
- 360 perimeter! Let's move! - Copy that.
They're moving west, toward Syria.
- The general's never gonna let us cross that border.
- Options? Two routes.
One, you pass through a dozen checkpoints between here and the border.
The other, through the badlands, right here.
It's a no-go zone.
The hostiles own it.
- If you were an insurgent, which way would you take? - Badlands.
Then that's what we're gonna do too.
That's the rat line.
- Redcap, get me Ryan.
- Snake Doctor, we can't find the colonel.
- Repeat last.
- I repeat.
Colonel Ryan is missing.
Find him! Alpha Team, Alpha Five is trying to reach you.
- That's the general.
- What is your current position? - Big green army's looking for us.
- Then let's get off the grid.
- Get out.
- They're watching us.
- I don't want you here.
- Listen to me.
There are men outside this apartment.
They're in the parking lot, and they're in the back of the building.
And they're not gonna let you leave.
Don't look.
They've shut off the phones to the entire complex.
I never meant to harm your daughter.
I was wrong, and I'm sorry.
But if you want to get Betsy's story to the media, I can help.
How? We can make a video.
And I can take it to the TV station.
I don't know what else to say.
She is my only child.
I'm frightened for her.
I am begging you.
Think of your own mothers, your own daughter your sisters.
Let her go.
That was good.
I don't know.
They're watching the house.
Well, I'll go first, create a diversion.
- And I'll get this to them.
- Thank you.
I found Colonel Ryan.
At least where he went.
- Where? - He went to the hospital in the Green Zone.
- Evidently, he was having chest pains.
- So he's in sick bay? The doctor set him up for a scan of his heart, injected him with thallium.
- And then Ryan vanished.
- This doesn't make sense.
Let's get his medical records.
Call Green Zone security.
Let's send out an A.
on Ryan.
Something's wrong.
My name is Colonel Tom Ryan, United States Army, Special Forces.
Your leaders want me alive.
- Why did you give yourself up? - Take me to the people who took her I'll denounce the war.
I'll be a propaganda tool.
I'll say whatever you want me to say.
- I'll give you headlines all over the world.
- Yeah.
- To someone, perhaps that is valuable.
- Sell me to that someone.
And why shouldn't I just kill you right now? Because I'm worth more alive than I am dead.
I'll betray my country.
What have you got? Bedouin roadblock.
Armed? To the teeth.
Probably working with or for the kidnappers.
- Mercenaries? - Paid by the insurgents to be the rear guard.
- Is there a way around? - The water's too deep to the south.
- Lake's to the north.
- We'll lose six hours.
Betsy's wounded.
We ain't got six hours.
We go through.
- This ain't the fight we need right now.
- No, but it's the fight we got.
Colonel Ryan's medical records.
- Any history of heart condition? - Healthy as an ox.
I'm getting an urgent sitrep from theJ.
- They found Colonel Ryan's car abandoned.
- Where? The no-go zone.
Half a klick from where Betsy was captured.
The car ran out of gas.
The car didn't run out of gas.
He LoJacked himself.
- Thallium.
- Thallium? It's a radioactive isotope.
How strong a gamma reading could the thallium produce? Could a Predator track him from the sky? - I don't know.
- Let's find out.
Let's get our eyes in the sky to start a grid search of any radiation hits starting at the no-go zone.
- He got himself kidnapped.
- That's right.
He's leaving us the bread crumbs.
Grey, keep an eye on that machine gunner.
Gunner's up! We got company, Top.
Stay put.
I got this.
- Snake Doctor, this is Alpha Five.
- It's the general again.
Snake Doctor, this is Alpha Five.
Do you copy? I repeat.
Do you copy? Requesting immediate sitrep.
Snake- Mount up.
We've got a gamma hit at a Syrian border crossing.
- What's the reading? - Five and rising.
Get me the sergeant on duty.
Truck is approaching.
- I'm getting a spike.
- Inbound or outbound? Outbound, to Syria.
Seventy yards.
We're only tasked to stop vehicles coming into Iraq with W.
, not the ones leaving.
- Do we stop? - W.
's won't register above a five.
It's too hot to be a W.
It's a gamma hit.
- It's a medical isotope.
- Colonel Ryan.
Fifty yards.
Do you want me to stop it? If that's Colonel Ryan, we should pull the truck over now.
If that's Colonel Ryan, this is his plan.
- He's trying to get to Betsy.
- Repeat.
Do I stop? Stand down.
Stand down.
Wave it through.
Where does this road lead? To " Abu Kar.
" - Why didn't he tell anybody that he was doing this? - He would've been stopped.
He's trying to get to Betsy before they kill her.
That's his plan.
If she's in Syria, that's not a plan.
That's suicide.
Syrian scout vehicle at 3:00 across border.
Point it south towards the Indian Ocean satellite.
This is Echo-Zero-One, damn it! Do you copy? - You know who.
- I know you can hear me, Sergeant Major.
We've been tracking your movement with Predator.
Listen carefully to what I am about to say.
The country of Syria is a sovereign nation.
It is an act of war to cross the border into Syria.
You are forbidden to cross that border.
I repeat.
Do not cross that border.
It is a violation of international law.
It is a violation of- You can't come in here like this.
- We're with the Army Special Unit.
- I know who you are.
You have no right.
This could save my daughter's life.
Ma'am, you'll need to come with us.
I'm not going with you anywhere unless you have some news about my daughter.
- Otherwise, get out.
- We don't have news.
But please come with us quietly for your daughter's sake.
The general is gonna try to stop us.
Can't stop what you can't catch.
We got incoming on a secure line.
This is Redcap calling Snake Doctor.
If you can hear me, Colonel Ryan has crossed into Syria.
He has been abducted, we believe, on purpose.
The Sinbar border crossing.
- Got it.
- There's only one road.
- " Abu Kar.
" - Good luck.
How do we know Ryan's not running from us? - There's only one reason why he'd cross into Syria.
- To save Betsy.
We're gonna get her back, but we're gonna have to go into hell to do it.
Now, even if we survive, there will be repercussions.
Now, I need to do this.
You don't.
We're here anyway.
Let's roll.
- Colonel Ryan.
- Betsy.
We're gonna get you out of here.

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