7th Heaven s04e10 Episode Script
Who Nose
- Good morning.
- You in a hurry? - I'm on break.
- You work at the hospital cafeteria.
Why can't you eat at the hospital cafeteria? Because I work at the hospital cafeteria, and there's nothing like home cooking.
Nice save.
Feeding time.
I gotta get back to work.
- I sure miss him.
- Do you really? No, but I will when he's not living here anymore.
I think he and John are doing really well on their own.
On their own? They have a hut away from home where they entertain their women.
What? They are not entertaining women.
They're not.
They're studying and they're Yes? Between school and work, they don't have the time to entertain women, and even if Matt had the time, Shana doesn't.
I have a feeling they make time for the important things.
Do you think he and Shana are seeing too much of each other? I Why don't you have an opinion on this? You always have an opinion.
- These muffins are delicious.
- You know something.
It's my art project.
It's not your art project.
It's what you're doing while you decide what you really wanna do for an art project.
- What is it? - It's a sculpture of my nose.
It's an impression of your nose.
What happened to you getting Simon to help you? The artist formerly known as Simon was busy writing some stupid paper.
Not a stupid paper, but a work of art.
Okay, let's go.
I'm driving.
- Where's Mary? - Oh.
On the phone.
So, what are you in for? Yeah, I fell into a bad crowd too, the girl's basketball team.
No, I'm not kidding.
Um, listen, I gotta go, I'll, uh I'll see you this afternoon? Bye.
- The kids are in the car.
- I have errands to run this afternoon.
I'm gonna need the car after school.
Just bring everyone home and then I'll drive you to your community service.
- Important call? - What? Who was on the phone? - Just a friend.
- Remember you're on restriction.
I know, I told him.
Can I go now? I'm gonna make everyone late.
Do you think she's telling the truth? The whole truth and nothing but the truth? No.
Hey, Simon.
All right.
Hello, Mrs.
Jasper, and isn't it a wonderful day? Well, you're in a good mood today.
It makes me feel so alive when I accomplish something.
I am proud to present to you my paper.
I know even if I get a hundred on that paper, my class average is still gonna be an 89, but I thought you might give me some extra credit points for turning it in early? Oh, I'm sorry, Simon, I don't give extra credit for that.
But I do give extra credit for students who do extracurricular work after school.
Like what? You could help the visual-arts guys with their project for the holidays.
Visual-arts guys? They're painting a holiday mural.
It could be fun.
Fun, yeah.
They're a great bunch of boys.
They volunteer their own time to do it, and if you help them out, you could earn enough extra credit points to bring up your class average.
Okay, I'm in.
It's nice.
What is it? - It was a nose, but I stepped on it.
- Nose? That sounds interesting.
I just put Play-Doh over my nose, and that was it.
To tell you the truth, I was just trying to get it over with.
Well, deadlines are one way to motivate yourself to create, but why don't you try again, and see where the muse takes you? If it's the same muse that took over when I was trying to get into band, it's not gonna take me very far.
I have something going on and I have to tell you.
I don't wanna know.
I'm afraid to know.
I have to share this with someone.
Come on, I always tell you everything.
- No.
- Please.
All right, I'll listen, but only if the something is nothing, because if the something is really something, then forget it.
Okay, fine, forget it.
Oh, you shouldn't have.
It's no big deal.
I got it at the hospital.
No, really, you shouldn't have.
This is horrible.
Is this meat? It was at some time.
Well, it was really sweet of you to bring me lunch.
It's the least I can do.
I owe you.
You've changed my whole life.
Changed it for the better.
Is something wrong? Yeah.
Right there.
That looks good.
- Hey, guys.
My name is Simon Camden.
Jasper told me to help you guys with the holiday mural.
- You're gonna help us? - Oh, right.
Wait, he can help.
You can wash out our paint buckets and brushes.
- Great, this is gonna be fun.
- Hey, the real fun comes later.
What do you mean? Never mind.
What do you wanna bet Camden's a spy sent in to bust our whole operation? Reverend Camden, I'm glad I finally reached you.
This is Carl Doker.
I'm head of the review board at NYU.
I know you spoke to one of my colleagues last week about Shana Sullivan.
Yes, I did, yeah.
We've gotten outstanding reports from her professors at Crawford University, and she's in the top-ten percentile in testing.
But before we make the decision, I just wanted to hear from you.
What do you know about Shana that would make us invest in her future? Everything I know about her should make you want to invest in her future.
- Really? - Oh, yeah.
She's She's from a tough background, and she got where she is all on her own.
She's ambitious and hard-working, determined.
She worked two jobs through high school so she could afford college.
She's still working now and carrying a full course load.
With all that, she still makes time to help others and She's pleasant and intelligent and Well, I mean, I don't know what to tell you.
If you can help Shana, she's absolutely deserving.
- That's quite a recommendation.
- Well, she's quite a young woman.
I guess you should know a good kid when you see one.
Oh, you know, before you hang up, is Shana's scholarship for next fall? No, we're going to offer her a midyear transfer.
She'll be starting in January.
That's terrific.
- And I'm sure she'll do well.
- Goodbye, now.
What are you planning to do with that? I plan to smash it in your face.
- Hey, art is pain.
- It's supposed to be painful - for the artist.
- Oh, well, I'm not that good yet.
Come on, it's simple.
I just smash it on your nose, and you give me back the impression.
But I like my nose.
You told Mom you'd help me.
There's nothing else we can think of for your project? Oh, there's a bazillion things that I could do, but this is what I'm doing.
- Now, pipe down and let me do it.
- All right, but don't smash hard.
Oh, don't worry, I'll be gentle.
Everyone, you know what to do.
We're gonna clean the park and the side of the roadway.
It's not a pretty job, but you all chose your destiny.
So let's get to work.
All right.
- Come on, let's get a move on it.
You got it.
- Hi.
- Hi, yourself.
You met a guy at your community-service project, didn't you? The same guy you've been talking to on the phone? Yes.
I knew you wanted to know.
No, I don't wanna know.
I don't wanna know anything.
He's gorgeous and his name's Robbie.
- Great, now I know his name.
- Robbie Palmer.
There's no Robbie Palmer at our school.
- He goes to school across town.
- No.
No, no, no.
No more information.
Robbie Palmer, Robbie Palmer, Robbie Palmer.
Oh, isn't it wonderful? I love that name.
We have the same community-service assignment.
- I can see him all the time.
- Won't Mom and Dad be thrilled? Mom and Dad never have to know.
My knowledge of nothing has become something.
Why is it that every time I do something, you stress out about it? Said the girl who was arrested.
Maybe, just maybe, if you'd quit doing these "somethings," then I'd have nothing to stress out about.
You worry too much.
This is just a guy.
A really great guy.
It has nothing to do with what I did.
It's completely unrelated.
It's not like I'm on some kind of crime wave or something.
Yeah, but you're supposed to be on a punishment wave.
So? No one ever said punishment had to be a bad thing.
Yeah, they did.
- Who? - Parents, that's who.
And that's why we're not gonna tell them.
You know, the stray dog won't go away if you keep feeding him.
What? Does Mom ever kiss funny when something's up? Why? Did she just kiss you? - No.
No, Shana's been kissing funny.
- Oh.
- But bad funny? - No, no, not bad at all.
Better than she's ever kissed me before, except it's It's like she's guilty or sad or she's saying goodbye.
Well, I You're both young, and there's a lot more life ahead of you, and as much as you and Shana love each other, things can happen.
What things? What do you mean by that? Nothing.
Oh, it's the same thing I say to a lot of people your age.
Yeah, I'm family.
Can't you come up with something better? What things can happen? Hey, do you, uh? Do you wanna tell me anything? Not really.
Well, sometimes when someone leaves out information, that absence of information could be considered a lie by omission.
Am I the someone? We agreed you couldn't see anyone while you were on restriction.
I'm not seeing anyone.
But in the interest of not lying by omission, there's a guy who is also doing community service that I talk to, - but he is just a guy.
- Oh.
And doing community service together can hardly be considered seeing someone.
- Yeah.
- And besides, why does punishment always have to be a bad thing? Uh Hmm Because it's punishment? - Does this guy have a name? - Yes, he has a wonderful name.
Robbie Palmer.
Now, I have to go or I'll be late.
It's called "Simon Knows.
" Now, you know, N-O-S-E and K-N-O-W-S are two different things.
Well, that's why I called it that, because when someone knows something, they're usually sticking their nose into someone else's business.
That's very funny.
This could actually be the start of a real piece of art.
- There's still more to be done.
- Great.
I love being an artist.
Didn't you notice me giving you the silent treatment? - No.
Are you gonna come? If I can.
- Well, I was.
- Okay.
- Don't you wanna know why? Mm.
Why'd you do it, Judas? I thought you were giving me the silent treatment.
Why did you betray me and tell Dad about Robbie? You know, despite the fact that you just got out of jail two weeks ago, I'd never squeal on you.
Your life is your responsibility.
Dad must have seen us.
Seen you? What have you been doing? I haven't been doing anything.
I've just been serving out my time.
While you fall in love with a guy? You know, maybe this is God's way of restoring my self-esteem.
He works in mysterious ways, you know? While I believe he had a hand in getting you out of jail, I'm not quite sure God cares if you find Mr.
Right while cleaning our community.
Couldn't you just talk to Mom and Dad for me? Just say something like, "Isn't it great that Mary finally met a wonderful guy?" Please don't ask me to cross from one camp to the other.
I'm either your sister or their daughter, but I can't be your sister and their daughter, no matter now fabulous this guy is.
Okay, then be my sister, sis.
Whoa! So, what's in the bag? It's not hospital food.
I made it myself.
It really wasn't that big of a deal.
It's not like I shot the turkey.
Is everything okay? I don't want you to have to worry about me every day.
You have enough going on without having to take care of me too.
We take care of each other.
That's what being in love's all about.
I know, but you should be concentrating on school and your work and making sure that you're happy.
Do you wanna talk to me about anything? No.
- I just want a hug.
- Okay.
Good night, Mr.
- Where'd you get that? - From home.
We all bring in our own supplies.
Spray paint makes it faster, and it's a lot more fun.
How do you breathe around that stuff? Oh, you'll get used to it.
Actually you'll probably start to like it after a while.
Where are the other guys? Oh, uh, they decided to catch a breather.
We could use a breather too.
What? You're too pure to understand.
I'm gonna go check on the other guys.
Hey, you know, you're doing a great job.
Keep up the good work.
Mary won and we lost, and I don't know what to do about it.
I mean, if you punish a kid and the punishment turns out to be fun, then it's not really a punishment, is it? No, but what can you do about it? It wouldn't drive me nearly as crazy, if I had just been aware of this guy from the beginning.
- It's lying by omission is what it is.
- Yeah, I hate it too.
What are you not telling me about Shana? All right, but you You can't tell anyone, especially Matt.
I'm one of Shana's references to get into medical school.
Actually premed at NYU.
Shana's going to NYU? Good for her.
Bad for Matt.
- Yeah.
- You better tell him.
I can't.
She She wants to tell him herself.
You know, when it's official.
Well, what happens when she also tells him that she told you first? Well, I figured he'll still be more upset with her.
- You wish.
- Yes, I do.
You guys are gonna get a huge headache if you do that.
It's called huffing.
It makes you feel like you're walking on clouds, right? You wanna try? Or are you too pure? I didn't think so.
Hey, Camden, you say a word to anyone and your life will be hell.
Are you all right? Look, I'll go get help.
It's okay.
Calm down.
It happens all the time, okay? Remember.
Not a word.
- Yeah? - It's official.
I got the call.
I'm in.
I can't believe I actually got into NYU.
NYU, New York University, the big one, the Big Apple.
You should be very proud of yourself.
You worked hard.
Well, I'd be more proud of myself if I could tell Matt.
Well, you know, he's gonna find out sooner or later, and for me, sooner would be better.
I know, I was gonna tell him when I applied last year, but I didn't know if we were gonna keep seeing each other, so it didn't really seem like I should bring it up.
And then it didn't seem possible that I could actually get in, and now that it's possible, it's gonna be really hard to tell him.
But you're going to tell him? As much as I would like to stay here with Matt, I can't.
- I have to do this, it's NYU.
- Yeah, the big one, the Big Apple.
This is so unreal.
I still can't believe it.
But I'm gonna tell Matt.
Just not right now.
This is not a hamper.
I'm dropping out of the visual-arts project.
What happened? Um - Let's just say they don't want me.
- Oh, come on.
Why wouldn't they want you in the group? I don't know, but they don't.
Well, that's because they don't know you.
Give them one more chance.
Hang in there a little while longer.
Mom, I don't wanna hang in there, okay? You did this morning.
Did something happen? No, nothing happened.
I changed my mind.
- I don't like them.
- Simon, you like everyone.
Give them one more chance.
For me.
- All right, I'll try.
- Good boy.
Don't move.
- Why is he talking to Shana? - I don't know.
- How long has he been talking to her? - I don't know.
Don't go anywhere, you're next.
I need to talk to Dad.
Just don't ruin the mould.
I need that nose.
So why are you talking to Shana? That falls under pastor-parishioner privilege.
What about father-son obligation? I can't tell you what Shana and I discussed.
It's confidential.
Why do you know something about Shana that I don't? What's she hiding, and why is she hiding it from me? Talk to Shana.
My name's Robbie Palmer.
I'm a friend of Mary's.
We met at work.
- You know, community-service work.
- Mary's on restriction.
She's not allowed to have dates right now, or even in the near future.
I know, but I wanted to speak to both of you, and I didn't want Mary to know I was here.
I, uh, won't take too much of your time.
I just wanted you to meet me and see me for who I really am and not just some troubled youth doing time.
Not that Mary is a troubled youth.
- Hmm.
- No, of course not.
- You were saying? - I'd just like to explain why I'm doing community service.
- I messed up once, but only once.
- Messed up how? I was catching a ride to a party with a bunch of guys that I didn't really know and the driver ran a red light, almost hit someone.
- A drunk driver? - Pretty much.
There was beer in the car.
I didn't know until the cops pulled us over, and then I was charged with possession of alcohol by a minor, just being in the car with them.
- You messed up.
- But I'm determined to never get into trouble again.
Have you been in trouble before this? No ma'am.
But I deserve the community-service assignment for being so stupid.
I'm actually happy to do it.
I'm sure you are.
All I'm asking for is permission to call Mary.
I know she's on restriction and I don't want to get her in trouble by calling, and I don't wanna get off to a bad start with both of you.
Just in case, at some time in the future, Mary can go out, and you allow her to go out with me.
But But for now, if I could just call Mary, I'd appreciate it.
Can't believe he's talking to Mom and Dad.
How cool is that? Do I look different? I should, because for the first time in my life, I I am really, truly in love.
We met your friend Robbie.
He didn't tell me he was coming over, honest.
Well, since you've met Robbie, and you've seen how honest and sincere he is, doesn't it make you feel better about us? I think we're gonna need some time on this one.
So do you want some coffee or? I wanna know what my dad knows that I don't.
What are you hiding? What's going on? Talk to me.
I take it that's a no on the coffee.
I've been accepted to NYU for premed, and classes start in January.
NYU as in New York? Why didn't you tell me about this? Don't you trust me? Of course I trust you.
But not enough to share that you're going to NYU? Look, I love you, but if I don't go to NYU, I'm always gonna regret it, and that wouldn't be good for either of us.
You're talking to me like we discussed this.
I'm sorry.
I know this sounds selfish, but I was afraid to tell you because I thought you might talk me out of it, and NYU is a great school.
Jonas Salk went there.
Oh, that makes it all better.
You know, I bet when Jonas Salk got accepted to NYU, he told his girlfriend about it.
I don't know what hurts more, that you're going or that you told my dad before you told me.
Come on, can't we talk about this? I think it's too late for that.
So the jury's still out regarding my future with Robbie.
Well, good luck.
Uh, maybe you could talk to them for me.
What? Mom and Dad don't discuss your problems with me.
That's because they think you don't care.
Get in there and show them that you care.
You can do it.
I know you can.
Be my sister.
Forget it.
Come on, I'd help you if you asked me.
I can't be your sister and their daughter.
I can't do it.
If I put one foot in each camp, I'll end up in two pieces.
Two unhappy pieces.
You're a sister to six and a daughter to two.
You're smart, do the math.
- Hello, Reverend, Simon.
- Hey.
Is something wrong? Pete Lawrence collapsed on his way into school.
His nose was bleeding and he was having trouble breathing.
Is he all right now? I don't know.
His mother took him to the hospital.
Do you know anything about this? Simon? Uh, no, I don't know anything.
Maybe the other boys know something.
Do you wanna be a little late for school? Let's take a drive.
Did you know Dad gave Shana a recommendation to go away to school? - Far away.
New York away? - Good morning to you too.
- Sorry.
- Yes, I knew about NYU.
You know, everybody knew except me.
Shana wanted to tell you herself.
How could he send the woman I love He's not sending Shana anywhere.
He just gave her a reference for school.
Shana's the one who applied to the school.
Your dad's just trying to help her out.
I should've been the first person she went to with this.
Now she's made all these plans for a life that doesn't even include me.
How much could I matter to her that she does all this and doesn't tell me? Are you sure you don't know what happened to Pete? I don't know for sure, but I can take a guess.
But if you took a guess, then I wouldn't be ratting out a whole bunch of guys.
Give me someplace to start.
The visual-arts guys work with a lot of paint.
Spray paint.
Spray-paint fumes.
We're talking about huffing, aren't we? So Pete and the other guys have been inhaling paint fumes? Good guess.
Huffing's a serious problem.
Why didn't you say something? I didn't know it was serious, or at least not this serious.
I thought it can only make your nose bleed.
A bloody nose is the least of it.
Huffing causes liver damage and kidney failure, heart failure.
- Can you die from it? - Kids do every year.
Hi, I'm Simon's father, Eric Camden.
- Are you Pete's mom? - Yes.
So you're Simon? You did this, didn't you? What? No, I didn't do anything.
Pete's a good boy.
He's never been in trouble.
He's an A student.
Then you start hanging around with him and he ends up in the hospital.
Excuse me? - And you should have known better.
- What? The spray paint Pete used came from your garage.
Pete said Simon brought it to school.
You just stay away from my son.
You've done enough damage.
Look, Dad, I didn't do anything, I swear.
Hey, how you doing? - Just go away.
- I can't.
- Why? - Because your mom thinks I did this.
I let her think that.
I know.
And it's okay.
You must have been scared, and you had to tell your mom something.
When you're feeling better, you can tell her the truth.
If I do, I'll get all my friends in trouble.
And that's better than getting one innocent guy in trouble? Look.
Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't mind taking the rap for a friend.
But you and your buddies have to stop huffing, or eventually they're gonna end up just like you.
Or maybe even worse.
Congratulations, Ruthie, on one of the most inspired pieces of art I've ever seen.
So I'm an artist? Cool, but I'm having a hard time explaining it to my family.
You know, sometimes those closest to us, like our family, can't see us for who we really are.
Sometimes we need an outsider to acknowledge what our family can't.
I hope one day my family understands all my talents.
You do have a lot.
I just wanna thank you for excluding me from my own life.
I didn't mean to exclude you.
I Look, I encouraged Shana to talk to you.
I did, but I couldn't make her do something she didn't wanna do.
Well, you could have refused to help her.
- Matt.
- She's your son's girlfriend.
Isn't that a conflict of interest? If I remember correctly, it's because she was your girlfriend that I got involved with her in the first place.
She doesn't need you now.
She has me.
It doesn't work that way.
Plus, when it comes to references, most colleges usually want someone other than the applicant's boyfriend.
- You could have told me.
- No, I couldn't.
When people come to me, they need to know that what they say is confidential.
- But I love her.
- Are you sure? I just said I did.
Good, because if you do love Shana, then you won't make the decision to go to NYU any more difficult for her than it already is.
Someone who truly loves her would understand what a wonderful, exciting time this is, and would be supportive and happy for her, regardless of their own personal feelings.
I don't know.
I don't know if I can do that.
Then maybe you don't love her as much as you think you do.
What's wrong? Dad and Mom had Robbie transferred to another location.
They are way out of line here.
They're They're just Parents? Do you want me to be a real sister to you? Do you want me to jump in and get all mad at Mom and Dad? Or do you want me to tell you what I think? I want you to jump in there and get all mad at Mom and Dad.
Don't tell me you agree with them.
I don't know if I agree with them or not, because I don't know why they did what they did, but I do trust them to do the right thing.
They've lived longer than us, and sometimes they just know more about life.
I guess I'll talk to Ruthie next time I need a sister.
Getting advice from an 8-year-old.
How mature.
Well, as my last official act as your sister, I'd like to say: Did you ever think maybe this isn't the best time to meet a guy? Or maybe Mom and Dad know something about Robbie that you don't? You've been talking to them? I'm just trying to be your sister, and I don't wanna see you get in any more trouble.
No, you don't ever wanna see me happy again and neither do they.
Yep, that's it.
It's all a huge conspiracy.
How you doing? I finally found some cool guys to hang out with.
I'm sorry I encouraged you to keep on trying to fit in.
I should have found out a little more about who you were trying to fit in with and why you didn't wanna be their new best friend.
It's not your fault.
I should have spoken up sooner.
I just wasn't sure what they were doing.
I've never heard of huffing before.
Why would anyone find that fun? I don't know.
I talked to Mrs.
Pete told his mom about the other guys and the huffing.
The principal's meeting with the boys and their parents tomorrow.
Pete promised to call each of the guys and explain why he ratted them out.
No one's gonna think it was you.
- I don't care if they do.
- Good for you.
- How's Pete? - Well, the doctor said there wasn't any permanent damage, but when he's better, he'll have to go through a detox programme to get the chemicals out of his system.
And I recommended that he and his parents meet with a family counsellor.
- Um, can I talk to you guys? - Yeah.
Robbie got transferred.
We're not working together anymore.
- We know.
- Why'd you do it? We think your community service shouldn't be anything but community service.
It's not something you're doing for yourself.
It's something you're doing for the community as a payback.
So just because I met a fabulous guy while I was doing community service, I have to give him up? Not entirely.
We're gonna let Robbie call you.
When the first phase of your service is complete, and if you get a satisfactory review, then we'll see about Robbie coming over so that we can get to know him better and you can get to know him better.
So you're not saying I can never see him? Correct.
Then I guess I'm really grateful.
- Grateful? - Really? I wouldn't have been grateful a few minutes ago.
A few minutes ago, I would have been angry and completely selfish, but after talking to my sister, I kind of see things in a whole new light.
You mean me? Not yet, but someday, little sister.
- First prize? - First prize.
We were wrong about that piece of art.
I got your message.
You're not gonna make me eat any more of that hospital food, are you? No.
Are we breaking up? I don't wanna break up with you.
What is that for? - A celebration.
- A celebration? Well, if I couldn't be the first person you told about NYU, I wanna be the first person you celebrate with.
You're the only person I wanna celebrate with.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not happy about you leaving, but, hey, NYU, that's That's very cool.
- Really? - Really.
I lied before when I said I was upset because I wasn't the first person you told about NYU.
I was upset because you were going to NYU.
And I was being selfish, and I don't wanna be selfish.
I wanna be happy for you and help you celebrate this impressive achievement.
Okay, not the reaction I was going for.
No, I am crying because I'm happy.
And the thing that makes me the happiest is that someone really does love me.
Loves me enough to let me go.
You really do love me.
I really love you.
- You in a hurry? - I'm on break.
- You work at the hospital cafeteria.
Why can't you eat at the hospital cafeteria? Because I work at the hospital cafeteria, and there's nothing like home cooking.
Nice save.
Feeding time.
I gotta get back to work.
- I sure miss him.
- Do you really? No, but I will when he's not living here anymore.
I think he and John are doing really well on their own.
On their own? They have a hut away from home where they entertain their women.
What? They are not entertaining women.
They're not.
They're studying and they're Yes? Between school and work, they don't have the time to entertain women, and even if Matt had the time, Shana doesn't.
I have a feeling they make time for the important things.
Do you think he and Shana are seeing too much of each other? I Why don't you have an opinion on this? You always have an opinion.
- These muffins are delicious.
- You know something.
It's my art project.
It's not your art project.
It's what you're doing while you decide what you really wanna do for an art project.
- What is it? - It's a sculpture of my nose.
It's an impression of your nose.
What happened to you getting Simon to help you? The artist formerly known as Simon was busy writing some stupid paper.
Not a stupid paper, but a work of art.
Okay, let's go.
I'm driving.
- Where's Mary? - Oh.
On the phone.
So, what are you in for? Yeah, I fell into a bad crowd too, the girl's basketball team.
No, I'm not kidding.
Um, listen, I gotta go, I'll, uh I'll see you this afternoon? Bye.
- The kids are in the car.
- I have errands to run this afternoon.
I'm gonna need the car after school.
Just bring everyone home and then I'll drive you to your community service.
- Important call? - What? Who was on the phone? - Just a friend.
- Remember you're on restriction.
I know, I told him.
Can I go now? I'm gonna make everyone late.
Do you think she's telling the truth? The whole truth and nothing but the truth? No.
Hey, Simon.
All right.
Hello, Mrs.
Jasper, and isn't it a wonderful day? Well, you're in a good mood today.
It makes me feel so alive when I accomplish something.
I am proud to present to you my paper.
I know even if I get a hundred on that paper, my class average is still gonna be an 89, but I thought you might give me some extra credit points for turning it in early? Oh, I'm sorry, Simon, I don't give extra credit for that.
But I do give extra credit for students who do extracurricular work after school.
Like what? You could help the visual-arts guys with their project for the holidays.
Visual-arts guys? They're painting a holiday mural.
It could be fun.
Fun, yeah.
They're a great bunch of boys.
They volunteer their own time to do it, and if you help them out, you could earn enough extra credit points to bring up your class average.
Okay, I'm in.
It's nice.
What is it? - It was a nose, but I stepped on it.
- Nose? That sounds interesting.
I just put Play-Doh over my nose, and that was it.
To tell you the truth, I was just trying to get it over with.
Well, deadlines are one way to motivate yourself to create, but why don't you try again, and see where the muse takes you? If it's the same muse that took over when I was trying to get into band, it's not gonna take me very far.
I have something going on and I have to tell you.
I don't wanna know.
I'm afraid to know.
I have to share this with someone.
Come on, I always tell you everything.
- No.
- Please.
All right, I'll listen, but only if the something is nothing, because if the something is really something, then forget it.
Okay, fine, forget it.
Oh, you shouldn't have.
It's no big deal.
I got it at the hospital.
No, really, you shouldn't have.
This is horrible.
Is this meat? It was at some time.
Well, it was really sweet of you to bring me lunch.
It's the least I can do.
I owe you.
You've changed my whole life.
Changed it for the better.
Is something wrong? Yeah.
Right there.
That looks good.
- Hey, guys.
My name is Simon Camden.
Jasper told me to help you guys with the holiday mural.
- You're gonna help us? - Oh, right.
Wait, he can help.
You can wash out our paint buckets and brushes.
- Great, this is gonna be fun.
- Hey, the real fun comes later.
What do you mean? Never mind.
What do you wanna bet Camden's a spy sent in to bust our whole operation? Reverend Camden, I'm glad I finally reached you.
This is Carl Doker.
I'm head of the review board at NYU.
I know you spoke to one of my colleagues last week about Shana Sullivan.
Yes, I did, yeah.
We've gotten outstanding reports from her professors at Crawford University, and she's in the top-ten percentile in testing.
But before we make the decision, I just wanted to hear from you.
What do you know about Shana that would make us invest in her future? Everything I know about her should make you want to invest in her future.
- Really? - Oh, yeah.
She's She's from a tough background, and she got where she is all on her own.
She's ambitious and hard-working, determined.
She worked two jobs through high school so she could afford college.
She's still working now and carrying a full course load.
With all that, she still makes time to help others and She's pleasant and intelligent and Well, I mean, I don't know what to tell you.
If you can help Shana, she's absolutely deserving.
- That's quite a recommendation.
- Well, she's quite a young woman.
I guess you should know a good kid when you see one.
Oh, you know, before you hang up, is Shana's scholarship for next fall? No, we're going to offer her a midyear transfer.
She'll be starting in January.
That's terrific.
- And I'm sure she'll do well.
- Goodbye, now.
What are you planning to do with that? I plan to smash it in your face.
- Hey, art is pain.
- It's supposed to be painful - for the artist.
- Oh, well, I'm not that good yet.
Come on, it's simple.
I just smash it on your nose, and you give me back the impression.
But I like my nose.
You told Mom you'd help me.
There's nothing else we can think of for your project? Oh, there's a bazillion things that I could do, but this is what I'm doing.
- Now, pipe down and let me do it.
- All right, but don't smash hard.
Oh, don't worry, I'll be gentle.
Everyone, you know what to do.
We're gonna clean the park and the side of the roadway.
It's not a pretty job, but you all chose your destiny.
So let's get to work.
All right.
- Come on, let's get a move on it.
You got it.
- Hi.
- Hi, yourself.
You met a guy at your community-service project, didn't you? The same guy you've been talking to on the phone? Yes.
I knew you wanted to know.
No, I don't wanna know.
I don't wanna know anything.
He's gorgeous and his name's Robbie.
- Great, now I know his name.
- Robbie Palmer.
There's no Robbie Palmer at our school.
- He goes to school across town.
- No.
No, no, no.
No more information.
Robbie Palmer, Robbie Palmer, Robbie Palmer.
Oh, isn't it wonderful? I love that name.
We have the same community-service assignment.
- I can see him all the time.
- Won't Mom and Dad be thrilled? Mom and Dad never have to know.
My knowledge of nothing has become something.
Why is it that every time I do something, you stress out about it? Said the girl who was arrested.
Maybe, just maybe, if you'd quit doing these "somethings," then I'd have nothing to stress out about.
You worry too much.
This is just a guy.
A really great guy.
It has nothing to do with what I did.
It's completely unrelated.
It's not like I'm on some kind of crime wave or something.
Yeah, but you're supposed to be on a punishment wave.
So? No one ever said punishment had to be a bad thing.
Yeah, they did.
- Who? - Parents, that's who.
And that's why we're not gonna tell them.
You know, the stray dog won't go away if you keep feeding him.
What? Does Mom ever kiss funny when something's up? Why? Did she just kiss you? - No.
No, Shana's been kissing funny.
- Oh.
- But bad funny? - No, no, not bad at all.
Better than she's ever kissed me before, except it's It's like she's guilty or sad or she's saying goodbye.
Well, I You're both young, and there's a lot more life ahead of you, and as much as you and Shana love each other, things can happen.
What things? What do you mean by that? Nothing.
Oh, it's the same thing I say to a lot of people your age.
Yeah, I'm family.
Can't you come up with something better? What things can happen? Hey, do you, uh? Do you wanna tell me anything? Not really.
Well, sometimes when someone leaves out information, that absence of information could be considered a lie by omission.
Am I the someone? We agreed you couldn't see anyone while you were on restriction.
I'm not seeing anyone.
But in the interest of not lying by omission, there's a guy who is also doing community service that I talk to, - but he is just a guy.
- Oh.
And doing community service together can hardly be considered seeing someone.
- Yeah.
- And besides, why does punishment always have to be a bad thing? Uh Hmm Because it's punishment? - Does this guy have a name? - Yes, he has a wonderful name.
Robbie Palmer.
Now, I have to go or I'll be late.
It's called "Simon Knows.
" Now, you know, N-O-S-E and K-N-O-W-S are two different things.
Well, that's why I called it that, because when someone knows something, they're usually sticking their nose into someone else's business.
That's very funny.
This could actually be the start of a real piece of art.
- There's still more to be done.
- Great.
I love being an artist.
Didn't you notice me giving you the silent treatment? - No.
Are you gonna come? If I can.
- Well, I was.
- Okay.
- Don't you wanna know why? Mm.
Why'd you do it, Judas? I thought you were giving me the silent treatment.
Why did you betray me and tell Dad about Robbie? You know, despite the fact that you just got out of jail two weeks ago, I'd never squeal on you.
Your life is your responsibility.
Dad must have seen us.
Seen you? What have you been doing? I haven't been doing anything.
I've just been serving out my time.
While you fall in love with a guy? You know, maybe this is God's way of restoring my self-esteem.
He works in mysterious ways, you know? While I believe he had a hand in getting you out of jail, I'm not quite sure God cares if you find Mr.
Right while cleaning our community.
Couldn't you just talk to Mom and Dad for me? Just say something like, "Isn't it great that Mary finally met a wonderful guy?" Please don't ask me to cross from one camp to the other.
I'm either your sister or their daughter, but I can't be your sister and their daughter, no matter now fabulous this guy is.
Okay, then be my sister, sis.
Whoa! So, what's in the bag? It's not hospital food.
I made it myself.
It really wasn't that big of a deal.
It's not like I shot the turkey.
Is everything okay? I don't want you to have to worry about me every day.
You have enough going on without having to take care of me too.
We take care of each other.
That's what being in love's all about.
I know, but you should be concentrating on school and your work and making sure that you're happy.
Do you wanna talk to me about anything? No.
- I just want a hug.
- Okay.
Good night, Mr.
- Where'd you get that? - From home.
We all bring in our own supplies.
Spray paint makes it faster, and it's a lot more fun.
How do you breathe around that stuff? Oh, you'll get used to it.
Actually you'll probably start to like it after a while.
Where are the other guys? Oh, uh, they decided to catch a breather.
We could use a breather too.
What? You're too pure to understand.
I'm gonna go check on the other guys.
Hey, you know, you're doing a great job.
Keep up the good work.
Mary won and we lost, and I don't know what to do about it.
I mean, if you punish a kid and the punishment turns out to be fun, then it's not really a punishment, is it? No, but what can you do about it? It wouldn't drive me nearly as crazy, if I had just been aware of this guy from the beginning.
- It's lying by omission is what it is.
- Yeah, I hate it too.
What are you not telling me about Shana? All right, but you You can't tell anyone, especially Matt.
I'm one of Shana's references to get into medical school.
Actually premed at NYU.
Shana's going to NYU? Good for her.
Bad for Matt.
- Yeah.
- You better tell him.
I can't.
She She wants to tell him herself.
You know, when it's official.
Well, what happens when she also tells him that she told you first? Well, I figured he'll still be more upset with her.
- You wish.
- Yes, I do.
You guys are gonna get a huge headache if you do that.
It's called huffing.
It makes you feel like you're walking on clouds, right? You wanna try? Or are you too pure? I didn't think so.
Hey, Camden, you say a word to anyone and your life will be hell.
Are you all right? Look, I'll go get help.
It's okay.
Calm down.
It happens all the time, okay? Remember.
Not a word.
- Yeah? - It's official.
I got the call.
I'm in.
I can't believe I actually got into NYU.
NYU, New York University, the big one, the Big Apple.
You should be very proud of yourself.
You worked hard.
Well, I'd be more proud of myself if I could tell Matt.
Well, you know, he's gonna find out sooner or later, and for me, sooner would be better.
I know, I was gonna tell him when I applied last year, but I didn't know if we were gonna keep seeing each other, so it didn't really seem like I should bring it up.
And then it didn't seem possible that I could actually get in, and now that it's possible, it's gonna be really hard to tell him.
But you're going to tell him? As much as I would like to stay here with Matt, I can't.
- I have to do this, it's NYU.
- Yeah, the big one, the Big Apple.
This is so unreal.
I still can't believe it.
But I'm gonna tell Matt.
Just not right now.
This is not a hamper.
I'm dropping out of the visual-arts project.
What happened? Um - Let's just say they don't want me.
- Oh, come on.
Why wouldn't they want you in the group? I don't know, but they don't.
Well, that's because they don't know you.
Give them one more chance.
Hang in there a little while longer.
Mom, I don't wanna hang in there, okay? You did this morning.
Did something happen? No, nothing happened.
I changed my mind.
- I don't like them.
- Simon, you like everyone.
Give them one more chance.
For me.
- All right, I'll try.
- Good boy.
Don't move.
- Why is he talking to Shana? - I don't know.
- How long has he been talking to her? - I don't know.
Don't go anywhere, you're next.
I need to talk to Dad.
Just don't ruin the mould.
I need that nose.
So why are you talking to Shana? That falls under pastor-parishioner privilege.
What about father-son obligation? I can't tell you what Shana and I discussed.
It's confidential.
Why do you know something about Shana that I don't? What's she hiding, and why is she hiding it from me? Talk to Shana.
My name's Robbie Palmer.
I'm a friend of Mary's.
We met at work.
- You know, community-service work.
- Mary's on restriction.
She's not allowed to have dates right now, or even in the near future.
I know, but I wanted to speak to both of you, and I didn't want Mary to know I was here.
I, uh, won't take too much of your time.
I just wanted you to meet me and see me for who I really am and not just some troubled youth doing time.
Not that Mary is a troubled youth.
- Hmm.
- No, of course not.
- You were saying? - I'd just like to explain why I'm doing community service.
- I messed up once, but only once.
- Messed up how? I was catching a ride to a party with a bunch of guys that I didn't really know and the driver ran a red light, almost hit someone.
- A drunk driver? - Pretty much.
There was beer in the car.
I didn't know until the cops pulled us over, and then I was charged with possession of alcohol by a minor, just being in the car with them.
- You messed up.
- But I'm determined to never get into trouble again.
Have you been in trouble before this? No ma'am.
But I deserve the community-service assignment for being so stupid.
I'm actually happy to do it.
I'm sure you are.
All I'm asking for is permission to call Mary.
I know she's on restriction and I don't want to get her in trouble by calling, and I don't wanna get off to a bad start with both of you.
Just in case, at some time in the future, Mary can go out, and you allow her to go out with me.
But But for now, if I could just call Mary, I'd appreciate it.
Can't believe he's talking to Mom and Dad.
How cool is that? Do I look different? I should, because for the first time in my life, I I am really, truly in love.
We met your friend Robbie.
He didn't tell me he was coming over, honest.
Well, since you've met Robbie, and you've seen how honest and sincere he is, doesn't it make you feel better about us? I think we're gonna need some time on this one.
So do you want some coffee or? I wanna know what my dad knows that I don't.
What are you hiding? What's going on? Talk to me.
I take it that's a no on the coffee.
I've been accepted to NYU for premed, and classes start in January.
NYU as in New York? Why didn't you tell me about this? Don't you trust me? Of course I trust you.
But not enough to share that you're going to NYU? Look, I love you, but if I don't go to NYU, I'm always gonna regret it, and that wouldn't be good for either of us.
You're talking to me like we discussed this.
I'm sorry.
I know this sounds selfish, but I was afraid to tell you because I thought you might talk me out of it, and NYU is a great school.
Jonas Salk went there.
Oh, that makes it all better.
You know, I bet when Jonas Salk got accepted to NYU, he told his girlfriend about it.
I don't know what hurts more, that you're going or that you told my dad before you told me.
Come on, can't we talk about this? I think it's too late for that.
So the jury's still out regarding my future with Robbie.
Well, good luck.
Uh, maybe you could talk to them for me.
What? Mom and Dad don't discuss your problems with me.
That's because they think you don't care.
Get in there and show them that you care.
You can do it.
I know you can.
Be my sister.
Forget it.
Come on, I'd help you if you asked me.
I can't be your sister and their daughter.
I can't do it.
If I put one foot in each camp, I'll end up in two pieces.
Two unhappy pieces.
You're a sister to six and a daughter to two.
You're smart, do the math.
- Hello, Reverend, Simon.
- Hey.
Is something wrong? Pete Lawrence collapsed on his way into school.
His nose was bleeding and he was having trouble breathing.
Is he all right now? I don't know.
His mother took him to the hospital.
Do you know anything about this? Simon? Uh, no, I don't know anything.
Maybe the other boys know something.
Do you wanna be a little late for school? Let's take a drive.
Did you know Dad gave Shana a recommendation to go away to school? - Far away.
New York away? - Good morning to you too.
- Sorry.
- Yes, I knew about NYU.
You know, everybody knew except me.
Shana wanted to tell you herself.
How could he send the woman I love He's not sending Shana anywhere.
He just gave her a reference for school.
Shana's the one who applied to the school.
Your dad's just trying to help her out.
I should've been the first person she went to with this.
Now she's made all these plans for a life that doesn't even include me.
How much could I matter to her that she does all this and doesn't tell me? Are you sure you don't know what happened to Pete? I don't know for sure, but I can take a guess.
But if you took a guess, then I wouldn't be ratting out a whole bunch of guys.
Give me someplace to start.
The visual-arts guys work with a lot of paint.
Spray paint.
Spray-paint fumes.
We're talking about huffing, aren't we? So Pete and the other guys have been inhaling paint fumes? Good guess.
Huffing's a serious problem.
Why didn't you say something? I didn't know it was serious, or at least not this serious.
I thought it can only make your nose bleed.
A bloody nose is the least of it.
Huffing causes liver damage and kidney failure, heart failure.
- Can you die from it? - Kids do every year.
Hi, I'm Simon's father, Eric Camden.
- Are you Pete's mom? - Yes.
So you're Simon? You did this, didn't you? What? No, I didn't do anything.
Pete's a good boy.
He's never been in trouble.
He's an A student.
Then you start hanging around with him and he ends up in the hospital.
Excuse me? - And you should have known better.
- What? The spray paint Pete used came from your garage.
Pete said Simon brought it to school.
You just stay away from my son.
You've done enough damage.
Look, Dad, I didn't do anything, I swear.
Hey, how you doing? - Just go away.
- I can't.
- Why? - Because your mom thinks I did this.
I let her think that.
I know.
And it's okay.
You must have been scared, and you had to tell your mom something.
When you're feeling better, you can tell her the truth.
If I do, I'll get all my friends in trouble.
And that's better than getting one innocent guy in trouble? Look.
Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't mind taking the rap for a friend.
But you and your buddies have to stop huffing, or eventually they're gonna end up just like you.
Or maybe even worse.
Congratulations, Ruthie, on one of the most inspired pieces of art I've ever seen.
So I'm an artist? Cool, but I'm having a hard time explaining it to my family.
You know, sometimes those closest to us, like our family, can't see us for who we really are.
Sometimes we need an outsider to acknowledge what our family can't.
I hope one day my family understands all my talents.
You do have a lot.
I just wanna thank you for excluding me from my own life.
I didn't mean to exclude you.
I Look, I encouraged Shana to talk to you.
I did, but I couldn't make her do something she didn't wanna do.
Well, you could have refused to help her.
- Matt.
- She's your son's girlfriend.
Isn't that a conflict of interest? If I remember correctly, it's because she was your girlfriend that I got involved with her in the first place.
She doesn't need you now.
She has me.
It doesn't work that way.
Plus, when it comes to references, most colleges usually want someone other than the applicant's boyfriend.
- You could have told me.
- No, I couldn't.
When people come to me, they need to know that what they say is confidential.
- But I love her.
- Are you sure? I just said I did.
Good, because if you do love Shana, then you won't make the decision to go to NYU any more difficult for her than it already is.
Someone who truly loves her would understand what a wonderful, exciting time this is, and would be supportive and happy for her, regardless of their own personal feelings.
I don't know.
I don't know if I can do that.
Then maybe you don't love her as much as you think you do.
What's wrong? Dad and Mom had Robbie transferred to another location.
They are way out of line here.
They're They're just Parents? Do you want me to be a real sister to you? Do you want me to jump in and get all mad at Mom and Dad? Or do you want me to tell you what I think? I want you to jump in there and get all mad at Mom and Dad.
Don't tell me you agree with them.
I don't know if I agree with them or not, because I don't know why they did what they did, but I do trust them to do the right thing.
They've lived longer than us, and sometimes they just know more about life.
I guess I'll talk to Ruthie next time I need a sister.
Getting advice from an 8-year-old.
How mature.
Well, as my last official act as your sister, I'd like to say: Did you ever think maybe this isn't the best time to meet a guy? Or maybe Mom and Dad know something about Robbie that you don't? You've been talking to them? I'm just trying to be your sister, and I don't wanna see you get in any more trouble.
No, you don't ever wanna see me happy again and neither do they.
Yep, that's it.
It's all a huge conspiracy.
How you doing? I finally found some cool guys to hang out with.
I'm sorry I encouraged you to keep on trying to fit in.
I should have found out a little more about who you were trying to fit in with and why you didn't wanna be their new best friend.
It's not your fault.
I should have spoken up sooner.
I just wasn't sure what they were doing.
I've never heard of huffing before.
Why would anyone find that fun? I don't know.
I talked to Mrs.
Pete told his mom about the other guys and the huffing.
The principal's meeting with the boys and their parents tomorrow.
Pete promised to call each of the guys and explain why he ratted them out.
No one's gonna think it was you.
- I don't care if they do.
- Good for you.
- How's Pete? - Well, the doctor said there wasn't any permanent damage, but when he's better, he'll have to go through a detox programme to get the chemicals out of his system.
And I recommended that he and his parents meet with a family counsellor.
- Um, can I talk to you guys? - Yeah.
Robbie got transferred.
We're not working together anymore.
- We know.
- Why'd you do it? We think your community service shouldn't be anything but community service.
It's not something you're doing for yourself.
It's something you're doing for the community as a payback.
So just because I met a fabulous guy while I was doing community service, I have to give him up? Not entirely.
We're gonna let Robbie call you.
When the first phase of your service is complete, and if you get a satisfactory review, then we'll see about Robbie coming over so that we can get to know him better and you can get to know him better.
So you're not saying I can never see him? Correct.
Then I guess I'm really grateful.
- Grateful? - Really? I wouldn't have been grateful a few minutes ago.
A few minutes ago, I would have been angry and completely selfish, but after talking to my sister, I kind of see things in a whole new light.
You mean me? Not yet, but someday, little sister.
- First prize? - First prize.
We were wrong about that piece of art.
I got your message.
You're not gonna make me eat any more of that hospital food, are you? No.
Are we breaking up? I don't wanna break up with you.
What is that for? - A celebration.
- A celebration? Well, if I couldn't be the first person you told about NYU, I wanna be the first person you celebrate with.
You're the only person I wanna celebrate with.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not happy about you leaving, but, hey, NYU, that's That's very cool.
- Really? - Really.
I lied before when I said I was upset because I wasn't the first person you told about NYU.
I was upset because you were going to NYU.
And I was being selfish, and I don't wanna be selfish.
I wanna be happy for you and help you celebrate this impressive achievement.
Okay, not the reaction I was going for.
No, I am crying because I'm happy.
And the thing that makes me the happiest is that someone really does love me.
Loves me enough to let me go.
You really do love me.
I really love you.