Evil (2019) s04e08 Episode Script

How to Save a Life

In the name of the Father, the
Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen.
Okay, tell me the ground rules here.
Excuse me?
You have to keep everything
I say secret, right?
But is that only if I confess?
What if I just want to talk?
It's better if you confess,
but if you want to discuss,
- I'm here to listen.
Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned.
Um, I don't know how long it's
been since I last confessed,
it doesn't matter anyway
because this is more
an explanation than a confession.
Go ahead.
There's a good chance,
in the next few weeks,
I'm gonna be murdered,
and I want Kristen
and my granddaughters
to be safe if I am.
Murdered by whom?
- Leland Townsend.
- Why?
He tried to kill Laura.
That's Kristen's youngest.
I know.
And I found out, and
I tried to kill him.
Sheryl, if this is true, you
need to go to the police.
Father, The Sixty have too
many friends in the police.
Should I go on?
Uh, why come here?
Why not go to Kristen?
I never believed in the power
of God or Christ. [SCOFFS]
All I see when I come here
are a lot of sad people
mumbling over their rosaries.
People I wouldn't want to
spend ten minutes with.
But this is the one place
that Leland is afraid OF: the Church.
You keep him up at night.
That's why I'm here.
I need your help.
When I'm dead, if I'm dead,
tell Kristen
she needs to protect Lexis.
Leland thinks she's some sort of
John the Baptist to the Antichrist.
I'm-I'm sorry. What?
- Well, who-who's the Antichrist?
- Timothy.
A three-month-old baby
whose biological parents are
Leland and Kristen, and I'm
I'm no longer allowed near him.
Okay, Father, your turn.
Tell me about your belief in baptism.
What happens if you're baptized?
God cleanses our soul of original sin,
and brings us sanctifying grace.
Haven't you been baptized?
It's not for me.
It's for Timothy.
What happens if the
Antichrist is baptized?
No child is beyond saving.
But I was baptized, and look at me.
Yes, look at you.
You're here, you're confessing.
No, I'm explaining. I
told you, I'm just
Sheryl, you're confessing.
And you're thinking
only of your daughter
- and your grandchildren.
- That's because
Father, I have
I have done things.
- But you're here.
- I'm here
because of Leland, not God.
Sheryl, why is it so hard
to think you're being good?
Because your Church is such a
fucking patriarchy. [SNIFFLES]
It molests altar boys and
treats women like shit.
And yet, God can use the worst in us.
No, stop it, please.
I'm not here for that.
I don't want your forgiveness.
I fucking hate you guys.
Thursday morning at 9:00 a.m.,
I will have access to Timothy.
Leland trusts the surrogate mother
to take him for the mornings,
and she lets me come visit
and take my grandson for a walk.
I will have him for one hour.
That's when I want to bring him here
and have him baptized.
Will you do it?
Without parental consent?
You have my consent, the
grandmother's consent.
The father is demonic,
and the biological mother
has no contact, so I would call these
extenuating circumstances, Father.
You said no child is beyond saving.
So save this child.
Yes, I'll baptize him.
Day after tomorrow, 9:00 a.m.
You should tell Kristen
what you told me.
Father, how likely is it
that Kristen would believe
a word of this shit?
Give her the benefit of the doubt.
9:00 a.m. Thursday, please.
Yes. At the altar here.
Repeat the Act of Contrition after me.
- Holy, holy, holy ♪
We have a priority.
Today is-is not a good day, Father.
There are never good days.
This is about the evil
coming to New York.
Someone's life's in danger.
DAVID: No need to do that, Father.
It never works.
Not immediately,
but in the end
How do you get this stuff?
Take a moment to
absorb the three items.
And now
If you successfully remote-view,
there will be a painting on the wall.
A red painting,
in this shade.
I need you to describe
it to me. Take a moment.
- Please.
- Father,
I think it's best that I
Lord God Almighty ♪
All Thy works shall
praise Thy name ♪
In earth and sky and sea ♪
What was that? What did you see?
Uh nothing.
No, you saw something.
A distraction.
S-Something I I was
thinking about before.
An AOL? Analytical Overlay?
Yes. Um, how-how do I get rid of them?
AOLs are a previous thought.
An image or a thought
you had early in the day.
Just name all the things
you recognize from your life
in the remote viewing, and
the object should fade away.
- DOMINIC: What is that?
Uh, nothing. I need to go.
David, this is urgent.
- And I need to go.
- This is what I suggest.
Silence your mind with prayer.
That's the way to stop AOLs.
Pray until your mind
is blank and clean.
Prayer doesn't silence my mind.
Then what does?
Uh ♪
I know they hate me,
I don't give a damn ♪
You can't take away my pride
because I'm still a man ♪
That's why I say what I want
with this pen and this pad ♪
Call me ignorant man, I
ain't trippin', I'm glad ♪
I know that. ♪
ALL: Surprise!
Happy birthday to you ♪
Happy birthday to you ♪
Happy birthday dear Tyler ♪
Happy birthday to you. ♪
Whoa. I thought everybody forgot.
Poor baby, did you really think
everybody would forget you?
CANDACE: Open my present first.
No. We made you a cake.
- Presents.
- Cake.
- Presents!
- TYLER: We can do both.
Are you okay? I know
you hate surprises.
No, this one's good.
- You happy?
- The happiest I've ever been.
- Come on, Dad, blow 'em out.
- Okay.
Yeah, blow 'em out.
CANDACE: They are trick candles.
- STEPH: Try again.
TYLER: All right,
here I go. Here I go.
- DANIELLA: Uh-oh. Ooh!
- CHILD: Oh, no!
- It went out. We're not ready.
- Oh. Oh, close it. Close it!
- Oh, shit.
- BEN: What the?
- KRISTEN: Oh, my God. Okay.
- BEN: Okay, here we go.
- BEN: Here we go, here we go.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah, Yeah.
- Ready?
- BEN: Almost, almost.
KRISTEN: All right, open.
Happy birthday ♪
To you. ♪
- Yeah.
- Blow it out.
- Oh!
- Yay!
Aw, how'd you guys know
it was my birthday?
- We pay attention.
- Oh, look at you,
all alone in here.
I really thought you would
have some wild, priestly orgy
- for your fortieth.
No, praying for your
souls, that's all.
- Oh.
- Ah.
- Some interesting decorations.
- KRISTEN: Yeah. Cute, right?
The girls made it. Each
of them got a fourth
- of the cake to decorate.
- Aw.
- Who did the red one?
- Lexis.
Red's her favorite color these days.
- Hmm. Well, how are they doing?
- Who? The girls?
- Fine. Why?
- Just wondering,
since Andrew is, you know, gone.
Oh, uh, yeah. I mean, they're fine.
Lynn's picking up a lot of the slack.
- Oh! Oh! Oh!
- She's getting so old.
BEN: All right, what
do you got to drink?
- Uh, nothing.
- BEN: Exactly.
That is why we brought
a cooler!
Before you guys knocked on my door,
I had a vision in here.
- Okay!
DAVID: Yeah, I came in from this run,
and I saw a man's birthday party.
He was about my age.
He was probably in public
relations or something.
His name was Tyler.
That was his name, yeah.
And he stood right there.
No, no, no, he came in the door,
and there was a
surprise party for him.
There was a lot of friends
and his wife,
his two daughters.
And they all stood over there.
And then?
It was just weird.
It was so
BEN: That was your whole vision?
It's not very dramatic.
No demons.
this is about you wondering
what life would have been like
if you'd made different choices?
You you think that's
what it was about?
An idyllic version
of family life? Sure.
How'd you feel afterwards?
- Good.
- Mm.
I liked him.
BEN: She's not charging you
- for this session, either.
What did he look like? Like you?
No. This was all while I was
working on a remote session.
Ah, the Vatican CIA.
They want you to kill someone?
- No.
- And it all felt real?
Yeah, it did.
- Like I knew him.
- Mm.
I think this is all
about you turning 40.
That's the age when
there's no turning back.
Your future is set.
[CLICKS TONGUE] Thanks. So nice.
Well, David, I'm glad
you're not some 40-year-old PR guy
living in Brooklyn with two kids.
Did I say Brooklyn?
- Didn't you?
- I don't think so.
But now that you said that
seems right.
BEN: Hmm.
All right, well,
- we should probably go.
- Or not.
- KRISTEN: Should I stay ♪
- Or should I go? ♪
Should I stay or should I go, now? ♪
If I stay there will be trouble ♪
If I go it will be double ♪
ALL: So come on and let me know ♪
Should I stay or should I go? ♪
This will be dry by tomorrow, yes?
Because I need it dry by tomorrow.
Uh, we'll have to run
the fans overnight,
but yeah.
Can't you read the sign?
It says "knock." Oh!
Sir. How are you?
In a doorbell-ringing mood.
Sir, I didn't mean you,
obviously. Come on in.
- We have the crib.
- Perfect.
We're just finishing up
the preparations here.
Uh, watch out, the paint is still wet.
- Geez.
What the hell's that noise?
Oh, that's the little dickens, sir.
Just woke up from a nap.
He calms down after a while.
It won't cry like that tomorrow.
It shouldn't, sir. I'll
be I'll be right back.
Shh, shh, shh, shh.
THE MANAGER: Make it stop!
SERAPH: Dr. Boggs' office.
The offices are closed now.
Who's this? Where's Robin?
This is Seraph. I replaced her.
Okay, Robin promised to
send me some audio files
from another patient.
A Kristen Bouchard.
- And who are you?
- Dr. Townsend.
- I'm approved to consult.
- I'm sorry, Dr. Townsend.
I actually have a note
here to deny you access.
In fact, that was the
reason why Robin was let go.
Someone called to say she was
illegally downloading file
Sheryl, you fucking bitch.
- I need you to come tomorrow
- to take him for a few hours.
- It's him.
Okay, you want me to
take him Wednesday?
I just said that.
Okay, but I can't bring
him back until Thursday.
- Why?
- Because I have a life. Look,
if want someone who can take him
for just an hour, call Sheryl.
No, no, no, no. Sure, Thursday.
But you have to come here
tomorrow morning to pick him up.
- No problem.
- Good job.
And you need him at what?
9:00 a.m. Thursday. I
should be done by 10:00.
DANIELLA: What are you doing?
You're up late. What are you doing?
TYLER: Just sitting here.
DANIELLA: In the dark?
Did you have fun?
It's just
it's been so long.
Oh, I know.
We have to start seeing people again.
And we have to stop this mourning.
I know.
Are you thinking about James?
I guess.
I was thinking he'd be seven.
DANIELLA: Don't do this to yourself.
TYLER: I just don't
understand. We prayed to God.
- We did everything.
- It was the driver's fault,
- not God's.
- I know. I know.
I just need to rest.
- DANIELLA: Come to bed.
- I will.
I need a few minutes.
I love you.
I don't want to lose you.
I don't want to lose any of us.
I want us to always be together.
No, no, no.
You can't. No!
God, help him, please.
God, help him.
Make him stop.
Make him s
DANIELLA: Ty, don't
forget to kiss the girls.
I will.
DAVID: What do I do, God?
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

- Who is this?
- The man from my remote viewing.
I saw him at his 40th birthday party.
Did you see a red painting?
Any of the other totems?
No. But he tried to kill
himself and his family.
It's an AOL.
You need to refocus.
Father, this is the most
extensive vision I've ever had.
Based on your coordinates.
Isn't it more likely that you
were distracted by a vision
of someone whose birthday
was on the same day as yours?
At first, I thought I had
an affinity for this man,
but now I think I'm
supposed to intervene
- before he kills his family.
- That's not your mission.
Evil coming to New
York is your mission.
- This is evil.
- No.
Start again.
I need to find out who this man is.
- Come in, David.
How'd you know it was me?
Your knock. What do you need?
I have a question about
returning to a vision.
- I need to return to a vision.
- Why?
I saw a man planning to
kill himself and his family.
I need to find where he lives.
That doesn't sound like a vision.
You're right.
It's something Father
Dominic asked me to practice.
What is that?
Remote viewing.
Remote viewing is
I know what it is, David.
I need you to leave.
What's wrong?
You have a gift.
A talent, given to you from God.
And you use it on magic tricks.
Sister, please have a
little more respect for me.
This is to stop a man
from killing himself
and his family.
The heavenly chord.
What about it?
Play it.

BEN: I don't recognize him.
I thought you said this
guy had a perfect family.
I thought he did. He lost his son.
I think it was a car accident.
Now he's suicidal.
Actually, he's worse
than suicidal. He's
He's thinking of killing his family.
Oh, my God.
And you don't know where he is?
No. All I know is that I recognized
the drawing on his
desk the Black angel.
The angel with the lamb?
Yeah. The one Adina drew.
Wait. I don't understand.
What was he doing with that drawing?
I don't know. Uh, maybe
maybe he knew Adina.
That's all I could think.
Well, you know enough to google him.
I mean, "Tyler," son was
killed in a car accident
- Mm-hmm.
- I did. Nothing.
- I couldn't find a thing.
- KRISTEN: All right.
- Let's go.
- Where?
Well, either we're
gonna talk about it,
or we're just gonna go
talk to Adina, right?
Let's go.
You get the bottle under warm water.
- Then you can test it.
- I think he likes it hot.
LESLIE: Shh. It's him.
Don't worry, Leland. He's fine.
- Listen, I need him now.
- No.
Tomorrow. 10:00 a.m. We agreed.
Things change. DF wants to
see him tonight. Last looks.
- He wants him now.
- Tell him you're not home.
I'm not at home, I'm at a playdate.
Who approved a playdate?
No. I'm coming now.
- I won't be home.
- Then I'll wait.
I need an hour.
Okay, Leland, give me until 8:00.
- No
- Is that enough time?
- Oh, it'll have to be.
Oh, shit.
Uh, yeah, I-I need to speak
with David, Father Acosta.
I'm sorry. He's not in right now.
Do you know where he is?
No. No, no one is here.
- Are you a priest?
- Yes. What's wrong, ma'am?
Bundle him up, we're going.
Yeah, I was supposed to have
my son baptized tonight,
my grandson. David
was supposed to do it.
- And I don't have any time.
- He can baptize him tomorrow.
No. No, no, no, no. No, no.
Father, please, it
has to happen tonight.
My husband is taking him,
Timothy, on a plane,
and I'm worried about his health, uh,
the disposition of his soul.
Well, I have no way to contact David.
But you can baptize him,
right? You can do it right now.
Okay, I'm on my way over.
I'll see you in, uh,
- 20 minutes.
- Ma'am, no!
- Okay.
Oh, wait, wait.
I still have Kristen's
christening gown.
David, call me when you can.
Someone's bringing their
baby here to be baptized.
That sounded like a bomb.
KRISTEN: Yup, the weather's
getting weirder these days.
- Deadlier.
- ADINA: Ah, global warming.
I think God's angry.
I would be, too.
That's the kind of sound
I'd make if I were God.
So, is this a new service
from the Church, uh,
checking up on us?
Um, do you recognize this man?
Ugh. Who drew this?
- I did.
- Oh.
Well, you need to
work on your shading.
- No, I don't recognize him.
Adina, after you saw
the lady with the lamb,
you drew her for us?
- Yeah.
- We're looking for someone
who might have that drawing.
- The angel drawing?
- ALL: Mm-hmm.
I don't have it.
Did you give it to someone?
No. I never had it.
You don't have it?
Uh, did
- did you draw it again?
- No.
Not even for an inspiration?
She was not an inspiration.
She took my career.
I haven't drawn since.
I mean, I'm glad that
she saved me, but
You know, sometimes I
wonder if God's just stingy.
He gives with one hand
and takes with the other.
I know. Blasphemy.
- I need a job.
God, give me a job.
- Oh! Whew.
You think Ignatius had it?
I don't remember
putting it in the file.
Maybe Tyler's wife
works for the Church.
With remote viewing, there's
this thing called AOLs
Analytical Overlays.
Yeah, I know, I know.
It's some impression
that distracts the mind.
Like a a novel or a TV show.
Um, suddenly, elements
of those thoughts
appear in your remote viewing.
So you're saying you
might not have seen
the angel drawing at all?
Not in Tyler's home.
It may have been on my mind
from our work together.
Could it also be that
Tyler doesn't exist?
You googled him and his son's
accident, you found nothing.
And some of your vision is
turning out to be wrong.
So is it possible
that all of this
is a trick of the mind?
- Oh.
- I'm sorry, we're closed till
- 6:00 a.m. Mass.
- No, I-I I need your help.
I'm here for a baptism.
What, tonight? No,
it's it's too late.
No, I called. He said to come.
I know you, don't I?
- From Father Acosta's party?
- Oh.
Yes, right. I-I'm
Sheryl, Kristen's mom.
You're-you're Sister something.
Father Acosta's not here,
but I'll tell him that you came by.
We seem to be having a blackout.
No, no, no. Wait, wait, wait, please.
I-I can't come tomorrow, no.
I-I have to baptize my
grandson. It has to happen now.
Why is that, dear?
N-No, I-I just
There's a chance he won't
Okay, he's the Antichrist, all right?
Leland Townsend is his father.
- Oh.
- I know, I'm sorry.
It's his diaper.
I'll get Father Ignatius.
Where are the parents?
I can't do anything without
Father, I'm the grandmother.
I'm the legal guardian.
Yes, but I need
signatures of the parents.
- ANDREA: No, you don't.
- Yes, I do!
Why not?
Because I'm standing in for them.
- Sister
- Father, trust me,
you need to baptize him now.
- Okay. Over here.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- Oh, no. I think
the pipes are frozen.
No baptismal water.
- Oh, come on.
- Let's just do it tomorrow.
Hold on.
You will not beat us.
Got it.
Mop water, Sister?
Let's do it.
- Thank you.
- IGNATIUS: Father,
you give us grace through
sacramental signs
- which tell us of the wonders
of your unseen power.
- Bless this water
in the name of the Father,
Son and the Holy Spirit, amen.
Place the baby over the font, or
Almighty God,
you sent your only Son into the world
to cast out the evil
of Satan, to rescue man
from darkness and bring him
into your kingdom of light.
- We pray for this child
- T-Timothy.
And his christening name?
I-I don't have one. What-what
is your first name, Father?
- Francis.
- Timothy Francis.
Timothy Francis.
Set him free from original sin,
make him a temple of your glory,
and send your Holy
Spirit to dwell with him.
We ask this in the name
of Christ our Lord.
I ask you, O Father,
to free this child
from original sin,
and to watch over him.
I anoint you with this
in the name of Christ.
Uh, could c-can we
speed this up, Father?
Is it your will that Timothy
Francis should be baptized
in the name and the
faith of the Church?
Yes. Yes, it is.
And is it your will
that Timothy Francis
- should be baptized
- Yes.
Sheryl, do you reject Satan?
- I do.
- And all his works?
- I do.
- And his empty promises?
- Of course.
- Do you believe
in God the Father, Jesus,
his Son, the Holy Spirit,
the Catholic Church,
the communion of the saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
- and life everlasting?
- Yes, yes, all of the above!
Timothy Francis, I baptize you
in the name of the Father,
the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Oh, my God.
Thank you, Father. Thank you, Sister.
Um, would you both mind
holding him for one second?
I just want to take a quick photo.
- Certainly.
- Thank you.
Say "Jesus."
- Jesus.
- Jesus.
Okay. Can I get that
baptismal certificate now?
Like Martin Luther,
motherfucker. [LAUGHS]
Okay, are you real or not?
TYLER: No, I want us
to have a nice night.
Just you, me and the
kids. Just the four of us.
DANIELLA: Well, what about my parents?
- They want to come over.
- No.
Just you, me and the
kids. I want everybody
to have exactly what
they want for dinner.
- Pancakes or steak.
- Well, let's not splurge yet.
We still have to shop for
the kids' private school.
TYLER: Don't worry about it.
I want us to have a really
nice night together.
I'll tuck the kids in.
Well, you're making
it sound pretty final.
Are you okay?
I just want us to be together.
Okay, let me take this.
No. I will put it away.
I will. You go to bed.
Tomorrow is gonna be a beautiful day.
I love you.
I love you.
God, help him.
Please, help him.
Who's there?
Is anybody there?
He's real.
So we're not here to ask
Ignatius for a new case?
No, not yet. I need you
to help me. I'm gonna try
to remove the overlays from
the remote viewing this time.
- How do you do that?
- I'll announce
what I see when I remote-view.
Objects that you think
are from my life,
you'll write them down, and
you'll repeat them out loud.
And if they're overlays,
they'll disappear.
That's it?
In theory, yeah.
Ooh, David, uh, do you have a minute?
Sure. Yeah.
KRISTEN: What are you thinking
about all this?
I think we're all entitled
to one wild goose chase,
and this is David's.
Look at you, all philosophical.
Kristen, you don't
know the half of it.
I'm sorry. She was supposed
to come this morning.
Yes, she was in quite a hurry.
It was a very odd baptism.
- Why? Wh-What happened?
- There was a blackout,
and the pipes froze.
It was like someone was
trying to prevent it.
- But the baby was baptized?
- Yes.
Sister Andrea helped.
She seemed quite moved.
Thank you, Father. Thank
you for handling it.
- So, your next case
- Actually, Father,
could we delay this until tomorrow?
Your Father Dominic business?
- Yes.
- Certainly.
But I would suggest, David,
you watch out for him.
Uh I don't trust him.
- What is that?
- The heavenly chord.
It makes it easiest to remote-view.
BEN: Hmm.
Here we go.
A desk with some books
and papers on it.
A stained glass lamp on top.
Uh, David, I I think that's yours.
Some throw pillows, um, red and green.
Side table, three in a row,
nested. A jack-in-the-box.
- That's odd.
- What does it look like?
Red and yellow top,
blue in the middle.
- Oh.
- The
We-we had a jack-in-the-box
at that toy store
- a few months ago.
- Yeah.
There's a doll in the
corner with a broken face.
Oh, uh, from our case?
That infested doll?
It's gone.
Books on a shelf.
This could be mine.
Medieval to Minimalism.
Yup, yup, you got that one.
Another book. I think it's theirs.
Feeling Your Way Through It.
BEN: Feeling your way through what?
DAVID: That's the title.
- I know that book. What color?
- Yellow. Why?
- It's a book about depression.
- Makes sense.
He's working his way
through depression.
No, no, no. I think I
know how to find your guy.
- How?
- It's a self-help book
Dr. Boggs gives to
all of his patients.
- LELAND: Don't you ever
change plans on me
- like that again.
- I didn't
change plans. You
weren't home last night.
I wasn't home because I was out
with the Manager last night,
and I was supposed to have the baby.
Well, he's here now,
not crying, not sobbing,
so please stop your bitching.
[LAUGHS] What?
- KURT: Kristen, hi.
It's nice to hear from you,
but it's not a great time.
- Just entering a session.
- Hey, Dr. Boggs, uh,
this is Father David. Sorry
to bother you, but we believe
you have a patient in
need of immediate care.
His name is Tyler.
Ugh. I have many patients.
- Kristen, what's going on?
- Uh, we believe
one of your patients has
severe suicidal ideation
and murderous intent, and
we need you to help us find him.
Kristen, I-I don't have
a patient named "Tyler,"
but even if I did, I
couldn't divulge to you
anything of his identity.
- Now I have to go.
- Kurt, keep an eye out.
We think this guy
might kill his family.
I'll talk to you later.
No, no, no. No, no, no, no.
KURT: Anxiety and depression are
the two strongest enemies
of emotional health,
and the death of a child is
is hard to imagine.
I'm sorry.
Did you look through
the book I gave you?
I just find it all so impractical.
I wake up every day thinking about
what I could have done differently.
I don't blame myself, I just
wish there was a reset button.
How's your husband?
He's doing the best
he can while grieving.
Have you considered
couples counselling?
Tyler would never agree to that.
Excuse me?
He'd never agree to
couples counselling.
Your husband's name is Tyler?
Yes. Why?
Nothing. I just want to
get my notes in order.
Can you excuse me for a second?
I forgot to tell my
assistant something.
Kristen, can you?
I need you to come to
my office right now.
Um, sorry, Kurt. Can
I call you right back?
No. I mean, I can't tell you much,
but I am sitting with a
patient for another half hour.
- Tyler?
- No. It's a woman.
His wife?
Again, I can't tell you
much. I have to get back.
- Ms. Bouchard,
are we bothering you?
No, Father.
But we'll have to come back later.
DAVID: That's her.
BEN: So we follow her. Then what?
Meet Tyler.
I don't know.
I'm thinking.
- Fuck.

this did not happen.
You are the Antichrist.
All honor to you.
You recognize the building?
- Yup.
- Yup.
BEN: Leland.
I think I know where I went
wrong on my remote viewing.
Wait. Has that always been in there?
Yeah. You never know when
you're gonna need it.
[SNORTS] What? To get
out of parking tickets?
BEN: So what floor is Leland on?
So she's one floor down.
The world is getting
smaller and smaller.
Clean your room, girls.
- Hello.
- DAVID: Hi.
- Is Tyler home?
- No.
He's on his way home from
work. May I help you?
Hi. Uh, I'm Father David Acosta.
I'm here on behalf
of St. Agnes Academy.
Your-your husband reached out
to us for more information
about our private school scholarships.
- Tyler did?
- Uh-huh.
He wanted us to come
by and talk with you
about our school and the
generous scholarships we offer.
Oh, this is Kristen.
- Yeah. Hi.
- She
I am a mother of four
daughters at the school,
and I'm here to recommend it.
And Ben is
A teacher
- of advanced science.
- Yeah.
I love the school, and
I'm sorry.
- Everything's a mess.
- No, no, no.
We're just going
through a rough patch,
and it doesn't help that
the dishwasher is broken.
Oh, uh, you want me
to take a look at it?
I'm pretty handy with
that kind of stuff.
Advanced science teacher and handyman?
- I'm a real Renaissance man.
- Hmm.
Are you?
Who are you?
Father Acosta.
What are you doing here?
God told me to come.
Excuse me?
God told me you were thinking
of hurting yourself and your family.
I'm here to prevent that.
I don't know what you're hearing.
Uh is this from Daniella?
Did she talk to you?
God was in your room last night.
You reached out.
You were drinking tequila
and looking at your gun.
And the presence you felt in the room?
That was God.
He saw you,
and showed himself to you to prove
that he is not absent.
He has not abandoned
you or your family.
I didn't want to.
It was only gonna be me, but
the more I thought about it,
they had to come, and
I I had to plan.
What did you have to plan, Tyler?
Our deaths.
I'd always felt a little empty.
It was bearable at
first, but my son
[CRIES] James.
Oh, my God. What do I do?
me what you need to do.
He needs you to come
with me and get help.
He needs you to go into
a treatment program.
Then you can return to your family.
I'll do anything.
THE MANAGER: All hail Satan.
ALL: All hail Satan.
All hail.
Oh, shit.
Now our masterpiece is complete.
Welcome to the new age.
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