True Blood s04e09 Episode Script

Let's Get Out of Here

Come on, Sookie, stay with me.
Come on, please.
Sookie? Sookie? Sookie, drink.
Come on.
I'm so sorry, I should never have let you come tonight.
Then why did you? Werewolf, I'm gonna need you to shut the fuck up.
Come on, drink.
Sookie? - Don't look like she's taking it.
- Because she isn't.
- Does she even have a pulse? - Barely.
Come on.
Well, ain't there anything else we can do? We can pray.
Werewolf and a vampire.
Who's gonna listen? That, I do not know.
- He killed Beverleen.
- The son of a bitch! - She was my favorite ex-sister-in-law.
- What did you bring him back here for? He is under my control.
Tell them, blond one.
- I am yours.
- So fucking cool.
Wash your face.
Bill offered you an olive branch tonight.
Why didn't you take it? Everyone join hands.
We must cast a protective spell against the vampires so we can be safe here.
I said, join hands.
I think I speak for everyone here when I say I don't think this is what any of us signed up for.
Does she speak for everyone? She sure as hell speaks for me.
Not for me.
I didn't know what I was getting into, but I'm pleased as punch that I'm in it.
- Good boy, Roy.
- Thank you, Antonia.
Anybody else? I found this stapled to a lamppost out front.
Tomorrow night we are going to go to this and we are gonna take the blond one with us so the whole world will see what vampires are capable of.
And what we are capable of doing to them.
- Marnie? - My name is Antonia.
Jesus Christ.
Please, I'm begging you.
I got kids.
Nobody leaves.
Or what? Try it, and you'll find out.
You made it.
Where's Eric? Sookie, you were shot.
- You can't still-- - Where is he? I have my men out looking for him.
Now that you're all right I'll go and join them and search myself-- Am I the only one here who thinks this is batshit crazy? Sookie, you just came this close to dying because of fucking fangers.
Every minute that we spend not looking for him-- Fine.
I'm done here.
I'm done.
Bill? Thanks for the blood.
She finally fall asleep? You should go, Sam.
This is not your problem.
Well, what if I want it to be my problem? Trust me, you do not want Marcus to be your problem.
Is that why Emma couldn't get to sleep? She's scared he'll come back? Are you? I ain't leaving.
Well, it'll be worse for everyone if he does come back and you're still here.
Well, then let's nobody be here.
No, I'm trying to teach Emma not to run from her problems.
Well, who said anything about running? I'm talking about the three of us going camping, getting back to nature, and getting back to nature is the 100 percent opposite of running away.
I don't wanna have to wake Emma up.
Just carry her from her bed to the back seat.
She won't know anything till she wakes up to breakfast cooked on a campfire.
If it's sharing a tent that's stopping you, you don't have to worry.
- I am a multiple tent owner.
- Oh, are you? Yeah, I'm kind of a big deal.
- Okay.
- Okay.
From this point they travel to a costume shop.
Now they seem to make some selections at the costume shop.
- Leave-- - Wait.
- For a drink.
It's a very difficult-- - Oh, my God! That is my sister! She gets into his vehicle and it's difficult to see.
They spend some time in there before he gets out, straightens himself up.
On this day we again had our detective outside of Jake's place.
Tonight he leaves-- So then I go over to Jason's house, because I thought maybe he might, like understand what I was going through, but he just kicked me out also.
And this is-- This is the worst day of my life.
I wish I was dead.
Except I am, and it doesn't even matter.
There have been times, I'll admit, when it's occurred to me that maybe I should put my career on hold and become a maker.
But these last several hours here with you have erased those doubts forever.
You are nothing like you are on TV.
Oh, thanks.
I thought it best I go to ground here, what with the Festival of Tolerance event starting so early tomorrow night.
Saw you on the news, by the way.
You did quite well.
Really got in front of the story.
Speaking of, what is the story, my king? What have you gone and fucked up now? I almost hesitate to ask, but lest there be more surprises is there anything else I need to know? Only that Northman is missing.
What? How? Last we spoke, you were about to show him the true death.
I changed my mind.
What a decisive leader you've turned out to be.
We'll have to cancel tomorrow night.
It's possible that Eric has fallen under Antonia's influence, just as Luis did.
Canceling is not an option.
What is so important about this event that you are willing to risk your life? - There are factions within-- - Factions within what? The AVL? The Authority? Unless you tell me, I cannot agree to-- Right now, crews from CNN, VTV, Fox News and bloggers from across the country are already outside the hotel waiting.
What would you have me tell them? Blame the witches.
America's had no problem doing it in the past.
I didn't think it was possible but you actually make me long for Queen Sophie Anne.
I mean, what the fuck, Bill? How did you let it come to this? - It was you that let it come to this.
- I don't see how-- And there is the problem in a nutshell.
Everybody can see it but you.
Beyond tomorrow's headline, you are a blind person.
I would just love for you to say that to my face when I'm not chained in silver.
It's what I've been saying all along.
Bolster security if you feel it necessary but tomorrow's Festival of Tolerance is going forward and the cameras had damn well better find you in a festive and tolerant fucking mood.
Am I understood? Perfectly.
Come on, baby.
We're home now.
We're home now, baby boy.
Yeah, we home.
Oh, my baby.
Lafayette? Get out of my house.
- Get out of my house.
- Man, this ain't your house.
That ain't your baby, either.
That's Mikey.
This is my baby.
Now get out of my house, you.
What the fuck, Lafayette? This my baby.
It's his daddy that came and took him, I know it was.
- Arlene? - Ain't that his daddy, standing right there? Well, why are you treating us like criminals? We didn't abduct our own child.
I'm just trying to get the story straight.
Without it, we got no idea where to look.
Hear that? We're dealing with amateurs.
We're just gonna have to find him ourselves.
I mean, you know, is he here? Is he here? Y'all need to stop touching shit.
- Just look everywhere.
- This here's a crime scene.
- Sons of bitches took my gun.
- They took my son, coz.
Deputy Jason Stackhouse.
J, it's me.
Lafayette just walked through my front door with Arlene's baby - a doll and a gun.
- Arlene? Arlene? Hoyt's got the baby.
I knew that Fortenberry kid wasn't right.
Be right there.
Anything else I need to know? Had one just like him in my platoon, just big and wrong.
He says Lafayette nearly took a shot at him.
- With my gun? - Lafayette took Mikey? Hoyt also said he came running out of the house with no pants on.
- We need to get him pants.
- We don't have time.
Won't take but a minute.
I don't wanna see that shit.
- I'm coming with you.
- You ain't.
Stackhouse, he ain't.
- No.
- Terry.
- Damn it.
- Arlene? - That is my child.
- It's our child.
Our child.
What? It's daytime.
Bill? What are you doing here? Ask Sookie.
It's her dream.
- Sookie? - I don't know what he's doing here.
Yes, you do.
Tell him.
Tell him you never stopped loving me.
Is this true? What? Now everyone can hear everyone? - Is it? - Well, yes.
But it's not my fault.
He gave me his blood.
He gave you his.
- Sookie is mine.
- Eric, don't.
She's mine.
Guys, I don't want you two fighting over me, please.
- I'm 10 times your age.
- And I love her 20 times as much.
Goddamn it, stop.
Thank you.
Now, this is my dream, so both y'all need to shut up and listen to me.
Come on.
Well? What are you waiting for? Get your butts in the living room.
We need to have a little talk.
"Sam, I came to say goodbye but you wasn't here so I'm writing you instead.
I fucked up.
" I'm looking for Sam Merlotte.
He around? - Who's asking? - Name's Marcus.
- Marcus what? - He knows who I am.
Well, he ain't around, Marcus He-Knows-Who-l-Am.
- Who are you? - His brother.
No shit.
Shifter got his self a shifter brother, huh? All right, then.
You give him this, will you? I'll be waiting for him tonight.
You tell him to be there or else he gonna have a bigger fucking problem on his hands than he already got.
I'll be sure and do that.
- Our perp still inside? - Yup.
- The son of a bitch.
- Y'all bring me any pants? Andy got them.
- I forgot.
- You went in the room to get them.
Well, indict me for being a little on edge, why don't you? It's my kin in there.
Stay back.
Lafayette, you in there? Goddamn it.
It's Sheriff Bellefleur, Lafayette.
You sound like a white man, you! You know damn well I'm a white man.
No chances I opening no door for no white man, me.
Open the door, you racist shitbag, or I will open it the fuck up for you.
- Andy? - You hear me? - Hey.
Protocol is to defuse the situation.
- Fuck that.
This situation became pre-undefused the minute that she-male broke into my house.
Lafayette Reynolds, on behalf of Renard Parish the state of Louisiana and Jesus Christ his fucking self - ready or not, here we come.
- What--? Andy! Don't even think about it, Lafayette.
I ain't gonna let you shoot him.
Drop the weapon.
- My weapon.
- Hand over the baby.
Get out of my house.
- Shit.
- Andy, come on, come on.
Fuck! Jesus fuck! Holy shit, you all right? How'd you let him get the drop, Stackhouse? What the hell was I supposed to do, shoot him with the baby in his arms? - Shit.
- Fuck.
What are you doing here? - I told y'all not to come.
- Go away, youse.
I got plenty more bullets, me.
- Why are you doing this, Lafayette? - My name's Mavis.
- He's lost it.
- Mavis? - I'm going in.
No quarter.
- No, no, no, no.
We can't let you do that.
- What the hell, coz? - Let us handle this.
Get the fuck off of me.
Let me go.
- You ain't going nowhere.
- Get off my goddamn arms.
You're jealous because I got a wife and a life and a baby to love and you got nothing and nobody.
How'd you get so fucking strong? Come here, bunny.
She seems to have forgotten all about last night's drama.
What is it, Sam, do you need to hear me say it? I'm a weak man, Luna, I kind of do.
You were right.
This is a great idea.
You're the best.
That's what I'm talking about.
At school, we have this regular bunny.
She lets you hold her.
These nature bunnies, all they do is run away.
That's because nature bunnies are smart and like to exercise.
- School bunnies are fat and lazy.
- We don't say "fat.
" - Oh, sorry.
- It's okay.
I hope I turn out to be a shifter instead of a werewolf.
Where'd that come from, bug? Because if I'm a shifter, one day I can be my own bunny and pet myself whenever I want.
Emma, whatever you wind up being is what you're supposed to be and you're perfect, understand? Why are you getting all serious for? I just wanna pet a bunny.
Girl wants to pet a bunny.
I'm gonna go catch her that bunny.
Give me a minute.
One minute.
Come here, little guy.
- He's so cute.
- Isn't he? I could be dreaming about anything.
I could be swimming with dolphins or eating a whole pie without any consequences but instead I'm here with the two of you.
Now, that's gotta mean something.
I'm afraid to ask what.
I think-- I think I'm in love with both of you.
You can't be.
That's not who you are.
Because I've always been this self-conscious good little girl who's too scared to think outside the box especially when it comes to love and sex.
But as of right now I'm putting that little girl behind me.
- What exactly are you proposing? - That I can love both of you.
That I don't have to be yours or yours.
I'm proposing that the two of you be mine.
I'm the king of Louisiana.
I do not share.
You have to choose.
Okay, first of all, you guys are vampires.
What's with all the morality? And second of all, this is such a double standard.
When it's two women and one guy everyone's hunky-dory with it even if they barely know each other.
But when a woman tries to have her way with two men she is totally and completely in love with everyone's hemming and hawing.
I'm saying I love you.
Both of you.
And I'm asking you to love me back.
It's either both of you, or nothing at all.
Take it or leave it.
One drop at a time, girlfriend, okay? No more.
This shit's a whole other level.
You ever drink V directly from the source? You ever push your face up against a vampire's cold skin - and just sucked it right out of him? - Fuck no.
Well, I have.
So don't be a cunt.
Just breathe.
It's not real.
It's the V.
It'll pass.
I'm putting you in charge of this.
That's the first good decision you made all day.
Jesus, what the hell you doing here? I called him.
- Get down.
- Why is he doing this? I have no idea.
Hey, come here.
Hey, hey.
I got a theory.
When you guys role-play does Lafayette ever turn into a woman named Mavis? I'm gonna forget you said that, and I'm gonna head on in.
- Hey, hey, he's got a gun.
- I'm going in, Jason.
- It's against protocol.
- What, you're gonna shoot me? I'm gonna get your baby back.
I'm going with.
Echelon formation.
Now he's defiladed.
If I approach from the flanks-- I'm a nurse.
I'm not even gonna pretend I understand what you just said.
- I should go in by myself.
- What if--? - No.
I do not wanna fight fire with fire.
- Don't worry.
- I got this.
- Stay here.
Let him go in.
Goddamn it.
He's a nurse.
He's just a nurse.
Oh, fuck.
- Just you and me now, you.
- Lafayette? Who you with, you? Monsieur Virgil? What's your name? Is it Mavis? - What you want, you? - I just wanna help.
Okay? And I think I can.
I'm a brujo.
- A practitioner of magic.
- I got all the magic I need, me, right here.
- I'm sorry, Mavis, but he is not your baby.
- You lie! - No, no.
No, no.
- Why you come to take my baby? That woman who's been crying, she is this baby's mommy.
You broke into their house and took him from her.
- I would never take another woman's baby.
- I know, I know.
I think something happened to you something you never made peace with.
And I don't know what, but whatever it was, it killed you.
I no dead.
Now your spirit is looking for a way back, and since my boyfriend is a medium you found it by entering his body.
Boyfriend? How I make the baby with this, me? - You didn't.
- No.
My baby, my baby boy.
He dead? No.
I'm so sorry, Mavis.
I am so, so sorry.
I just wanna hold him.
Just one-- Just one last time.
You, you got that kind of magic in you? We can try.
Okay, but if you do find Mr.
Northman, please have King Bill call me or you call me, or I don't know, something.
Hey there, Sookie.
Hope you like flowers.
Come in.
Alcide was the first, the only, man that I ever loved if you count out Coot, which believe me, I really wish I could.
So when I saw Alcide with you and the way he cared about you, I just-- Debbie, I understand being jealous, but you tried to kill me.
That ain't something you can expect someone to forget.
I don't.
That's not why I came.
I know you're in trouble and I'm wondering if there's anything I could do to help, that's all.
Did Alcide tell you I was in trouble? He didn't have to.
He came home last night with your blood on him.
If he didn't tell you, how did you know the blood was mine? Because I remember the smell.
Look, I ain't asking to be best friends.
You know, I'd be crazy if I expected that, and I ain't crazy.
But can't we try and make things better just a little at a time.
Don't talk.
Just let me listen.
What? Love Alcide, love him so much.
Nothing I wouldn't do for him.
Why can't she believe me? I need her to see that I wanna help.
I believe you.
- Really? - Yeah.
You know, Alcide told me that you think it's a curse, being what you are.
But I think it'd be nice to know what people are thinking every once in a while.
He loves you.
He really does.
- Thank you.
- So.
You really wanna help? Because I sure as heck could use some.
Please just let me hold him one last time! Please! Tell me the last thing you remember.
Him and me was outside fighting.
I wanna see my baby.
I tell him I wanna hold him but he say I couldn't.
He want to get away from me but I followed them inside.
Why? Why can't I hold him? And then he told me.
"Because, sugar, I already done buried him.
" He already buried my boy.
I don't want to go through this again, you.
I just wanna know where my baby is.
Which is why you have to go through this.
Virgil went into the kitchen.
- Please.
- Stop! - He was standing by the sink.
- Please! He wouldn't look at me.
- And look me in the eyes.
- I started tugging on him to make him look.
- Look at me! - And then it was inside of me.
- What was it? - The knife.
Then I just fell to the floor, floated up and watched myself die.
- What happened next? - He started shoveling.
I couldn't take it no more, me, so I left.
Where was he shoveling? Out there, yonder, under the tree.
Don't shoot! We're coming out! Mikey.
You got the shot, Stackhouse, take him out.
They ain't even got the gun no more, Andy.
- Fuck me.
- Hoyt, we need a shovel.
- A shovel? What the hell for? - Just get it.
Hi, sweet boy.
I can't say how sorry I am about all this, me.
Don't worry about it.
Sometimes these things happen.
We still love you, Lafayette.
My name's Mavis.
My boy.
My sweet baby boy.
- It's gonna be okay.
- My heart hurts, I love you so much.
What you said, about me moving up in the pack? I want in.
Well, what changed between then and now? You want honesty or you just want me to kiss the ring? Well, I'll take honesty every day of the week, and twice on Sunday.
- It's important to Debbie.
- That's it? What's important to Debbie's gotta be important to me, now more than ever.
I mean it.
Whatever you need, I'm there.
Well, you know what I call a dude that'll admit there ain't nothing he won't do for the woman he loves? - What? - A man.
- To Shreveport.
- To Shreveport.
Hey, what are you up to the rest of the night? - Wide open.
- Well, you might have heard me talk about my wife before.
We're separated.
Going through a rough patch and now some fucking shifter is looking to replace me.
- Shit.
- Right? Anyways, I got this son of a bitch of hers stopping by a little later on for a talk.
I was hoping you wouldn't mind sticking around.
It ain't my style to go beating on people I got no beef with.
Now that's-- That's not what I'm asking for, I swear.
I just need to communicate with him that I can and I will hurt him if I have to.
Since you're about 6'6" and wider than a door he might be more inclined to listen with you standing behind me.
- To communicating shit.
- To communicating shit.
I want you to know how sorry I am, Stackhouse.
And I want you to know how little that means to me because I heard it all before, too many times.
Do something useful and turn on the lights because we can't see shit down there.
Think I got something.
- What? - What down there? - I don't know.
- You think it's him, you? I think it's both of you.
My baby.
It's time.
You found him and you held him but now I need my Lafayette back.
Where I go? It's not for us to know.
Holy fuck.
Sweet Jesus, it's a miracle.
Monsieur Lafayette.
- Thank you for everything.
- You got it, bitch.
We are closed for the evening.
I know what you're up against.
I know who you're up against.
I said, we're closed.
I represent the Shreveport pack of werewolves.
I come to pledge our allegiance to your cause.
So tell me, young lady, exactly what are you offering? Support.
We hate vampires every bit as much as you do.
Well, I doubt that.
Look in my eyes.
Look in my soul.
If you don't see hatred.
All right, then.
I'll hear you out.
What's your sad vampire story? Vampires kept their business from us, and we kept our business from them.
But when they came out of the coffin, the lines got blurred.
How so? Well, money, drugs.
Got to the point where pretty much my entire pack was on some vampire's payroll.
We did all his dirty work while he slept all day.
In exchange he'd supply us with vampire blood.
- What does it do? - What? Vampire blood.
How does it make you feel? Eric! - Sookie.
- Hey, come on, let's get you out of here.
You should go.
You're under her spell, aren't you? What is she making you do? - Kill the king.
- Kill the king? You mean Bill? Goddamn it, Sook, how fucking stupid can you be? What little I know about werewolves is that werewolves do not like to be known.
Why are you making yourselves known to me now? Like I said, you know, on account of your cause and all.
Sookie Stackhouse.
- The telepath? - Yes, who aids vampires.
I brought her to you.
Tara, do not shoot! This one could be of use to us.
- Okay.
- Oh, Sookie.
- Just drop the gun.
- Sookie.
Shoot her, shoot her, shoot her! - Fucking chill, Roy.
- You always been stupid but coming here has gotta be the stupidest shit I ever heard of.
Are you even listening to me? We're all being held hostage.
Bill's at the Dorchester Hotel.
Charge me, Sookie.
Charge me now! No! No, no, no! Tara, stop! No! I'm really fucking sorry, Antonia, but she charged me.
Y'all saw it! Fucking werewolf.
- Debbie! - Shit.
- You had me worried sick.
- Shreveport, Dorchester.
Northman, it's time to go.
Yes, Antonia.
Roy, you come with.
- Yes.
- The rest of you stay here.
I can't take this anymore.
I can't.
I mean, I mean-- I don't even think I'm a real Wiccan.
I was just doing this to piss off my parents.
Let's get the fuck out of here.
- Are you all right? - Try the front door! I'm already on it! Oh, fuck.
I am risking life and limb here tonight so that all of you across this great country of ours can witness Shreveport Louisiana's pre-Halloween pageantry of vamp bullshit.
- So without further ado.
- Our special guest tonight, Joyce Watney.
I founded the LSU chapter of the Living Dead Alliance after having a deeply personal experience with a vampire.
My big sister, Julie Watney.
When I was 12 and she was 19, Julie disappeared.
We never saw her again, until three years ago when vampires came out of the coffin.
Mom, Dad and I were having Sunday night dinner and the doorbell rings, and it's Julie wanting to know if she could watch us eat.
Are we the only vampires here? Other than this one's sister we're about to trot out, yes, we are.
How can you have an event in honor of the living dead without any living dead? It's like having a civil rights protest without any black people.
They're called African-Americans.
Maybe those protests wouldn't have turned into bloodbaths if they hadn't been there.
Ever consider that? But you know what we say? We say vampires gave us our Julie back.
They gave us a miracle, so put your hands together, please for my big sister and our family's miracle, Ms.
Julie Watney.
Watch it.
See that? Place don't look worse for the wear.
Yeah, I mean, if you ignore the frame and the bullet holes and the general fucked-upness of everything.
Don't be bitter.
Hoyt, we witnessed a miracle tonight.
- Is this yours? - No.
No, that goes in the monster box.
The monster box? - Yeah, I packed all her shit up.
- Well, she ain't a monster.
Sometimes things just don't work out.
Man, I gave her my heart, I gave her my soul, I gave her my life.
Wanna see what I got in return? These.
It's the only thing I got out of the year we spent together.
Take the monster's CD and put it in the monster's box and you take it to her for me, will you? You want me to take it to her? Yeah.
She's at Vampire Bill's house.
Just swing it by on your way home.
The thing is, it ain't-- It ain't my place, getting mixed up in all this, so-- Man, you're my best friend in the whole world so if it ain't your place, whose place is it? Please? I don't wanna see her, all right? Ever again.
She fall asleep already? Can I help you? My name is Sam Merlotte.
Is Marcus here? We've been expecting you.
Who we got here? About time.
Well, I'm glad you came.
Nate here bet me 50 bucks you wouldn't.
Said you didn't have the balls.
Live and learn, Nate.
Ain't never smart betting against me.
I reckon it wasn't.
- Why am I here? - Stop fucking my wife.
First off, she ain't your wife no more.
Not really.
We're working shit out.
Second, you can't stop fucking somebody when you ain't fucking in the first place.
Now, screwing another man's wife, well, that's one thing but looking him in the eye and lying about it-- I ain't lying.
- I ain't even touched her.
- Yeah, right.
Nice try.
Can't say the same about my brother, though because he had her every which way.
Told me she was sweet too.
- Don't bet against you, huh? - Goddamn it, Marcus, call them off! Who's the smart money on now? Hey, Marcus, you gave me your word.
- He mouthed off to me.
- So the fuck what? Look at him.
- Jesus.
- How the hell he do that? That ain't Merlotte.
That's his brother.
Get him out of here.
Come on, Debbie.
I have to say, for a badass werewolf, you drive like a girl.
Today's media landscape is ratings-driven and unfortunately it's the Russell Edgingtons of the world who drive ratings.
But facts are facts even if the fact is that facts are almost never heard.
So let's hear some, shall we? Fact: from July of.
Fact: human-on-vampire crime was also down almost 20 percent.
You have cornered me.
I surrender.
This is great.
And I share your beliefs.
Where's the security? Bill had an event at some hotel.
What are you doing here? This box is for you.
It's all your stuff.
Hoyt said.
He said he wanted you to have them, so.
That how he said it? I might be parrot-phrasing a little.
Jessie, you all right? I'm just fine.
If you ever needed to talk.
Would you maybe wanna come in? You know, I don't think that's such a good idea.
So I'm.
I'm gonna go.
- Thank you.
- Do you want me to come in with you? No.
No need to get into any more trouble on my account.
Go on, go home to Alcide.
And now I'd like to introduce to you one of the most generous benefactors the state of Louisiana has ever known.
Bon Temps entrepreneur and philanthropist Mr.
William Compton.
Can you even breathe? Because I can't.
Thank you very much, ladies and gentlemen.
Thank you very much.
What a wonderful night for a wonderful cause.
But make no mistake.
There is still much work to be done for history teaches us that war can sound a louder call to action than can peace.
That's right, Bill.
That a message of hate can seduce an impressionable mind far more readily than a message of love.
- Which means we must remain vigilant-- - Bill! - Sookie? - Oh, Jesus fucking Christ.
Bill! They're coming for you, Bill.
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