Evil (2019) s04e10 Episode Script

How to Survive a Storm


NARRATOR: Category 5 hurricanes
the most destructive storms on earth
have wind gusts of 157 miles per hour,
and destroy structures as far
as five or six miles inland
Are we six miles inland?
What are they considering inland?
From the ocean or East River?
- What was that?
- It sounded like a bus.
- No. A branch. Just a branch.
Now intensified to a Category 3,
radar shows Lucy is
heading for New York,
where a "shelter in place"
warning has just been issued
It's gonna kill us.
- Shut up, Laura.
- Don't say shut up.
- Shush!
- There is a veil
between the spirit world and our world.
And during a hurricane, it
thins to almost nothing.
Demons cross to our world,
and we cross to theirs
Okay, stop watching that.
Why? I thought you
believed in demons, Lynn.
Serious demons, not clickbait-demons.
ASTROLOGY GIRL: weird things happen.
Graves empty out.
Dead people are found
walking the streets.
Watch this footage
from the last tornado.
This video was taken during
a Category 5 hurricane
on the Florida Keys.

You got to call upon all
your powers of protection.
Light candles, pray to your ancestors,
pour salt in front of all
your doors and your windows.
Come on, you guys.
It's just superstition.
Lynn, there were literal
demons in our house.
- That's not just superstition.
- What are you doing?
- Salt.
- Oh, come on.
We're out. We used it
all on our sore throats.
Would sugar work? We have sugar.
- No, demons like sugar.
- How do you know that?
- Because you like sugar.
- We need to call Mom.
Don't tell her why.
She'll think we're stupid.
Hey. Everything okay there?
LILA: Yeah, we're just
moving stuff upstairs.
You're what? Why?
Because they said if it's a Category 5,
the ground floor will flood.
Okay, you need to stop
freaking out. It's just a storm.
But they said it's a
one-in-a-hundred-years storm.
- Yeah, you know, they say that every year.
- Mom?
Can you pick up some
salt while you're out?
Sure. Why?
we just want it.
For our food.
- Hey, stop worrying.
Okay? Turn off the TV.
Mom, why are you
I needed to talk to you.
But Leland's tapping my phone.
These are for you and the girls.
They're stun guns.
Leland is coming after me.
And he's gonna come after you, too.
You're the most important
people in the world to me.
Even if I haven't always
shown that, so, please,
- take these, okay?
- Mom, we're fine.
Are you okay?
Leland has taken over DF.
He has demons following me.
They look like accountants
and businessmen,
but they're just wearing
human skins like a costume.
Okay, Mom, it's this storm.
It's making everybody nuts.
No. No, no, no, I saw it.
They take off their
skin and they attack you.
I want you to take a breath.
Just take a really deep breath.
Please, please, don't
patronize me, Kristen.
- I'm really not patronizing you.
- Yeah, you are.
I'm not. What are you, what
are you taking for medication?
That's not what this is about.
No, I'm not on anything anymore.
[STAMMERS] Who are you calling?
[STAMMERS] I want to talk Dr. Boggs.
I want to hear about
your medication, okay?
Okay, listen.
I love you. I've always loved you.
- Keep the kids safe, okay?
- Yeah.
- Yeah, hi, Kurt.
- Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck.
This is Kristen. Yeah, I'm sorry.
I just wanted you to talk to my mom
Um, yeah, sorry, Kurt, I'm
gonna have call you back.
- Delivery for the Bouchards.
- What is it?
Toilet paper.
- Oh, come on!
- Yeah. Good luck.
What are you doing?
I found some margarita salt.
It keeps ghosts out.
Were you able to get more?
[SIGHS] Okay, listen.
A few things.
No more toilet paper, okay?
I said we only needed
a little bit extra.
And salt doesn't do anything.
They said that toilet paper
was the first thing to be
bought out during a storm.
Yeah, but this is enough toilet paper
to last us for five years. Oh, my God.
- What's that?
Oh, your friend brought her baby by.
Mom's home!
Should we tell her we saw him already?
- With Grandma?
- No. She'll freak out.
This is our first time seeing him, okay?
- First time.
- Girls
What's going on?
Your friend is here with her baby.
Kristen, hi.
So sorry I didn't call before,
but it's been crazy. With the storm.
What are you doing here?
Just wanted to say thank you
for being so nice and helping me before.
LYNN: She said you took
her to the hospital?
LESLIE: Do you want to hold him?
no, that's okay.
Kristen, can I talk to you for a sec?
Oh, can I hold him? Leslie, I'm
really good at holding babies.
Yeah, we're good with him.
We're good with him, yeah.
What's going on?
Leland is shutting me off
from contact with Timothy.
I didn't think I'd care.
But I do.
I'm sorry, Leslie, but I
have nothing to do with this.
LESLIE: But you do.
You're the biological mother.
I talked to a lawyer,
and if you petitioned the court with me,
we could take Timothy away from Leland.
Parent him together.
I'm sorry, Leslie, but that's crazy.
Kristen, please, look at how good
your girls are with him.
You didn't tell them he's related.
No, I wouldn't do that.
Help me.
I'm sorry.
You totally screwed this up.
I tried everything I could,
but Kristen wouldn't budge.

Feliz Navidad ♪
Feliz Navidad. ♪
It's Leland Townsend.
Is that who you saw?
Are these his coordinates?
We have reason to believe
those coordinates belong
to the new leader of a
multi-national conglomerate
controlled by The Sixty.
Is he the evil that's
coming to New York?
He's an organizer of the evil.
I have one warning, David.
Don't step into him.
Only remote view.
It's too dangerous.
What are you doing?
It's a Category 4. The
church needs to be shuttered.
- No. Keep working on this.
- No.
The storm is coming.
Leland will always be there.
REPORTER: Category 4 hurricane,
probably packing winds in excess
of 140 miles per hour
and a storm surge of ten feet.
You can see this is
a lot of warm air
coming up from the Caribbean,
and with the colder air
If that's more toilet paper,
it's coming out of your college fund!
I didn't order this.
- Did you?
- LILA: I think we all thought
we were the ones ordering.
He's called the Gray Man.
He appears during the middle of storms.
Some people say he's there to warn you.
But I've heard different.
He appears when bad things
are about to happen.
When death is near.
If he sees you, run.
Because if he grabs you
Power's out, Mom!
KRISTIN: I can see that!
There are lanterns in the kitchen.
Be big girls, okay?
What are you doing?
Don't try to scare me.
I'm not.
Just listen.
Somebody please help me.
BOY: They locked me in.
I'm scared.
What are you doing?
- Where you going?
- Next door.
There's a boy trapped there.
What? No, it's storming out there.
We're just peering
through the back door.
LILA: It's weird how warm it is.
It's, like, 90 degrees.
How do you know that?
- LEXIS: Saw them locking it.
- LYNN: Wait,
- let's get Mom.
- She's taking a bath.
She doesn't like when
we interrupt her baths.
Yeah, but we can't just go in.
We're just gonna yell in.
He's trapped in there.
You guys are hearing things.
Okay, well, then wait out here.
LILA: So? Where is he?
LAURA: Little boy,
where are you?
LEXIS: Do you ever wonder
if we chased the demons out of our house
and into the neighborhood?
- No.
- I I think we did.
I-I think we see, like,
scary stuff in our yard
and on our street.
LAURA: Little boy
[WHISPERS]: where are you?
I'm upstairs. Please help.
BOY: Please.
- Kid?
- BOY: I'm scared.
Where are you, kid?
BOY: I'm upstairs.
Help me.
Help me,
please. Somebody.
They locked me in.
I'm scared.
BOY: I'm upstairs.
Help me, please.
Oh, you're kidding.
He tricked us.
But why?
Shoot. Turn it off, turn it off.
There's no room. There's no room.



- [WHISPERING]: I have a plan.
- No.
No, I got it, I got it, I got it.
Dance, dance ♪
Put on this bikini and
dance, dance, dance ♪
We're gonna fly you off to Tokyo ♪
You're gonna travel
all over the world ♪
Okay. Okay.
Come on, come on, come on.
And our TV ♪
All you got to do is put
on this little bikini ♪
And dance ♪
D-D-D-D-Dance ♪
Dance ♪
What are you doing?!
You don't just go over and
break into a neighbor's house.
- Oh, my God,
I can't believe I have
to make that a rule!
- We were trying to save him!
All right!
I'm gonna go over there right now
to apologize.
And I want you all
to write an "I'm sorry" letter.
All right?
- One each.
And stop buying toilet paper!


Well, hello, neighbor.
How nice of you.
A cake?


Well, it was just such a good
deal that I couldn't resist.
And it's so close to good friends.
And this is such a nice gesture.
I love a homemade cake,
and if you ever need anything at
Well, we're like Laurel and Hardy
I'd invite you in, but
the place is [SHOUTS]
"My daughter, my sister,
my daughter, my sis "
You have no idea how hard
this is making me right now.
Come over anytime,
Kristen. I'll make dinner.

The important thing is
we're all gonna be okay.
Okay? I will never let
anything happen to you.
I need you to promise you
will never go in there again.
Ever. Understand?
The courts won't be open
until the storm passes,
but as soon as it is, I'm
filing a restraining order.
- Like last time?
- Yeah,
but this time, it's gonna stick.
He's got a history now.
- On Bumblebee Valley.
- Yeah.
And we need to record every
infraction, every harassment.
Okay? Even a noise through the wall.
I've got pads for the four of you.
I want you to mark
the date and the time.
And if you can, record
it on your phones, okay?
- Okay.
- Now, in the meantime,
we're gonna have to
take care of ourselves.
- are stun guns.
- How do they work?
- Can I have two?
- No, they're not toys.
They're only to be used
if you're under threat.
- Okay?
- Okay.
- So cool.
- Now, I also have these.
These are air horns.
If Leland gets near you
or he starts bothering you in any way,
you blast these, okay?
- LYNN: Laura!
[STAMMERS] Please, only
if Leland gets near you.
Sorry, Mom.
- It's okay. [GASPS]
Stay-stay-stay, stay there. Stay there.

What are you doing?
David called me, told me
about your new neighbor.
How did you know?
- Very cool hat you have on.
Yes, yes, I wore it just for you guys.
No Hey, hey, hey!
This is a Ben-only hat.
- Sharing is caring.
- Ben-only, Ben-only, Ben-only.
- Are you all right?
- I don't know what I am.
I'm a bit pissed. Girls,
girls, girls, girls.
Why don't you go find a place
for all that toilet paper?
- Okay?
- Okay.
Why do you have so much toilet paper?
Okay, so I checked the county
recorder records online,
and the deed transferred a week ago.
It's his. He bought it.
- Damn it.
- Kristen, we're on it.
No matter what we do, he wins.
I have to start looking
for another house.
- It's not a great market.
- Uh, I have some thoughts
I saw you and Leland at the door.
What do you mean?
What was this, your
remote viewing thing?
Are you saying you
can keep an eye on him?
Maybe even more.
What does that mean?
I'd rather not say.
Okay. I got something more practical.
- KRISTIN: Uh-huh.
- Okay? I need to go downstairs.
It's a duplex. You share a sewage line?
- KRISTIN: Uh-huh.
- I think I can back up his side.
Thank you.
Oh, he's gonna rue the day
that he moved in next door.
[SIGHS] It's Category 5 now.
Landfall in 12 hours.
- BEN: Hmm.
- Seems appropriate.

David, I want to offer counsel,
but I'm not sure what you're asking.
If you were certain,
absolutely certain,
that someone was going
to kill someone that
you care deeply about,
would-would it be wrong
to do everything in
your power to stop them?
Well, it depends what
you mean by "everything."
Is it wrong to kill the offender first?
Well, you know the catechism here.
If you're asking would
God forgive such an act,
then the answer is "no."
The offender wouldn't
be the only one to die.
The defender would be
sacrificing their eternal soul.
And if there's no other way?
There is so much about my faith
I don't understand, David.
Some days, I don't
even know if I believe.
I pray, I pray, I don't feel anything.
But there's one thing
I do believe, and always have:
John 15, verse 13:
"Greater love hath no man
than laying down his life
for his friends."
If I'd had a chance to stop
the person who killed Matt
the Monsignor I would have,
even if it meant killing that person.
To my mind, that would be serving God.

Forgive me, Father.
Forgive me, Father

Oh, come on.

To Jesus Christ, our Sovereign King ♪
Who is the world's salvation ♪
All praise and homage do we bring ♪
Hello, David.

Have you ever sliced
into human flesh, David?
It's really quite yielding.

What in the hell?
- OSCAR: Ms. Luria?
Oh. Oscar, hey.
Offices are closed because of the storm.
Only emergency power.
Didn't you get the company email?
Mm I don't know.
Um is, uh ?
Is this the email?
- [THUD]
I'm the fucking storm, Oscar.
"It is with heavy hearts
that we announce the passing
of our founder and CEO,
Mr. Leland Townsend."
She's there now.
And she's trying to tank our stock.
"DF will survive
if we all stick together."
Doctor, wha ?
Did Leland send you?
No, uh, I went by your house.
Kristen told me I might find you here.
She's worried you
might need some help.
Did I just step over a security guard?
Doctor, I'm gonna need
you to turn around.
Turn around. Face the wall.
- Why?
- I'll stun you if you don't.
- Lower your collar.
- Why?
Stop asking why and do it!
- Why are you here?
- Can I turn around?
Yes. Why are you here?
What were you looking for?
A Velcro-like fastener on the neck.
Why a fastener?
That's where their skin connects.
Kristen's worried you're
mixing painkiller medications.
And to be honest, seeing you now,
I'm worried, too.
Do you believe in demons, Doctor?
[CHUCKLES] I don't know.
I did.
But I believe there are
psychological conditions
that can resemble demons.
But not actual demons?
Have you read Oliver Sacks'
book Hallucinations?
- No.
- I'll send you a copy.
He talks about
elevated states and how they
come from neurological causes.
That's what happened to me. [SIGHS]
What are you doing?
Correcting a mistake I made.
What kind of mistake?
I got involved in this company
and I am working to end it.
Can I take a look at your
prescription medication?
Might explain a lot
about what's going on now.
Uh Sheryl, come on, please, hey.
Sit down, let's talk. Let's
Sheryl, come on, please.
Hey, come on. Come sit. Let-Let's talk.
What do you want?
I just need a quick sign-off
on an expense report, Sheryl.
It'll take five minutes.
Go to hell.
Sheryl, you're not well.
Sir, can you open the door, please?
Don't you fucking dare.
Listen, wh-wh-why don't you
give us a-a few minutes, sir?
I need this expense report now.
Yeah, just-just a few
minutes. Listen to me.
In my experience, it's
completely normal for people
to have emotional breakdowns
during a hurricane.
It's a psychologically
intense experience.
Not just because of
the danger, but be

Doctor, we need to go now. Now.
Um, I think I
Kurt. Kurt, boost me up.
Now, Kurt!
Grab my hand. Here.
Oh here. Take my hand.
Take my hand.
[GRUNTING]: Kurt. Come on.
- Are you okay?
- I don't know.
Thank you, Sister.
I'd like her to stay.
What did you do?
I stepped into Leland.
DAVID: He bought the
house next door to Kristen.
He wants to hurt her and her daughters.
I warned you not to step into him.
He was able to take
control of you, right?
How is that possible?
What are you not telling me about him?
Tell me.
Leland Townsend was one of us.
One of the Entity?
We're not the Entity,
we're friends of
The Vatican, I know.
He was one of you?
Sister, I really think I
should talk to David alone.
Leland was training to be a priest.
For ten years.
He wanted to be a friend of the Vatican.
He had talent.
I trained him myself.
Oh, God.
That is why he was able to control you.
He knows everything we do.
That's why I asked you
to not step into him.
Now he has a pathway into your mind.
What does that mean?
That means he can use
it any time he wants.
He can step into you.
ANDREA: And control David?
Try to.
How does David stop it?
I don't know.
Leland is more powerful.
Unless there was a way to
Kill him.
I know we should move to a safer room,
but I can't stop watching.
It's like the end of the world.
We both saw the same thing, right?
A man from accounting
ripping off his skin
to reveal that he's
a demon who chased us?
Um, yeah.
Oh, God.
You know, it could be SDD,
shared delusion disorder,
but, yeah, that happens with people
who are isolated from others,
and, you know, we're not
particularly close, so
I don't understand.
And how would I develop
that same delusion?
Or it's not a hallucination.
I guess I have something
to write about now.
[CHUCKLES] That's right.
- The girls said it's going well.
- Mm.
Only six more stories,
I'll print the collection.
I think today will be good for two.
- [LAUGHS] At least two.
- Yeah.
- Want more?
- Yeah.

- I think I need to go.
- Stay.
Dangerous out there.
Maybe some other time.
Thanks for the talk.
I'll be okay.
It's called folie à deux, what we saw.
Folly of two. Appropriate.
When things calm down, drop by again.
Just to talk, not to psychoanalyze.
I like talking.
Give this one to Kristen later
and this one to Andy, if you can.
Why? Why are they?
Kristen won't see me and
I doubt Andy will either.
These just need to get to them.
- Hey.
- Hey.
I was just thinking
life's gotten pretty weird.
Yeah. So, we just need
whatever you have on Leland.
- I remember you doing research.
- All right.
Well, I've got this.
It's not up to date,
but it's all stuff from
his high school days.
- Um
- How'd you get all this?
He left some DNA on one of my glasses,
and I had a friend at the D.A.'s
office run the forensics on it.
So, what are we looking for?
DAVID: Thoughts and images that could
distract Leland from remote viewing.
- Is that Leland?
- Yep.
- Wow.
- Jake Perry.
Class of 1978.
Roosevelt High School in Des Moines.
And this is him playing the
tuba in the marching band.
"Jake the Flake."
I think we can find some AOLs in this.
Take my hand, Kristen.
Take my hand, please.
It's Leland.
Fuck me now, Kristen.
Fuck me now, Kristen.
Ow! [GASPS] Ow.
Oh, let go, please!
David, fight it!
- Fight it, let go!
- BEN: I've got an idea.
Hold on. Hold on. I got it, I got it.
You are four beats late, Jake!
Can you not hear it?!
- Don't!
- It's working. Louder.
- BEN: Yeah.
KRISTEN: David, fight it!
Let go! Please!
He's gone.
You sure?
Yeah. Good work.
I'm sorry about what I said earlier.
Oh, that's okay.
You weren't yourself.
Great. I'm guessing it's made landfall.
Nope. A tornado.
Mother Nature is pissed.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God!
What are you doing?!
Everything's fine, Mom.
The window just broke.
Well, then we got to get
to a room without a window!
DAVID: The upstairs bathroom!
Where are your sisters?
Lila! Lexis!
Mom! The new room just collapsed.
- What?
- It could've been my room.
Lila would've been dead by now.
Let's go! Let's go now! Now! Now!
Go upstairs, go upstairs right now!
- Sister!
Who are you?
You won't hurt this family!
I'm not scared of you.
This storm will end.
Go back to Hell!
You don't scare us!
You're an old woman.
You mean nothing.
And we own the storms.
God controls the weather.
Not this weather.
God doesn't control this.
Sister! Sister!
- Is the first aid kit upstairs?
- Yes, in the bathroom.
- Sister Andrea, are you okay?
- Is she breathing?
- Check her pulse.
- How is she bleeding?
KRISTEN: Girls. Girls, girls,
girls, girls, girls. Shh
Can you hear me, Sister?
Where am I?
LAURA: Are you okay?
I was confused for a
minute, but I'm fine now.
LAURA: It's a tornado.
I'm only ten, and this
is my first tornado.
What happened to the hurricane?
Can you have both hurricane and tornado?
Well, not usually, but, uh, you
know, conditions have changed.
Whenever a cold and warm front converge,
you can have a tornado.
And, you know, we're having
unusually warm weather, so
So this is about how you guys
screwed things up for my generation?
Pretty much. Sorry.
It's the Devil.
No, no, it's just us, it's just people.
It's pure evil.
I think we should pray.
- For?
For the world to stay safe.
For the storm to end. For
the ceiling to stay intact.
Uh, uh, we can do it silently, Sister.
No, that's all right. Can't hurt.
The first joyful
mystery, the Annunciation.
In the name of the Father,
and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen.
Gonna be a long time together.
I believe in God the Father Almighty,
Creator of Heaven and Earth,
and in Jesus Christ, His only Son,
our Lord.
LYNN: Who was conceived
by the Holy Ghost.
BOTH: Born of the Virgin Mary.
Suffered under Pontius Pilate.
Was crucified, died, and was buried.
He descended into Hell.
On the third day, He arose again.
He ascended into Heaven
and sitteth at the right
hand of God the Father

Is it over?
DAVID: Yeah.
Just waiting for the all clear.
Did the prayer bother you?
No atheists in a foxhole.
I wish I had two lives.
One for God.
And one for you.
I wish I had two lives.
Both of them for you.
What about me?
Three lives.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Hi, Leland.
SHERYL: So sorry
you're not feeling well.
- Oh, here, let me help you out.
Hey. Your stock's not doing too well.
That's got to be hard on you, huh?
And I think the death of its new CEO
is gonna prove problematic, too.
Well, it was nice knowing you, Leland.
I can't keep saving your
ass. You clean up this one.
- Guess I'll make breakfast.
I'm sorry, what?
64-year-old female. Sheryl Luria.
Fell from a fourth floor
balcony during the storm.
- Breathing is shallow.
- Call ortho for bed number three
and neurosurgery for
bed number four. Hurry.
Sustained catastrophic
injuries. Massive loss of blood.
Blood pressure's 60/40.
DOCTOR: Likely a left pneumothorax
and cardiac tamponade.
Alert the OR.
- What's taking so long?
- This jacket is bulletproof.
Well, just cut at the seam.
No, I mean, it's really bulletproof.
So, um, neighbors
called 911. They said
that she fell out of a window.
- Oh, my God.
- Yeah.
It's not looking good.
I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
Are you okay?
- I don't know. It's complicated.
- Mm.
NURSE: Kristen Bouchard.
She wants to see you.
ALL: We love you so much, Grandma.
We've missed you so much.
You should see the
house after the storm.
It's a mess, but you would love it.
There's toilet paper everywhere.
And a massive branch
crashed through the window.
- It's okay.
- Don't die, Grandma. Please.
I love you so much.
Okay. Let's go.
F-Forgive me.
Mom, do you want the last rites?
You don't have to, but David is here.
I love you.
[GASPING]: I love you.
You came to me to
confess before, Sheryl,
and God forgave you.
He loves you.
And he will welcome
you into his kingdom,
where there will be
no more death or sorrow
or tears.
For the former things are passed away.
Do you believe that?
You are forgiven.
Our Father who art in Heaven,
hallowed be Thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done,
- on Earth as it is in Heaven.
- ♪

[SIGHS] I'm sorry, I just heard.
Thank you. Thanks for coming.
Um, your mother, uh,
gave me
this to give to you.
What you see behind me is a secret room
in Leland Townsend's apartment.
He's eating. His first solid foods.
Exciting times.
What time did the movers
say they'd be here?
Not until 5:00.
Mr. Leland Townsend?
Is anything the matter?
I'm Officer Wolfe. We
have a search warrant
- to search these premises.
- Why? What did I do?
No, no, no, no, you can't go in there.
Hands behind your back, sir. Right now.
Leslie, call my lawyer.
Hey, how are they?
Huh. That's a good thing, isn't it?
I just don't want them to blame me.
Their grandmother being
out of their lives, or
[CRYING]: I don't
Well, at least your neighbor
is out of your life for good.
[SIGHS] Unless he gets a good lawyer.
Maybe he made bail already.
Ms. Kristen Bouchard?
- Yes?
- This is Ms. Meeker,
the intake administrator for New
York Child Protective Services,
and our civilian
observer Eileen Gilbert.
- Okay.
- As you may know,
when a parent is held
in police custody, the
agency makes every effort
to connect the child to
the other biological parent.
And with Mr. Townsend being held,
along with the surrogate
- Leslie?
- Yes.
We have no other option
than foster care for Timothy,
or you.
Jesus Christ.
But that decision must be
made by the biological mother.
Of course.
Of course that must be made by me.
Ms. Bouchard?
Your decision, ma'am?
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