Franklin and Bash (2011) s04e08 Episode Script

Falcon's Nest

So you said you needed to talk to us.
Yeah, in a minute.
Retirement living suits you Danny.
Even though I'm not retired.
Danny, how long have you been living here? Moved in with my grandmother four years ago.
Unfortunately, it had to come to an end.
What'll be? Manhattan, gimlet, old-fashioned? - Oh, beers, it's fine.
- Uh, just beer.
Sorry, no beers, give them gas.
All right, anything with a lot of alcohol.
I never forget a face Peter Bash and Jared Franklin.
You went out with Pindar a few years back.
- Right.
- I wouldn't say "went out.
" We were both shut-ins, and we never left our bedroom.
What an accomplished lover.
- Well, that's disturbing, Nanette.
- Oh, wow, I hope this is a lot of alcohol.
Danny: This is great.
Vinyl records, Naugahyde couches, men in fedoras.
It's like silver lake in Brooklyn without the irony.
I'm not following.
Woman: Falcon's on the roof again! - Oh, God! - Great.
Jared: Your grandma's boyfriend? Yeah, I've been crashing with him since she died.
I am a golden girls God! He likes to make a big entrance.
Hey, Danny boy! Cannonball! Okay, let's see it! Whoa! He's aware there's no pool, right? I'm not sure.
Are you aware there's no pool? Fine bring the party up here then.
Come down, you old toad! Hey, you Grandma Dottie told us to live every day like it's our last! Mwah! This will be your last if you fall.
Well, just take me to Sacred Heart if I survive.
They have the hottest nurses.
I love this guy.
Come on, it's my going-away party, and I don't want to spend it at the morgue.
Peter and Jared are here.
You remember them? - Hey, Falcon.
- What kind of host are you? Come on, Falcon, I can't fly on one wing! Oh, I'll be right there.
You would've killed yourself.
What, do you think I'm crazy? No, I would've hit the trampoline and landed in the jacuzzi.
- Trampoline was 40 yards away.
- Uh-huh.
It's the same guy who lit his chest hair on fire last year second-degree burns.
It's called prairie fire.
Epic, from the "Jackass" movie.
Oh, excuse me, gentlemen.
I'm liking the ratio over there.
Talk amongst yourselves.
I wouldn't mind his game when I'm 70.
I wouldn't mind Falcon's game now.
What'd you mean when you said you were having a going-away party? I'm getting evicted.
Costs of Del Palms is age-restricted.
I have an exemption when I lived with my grandma, but now I'm out of luck.
Hmm, you really like living here? I can hit from the gold tees, and all the ladies think of me as a boy toy.
These are my friends, my fountain of wisdom.
You know, we laugh at the old, we forget about the old, but we all want to live long enough to grow old.
I'm just trying to get there a little quicker.
You are a weird dude.
But an old soul in a weird dude.
If you really want to live here We'll make it happen.
Really? Pro bono again? - No way.
- Hell no.
Fair enough.
Hey, everybody, meet my new lawyers! I ain't going anywhere! [Cheers and applause.]
[Rock music plays.]
- Synced and corrected martythecrazy - ooh, what a mixture such a vivid picture ooh, what a mixture if I must say so myself [Laughing.]
What? Let's go.
She doesn't want to You're gonna have to talk to her eventually.
- She doesn't want to talk to me.
- Let's go.
Hey, could you hold the elevator, Swatello? Oh, thank you.
Come on.
Oh, you're dead.
Going to 11? [Chuckles softly.]
Okay, look, I know you know about Peter's mom.
The sex surrogate? What about her? Well, you know that I had sex with her of the carnal variety.
[Chuckles softly.]
She charge you? Okay, you're upset, and I get that.
You're the one who broke up with me.
You know what? You can sleep with whoever you want to.
It's not like I'm at home pining away for you, collecting your hair to turn into some teeny, tiny voodoo doll.
Not like that at all.
Hell, sleep with my mom.
As long as you're into shih tzus and terminal passive aggression, you guys would be great.
You know, one could argue that this is your fault.
My fault? What I mean is, you broke up with me, and I rebounded, granted in an unorthodox way, but I'm just saying, when you want to apologize, I will accept.
Okay, look, neither side has to apologize, really.
I mean, we understand that each other is sorry, right? I mean, I'm sorry and you're sorry, right? Right.
Prospective new client, biology professor Erica Boyd.
She's a front-runner for the esteemed Curie Science Award, which, of course, as you know all, is the Oscar for geeks.
Her study on how viruses evade the human immune system is mind-blowing.
Professor Boyd was set to present her research in Sweden, until Gowest Airlines canceled her flight, so she's after the grant money that she would've won.
Amounts to $1.
2 million.
What else you got? We'd love to, but we're busy working a landmark age-discrimination suit.
Next stop the U.
Supreme Court.
I cannot wait to watch you two argue that one.
Thank you.
Y you won't miss me because I'll be the guy with the pink dragons flying out of my ass.
[Inhales sharply.]
Someone needs a colonoscopy.
Oh, I I'll take the case.
I've waited a long time to get back at Gowest Airlines.
Stanton: Ah, well, delighted to have you aboard.
Well, I wait a second.
I'd like to take this.
Well, good.
You can assist.
As second chair? [Scoffs.]
[Clears throat.]
No no thank you.
Actually, you know what? I'll listen to what Dr.
Boyd has to say as first chair, obviously.
I would be fine with that.
Stanton: Excellent! Well [Chuckles.]
enjoy yourselves.
I'm going to see a man about a dog.
These pink dragons you're talking about, they fly out of your butt? Karp: Only when you do things that are completely impossible.
I just don't get why they'd be dragons.
Oh, we should, um, probably break away for a strategy session.
Whoa, easy with the breakaway there, Slick.
You've got a sidekick.
Why can't I? Excuse me sidekick? Hey, it's working for Yogi and Boo Boo.
Peter is much more than a sidekick.
Dude, he is obviously talking about you.
Well, he was looking at you.
Was I? Bye.
What says Swatello? Swatello Who would be a sidekick? Well, you're both dumb as tree bark, so, technically, you're both sidekicks.
Excuse me.
Look, on the masthead, Franklin comes before Bash.
But it's common knowledge that the last name of a masthead is most important.
Everyone remembers Bailey, not Barnum.
That makes no sense.
Nobody remembers Bailey.
It's right there in the bylaws, Mrs.
All lawns must be bent grass.
If I allow you to plant bermuda, then everyone will be asking for exceptions.
Appeal denied.
DuBois, I'll repeat it for you and your frat brothers No residents under 55.
Well, we have reason to believe that Danny is well over 55.
These are the results of a, uh, mental-age quiz, accounting for factors such as bedtime, music tastes, food preferences, and Danny has the mentality of a 60-year-old.
Peter and I got 13.
- Combined.
- Combined.
Play semantics all you want, but the fair housing act clearly states age restrictions are legal.
Yeah, it's legal so that people can gather around a shared lifestyle.
And nobody fits in here more than Danny.
We can't just bend the rules every We're not asking you to bend the rules.
Well, listen, "Casa Del Palms Where age is just a number.
" By your own rules, you don't use the literal interpretation of age.
I said, by your own rules, you don't You don't have to yell! We heard you! My bad.
Fine, we'll put it to a vote.
All those in favor of allowing the first-ever exception to our age restrictions Say "aye.
" [Quietly.]
Those opposed? Nay.
The nays have it.
DuBois, your eviction stands.
You have until midnight tonight.
Uh, sir? Erica Boyd and the Gowest Airlines case? Yes, what about it? Well, why wasn't I considered? [Sighs.]
I think Anita just wanted it a little bit more.
You are the reason I came to work here, sir.
But I don't seem to be impressing you.
You do excellent work! It's just that you're a former prosecutor and Anita and Damien have more experience with contract law.
Besides I have plans for you.
Such as? I want you to run the YLC.
YLC? Young Leadership Committee.
I want you to till the fertile imaginations of the firm's young minds a and find a way that we can better execute our jobs as partners.
There is no young leadership committee.
You just made that up.
If you don't want this coveted chairmanship, I suppose I can always get Anita to do it.
No, uh, fine, sir.
I [Sighs.]
I'll take it.
Is there is there some kind of mission statement or a manifesto? No, but that's the beauty of it.
You can make it up as you go along.
Thank you.
- Jared: What about the Shumann trial? - Peter: Right.
- I crushed the closing.
- What? I wrote every brief, filed every motion on that.
Provided support, like a supporting player, like Robin.
- Oh.
Don't call me "Robin.
" - Robin.
Hey, if you two are looking for a sidekick, I'll take the job.
Without a number two, there's no number one.
What are you doing here? Jared told me to come, so here I am.
No, I didn't.
No, you did not, but here I am, so put me to work.
Hey, Danny boy, one last saltine challenge for old times' sake? Those days are done, Falc Ah, what would Grandma Dottie say if she heard you wimp out like that? - Sack up, Danny.
- Yeah! Dot was a nurturer.
Danny: Oh, yeah.
No, no, no, not yet! Not gonna be as much fun when Danny's gone.
Your vote against his appeal didn't help.
Ready? Weston has leverage.
He rules by intimidation.
That's why I had to vote against Danny.
He knew about your arrest for being a, um Prostitute.
Yeah, you can say it, just not too loud.
Oh, I understand.
My mom is peripherally in the industry.
When the people here found out, I was ostracized.
Took me years to rebuild my reputation, but now The only people who know what happened then are either dead or demented.
- Everyone except Weston.
- Yeah.
Maybe we give Weston a taste of his own medicine.
Danny: You look silly! Okay, Dan, we need you to go back home and stay there till we activate you.
- You got it.
- Falcon: Very dry.
He is cute.
What a shame.
Danny is the son Falcon never had.
Jared: Danny could live here if he had a relative.
Uh, Danny, stop packing.
If we can't prove you would've won the award the lawsuit will be kicked on summary judgment.
I was a lock.
I have a sworn affidavit from a board member saying I had all the votes lined up.
Yet you didn't win.
Because I couldn't present my research.
The board had no choice but to disqualify me and award the grant money to the runner-up.
Why didn't you reserve another flight if you had so much riding on it? I tried that.
Every other flight was booked.
Did Gowest give grounds for the cancellation? Act of God.
Just what a scientist likes to hear.
Acts of God are reserved for meteorological events Earthquakes, storms.
And the climatological average indicated no such thing.
Y you mean the weather report? Yes, yes.
Not even a light shower from here to Sweden.
Every other airline took off.
Unfortunately, clauses like act of God give them a lot of leeway to cover unforeseeable events.
More unfortunate, 65% of labs are funded by grant money.
My research will be lost.
It's what I've worked my entire life for.
Don't worry.
We will make sure that you get your funding back.
Thank you! Thank you so much! You're doing science a great service.
Thank you! Glad to help.
What? Let's get moving.
I have a full docket today.
Name and age of adoptive parent? Jared: Jacob Morris Reilly, 76.
Name and age of adoptive child? Daniel James DuBois, 36.
Of course my two favorite counselors, Sherman and Mr.
Your Honor, adult adoption is increasingly common.
Also, if you had to say, which one of us would be Sherman and which one would be Mr.
Peabody? Your Honor, Caroline Chilton, Department of Child Services.
Are we seriously entertaining adoption here? These are grown men.
Danny Mr.
DuBois His biological parents died when he was a child, and Mr.
Reilly is the closest thing he's ever had to a father.
And Mr.
Reilly never had children of his own, so Danny is like a son.
Oh, that is very touching, but adoption is reserved for those in need of an emotional and physical support system.
Does Mr.
DuBois have any debilitating conditions we're not aware of? Yes, Your Honor chronic emotional immaturity.
He's in good company.
We grew up with Danny.
He's always shown terrible judgment.
This is the kind of guy who stays up all night drinking and playing video games.
He once stayed up for four days straight, missed his philosophy final 'cause he was trying to finish "The Legend of Zelda.
" Ah, guilty! It was worth it.
Danny needs the guidance of a responsibility, mature father figure so that he can finally grow up a man like Mr.
It's lean meat, gentlemen, but enough to schedule a hearing.
We'll reconvene tomorrow morning.
See you tomorrow morning? Yeah! Gowest Airlines can't get away with this.
Mm legally speaking, they can.
A mechanical failure is not an act of God.
Stanton: That's just legal mumbo jumbo.
Look, Erica Boyd got screwed, but Gowest revised their contract of carriage to define mechanical failures as acts of God.
Yes, four months ago, and our client purchased her ticket six months ago.
But the time of purchase is irrelevant.
She agreed to the new policy the moment she checked in at the airport kiosk.
This is Gowest's M.
They stranded me at Narita Airport for three days, and why? Act of God.
I missed a major life event.
Really? What was that? It was a wedding.
Look, if if we don't fight this, Gowest airline is going to continue to mistreat their passengers.
Stanton, we need your spiritual leadership.
You know, it's true the Kiai tribe of Vanuatu Island believe me to be a divine being.
I mean, I wouldn't be living up to their expectations if I didn't make a ruling on this.
Here it is.
Gowest chose the word "Act of God" in a binding contract.
So Go hold them to it.
Yes! [Squeals.]
Are you here to adopt us? 'Cause I got to tell you, one cold and disapproving father that's enough for me.
I'm here to testify against this farce.
If you're gonna skirt the rules, I'm gonna expose your selfish motives.
I got your nose! I'm gonna keep it.
- Danny! - Danny: Hey.
Where's Falcon? I don't know.
He's not picking up his phone.
We can't win an adoption case with half our family.
Okay, docket FA-141.
Whoa, we're just gonna jump right into it, Your Honor? How about we, uh, take a minute? I think we should do some, uh, breathing exercises, maybe some stretches.
Maybe some start with some calisthenics, you know? Yes, sir, breathe in.
[Inhales deeply.]
Deep, cleansing breath! Back of the wall, turn your elbow! And let's breathe through our mouths.
Feel that in your stomach.
Feel it! It just feels better! Doesn't it? Breathe with your stomach.
How was your weekend, your honor? Your Honor, they're stalling.
What? And they seem to be missing a father figure.
If they're trying to prove Mr.
Reilly a mature, responsible guardian, this isn't a great start.
Nor is speaking from the gallery.
Sit down.
Any idea why our adoptive father is a no-show? - [Cellphone ringing.]
- He he's not a no-show.
He's literally the opposite of that, your honor.
He is a showman.
- Oh, D Danny.
- He's just Waiting to make a big entrance, I think.
Dude, we're working here.
Falcon was arrested on a drunk and disorderly.
That's not good.
Counselors, produce your client.
You have until noon, or I'm dismissing your petition.
- [Gavel bangs.]
- Noon? Noon works.
Noon's good.
We need to grab Falcon now.
Peter: Well, Falcon, you can understand how getting arrested in the middle of an adoption hearing probably wasn't the best timing.
Sorry flight attendants buying me drinks.
Oh, in uniform, Danny.
This was important to me, Jake.
You were just thinking about yourself.
Oh, I'm sorry.
You know, without you there, I I didn't know when to tap out.
You can't take him to court like this.
He's half drunk.
That's the problem only half.
Is there a bar around here? Really? We're just gonna throw in the towel that quickly? You forget who you're talking to? [Car door closes.]
Someone get Falcon.
Is this it? Uh, McKnight had a depo, and Delfina's sick.
Well Welcome to the inaugural young leadership committee.
Oh, I thought this was the equity derivatives meeting.
Sorry, my bad.
How old are you? Why? Well, it's just nothing.
You think I'm too old to chair this? - What? No.
- Get out.
So, you were a prosecutor? Yep.
Oh, in the second-largest city in the country.
That's I'm impressed.
Thank you.
And I am impressed that you have lasted two months in the monkey house that is Infeld-Daniels Whatever the hell.
Hey, let's roll.
I want to go to court early.
Oh, okay.
I have to go, but, uh, I will be back.
I've got some great ideas.
Can't wait.
Your honor, Gowest is the only major airline that lists mechanical failures as acts of God.
As outlined in the legal agreement Ms.
Boyd signed at Gowest's kiosk, "Act of God" is defined as an unforeseeable and unpredictable event, which includes mechanical failures.
Mechanical failures are the airline's responsibility, not the almighty's.
While Ms.
Haskins main concern seems to be the contract's wording, mine are the lives of the 300 passengers.
Your honor, there is no safety issue here.
Gowest is clearly using this as a pretense to cover their own negligence.
Judge Douglas: I have to agree.
Motion to dismiss is denied.
[Gavel bangs.]
Boyd better look to heaven for compensation 'cause she's getting squat from Gowest.
That's Professor Boyd.
Not bad.
Not bad to you You know, for a sidekick.
- Hey! - Hey! How's the journey to the Supreme Court? Uh, we hit a bump in the road.
Mm, tasted that one.
Come on, let's go in before we all do.
- What? - You're okay? Of course.
Why? You know, working with Saruman.
If you ever get the desire to self-mutilate, don't.
It'll pass.
Karp is a cool guy.
Cool as in cold-blooded.
No, cool as in fun and super smart.
Pretending to be cool is all part of his plan to turn new lawyers into "Karporate" tools.
Ah, Karporate I get it.
Well, at least he actually lets me argue in court.
We should've never let her out of our sights.
I'm telling you, they grow up too fast.
Let's get started, Ms.
In an adoption hearing, it is my job to look out for the best interests of The child.
Reilly, do you feel well-equipped to act as a caretaker? I'm extremely well-equipped.
This is surveillance footage from Mr.
Reilly's arrest.
Falcon: [Slurring.]
All right, all right, let's see if you can guess what I am now! Huh?! [Spits.]
[All groan.]
A zit! Vintage belushi.
Loves his "animal house.
" That's a classic.
Chilton: Your Honor, parenting is about self-sacrifice, protection, being a great role model.
This man is obviously not fit to be a father.
The state advises against this adoption.
Bash, Mr.
Franklin, you're up.
[Clears throat.]
- Peter: Falcon? - Yeah? - Would you come with me, please? - Yes, sir.
Could you please demonstrate for the court - Mm-hmm.
- Your prairie fire trick? What's he doing? Huh, what'd you say? Prairie fire.
Let's see it.
What? Stop, not not here.
No, let's see where this is going.
DuBois, Mr.
Weston, quiet, or I'll have you both removed.
What? You want me to burn off my chest hair again? - Really? In court?! - Yeah! Yeah! What better place than here? What better time than now? Guys, please! Gentlemen, what's going on here? Come on, Falcon, live each day like it's your last! All come on.
Come on.
Right, buddy, let's do it! [Laughing.]
Yeah! Yeah, Grandma Dottie would be proud! Yes, she would! I don't know what Grandma Dottie would say, but this judge says if he strikes that match, I'm throwing all of you in jail.
Your honor, if Mr.
Reilly wants to prove that he's an imbecile and unfit to be a parent, well, then he can make my job easy.
- Peter, abort, Peter! - What? - Danny's gone.
- What?! He split.
Oh, no, no, Falcon, uh, never mind.
Forget it, forget it.
Wait, wait.
Just stop bad Falcon! Whoa, whoa, whoa! [Gavel banging.]
Bailiffs! Bailiffs! Bailiffs! Falcon! [Fire extinguisher hissing.]
You know what grandma really wanted? Huh? You to have more days.
And that's what I want, too.
I'm sorry, Danny.
Instead of being sorry, why don't you stop acting like a child and grow up?! Chilton: I think we can all see that Mr.
Reilly is clearly not fit to be a father.
He's barely fit to be a functioning member of society.
We agree, and thank you, Ms.
Chilton, for returning the favor and making our job easier.
Your Honor, we would like to submit an amended filing for a reverse adult adoption.
- What? - Chilton: Come again? We're asking for Danny to legally adopt Mr.
Chilton said it herself.
Parenting is all about sacrifice and protection.
Jared: And I think we can all agree that Mr.
Reilly needs parental guidance, and Danny's action, dare I say heroism, prove that he is qualified.
I don't even get birthday cards from my kids.
You're a very lucky man, sir.
If Mr.
DuBois would agree to an expedited guardian evaluation, I'll allow him to adopt Mr.
- Reilly.
- Whatever.
It's a ridiculous nickname.
DuBois, Mr.
Reilly, congratulations.
You're father and son now.
Get out of my courtroom so it can be cleaned, please.
Jared: Thank you, Your Honor.
[Gavel bangs.]
Ha! [Laughs.]
Go easy there.
Get a room.
Oh, yeah! Oh! Way to go, Falcon.
Hey! No, no, no, no.
Come on, come on, come on, knock it off.
Oh, you guys did a great job! - [Gavel bangs.]
- Judge: Bailiffs! Ah, get away! Hey! Bailiffs, bailiffs! What did he want? Um He offered a settlement [Scoffs, chuckles.]
Did you tell him where Gowest can shove their money? I did into Boyd's wallet.
I'm sorry.
I already talked to her, and she agreed.
'Cause you told her to? [Sighs.]
This is from the discovery documents.
No jury is gonna rule against a company that errs on the side of caution.
The airplane legitimately had mechanical problems.
"Flight cancelled due to a leak in the drainage channels.
" She needs funding for research.
You just don't want to fight for Professor Boyd? I don't even think this is about her.
I think it's about you and your desire to get revenge for missing a wedding.
It wasn't just any wedding, okay? No, I'm sorry.
You know, maybe we should talk to Peter and Jared, see if they have any ideas.
You know, maybe we should talk to Penn and Teller because they know more about the law and they're infinitely more entertaining.
Say what you want about Peter and Jared, but they go to the mat for their clients.
[Sighs deeply.]
Are you here for the YLC meeting? Yes.
Sorry I'm late.
I hit a possum last night.
Couldn't sleep.
Good to know.
Thing was just thrashing around in a box under my bed.
I think it's gonna live.
Thank God for that.
Anyhoo, I've canceled the YLC until further notice.
Oh, that's too bad.
I have a lot of ideas.
Mostly fact-finding data on how other firms go about their day.
Please tell me that's your data in there and not the possum.
Of course.
You know, you strike me as the kind of guy who has a burn bag.
I got four of them.
Burn everything in that box.
Will do.
When we're done.
We're done.
I'm sorry about you and Jared.
If it makes you feel any better, he's devastated.
Can't eat or sleep.
Only drink.
Really? W well, not literally.
[Sucks teeth.]
Anita: Did you lose something? [Sighs.]
My necklace.
It looks like a dopamine molecule.
My father gave it to me.
He's the one who encouraged me to be a scientist.
I think this is yours.
I I really want to thank you guys for all your efforts.
I you did the best you could.
Judge Douglas: In the matter of Boyd vs Gowest airlines, have both parties agreed to a settlement? - Man: Yes, Your Honor.
- No, Your Honor.
We're having difficulty finding our expert witness.
- We'd like some more time.
- Who? The world's foremost authority on acts of God.
Objection! Blasphemy! Everybody into my chambers.
Are you going Franklin and Bash on him? Okay, first of all, that is not a term, and I am going Karp.
There's only one person who can adjudicate whether a mechanical failure is an act of God, and that's God himself.
Oh, please.
This is clearly a stall tactic.
We've tried to get in touch with the man or woman upstairs E-mail, Facebook, Twitter.
Yeah, perhaps the reps at Gowest know how to contact him since they seem to have him on retainer.
Obviously, God had nothing to do with it.
"Act of God" is a term of art.
No, no, no, no.
Words are the foundation of our legal system.
Gowest chose the words "Act of God," not "act of chance.
" So it's reasonable to ask who suggested the policy change.
The head of the risk department makes those decisions.
And that person's name would be who? - Ted! - Mm.
Ted Davis.
Ted Davis, not God.
Your Honor, we would request a recess to locate Mr.
I think he's a more gettable witness.
We'll reconvene tomorrow.
[Door opens.]
Jared: Uh-oh, Jesus, it's the cops.
Peter: Mr.
President! Hey! Care to join us for a game of "battle shots"? It's battleship but with shots.
Patent pending.
Hand me that Tequila, would you? Thanks, Kato.
No thank you.
I'm just serving these gentlemen their eviction notice, and I'll be on my way.
Afraid you're a little bit behind.
We've won the adoption case.
Yeah, surprised you didn't get the e-vite for a "welcome home" party.
This is the toxicology report from Mr.
Reilly's arrest.
It showed amphetamines in his system.
No, I haven't done hard drugs since, um Altamont.
You're not helping, Falcon.
Section 4.
6-B of our bylaws clearly outlines a zero-tolerance policy for positive drug tests.
These guys have five minutes to pack.
He's clearly missing the point of a "welcome home" party.
Jared: Please tell me that's the follow-up blood work.
There you go.
So, if Falcon didn't take drugs, how did they end up in his system? Uh, that's what we're hoping to find out.
You want to know what I think? No.
But I can't speak for Garfunkel over here.
Maybe someone, you know What is that brackets? Frames.
Maybe someone framed him.
We're alone.
You can say "framed.
" Framed! We're never alone, Jared.
Never forget that.
So, who framed him? Weston? No, he might be a dickhead, but I don't think he's a criminal mastermind.
Maybe Falcon blacked out.
You rage that hard, bad things happen.
I submit my entire second year of law school into evidence.
Remember when you had that job delivering take-out? You got fired after three days.
Dan, call Ralph Begleiter.
From labtech drug screening.
I pulled your contacts from the cloud.
All right, never mind.
We'll just call him from the car.
Falcon wasn't taking illegal drugs.
His prescription medication showed up as a false positive.
I once got fired from a summer job because my cold medicine triggered a false positive.
You want us to believe that a man who guzzles flaming gorilla tits at dinner parties got an accidental false result? We thought you'd say that, which is why we did a voluntary drug test of your residents.
We did 20 tests, and all 20 came back positive for illegal narcotics.
Who here takes arthritis medication? Together: I do.
That creates a positive for cannabis.
Cholesterol drugs? Barbiturates.
And Falcon's heartburn pills come back with a false positive for You got it amphetamines! - Thank you.
- You're welcome.
See, we were gonna do a whole powerpoint deck, but then it turned out neither one of us knew what that was.
No, thank you for outing the other offenders.
The bylaws say any resident testing positive for illegal narcotics is to be evicted.
Wait, wait, wait.
The writ Falcon No one took an illegal narcotic.
But he did test positive, and that's grounds for eviction for him and his 20 friends.
You're not gonna kick out 20 residents! I wouldn't be the one kicking them out.
You would.
[All murmuring.]
Don't look at me.
I'm just a sidekick.
I'm just a sidekick.
- Karp: Mr.
Davis - Ted.
Can you explain how you arrived at your recommendation to start including mechanical failures as acts of God? Well, it's a complicated algorithm.
Well W we'll try to follow along, all right? Why don't you, uh, enlighten us? [Sighs.]
[Pen squeaking.]
I calculate the risk index of events and put procedures in place to minimize, uh, negative outcomes.
Even if those procedures inconvenience some passengers? If it assures an airplane's safety.
How did a clogged toilet jeopardize the safety of Professor Boyd's airplane? I I I believe your report called it "a leak in the drainage channels during routine maintenance.
" A clogged toilet is a mechanical failure.
Only in the revised terms of service The terms that you just happened to revise before 20 flights got canceled.
It was a precaution.
You don't need a precaution.
You got your fancy equation that can predict failures.
Uh, well, it's in the same way a-a weatherman can predict a hurricane, but the hur Eh, it's not quite the same thing.
Uh, a hurricane can't be fixed with a wrench, can it? When you put it that way So, now, would it be fair to say that the cancellation of Professor Boyd's flight was not an act of God.
It was an act of Ted.
No further questions, Your Honor.
The intent of that rule is to keep out drug users.
Weston: I can't tell you the intent, only that all these people violated it.
Well, then we look forward to handling their class action suit.
Guys [Sighs.]
Time to wrap this up.
Well, you're making this worse.
We move to amend the rule.
What makes you think that I'd allow you to We don't need your approval.
The bylaws state that a rule can be changed if we get four out of the five board votes.
Fine, make your argument.
You have one minute.
Good luck.
Yes, Falcon uses the jacuzzi after 9:00 P.
, wearing only a thong.
He shouldn't do it.
It's awful to look at.
Yes, he drives his golf cart through the buffet line during Taco Tuesdays, but why does he do it? Because Falcon came to Casa Del Palms to live! Just like Danny DuBois came here to live! Right, so what are you so afraid of? Are you afraid of Falcon and Danny? No, they're not the real enemy.
Stu Weston is the real enemy! Is that how you want to spend your golden years Living in fear? Are you done? The jacuzzi thing, ended with fear yeah.
We'll put it to the vote.
But I have to say something.
I have an arrest record for prostitution.
Woman: [Gasps.]
[Crowd murmuring.]
I quit 30 Five years ago.
But you no longer have this to hold over me, Stu.
I vote to change the bylaws and let Falcon and Danny back in.
Fine, but you're still three short.
I cheated in the dominoes tournament.
And I vote with Falcon and Danny.
- Falcon: Yes! - Thataboy.
I wasted my grandkids' inheritance on Candy Crush! Wow! Good game, though.
I steal forks from the cafeteria, and Stu Weston used a foot wedge on 14 to win the spring scramble.
I had money on that.
That's four votes, Stu.
Want to make it unanimous? Mr.
DuBois and Mr.
Reilly can remain as residents, along with the other drug offenders.
[Cheers and applause.]
- Falcon: In your face! - You're all anarchists! [Cheers and applause continue.]
Anarchists! Mmm.
Mmm! [Cheers and applause continue.]
[Elevator bell dings.]
Well, good.
Oh, how's my favorite lawyer and his faithful squire? Not gonna work anymore.
No, we're equal partners like Starsky and Hutch.
Like Ben and Jerry.
Yeah, I'm 1.
He's 1-A.
Oh, sounds like you've worked it out.
Why do I have to be 1-A? We change every other week.
Why do you get to go first? Bec oh, don't be like that.
How can I ever thank you for what you've done?! Oh, well, uh, a 10% contingency would be fine.
Well, I'd like to donate my personal share to your lab for the benefit of mankind.
I'm naming my newest discovery after you.
Saccharomyces Karp.
It's a new form of yeast! Ooh, well, there you go.
You know, I've always been fascinated in the fungus family.
- Really? - Yes.
Erica: Oh, really? You are amazing.
Sacrimonious Karp.
Maybe you'll get a deadly virus named after you.
Um I owe you an apology.
You do? Yeah, I was I was very insensitive.
T the wedding that you missed, it was yours, right? Oh.
No, it was worse.
It was Robb Stark's Uncle's wedding.
The heir to Winterfell.
"Game of Thrones," season three.
Really? Wow, maybe you do belong with Wallace and Gromit.
The red wedding was a once-in-a-lifetime event, and I missed the episode.
There's got to be more.
Well, my fiancé ruined the ending, I got pissed, we got in a fight, and we broke up.
Over a TV show? Well, spoiler alert he is now dating my ex-best friend.
You're better off, but, I mean, it's rough.
No, it's life.
[Shredder whirring.]
[Footsteps approaching.]
[Knock on door.]
Hey! I brought some ideas for the young leadership committee.
The committee has been dissolved.
Uh You're staring.
I'm sorry.
Um Um, I I have a friend, and, uh, she's a lawyer, and she's attracted to someone at work who might be bad for her, and I I think that it's messing with her head, and Mind your own damn business, okay? My head is just fine.
You weren't talking about me.
No, but I I think that I got my answer.
I'm sorry to bother you.
Don't do it.
This is the third time I've made the same mistake.
It's just the first time that I That you what? I don't even know you.
Never mind.
You don't let anyone know you, and And it's too bad because maybe you wouldn't work so many late nights.
D do you want to get a drink? [Tapping.]
Maybe lots of 'em.
Can do.
You're gonna need your purse if you're treating.
Oh, uh, yes, I I'll run to my office.
Just, uh My girl faster than a hurricane Peter: To seizing the day.
I think we've seized enough days for a little while.
Yeah, we're gonna focus on being a normal 36-year-old father and 76-year-old son.
To father and son.
May you enjoy many years of unrealistic standards and dysfunctional family dinners.
Let's hit the water.
Well, let's check out the talent on the beach first, dad.
Ohh, okay, best sidekick ever go.
To me, it is a tie between Ratso Rizzo and Wilson the volleyball.
You? Ernie Bert and Ernie.
Nice, but I think you mean Bert.
Bert's the sidekick.
Ernie was the mastermind.
Are you insane? Bert was the brains.
Brains underneath a massive unibrow? No.
You think we'll still be living together when we're 80? Hell yeah! As long as our wives are cool with it.
Swatello hates me.
Not gonna marry Swatello.
Why do you do this to yourself? I'm not gonna marry her! Just go ahead and admit it right now.
- I'm gonna admit it.
- Right look at me.
I'm not gonna don't look at me like that in the face.
I'm just saying Oh, yeah? Well, you're gonna marry You're probably gonna marry someone great.
[Both laughing.]
- Synced and corrected martythecrazy -
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