The Boys (2019) s04e08 Episode Script

Assassination Run

What the fuck?
That was so fucked up, you guys.
Get out. You're done.
There's one person you
will never, ever defeat.
Good luck without me.
The answer to all our prayers.
- A virus that kills Supes.
- [SHAH] To make the virus
strong enough to kill Homelander
would evolve it
into something super lethal.
Global fucking pandemic.
I am you, which is why when
I tell you you want to do this,
I am literally telling you that
you fucking want to do this.
- Kimiko! [GRUNTS]
[MOTHER'S MILK] Frenchie, that virus
it ain't gonna cook itself, brother.
[BUTCHER] We ain't turning
Ryan into an asset.
- He ain't ready.
- Either we figure out how to train him
or we figure out how to kill him.
Stop, stop! Just stop.
Your family isn't your enemy.
- My mom wouldn't want any of this.
- [BUTCHER] And that
is why I got faith in the kid.
[HOMELANDER] Once he's in office,
we need to invoke the 25th amendment.
- Who's handling all this?
- [NEUMAN] Me.
- I fucking am.
- [HUGHIE] When Homelander
chucks all the Starlighters
into internment camps,
you're cool with that?
You didn't know about the camps.
focus on the shooter.
Make sure he's good to go on the 6th.
- Are you okay?
- It's like a furnace in there.
- [HUGHIE] Stop!
- [BUTCHER] Fucking Supe shapeshifters.
Got to hand it to Sage, though.
Perfect choice for the job.
Good morning, patriots.
It's January 6th, and this is VNN Today.
Stunning news out of Vought Studios,
who are canceling
the eagerly anticipated film
Training A-Train, though
it's completely finished.
We just realized we'd make
more from the write-off.
We go behind the scenes of
a powerful new Vought PSA.
I take responsibility.
I take responsibility for racism.
Finally, Congress counts
electoral votes today
to certify the incoming president.
Usually a formality, Dakota Bob's
extreme anti-Supe agenda
has made it anything but.
We will count the certificates
in an orderly fashion,
with no debate.
Is that understood?
Now, as I was saying,
after ascertaining the
certificates are authentic
the fucking virus, Frenchie?
You know, once they bang that gavel,
Neuman's one goddamn head
pop away from the Oval Office.
- How close?
- Close-ish.
counting the certificate of
the vote of the state of Alabama?
Hearing none. The chair
advises members of Congress
No, I told you Vicky locked it all down.
Please lower your voice.
- Hey.
He-Hey. What
What the hell are you wearing?
You don't like it?
No, I mean, I I love it.
It's just, I-is now really the time,
with the whole country
barreling towards 1984?
The night before my
great-grandfather shipped out,
he put on his dress uniform,
barged into dinner at my
great-grandmother's house,
and got down on one knee.
Stand up. Please.
Hughie Campbell
will you marry me?
- Ha! Uh
You need to stay right here,
okay? Just don't move.
- Okay.
- Do not move.
Uh, I guess I'm-I'm doing this.
Okay, then me, too, 'cause
I'm the one proposing.
Annie January,
I am terrified of what's gonna happen.
But I feel so
so lucky
that I get to face it all with you.
Okay, all right.
So, uh, yeah, all in all
hard yes, let's get married.
- [LAUGHS] Aah!
- Mm
Wow, that was that was great.
Two fingers was a lot, but
Sorry, I was just trying to level up.
Oh, no, it's it's fine. It's great.
Where you going?
We need some champs to celebrate.
not that Kirkland shit
that's in the fridge.
- I'll be right back.
- Yeah, okay. Yeah.
The certificate from Kansas,
the parliamentarians advised me,
is the only certificate
of vote from the state,
and has annexed to it
a certificate from an authority
[NURSE] You're 90 over 60.
That's low.
You don't fucking say?
You know, if you need any help
I don't need your help.
Seems to me you are shitting in a bedpan
and days away from being planted.
And what do you have to show for it?
I mean, Singer he's as good as dead.
Homelander he won.
And you you gave away the virus.
The one fucking weapon
that could've stopped him.
But we are gonna turn that frown
upside down, my friend.
You know why?
'Cause you still have me.
You ain't even fucking real.
[KESSLER] Well, now, that's an
interesting philosophical question.
See, what is real are the fucking
V'd up tumors that are mushrooming
inside your guts and noggin.
Super cancer.
What is real
is that piece of you
that wants to burn every
fucking Supe on Earth.
How is it you think you ripped Ezekiel
into fun-sized little chunks?
I'm the one that gave you
the juice that you needed.
And I can do it again.
All you have to do
is hold up your end of the bargain.
What fucking bargain?
We go all the way.
I mean, come on, champ,
what's a little genocide
between friends?
Just fuck off and let me
die in peace, would you?
[MALLORY] Wish I could.
Since you're here
be a doll and fetch
us a pint, would you?
Come on, don't be a cunt.
I'm fucking dying here.
Your dying's been pretty high
on my wish list lately.
I appreciate what
you're doing here for me.
Not one bit of this is for you.
All right, then.
Give us me phone. We got work to do.
God damn it, Ryan.
Come here.
Come here. That's an order.
I'm your father.
Not him.
And I always will be.
Come here.
- You know,
I'd be careful with those
[GRUNTS] those
Lean Lad Diet Lunches?
They cause kidney stones
the size of jawbreakers.
There's a whole class action
lawsuit against them.
- Come here.
- Don't!
Don't-don't fucking touch me.
Hey, chill, okay?
I just need a little recharge.
Why the fuck would I kill your mother?
That requires going to Sedona,
and no one should have to go to Sedona.
- Get out of my head.
Oh, this?
I proposed to Hughie this morning.
I even told him the story
about your great-grandparents.
And then we fucked to celebrate.
And we did butt stuff.
He was so into it.
Oh, Christ.
It's like a fucking furnace in here.
- Why?
- Don't you just love proposals?
I mean, the joy on
the other person's face
when they finally get
their happily ever after.
You're a psychopath.
Which is to be expected,
really. I mean,
barely remember what I look like.
I do remember the first
time I shifted, though.
One minute I was me
and the next I was Ms. Jamison,
my preschool teacher.
And I could see every memory
she'd ever had.
Fucking her husband's best friend,
shoplifting lip gloss,
hitting a student.
But you know what the funny part is?
She felt justified
in doing all those shitty things.
You all do it.
You all think
you're the heroes of your own story.
I mean, look at you.
You're more moral and good
and honest than the rest of us
just wallowing down in the shit.
- I don't think that.
- Yeah, you do. Come on.
Mind reader, remember?
"Wasn't my fault
that I was a total cunt at the
pageants, that was Mommy.
Or that I had to suck cock
like a fucking popsicle
to stay in The Seven. No.
No, no, no, no, no.
I'm Annie January
and it's not my fault."
Come on, say it with me now.
I'm Annie January and it's not my
Fuck you!
You don't know anything
about me or my life.
No? Then why aren't your powers working?
I mean,
you weren't even the original
choice to kill Singer,
but you're just such a fucking hot mess,
you made it undeniable.
You'll have a couple of
non-consecutive life sentences
to work through your identity issues.
- Please
- Aw.
Poor Annie.
- Please.
- "Oh, God, I'm Annie January
and I'm the only good one."
Oh. Here.
To wash down those Lean Lad Lunches.
- Oi oi.
- [HUGHIE] I've called you, like,
15 times. I was worried. I thought
I don't know, I thought
maybe you were
Yeah, you and me both.
Look, we're kind of up
against it right now.
They're only a few hours away
from certifying the election
and then, you know, after that happens
they're-they're coming for Singer.
We need your help.
When I was a lad,
I heard about this place in Nevada.
A steakhouse.
Where the birds get their baps out
when they're bringing your ribeye.
- Cool.
Lenny nearly pissed himself
when I told him.
Thought it was the funniest
thing he ever heard.
We was gonna go there someday.
Funny what you think about
when your time's up, innit?
Butcher, where are you?
I-I can come to you.
You know, we can figure this out.
Do us a favor, would you, Hughie?
Go there.
For me and Len, would you?
You can't fucking give up.
You can still fight.
Hughie, I asked you something.
Fine. I'll-I'll, um
I'll go to the topless
steakhouse for you.
And, uh
tell the Boys I'm sorry, would you?
Tell the Boys I'm sorry
for, uh
Just tell them I'm sorry.
Goodbye, Hughie.
Oh, hey, um,
have Negin get me a caramel pretzel
s'more frappe from Jitter Bean.
Double whip. I'm just like
molasses in winter today.
Ugh, God, that's enough,
Amber. Thank you.
Good morning. [CHUCKLES]
How are you doing this mor [COUGHS]
Oh, God.
Can we just make this quick, please?
I have slightly more important
things to do today.
- [ALSO ASHLEY] Yes ma'am, of course.
Going in five, four,
- Welcome to the show, folks.
We got a real happy
surprise for y'all today.
Homelander and vice president-elect
Victoria Neuman.
[GASPS] Bless both your
hearts for being here.
I'm more than happy to find time
for my friend Homelander.
Yeah, let's cut the BS.
Dakota Bob says he's gonna
pass nutbag anti-Supe laws
in his first hundred days.
- [MUFFLED] As his VP
- [NEUMAN] staunch ally
of the super-abled community,
- I really think that it's important to
Ally, Victoria, really?
We're here to tell the truth.
So just tell the truth.
The truth is that
the real issue here
is lack of representation.
- And I want to make sure that you
- Fine, you don't want to do it?
I'll do it.
Victoria here is a superhero.
[LAUGHS] Thanks for the compliment.
But, like, I think the truth
is we all want to be heroes,
but, um, I'm not literally a su
Oh, fuck.
[FIRECRACKER] It's all true.
Ms. Neuman here has been operating as
a secret dagger in the
heart of the deep state,
standing up to the forces
of darkness that want to
sodomize our democracy and our toddlers,
but it is time for the great awakening.
Where we go one, we go Vought, y'all.
We're gonna take a quick break
Cunt's out of the bag, innit?
Now it gets interesting.
All right. Great show, guys.
Hey. Hey!
- Ma'am
- Fuck off! Hey.
I worked my whole life
to keep that secret.
Well, secrets rot your soul.
- You're unburdened. You should thank me.
- Sage said
Fuck Sage. She's long
gone. Listen to me.
Listen to me.
We are gonna change the world,
Vicky, for our kids and their kids.
The first super-abled president.
Hmm? And you're a gal.
I'll be impeached.
- Why would we care?
- Because I have to
- get re-elected in four years.
- Says who?
Article II of the Constitution.
New world, new rules.
Now shut the fuck up and listen.
Our fates are connected now.
Singer's as good as dead,
and I am the only fucking
friend you've got left.
The train has left the station,
gorgeous, and you're on it.
You'll have to arrest half your
company. Half the country.
Wait, you think I didn't think of that?
Of course I thought of that.
[NEUMAN] Fuck.
Ashley, on me now.
Um, the response on
socials has been mixed.
I need you to make a list of
anyone within the company
that has damaging information
on me or The Seven
but mostly me
anyone with any fucking
leverage whatsoever.
- Yes.
- I need this fucking list yesterday.
Yes, sir.
You're a good girl.
- that doesn't sound good, Ashley.
- Oh, yeah, no shit, Ashley.
Sorry, Ashley.
[CALHOUN] Order!
The purpose of the joint
session having concluded,
pursuant to Senate Concurrent
Resolution 1, 118th congress,
the chair declares
the joint session resolved.
certified the election
despite the shocking news
that vice president-elect
Victoria Neuman is super-abled.
Protests have erupted
all over the country
- as Starlighters
- That's the ballgame.
Open season on Singer now.
Frenchie, tell me you got something.
to try this instead of me?
I'm working as fast as I can.
Not fast enough.
Multiple protestors have been injured
- You seeing this?
Get all the dirt on Neuman ready
in case we need to go nuclear.
Wait, wait, wait, wait.
What happened to the virus?
There is no fucking virus.
What? Fuck.
Okay, well, you know she's gonna
kill us if we leak this, right?
If I had another fucking choice,
trust me, I'd take it.
All right, here goes fucking nothing.
No, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no. Fuck!
- What? What happened?
- It's all gone.
Everything we have on
Neuman the murders,
- her ties to Stan Edgar, everything.
- Okay, okay, wait a second.
You got backups, right another
computer or the motherfucking cloud?
You're not hearing me.
It's all gone. The originals,
the backups, we've got nothing.
Ain't nothing stopping her then.
Only one thing left to do.
Frenchie, you stay here,
work fucking faster.
Kimiko, you're with me.
Listen, Hughie, I'm sending you
coordinates. You and Annie,
- meet me there ASAP.
- What's the plan?
We fucked up our chance at offense.
All we got now is defense.
I am as shocked as you are
by this profound betrayal of trust.
In America, you tell people who you are
before you ask for their vote.
That's why I'm calling for a
new, free and fair election.
Mark my words,
if Victoria Neuman
becomes vice president,
it will be over my dead body
because she had me assassinated.
Wow. Guess you got to go take
a bullet for the geezer, don't you?
I think it's more important
that I stay here.
Your visitor's here.
- Send him in.
Man, this is never gonna work.
[BUTCHER] You got my text.
I'm glad you came.
[CHUCKLES] You're almost
taller than me now.
There's no saving the kid.
He can't escape his own blood.
[MALLORY] What are they feeding you?
And tell me there's vegetables
involved somewhere.
[RYAN] There's lettuce on the burgers.
[̈LAUGHS] I've missed you, kiddo.
Listen, Ryan,
we, uh, need to have
a bit of a serious chin wag.
You look really sick.
Don't I know it.
Mate, I've wished myself dead more times
than I can count.
And now here I am,
and I want some more time.
But I don't have it,
and I don't have time
to ease you into this.
You're gonna have to kill him, Billy.
You can't go back to the tower.
- You need to go with Aunt Grace.
- [RYAN] What?
- Like when?
- [BUTCHER] Now.
- Right now.
- [RYAN] No, I-I can't.
- My dad would find me.
- Not this time, kiddo.
I'm not sure I want to leave.
I kind of like it there.
Well, parts of it.
You see? You got to stab him with
the virus and you got to do it today.
[MALLORY] Ryan, no.
- Your Dad is a
- [BUTCHER] Grace.
when your mom died
which weren't your fault
you heard what she said.
She had me promise to keep you safe,
and that's all I'm trying to do here.
Now, if you're telling me,
I mean, seriously telling me,
that the place you feel safest
is with Homelander
then I ain't gonna stop you.
Do you want to play?
All right, then. Come on.
- [HOMELANDER] Have you seen Ryan?
- [ASHLEY] No, but I can send a PA
- to go look, if you need.
- No. No. Boys need their space.
- List?
- Oh, yeah. Um Sorry.
[HOMELANDER] Thank you.
[ASHLEY] I highlighted
anyone whose contract
we'd have to pay out if they're
let go.
Great. Thank you. Good job.
You're excused.
You know, no problem. I can get it.
The Seven is a circle of trust.
What we're gonna tell you
is extremely sensitive.
- Got it?
- O Captain, my Captain.
Robert Singer will be dead
by end of business.
Neuman will be sworn in.
People will panic.
There will be rioting,
bloodshed, et cetera, et cetera.
Someone will have to swoop in
and restore order.
We will put out the call
to every Vought hero,
every fucking one,
to surround the Capitol,
the White House, and the Pentagon.
Defending the rightful President Neuman.
Now, what I need you two
Fuck's sakes, get a Ricola.
Sorry, sir. I'm-I'm so sorry.
I'm just the meds, you know.
You know, the the meds.
They're just, they're causing a little
heart palpitation and a high fever,
but it ain't no big thing.
Okay, well, you're coughing all over
me, and it's fucking disgusting.
Go further down.
[HOMELANDER] As I was saying
everyone on this list
needs to be removed.
Permanently, by the end of the day.
Hey, if we're thinking about
who's got the most dirt on us,
wouldn't Ashley's name be
at the top of the list?
Yeah. Sure. Good idea.
Does anybody know Ashley's last name?
What the ?
You seriously telling us
the Shifter can get through that?
Look, for all I fucking know,
they could be in here already.
So, from now on, everybody
moves with a partner,
and you check in every
five minutes on the dot.
Stay sharp and follow
motherfucking orders.
Come on, let's get to it.
Sir, you're gonna be all right.
If you'd killed Neuman like I ordered,
we wouldn't be stuck
four stories underground
playing pocket pool, idiot.
[SIGHS] Balls.
Kimiko, stay on Singer.
Do you really think
the Shifter is in here?
I hope not, for Christ's sake,
but it could be anyone,
so eyes on everyone.
Okay. You got it.
- You okay?
- Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine.
I'm just warm.
It's like a furnace in here.
It's like a furnace in there.
Y-You should go find some water.
Yeah. Okay. Do you want one?
I would love one.
- I'll be right back.
- Okay.
Holy fucking shit.
Hey. Hey, man. Hey, just sorry.
Just something stupid.
Real quick, just don't look at me,
look right into the room.
- Huh?
- Don't look at me, just look forward.
- Don't look at me, just look forward.
- All right, all right, okay.
[SIGHS] Stay cool.
- It's Annie.
- What's Annie?
- The Shifter, it's Annie.
- What?
She's the Shifter. Don't look
at me, just look forward.
How do you know?
Just trust me, I don't know how
or when they switched, but that is
- 100% percent not Annie.
- Okay, okay, okay, listen.
The fate of the country relies on us
keeping our shit
together, so just chill
- [SHIFTER ANNIE] Hey. - Hey.
- Hey.
- [MOTHER'S MILK] Thanks.
- [SHIFTER ANNIE] There you go.
- Yeah, great.
- Mm-hmm.
Mmm. Mmm.
What are you looking at?
- Uh
- I know.
Oh. Wow you
- Congratulations.
- Thank you.
[HUGHIE] Yep. We did that.
That is a thing
- that we did.
- [SHIFTER ANNIE] For the record,
I proposed. 'Cause peg
the patriarchy, right?
[CHUCKLING] Yeah, peg the patriarchy.
You got to peg it
peg it in all its holes.
[MOTHER'S MILK] Listen, getting hitched,
best decision I ever made in my life,
so congratulations to you both.
But, uh, you know,
Mother Nature's calling,
so I'm about to go hit the head, and
- y'all just hold down the fort
- Yes, motherfucker.
- [AGENT 1] Sir, get down.
- [AGENT 2] Sir, come with me.
[AGENT 3] Sir, this way.
Oh, shit.
- Oh, goddamn it.
Come on.
How many fucking numbers are there?
[BOB] Oh, God.
[PANTING] Take Singer. Go.
- Let's go.
- [ANNIE] Go.
Hughie, go.
You really think your
broke-down ass can take me?
You couldn't even blast
yourself out, could you?
[ANNIE] You're right.
I don't know if I'm a hero.
I don't know who the fuck I am.
But I do know that I'm
the bitch beating your ass.
[HOMELANDER] Victoria.
Singer's alive. Your assassin failed.
- What do you mean failed?
- Now the CIA's gonna find
an even deeper hole to hide him in.
Well, there's nothing on the news.
Because he's gonna hit me
back quietly, and I'm fairly
fucking sure he has the means to do it.
Where is Sage?
Maybe she can find a way out of
this idiotic mess you've dropped us in.
We have not failed. I will end
Singer myself if I have to.
You will be president, and you will
go along with every word I say
as if my hand was jammed up
your tight, puckered little asshole,
like the puppet you've always been.
And, Victoria, if you stray
even an inch off that path,
I will make sure Zoe knows nothing
but pain for the rest of her life,
and I will send you
a piece of her every year
for the fucking rest of yours.
There is no fail.
Well, guess who has two thumbs
and is the motherfucking genius
of all fucking geniuses.
The virus is
What happened to you guys?
Hello, hello.
Um, you okay?
I'm great.
Thank God you showed up.
- How'd you find us, anyway?
- Find Your Phone.
- I actually also found your fiancée.
- Oh
- Congratulations.
- No, she's not
She wasn't my fiancée.
No, you're
You put the ring on her finger, Hughie.
- Mm.
- I know because I pried it off
her fucking dead hand!
Look, I thought I was getting
engaged to you, all right?
She looked just like you, you know,
right down to that freckle you have
- down
- So you did fuck her.
I mean, you know
How many times?
Had to be less than
Oh, my fucking God.
- I was gone for ten days.
- She almost
always initiated, and, again,
I cannot overstate this enough,
I thought it was you.
Yeah, and as long as you were getting
laid, you didn't look too close.
That's the Annie you want.
Down to go down whenever.
The perfect girl.
Not someone who is
depressed or fucked-up
or comes with any complications.
You want to know how
I knew it wasn't you?
In the apartment she wore
some designer dress,
and you always ditch your bra for
sweats as soon as you get home.
She, she found your car keys
on the first try, and
you have never, ever
found your car keys in under 15 minutes.
But the final clue:
in the bunker she was sweating,
and you have always been and
always will be 90% pashmina.
I love that about you.
All your weird, amazing
fucked-up-ness, that's
what makes you you.
Annie, please.
[QUIETLY] I can't.
I want out.
[HUGHIE] Sorry, is-is this a joke?
It's gone too far.
No. No, you're just saying that
'cause the assassination failed.
No, I'm saying it 'cause
it'll never fucking end.
Homelander's unhinged, he's not
even listening to Sage anymore.
If I become president,
I'm just gonna be a puppet,
and if I fight back, he'll
I'll resign without a fight.
You just need to get the CIA off
my ass and get me and Zoe out.
Okay, fuck all the way off.
You're like the asshole who cried wolf.
- I mean, the shit that you have done
- Oh, what?
Like how you got Sameer to cook up
some more of the virus to kill me?
Oh, and, yeah, cut off his fucking leg!
Glad you two connected. Okay.
So the leg thing wasn't me,
and you didn't exactly leave
us with a ton of options.
Look, the point is, you
hit me, I hit you back,
and it never fucking ends.
WarGames, Hughie.
The only way to win is not to play.
I thought I wanted this.
Not for Zoe or
Edgar but for me.
You know, I just I wanted
to feel safe, and not like
that scared fucking kid at Red River.
[CRYING] But I don't feel safe,
and I'm really fucking scared.
And I'm not getting
Zoe killed over this.
This is the only way.
Vicky, I don't know how to trust you.
I'll tell you where Zoe is.
Is she okay?
Yeah, but if I get her, it'll
draw too much attention.
And that's how you know
you can trust me,
because I am trusting
my daughter with you.
Please, Hughie.
You're literally the only person
on Earth I can turn to right now.

Enough fucking running.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
[INHALES] Sorry, bro,
you're on the list.
Don't kill me. I can pay you.
[CHUCKLES] You're a writer.
- You don't get paid shit.
- Please
I-I'll do anything.
Tell me I'm the smartest
superhero in The Seven.
You are, by far, the smartest
superhero in The Seven.
You're brilliant, a genius.
And that you respect me the most.
Besides Homelander, of course.
Of course. Of course I respect you.
- You-You're amazing.
You're just saying that 'cause
you're scared, aren't you?
No, I'm not.
- I swear.
- Yeah, you are.
But you know what, bro?
That's good enough for me.
- Yo, have you seen Ashley?
This is Ashley.
No, bro.
The other Ashley.
- This Ashley's not even on the list.
- [BLACK NOIR] Well, I don't know.
Everyone here's named fucking Ashley.
Murder boner.
- You've got to be kidding me.
- [HUGHIE] Look,
if we can flip Neuman,
as powerful as she is,
with everything that she
has on Vought, I mean,
if there's even a five percent chance.
Alors, what, just forget
that Neuman is a monster?
I'm not saying that. I'm saying
Look, we've all done bad shit.
What if she's just fucked-up
like the rest of us,
just trying to do right by her kid?
It's insane that we're
even discussing this.
What's insane is that our
solution to every problem
is murder.
I used to freak out
whenever I saw blood.
Now I barely blink at it.
It shouldn't be that way.
This isn't some fucking Vought movie.
Violence isn't brave.
Neither is hating my mom
or A-Train or
But forgiveness,
letting go,
a little fucking mercy
that's brave.
It's crazy.
But it's brave.
It's about the last thing my dad
ever taught me, and I just think
if we're ever gonna
win against monsters,
I think we need to start acting human.
Fuck it.
[ANNIE] Really? Just fuck it?
Annie, we're probably dead either way.
Might as well go out
with our heads held high.
- fuck it.
- Oh.
taking a chance with A-Train,
that shit was crazy.
But look at how it turned out.
Fuck it.
[FRENCHIE] Petit Hughie,
if you're wrong
[MOTHER'S MILK] Trust but verify.
But, Frenchie, can you get that
virus into Neuman's system?
With a carbon metamaterial tip
to a dart gun
and I aim for soft tissue
[MOTHER'S MILK] Then do it.
'Cause if this is a trap, at least
we ain't walking in blind.
And, Hughie, if Neuman
even blinks funny,
Frenchie's dropping her.
Fair. Got it.
Look, Annie
Shut up.
You are getting tested for every
single disease known to mankind.
I'm not getting Shifter syphilis.
[WHISPERS] Fuck yeah, Hughie. Fuck yeah.
You really think this is wise?
What if Hughie's right?
What if forgiveness
is the best we can do?
Even to Neuman?
To Neuman.
To ourselves.
Neuman is easy compared to us.
We try a little every day, I guess.
You know how I said
you should be with Colin?
I lied.
I just thought you deserved
to be with someone
Better than me.
Mon coeur
there is no one
better than you.
You know I can hear you.
"Marvin said there was
an attempt on Singer's life.
- He survived."
- [BUTCHER] We know.
There's just some things you don't
got to worry about. That's all.
[MALLORY] They're gonna
try again, and that virus
is a Hail Mary at best.
We are out of time and
out of better options.
Ryan needs to know the truth.
And we'll get there.
What truth?
The assassination attempt,
it was on your father's orders.
And Flight 37
Homelander killed every soul on board.
You're lying.
We have it on video.
And he's murdered countless more.
- Your father isn't who you think he is.
- Just stop.
- And he wasn't having an affair with your mother.
- Grace.
He raped her.
I'm sorry, son.
Your heart's pounding.
There's something you're not telling me.
And you're the only
one who can stop him.
S-Stop him?
Like, kill him?
No. No, I can't.
Don't ask me to.
Ryan, you're strong.
- He's stronger.
- We'll train you.
- Get you ready.
- So this is why you want me to go with you?
So you can teach me how to kill my dad?
I have to go.
No, just stay.
- We'll talk it out together.
- I don't want to talk.
I'll be back, I just need to think.
Listen, Ryan, there ain't gonna be
another time for you and me.
All right? Let's just
take a breather. Yeah?
You can't leave.
These walls are six feet thick.
This is the CIA's Hazlet safe house.
Designed to hold people like you.
I could seal us in here,
flood the room with halothane.
And we all take a nice, long nap.
- But I don't want to do that, kiddo.
- You planned this.
All along. You, you brought
me here to trap me.
No, no. We brought you here to help you.
You're locking me in a cage
unless I agree to be your weapon.
Just like they did to my dad.
That ain't the way it is, honest.
- Let me go.
- Ryan.
When I lost my grandkids, it left
this big empty black hole inside me.
Then the greatest miracle came along.
I love you, kiddo.
Aunt Grace I want to leave.
- I'm sorry.
- Get out of my way.
[BUTCHER] Grace.
I'm sorry.


Hello, hello.
You took your braces off,
since last time we saw you.
- Let's not do that.
- Uh-huh.
How's this gonna work, Neuman?
You help me get clear of Homelander,
and Singer's people at the CIA.
- And I go quietly.
- And you'll owe us one.
- A lot more than one.
I will owe you many.
Great. So you're gonna help us
take down Vought
and Homelander.
No deals.
I can explain, all right?
It's all good. I know
what this looks like,
but with everything
that we've been through together,
I've never once asked you to
trust me. I am asking now.
Like the way you used to trust Lenny.
Please, Butcher.

No, no, no, no.

Stop. Stop.
It's suicide.
I'll be taking that virus
now, thanks, Frenchie.
Ain't no fucking way.
You took V?
It will work on you, too.
If I were you lot,
I wouldn't hang about.
Oh, by the way.
You're all fucking welcome.
We are interrupting our regular
reporting with a breaking news story,
that at I'm sorry, I'm just
looking to my producers
here. Is this confirmed?
They're, they're, they're
telling me it has been.
The Vice President-Elect,
Victoria Neuman, is dead.
Assassinated today only hours
after revealing to the world
that she is super-abled
[SAGE] Where's Ryan?
This was all for him after all, right?
What are you doing here?
We won. Here.
Everything's turned to shit.
Plan's dead.
This is the plan.
I mean, sure, a few curveballs,
but, uh, we got here.
Just had to keep a few bits to myself.
You know, the bits you'd fuck up by
you know, being you.
Neuman would have been a shit patsy.
Stubborn, too many ideas.
So I went another way.
[ELLIOT] Bob Singer himself
ordering the assassination.
If you'd killed Neuman like I ordered,
we wouldn't be stuck four stories
underground playing pocket pool.
[ELLIOT] And now we go live.
Okay, that's President-Elect
Robert Singer
taken into custody by federal agents
She tried to kill me first.
[ELLIOT] in an unprecedented
turn of events that is
certain to go down as
one of the darkest days
It's for you.
Who is it?
Oh, Speaker of the House Calhoun.
Once they invoke the 25th,
he's next in line to be president.
He'd like to pledge
his allegiance to you.
To me?
Just like I promised.
We had a deal.
Yeah, well, I broke the deal.
I didn't.
I told you,
you could trust me, boo.
I got your back.
I-I threw you out like
like garbage.
Why would you do this?
To see if I could.
Thank you.
This was so much fun.
Just, you know, next time,
listen to me.
Next time?
Oh, hells yeah, blond ambition.
Buckle up for phase two.
Homelander speaking.
And that is why, as
my first official act,
under Article One, Section
Nine of the Constitution,
I'm declaring martial law
and deputizing hundreds
of superheroes nationwide,
who will report directly
to Homelander himself.
- To keep
- Thank you, Mr. President.
Victoria Neuman, she
was a great American.
And a dear, dear friend.
in cold blood by deep-state Starlighters
embedded in our own government.
Now that we have full legal authority,
a veritable army of superheroes
will be called upon
to rout these traitors from our
government and from our streets.
America will be safe again.
And to the Starlighters,
whatever rock you're hiding under,
we're coming for you.
I'm coming for you.
Because today
a new age of superheroes begins.
She eyes me like a Pisces ♪
When I am weak ♪
I've been locked inside
your heart-shaped box ♪
For weeks ♪
I've been drawn into ♪
Your magnet tar pit trap ♪
I wish I could eat your cancer ♪
When you turn black ♪
We wake up to a new world.
Where hope, purity
and Jesus's love shine down upon us all.
Where children can sleep peacefully
in their mothers' arms,
knowing Starlight's pedo
agenda has been thwarted.
Hey, wait ♪
I got a new complaint ♪
[FRENCHIE] Kimiko!
Forever in debt
to your priceless advice ♪
Hey, wait ♪
I got a new complaint ♪
Forever in debt ♪
To your priceless advice ♪
Your advice ♪
[FIRECRACKER] Where America
finally sees the woke mob
for what it is: monsters
who want to destroy
our heritage, traffic our children,
and feminize our men.
Where, with Homelander's guidance
we will all come together in unity.
No. No!

Your advice ♪
[FIRECRACKER] We will make America
strong again.
Proud again.
And most of all,
we will make America super again.
Hey, wait ♪
I got a new complaint ♪
Forever in debt ♪
To your priceless advice ♪
Your advice ♪
Your advice ♪
[HOMELANDER] How long have you known?
Only since this morning's
classified briefing.
You were my first call.
Hand to God.
You got to be fucking kidding me.
This whole time.
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