The Unit s04e09 Episode Script

Shadow Riders

Snake Doc, decoy's off.
Roger that.
See you at the R.
What do you mean, I have the horse? His owner, Chief Haji, told the groom's envoy you have the horse Sahar must ride.
For the marriage to take place Sahar must arrive on her father's championship Buzkashi horse.
Our job is to deliver the bride to the groom's village, period! Nobody said anything about a horse! Your government work hard to broker peace between the Kom and the Gujjar.
You want a truce or not? What's the holdup? Seems we're short of some transportation.
Still here.
We're talking about a horse.
Look, we got about 10 hours to get to the groom's village before the Taliban gets hip to our decoy and the only way to make it that fast in this terrain is in the Land Rover.
If you want the truce to stand, this marriage between the two tribes must take place.
For the marriage to take place, Sahar must arrive on her father's Buzkashi horse.
This is tradition.
Cannot be violated.
All right.
Her father's horse-Where is it? He lost it- two days ago, in wager.
Groom's representative, his envoy, is here to make sure all protocol is correct.
He cannot learn the horse is gone.
- And you want us to get the horse? - You must get the horse.
Where is it? I should've stayed in dental college.
State Department is relying on our well-honed diplomatic skill.
I really don't want to die for some horse.
Well, we gotta buy it before we die for it.
- How much you got? - 60,000 bukars.
I got 80,000.
Should be enough.
Betty Blue, stand by.
Well, where's the nearest A.
M? Betty Blue, I need you now.
Let's go get our horses.
We've had a breakthrough thanks to Kim and Ms.
Seems Kim's new employer is our new person of interest.
- Isaac Reed.
- Yeah.
Documents she found in his office.
Reed has the routing and account numbers for three U.
banks and one in Dubai.
He's the money launderer for the terrorists.
- So he was involved with the assassinations? - We believe so.
I want Kim out of that house.
It's vital we maintain the link to Isaac Reed, and right now, that's Kim.
So let's figure out how she can help you get inside.
So Kim said to the other mother " When your child stops licking the walls I'll heed your advice and take away Ella's pacifier.
" - Oh.
Your wife is a godsend, Bob.
- Well- What can I say? I'm smitten with your child.
- Ah, I got this one.
- No, no, no.
Let me.
- I insist.
It's on me.
- You sure? Yeah.
Look at that.
- Thanks so much.
- Sure.
- So Kim tells me you want to talk business.
- Yes, that's right.
- How is AeroDyne Alliance? - Sales have doubled in sunny California.
Not that I see much of it, doing international sales.
Be nice if you were home more often.
But then who'd pay for your shoes and dresses, darling? Our big problem at the moment is that our leather importer has been dropping the ball lately.
- It's delayed 30% of our orders.
- That's not good.
In a white glove business like ours, it's a disaster.
We're looking for someone new.
I might be able to help you out.
I'll take all the help I can get.
I'm sorry, sir, but your credit card was declined.
- Just run it again, huh? - Sir, we did.
- That's not right.
Let me make a call.
- Bob- Guys, why don't you let me get this one? You can get the next one.
That should cover it.
- Thank you.
- This is embarrassing.
- No, it happens to us all.
- I'm done with this card.
I'm gonna cancel it right now.
Kim, you ready to go? - Isaac, nice to meet you.
- Oh, it's a pleasure.
All right.
Let's go.
Saddle up, Red Ryder.
- Need some help there, soldier? - I got it.
You've always remarked it's the pointless missions that get you the bullet in the back.
Have I told you I don't really like horses? Well, cheer up.
We're going to a wedding.
Hyah! # Give me your secrets Bring me a sign # # Give me a reason to walk the fire # # See another dawn # # Through a daughter's eyes # # You give me a reason to walk the fire ## Does it bother you sending a little girl off to marry a 40- year-old with two wives already? It would if I thought about it.
Bother you, Carlo? Dude, who are we to meddle in the cultures of this ancient land? The groom must be very excited to marry such a young and pretty bride.
Sahar is fortunate.
This marriage will elevate her status.
- Her father is not who he seems to be.
- Is that so? I'm fully aware the stallion she rides was purchased by you and the American government.
It doesn't belong to Chief Haji.
This means he does not have the power or stature he would have others believe.
Such would be grounds for my chief to cancel the marriage contract.
Well, I trust it won't come to that.
The truce is unprecedented.
You desire it because my chief will prevent attacks on your soldiers.
I, because it is the first step toward peace in these mountains.
So I'm very much in favor of the truce.
At what price? A small one-a million Afghani.
Well, that's a lot of money.
My chief will have no reason to learn of the misfortunes of Sahar's father - or the true owner of that horse.
- Aha.
And he will throw in an Al-Qaeda lieutenant.
I know.
Rocks, my 6:00.
I'm on it.
Who are you? You speak English.
Oh, thank God.
- You are American? - No.
I'm Dutch.
I'm an aid worker with World Relief Project.
My name is Lara Beerson.
May I- May I have some water? Easy.
Easy now.
Not so much.
I've been working in a Taku village.
My partner and I went to get supplies, and we were attacked by bandits.
They killed him, and I escaped.
I've been without food and water for two days.
Oh, thank you.
- May I ask who you are? - We're fellow wayfarers.
Pleasejoin us.
We'll get you to safety.
- Get her some food.
- Thank you.
She will slow us down.
And what if she's captured and gives away our position? Better to have a guest than a hostile witness.
- Kim? What are you doing here? - I forgot I had Bobo.
I put him in my bag yesterday when I took Ella to the park.
- She won't sleep without him.
- Ah, thanks.
Hey, it's not much of a day off when you have to see me twice.
I- I also wanted to apologize for my husband's behavior.
He's under a lot of stress.
Excuse me.
I'm sorry.
You were saying your husband was under a lot of stress? - take your call right now, but we'll get back to you- - You could say it's financial.
This is Joe Landers.
- I'm still looking for Noelle.
I know she works there- - You're busy.
I should get going.
It's not important.
So, what kind of financial problems is Bob having? Look, I shouldn't have said anything.
- I'll see you tomorrow.
- Kim, please.
Tell me what's wrong.
Bob and I, we're- God.
Uh- I believe the phrase is, "having a hard time making ends meet.
" - Isn't AeroDyne taking care of Bob? - It isn't AeroDyne.
Well, what is it then? Bob likes to bet on sports.
He's having a hard time now- has been, for a while.
And that's why you have a job as a nanny? Don't get me wrong.
I love kids.
I'm gonna go, before I start crying in front of you.
You stay here with Ella.
Hey, let me see what I can do to help.
She likes you.
Think her fiancé would approve? How does she fit into our cover as a Wakhi trading caravan? We're Good Wakhi Samaritans- saving a stranded woman.
We'd better get more than an Al-Qaeda lieutenant by the time this trip's over.
He says Arif stole the white horse's jewelry.
It's in his saddlebag.
You see? You see? He's a thief.
That is Zar's championship prize.
It was planted-by him or the woman.
- I'll kill you.
- No, you won't because the wedding would be off and then the truce would be off.
Take it back.
The chief will be proud of your vigilance.
I don't want any more fighting out of you two.
Understood? Get some rest.
We ride at dawn.
I need to talk to you about something.
He would have killed me in my sleep.
We need him alive.
Get some rest.
He left here half an hour ago.
He should be there already.
Maybe he's not coming.
Look, I gotta go.
You, uh- You get back to your job, okay? Bye.
- This is a pleasant surprise.
- Bob.
How you doing? - Bob, your wife told me everything.
- What did Kim tell you? That you have a little habit that's bleeding you both dry.
- Look, the problem is in her head- - How much do you owe, Bob? Who the hell do you think you are? Bob, I'm your fairy godmother.
That's who I am.
I have a client, a very wealthy client who has a private plane that's hangared locally.
He needs some upgrades made to it- carpet, seats, panel lights.
'Bout 200 thou worth of work, but he's willing to pay 800 thou.
What's the catch? He wants absolute anonymity- no names, no questions asked.
You deal only with me.
Plus, you'll have to deliver the plane in 48 hours to Las Vegas, personally.
And for that, he's willing to pay a 400% markup? As soon as the plane is delivered the money will be wired into your company's sales account.
I'll take 50% for my fee, you'll have 10% for your troubles and the rest will go to AeroDyne Alliance who'll make a nice big fat profit on the job.
- And everyone comes out happier.
- And it's all perfectly legal.
The only thing unorthodox is you won't be able to talk about it.
Why me? My daughter's grown very fond of your wife, Bob.
She's like family to us, and I don't like to see her upset.
Maybe I don't like you showing such concern for my wife.
Maybe she should stop working for you.
There are very few golden opportunities in life, Bob.
I'm offering you one.
Would you like it? Yes.
- What? - Yes.
Here's 15,000 for your time.
Consider it a consultation fee.
Is there anything else you'd like to say to me? - Thank you.
- My pleasure.
I know who you are and why you're here.
The girls told me everything.
You're actually delivering a 12-year-old child into a marriage? Well, that's news to me.
You're supposed to help these people.
How can you perpetuate this barbaric practice? Listen, miss.
I'm just a driver.
Do you have children? Daughters? I don't believe you can all be so heartless.
Snake Doctor, this is Kilo Two Bravo.
Kilo Two Bravo, this is Snake Doc.
We just received word that the decoy convoy was attacked by Taliban forces.
- Any casualties? - Two soldiers wounded.
- Did the cover hold? - Negative.
They realized that it was a decoy bride.
- They moved off into your direction.
- Roger that.
Snake Doc out.
Throw the babies to the wolves.
We're traveling light and fast.
We gotta rest these horses soon.
At this rate, we're gonna run 'em into the ground.
We need cover, and we need to ride until we find some.
- What happened? - Hard to say.
Exhaustion, maybe.
Then this is not the Buzkashi champion that played for 10 hours without a break.
I grew up with horses.
There's red around his eyes and he has discharge from his nostrils.
He has an infection.
Let's get you up, Zar.
He needs a vet.
I've seen this before.
Easy now.
There you go.
- Where's the nearest village? - Uh, Omari.
Uh, I know of the horse doctor there, but it's a Taliban village.
Well, what can go wrong there? - Can this horse walk? - Not with any weight on him.
You aren't seriously thinking of going to Omari? This horse dies, the wedding's canceled? - Yes.
- Off we go.
Well, then, should've stayed in dental school.
You're not Dutch.
You behave more like American soldiers.
We've spent time with the Americans.
Perhaps some of their ways have rubbed off on us such as their generosity with whiskey.
It's yours if you want it.
- You're not Taliban.
- I am Pashtun.
- Where are these Americans now? - Help us, and we will tell you.
You should know that the men in this village are looking for a group of American soldiers traveling with a bridal party.
Your horse has a serious infection.
Leave your horse.
Come back at nightfall.
And what if we prefer to wait? Go, if you want your horse to live.
If you're successful, you will be well rewarded-very well.
Excuse me.
Is this Joe Landers? Joe, there's someone here to see you.
My name is Lisa.
I think you might know someone I know.
His name is Isaac Reed.
He's kept this here for months, but he can't remember who it is because ofhis Alzheimer's.
Joe? Did you call this number yesterday and leave a message? - I don't know.
- Who's Noelle? I believe it's his daughter.
He's mentioned her before.
She hasn't returned my phone calls.
But I know she lives with that man.
She's his nanny.
- She's Isaac Reed's nanny? - Yes.
Noelle is Mr.
Reed's nanny.
She used to call me all the time, but she doesn't now.
I mean, it's been weeks.
I can tell you that Noelle isn't Mr.
Reed's nanny anymore.
She left.
Why would she leave without telling me? Did you, uh, report her as missing? I talked to a policeman.
I- He said I was confused and- Noelle, you haven't gotten yourself into trouble again? - Pardon? - Did that Mr.
Reed get you pregnant, huh? You should go now.
He's sundowning.
- What? - It's okay.
He gets more confused - and paranoid at the end of the day.
- But you're not Noelle.
- It's okay.
- No, no.
You're not Noelle.
- Please leave now.
- What have-What have you done with her? It's okay.
It's okay.
This horse has the lines of a Buzkashi champion.
He must rest overnight.
- Come.
I have food and drink.
- We don't have time.
Is the horse good to go? It is a grave insult to refuse Pashtun hospitality.
And if you take the horse now, you will kill him.
This Kabul water is excellent, don't you think? Mmm! This is the first water I've had that was 80 proof.
But we should pay you and not take advantage of your wonderful hospitality.
My friends want to know about these Americans you came across.
Well, there were six soldiers in uniform and they drove a mountain vehicle.
Where? - Bob Cahill.
- You ready, Bob? Let's make this happen.
Ready to go.
Set a heading for Henderson Airport in Las Vegas.
About 30 minutes out, you'll be contacted by my Las Vegas associate Leon Drake at air link support.
He'll give you very specific landing instructions.
Do not speak to anyone but Leon.
He'll confirm his identity by saying, "The gray whales were migrating to Mexico.
" " The gray whales were migrating to Mexico.
" Got it.
If he doesn't say it, cease all communication and return to California.
You understand? - Yes.
- You know, Bob, if this works out we'll have a lot more work together in the future.
Your financial problems will be over.
Very good.
These are Noelle's keys.
I found them in Reed's desk.
I think something happened to her.
- Her father spoke to the police.
- They ignored him because he has Alzheimer's.
Doesn't mean he can't have moments of clarity.
- What's Reed said about her? - Nothing.
Just that she quit without warning right before I started.
- Can you handle this? - I think so, yes.
In the meantime, let me try to find Noelle Landers's whereabouts.
Gulf Sierra 242, this is air link support.
Come in.
This is Gulf Sierra 242.
Bob, it's Leon Drake.
We met before in Cabo, around the time the gray whales were migrating to Mexico? I remember.
Go ahead.
I'm sure Isaac gave you a heads-up.
Here's what I want you to do, Bob.
Drop down to 9,000 feet, set a course 20 degrees due north.
That'll put me out of range for Henderson Airport.
There's been a change of plans.
You're not landing at Henderson.
All right.
Where am I landing? This is the F.
Step out of the plane with your hands in the air.
Come on.
Wake up.
They stole the damn horse! Oh, that hurt.
Okay, you know what? - Hello, Bob.
- Leon Drake.
Actually, it's not, but that's how Isaac Reed knows me.
- So you work for Reed.
- No.
No? Reed didn't send you on this joyride? No.
I work for AeroDyne Alliance.
I'm delivering a customized plane that Reed ordered.
What's this all about? The F.
has reason to believe that Reed and his associates may be involved in illegal activity.
- We've been investigating him for over a year.
- And what have you discovered? Hmm.
Bob Cahill.
Married, no children.
Sales executive for AeroDyne Alliance for the last five years.
The company relocated from Kansas a few months back.
But here's the really interesting thing.
AeroDyne Alliance has been in business for 20 years and yet no one I talk to has ever done business with it.
Who exactly are you, Bob? You're in over your head or AeroDyne Alliance is a C.
You work for the government, Bob? 'Cause if you do, the good news is we're on the same team.
You come clean now, we can still have a couple drinks in the Hurricane Bar before last call.
I work for AeroDyne Alliance.
We customize private planes, from interiors to engines- - How well do you know Isaac Reed? - I don't.
- You don't know him? - I don't know him well.
- He's a customer who placed an order.
That's all I know.
- So this plane is his? I don't know.
He placed an order.
As long as he pays his bills, that's all my company's concerned with.
- How much is he paying you? - I'm not at liberty to say.
Discretion and confidentiality are cornerstones of this business.
So you don't care who you do business with as long as they pay their bills? Oh, come on.
Do you know another definition of capitalism? Look, I may not work for the government but I know that you have no legal authority to hold me here.
You have no flight plan on record, and I'm the only one who knows you're here.
You think your pal Reed's gonna bail you out? Cancel your plans, Bob.
You're in for a long night.
Horse is in the village, behind the mullah's house.
He's got six armed guards surrounding the place.
If we take him by force, the horse might get injured.
Well, then, we don't take him by force.
We need your help.
I don't approve of anything that leads to an underage marriage to what is, in effect, the sale of a young girl.
Listen to me.
When we get the horse back, we'll listen to your objections.
All right? All right.
You'll need these.
What's your plan? - Hmm.
- Watch and be amazed.
You stole my horse.
I had no choice.
The mullah demanded it.
You're lucky I didn't give them enough tranquilizers to kill you.
- Now you're gonna help me get it back.
- What shall I do? The first thing we'll need is rat poison.
Very good.
Mullah! - Well, they're off.
- You think Betty Blue could handle the horse? Horse has a soft spot for intellectuals.
I guess the horse didn't kill him.
Easy now.
- I want that horse.
- Why? - I'm gonna stop that wedding.
- I said we'd discuss it.
You didn't expect me to believe that.
We're trying to save American lives here.
I don't care about American soldiers.
I care about human rights.
You're as guilty of victimizing women as they are.
And you would've left me here to die.
That's why we gave you the gun: to protect yourself just in case something happened to us.
Hold tight, Betty Blue! Now what? Look out! Ah, geez.
Think anybody heard that? Hell, yeah.
- How much farther? - Once we pass the creek bed, the Taliban will not follow.
They dare not risk a fight with my tribe's warriors.
Where's this creek bed? - Betty Blue.
- Got it.
You hear that? They're coming from the north.
Top, we can't outrun that.
You and Dirt Diver take care of'em.
Zar can't run much faster.
Hyah! Here is the creek bed.
The chief and his son are grateful to you for delivering this precious cargo safely during the journey.
You're most welcome.
- You mean to make a fool of me? - I assure you, this is not how she was delivered to me.
When I met her, she was wearing green.
Lara changed the girl's clothes.
She is not pure! She's dressed like an experienced woman! Father, I will not marry this harlot.
There is no truce.
There will be no truce.
You have made this trip for nothing.
Made the trip for nothing.
You don't s- Is there any way we can bring about this truce before we must leave with our horse- a Buzkashi championship horse? Is this horse not the prize possessions of Chief Haji? Chief Haji has given me the authority under certain circumstances, to dispose of this horse.
And those circumstances? This signed truce agreement.
Apiece of paper may be important to you Americans, but it is meaningless to us.
We Pashtuns require a family bond in order for a truce to be binding.
I understand.
Then sadly, we must go with our horse.
The chief's son may not see the importance of this agreement, but the chief does.
He will adopt the girl.
She will live among his family as a treasured daughter! That's fine.
I think that's- But-But I have fallen in love with her and she with me.
And we have exchanged tokens on our trip which amount to an engagement.
I'll come to collect her when she's 18.
If I don't return, then she's free to marry another.
So be it! Gave it a shot.
Last chance, Bob.
Tell us what you know about Reed or you'll be charged as an accessory to a crime.
- There's nothing to tell.
- Well, then you're a criminal.
- No, I'm not a criminal.
- Well, then you work for the government.
If I worked for the government or could tell you something about Isaac Reed that would get me out of this jam, don't you think I'd do it? I'll tell you what I think.
I think we're gonna rough you up, cuff you up and make you do the perp walk downtown in leg irons, for the evening news.
Hello? Congratulations, Bob.
You did it.
The money's just been wired into your account at AeroDyne.
Um, sorry for scaring you, but I hope you understand how crucial it was to vet you before we took this any further.
- You set this up.
- That's right.
Oh, and I understand you were one cool customer.
Didn't give away a single thing.
I'm impressed.
- All right.
So what now? - Now you're free to go home.
There's a car waiting outside.
It'll take you to Vegas for a flight back home.
- No hard feelings.
- No, of course not.
Uh, enjoy your 10%.
See you back in sunny California.
There's no agent of Leon Drake's description at the F.
's Las Vegas field office.
Well, real or fake, he's working for Reed.
Which makes Reed a very dangerous man.
Look, I have his complete trust now.
- You can pull Kim out.
Where is she? - She's at his house.
- Pull her out.
- We pull her out too quick, it may arouse Reed's suspicions.
It's the police.
- You need to get out of there now.
- Why? The police found a body in the Sierras three weeks ago.
Based on your work, they I.
'd it as Noelle Landers.
- She'd been murdered.
- Oh, my God.
- Can you leave? - He's not here.
The baby would be alone.
Look, I'm on my way.
Grab the baby and get out of there.
I didn't know you were back.
- Is everything okay? - Yeah.
Ella just fell asleep.
Come with me.
- They're for you.
- Why? What are you doing? You don't have to play innocent.
I don't know what impression I gave you, but- Kim, you're miserable with Bob.
And him? I practically told him I was falling for you and he picked a big paycheck rather than telling me to go to hell.
Did you do this with your previous nanny? I didn't feel this way about Noelle.
I feel this way about you.
You didn't come on to her? - Absolutely not.
- Mind if I ask her? You know, did I misjudge you? I'm trying to talk about us, and all you want to do is talk about another girl.
Why? I just want to make sure I'm not one in a long string of conquests.
Well, you're not.
Listen, Isaac- I feel the same thing you do, but I'm scared.
I just need some time.

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