Walker (2021) s04e07 Episode Script

Hold Me Now

- Previously on Walker
Whatever we do next, we do together.
- Deal?
- Deal.
Dark cases like this one
it's important that we
find those moments of light.
- Did you forget something?
- Just one thing.
I'm helping Ben with another
wedding in the barn.
We ought to be thinking more
about our own futures.
- In retirement.
- Uh-uh.
This serial killer was
considered dormant for several years,
but in the last six months,
there've been two more murders.
You were right, Cordell,
to keep this from me.
I'm gonna need you
to take point on this.
WALKER: Are those your personal notes?
That is a book I can't seem to finish.

- Hey!
- Hey.
Where, uh
Where you heading off to so early?
Oh, you said I could
borrow the van, remember?
You got time for breakfast, right?
Not really. I'm-I'm supposed to meet up
with Stel and then I have
Boot camp Readiness.
I-I really can't afford
to be late to that again, so
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Right, yeah. Don't be.
Um, but curfew still stands:
home before 5:00.
- Of course.
- Okay.
- Boot camp ends at 3:00.
- Great.
Hey, um, I was talking to Stel
about, you know,
whenever Geri gets back,
if maybe you want to do, like, a
I don't know, like, a makeup dinner?
We're game,
obviously, and, uh,
again, I'm really sorry
about missing last week.
No, I know. And, you know, maybe
I was a bit off the mark, too.
Uh, thought you kids had
an issue with Geri and me.
Anyhow. Uh, yeah, have a good day.
- Thank you.
- Yep.
LUNA: Cacaw!
I just started season four.
(CHUCKLES SOFTLY) Damn it, David,
Hawk's Shadow is a a fine wine
to be savored, not binged.
You don't have many episodes left.
What can I say? Hawk's
got his talons in deep.
Thanks for the rec.
- Let me get the door.
I didn't think I'd see you today.
Yeah, police chief is running us ragged.
Well, I am glad he's
letting us borrow you.
Your experience with the Jackal
could provide valuable insight
into our new suspects.
Provide valuable insight
into our new suspects.
That's a little formal for
people who text every day.
Okay. I understand.
You're up for the new
lieutenant promotion.
It's a big deal.
I also know there's a ton of candidates
from Austin to Amarillo.
So, if this is about
taking a step back
It's not that. It's that
There's a double standard
for women dating.
I know. It's ridiculous,
but you're right.
It's just, my last
"whatever" overlapped with work,
and it didn't end well.
But I would love to keep talking
about Hawk's Shadow with you.
Well, me too.
I promise not to sit
next to you in there
and, uh, no smiling.
No smiling. I hate smiling.
But you're so good at it.
Okay, so, before the Jackal's
trail went cold five years ago,
his kills ramped up in frequency.
Which means every day we don't catch him
could be another life he takes.
Yeah, and, uh, Captain James mentioned
that he'd continue to oversee the case,
but he will not be boots
on the ground with us.
That is correct. I'm
running point on this.
So I hope you all wore your good boots,
'cause we got a lot of
shoe leather to run down
with the new list of suspects
Trey put together.
Ooh, smooth segue.
- WALKER: Ah. Thank you.
- TREY: All right,
so this is a list of convicts
whose mugshots are near matches
to the partial image
of the Jackal suspect
we recovered from
the surveillance footage.
The one we got from Henry
and the Jackal survivor network?
Yeah, that's the one. And I created
psych profiles for every near match.
I asked Trey to prioritize suspects
with violent criminal
backgrounds. That's, uh,
- tier 1 here, in red.
- And what's tier 2?
Uh, criminals who have been
convicted of nonviolent crimes,
but crimes that often lead to violence.
- So, fraud, burglary?
- Exactly.
Tier 3 is misdemeanors
shoplifting, vandalism.
Crimes that rarely lead to violence.
And these records are
from local municipalities?
I'm afraid that's our only resource.
Police precincts aren't as
thorough as you Rangers.
Lot of precincts' records
are so out of date.
The info's rarely pertinent.
We have some heavy lifting ahead of us.
Yes, we do. Yeah, and efficiency's key
since these records are old.
I don't want us chasing ghosts.
The more of these we can
cross off without leaving
the office, the faster we get our guy.
CASSIE: Sounds like we are looking
for a needle in a haystack
Assuming we're looking
in the right haystack.
Yeah. Fair points.
But, uh, for right now,
this partial image
is the best lead we got.
And this is a long list to whittle down,
so let's get after it.
If we're lucky, we may
finally meet the Jackal.

BONHAM: You know, between
August's bulking and your, uh, PT,
we've actually managed to assemble
a halfway decent home gym.
Yeah, yeah, much to Mom's dismay.
I think she told the doctor
to put a clock on us
so she could turn her living room back
into her living room.
But I am feeling a lot
better, though, Dad.
Well, that's good, that's good.
And speaking of, uh, progress,
tomorrow is August's final
boot camp readiness challenge.
It's a graduation of sorts.
I thought it'd be real nice
if the whole family
went down there to root him on.
Yeah. No, count me in.
You might want to take it easy
with those weights.
- You don't want to reinjure yourself.
- Oh, come on.
I know what I'm doing.
- Do you?
- Yeah.
You know, weren't you just telling me
that you wanted to focus more
on your legal career?
Fighting injustice and all that?
I was literally just working on
a partnership agreement for Mom.
For her and Ben, actually.
For the event business.
Ben is gonna leave his job,
he's gonna come work full time with mom.
Is that right?
When'd this happen?
They discussed it the other day, but
(SCOFFS) My goodness.
I wish your mother'd run
these things by me first.
Come on, Dad.
Mom doesn't have to run
everything by you.
It's her event business.
Yeah, well, it's still our ranch.
Least it was last time I checked.
CASSIE: So, that makes
a total of three dead, four in prison,
and two who moved out of state
before the killings even started.
Am I forgetting anyone?
No, that's it for our violent offenders.
WALKER: Okay, so that leaves
us with just one name
out of all the tier 1 suspects. Um
- Dave Sloane.
- LUNA: Yep. Did two stints
in state prison, one for armed robbery,
the other for domestic abuse.
Oh, he sounds like a real sweetheart.
But he barely even qualifies
as a tier 1 suspect.
No attempted manslaughter charges
like most of the others.
Sure, his crimes are horrible,
but they seem to serve more
of a selfish purpose.
More about control issues than violence.
Oh, it's the, uh,
it's the control issues
that interest me.
His hands were tied behind
his back with climbing rope.
- I'm not arguing the facts, Larry.
- No, no, you're arguing
- relevance. And you're wrong.
- WALKER: Hey.
Hey. I got here as soon as I heard,
but what did I miss?
Same M.O. as the last three murders.
Poisoned with digoxin, buried alive.
Our guy thrives on having
people at his mercy. He enjoys it.
He enjoys making them
feel helpless.
As helpless as a child.
WALKER: Dave Sloane
absolutely fits the profile.
I mean, just look at his
domestic abuse arrest.
"The assailant bound his wife's
hands behind her back".
Yeah, so he could steal her car
and go on a drunken joyride.
Not just that.
I think he reveled
in making her powerless.
Maybe. Or maybe you're
seeing a connection
- that isn't there.
- Yeah.
Maybe. Or maybe Sloane is our Jackal.
CASSIE: Well, just
in case you're right
how do you want to play it?
I think if we show any weakness,
he'll try and exploit it.
I want us all in tact gear.
We're not taking any chances
with this guy.
- Yeah. All right.
- Come on.
STELLA: It only took campus security,
like, five weeks to
finally email me this.
I mean, I'm shocked those
rent-a-cops were even able
to find him on the video.
Apparently, he used a stolen key card
to get into my dorm.
It lined up with the time
of the break-in.
This is so creepy.
It's like he knew where
the cameras were.
Like he scoped it out
before or something.
You okay, Stel?
Yeah. I'm fine.
Who's texting?
It's Witt.
Okay. Let's-let's just
hold on for a second.
Okay? Ju
- What are you gonna say to him?
- I don't know, but
he's obviously in trouble
and he needs our help.
And how do you expect us to help him?
Okay? We can't even protect you
from this guy who broke in.
- What are you saying, then?
- I don't know,
shouldn't we shouldn't we tell Dad?
Oh, my God.
Augie. And tell him what?
Tell him that I lied to the police
and now this guy might get killed
if I don't find an antique necklace
that Uncle Hoyt stole five years ago?
How exactly do you think
he's going to react to that
with everything else he has going on?
Okay, look,
Witt's in the wind and campus security
isn't taking the break-in seriously
because you can't
tell them the full story.
They think it's just
some drunk frat dude.
Exactly. Okay? But we know better
and we have to do better.
This sure doesn't look like the place
a killer would call home.
Or our guy's a wolf in sheep's clothing.
That's how he's managed to stay
one step ahead of us all these years.
Let's keep our heads on a swivel.
Texas Rangers. Open up.
Dave Sloane?
You mind if we come on inside,
ask you a few questions?
Mind if I ask if you got a warrant?
Figured we'd leave the lawyers
out of it for the time being.
Just want to have
a friendly little chat.
Well, I got no objections.
WALKER: We'd like to know where
you were a few weeks back.
December 12th, to be exact.
Okay, well, first, I'd like to know
why y'all would like to know.
A woman was killed at a motel
over by Corpus that night.
I heard about that on the news.
They said it was
some sort of serial killer.
And you guys think it was me?
Well, I'm flattered,
but I can assure you,
- I am 100% innocent.
- TREY: Well, I guess we can just
up and leave then.
Afraid you're gonna have to do
a little better than that, Dave.
All right, fair enough.
I can tell you exactly
where I was that night,
- I just need to check something first.
- WALKER: Whoa, no!
Nope. Don't move another inch.
Why don't you put your hands
where I can see 'em. Slowly.
There you go.
You know, why don't you go ahead
and put your hands on that counter.
- Trey.
- Yeah.
- Hm.
- You want to check out that cabinet?
Is there anybody else
in this house with you?
No, sir.
Now, you best not be lying.
He's clean.
Drawer is clear.
Except this.
What? I told you guys I was innocent,
and the proof's right
there in the calendar.
Can I see that for a sec?
Let me see here.
December 12.
Here we go.
I was at an AA meeting.
It was a church basement on 4th Street,
right here in Austin.
CASSIE: Well, that's a mighty
convenient alibi, Dave.
Those meetings are anonymous
and no one can vouch for you.
Well, my sponsor was there
and he can vouch for me.
Why should we believe him
any more than we believe you?
'Cause he's Austin P.D.
Your sponsor just happens
to be a police officer?
Yeah, that's right.
Heck, I can give you his name
and number if you want.
Why don't you check it out?
Yeah. I wouldn't say
this wasn't a nice to visit,
but next time, be sure
you bring a warrant.
Oh, hey, darling.
You here for a workout?
I'm actually looking for Dad.
Well, I reckon he's at work.
Is there anything I can help you with?
This is gonna sound random,
but I was hoping Dad could
teach me some self-defense.
He's always bragging
about how great
the training was in the Marines
and so I was hoping he could, you know,
like, show me some moves.
Well, if you don't mind me asking,
why the sudden interest?
Is everything okay?
Everything's fine. I just
I think I'm still shaken up
from the break-in
at Geri's and I think
I would feel better
if I could defend myself.
Just in case.
Well, you've come to the right place.
The Walker dojo is
officially open for business.
Wait. You want to train me?
Oh, I mastered the art
of hand-to-hand combat
before your daddy was even born.
And I can pass that
knowledge down to you.
Or you can wait for Cordell to come home
to learn a whole lot of bad technique.
All right? All right?
- ♪

- Go, Walker, get those knees up,
get those knees up! Higher! Higher!
Go, go, go, go, go!
Get under, get under!
Come on, I want you to taste
the grass! Taste the grass!
Let's go!
What are you doing? Hop up over there!
Move, move, move, move!
That's it.
Come on, come on, come on!
Go, go, go, go, go.
Before my brain explodes ♪
Yeah, yeah!
Gonna take a walk. ♪
Good effort, Walker. I like
what I'm seeing. I like it.
- AUGUST: Good stuff, man.
- The rest of you better hurry up!
Let's go!
Let's go, let's go, let's go,
let's go, let's go!
Let's go!
CADET: Come on. Let's go, guys.
Ralph, come on. Let's go!
And time!
That's a failing time, Ralph.
You got to complete this
in sub-eight tomorrow
or else you're gonna wash out.
Yes, Drill Sergeant.
As for the rest of you, listen up.
It's never too late to help
your fellow cadet improve.
You live as a team
and you die as a team.
You understand?
ALL: Yes, Drill Sergeant.
- I can't hear you!
- ALL: Yes, Drill Sergeant!
All right! Let's take ten,
then it's back at it.
CASSIE: Thank you for
your time.
Hey. So, where are we at
with, uh, Dave's alibi?
Well, I just spoke to his sponsor,
and it turns out he actually is
an active duty lieutenant
at Austin P.D.
And he's able to place Dave
at the AA meeting
the night of the murder.
Dave's not our guy, Walker.
Back to square one.
Just felt so close, you know?
CASSIE: Yeah. Look,
this lead was developed
from a psych profile based on
a partial surveillance pic.
It was basically a shot in the dark.
All right, uh, who's next on the list?
Dave was our list,
and we just finished clearing him.
LUNA: Walker,
take a breath, go home, clear your head.
I don't want to clear my head.
I-I want to I-I need
to solve this thing.
There's a lunatic out
there killing people
and I'm not gonna
lose my friend to this case.
- Not again.
- CASSIE: Now, Walker,
James is okay.
He's taking care of himself,
which is all we're asking you to do.
LUNA: Listen to me, man.
Look, I don't want to
go back there, either.
But you can't just
force these connections.
These leads take time to develop,
and right now, we just don't have any.
So, do you have any methods
of shutting off
this part of my brain
for the rest of the day?
I might.
I don't know if I'm ready.
It's, uh, it's kind of personal.
Well, now you have to tell me.
- Okay, okay.
But you just have to
promise me one thing.
Name it.
Don't laugh.
Come on.
- Hello.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- I've been trying to reach you,
if you'd pick up your phone.
- Oh
- You know, I cooked some real food.
- Oh, I
- Unless you-you just
you know, had cereal again. For dinner.
Yeah, I'm-I'm good, Mama.
Hey, maybe-maybe tomorrow night.
I've just been really focused
on my work right now.
Yeah. I see that.
And, um,
it's pretty much all you've
been focused on lately.
- Uh
- I know what this case means,
to you and to Larry.
Okay. Mama, I appreciate the concern.
I really do.
Uh, but you don't
have to worry about me.
Good night, Ma.
Good night, sweetheart.

Well, I got one ♪
Foot on the platform ♪
So, your method of shutting off
work-brain is karaoke?
Okay, you promised you wouldn't laugh.
I'm not laughing.
This is my serious face.
Corpus Crooner.
Good to see you.
You, too, Squisher.
- Hi, Squisher.
So, when you said you'd
been here a couple times,
might that have been an
understatement, Corpus Crooner?
No, like you, I was in a bad place
after my first Jackal victim.
It was the first time around,
so I was up here in Austin a lot
for the investigation.
Well, time is a frozen river.
Like déjà vu. It it's a saying.
Anyway, it's, like, the
same thing over again.
- Yes.
Well, somehow, I wound up here.
It was a one-time thing,
just to knock back a few,
but I saw all these people just singing
their hearts out, and
seemed like they were finding
relief, maybe?
I don't know. But I wanted to, so
I gave it a try, and
it felt great.
You think it's dumb, don't you?
CASSIE: Ain't it fun? Ain't it fun? ♪
Baby, now you're one of us ♪
Ain't it fun? Ain't it fun? ♪
Ain't it fun? Ain't it fun? ♪
Living in the real world? ♪
Ain't it good? Ain't it good? ♪
Being all alone ♪
Ain't it fun? Ain't it fun? ♪
Oh, thank you!
What, did I embarrass myself?
I hate you so much.
(CHUCKLES) Will you please
show me how it's done, David?
Sorry. Corpus Crooner.
Seriously, what's with that nickname?
I don't know. I guess I, uh,
I talk about my hometown a lot.
Doesn't everybody?
Not really. (LAUGHS)
No, I'm from Brooklyn, but it
never really felt like home.
And what about Austin?
We're working on it.
Don't you ever just
want to pick up stakes
- and head somewhere new?
- Sure.
A few years ago, I, uh, I wanted
to live anywhere but Corpus.
I was engaged,
and it fell apart.
I'm so sorry.
I guess the case really
messed everyone up
back then, didn't it?
No, that's not actually why we broke up.
My fiancée she was cheating on me.
Gosh, I
I'm I'm sorry, I'm just
trying to understand
why anyone would cheat on you. (LAUGHS)
might have something to do with this.
Yo, Squish.
Let loving start.
I have a picture ♪
Pinned to my wall ♪
An image of you and of me ♪
And we're laughing,
we're loving it all ♪
But look at our life now ♪
Tattered and torn ♪
We fuss and we fight ♪
And delight in the tears ♪
That we cry until dawn ♪
Oh, whoa ♪
Hold me now ♪
Whoa, warm my heart ♪
Stay with me ♪
Let loving start, let ♪
Loving start ♪
Hold me now ♪
Hold me in your loving arms ♪
Whoa, warm my heart ♪
Warm my cold and tired heart ♪
- Stay with me ♪
- Oh, won't you ♪
Stay with me ♪
Let loving start, let loving start. ♪
All right, one, two, three.
Two, three, six.
What'd I miss?
Zombie apocalypse?
Guess I'll never get to taste
the chilis that I just planted.
- All right, give me a one, two, one, two. Ready?
- Mm-hmm.
- Attagirl.
- Then again, Stella, maybe
you can fend off the
undead horde yourself.
All right, give me a one, two.
Okay, ready?
- (GRUNTS) Yeah.
- Careful, Bon,
you could throw out your back.
- Finish strong.
- Mm-hmm.
One, two, three. Ready?
Attagirl! All right.
That ain't good.
Not quite what I pictured
when we discussed retirement.
Oh, is that so?
Was bringing Ben on
full-time for the events planning
more what you had in mind?
Liam says you got
contracts and everything.
That's not exactly what I pictured
when we talked about retirement.
Are you honestly coming after me
for supporting my son's wishes?
Sounds like the two of you need a DTR.
A "define the retirement"?
I'm sorry, it-it was a joke.
It's all right. Just It's all right.
Okay. I know morale's taken a hit.
Despite the dead end,
the hard work y'all put in
identifying Dave Sloane, that is it.
That's the, that's the kind of work
that's gonna pay off
and land us the Jackal.
So I will update DPS on our progress,
hopefully secure us some more resources.
In the meantime, I believe some of you
have an event to get to.
Right? So I'll see you
bright and early tomorrow.
And best of luck to Augie.
TREY: Looks like Cap's keeping
a healthy distance from the case.
- Mm.
- That's a win in itself, right?
Yeah, it is, but-but I want all of us
- keeping our eyes on the prize, yeah?
- TREY: Absolutely.
We'll be back at it tomorrow,
and, uh, see you at boot camp?
Yup. Absolutely.
CASSIE: All right.
Something bothering you?
No. Or
Well (SIGHS)
Yes. Um Gary Boyle.
I-I know he's near the bottom
of the suspect list,
but there-there's something
off about him.
I mean, for starters, he's a zookeeper.
That's kind of weird
in and of itself, right?
(SIGHS) Well, your family runs a ranch.
That's like one step away
from zookeeper, right?
Ha. Boyle was arrested for animal abuse.
That's a classic sign
of a budding serial killer.
- Says he was acquitted.
- Yeah, sure-sure, but his zoo
is one mile away from
the Jackal's first kill.
And-and serial killers' firsts are-are
often sloppy, i.e.,
close to their homes.
Well, all you got here is a guy
that once owned a zoo
that happens to be near
one of the Jackal's kills.
I don't know, Walker, it sounds
like a forced connection to me.
CASSIE: And I'm all for
chasing every lead
but I also think that we
should listen to James
when he says we should leave work
at work.
Right. Yeah.
Fine. Yeah. You know, uh I mean,
I got to get to Augie's boot
camp challenge anyway,
so I'll just, uh,
just run by for a quick look on my way.
You're not gonna drop this. (SIGHS)
And I am not gonna let
you go solo. (SIGHS)
And then we're going
to Augie's thing. Deal?
Wait, so y'all are going
to this defunct zoo, then?
Mind if I ride along?
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Why is this place giving me
a worse feeling than Dave Sloane's?
Just a quick sweep.
In and out. We'll make it
to boot camp on time.
Stay sharp, yeah?

- I want everybody on comms.
TREY: All right, cadets, if you
complete this challenge
and I do mean if
you'll begin Army boot camp one rank up.
You've worked hard for this,
so stay sharp
and let's go.
What are you waiting for?
Let's go, let's go!
Do us proud, son.
Yeah, motivated, I'm focused ♪
Came a long way from the lowest ♪
Yeah, got to get it ♪
The mindset, got to put it in motion ♪
This is the moment ♪
Got to one-up my opponent ♪
Back then, they ain't notice me ♪
Now they know it's me,
I'm the chosen, it's my time ♪
Yeah, I put that on Bible ♪
No excuses, got to get to the final ♪
Take all of my idols
and turn 'em to rivals ♪
It's all or nothing,
man, the trophy is vital ♪
Game time, bet I'm coming in clutch ♪
No hang time, man,
they can't keep up ♪
The game's on the line,
seconds on the time ♪
Who came to fight? It's got to be us ♪
Better under pressure ♪
Go ahead and let it fall on me ♪
I'm destined for it all ♪
You better call on me ♪
They say what doesn't kill you
make you stronger ♪
All that pain, it done
made me to a monster ♪
They say what doesn't kill you ♪
- Make you stronger ♪
You got this, Augie.
- Cassie
- It's-it's okay, it's okay, I'm okay.
I just I tripped. (GRUNTS)
- Don't pull it.
- Looks like
- an extension cord.
- Yeah.

- Ready?
- Yep.
No signs of tampering or traps.
- You good?
- Yeah.
Possible signs of activity.
Hey, Walker, you should see this.
Shed, eastern edge of the property.
WALKER: On my way.
I need backup.
Walker, wait for us.
He's gonna break the course record.

All right, come on. Hey,
Ralph, plant your feet.
Plant your feet. Don't-don't
get sloppy. Come on.
Over! Over! Yes, sir!
You got this, Ralph.
Whoo! Let's go, buddy.
- Whoo!
- Good job!
Walker? Where are you?
(ECHOING): Walker? Walker?!
- Hey.
- Hey.
- How's your head?
- It's fine. Yeah, yeah.
I'll survive. Uh, how's the manhunt?
Um, SWAT's sealing up the perimeter,
K-9 unit's doing a grid search,
we got an airship, so
I was so close.
I just wish I would have
saw his face before he
You know? Um, I don't get it.
- Why didn't he just kill me?
- Probably knew he had
to get out of here quick,
and thank God for that, right?
- Yeah.
- The, uh, Jackal lair you guys uncovered
is gonna keep our crime scene
techs busy for a long time.
That was that was good work.
Well, more evidence,
better the profile becomes.
We're closing in on this guy.
Already found something
interesting. Check it out.
Who's this?
- Potential victims?
- Yeah.
We're working to identify 'em
so we can get 'em in protective custody.
Feels good to be playing
offense for once, doesn't it?
After all these years, Cordi,
finally got this bastard on the run.
We're gonna catch him, Cap.
- I can feel it in my bones.
- I know we will.
Not today, though, right?
- Right?
- Yeah, yeah.
- You rest up.
OFFICER: Thank you both.
- Yeah, I appreciate it.
- Perez?
Excellent work.
Does that mean
the lieutenant position is mine?
Um, maybe if you would've
caught the guy.
Look, it's none of my business, but
he's good people.
- Oh, we're-we're just
- Yeah, ah-ah-ah,
none of my business.
Just saying, you know, work-life
balance is what it's all about.
Okay? Don't take as long
as I did to figure that out.
MAN: Everyone, smile.
Hey, guys, uh, hey.
Um, I just got a text
from Captain James.
- Is everything okay?
- Yeah, yeah, it's not serious,
but Walker was injured
in the line of duty today.
I don't think we should
tell August right now,
but I just wanted you guys to know.
Thanks, Trey. We're going
to call Cordell just the same.
Of course.
- Ah!
- Ah!
Ah, my guy.
(SIGHS) Man, what you did out there,
giving up the course record
to help Ralph finish?
That's the sign of a true leader, Augie.
It's everything that I've been
trying to teach you, man.
Thank you so much, Trey
uh, uh, Drill Sergeant Barnett.
(LAUGHS) I-I Seriously,
I could not have done
any of this without you.
You got a big decision to make now.
You ready to start a step ahead
at basic next year?
I, uh
I don't know.
You know, I-I love
what we did here, but
there's just so much I want to do.
Yeah. It's a lot.
- Yeah.
- I know.
But, uh take your time.
- Okay?
- All right.
- What's up, dude?
- I'm proud of you, man. I'm proud of you.
- Thank you so much. (LAUGHS)
Well, first of all, are you okay?
Um, yeah, yeah, it-it's, uh
it's nothing. (CHUCKLES)
What's up?
Well, um, Augie passed his,
uh, boot camp event.
Yeah, I know, I know. Uh,
Mama told me when she called.
- I'm gonna make it up to him.
- Yeah.
Did-did you wait up
just to tell me that?
Uh, Cordell.
- Have you listened to anything
that I've said in the last,
I don't know, six months?
When-when you went undercover
with the Rodeo Kings,
- I felt like I was
- Okay, just hold on a second.
This is a very different situation.
Is it? Because when you were away,
I had to look after your kids.
And now you're back,
but you're not really here.
And I find myself doing
the exact same thing
all over again, so
Just because I'm-I'm very busy
with my work doesn't mean
I'm ignoring my family.
Uh, no, that's exactly what it means.
And it's not just with August.
Stella is having a very hard time
after shooting the guy
that broke into Geri's,
and you, the Texas Ranger,
have barely talked to her about it.
And, look, I know that this
case means a lot to you,
but you have blinders on
and you're pushing
- everyone away.
- Okay.
I think you're being just
a little bit dramatic, Stinker.
I'm fine.
My family is fine.
So why don't you maybe just,
uh, look out for yourself?

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