FBI: International (2021) s04e10 Episode Script
Keep Calm and Deliver the Biotoxin
You'll need to use your English.
Just tell me what's going
on. Who's coming for you?
There isn't time to
explain everything.
You're going to have to trust me.
This is what they're looking for.
You must bring it to an American
I've been working with.
He's the only one I trust.
Dr. Chang, he's a good man.
He'll know what to do.
The combination is 764.
Keep that memorized.
But until you hand the case to him,
you cannot let it out of your sight.
You have to go now.
Do this for me. Be strong.
OK, here we are, home sweet home.
- Thank you.
- Plants are watered.
The trash is taken out.
The fridge is stocked with
a bunch of healthy crap.
Gotta be better than hospital food.
Wes, you really didn't
have to do all this.
No, of course, I did.
You're my partner.
So how are you feeling?
- You keep asking me that.
- Yeah, I know.
You look like you're still in pain.
Yeah, only when I move. [LAUGHS]
Great news about that,
you are not going
to have to move all that much.
We got movies. We got snacks.
We got magazines. We got a Tank.
- What is all this?
- Well,
I know you.
You're going to want to work.
You probably already
called Tate to have her
send you updates or some
stupid crap like that,
but the doctor said that
you have to rest, right?
So you're unplugged.
You're off the clock.
Ugh, that sounds like torture.
Um, I'm sorry.
Where the hell did
you find a DVD player?
I have my ways.
- Is that a new case?
- No.
You are staying in bed, at
least for a week, all right?
"Happy Gilmore," seriously?
I'm a phone call away if
you need anything, OK?
- Tank, keep an eye on her.
I'm watching you.
These better not all be about golf.
"Tin Cup" is a great
movie. Start there.
Nice putt!
We got work to do. You coming?
That's three in a row.
Well, you finally fixed your
grip like I told you to.
I'm having a pretty
nice morning, actually.
As it turns out, I'm
getting promoted to GS-14.
Wait, put the putter down.
They're saying it's a done deal.
I mean, I've been hosed before,
but I had my interview
with the career board
and I guess I nailed it.
Can you believe that?
It's all thanks to you.
What are you talking about?
No, you earned this.
What job did you put in for?
That's the best part
Major Offenses desk in Philadelphia.
I won't be far from
Charlotte's school.
You son of a bitch. You did it!
[LAUGHS] This is why you stuck around.
Director still has to sign off,
so I don't want to
make a big deal about it
till it's official in a couple days.
OK. One last ride.
All right, Amanda, what do we got?
OK, so, late last night,
microbiologist Alexander
Chang contacted the FBI
with an urgent request for help.
Dr. Chang was working
at his lab in Boston
when he got a distressed
call from the daughter
of one of his former colleagues,
Vasily Sviridov.
According to his daughter,
Sviridov was killed three nights ago
while trying to defect from Russia.
Now, she's in hiding in Ukraine
and claims to be in possession
of her father's
highly-sensitive research.
- HQ wants us to go acquire it.
- What kind of research?
Unclear, but Sviridov was an expert
in the field of biotoxins.
According to Dr. Chang,
Sviridov used to share his findings
with the scientific community,
but since the war with Ukraine,
he became more secretive.
So the Russians are
developing bioweapons.
They'd say it's medical research,
but the truth is,
we're not talking about
shoving anthrax spores in the mail.
Those attacks in 2001
killed five people,
but with this guy's expertise,
a bacteria could be
weaponized to kill millions.
Well, it sounds like we better
get our hands on this research.
Andre, you're gonna take
the lead on this one.
Smitty, Tyler, back him up.
I'm going to run things from here
until Vo's back up to full speed.
How's she doing?
Good, resting.
[SCOFFS] Yeah, I
wouldn't count on that.
I will take this.
All right.
Don't don't look at me like that.
You don't need to be
afraid. We're here to help.
We're with the FBI. We're
friends of Dr. Chang.
Why should I believe you?
You only called him,
and he only called us.
Can you let us in, please?
I'm Andre Raines,
and this is Megan Garretson.
We're here to keep you safe and
secure your father's research.
Where's Dr. Chang?
He's on a flight from
the States as we speak.
But we cannot wait here.
We need to get you somewhere
where you can be protected.
- That wasn't the plan.
- You made it out of Russia.
You did your part.
We can take the documents
the rest of the way,
for your own safety.
Where it goes, I go.
That was my father's final wish.
I'm not betraying that.
This case is locked with a
combination that only I know.
I mailed the keys to the
handcuffs to Dr. Chang.
If you or anyone else
tried to take it,
you will have to drag my dead body.
Who is this woman? Is she serious?
Apparently so.
Does she know what's
going to happen to her
if the Russians find her like that?
You got to get that
thing off her wrist.
Well, we could physically
overpower her, of course,
but I have a strong feeling
that could get loud.
There's always tranquilizer darts.
It doesn't have to come to that.
She's been through a lot. She's scared.
She's emotional
about her dad. I get it.
I think we work with her, at
least until she calms down.
- I can finesse this.
- OK, Andre, it's your call.
If you think this is
the play, go for it.
OK, new plan.
We're bringing the girl along as well.
We got a visual.
Package is on the move.
Man, it'd be nice if they
could just take the jet.
How quickly can you end the war
and secure Ukrainian airspace?
Train to Krakow leaves
in three minutes.
Yeah, this is probably faster.
Hey, Smitty. Any sign of a tail?
What's our advance team say?
Passenger cars and
dining car are clear.
I'm ready. You gotta hook me up.
I don't know. Wes seemed pretty clear.
Five free babysitting
nights, that's my offer.
Really, you're going
to play that card?
Look, come on.
I am going to be sitting
here worrying anyways,
and I might as well
be helping the team.
And you know what?
Tank agrees with me.
- He's nodding his head.
Five nights.
Yes! Thank you.
Thank you. Thank you.
Here is your cabin.
What a day, right?
You're in a good mood.
What do you mean? I'm
always in a good mood.
OK, yeah, I'm not
telling everybody this,
but I'm finally up for GS-14.
- Oh, congratulations.
- Thank you.
Now that explains the message
that I got this morning.
I'm sorry, what message
did you get this morning?
Someone from the Philadelphia
field office reached out.
They want to set up a
call to ask about you.
When they said they were going
to talk to my supervisor,
I assumed that
I assumed that meant Wes.
Well, I'm sure they're
going to talk to him too.
Apparently, someone has
questions about Paris.
What are you going to tell them?
I don't know, the truth?
Wes and I left out certain details
in that case report for a reason.
Well, that puts me in an
awkward position, doesn't it?
If there is even a hint
of impropriety, I'm
going to get passed over.
Look, I'm not going
to volunteer anything,
but if they ask me directly
whether you and Wes
broke into a witness's
apartment without a warrant,
what am I supposed to say?
Look, Wes and I cut some corners.
We did, OK?
But we only did that because
Andre's life was in danger.
Yeah, I understand,
but then you should
have owned up to it.
By trying to shove it under the rug,
you've put my integrity
in question as well.
I'm going to check
the first class again.
My students would be
leaving my classroom now.
You're a teacher?
Secondary school science.
I won't see them again, will I?
I didn't even think about that.
I can never go home after this.
I'm sorry.
My country has always been difficult.
The things that I loved about Russia
has been slipping away, one by one.
And now, they've taken everything.
Did your father ever talk
about what he was working on?
He didn't tell anybody.
But I did look in his notebook once.
He was developing a new
strain of Clostridium.
- A bacteria.
- Yes.
The type he discovered can selectively
target cancer cells.
A non-pathogenic form could have
incredible medical applications.
That was my father's passion.
But in a weaponized
form, that same strain
could be highly lethal.
He knew better than to
show his bosses this work.
He would never make a weapon.
He told me he would rather die.
So that's what he did.
He sounds like a brave man.
Three more hours.
- Andre.
- What's up?
We might have a problem.
There's a guy who keeps
going back and forth
in front of your cabin door.
He's done it several times now,
and he looks agitated.
All right, keep your eyes on him.
Tyler, I want you to take my
spot watching the package.
- I want to get a look at him.
- Copy that.
Where are you going?
Stay here with the briefcase, OK?
We'll be watching this door.
Sir, is there something
I can help you with?
What's this now? Who are you?
I'm with Europol.
I noticed you were walking back
and forth between the cars.
Only 'cause he told me to.
- Who?
- The coach attendant.
He told me there was
a problem with my seat
and that I had to move back.
And so I did that,
but then the same idiot came back
and told me that he was wrong
and that I needed to move back.
I understand. Sorry, my mistake.
I got this guy. Check the package.
Don't move. FBI!
Everyone, in the next car! Go, go!
Go, go, go. Move calmly, calmly.
You OK?
You left me!
I told you not to move.
So I was just supposed to
sit there and get killed
while you fools wander away?
You said I'd be safe on the train.
Demian Borysenko, what
are we going to find
when we run your mug
through our database?
Spetsnaz? Foreign intelligence?
Trying to acquire a biotoxin
is a violation of the
Biological Weapons Convention.
God knows how many
international laws Russia's breaking.
[CHUCKLES] That's funny.
Isn't the FBI trying to
do the exact same thing?
OK, how do you say cheese in Russian?
I ran the photos and
got hits on both men
as Russian military intelligence.
In the past, they've
worked under this man,
Sergei Gavrilenkov.
OK, we got to get the
briefcase off that train.
So what's the next stop?
Medyka-Shehyni, just
across the Polish border.
Do we have a safe house in the area?
- We can check with the CIA.
- OK.
These guys know that we're
headed to Krakow Airport.
So that's off the table.
We got to throw them a curveball.
I need a place that Raines and Yulia
can lay low and stay out of sight
while we figure out new transport.
That's the only way
to avoid an ambush.
I got something not
a safe house, per se,
but an American-owned
warehouse formerly used
to distribute aid to
Ukrainian refugees.
- Is it secure?
- It's hard to say.
[SIGHS] Anything is
safer than that train.
Send the team the location.
Be careful with this one.
The DOA's in the other
car. I'll show you.
They had to have some
sort of exit strategy,
so I strongly suspect there
are more GRU operatives
here in Poland.
Let's keep our eyes
open. Stay in contact.
Did you find a rental car?
Yeah, there's a place
on the next block.
You know, I couldn't help but notice
you left a few things
out of that brief
no mention of our Russian defector
or a biotoxin formula.
That part slipped your mind, I guess.
What are you getting at, Booth?
You obviously are willing
to leave out details
when it suits you.
I was lying to protect
national security,
not to further your career.
There's a difference.
What is the worst-case scenario here?
You got to stick your neck
out just a little bit?
And I'm not even asking you to lie.
All I need you to do is nothing.
Dodge the call,
or even just say you can't
speak about Paris because
you weren't even in the room,
which is true, by the way.
It's not that simple.
If I say something that
can later be proven false,
I would lose a lot
more than a promotion,
and you know that.
OK. OK, look.
I'm not trying to move to Philadelphia
because I love soft
pretzels and cheese steaks.
I'm just trying to be
closer to my daughter.
There's got to be a way.
We'll talk when the package is safe.
All right, we can rest
here until the other agents
get us a car, then we'll keep moving.
- Where are we going?
- I'm not sure.
The team's working on it.
But you don't have
to worry about that.
For now, we just stay
here and stay low.
Thank you.
- How's your wrist?
- It's OK.
You saved my life, Andre.
I'm sorry for insulting you.
I don't know who else is
left that I can trust.
Trust me.
Look, I need you to listen
to me and do what I say.
That's what keeps us both alive.
Like it or not, we're
in this together.
Clearly, the GRU knew
we were on that train.
They could have been following Yulia
before we even arrived.
These guys are good.
And they're motivated.
And if they sent Gavrilenkov,
then they're going all out.
I need to know why.
Then you'd better open
up that briefcase.
The hell are you doing here?
You're supposed to be in bed.
I know, but I've got a friend
in military intelligence
and we just found
something check this out.
So these are records of a break-in
at the Kubinka biolab outside Moscow.
Now, it happened the same night
Vasily Sviridov was killed.
I think he took
something from that lab,
and when they realized
it, they tracked him down.
The Russians claim nothing was stolen.
Well, of course, they do,
but they evacuated everybody
within a two block radius
of that facility.
You don't do that if
you're just worried
about a scientist and
a missing notebook.
So what the hell did Vasily steal?
I need you to open the case, Yulia.
For me to help you, to protect you,
I got to know what we're dealing with.
You can trust me.
OK, I've got an envelope, a journal,
some notes, uh
Wait a minute. What what's this?
It's not just research.
She's carrying an actual bioweapon.
You didn't say anything about this.
I didn't know.
I thought it was just a notebook.
So your father handed you
something that can kill you,
- and he didn't tell you?
- I never opened it until now.
He promised me he would
never make a weapon.
This doesn't make any
sense to me either.
- Hey, I'm just looking.
This is your father's new strain?
In this form, if even a
milligram gets in the air,
it would paralyze
anyone who breathes it,
stop their heart.
In an aerosol and dispersed evenly,
each vial could kill thousands.
Andre, take me off speaker.
You need to take the package now.
There's no way we're going
to trust her with it, OK?
Just, however you do
it, do it nice and easy.
Copy that.
You really didn't know?
No, I swear.
Hey, we gotta move now. We gotta move.
Let's go. Come on.
Come on. Come on.
Come on, come on.
Go in there. Go, go!
Come on! Come on!
Come on.
Get down, get down!
Come on! Let's go!
Hey, let's move. Go, go, go, move.
- Stay down, stay down.
- Go! I got 'em.
Get in, get in. Get down.
Get down. Stay down!
- Get down, down, down!
There's been a change
of plans, Dr. Chang.
We're no longer meeting you in Krakow.
I got your message.
Do you still have Vasily's
Clostridium strain?
Yes, and we're going
to need your expertise,
so for security reasons,
we're going to transport you
and the toxin samples
to U.S. Army base
at Camp Pulaski.
I don't know the facilities there,
but I can put together
a list of equipment.
One more question.
Why would Vasily give
you actual bacteria
and not just destroy it?
It's a difficult genie to
put back in the bottle.
Anytime there's a new
strain of Clostridium
that's discovered,
there's an incredibly
delicate period before the
antitoxin can be created.
I suspect, Vasily, knowing
his time was short,
was hoping to give the
scientific community
the best possible chance to study it.
So with Sviridov's notes
and the sample vials,
you are confident that
you can make an antitoxin?
In time, yes.
Is something troubling you?
Now's the time to say it.
I understand why you're
thinking an Army base.
But there's a civilian research lab
that I've worked with near Warsaw,
some of the best minds
from the European Center
for Disease Control.
The antitoxin can be created there,
the weaponized version destroyed.
The truth is, no military
should have this,
not even our own.
Looks like you could
use some new wheels.
This one hasn't been seen by the GRU.
Probably has less bullet holes, too.
I have something else for you.
You heard Wes.
We can't have a
civilian running around
with a bioweapon
attached to her wrist,
no matter how well-intentioned.
She's right.
Look, I know you made a promise,
but it's bigger than that now.
You need to let me take it from here.
It's time.
The combination
is 764.
Thank you.
Yulia, it's me.
Just a second.
We found this.
Thought there might be
something for your wrist.
You OK?
I'm fine.
All right, well, Dr. Chang is headed
to the new rendezvous point,
so we got to get back on the road.
You mean, you're taking me with you?
Of course.
I thought I was on my
own, that I failed him.
I'm not leaving you.
I'll handle the briefcase from now on,
but we still have to finish this.
Now, let's go. We gotta keep moving.
OK, we'll keep an eye
out for a few minutes
to make sure you're not being tailed,
but nobody's been by here in a while,
so as long as you keep moving,
it should be smooth sailing.
- See you on the other side.
- Yeah.
You're a good agent, Booth.
I can see why Mitchell
believes in you.
I've been thinking a lot
about your situation,
and I really don't want
to be the one thing
that stands between
you and your career,
certainly not between
you and your daughter.
So I think I have a solution,
a way that you can get your promotion
and I don't have to lie.
That's great. What is it?
I'm going to transfer
out of the Fly team.
- I don't understand.
- You were right.
Mitchell has no issue
covering for you,
and it's his team.
It took me some
humility to realize it,
but I'm the sticky
wicket here, not you.
So I shouldn't make a fuss.
I should just move on.
You don't have to do this.
That's not what I was asking for.
I know. I know.
I think a big change might
be exactly what I need.
So I'm going to put in my notice
as soon as we get back to Budapest.
The skies are clear above ♪
We're getting close to the
base now, not too much longer.
It's good you got some sleep.
You want to change the radio?
I did lie to you.
My father's last words weren't
making me promise.
His last words were, "I'm sorry."
He knew he was making a weapon.
How could he not?
All of his principles were just a lie.
He might not have had a choice.
There's always a choice.
He failed.
The new gig's only
a couple hours away,
so I was thinking, you could come
do your laundry on the weekends.
Well, that sounds exciting, obviously.
Point is, I'm going
to be a lot closer.
- And I miss you.
- I miss you too.
But how does the Europol
lady feel about all this?
That's where Dad's going to
need some advice, sweetheart.
I mean, it's not like I
was trying to push her out.
It was her idea.
Still feels kind of
weird, though, right?
Well, it's not your job to
worry about her, you know?
Yeah, right.
But on the other hand,
you've never been the ambitious,
step-on-everybody-to-get-ahead type.
That doesn't sound like you, Dad.
You're more just like
a normal, good guy,
which is why I love you, but whatever.
I mean, do not feel bad
about being far away.
My plate is full here.
Good to know.
Are you hearing this?
Raines and Yulia hit a snag.
Baby, Daddy's got to go.
Andre, talk to me.
We're just a few miles
from the Army base,
but we hit some kind of a roadblock,
been stuck here for a while.
Polish National Police
are checking every car.
Can you get around it?
Not without drawing a
whole lot of attention.
We're being redirected now.
- What are they looking for?
- I don't know,
but I got a bad feeling it's us.
Do we have any cameras
in this area, anybody?
Looking, but I don't think so.
We gotta get in touch
with that checkpoint.
I'm on it.
Ugh, I see what's happening here.
Local law enforcement has a
BOLO out for Raines and Yulia.
The Russians anticipated
we were going to that base.
They're using the
police to flush us out.
Put down the phone, sir.
I'm an American federal officer.
My FBI credentials are in
my right jacket pocket.
Step out of the car, both of you.
I know you're just doing your job,
but we need to be let through.
Russian operatives are looking for us.
They called in the threat as a ruse,
and us being stuck here
is putting all our lives in danger.
Just get your radio and check
with whoever's in charge.
I'm in charge here.
My apologies, Agent Raines.
I've just been told you
must be allowed through.
[SIGHS] I'd appreciate that.
Whoa, whoa! Wait, wait.
If you shoot me and I drop this,
it kills us all.
Hand it over, or she dies.
Hand me the briefcase.
I won't ask again.
- You win.
- No, don't do it.
Just just let them
kill me. I don't care.
All that matters is
what's in this case,
and I'm going to give it to you,
but then you take it and go.
- Deal?
You have my word.
Andrei, no!
You might not want to be around
when somebody opens that.
Things got a little bumpy.
God, everything that we've
done has been for nothing!
I trusted you.
I know.
You still can.
I appreciate you bringing these
to the scientific community
rather than the military.
Well, it made for a nice diversion
to throw the GRU off the scent.
What are they going to do, fire me?
I would have sweated through a parka
if that were taped to me.
Well, you know what they say.
Keep calm,
and deliver the biotoxin.
Welcome back. Great work, everybody.
Thanks, but next time,
somebody else can be the decoy.
- Eh, I don't know.
I think you did pretty well.
Might be your new specialty.
Shouldn't you be resting at home?
Cam came through with a
couple key saves for us.
I'm still not sure
how she got patched in
to know that we were in
trouble, but, you know.
We don't have to get
caught up in the details.
- Sure.
- What matters is that
the mission was a success.
Yulia, I'm Wes Mitchell.
Thank you for everything.
This is Amanda Tate.
She's going to help you
relocate somewhere safe, OK?
We're going to take good care of you.
May I speak to Agent
Raines for a minute, first?
Yeah, absolutely. Hey, Andre.
You kept my father's promise,
even if it wasn't how I expected.
Thank you.
You made him proud today.
I hope so.
He would have liked you,
your courage and sacrifice.
- Wes, have you got a minute?
Yeah, come on in.
I'm sure you must have seen my email.
- I just I wanted to say
- What email?
My letter, my resignation.
Oh, never saw it, didn't get it.
Internet must have swallowed it up.
Why don't you take a seat?
You really think I'm going
to let you quit the team?
I need you here. This
is all finally working.
You keep me in line.
Your quick thinking kept a
bioweapon off the streets.
That's just today.
What about Booth?
He's pulling his name
from the GS-14 promotion.
You're not getting a call. It's done.
- You didn't have to do that.
- I didn't do anything.
Tyler said he's going
back to South Carolina.
He's got his head on straight,
his reputation restored.
- Really?
- Yeah.
he seemed like a
weight had been lifted.
Now, get out.
- What?
- Now we're talking.
Amanda, do you have secret stashes
of booze all over the
office I don't know about?
- You'll never know.
We're bringing out the good
stuff for Tyler's last night.
Oh, yeah, fully weaponized.
You earned it, buddy.
Am I supposed to say something?
OK. Uh
I just want all of you to know
I sank four consecutive
putts in Wes's office today.
[LAUGHS] It's true.
It was amazing. I saw it.
- I saw two of them.
- He mostly verifies it.
- Golf.
- To Tyler.
- To Tyler.
- Ooh.
- There you go.
- Thank you.
Sign here.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Are you quite sure about this?
You guys got something
really special going on here.
I'm not going to be the
guy that breaks that up.
Please tell me that you're staying.
- I am.
- Good.
Then I have no regrets.
Who knows?
Maybe I'll swing
through again sometime.
But what about your promotion?
You're giving that up?
You know, I think friends are
harder to come by than jobs.
Just like a hole you cannot mend ♪
Just like a story without end ♪
Just like a ship without a shore ♪
Just like a house without a door ♪
- Thank you.
- You got it.
- Have a good night.
I'm not the man I was
Don't want to bother anyone ♪
'Cause I've never been
- Hello?
- In here.
I've never been the lucky one ♪
- Hi.
- Hi.
What is all this?
Your special congrats on not
getting the job celebration.
We've got cheese steaks
and soft pretzels,
and I'm home for the weekend.
Oh, I missed you so much, sweetheart.
Me too.
- That's bad!
- Oh, it's fine.
how did you swing all this?
Your coworker arranged to fly me in.
Can come again next semester too.
There's a note.
I'll get you some ice.
I need to bother everyone ♪
I'll find the strength to say ♪
My time is right, my day has come ♪
There's so much time
to get things wrong ♪
I'll be damned.
You'll need to use your English.
Just tell me what's going
on. Who's coming for you?
There isn't time to
explain everything.
You're going to have to trust me.
This is what they're looking for.
You must bring it to an American
I've been working with.
He's the only one I trust.
Dr. Chang, he's a good man.
He'll know what to do.
The combination is 764.
Keep that memorized.
But until you hand the case to him,
you cannot let it out of your sight.
You have to go now.
Do this for me. Be strong.
OK, here we are, home sweet home.
- Thank you.
- Plants are watered.
The trash is taken out.
The fridge is stocked with
a bunch of healthy crap.
Gotta be better than hospital food.
Wes, you really didn't
have to do all this.
No, of course, I did.
You're my partner.
So how are you feeling?
- You keep asking me that.
- Yeah, I know.
You look like you're still in pain.
Yeah, only when I move. [LAUGHS]
Great news about that,
you are not going
to have to move all that much.
We got movies. We got snacks.
We got magazines. We got a Tank.
- What is all this?
- Well,
I know you.
You're going to want to work.
You probably already
called Tate to have her
send you updates or some
stupid crap like that,
but the doctor said that
you have to rest, right?
So you're unplugged.
You're off the clock.
Ugh, that sounds like torture.
Um, I'm sorry.
Where the hell did
you find a DVD player?
I have my ways.
- Is that a new case?
- No.
You are staying in bed, at
least for a week, all right?
"Happy Gilmore," seriously?
I'm a phone call away if
you need anything, OK?
- Tank, keep an eye on her.
I'm watching you.
These better not all be about golf.
"Tin Cup" is a great
movie. Start there.
Nice putt!
We got work to do. You coming?
That's three in a row.
Well, you finally fixed your
grip like I told you to.
I'm having a pretty
nice morning, actually.
As it turns out, I'm
getting promoted to GS-14.
Wait, put the putter down.
They're saying it's a done deal.
I mean, I've been hosed before,
but I had my interview
with the career board
and I guess I nailed it.
Can you believe that?
It's all thanks to you.
What are you talking about?
No, you earned this.
What job did you put in for?
That's the best part
Major Offenses desk in Philadelphia.
I won't be far from
Charlotte's school.
You son of a bitch. You did it!
[LAUGHS] This is why you stuck around.
Director still has to sign off,
so I don't want to
make a big deal about it
till it's official in a couple days.
OK. One last ride.
All right, Amanda, what do we got?
OK, so, late last night,
microbiologist Alexander
Chang contacted the FBI
with an urgent request for help.
Dr. Chang was working
at his lab in Boston
when he got a distressed
call from the daughter
of one of his former colleagues,
Vasily Sviridov.
According to his daughter,
Sviridov was killed three nights ago
while trying to defect from Russia.
Now, she's in hiding in Ukraine
and claims to be in possession
of her father's
highly-sensitive research.
- HQ wants us to go acquire it.
- What kind of research?
Unclear, but Sviridov was an expert
in the field of biotoxins.
According to Dr. Chang,
Sviridov used to share his findings
with the scientific community,
but since the war with Ukraine,
he became more secretive.
So the Russians are
developing bioweapons.
They'd say it's medical research,
but the truth is,
we're not talking about
shoving anthrax spores in the mail.
Those attacks in 2001
killed five people,
but with this guy's expertise,
a bacteria could be
weaponized to kill millions.
Well, it sounds like we better
get our hands on this research.
Andre, you're gonna take
the lead on this one.
Smitty, Tyler, back him up.
I'm going to run things from here
until Vo's back up to full speed.
How's she doing?
Good, resting.
[SCOFFS] Yeah, I
wouldn't count on that.
I will take this.
All right.
Don't don't look at me like that.
You don't need to be
afraid. We're here to help.
We're with the FBI. We're
friends of Dr. Chang.
Why should I believe you?
You only called him,
and he only called us.
Can you let us in, please?
I'm Andre Raines,
and this is Megan Garretson.
We're here to keep you safe and
secure your father's research.
Where's Dr. Chang?
He's on a flight from
the States as we speak.
But we cannot wait here.
We need to get you somewhere
where you can be protected.
- That wasn't the plan.
- You made it out of Russia.
You did your part.
We can take the documents
the rest of the way,
for your own safety.
Where it goes, I go.
That was my father's final wish.
I'm not betraying that.
This case is locked with a
combination that only I know.
I mailed the keys to the
handcuffs to Dr. Chang.
If you or anyone else
tried to take it,
you will have to drag my dead body.
Who is this woman? Is she serious?
Apparently so.
Does she know what's
going to happen to her
if the Russians find her like that?
You got to get that
thing off her wrist.
Well, we could physically
overpower her, of course,
but I have a strong feeling
that could get loud.
There's always tranquilizer darts.
It doesn't have to come to that.
She's been through a lot. She's scared.
She's emotional
about her dad. I get it.
I think we work with her, at
least until she calms down.
- I can finesse this.
- OK, Andre, it's your call.
If you think this is
the play, go for it.
OK, new plan.
We're bringing the girl along as well.
We got a visual.
Package is on the move.
Man, it'd be nice if they
could just take the jet.
How quickly can you end the war
and secure Ukrainian airspace?
Train to Krakow leaves
in three minutes.
Yeah, this is probably faster.
Hey, Smitty. Any sign of a tail?
What's our advance team say?
Passenger cars and
dining car are clear.
I'm ready. You gotta hook me up.
I don't know. Wes seemed pretty clear.
Five free babysitting
nights, that's my offer.
Really, you're going
to play that card?
Look, come on.
I am going to be sitting
here worrying anyways,
and I might as well
be helping the team.
And you know what?
Tank agrees with me.
- He's nodding his head.
Five nights.
Yes! Thank you.
Thank you. Thank you.
Here is your cabin.
What a day, right?
You're in a good mood.
What do you mean? I'm
always in a good mood.
OK, yeah, I'm not
telling everybody this,
but I'm finally up for GS-14.
- Oh, congratulations.
- Thank you.
Now that explains the message
that I got this morning.
I'm sorry, what message
did you get this morning?
Someone from the Philadelphia
field office reached out.
They want to set up a
call to ask about you.
When they said they were going
to talk to my supervisor,
I assumed that
I assumed that meant Wes.
Well, I'm sure they're
going to talk to him too.
Apparently, someone has
questions about Paris.
What are you going to tell them?
I don't know, the truth?
Wes and I left out certain details
in that case report for a reason.
Well, that puts me in an
awkward position, doesn't it?
If there is even a hint
of impropriety, I'm
going to get passed over.
Look, I'm not going
to volunteer anything,
but if they ask me directly
whether you and Wes
broke into a witness's
apartment without a warrant,
what am I supposed to say?
Look, Wes and I cut some corners.
We did, OK?
But we only did that because
Andre's life was in danger.
Yeah, I understand,
but then you should
have owned up to it.
By trying to shove it under the rug,
you've put my integrity
in question as well.
I'm going to check
the first class again.
My students would be
leaving my classroom now.
You're a teacher?
Secondary school science.
I won't see them again, will I?
I didn't even think about that.
I can never go home after this.
I'm sorry.
My country has always been difficult.
The things that I loved about Russia
has been slipping away, one by one.
And now, they've taken everything.
Did your father ever talk
about what he was working on?
He didn't tell anybody.
But I did look in his notebook once.
He was developing a new
strain of Clostridium.
- A bacteria.
- Yes.
The type he discovered can selectively
target cancer cells.
A non-pathogenic form could have
incredible medical applications.
That was my father's passion.
But in a weaponized
form, that same strain
could be highly lethal.
He knew better than to
show his bosses this work.
He would never make a weapon.
He told me he would rather die.
So that's what he did.
He sounds like a brave man.
Three more hours.
- Andre.
- What's up?
We might have a problem.
There's a guy who keeps
going back and forth
in front of your cabin door.
He's done it several times now,
and he looks agitated.
All right, keep your eyes on him.
Tyler, I want you to take my
spot watching the package.
- I want to get a look at him.
- Copy that.
Where are you going?
Stay here with the briefcase, OK?
We'll be watching this door.
Sir, is there something
I can help you with?
What's this now? Who are you?
I'm with Europol.
I noticed you were walking back
and forth between the cars.
Only 'cause he told me to.
- Who?
- The coach attendant.
He told me there was
a problem with my seat
and that I had to move back.
And so I did that,
but then the same idiot came back
and told me that he was wrong
and that I needed to move back.
I understand. Sorry, my mistake.
I got this guy. Check the package.
Don't move. FBI!
Everyone, in the next car! Go, go!
Go, go, go. Move calmly, calmly.
You OK?
You left me!
I told you not to move.
So I was just supposed to
sit there and get killed
while you fools wander away?
You said I'd be safe on the train.
Demian Borysenko, what
are we going to find
when we run your mug
through our database?
Spetsnaz? Foreign intelligence?
Trying to acquire a biotoxin
is a violation of the
Biological Weapons Convention.
God knows how many
international laws Russia's breaking.
[CHUCKLES] That's funny.
Isn't the FBI trying to
do the exact same thing?
OK, how do you say cheese in Russian?
I ran the photos and
got hits on both men
as Russian military intelligence.
In the past, they've
worked under this man,
Sergei Gavrilenkov.
OK, we got to get the
briefcase off that train.
So what's the next stop?
Medyka-Shehyni, just
across the Polish border.
Do we have a safe house in the area?
- We can check with the CIA.
- OK.
These guys know that we're
headed to Krakow Airport.
So that's off the table.
We got to throw them a curveball.
I need a place that Raines and Yulia
can lay low and stay out of sight
while we figure out new transport.
That's the only way
to avoid an ambush.
I got something not
a safe house, per se,
but an American-owned
warehouse formerly used
to distribute aid to
Ukrainian refugees.
- Is it secure?
- It's hard to say.
[SIGHS] Anything is
safer than that train.
Send the team the location.
Be careful with this one.
The DOA's in the other
car. I'll show you.
They had to have some
sort of exit strategy,
so I strongly suspect there
are more GRU operatives
here in Poland.
Let's keep our eyes
open. Stay in contact.
Did you find a rental car?
Yeah, there's a place
on the next block.
You know, I couldn't help but notice
you left a few things
out of that brief
no mention of our Russian defector
or a biotoxin formula.
That part slipped your mind, I guess.
What are you getting at, Booth?
You obviously are willing
to leave out details
when it suits you.
I was lying to protect
national security,
not to further your career.
There's a difference.
What is the worst-case scenario here?
You got to stick your neck
out just a little bit?
And I'm not even asking you to lie.
All I need you to do is nothing.
Dodge the call,
or even just say you can't
speak about Paris because
you weren't even in the room,
which is true, by the way.
It's not that simple.
If I say something that
can later be proven false,
I would lose a lot
more than a promotion,
and you know that.
OK. OK, look.
I'm not trying to move to Philadelphia
because I love soft
pretzels and cheese steaks.
I'm just trying to be
closer to my daughter.
There's got to be a way.
We'll talk when the package is safe.
All right, we can rest
here until the other agents
get us a car, then we'll keep moving.
- Where are we going?
- I'm not sure.
The team's working on it.
But you don't have
to worry about that.
For now, we just stay
here and stay low.
Thank you.
- How's your wrist?
- It's OK.
You saved my life, Andre.
I'm sorry for insulting you.
I don't know who else is
left that I can trust.
Trust me.
Look, I need you to listen
to me and do what I say.
That's what keeps us both alive.
Like it or not, we're
in this together.
Clearly, the GRU knew
we were on that train.
They could have been following Yulia
before we even arrived.
These guys are good.
And they're motivated.
And if they sent Gavrilenkov,
then they're going all out.
I need to know why.
Then you'd better open
up that briefcase.
The hell are you doing here?
You're supposed to be in bed.
I know, but I've got a friend
in military intelligence
and we just found
something check this out.
So these are records of a break-in
at the Kubinka biolab outside Moscow.
Now, it happened the same night
Vasily Sviridov was killed.
I think he took
something from that lab,
and when they realized
it, they tracked him down.
The Russians claim nothing was stolen.
Well, of course, they do,
but they evacuated everybody
within a two block radius
of that facility.
You don't do that if
you're just worried
about a scientist and
a missing notebook.
So what the hell did Vasily steal?
I need you to open the case, Yulia.
For me to help you, to protect you,
I got to know what we're dealing with.
You can trust me.
OK, I've got an envelope, a journal,
some notes, uh
Wait a minute. What what's this?
It's not just research.
She's carrying an actual bioweapon.
You didn't say anything about this.
I didn't know.
I thought it was just a notebook.
So your father handed you
something that can kill you,
- and he didn't tell you?
- I never opened it until now.
He promised me he would
never make a weapon.
This doesn't make any
sense to me either.
- Hey, I'm just looking.
This is your father's new strain?
In this form, if even a
milligram gets in the air,
it would paralyze
anyone who breathes it,
stop their heart.
In an aerosol and dispersed evenly,
each vial could kill thousands.
Andre, take me off speaker.
You need to take the package now.
There's no way we're going
to trust her with it, OK?
Just, however you do
it, do it nice and easy.
Copy that.
You really didn't know?
No, I swear.
Hey, we gotta move now. We gotta move.
Let's go. Come on.
Come on. Come on.
Come on, come on.
Go in there. Go, go!
Come on! Come on!
Come on.
Get down, get down!
Come on! Let's go!
Hey, let's move. Go, go, go, move.
- Stay down, stay down.
- Go! I got 'em.
Get in, get in. Get down.
Get down. Stay down!
- Get down, down, down!
There's been a change
of plans, Dr. Chang.
We're no longer meeting you in Krakow.
I got your message.
Do you still have Vasily's
Clostridium strain?
Yes, and we're going
to need your expertise,
so for security reasons,
we're going to transport you
and the toxin samples
to U.S. Army base
at Camp Pulaski.
I don't know the facilities there,
but I can put together
a list of equipment.
One more question.
Why would Vasily give
you actual bacteria
and not just destroy it?
It's a difficult genie to
put back in the bottle.
Anytime there's a new
strain of Clostridium
that's discovered,
there's an incredibly
delicate period before the
antitoxin can be created.
I suspect, Vasily, knowing
his time was short,
was hoping to give the
scientific community
the best possible chance to study it.
So with Sviridov's notes
and the sample vials,
you are confident that
you can make an antitoxin?
In time, yes.
Is something troubling you?
Now's the time to say it.
I understand why you're
thinking an Army base.
But there's a civilian research lab
that I've worked with near Warsaw,
some of the best minds
from the European Center
for Disease Control.
The antitoxin can be created there,
the weaponized version destroyed.
The truth is, no military
should have this,
not even our own.
Looks like you could
use some new wheels.
This one hasn't been seen by the GRU.
Probably has less bullet holes, too.
I have something else for you.
You heard Wes.
We can't have a
civilian running around
with a bioweapon
attached to her wrist,
no matter how well-intentioned.
She's right.
Look, I know you made a promise,
but it's bigger than that now.
You need to let me take it from here.
It's time.
The combination
is 764.
Thank you.
Yulia, it's me.
Just a second.
We found this.
Thought there might be
something for your wrist.
You OK?
I'm fine.
All right, well, Dr. Chang is headed
to the new rendezvous point,
so we got to get back on the road.
You mean, you're taking me with you?
Of course.
I thought I was on my
own, that I failed him.
I'm not leaving you.
I'll handle the briefcase from now on,
but we still have to finish this.
Now, let's go. We gotta keep moving.
OK, we'll keep an eye
out for a few minutes
to make sure you're not being tailed,
but nobody's been by here in a while,
so as long as you keep moving,
it should be smooth sailing.
- See you on the other side.
- Yeah.
You're a good agent, Booth.
I can see why Mitchell
believes in you.
I've been thinking a lot
about your situation,
and I really don't want
to be the one thing
that stands between
you and your career,
certainly not between
you and your daughter.
So I think I have a solution,
a way that you can get your promotion
and I don't have to lie.
That's great. What is it?
I'm going to transfer
out of the Fly team.
- I don't understand.
- You were right.
Mitchell has no issue
covering for you,
and it's his team.
It took me some
humility to realize it,
but I'm the sticky
wicket here, not you.
So I shouldn't make a fuss.
I should just move on.
You don't have to do this.
That's not what I was asking for.
I know. I know.
I think a big change might
be exactly what I need.
So I'm going to put in my notice
as soon as we get back to Budapest.
The skies are clear above ♪
We're getting close to the
base now, not too much longer.
It's good you got some sleep.
You want to change the radio?
I did lie to you.
My father's last words weren't
making me promise.
His last words were, "I'm sorry."
He knew he was making a weapon.
How could he not?
All of his principles were just a lie.
He might not have had a choice.
There's always a choice.
He failed.
The new gig's only
a couple hours away,
so I was thinking, you could come
do your laundry on the weekends.
Well, that sounds exciting, obviously.
Point is, I'm going
to be a lot closer.
- And I miss you.
- I miss you too.
But how does the Europol
lady feel about all this?
That's where Dad's going to
need some advice, sweetheart.
I mean, it's not like I
was trying to push her out.
It was her idea.
Still feels kind of
weird, though, right?
Well, it's not your job to
worry about her, you know?
Yeah, right.
But on the other hand,
you've never been the ambitious,
step-on-everybody-to-get-ahead type.
That doesn't sound like you, Dad.
You're more just like
a normal, good guy,
which is why I love you, but whatever.
I mean, do not feel bad
about being far away.
My plate is full here.
Good to know.
Are you hearing this?
Raines and Yulia hit a snag.
Baby, Daddy's got to go.
Andre, talk to me.
We're just a few miles
from the Army base,
but we hit some kind of a roadblock,
been stuck here for a while.
Polish National Police
are checking every car.
Can you get around it?
Not without drawing a
whole lot of attention.
We're being redirected now.
- What are they looking for?
- I don't know,
but I got a bad feeling it's us.
Do we have any cameras
in this area, anybody?
Looking, but I don't think so.
We gotta get in touch
with that checkpoint.
I'm on it.
Ugh, I see what's happening here.
Local law enforcement has a
BOLO out for Raines and Yulia.
The Russians anticipated
we were going to that base.
They're using the
police to flush us out.
Put down the phone, sir.
I'm an American federal officer.
My FBI credentials are in
my right jacket pocket.
Step out of the car, both of you.
I know you're just doing your job,
but we need to be let through.
Russian operatives are looking for us.
They called in the threat as a ruse,
and us being stuck here
is putting all our lives in danger.
Just get your radio and check
with whoever's in charge.
I'm in charge here.
My apologies, Agent Raines.
I've just been told you
must be allowed through.
[SIGHS] I'd appreciate that.
Whoa, whoa! Wait, wait.
If you shoot me and I drop this,
it kills us all.
Hand it over, or she dies.
Hand me the briefcase.
I won't ask again.
- You win.
- No, don't do it.
Just just let them
kill me. I don't care.
All that matters is
what's in this case,
and I'm going to give it to you,
but then you take it and go.
- Deal?
You have my word.
Andrei, no!
You might not want to be around
when somebody opens that.
Things got a little bumpy.
God, everything that we've
done has been for nothing!
I trusted you.
I know.
You still can.
I appreciate you bringing these
to the scientific community
rather than the military.
Well, it made for a nice diversion
to throw the GRU off the scent.
What are they going to do, fire me?
I would have sweated through a parka
if that were taped to me.
Well, you know what they say.
Keep calm,
and deliver the biotoxin.
Welcome back. Great work, everybody.
Thanks, but next time,
somebody else can be the decoy.
- Eh, I don't know.
I think you did pretty well.
Might be your new specialty.
Shouldn't you be resting at home?
Cam came through with a
couple key saves for us.
I'm still not sure
how she got patched in
to know that we were in
trouble, but, you know.
We don't have to get
caught up in the details.
- Sure.
- What matters is that
the mission was a success.
Yulia, I'm Wes Mitchell.
Thank you for everything.
This is Amanda Tate.
She's going to help you
relocate somewhere safe, OK?
We're going to take good care of you.
May I speak to Agent
Raines for a minute, first?
Yeah, absolutely. Hey, Andre.
You kept my father's promise,
even if it wasn't how I expected.
Thank you.
You made him proud today.
I hope so.
He would have liked you,
your courage and sacrifice.
- Wes, have you got a minute?
Yeah, come on in.
I'm sure you must have seen my email.
- I just I wanted to say
- What email?
My letter, my resignation.
Oh, never saw it, didn't get it.
Internet must have swallowed it up.
Why don't you take a seat?
You really think I'm going
to let you quit the team?
I need you here. This
is all finally working.
You keep me in line.
Your quick thinking kept a
bioweapon off the streets.
That's just today.
What about Booth?
He's pulling his name
from the GS-14 promotion.
You're not getting a call. It's done.
- You didn't have to do that.
- I didn't do anything.
Tyler said he's going
back to South Carolina.
He's got his head on straight,
his reputation restored.
- Really?
- Yeah.
he seemed like a
weight had been lifted.
Now, get out.
- What?
- Now we're talking.
Amanda, do you have secret stashes
of booze all over the
office I don't know about?
- You'll never know.
We're bringing out the good
stuff for Tyler's last night.
Oh, yeah, fully weaponized.
You earned it, buddy.
Am I supposed to say something?
OK. Uh
I just want all of you to know
I sank four consecutive
putts in Wes's office today.
[LAUGHS] It's true.
It was amazing. I saw it.
- I saw two of them.
- He mostly verifies it.
- Golf.
- To Tyler.
- To Tyler.
- Ooh.
- There you go.
- Thank you.
Sign here.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Are you quite sure about this?
You guys got something
really special going on here.
I'm not going to be the
guy that breaks that up.
Please tell me that you're staying.
- I am.
- Good.
Then I have no regrets.
Who knows?
Maybe I'll swing
through again sometime.
But what about your promotion?
You're giving that up?
You know, I think friends are
harder to come by than jobs.
Just like a hole you cannot mend ♪
Just like a story without end ♪
Just like a ship without a shore ♪
Just like a house without a door ♪
- Thank you.
- You got it.
- Have a good night.
I'm not the man I was
Don't want to bother anyone ♪
'Cause I've never been
- Hello?
- In here.
I've never been the lucky one ♪
- Hi.
- Hi.
What is all this?
Your special congrats on not
getting the job celebration.
We've got cheese steaks
and soft pretzels,
and I'm home for the weekend.
Oh, I missed you so much, sweetheart.
Me too.
- That's bad!
- Oh, it's fine.
how did you swing all this?
Your coworker arranged to fly me in.
Can come again next semester too.
There's a note.
I'll get you some ice.
I need to bother everyone ♪
I'll find the strength to say ♪
My time is right, my day has come ♪
There's so much time
to get things wrong ♪
I'll be damned.