The Circle (2020) s04e09 Episode Script

Trust Is Tested

-Here we go!
-Here we go!
Jared is the Spice Girls?
"Their mission was a success"?
[Michelle] The Spice Girls
were on the money
"The total prize fund is now"
-"150,000 dollars"?
-"thousand dollars"?
-Oh my God!
as the bombshells kept coming.
"You must now deliver this news
[suspenseful music playing]
I'm so sorry. You're blocked.
New players entered.
In The Circle, baby!
Oh, snap!
Friendships were made
"Me, you and Alyssa"
"will be kissing each other
on the mouth."
I do got this guy's back.
and tested
Carol, any friendship she thought
we were gonna have, baby, it's done.
I'm gonna make up a lie
and make Alyssa play a little defense.
as a menacing virus
"Cyberattack detected"?
Where is a computer technician
when you need one?
"Any player left without the software
will be blocked from The Circle tonight"?
"You must now decide"
"who to pass
the antivirus software on to."
means game over
for Carol or Alyssa.
This is a nightmare.
[music fading out]
[dramatic music playing]
Bru must choose wisely.
With only one more antivirus
available to be passed on,
whoever he doesn't choose
will be blocked immediately
from The Circle.
Bru is gonna decide
whether or not he wants to be loyal,
or if he wants to be strategic.
Oh, I'm gonna look like a dick, man.
There's no way out of this.
There's no way out of this.
It's Alyssa or Carol.
Bru and I have a relationship
in which he's promised me
that he's always gonna keep me safe.
We've talked about it. We are close.
Unfortunately, with everything
that's gone on tonight,
you don't know
what relationships actually matter.
Who helps me in the long run?
Oh no! That's the question, isn't it?
Who helps me in the long run?
I so badly want to stay.
I just want to see my name pop up there.
[exhales] You got a big decision
to make, Bru.
Oh, I hate it so much!
All right, Bru, moment of truth, man.
Circle, the player that I'd like
to pass the antivirus on to is
[music intensifies, fades out]
Whoo! [shouting] Let's go!
[whispers] Fuck!
[sad music playing]
I'm so, like, disappointed.
Oh damn!
Holy shit!
Oh my God.
[Bru] Why do I feel like
I just, like, committed a crime?
Alyssa! Damn!
I was hoping that
there would be a chance that
he and Alyssa
maybe had a stronger connection.
Look, her picture's gray!
[whispering] Oh, fuck. 
I am so confused.
I wasn't anticipating
that he would've saved Carol over Alyssa!
Bru, what the hell?
This has been the worst day.
We got viruses going around.
Sent Alyssa home.
I'm gonna cry.
You beautiful bastard,
you restored my faith in trust.
Carol remains in the game.
This is why you build these relationships.
You have to trust at least somebody
in this game.
I'm so sad because both of, like,
my two alliances completely
Like, my my alliance fucked me over.
I can't believe they did that.
That sucks.
[Yu Ling] Oh my God.
That's not how I wanted it to go at all.
That was so, like [sniffles]
not cool of them.
I really wanted her to stay.
I thought somebody was gonna pick her.
I can't believe
it was Bru and Yu Ling separately.
[sniffles] Like, Yu Ling chose Rachel.
What the fuck?
That it came down to us three is a bummer,
and that Alyssa is going home
is even more of an upsetting situation.
How? How could they do that?
I just had to go with the trust
that I had with Carol.
I think with Yu Ling
picking somebody else, I was like,
"Oh my God. That throuple thing
is not what I thought it was."
"Think I was being used."
And if Carol was in my position,
if she got picked by Nathan,
I think she would've picked me.
I don't I don't know
if I can say the same about Alyssa.
[Michelle] And after a blocking,
y'all know what a moody outside shot
of The Circle means.
[alarm blares]
Oh, a regular alert.
Right now?
Come on, man! You been taking me
on an emotional roller coaster all day!
"Before Alyssa leaves,
she can meet one player."
"Think about who you would like to meet."
Seeing Yu Ling would be interesting.
It's like that throuple
that just betrayed me.
Feel like we need to talk
about why Bru just did her like that.
I mean, we both did her like that
in many ways.
I don't know who she's more mad at.
I could meet Bru, but it sucks that,
like, we had an alliance,
and he still chose Carol over me.
I would be shocked
if Alyssa doesn't stop here
demanding some answers.
"Boom, boom, boom, boom.
What the hell's going on?"
I'm pretty sure Carol's a catfish.
So, it would obviously be
really interesting
to see who she actually is.
If she walks in here
and realizes that the last spot was lost
to a 24-year-old dude
playing his mom in the game,
and she is genuinely herself,
she might be pissed.
Let's do this. I am coming.
"Alyssa is on her way
to meet one of you now."
Oy va voi!
Oh, snap. Okay.
[dramatic music playing]
Tea always helps,
tea always makes somebody feel calm.
My sign says, "How you Bru'in?"
She'll say, "Screw you, buddy."
I don't want her to know I'm a catfish.
She might want tea. Ha! I would spill it.
Oh my God, I have so many dishes.
Child! Is my room and stuff messy?
Alyssa? Good-looking girl. I believe
her to be who she says she is, so
I'm just gonna hide.
Oh my God. This is a bad dream.
Feel like if I sit
with my back to the door,
maybe she'll think that,
because of my long hair, I'm Carol.
-Oh no.
-Alyssa, no!
-[squealing] Hello!
-No! If I hug you, you might slap me.
-Of course not!
-I'm so, so sorry.
-[laughs] It's okay.
I feel so bad!
-Feel free to sit down. Yes.
-I'm gonna sit down.
-Okay, so, first things first
-What the hell was this virus situation?
I don't know, but I had a bad feeling
from the beginning.
I was like,
"Some stuff's about to go down tonight."
I did not like that at all.
I did not like that at all.
-And no hard feelings.
If I had to choose between me and Carol,
I would have a hard time too.
Yeah, the thing that threw me off
from the beginning was,
what was Yu Ling doing?
What happened to us?
When I saw, "Rachel,"
I literally have never cursed more
in my life.
I was like, "What the hell is that?
What happened to the throuple?"
She played me for a fool.
She played both of us for a fool.
Yeah, I feel it now.
Carol, I just had a deep feeling
that, like, if it came down to it,
I had 100% trust in Carol.
I was like, "I'm blocking my mom
or my girlfriend." It was so messed up.
So I think it just came down to the trust
I had in Carol.
-She would she would have done the same.
And I believe
she's a catfish, [chuckles] like totally,
but I don't care that much.
If, like,
we're a great alliance, it's fine.
I was like, "You know what?"
"Carol is 100% a catfish,
but I don't care."
I was thinking about this.
I will say I did cry.
Oh no! God! I'm not gonna sleep tonight.
-No, no, it's okay.
-I'm guilt-stricken.
Listen. Listen. If I were you,
I would have chose Carol. Honestly.
Because Carol has portrayed herself
as being super trustworthy, super loyal.
She showed you her loyalty.
I don't blame you. I really don't.
I was more mad at Yu Ling.
Oh. [exhales]
It's not me.
I guess I'm, like, kind of relieved,
but also, like,
she's probably pissed at me now.
I wonder who she went to see, though.
Sad to see you go, baby girl,
and I wish you nothing but the best.
-[gasps] Our shoes match!
-I know. I said that when you walked in.
-I'm like, "Look at this!"
-I didn't realize that.
-We're Circle soulmates.
-And we're both wearing pink!
I wore the only sweatpants that I have
that are, like, kinda shitty.
Oh, okay. I totally changed for you.
-You did?
-I didn't. No.
-I was gonna be so mad.
-I'm in a tuxedo, waiting.
Oh, I would love that.
That would feel very Bru.
-You are so nice. It's, like, crazy.
-I try my best.
-It's crazy. I think you'll do great.
-You're so sweet.
Every time your name popped up,
the message you wrote was so lovely!
Every time, I was like,
"He's a ray of sunshine!"
I try. I know. It's
it's, uh it's what it is.
-What are your thoughts on Frank?
-It's been bad.
I I came in and couldn't say
nice enough things about him.
I was like, "I love the vibe.
We'd be great friends."
But the question
when he got the Mr. Nice Guy thing
-That wasn't me. I thought it was you.
-Who was yours?
-I got Nathan.
You did?
But it wasn't shade. It would tell me
right away if he was a catfish.
That's tough.
Like, the eagle thing is tough.
He's my bro now. We had a conversation
right before all this started.
We really clicked, and I said,
"I got your back." I think he's real.
-The golf question proved it.
-He's real.
And now I'm just so bummed
because we had such great momentum
of you, me.
Carol, I was close with.
Nathan, getting close with.
-Now, look at the
-I know.
-Imani and Eversen. Like, it's just
-I know.
It felt like
everyone who was leaving made sense.
That's such a bummer
that this virus thing.
-I know. So
-But that's the twist of it.
My final advice is focus on the people
that you know are loyal, like Carol.
Honestly, hang on to her,
'cause she will
she will give you that loyalty right back.
You're gonna do great.
You couldn't have been cuter.
We can still open-mouth kiss
at the end of the game.
Right. Oh my God.
I don't know about Yu Ling.
-She might get left out after this.
-She doesn't have to be invited anymore.
-God. All right. Oh man! This is awful!
-Good luck.
I can't wait to see you later,
at the finale. Be safe.
You did a great job. No hard feelings.
And I will see you soon.
-Watch your back! Take lots of notes!
-Bye, Alyssa. You're the best!
-I miss you already. I'm so sorry, again.
-Ah, It's okay.
-I'll see you soon.
-See you soon.
-Bye, Bru.
[mellow music playing]
He's so hot.
Oh, she was the best!
She was so cool! She was real! Oh!
Oh, that that was awful.
That was excruciating.
[Michelle] Not only has Alyssa gone,
but she's thankfully taken the virus
with her.
The others are going to bed,
and all is peaceful in The Circle.
Let's see how long that lasts.
[Rachel] Okay.
Today has been a day for the books.
Nathan the catfish lives another day.
Thanks for aging me 80 years today.
Goodnight, Circle.
[Trevor] Hasta mañana, Circle!
Circle, girl, good night!
And don't get hacked tomorrow, girl! Shit.
[music fading out]
["Trapped (12" Vocal Regisford Mix)"
by Colonel Abrams playing]
[Michelle] After last night,
Bru will now be able to say
he officially screwed a sex coach
'cause he sent Alyssa home.
And with the virus now gone,
everyone is waking up to one less player,
and one step closer to that 150K.
[all grunting]
Good morning, Circle.
And then there were eight. No more Alyssa.
Circle, you got a little virus yesterday.
You had a little [coughs]
A little cough situation.
What a night last night.
I was on pins and needles,
thinking that it could have been
my last night here,
and my guy Bru,
you came through for me, man.
We gotta work our way all the way through
to the end, and that starts today.
When he chose Carol, my heart just sank.
That, to me, proved
that Bru is not trustworthy.
Oh, oh, I'm trapped
Like a fool, I'm in a cage ♪
I can't get out
You see I'm trapped ♪
Can't you see I'm so confused?
I can't get out ♪
You see I'm trapped
Like a fool, I'm in a cage ♪
I can't get out ♪
All right. Goodbye, Alyssa.
[Michelle] One less suspect
in Nathan's true crime documentary
and one more alert to put him
and all the others back on the case.
I can't get out ♪
"The Newsfeed has been updated!"
I ain't even had my coffee yet, girl!
Oh my God.
Circle, take me to the Newsfeed, please.
"Alyssa has left a message
for The Circle." Oh man.
I'm a little scared 'cause I think
she's gonna be really upset
with the people that she put her trust in,
specifically me and Bru.
Circle, play Alyssa's message.
Hi, guys! It's Alyssa!
I knew it!
I've been 100% real and honest
this whole time.
Haven't told a single lie.
I like her, man.
Like, I knew she was real!
My game plan was
to be extremely strategic,
and take note on every single thing
that every single person said.
I think I managed to do that.
And I think I also managed
to make a couple friends along the way.
Bru, I know that was
an incredibly tough decision.
I totally respect that,
and I know that it wasn't easy.
No hard feelings.
So she name-dropped and said, "Bru,"
basically cleared my name.
She did me one last favor.
I thought that I had built
one particularly strong connection
in The Circle.
And tonight I learned
that that was not the case.
-And that definitely stung a bit.
-[Alex laughing]
I think she just called out Yu Ling there!
[screaming, laughing]
My advice is always expect the unexpected.
You think you know who your alliances are,
but that can change in an instant.
So stay sharp.
I think she should be just as mad at Bru
about that
because he literally chose Carol over her.
Cat's out the bag.
I didn't want her to be out of this game,
but I didn't have
that decision last night.
So I'm glad that my hands are clean.
As bad as it feels to send somebody
as cool as Alyssa home,
we all gotta go home eventually.
I thought she would be more mad
at Bru than anyone else.
[screen chimes]
I need to see whoever the hell
Alyssa went to see last night
because they're about to
That's who I know I gotta keep my eye on.
I think this chat could get really heated.
So, let's get to it, huh?
Message, "I'm so sad to see Alyssa go.
But, Bru, I do appreciate you saving me."
"Alyssa had told me
she had trusted so many people"
"Dot, dot, dot.
I'm shocked nobody chose to save her."
That's right, Momma Carol. God dang it!
I don't know
if she trusted so many people.
I think there was,
like, one person in particular
that she was expecting to save her.
I think Carol is throwing shade
at Yu Ling.
Message, "The Circle chat feels
a lot more empty without Alyssa."
"She always brought the spice,
kept it real, and was 100% herself."
"I'm not gonna lie. She was
one of my strongest connections here,
and I wanted to save her so badly."
"A little surprised
she didn't come to see me
and slap me in my face. LOL."
Oh, that that My blood's boiling.
You say she's one
of your strongest connections
when she was somebody
who was here since day one,
we connected on, like, day one,
and you saved somebody
who came in a few days ago.
I just I don't really believe
a word she's saying now.
This is Like, there's just so much
phony shit going on.
Message, "I miss
that beautiful face already."
"I was faced
with the impossible decision last night
of choosing
between my two favorite people,
and I did
what I felt was right deep down."
"Alyssa came and visited me last night."
"I thought she was gonna slap me,
but instead, she was an absolute joy."
[Yu Ling] "I'm so glad we're on good terms
and ended the night
with the biggest bear hug."
"Red heart. #AlyssaIMissYa."
Well, at least we know
that Alyssa came to see Bru.
Message, "Bru, I totally can see
how that was tough."
"But you've always gotta
follow your heart."
"So damn glad that virus is gone. LOL."
Message, "Bru,
I definitely didn't envy you last night."
"I really thought Alyssa had more people
to have her back. #AbsolutelyGutted."
"But so happy you got to meet
that hottie in person. Fire emoji."
Yu Ling is like, "Bru,
Alyssa needed her knight in shining armor,
and where were you last night?"
So Yu Ling's trying to throw the attention
back onto Bru.
Yu Ling's a little mastermind here.
She is diverting this whole thing.
I don't play dirty
unless you give me a reason to play dirty.
And even then, I'm just keeping it real.
Like, this is me saying,
"Get your act together
because I see everybody for who they are,
and if nobody else can see that,
get some fucking glasses."
Message, "I can't help but feel like
a lot of trust has left our group
after this virus. Period."
"I'm sure making the decision
to save someone isn't easy,
but seeing how everything unfolded
really shows a lot to me."
Oh my God!
Oh my God!
Girl, let it go, girl.
This is a game.
You cannot trust everybody.
And people don't even feel like
they can trust you.
I like this side of Carol!
Message, "Carol, read the room.
We're all hurting that Alyssa is gone."
[sighs] "Given the gravity
had to do last night,
I don't think it defines who is
and who isn't trustworthy."
Oh my God, Yu Ling!
"defines who is
and who isn't trustworthy."
It most definitely does.
It most definitely does.
Hey, Yu Ling, grow up. Message
Oh, Carol's typing! Carol's responding.
This could be the start of a Circle war!
"Neither Alyssa or I had
to make any decision. Period."
"Would've been interesting
to see who she would've saved."
"But she didn't get the chance." Oh!
Shots fired!
[imitating siren]
Call the medic!
Carol, you are an aficionado
with words, 100%.
Carol's basically saying,
"Alyssa would have saved you, Yu Ling,
but you didn't save her."
I did not anticipate
being so catty in the chat.
But if there is one thing
I have learned throughout all of this,
it's to not be quiet.
I'm glad we're ending on that mic drop.
Internalize that feeling, Yu Ling,
because you're the one
who has to feel like crap.
You have to know a friend is gone
because you made a decision.
And that is the end of Alyssa.
God, that hurts.
I love it, love it, love it.
What a great start to my morning!
People are fighting,
and Nathan is chilling. [laughing]
[Michelle] Chaos and breakfast?
Wow! You just eating it all up.
[chill music playing]
It's afternoon in The Circle,
and after all those tactics,
Rachel's finally relaxing
with a tactical board game.
I would probably be the knight.
[Michelle] And it seems like
she's also talking Circle tactics.
An effective player,
but really can only move
in certain directions.
Doesn't have full reign of the board yet.
Look at this.
We have two new players
whose connections
are completely up for grabs right now.
This is good.
[Michelle] While Nathan hashes things out,
someone wants to do the same with Bru.
Good luck, my dude.
[screen chimes]
Oh God.
Oh, Yu Ling.
"Yu Ling has invited you
to a private chat."
[groans] What do you want,
Yu Ling? [laughs]
Can't you let me heal for a second?
All right.
[suspenseful music playing]
Circle, take me
to Yu Ling's private chat, please.
I wanna talk to Bru
because I don't want him to just be like,
"Yu Ling is the worst person ever."
And I kinda wanna just know
where his head was at
as to why he then decided
to save Carol instead of Alyssa.
What the hell happened?
He's probably thinking
the same thing to me.
Message, "Hey, love."
"I know last night was brutal,
pun intended, in parentheses."
"I've been in your shoes,
so I understand how heartbreaking
that decision was to make for you."
"Alyssa was in our throuple
and trust bubble,
so I want you to know it was
just as painful for me to see her go."
Message, "I know
you may have both been shocked
at who I chose
to pass the antivirus on to last night."
"But I was really banking on
the ripple effect
saving those I cared about most."
"To be honest, I'm super confused
as I was so confident you would save her."
"I understand I may be coming
from a place of compromised trust."
"I wanna gauge where your head is at
and how you're doing. Heart emoji."
It's like she's flipping it onto me.
[mocking voice] "I thought you were gonna
save her. I thought you"
What if I didn't get saved?
Why would you risk that?
Message, "Hi, Yu Ling.
I'm just as confused as well."
"I think the difference was that
I knew the seriousness of the situation."
"And that I had to absolutely pick
someone I trusted completely."
"I was shocked with your pick."
"I thought the #Throuple
was the strongest alliance in here."
Bru, "When you picked somebody
other than myself or Alyssa,
my trust in the throuple and the strength
of that alliance was in question."
"That's why I ultimately decided
on Carol."
"Where did the Rachel thing come from?
Question mark."
My trust and my loyalty lies with Frank.
And yesterday I had to earn Frank's trust
by choosing Rachel.
"I chose Rachel
because I knew I was early on,
and thought she would be most at risk
since she's a new player."
"I had full faith she would've chosen
either you or Alyssa,
and the #Throuple would have
still been intact." I don't buy that.
When did they start a bond so strong
that it outweighed the throuple?
Message, "I just think
saving your closest people
was the only way to go about
last night's antivirus blocking."
"It was too much of a risk
playing a strategy game
in hoping your 'strongest alliances'
made it through."
"I'm still really glad
you're here, though."
"Where does this leave us?"
I 100% understand
where Bru is coming from.
Like, I I knew that choosing Rachel
would have caused that upset.
Message, "I hear you completely."
"I did what I felt was right
in the moment and followed my heart."
"I'm so glad you're here too."
"I want you to play your game
as true to your gut as possible."
"Follow your instincts
and trust yourself."
"You still got a bestie in me,
parentheses if you want it. LOL."
"I can only hope this context repairs
a bit of the broken bridge between us."
"#IBelieveInBru. #BruGotThis.
Which I still think is garbage [laughs]
that she, like, only saved Rachel
'cause she thought she'd be blocked,
but I do think there's a chance
to repair this a little bit,
at least for my game.
Message, "Yu Ling, I appreciate
you reaching out and adding this context."
"Me opening up to you the other day
was my way of showing that I trust you,
and I think we can still have
that connection if you want. LOL."
"I told you I thought
we'd be besties in real life,
and I still mean that in The Circle."
"#YuGotAFriendInMe. #CantLiveWithoutYu."
[gasps, sighs]
So he really was being genuine.
This feels sincere to me.
I think we can still have that connection.
I really do.
[relaxed music playing]
I'm being nicer than I
I feel I should be.
I'm just trying
to repair this relationship,
at this point, for the sake of my game.
I feel like Yu Ling
has got a lot of support.
She'll probably be an influencer.
So I hope she takes that
as she can still trust me as well.
Any reservations I had lingering with Bru
are out the window,
because him opening up to me
was his way of showing that he trusts me.
And that fully feels so good.
[upbeat music playing]
[Michelle] After a fiery goodbye message
from Alyssa and a heated group chat,
there's one word to describe
the temperature in The Circle right now.
[Michelle] Let's send something in
that will make them even hotter.
[screen chimes]
-"Fast Food"?
What does that mean?
Y'all bringing me some fast food?
Y'all got my favorite fast food? Hey!
Oh, I'm ready for a game.
I need this in my life.
Okay, we have a peach
and an eggplant emoji.
We all know what that means. [giggles]
I do love fast food, honey.
"Players, it's time to stand up
and get those feet moving"
"as you take part
in The Circle's Fast Food race."
Oh God.
Oh, I'mma win. I'm definitely gonna win.
Hoping this doesn't expose Nathan
as not as much of a fitness junkie
as he claims to be.
[Michelle] Players will be split
into Team Eggplant and Team Peach.
It's legit an eggplant! [laughs]
[Michelle] Clue's in the title, honey.
On Team Peach is Bru,
Carol, Eversen, and Frank.
It's giving peach, peach. Shit.
[Michelle] And Team Eggplant, we have
Imani, Nathan, Rachel, and Yu Ling.
This eggplant is one Yu Ling.
That is gonna be a struggle for her.
Okay. Yeah!
[Michelle] The teams are ready.
Now all they gotta do
is attach their step monitors
and start running.
They'll try to win for their team
but also not give their game away.
Lookin' at you, catfish.
[shouting] Team Eggplant!
[Michelle] The team that runs the furthest
combined distance gets a trophy.
I'm gonna do a combination
of real sport and slight cheating.
"On your mark."
[snarls] I'm already set!
-[Trevor] Let's get it!
[Alex] Whoo! [panting]
Carol, Frank, Eversen,
come on! Pick it up!
I gotta keep, like,
a respectable Carol pace.
This is super hard!
Pretty sure Bru will take our team.
He seems like he's in very good shape.
Oh, I'd love to see the other team
right now. Lugging around a big eggplant.
We can make a dance out of this. Bow! Bow!
I need to prove [panting]
that Nathan is into fitness.
Yu Ling's little feet better be like
Frank, I hope
you're getting your march on too.
I don't like to lose!
Somebody check on Christmas Carol!
I think we're at a good pace
for Carol pace right now.
This is the longest eggplant
I've ever encountered in my life.
I'm on a roll! Turn around and stroll.
"Five minutes to go!"
Pick it up, Team Peach!
Ma, it's the last five minutes.
You're comin' with me.
Well, I better give it my all.
This is the best workout I have gotten
in over ten years.
I'm not stoppin' till that timer's up.
[burps] I'mma throw up.
[Eversen vocalizes]
-"Time's up."
-"Time's up!" All right, Ma. We did it.
[groans] Great job, Team Peach.
Ah! Nice taste of victory.
[playful music playing]
-[Alex] All right. "The results are in."
-"The results are in."
Come on, Team Peach!
Team Peach, let's go, baby!
[Michelle] Hold up,
'cause before those team results,
the players are gonna each learn
the distance they ran individually.
I am just hoping
I didn't make a fool of myself.
[Michelle] For Team Eggplant,
Yu Ling is told she ran 1.08 miles.
Rachel sees she covered 0.64 miles.
That feels like a lot.
Nathan did 0.45.
And Imani,
aka the personal trainer Trevor,
ran 0.41 miles.
For Team Peach,
Everson is told he covered 0.57 miles.
I like it!
Bru, 0.54 miles.
What? Only half a mile?
Carol, 0.52 miles.
And Frank, 0.37 miles.
[Michelle] Now,
we reveal each team's results,
but individual records
will remain anonymous
Come on, Team Peach!
which may be a relief to some.
I'm not naming names,
but I'm talking about you, Nathan.
We did two miles.
Wow! Someone did more than me.
I'm gonna guess Eversen.
Peach one. [grunting]
Point 52, I think
my mom could've achieved that.
I was the only one
that was really far behind.
But I just don't see
how a 63-year-old woman
did more walking than me.
I'm hoping we've done enough
to beat Team Eggplant.
-All right, I feel like we can beat that.
-Okay, moment of truth.
-[Trevor] Whoa!
-[Rachel] Wow!
Yo! I carried our team!
Oh my God.
1.08 miles, that has gotta be Nathan.
Okay, if they literally think
that Nathan ran 1.08 miles,
I'm gonna be so mad.
"Therefore with an extra distance
of 0.58 miles covered"
"Team Eggplant are the winners!"
-We won. We won. No thanks to Nathan.
Congrat Oh, I can't clap. Oh.
Well played. Great game.
"Team Eggplant, your trophies are ready
to collect now!"
[Yu Ling gasps, giggles]
I will cherish this
for the rest of my days.
[shouting] Fast Food race champions!
Team Eggplant!
Obviously, coming out of this
as a bruised peach,
it just hurts.
I find it real interesting
that all the other peaches were close,
Carol, Bru, Eversen.
I feel like Carol should've been
a little slower
if she's really a 63-year-old woman.
I just don't see it.
[Michelle] Nathan is using downtime
after the game
to remind himself of who he is,
or at least, who he's pretending to be.
Nathan is a golfer.
So I need to make sure
I remember these terms
and keep them in the proper order
because I almost slipped up big-time.
[Michelle] Elsewhere in The Circle,
someone's teeing up a group chat.
[Rachel] I wanna start a group chat
with Imani and Yu Ling.
And I think this is a good opportunity
for all of us to just kind of like,
connect, and meet, and have a little fun.
[screen chimes]
"Rachel has invited you to a group chat"?
Circle, take me
to Rachel's group chat, please.
[lighthearted music playing]
Ah. Yu Ling. Hey, okay!
I'm feeling like Yu Ling
is really a powerful player in this game.
Obviously, she's got a relationship
with Rachel.
Frank saved her yesterday.
So she's got a relationship with Frank.
I gotta move really smart here.
Just a girls' chat. I love that.
Message, "My Eggplant ladies.
Eggplant emoji."
"Good job bringing home that win today."
"I wanted all of us
to get in a chat together
because Imani,
I loved your energy when we spoke,
and Yu Ling is one
of my absolute favorite people in here."
"I just really thought
y'all would vibe off each other."
Oh! [shouting] Rachel!
Message, "OMG, we killed it today.
That win felt so good."
"I don't think I've ever been so happy
to see an eggplant emoji in my life."
"Crying laughing emoji."
Message, "LOL, Imani. So true."
"I typically avoid eggplant emojis
at all costs because Dot, dot, dot."
"are we still dating men
in this economy?"
"Unfortunately, the answer is yes.
Crying laugh emoji."
Message, "At this point, girl,
I have my days
where I'm just about ready to give up
on all men. Laughing face emoji."
"I gotta admit that Eversen
is looking foine in his profile pic."
As soon as I saw Eversen's profile,
he's, like, the perfect guy for Imani.
I think he could be Imani's biggest,
biggest, biggest ally
just on the strength of flirting alone.
Message, "Imani,
have you talked to him one-on-one yet?"
"Should Rachel and I play matchmaker?"
Oh, I love that.
I'm here to play matchmaker.
That's literally in my blood.
I'm gonna be really, really,
really smart about this.
I'm not gonna give too much away.
Message, "Eversen and I
already had a chance to talk,
and all I'm gonna say is Dot, dot, dot.
I like where this is going."
"Sparks emoji. Winky-face emoji."
And send.
Oh, I like that, Imani.
Message, "Yu Ling, how's the chat
with Nathan these days?"
"Was that just jokes? Because if"
"not, I lowkey love it!"
This is good. Like, I'm liking this.
It's, like, fun to talk about girly shit
with girls.
Message, "Rachel, so originally,
it was kind of all jokes,
but then suddenly he gave me attention,
and I am somehow totally obsessed."
[Rachel] "That baby's got game.
Ooh, I love it!
[mocking] She like her some Nathan!
Go for it,
but don't be upset when you find out
you're talkin' to Nathan's dad
or something like that.
[Michelle] Or a banker named Alex,
but yeah, same vibe.
Message, "Y'all!
Exclamation point, exclamation point."
"I am so here for this #CircleSetup."
"I am ready, willing, and able
to be wingwoman for both of you."
"#ShootYourShot." Send.
That is so sweet, Rachel.
Message, "If you don't slide
into that boy's DMs,
I'll be so disappointed." And send.
Message, "You know what?"
"Perhaps I will have to slide into his DMs
once again. Side eye emoji." Send.
Message, "Rachel, anybody y'all want
to send a peach emoji to in The Circle?"
Message, "The guys here are lovely,
but I just haven't felt that,
stars emoji, pull, stars emoji."
I like Rachel.
I think she's adorable.
Message, "Aw, Rachel, boo,
I know nobody comes
in The Circle looking for love."
"But what's your type?"
[Rachel] Message, "I like a nerd."
"Somebody who knows
how to build a computer."
"Crying laughing emoji." Send.
[laughs] It's so true,
and it's so embarrassing.
Ha, ha! Aw.
I am very fluid in my sexuality.
It's really, for me,
about, like, a spiritual connection,
an emotional connection.
Message, "I'm so happy
we all got to connect tonight."
"Y'all have brought my mood way up."
"Laughing. #GirlsRoom." Ooh!
Aw. That was cute.
Message, "Rachel, I couldn't agree
with you more."
"This was the chat my spirit needed."
"Let's do this again. Heart emoji."
[inhales] That makes me so happy.
This is, like,
my first actual, like, all-female chat.
They do not think
they're talking to a guy at all.
Great job, Trev. Great job.
[upbeat music playing]
[Michelle] It's evening in The Circle,
and Bru is pushing himself
to his ultimate athletic limit.
[Michelle] Frank, true to form,
is being just a little bit extra.
[screaming] Score, baby! Yes, sir!
[Michelle] And while Frank
is giving Mariah Carey
a run for her money,
Eversen's about to hit up
our own Circle diva.
I wanna talk to Carol.
I wanna let her know
that I'm glad she's still here.
They tried to call her a catfish,
and she snatched that catfish comment up
and fried it, baby. So, I like that.
So, you know what?
Circle, invite Carol to a private chat.
[screen chimes]
"Eversen has invited you
to a private chat."
Oh, this is huge!
Let's talk, Eversen.
Let's get a deal made,
and let's make sure
that you and I both feel safe
if either one of us ends up
on top of this game.
Message, "Christmas Carol!"
"Exclamation point.
Smiley face with the teeth out."
"During the photo leak, someone tried
to accuse you of being a catfish,
and I loved the way you handled it."
[John] "When you spoke about being
yourself, that resonated with me."
"I really wanted to save you last night.
However, it had to be a joint decision."
This is an absolutely stellar start.
He's buying what I'm selling.
So, that makes me feel really good.
It makes me feel like
he thinks I'm exactly who I say I am.
Message, "Christmas Carol!
Exclamation point."
"I absolutely adore that. I appreciate
you saying you wanted to save me."
"I'm so happy that I'm still here,
and I'm sure making that decision
was very difficult."
"Regardless, I'm glad to get a chance
to get to know you better."
I feel like it makes her feel
that her words were heard.
They didn't fall on deaf ears.
And me being new lets her know
that this is the impression
that she's made on me.
Message, "I see you with a glass of wine."
"Do you have any drunk stories?
Laughing face emoji."
You know, my mom, she's been known
to have her glass of wine
every now and again.
So, we could definitely
have a good story here.
We could have a good chat.
Judging by this picture,
she was probably like,
"Me and my husband,
we were out at this bar,
visiting our family over in Italy,
and we hadn't been there in so long,
and the the wine there's so much stronger
'cause it's made right there."
Message, "As a matter of fact,
I do have a pretty good drunk story
if I do say so myself. Winky-face emoji."
"My family and I were on a trip"
What did I say? [laughs]
What did I tell you?
I told you she was gonna be on a trip
to Italy! Oh my God!
Message, "I thought the waiter was cute,
so I tried to set him up with my daughter,
even though I don't speak Italian.
Laughing face emoji."
"After our meal, I snuck a quick selfie
with the waiter's butt,
and sent it to my family
that was sitting at the table with me
with the message, quote,
'Cute waiter's butt,' end quote."
"We went back to the restaurant.
He remembered me and"
"started pointing at his butt."
"I'm so glad I get to chat with you.
I knew you were gonna be fun."
"If I had a nickel
for every cute butt picture
that's been taken of me,
I'd be a millionaire.
Laughing face emoji."
That's so funny, dude, like
I'm glad that we're bonding like this
over butts, I guess. I don't know.
Message, "Eversen!
Exclamation point, exclamation point."
"You've given off such a positive energy
since you've been here. #EversonEnergy."
Yeah. That's my Oh!
That's my new hashtag.
#EversenEnergy. I like that!
Message, "#EversenEnergy. I love that."
"I just want to let you know
that you have a friend in E."
"I'm so glad you are safe
and still part of The Circle."
"#Christmas Carol. #EversenEnergy."
We're right back in the game.
Just when you think you had Carol down,
we're right back with a number.
Message, "I've got a friend in E,
and you've got a friend in me.
Heart emoji."
"I'm so excited to see
where our friendship takes us."
"#ChristmasCarol. #EversenEnergy."
I feel like I've definitely made an ally
out of Carol tonight.
All I know is I got Eversen now,
makes my alliance a group of three people.
We are so close to controlling
at least half of the game,
and if we can do that,
we are marching to the end.
[Michelle] Looks like catfish Carol
is already popping that Chianti, honey.
And Frank's in high spirits too,
as he hits up Imani
after she saved him yesterday.
[screen chimes]
"Frank has invited you to a private chat."
Let's see what he got to say.
[Frank] I am a girl's type of guy.
So I know that the two things
that a good ol' girl like
is a good ol' glass of wine or a drink,
and you telling them how fine they are.
Message, "Baby, I have been waiting
to catch up with you."
"Hands to the sky emoji."
"First, thank you so much
for extending me the antivirus software
along with Eversen."
"I owe you and him both
a good ol' glass of wine."
"Second, you are absolutely gorgeous."
"And I knew we were gonna get along
like two peas in a pod."
"How is everything going
in The Circle for you?"
The pure, genuine side of him is just
coming right through the screen at me.
Like, I really like Frank.
Message, "Hey, boo."
"I have been literally dying
to talk to you."
"It was such an easy decision
for Eversen and I."
"You are a whole mood,
and you made a great impression
on the two of us."
Well, baby, thank you!
Message, "When I first got here,
my head was spinning."
"But so far, my time has been great."
"Love your profile, especially the part
about tequila and brunch."
And I know that's right.
I know my kind of girl.
I know, and that's her, period.
I would love
to see Imani and Frank go out.
We'll probably light the city up!
Message, "Wow. I am so glad you are here."
"I have been a little homesick,
but you are definitely reminding me
of some of my good girls
I have back home."
"I can tell that you are a genuine person
with a great heart."
I love that. I love that, man.
Message, "Now what's the dating life like
in New York?"
"'Cause I know they are all over you.
#FightingThemOffLikeFlies." And send.
Ah, here we go.
Frank wants to get into relationship talk.
When it goes into how Imani talks
or what she says,
I'm like,
"Okay, how would maybe my wife say this?"
But there's also the human feeling aspects
of it, where it's gotta be me
because otherwise,
it won't come through as genuine.
Message, "Boo, I got so much going on,
I don't have time for these dudes."
"Would've been nice
at this point in my life
to have settled down,
but it just hasn't happened that way."
[Frank] "What about you?
Anybody special in your life?"
No, ma'am. No, ma'am.
No ham, no turkey, no bacon.
Message, "Dating in the gay community
and being my size
has always been very challenging for me."
"I used to settle
because I didn't feel like I was worth it,
but now being more confident than ever,
I'm just waiting on the universe
to give me what I deserve."
Oh yeah, honey. Yeah, 'cause, baby,
even the last Pringle in the can get ate.
You might have
to turn that thing upside down, baby,
but you gonna eat it,
and, baby, somebody going to eat me.
Ooh, that is inappropriate, Lord.
Message, "I couldn't imagine
how hard that must've been for you."
"But the fact that you found
your confidence is everything."
"#SelfLove." Send.
Yes, it is, sis. Yes, ma'am.
We love ourselves over here.
And I hope you love yourself even more
because, baby, if we don't love ourselves,
who the hell else will?
Message, "I have no doubts
you're gonna find the love you deserve,
but if you don't, you'll always have me.
#Besties. #WeTooGoodForTheseHoes."
And send.
I didn't even know I could say hoes. Okay!
Hell yeah!
We too good for these hoes, honey.
If I don't have a man,
and she don't got a man,
we can go to Sunday brunch
when we need to.
Message, "You are absolutely right.
"I'm really glad
I got to catch up with you."
"It feels like
we've known each other for life."
"Super thankful that you are here now."
"Feels like you were sent here
just for me."
How do you read that shit
and not feel good?
If you don't like this guy,
you don't have a soul. That's how I feel.
Imani, I am so thankful for you.
That was our first chat,
and I'm sure it will not be our last.
As I talk to people,
and, you know, I I I say certain things
that make them feel a connection to Imani,
they have no clue that I'm back here,
pulling strings.
If I do feel bad, it's only for a second.
I may look different,
but I feel everything,
and that's what's most important
if you ask me.
[Michelle] Oh, someone's been reading
How to Catfish 101.
But while everyone else turns in
for the night
-I said goodnight, Circle!
-Love you, Circle.
-[Trevor] I will see you in the morning!
-[Rachel] See you tomorrow!
[Michelle] there's one player
who doesn't have bed on her mind.
Or maybe she do.
[screen chimes]
Oh! Okay.
Yu Ling has invited me to a private chat.
I have a feeling Yu Ling is not here
to talk a whole lot
about the game at the moment.
What is the most terrifying pickup line?
Yu Ling just sent one emoji.
Message, "Running emoji."
[Alex] What is going on?
She's just sending me emojis.
I don't understand that at all.
I have a plan. I know where it's going.
"Oh my God. I'm so sorry.
My dog just has a mind of its own."
"I can't believe it ran into this chat."
"Oh, hi, Nathan. Fancy seeing you here.
How's your night?" [chuckles]
Okay, gotta put myself in the mind
of a 22-year-old, horned-up boy.
Message, "Who would have thought"
No, no, no. Sorry. "OMG." Let's go back.
"OMG, how lucky that I caught your dog
before he ran away!"
"Funny you mention it.
My night is going fantastic."
"I'm chilling in bed thinking
about how it would be so much better
with someone else here.
Kissy face emoji!"
[singing] Boy!
Ugh. It feels so wrong.
Message, "How about I slip
into something a little more comfortable?"
[Alex] "I'll be right over. Eyes emoji."
Oh my God! What the hell!
Oh. Okay, we got this. Message,
"What have you got on right now?"
"Question mark, question mark.
Eyes emoji, eyes emoji." Send.
Oh sheesh!
Well, I'm not gonna say
what I actually have on. Heh.
"To be honest, not much.
Just a lacey bra and a thong"?
[chuckles] Oh my God!
[chill music playing]
I want him to be obsessed with me.
Message, "To be honest,
sounds like you have more on than I do."
"Winky emoji." Send.
Oh! Winky! Okay.
[groans] This is so cringe!
This is not how I normally talk to people!
Circle, take me to my albums.
Circle, take me to Styuling.
Circle, open the top left photo.
That's, like, a hot pic.
[inhaling] $150,000.
[inhaling] $150,000.
Just keep reminding yourself of that.
Message, "I'll show up to your door
in this outfit,
and then, let you take
whatever you want off? Question mark."
[laughing nervously]
What have I gotten myself into?
[Michelle] Come on, boy.
You know what you've gotten yourself into.
Don't leave the lady waiting.
Uh, Circle, take me to my private albums.
Let's check out Muscles Galore.
I'm thinking maybe the middle one.
Message, "Goddamn!"
"Since you are in the sharin' mood,
here's something for you." Send.
Ah! What the hell? What the hell?
Circle, open that goddamn photo!
[shouting] What the hell?
I have not flirted like this
in my life in a long time.
If that means she wants
to keep Nathan around longer,
that is perfect for me.
[clears throat]
Message, all caps, "Sheesh!"
"You mean to tell me you've been hiding
this photo the entire time?"
Oh my God. What?
[sighs] All right. Message, "I'm not sure
how I'm supposed to sleep after this,
but I know I'll be dreaming of you.
Devil emoji." Send.
Message, "I can't wait Dot, dot, dot."
"I know those will be very sweet dreams,
but mine might be a little dirty."
"Guess I'll have to stop calling you baby
and start calling you daddy. Good night."
I think I might have just gotten myself
a little Circle boyfriend.
This is what we gotta do, play the part.
Poor Yu Ling.
If she's really into Nathan,
she is not gonna be happy
to figure out he's not real.
[theme music playing]
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