The Unit s04e08 Episode Script

Into Hell, part 2

Previously on The Unit.
An officer sleeps with a shooter's wife and he's executed.
That's the Unit code.
- Colonel's been found guilty.
- Punishment is death.
If you kill him, you'll never see me or the girls again.
Betsy and three other troops were kidnapped.
And I'm going with you.
You go, he'll kill you.
They'll kill you.
I know what you have to do.
Just let me help find Betsy first.
Put a face on the soldier, the people care.
- Otherwise, Betsy's just a rank and number.
- We're undercover.
You can't.
- I'm Second Lieutenant Betsy Blane.
- We found something here.
- It's a Sunni marking.
- The country of Syria is a sovereign nation.
It is an act of war to cross the border into Syria.
Colonel Ryan has been abducted, on purpose.
- There's only one reason why he'd cross into Syria.
- To save Betsy.
We're gonna get her back, but we're gonna have to go into hell to do it.
They're called Safayel Sayal.
Translated, the name means " Sword of Purity.
" This is a Sunni group that is part of the insurgence in Iraq.
- We're still trying to get confirmation- - Hello.
Who are you? Dr.
Eudora Hobbs.
I work for D.
I'm a, uh, psychologist of sorts.
- Of sorts? - That's right.
I don't need a psychologist.
Your daughter might.
- What does that mean? - I'll explain it to you.
- Why was I brought here? - You know why.
To prevent you from going to the press.
Which would have compromised your cover and that of your husband and his men.
My daughter needs an advocate.
And you would advocate her cause by going on television? - Yes.
- To cry in front of reporters? - To humanize her.
- Oh.
I see.
- And that softens the enemy? - Yes.
Who bomb our cities, but would be moved by your particular tears.
And it might motivate the army.
The army has already made their last push.
They were stopped at the border to Syria.
Everything they tell you from this point on will be perfunctory spin.
But your daughter is lucky.
- How's that? - From what I understand she has the only advocate she needs-your husband.
- And I can do nothing? - I didn't say that.
How open is your mind? You're doing all right? No.
No! No! No! No! No! Oh, God, no! No! - No! No! - They're gonna videotape his execution.
They want you to hear it.
Do not listen.
Do not react at all.
Cover your ears.
You cowards! You bastards! There isn't a man among you! What are you doing, Colonel? Shh.
You cowards! You bastards! - There isn't a man among you! - D.
says it's a match.
That is Colonel Ryan's voice in the background.
He got in there.
Get meJonas.
- How old is the video? - It was uploaded 15 minutes ago.
- You sure it's Ryan? - D.
intel has no doubts.
- Location? - We haven't had any more hits from his radiation signature.
The video looks like it could be a basement.
- The steel in the building's probably blocking the signal.
- Top.
They say they're gonna kill one an hour.
They've uploaded a video.
They started killing them.
- Betsy? - She's alive.
Ryan's inside with her.
They say they're gonna kill one an hour, and there's only four of them left.
Somebody down in the briar patch knows where they are.
No time.
I say we start there.
Let's move.
Twenty-two hours ago, four American soldiers were brought to this area.
I know someone knows something about where they might be.
You speak English? Stand up.
If not the exact location perhaps a name of someone who might be involved.
We have nothing to do with that.
Everybody's innocent.
I'm a cleric, and this is a place of peace.
We're men of God.
Please don't do this.
It wasn't just soldiers they took.
One of them was my daughter.
Who wants to tell me what they know? #Give me your secrets Bring me a sign # # Give me a reason to walk the fire # # See another dawn # # Through a daughter's eyes # # You give me a reason to walk the fire ## Leave them alone.
- That's all of'em.
- Then let's begin.
The American soldiers were brought to this enclave.
This we know for sure.
Somebody in this room knows something.
I'm gonna count to three.
If I get to two, step outside.
The next sound you hear will be an explosion.
If that occurs leave and find my daughter.
Tell them what I just said.
I'm gonna ask the question one last time.
Where are Ammar Moualla and the American soldiers? I'm gonna count to three, and when I get to three, I'm gonna let go.
God forgive me.
One! Two! - They're in the hospital.
- Where? The hospital for people sick in their heads.
Cool Breeze! Betty Blue! Check it! Redcap, I need a location for the psychiatric hospital in Abu Kamal.
These two men are twins.
They lived their entire lives together.
One was on a business trip in California and suffered a heart attack.
At the same exact moment, the other, home in New Jersey grabbed his chest in pain and fell to the floor.
- That's a fascinating anecdote.
- Understand, I'm not a psychic hustling housewives with tarot card readings.
I'm a scientist who works for the Defense Department of the United States and I can tell you without a doubt that there exist connections between people that transcend time and space.
I don't know how they operate, but they most certainly exist.
I can help you help your daughter.
Let the thoughts of your daughter flow.
All of them.
All of them.
The good ones and the bad.
Let them flow.
- Breathe.
- I don't wanna go to this place.
Your husband is going there and so are you for your daughter.
Be strong for your daughter.
Remember a time when you were strong for her.
Close your eyes.
- What are you seeing? - I hope she's not in a dark place.
Why is that? When she was young, she was afraid of the dark.
Is she still afraid of the dark? No.
What? What? What is it? Mama, are we lost? Well, something like that, baby.
But lost is only temporary.
I think I got off on the wrong exit.
You should've gotten a cell phone like Carla's mom.
It's too expensive.
Grandma will like your paintings.
There's the exit.
I want to paint one for her birthday.
No, no, no.
Not here.
It's really dark here, Mama.
Well, we're gonna be all right.
Why don't they have streetlights? You see that phone booth right up there under the light? Right there.
We're gonna take a walk.
We're gonna call Daddy, and he's gonna come and get us.
What's the man doing, Mama? I don't know, and we don't care.
Mama? What's he doing, Mama? Don't let him hurt me, Mama! They took Weber.
Don't listen to it.
That's my in.
No, no.
The women were cooking some kind of feast.
In 15 minutes after evening prayers, there's gonna be another 50 people coming here.
- We got to move.
- Not until I have confirmation.
These are civilians.
We're gonna kill 'em all? Is that the plan? - You can leave anytime you want.
- Top, this is crazy.
You wanna kill a man because he slept with your wife, and you're calling me crazy? - The colonel's your boy now? - It's got nothing to do with him.
Everything to do with you and me.
I will kill everybody in this room to get my daughter back.
If you are uncomfortable with that, you are free to depart.
You know what they say when you plot revenge.
" Always dig two graves.
" She was really, really scared.
He wouldn't move.
He stood there for what seemed like forever.
- Yes? - I saw Betsy's hand shaking.
And I remembered something my grandma used to say.
" He who fears something gives it power over him.
" Yes.
Yes, indeed.
I saw one light far ahead.
Close your eyes.
I need you to do something for me.
This man has no power over us.
I need you to say it back to me.
- Mommy, I don't- - Say it.
This man has no power over us.
All right.
I'm gonna go out and speak to him.
- No.
- Listen to me.
I want you to lock the door when I get out.
I want you to lie on the floor of the car.
Unless I come to the window, do not open the door.
You should try to sleep.
I'm losing too much blood.
If I sleep, I might go unconscious.
You're fine.
Just tightened your tourniquet.
Going unconscious might be the best thing.
Close your eyes.
Go to sleep.
These men have no power over me.
They have no power over me.
- Okay.
What do you want? - I want her.
- What else do you have? - Here.
Take the whole thing.
What else? And this is it.
And it's over.
I need you to get out of the car, and we're gonna walk.
- You gave the man your wedding ring.
- It doesn't matter.
Get out of the car.
We're gonna walk.
Don't look back.
He found them.
They're bunkered down in the basement of the asylum.
We got to get them locked up.
Let's go.
Go! Go! Back away.
Back away.
- What are you gonna do with him? - Back away.
Tell them the door is wired with explosives.
If they try to get out, they'll all die.
- What did he say? - Why are you taking her? Don't take her! Take me instead! - Let her go.
Let her go.
- Take me instead! What are you doing? Take me.
I'll make your video.
I'll say whatever you want me to say.
Say it like I told you.
My name is Colonel Thomas Ryan, United States Army.
I have betrayed a great trust and I know it is an act that can never be forgiven.
Not you.
Like we do before.
Start again.
My name is Colonel Thomas Ryan, United States Army.
I'm sorry for what I've done, for what I've done to the men that I betrayed.
Not you.
Speak of your country.
I know that it's an act that can never be forgiven.
I betrayed a great trust.
My men mean everything to me.
My men mean everything to me.
Let's go.
I have betrayed my men.
I cannot be forgiven.
I have betrayed my men.
I cannot be forgiven.
Does he have a child? Tell him his child was hit by a car.
- Get down! Down! - Where are the others? - Down the hall.
- Dirt Diver, with me.
American soldiers, hold your fire.
Hold your fire.
Oh, my God.
Oh! Oh! Weber's dead.
Let's go.
Let's go.
Cool Breeze, check the back.
We got two squads and counting.
Someone in the social club must've gotten the word out.
We ain't going out that way.
Back is blocked off.
Must be 50 troops.
Let's go back.
Back, back, back.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Any other exits? - That's it.
- Look.
Even if we could get through, We got two wounded.
We can't move fast enough.
- What about the roof? - They're not sending a chopper into this.
Wouldn't be able to land.
Back to the basement.
Back to the basement.
We need to find the keys.
Check the guards.
There's no way out of here.
You should've never come for me.
All these men's lives for a second lieuie? - This ain't gonna end here.
- I got the keys.
It sure looks like it's ending here.
- Big gun.
- Don't let 'em set it up.
We can't keep this up forever.
I was looking at something.
It might be a way out.
Show me.
I don't know where it goes.
It doesn't matter where it goes.
Let's get it opened.
Open the slot.
Tell them to cease fire or you will be shot.
That should buy us some time.
It's wet.
The question is, does it fill completely or is there always air in it? - Can we fit? - Once we get in, there's no way to turn around.
I wouldn't wanna come back here anyway.
- Is it gonna work? - It's tight.
I'd rather be Carlito than you.
It doesn't matter.
- I'm not going through.
- What the hell are you talking about? Someone needs to stay at the door with him.
If they come in, they can toss a grenade into the pipe, kill us all.
I'll stay.
When you guys are cleared, I'll surrender.
You're going through first.
That's an order.
I need you to tie a rope from you to Betsy drag her through if she goes unconscious.
Mack, get my daughter out of here.
I'll stay back.
Sergeant, you get her out of here now.
Snake Doc and I'll figure out the rest when the time comes.
- Let's do it.
- Good luck.
Just you and me now.
Your men were ready to die for you.
And the men in my congregation they were willing to let you kill me.
- They were frightened.
- Your men were not frightened.
They're soldiers.
It gets smaller.
Can we still make it through? It's filling up with water.
We got to move.
Betsy, move! - Move! - We can't go unless you go! Move! Move.
Just keep walking and don't look back.
You understand? Just keep walking.
- Walk to the light.
Walk to the light.
- Maybe we should run.
We aren't scared, right? You run, you're scared.
We aren't scared.
Just keep walking to the light.
Put one foot in front of the other.
That's the way most things in life get done.
He's gone, Mama.
He's like a ghost.
That's what fear is like.
You look it in its face you see it for what it is, and then it's gone like a ghost.
Just keep walking.
Betsy, move! I'm moving.
One foot in front of the other.
Take a deep breath and hold it.
It should go back down again.
Just keep moving.
Don't look back.
- They getting closer? - Not yet.
But they will.
- Get in the pipe.
- It's time to go, Jonas.
It's all over for me anyway.
That's an order.
Be with your daughter.
May I? They will never know you left.
- You can take the bullets out of the gun.
- No.
Then they'll know you were complicit.
Aren't you afraid I'm going to shoot you? No.
- Why? - Because you're a man of God.
I'm sorry.
Be with your daughter.
It's getting tighter.
You should've gone first.
I'm all right! How you doing? You feeling this? - Yeah.
- Ain't gonna be able to outrun it.
I failed you and the men.
Yes, you did.
So you know if we get out of this, I accept what has to happen.
They're good men.
They deserve better than me.
Save your breath, Tom, and take a deep one.
We got to move.
Not long before the Syrians know we're here.
You and Carlito can exfil.
I'm waiting forJonas.
You can all go to hell if you think I'm leaving without my father.
- We got to get you out of here.
- Second lieutenant doesn't take orders from a sergeant.
He's here.
Dad! Hey.
This place is about to light up.
Redcap, we're gonna need to get exfilled out ofhere rikki-tik.
Not here.
We got to find some cover.
Send the helos.
We'll get you the location.
- Let's move.
- Let's go.
- Clear.
- Clear.
Clear over here.
- This looks like a pretty good landing spot, Top.
- Get us out of here.
Redcap, I have a location.
, 34.
, 40.
We are exfilling seven.
- Are helos in the air? - Negative.
It's fueled and on the tarmac.
I'm trying to get authorization from State and D.
to send them across the border.
We've got wounded.
We don't fly out of here, we'll never clear the border on foot.
They'll be there.
Twenty minutes E.
- How are we gonna do that? - Get me the chopper pilot in Mosul.
I've got Redcap for Shadow-Zero-Zero.
- Shadow-Zero-Zero? - Shadow-Zero-Zero.
You have authorization to cross into Syria.
We're exfilling seven.
, 34.
, 40.
Copy lat, lon.
You have D.
and State Department authorization for us to go into Syrian airspace and land? - Affirmative.
- To whom am I speaking? This is Warrant Officer Bridget Sullivan of the 303rd Logistical Studies Unit.
I have the authorization.
Get in the air now and get our men out of there.
Roger, Redcap.
Shadow-Zero-Zero airborne.
What you just did is a court-martial offense.
Birds are in the air.
They'll be here in 20.
Stay here.
Goes for you too.
You have been found guilty.
- The evidence- - I admit my guilt.
I will not disrespect you men by pleading.
- I'm prepared for the verdict.
- Get on your knees.
I prefer to stand if I may.
Not that way.
No guns.
The gun is for a soldier.
- Use the pistol.
- That's not what's been decided.
This is an execution, not a beating.
Use the pistol.
Use the gun.
I'm not gonna die like this.
All right.
All right.
All right.
Finish it! He's not fighting back! Well, then you've got yourself a decision.
You know why you're doing it? Because when you take the life of your commanding officer, you should know.
- Finish it.
- You don't want me to kill him.
I couldn't give a damn about him.
I care about you, Mack as a brother as a warrior.
And that's the question I ask.
Does this make you a better warrior? I don't know what to do.
How about that? Where's Colonel Ryan? Let's get the hell out of here, chief.
Your daughter's been rescued.
She's safe.
There's a plane waiting to take you to the air force base in Ramstein, Germany.
- Is she all right? - Oh, yes.
Was all this to help Betsy or was this just a way to keep me from losing my mind? You need to go quickly.
He's not your concern.
When they came to kill me, he gave his life for mine.
How do you repay that? Only a life for a life will do.
But that's a debt between me and him, not you.
You did very well.
I'm proud of you, Lieutenant Blane.
Thank you.
- Mama.
- Oh, my God.
Oh! - Are you okay? - Mm-hmm.
I'm fine.
My baby girl, are you sure you're okay? I just kept going.
I didn't look back.
Right, Mama? I just walked to the light.
You mind if I stay here for a while?
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