Royal Pains s04e09 Episode Script

Business And Pleasure

Previously on Royal Pains.
This is a pager watch.
- When it beeps you would proceed directly here.
- I'm in.
Excellent work.
I knew you had it in you.
Hank, meet my translator, Christina Dumond, - pleased to meet you.
- And you.
I'd like to offer my car and driver for you to have an evening and a meal out with Christina.
Well, that's very generous.
Just look at her.
She's, like, perfect.
Sexy curves, great body.
- Should I be jealous? - Mm-hmm.
Rowwr! And her, she's the one I'm taking home, along with her 454 horses.
Okay, babe, I know you've always dreamed of owning a Ferrari, but it's a very expensive raffle ticket.
You think you can afford that gamble? No, I can't, but my company can.
Come on.
Why does a medical practice need a Ferrari? To cut down on response time.
That is the only reason I'm doing it for the patients.
- The only reason? - Okay, maybe also because it's my destiny to own a Ferrari.
I think it's so cute you believe you're gonna win the charity raffle.
Count me in.
- Really? - Yeah.
But let's drum up a lot of business at this rally, just to cover our bases.
I really like it when you crack the fiscal whip, as it were It's sexy.
Speaking of sexy.
So First of all, she's red.
That's extra sexiness points off the bat.
Exposed engine.
And the interior this one has a "do not touch" sign.
I'm not gonna touch it.
I just want to sense it and smell it and take in its aura.
Ah, leather.
The cow is Don't touch it.
You're gonna make it worse.
Okay, that has my name on it.
Those are my business cards.
All right Oh, my God.
Um, I I Hi.
I'm Sam chard.
I see you brought me some gelato.
And it goes so nicely with my leather seats.
- I am so I'm so sorry.
- He is so sorry.
It's okay.
It's just a car.
"It's just a car.
" Wow I'm a little offended right now that you're not cursing at me in Italian.
And I am gonna be right back to rescue your Italian leather.
Thank you, babe.
- Let's see the damage.
- Yeah, it got right in there.
- Oh, is this yours? - Oh, God.
- This is Oh.
- Yeah.
- Are you a doctor? - No, no, I'm not.
I can have one here faster than this baby can do 0 to 60.
Why, is someone sick? Yeah.
Jeremiah, is there something that I would you take my first patient? Why don't you want to work with Mrs.
small? Uh, she's a she's a geographical outlier on the schedule Paige arranged for me.
She's 4.
6 Miles east of Mr.
adler, and, uh Jeremiah Are you afraid of handling emotional women? It hasn't been within the scope of my practice.
I don't have the tools to treat postpartum depression.
Severe mood swings Spells of anger towards others, inability to be comforted.
Yes, I know the symptoms.
Jeremiah, you're not working in a laboratory any more.
You have to evolve to become a part of this practice.
Look, when I first started at Hankmed, I struggled with self-destructive patients.
People who took foolish risks with their own health and expected me to bail them out.
But I began to evolve.
And so can you.
Maybe I can do this.
If you come with me.
So how can I help you, Sam? Doctor/patient confidentiality applies to everything I tell you, right? Yeah, unless you plan to commit a crime.
On the contrary.
I am not a rich socialite.
I don't own a Ferrari.
This isn't even my dress.
It's my disguise.
You're working undercover? D.
Here in the Hamptons? I didn't say it was a bad gig.
But the hair extensions, the spanx, the six-inch heels Yes, being rich is very hard work.
Do you have any idea how many squat thrusts it takes to burn off six ounces of caviar? Right.
You know, the fact that you don't believe me is kind of a compliment.
I didn't say I don't believe you, it's just that you don't look exactly Henry Lawson, born August 23rd.
I won't mention the year because that just wouldn't be classy.
Passaic high, Northwestern university, mt.
Sinai school of medicine.
Your brother's fiancee's father is running for senate.
Oh, and unlike your father, you've never been arrested.
Except for that time in Atlantic city.
I was 20 years old, and it was a few hands of Blackjack.
I know.
Can we just talk about you? Great.
Um Okay, the first symptoms started a couple weeks ago headaches, trouble sleeping, fatigue.
My old partner started the same way.
And so did a lot of other agents who worked meth cases back in the '90s.
"Meth toxicity" is what they called it.
Most of them eventually had to leave the agency, and a lot of 'em died, including my partner.
And you're wondering if your symptoms are consistent with toxicity as well.
I'm done wondering, Hank.
I just I need to know how bad it is.
My independence went away I didn't listen when it said Rely on yourself trusting someone else is a path for the silent ghost do you know how many units the last one sold? Uh-huh, that's right, half a million In the first week.
I wanted a 30% bump, and this offer is practically nothing, other than an insult.
Call me back when you're at least in the ballpark.
- Oh! - We'll be back in a moment.
I must say, Mrs.
small, you don't seem to be manifesting many symptoms of postpartum depression.
Oh, I'm not suffering from postpartum depression.
My husband is.
Making sure you'll always be there for him, even when you aren't.
He uses these rallies as his front.
I was in Newport beach last week, I'm here now, and I'll be wherever he goes next.
I thought that these days you guys wear all kinds of protective gear.
You know, especially when busting meth labs.
Well, we do when we know we're busting one.
But about a year ago I was chasing a suspect into a garage when suddenly everything when orange and white.
It sounded like a train crashing into, well, a meth lab.
Wow, that must have been scary.
I was down ten minutes breathing in toxic fumes before they could get me out.
A meth lab explosion I mean, it could have been a lot worse.
You're lucky.
I don't believe in luck.
I believe in being prepared.
Which is why I need to know how bad this is.
If I can't continue this case, I need to find a replacement.
Well, don't turn in your manolos just yet.
Your X-ray looks clean, and the symptoms you're experiencing can have many causes.
Let's wait and see what the blood work shows, and take it from there.
All normal.
See? I told you guys I'm fine.
"Fine" is not a medical term, JJ.
The truth is, men undergo hormonal changes too.
One in ten new fathers experiences postpartum depression, even though most of them never even know it.
So how do you guys know it's one in every ten? That's a valid scientific challenge.
Sorry, but it is.
Let's not dwell on the numbers.
Jill, we're more interested in you.
So how is your diet? Diet's fine.
I eat like a champ, believe you me.
- Any changes at work? - No, not really.
How about serious injuries? No serious injuries.
Okay, honestly, you guys, everything is great.
I may be a little emotional lately, but it's because of triple-j.
I'm sorry, triple-j? That's what I call my son, JJ junior.
And I love him more than anything, just like I love my beautiful but overzealous wife.
I mean, these things should make you emotional, right? Can you hold that for me? Yes, yes, yes.
Here, honey, take the baby.
I got him.
Come here.
Moo moo moo moo.
Shh, it's okay.
Come on.
- Thank you, honey.
- Mm-hmm.
She wishes I'd act a little more macho.
She's afraid of me coming off like a stie, thinks it's bad for appearances.
But, anyways, listen.
Thank you for coming to check on me, but I'm fine.
I'm healthy.
You look healthy to me.
Uh, clinically speaking.
If there is anything else that we can do, even if it is just to talk Please don't hesitate to call.
All right.
You don't think anything's wrong? Really? I wake up to tears every night, and they're not coming from the baby.
At the moment, there isn't much else we can do.
Can't you give him something? Not if he says he doesn't need it.
Look, if he doesn't stop weeping, I'm gonna stick my head in that blender just so I don't have to hear it.
Try these first.
Ear plugs.
See? You do have the right tools.
Come over tonight.
I'll make dinner.
I have this Russian cookbook that's been useless to me without a translator.
Come over to your guesthouse at shadow pond.
Unfortunately, that's the only guesthouse I have at the moment.
How about room service instead? In your hotel? Unfortunately, I can't get them to bring food to me anywhere else.
This is a nice car.
- Hey.
- Hey.
So Sam What's her deal? Who is she? What does she do? I don't think she's retainer material.
Are you kidding? She drives a Ferrari.
The ring on her finger was the size of a Lot of money.
Yeah, I know, but Ah, yes.
Well Yes.
Lawson, I'm the cfo of Hankmed.
And Hank's only brother, actually.
- Christina.
- Christina.
Hank's never mentioned you.
Don't take that personally, though, because Hank doesn't tell me anything.
He does play it close to the vest.
Don't I, though? Yeah, sometimes a little too close for my taste.
So how did you guys meet? Wewe were it was a we have a mutual acquaintance.
That's it.
We have a mutual acquaintance.
Oh, it's a mutual acquaintance.
Yeah, it is an acquaintance that is, in fact Mutual.
Oh, you, uh you like what you see? I am such an Aston Martin girl.
Really? That's that's good news.
That's one less person to compete against in the Ferrari raffle, right? Right.
I guess you are being summoned.
I am.
So she knows about the house arrest beeper-watch as well? - Yeah.
- Wow, so When's the wedding, Henry? And am I even invited to it? I'm sorry, I gotta go.
Mwah! Don't answer any of his questions.
Bond, just don't talk.
Wha Boris.
I got your page.
Dmitry's local doctors wanted to thank you for the medical records you sent.
It seems our Russian friend is getting a new liver.
He got on the transplant list.
That seems premature.
He's not in liver failure.
List? Dmitry's not the type to queue up, wouldn't you say? Much less wait for failure.
I'll give his internist a call.
I trust you had a pleasant evening with Christina before she left? She's still in the Hamptons, but I'm guessing you already know that.
Hank, I don't foresee Christina settling down with a A country doctor.
You set me up with her.
Yeah, I wanted you two to have a nice dinner.
Never imagined that she'd stay past dessert.
At least not the Christina I know.
Are we done here? Hank, I'm sure I needn't remind you, if she asks any questions about me believe me, your name hasn't come up.
And I don't expect it to.
Just be careful, Hank.
I'll call Dmitry's doctor now.
Is Hank picking up his schedule, or does he need me to email it to him? Who knows what he's doing? He sure doesn't tell me.
Very helpful.
I'll go call him.
Bye, guys.
Oh, no, wait.
You know what? We should, uh we should talk for one second about your share of the raffle ticket.
Raffle ticket? Yes, for the soon-to-be Hankmed Ferrari.
You got the memo, right? I thought it was a joke.
Did you also think it was a joke? I did not.
But in Divya's defense, tone is notoriously hard to decipher in emails.
So you're in for 20%? Oh No.
Let me guess, you think a Ferrari is an impractical mode of transportation.
No, it's just statistically, you think the odds don't justify the price.
No, it's not about the probabilities.
Not to be so cfo, but, Divya, this is for 40%.
I'm covering Jeremiah.
Just please stop talking to us about it.
Okay, great.
Moving on.
So, Jeremiah, you are following up with Mr.
small? Yes, he is.
But, uh, didn't he say he was fine? Well, men with depression often deny their symptoms.
Also, I saw him drinking a protein shake.
Perhaps a soy-based protein.
Well, evidence of soy increasing estrogen is anecdotal.
Yes, I know, but it isn't always about the science.
Sometimes we need to encourage dialogue with our new patients until they trust us.
There's something going on with JJ, and I am sure that you are going to get to the bottom of it.
Wait, his name is JJ? Mr.
small is JJ small? The defending UFM champion? The bad boy of MMA? MMA? The brutal combat sport in which caged men fight to near death.
"MMA" stands for mixed martial arts.
I ordered it on-demand by mistake.
I thought it was a special on the medicare modernization act.
It must be a different JJ small.
Our patient is quite mild-mannered.
This your patient? Oh, my God, why does he have blood all over his face? Oh, you should have seen the other guy.
Guess how many copies that sold.
Half a million in the first week.
Try half a million in the first week.
JJ small, he's a superstar, and he's a barbarian.
He's got a huge fight this weekend at Nassau coliseum.
It's the first time an MMA fight's ever been allowed in New York.
Probably gonna be the last too after he's done with Jason sol, short, little bastard.
Evan! Does he ever get hit in the head when he is fighting? Do you ever use your accent when you're speaking? He could have a traumatic brain injury.
Which could be causing his disproportionate emotional displays.
We need to follow up right away.
Does this mean he's not gonna fight Jason sol? I'm starting to get used to this Hamptons lifestyle.
Leaving will be harder than I expected.
Then take your time leaving.
I wish I could.
So do I.
This is starting to feel like more than just some fun over poker and wohdka.
So do you think Boris is going to Istanbul in a few weeks? His villa there is pretty amazing.
Um, you really want to talk about Boris right now? Personally, I'd rather leave our pasts behind us.
Hank, that was just my not-so-subtle way of asking when I'll see you again.
I was hoping that Boris might bring you along.
I'm sure he'd want you there with Dmitry facing a liver transplant.
JJ, I'm so sorry to interrupt you.
Really? Now? - Please? - One sec.
All right, let's go.
Okay, now I'm good.
You look great.
Thank you.
Okay, over my career I've had, like, five broken ribs, a punctured lung, and three concussions.
Do you guys count pinky fractures? 'Cause I don't count the pinkies.
Why did you tell me that you hadn't had any serious injuries? 'Cause in my line of work, "serious" is a relative term.
Hey, Schwann, man, I'm really sorry about that, buddy.
- No problem, JJ.
- Okay? I'll call and check up on you later, all right? Thanks, buddy.
Hey, could you do me a favor? Can you put his nose on my tab? JJ, I am concerned about your history of concussive head injuries.
Yeah, I appreciate that, but it doesn't seem to be causing me any problems.
It could be the reason for your for your crying jags.
Or maybe because I got a lot going on right now.
I mean, I am trying to prep for one of the biggest fights of my career.
JJ You and I are not sparring.
You can let your guard down with me.
It's Heather, okay? She's concerned.
She worries so much about me.
Like this crying, it starts out of the blue, and I can't control it.
But that doesn't mean I don't want to I do.
I believe you.
Which is why we want to do an mri of your head so that we can check for any damage.
I get it, but not now.
Tomorrow's the weigh-in.
So? So? The weigh-in is just as big as the fight itself.
I mean, it's where we face off and try to psych each other out.
It's the last and the biggest media frenzy of the whole event.
It's why I rented this house in the Hamptons, and why I gotta keep my head in the game right now, and not some machine.
You're also a new father.
If you've had concussive injuries, one more blow to your head could cause permanent brain damage.
This mri isn't just for you.
I mean, you have to stay safe for for triple-j.
Yeah, you're right.
Maybe I did have one fight too many.
I coulda I could have retired three championships ago.
You think it's too late for me? In my line of work, "too late" is a relative term.
- Hi.
- Hey.
Can't get enough of her.
If Magnum P.
Were still working today, this is the car he'd be driving.
And she's next to this.
Now, this This is basically the automotive equivalent of a roided-out meathead at the club who's, like "Come on, it's money.
" And she's the girl he's trying to hit on, who's, like, "ha ha ha No.
" You really like Ferraris.
I do.
When I was a kid, my dad always said we'd have one one day.
He was a bit of a dreamer.
I didn't know that at the time, though.
So he kinda made me into a bit of a dreamer too, I guess.
Well, maybe one day.
Seems like you have a really solid business idea.
It's funny you should mention that, Sam.
So I've been thinking, if you were a Hankmed retainer client oh, you know what, you can just save your salesmanship because I'm just in town for the rally.
Totally get it.
But just so you know, we also have a Hankmed traveler's package, which, uh which is designed specifically for on-the-go vips, such as yourself.
Actually, there's a clause in here specifically for whoa! Watch out.
Aah! What can I do for you, Hank? Did you tell Christina about Dmitry's liver transplant? I did not.
Then we need to talk.
You're lucky, Sam.
Other than a small laceration and some pretty good bruising, you'll be fine.
You sure you're all right, Evan? Me? Yeah, I'm great.
I just can't believe that car heard what I said about it and tried to strike back.
But thank you again for saving my head, by the way.
You have lightning-fast reflexes too.
Were you, like, a ninja in a former life or something? Okay, ev, don't you have a raffle ticket to go buy? Bought.
Now just pray for us.
I'm praying.
Don't you have anything else you can go do? I could go check out Ferrari's new line of accessories.
I hear the sportswear collection for men just introduced a very distinguished great.
Go do that, then.
Oh, you just want me to yeah, I kinda want you to - You coulda just said that.
- I did.
Three times.
I think it was actually twice, but whatever.
The door.
Sorry about that.
About him.
Oh, actually, it helps to have a bit of unpredictability around.
Keeps me on my toes.
Yeah, he's good at that.
I've lived on my toes for 30 years.
I'm worried, Hank.
This isn't the first time I've been clumsy lately.
Okay, let me take a look.
Here, hold your hands up.
Okay, now, push against my hands.
Pull towards you.
Okay, good.
Grab my fingers.
Okay, now squeeze.
Uh, can you feel that? Yeah.
Do both sides feel the same, or different? Same.
I'm not sure what's causing your tremors, but this is just what happened with John right before it got really bad.
John your partner John? He wasn't just my partner.
People say not to bring your work home, but undercover work isn't just a job.
It's a whole new identity.
Relationships get complicated, and I found the complicated love of my life.
Anyway, John told me never to give up on a case, to see everything through to the end.
Which is exactly what I intend to do.
Sam, I've done some reading on meth toxicity, and nearly every case I saw resulted from repeat exposure.
But one really bad exposure could do it.
Yes, it could.
But all your blood panels came back negative, which is a good sign.
So I'd like to do a full-body ct and just keep looking for other causes.
I'll go with you to the hospital As soon as my replacement arrives.
JJ's findings look good.
No sign of post-concussive syndrome.
I was hoping to find an indisputable reason that he shouldn't fight any more.
I don't want him to be unwell, just retired.
But isn't that judging your patient's behavior? I thought you had evolved past that.
I said I began to evolve.
I'm still a work in progress too.
Thank you for your honesty.
Especially since Here, look at this.
Is that a slight loss of neurons in the hippocampus? Huh.
He's not in any danger, though his career may be.
He's at the weigh-in right now.
We should probably get over there fast, before he suffers another emotional episode.
It seems that you're feeling more comfortable with your patient already.
Yeah, I always feel more comfortable with emotion when it has a specific neurological explanation.
So I've already worked out a schedule.
Each of us will get the car one day a week.
Paige already has Thursdays, so I will take Fridays.
Which makes sense because, obviously, I'll be looking after it on Saturdays and Sundays.
- Obviously.
- And, as the last to chip in, you will most likely get mondays, which is also wash and wax day, just so you know.
And speaking of, you still owe me your 20%.
I don't know where you got the idea I was going in on a Ferrari lotto with you.
I mean, it's absurd, Evan.
Okay, it's not absurd.
Excuse me.
What? Did you just ignore miss "I'm such an Aston Martin girl"? She shouldn't take it personally.
I'm ignoring you too.
So what's up with you and her anyway? Henry? Oh, come on! I used to tell you about every girl I met, like, the second I met her.
I used to tell you about girls I fantasized about meeting.
Just give me the cliffsnotes.
Thecliffsnotesjust aren't available on this one, okay? Henry, come on, talk to your little brother about your girl troubles.
As the one with more relationship experience these days, I'd be happy to shed some light on the female condition for you.
There's a reason Paige calls me "the fiance whisperer.
" Oh, what will it take to shut you up? - Your 20%.
- Done.
You got it.
Nice doing business with you.
And his opponent, hailing from utica, New York, coming in with a record of 22-1, including ten knockouts and five submissions, ladies and gentlemen, JJ small! JJ's official fight weight is 182 pounds.
- Hey.
- Do you have JJ's mri results? We do.
He's not post-concussive.
But we do know what it is, and the good news is we can treat it.
Well, I wish you got here five minutes earlier because he's about to have a breakdown onstage.
This is a disaster.
If he sheds a tear, he'll be a laughing stock.
His career will be ruined.
Look at him.
We have to do something.
We have to stop this.
Sacani, what got into you? Come again? I said, "what got into you?" The button said, "push in case of emergency.
" We had an ill patient under duress.
Nicely done.
Talk about saved by the bell.
So where were we, medically? JJ, your mri showed a loss of neurons in the hippocampus, an absence that can cause dyscratic seizures.
It's a neurological disorder called pseudobulbar affect, or pba.
It occurs when the area of the brain that controls the normal expression of emotion is impaired.
Okay, so how did I get this pba? Oh, it's an idiopathic phenomenon.
Which is medical for no one really knows.
But there is no reason to think that it is related to your career.
It would have manifested itself no matter what your line of work.
What do we do about it? This injection of lorazepam will temporarily control the emotion and allow you to complete the weigh-in with your opponent.
- Okay.
- Expose your right shoulder.
It's so good to hear, you guys.
Thank you so much.
It's all clear, everybody.
They need my delicate little flower back in there.
Little pinch.
How long does this take to kick in? I love you.
That'll work.
Ladies and gentlemen, make your way over to the Ferrari ff for the announcement of its new owner.
Excuse us.
Ticket holder.
Hello, baby.
The winner of this year's Hamptons speed rally charity raffle is Please.
- Evelyn Larson! - Yes! - I won! - Yes! Yes! - Evan! - I can't believe I won it.
What? He didn't say "Evan R.
" He said "Evelyn Larson.
" No, he did he he who the congratulations, Evelyn Larson.
Evelyn Larson? What the hell kind of name is that? There's always next year's raffle.
And the charity wins either way.
She's sitting in my car, Paige.
Hey, good for you.
Now you can drive yourself to bingo night.
All right, cool.
At up to 193 Miles per hour.
All right.
Excuse me.
That's the spirit.
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
Uh, Sam? What are you doing? This was getting in my way.
I told you I can't have my shooting hand tied up.
- But it hasn't had time to he - Oh, my God.
No, no, no.
Sam? Sam, what's going on? I can't lose him now.
Your suspect? What are you doing? My job.
Sam, you're not thinking clearly.
Hang on.
Hey, get back here! Sam, stop the car.
If you chase him, it'll blow your cover.
Whoa, whoa, Sam.
Sam, look out! Sam! Hank, he's getting away from me.
- Sam, slow down.
- No.
Whoa, whoa, whoa Sam, listen to me.
You're not in your right mind right now.
I gotta get this guy, Hank.
Hit the brakes! Oh, my God, what just happened? Wow, Sam.
I can't believe I just did that.
Whoa I'm trained to be calm and calculating, not impulsive.
What's happening to me, Hank? I'm not sure, but irrational behavior is probably a symptom.
My replacement's supposed to come tomorrow.
I think I better move up the schedule.
Yeah, I think that might be wise.
Thanks for being here, Hank.
You saved that waitress's life.
Even if it's too late to save mine.
Actually, Sam I don't think it is.
What what are you talking about? The kf rings around your irises.
What, the problem is in my eyes? Actually, it could be anywhere.
Your body's been poisoned, but not by meth.
We have to get to the hospital right now.
Uh, I'll drive.
Ooh, yeah.
That man must have a stage three complete ligament rupture with joint dislocation between his humerus and ulna.
No, it's just a really nice armbar.
And he just escaped.
See? So, um, tell me, did JJ have a Ferrari? No, what am I doing? It's too hard.
Never mind.
Ugh! God Evelyn Larson? Her name was Evelyn freakin' Larson! Evan! Maybe it's time you give up the dream.
You know, at least for now.
I think it's bringing back your childhood in more ways than one.
Let's go.
Come on.
Okay, okay, I have seen enough ankle locks and guillotine chokes for today.
Maybe we should have lied and told him he had a head injury, 'cause clearly, someday he will.
Hemorrhagic stroke, cerebral edema, parkinsonism for sure.
Okay, so now he's got his back.
Okay, so so the guy at the back is gonna try to jump on like a monkey.
See, there you go.
Now he's gonna get his legs in.
Legs locked.
You know, his hooks are in.
Two hands on one.
He's trying to get out.
Rear naked choke.
Rear naked choke oh! He slammed him right on his head! Now he's punching him in the face.
- Divya.
- Yes? I wanted to thank you, um, for helping me, well, with JJ.
For helping me evolve.
It was my pleasure.
And my hat's off to you for confronting that challenge.
You were terrific.
Would you like to go eat now together? Thanks to our patient, I've lost my appetite.
Oh, actually, uh I'd be willing oh, my God! Oh, my God, it's over.
Guys, come here! JJ won.
So the ct and blood tests both confirmed Wilson's disease.
It's a Genetic disorder in which copper accumulates in body tissue.
In my case, in the brain, and can cause fatigue, tremors, irrational behavior all my symptoms.
Nice investigative work.
I guess you also know what made it accumulate now? It's been accumulating my whole life, and the symptoms only started now because the accumulation had reached a crisis level.
Very impressive.
Chelation pills will help remove the excess copper that your body wasn't able to metabolize, and the zinc will ensure that this never happens again.
So where did the copper come from? Copper's in a lot of normal, everyday things we consume, like oysters and chocolate.
Okay, my two favorite food groups.
So this was addiction-related in a way.
In a way, but not related to meth exposure.
It would have manifested itself no matter what your line of work.
Speaking of my job, when can I get back to it? When's your suspect's next rally? Labor day weekend in Miami.
Good think you didn't blow your cover, Sam.
Thanks to you.
So I guess I'll just have to keep wondering what your real name is? - Hank - Yeah.
You saved my life.
I don't want you to live in curiosity forever.
That just wouldn't be fair.
I'll call you when I retire.
I'll look forward to that call.
Sorry I couldn't meet you earlier.
I had an emergency.
I had an unexpected situation too.
Boris fired me And said you'd be able to explain why.
Oh, he did, did he? Well, I assume it's because you were talking to Dmitry behind Boris's back.
Look, loyalty isn't something Boris takes lightly.
When the summit ended, so did my work for Boris.
Dmitry was happy with my services and hired me for an upcoming trip.
Did you explain that to Boris? I did, and Boris doesn't like it.
But Boris doesn't own me the way he owns so many others.
Look, I was getting mixed messages, Christina.
So you assumed the worst.
You treated me like a spy and a liar when all you had to do was ask me.
You're right.
And I'm sorry.
I guess I'm still learning this game that seems to come so naturally to the rest of you.
Maybe your brother was right, Hank.
Maybe you do play your hand too close to the vest, especially when you have no idea what you're holding.
I enjoyed the poker and the vodka.
Sorry it wasn't more than that after all.
Good-bye, Hank.
I got your text.
Who's the patient? What are they unhappy about? There's no patient.
The address I texted you was my own.
So You live here? Evan, I'm very wealthy.
Mazelhtov, man.
In my last job, I had a mentor who was whom I found difficult to know.
And he died.
And when he did, he left me the royalties from his medical patents And his house.
And one other thing.
This is why I didn't think the raffle was a logical investment.
If Hankmed needs a Ferrari, they can use mine.
When would you like it? Yeaaaah! Oh, yeah.
Evelyn Larson, eat your heart out! Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo.
Whoo! It's all right, it's all right I presume Christina has spoken with you.
She did.
Do not blame yourself, Hank.
You did the right thing.
And what did I do, exactly? You made me aware of Christina's conflict of interest, which, as you know, I cannot afford to risk these days.
So I severed my working relationship with her.
Purely a business decision.
Boris, you're usually a much better liar.
I beg your pardon.
I've seen the way you do business, the way you play the game.
Hank If you wanted, you would have somehow used her conflict of interest to your advantage.
- Careful, Hank.
- This was personal.
You've never gotten over Christina.
You set me up with her to prove to yourself and to her That is enough! I think we are done here, Hank.
I couldn't agree more.
If you don't feel well, call me.
Other than that I'm out.
This isn't gonna work.

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