Friday Night Lights s04e10 Episode Script

I Can't

A couple guys came to me and they gave me a little proposition.
They come by with a car, and I break it down to its component parts.
Chop shop.
How much money we talking about? You'll make more money in two months than you could in two years.
Who's that? JULIE: That's Ryan.
Is there something you want to tell me about Ryan? I will say that I feel a lot better.
Look, I've got some bad news.
I'm pregnant and it's yours.
I don't know what I'm going to do.
And I am so scared.
Come here.
(CONGREGATION APPLAUDING) REVEREND: I am filled with pride and love as I look out over this congregation.
There is our own star on the football field, Luke Cafferty.
(ALL APPLAUDING) Thank you, Luke, for making your congregation so proud.
And let us pray.
ALL: Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done (MACHINERY RUMBLING) Well, awesome.
I believe this belongs to you, sir.
All right.
Appreciate it again, huh? See you soon.
I can't take any more of these skeletons.
What do you mean? Why not? I think you can guess.
I ain't asked any questions where you've been getting these car frames you've been bringing in, but I ain't real interested in the cops surprising me either.
You keep showing up with these stripped cars, they're going to show up, too.
All right.
Don't be.
Thank you.
(MACHINERY RUMBLING) TAYLOR: Let the tight end clear, the slot receiver crosses underneath, you hold.
You hit the third receiver, he's going to be running a delay.
All right, so what if the third receiver is taking too long? And then the defense is in my face then Listen, you let the tight end clear, slot receiver crosses underneath, you hold.
You hit the third receiver, he's running a delay.
Can you see that? Yeah.
I can see it.
You can see that? You can see it? Yes, sir.
You understand that? Yeah, Coach.
I got to go because Mr.
Merriweather is not a happy man when I'm late.
Hey, I want you to know this stuff sooner than later.
Yes, sir.
How you doing, Coach? I'm doing good.
How are you? How's the kid doing? Oh, good.
Showing up on time, doing the work.
So, I see you're doing a delayed drag.
I see you're going to start putting in timing patterns.
Thinking about it, yeah.
Looking forward to the game.
What the hell's that supposed to mean? How you doing? Well, I woke up this morning and I'm still pregnant, so had better days.
Kind of puts that B - I got in Geography into perspective.
Talk to your mom yet? No.
I don't know what I'm going to do.
You need to talk to your mom.
Why? She'll understand.
You don't know her.
Come on.
Where we going? Give me your hand.
Trust me.
Let's go.
How are you? Hey, Mrs.
Um, sorry, Coach isn't here right now, but he should be back in probably a couple hours or so.
Yeah, I'm actually here to talk to you.
Everything all right? I need your help.
Come on in.
It's actually for a friend of mine.
Have y'all talked about your options at all? Oh, Tim's not the father.
We're just friends.
Um, Tim, you know, I think it would be a good idea if you'd wait outside for a moment.
Give Becky and I some privacy.
Yeah, yeah, of course.
I'll be outside.
(DOOR CLOSES) Have you told your parents? No.
Do you think it would put you in any kind of harm, any kind of physical or emotional harm if you were to tell them? No.
It's just me and my mom.
I haven't been able to tell her yet.
Well, I think my first suggestion is going to be for you to try to find a way to tell her as soon as you can.
I think that's going to be real important.
Does the father know? Yeah, he does, but I barely know him and I don't love him or anything (EXHALING) and it's just like this whole thing is a bad dream and I understand.
I just keep wanting it to go away.
What should I do? Um You have free medical assistance available to you throughout your pregnancy.
There's a teen clinic.
They're real helpful and knowledgeable there.
I can refer you to the adoption agency.
That's local here What if I don't What if I don't want to have the baby? I can direct you to literature for that.
CROWLEY: Let's go now, five.
Let's click now.
Come off the ball.
Vince, come here.
PLAYER: Bring it in! You're going to want to rush this play.
Let the receivers clear.
Understood? What about the offensive line? They're not blocking.
Why don't you just worry about the lanes and worry about your own job? How's that? Come on now, son.
Let's go.
(CROWLEY CHATTERING) These guys got to get it together.
This is Oh, man, that boy couldn't hit a bull in the butt with a bow fiddle today, man.
MO HALL: Oh, come on.
GASTON: Goddamn.
VINCE: Ready.
GASTON: He get his feet under him, he'll be all right.
Aw, he's looking good.
Big Mary.
GASTON: Look who it is.
DEACON: Big Mary, quite contrary.
Y'all watch big Virgil go.
What's up, man? How's it going out there? DEACON: Not too good, man.
Little Vince throw like he couldn't hit water from a boat today.
CROWLEY: Three-step protection now.
Come on.
Do it.
Give him some time.
Let's go.
VINCE: Ready, set.
MO HALL: That kid can run like the wind, brother.
DEACON: Not as fast as Virgil was.
Nobody could curl that pig like you did, boy.
(ALL LAUGHING) They're not very good, are they? What is this? I mean, honestly, I bet I could sue them for false advertising.
What is this? This is crap.
This is not even something that should go into our bodies.
I'm pregnant.
(LAUGHS) That's not even funny, Becky.
Why would you No, no, you're not.
What How are you Damn it! You're kidding me, right? You're not kidding me? You're telling me right now that you're pregnant? You're not Damn it, Becky! Did she go down all right? Yeah, after four books and a few stories.
I had to crawl out of the room again.
That's what it takes nowadays.
I know.
She's getting smart like that.
I know.
(BOTH SHUSHING) Don't slam the door.
Is Grace already asleep? TAMl: Yes, you missed her.
Yes, she is.
Please don't wake her up.
TAMl: And you missed dinner.
I'm just busy.
So busy.
You're always busy.
Busy all the time.
You're in a busy place.
So, speaking of being busy, Wednesday night when we have dinner, I invited a friend over.
Oh, what kind of a friend? Um, do you remember that guy Ryan who works for Habitat? TAMl: Ryan.
I remember Ryan.
He's going to come over.
But I got to go do homework and I love you guys.
Love you.
Talk to you later.
Nice talking to you.
Don't wake her up.
JULIE: I'm not going to wake her up.
(SOFTLY) How old is that kid? I don't know, honey.
That's not going to last.
I can tell you that right now.
It's a rebound.
(SIGHING) So, one thing I got to tell you, though.
Tim Riggins came over here today with a girl from East Dillon High.
He came over here? Mmm-hmm.
What'd he come over here for? Because she was pregnant.
Tim Riggins is going to be a father? No, no, no, no, no, no.
I know, that's what I thought, too, but no, nope.
They said he's not the father.
But it was his girlfriend? No, I don't think it was.
I don't know.
I think they were friends or something.
It was very strange, honey.
I don't know.
Well, wait a second.
Why did he come over here? (SIGHING) I don't know what his involvement is.
I'll tell you one thing, though, she needed someone to talk to.
Are you all right? I think so.
You know, I did what I'm supposed to do.
I told her about some of her options and told her she should talk to her parents.
Hey, Mom.
I brought you home some barbeque.
Ribs, chicken, greens.
Since I don't eat none compared to you.
Mom? Mom? Mom? Mom? Mom? Hey, hey, Mom? Hey, I need an ambulance to (MONITOR BEEPING) Hey.
What happened? Hmm? You OD'd.
You had a little bit too much.
The doctor's got you sedated.
And, um You You're going to be just fine.
You're going to be all right.
Come here.
Give your mother a hug.
Don't No.
It's so you won't hurt yourself.
Mom? Hmm? Why do you keep doing this to yourself? Why do you keep doing this to me? I mean, am I that bad? Why don't you want to be with me? Why you want to leave me by myself? Because I don't know I don't know if I can do it by myself.
I can't do it by myself, Mom.
Hey, how are you doing? Fine.
Everything is awesome.
Let me.
Can we talk, please? About what? You know what I want to talk about.
You haven't told anyone, have you? No.
Because that is seriously the last thing I need right now.
I didn't.
Have you Look, I haven't made the appointment yet.
So just stop hassling me.
I'm not hassling you.
This is my problem and I am figuring it out on my own.
Okay, so you just need to forget about it.
I can't.
Well, that's what I'm trying to do.
Hey, how's it going? Hey, did you do your homework? GIRL: Yeah.
Oh, cool.
Can I copy it? Thanks.
BILLY: So, I replaced the timing belt, that was 110, all right.
I checked all the fluids.
I checked all your hoses and just threw in a free oil change for you.
Hey, Billy, what you got going on in here? BILLY: William Wallace! Hey! What are you doing? Don't touch that.
What are you doing? CUSTOMER: Hey, chill, man.
Fixing cars is delicate, man.
I don't need you walking around here, touching on things, all right? Just relax.
He didn't even touch anything.
I was looking at him the whole time.
So, that's All set.
DOCTOR: Texas law requires that I inform you of the probable gestational age of your pregnancy at the time that we plan to do the procedure.
Now, you can estimate the age by counting the days.
We get it, Doctor, all right? I'm sorry.
This isn't necessary.
You don't have to go through the whole procedural options, blah, blah, blah.
She's not having a baby, she's having an abortion.
I understand.
I just This is state-mandated, everything that I'm saying.
I'm just trying to save everybody some time.
There's no point in going through all the details.
I don't care what the state mandates.
We really don't need to hear this information.
After I finish telling her this information, then she can decide what she wants to do.
She's already decided what she wants to do.
This is unbelievable.
I'm supposed to listen to some right-wing doctor give me a trip, take another day off of work so he can tell us we're trash.
"Oh, you got a teenage daughter who's pregnant.
You must be trash, too.
" It's so insulting.
I'm sorry, you know.
I'm sorry.
Becky, Becky, Becky.
It's all right.
It's all right.
You are going to be fine.
Listen to me, you are going to do this and you are going to live your life.
And this is not You're not even going to think about it anymore, okay? You don't have to be sorry.
You're going to be fine, I promise.
You are going to be fine.
Hey, excuse me.
You're in charge of the rehab programs, right? No, but I can help you with it.
Well, the nurse said I should talk to you about getting my mom into rehab.
What's your mom's name? Regina Howard.
Okay, you're looking at a Okay.
Here, let me see.
Looks like we have an opening around the beginning of the year.
But, I mean, I'm pretty sure you guys get cancellations all the time or whatnot, because my mom, she needs help now.
I'm sorry, but the state residential centers have a really long waiting list.
So, there are cancellations, but you're still probably looking at around January.
There are also private rehab centers out there.
Like, this is one.
They almost always have openings.
Okay? This looks pretty expensive.
(COUNTRY MUSIC PLAYING) VIRGIL: You know what your problem is? No, but I'm sure you're going to tell me.
What is my problem? Your problem is, you don't know how to coach Vince.
I don't know how to coach? Didn't say that, said you don't know how to coach Vince.
You don't know how to talk to him.
Look, you're not looking at me, telling me that I can't coach Vince because he's black and I'm white, are you? That's not what I'm saying.
What are you saying? I'm saying I might be seeing some things that you might be missing.
See, now that's one of those supremely irritating conversations that we have.
Are you seeing it because you're black? Look, I don't understand Vince because I'm black, I understand him because he's me.
Do you know what it's like to be the most athletic guy on the field and then be told, "Don't follow your instincts"? "Follow the playbook, no matter what.
" What the hell am I supposed to do? What do you want me to do? The kid's got to learn the plays.
I know he has to know the plays.
I'm not stupid.
Telling me I can't coach my kids because they're black.
Look, would you stop it with that? I know the kid's got talent.
I'm just trying to give him a skill set.
I know that.
Well, you know what? Telling me I can't coach because you don't like what I do on the field.
Can we have two more, Robin, please? I do appreciate you calling a cab last night, honey, but I think you need to face some realities about your age.
Which is that you can't go drinking like that on a school night.
Where is your car? TAYLOR: Wait.
Well, where is your car? Stop.
I'm stopped.
You don't even remember what bar you were at, do you? Go around back.
Good Lord.
You need to not feel like you've got to drink everybody down under the table.
TAYLOR: It's right there.
So it is.
There it is.
All right.
Are you going to take me to my car? I think you can walk.
The walk will do you some good.
Are you serious? Fresh air in your hair.
Love you.
Love you, too.
Hope you feel better today.
(SIGHING) Love you.
Feel better today.
See you later.
Feel better.
TIM: Billy, we can't keep doing this.
We're begging to get busted.
Tim, I know.
I get it.
Okay? We can't get them crushed anymore.
The cops are going to show up.
What do you want to do? Stop.
That's what I want.
MINDY: Billy? Yeah, baby, I'm coming.
One second.
It's getting too risky.
I get it, okay? I get it.
(WHISPERING) Oh, hey, we could, like, you know, drive them off a cliff.
They have no engines, Billy.
We've stripped them and sold them.
Good call.
Oh, hey, Tim, I've got another idea.
What's your idea? We take them out to the lake.
Just take the car frames out to the lake and just dump them in the lake.
Yeah, Billy, just strap them on my back, I'll swim them out there.
We could bury them.
We could just take them out in the middle of nowhere and just dig a big-ass hole and just bury them.
That's a lot of work.
Yeah, it's a lot of work.
It's a lot of money we're making off these things.
It's a lot of trouble if we don't find a place for them.
Guess we'll bury them.
All right.
So, Ryan, how long were you in Indonesia for? Uh, maybe two months.
The first month we just spent clearing earthquake debris, and then we started rebuilding people's houses and it was just I mean, an amazing experience, you know? And was all that for school credit? It started out that way, and then I kind of wanted to take an extended leave, got hooked and just been traveling ever since.
Did you know you can travel the whole world working for Habitat, rebuilding houses? Yes, honey.
So, Coach, Julie tells me you coach football.
I heard the other day, it was going to rain on Friday.
How is that? How's what? Yeah, I mean, it must be weird, everyone out there in the rain, playing football.
You know, it's raining.
Yeah, it can get pretty weird.
Are you going to stay in Dillon or I'm going to get some more of these popovers.
Well, actually, I'm the team leader of a new building project, so I'm going to head to Arizona next week.
Oh, that's a shame.
But you know what? Arizona is a beautiful place.
TAMl: Oh, that is beautiful, there in Arizona.
TAYLOR: It's a desert, honey.
TAMl: Mmm-hmm.
Very dry.
RYAN: That's what I hear.
I've never been, but She ain't here.
Well, actually, I came to talk to you.
Come in.
Um Sir, I know this is going to sound a little suspect, seeing as how I just now started working for you, but I'm going to need an advance on my check.
Why? It's nothing bad.
How much? (SIGHS) Four grand.
So, what kind of trouble you in? It's not me.
Between you and I? Yeah.
I've been trying to get my mom checked into a rehab center.
Well, don't they have programs, you know, for low-income housing, that they offer? (CHILDREN LAUGHING) VINCE: Listen, the whole city is trying to get on that list.
VIRGIL: Well, how is she? She's not good.
(SIGHS) I I can't give you an advance, Vince.
(STAMMERING) I mean, son, I just don't have it.
Look here, I want you to hear this.
Hear me now.
I'm saying no to the money, but not to you.
I'm proud of you for coming to me and asking me because I know it ain't easy and I know you're trying to do something with your life now.
And I want you to know, I believe in you.
We'll figure this out.
All right.
VINCE: Thank you.
(DOOR OPENS) You're welcome.
(DOOR CLOSES) How come you believe in him? The past three years, you've been saying that Vince ain't nothing but a no-good lowlife.
Suddenly, you find it so necessary to be there for him.
I could never get you to come to Caleb's games or show up to the Lions' games when I'm dancing on the sidelines or come to my Academic Smackdown when I'm scoring points.
But you want to go and watch Vince practice, and you're proud of him.
I try really hard to make you proud, too.
(SIGHS) (GRACIE BABBLING) (WHISPERING) Babe? Babe? Hmm? Hey, honey.
What? What do you What do you think Julie would do if she got pregnant? What? She's not pregnant.
She's not pregnant.
She's not pregnant.
But what do you think she would do? What are you doing? I mean, would she talk to us? She would talk to us, wouldn't she? What would she do? Oh, baby, it's 3:00 in the morning.
Do you think she'd feel comfortable? I don't want to talk about Julie having a hypothetical pregnancy.
Are you crazy? That's just wrong.
Oh, honey, we're both having nightmares.
Well, don't do that.
Come to bed.
Come to bed.
Come on.
Y'all come to bed.
Can't sleep? Uh-uh.
How's the hip? It's good.
Something's bothering you.
I don't know what it is.
I'm not going to pry if it's none of my business.
I'm good.
Is it football? I'm your dad.
If something's bothering you, it's bothering me.
There's a girl and I got her pregnant.
I got a girl pregnant.
(SIGHS) I really didn't mean to disappoint you.
I'm sorry.
TAYLOR: Vince, come here.
Come here.
Yeah? Look, this is serious.
I don't want you waiting on your reads.
If you see something you like, you take it, understood? But I thought you said you wanted me to wait for Don't worry about what I said.
Worry about what I'm telling you right now, understood? Yeah.
TAYLOR: You good? VINCE: Yeah.
I'm good.
Okay, they're going to wing trip, double slant.
I want you to run to the slant and I want you to knock Vince on his ass.
I don't get it, Coach, why are you telling us the play? I'm telling you because I want you to sack Vince.
And if you can't do that now, you really are a bunch of jug-butts.
Forget it.
Let's go hit.
Ready LIONS: Break! (WHISTLE BLOWS) Ready, set.
Ten hut.
Your father told me what's happened.
I couldn't keep something like this from your mother.
It's okay, Luke.
Mary and Joseph thought they were in a situation, too, at first.
Becky and me are not Mary and Joseph, Mom.
Becky? That's her name? Well, we need to meet this Becky, and then we'll figure out what to do.
(PANTING) (EXHALES) How did you figure out how to get up here? Well, any place I go, I look for the highest building or vantage point, or whatever, and I try to find a way up.
This is pretty good.
It's higher up than any building in Pavones, Costa Rica.
What's the best place you've ever been? Oh! That's easy.
Senegal, West Africa.
Let me show you.
Which is maybe which would make Oaxaca and New York What about you? Where are you headed eventually? (SIGHS) Eventually, I don't know.
Do you hate it here? I used to hate it.
And then, it just kind of changed.
I guess I just I really want to see the world.
And that sounds really cliche.
No, it doesn't.
What? That's you seeing the world.
It's really beautiful up here.
TIM: (PANTING) This is the stupidest thing we've ever done.
Stupidest thing we've ever done by far.
I don't want to hear about it right now, Tim.
(GRUNTING) This hole Never going to be big enough, Billy.
You know what, man? I'm sick of your lame-ass attitude.
God, I mean You got to make it 100 times worse than what it is.
Is this a bad situation? Yes.
I mean, are we doing everything that we can to get out of it? You bet your ass we are.
I don't understand what the point is of jumping on my case about it every five seconds.
The point is, I'm done.
I'm done.
We've made our money.
We've made it and then some.
Promise me we're out.
This is it.
No more illegal crap.
No more chop shop.
We're done.
It's over, Billy.
(BOTH PANTING) Let's just go back to fixing cars.
Riggins' Rigs.
That's it, keep it simple.
Promise me that.
We're done.
And I want you to stop yelling at me because I didn't go to college.
Anything else? Yeah.
And I also want to be a partner.
I'm kidding.
Just because you're a partner, doesn't mean I can't tell you to dig.
So, let's Let's dig.
Is Mrs.
Taylor here? Yeah, she is.
TAMl: Oh, hi.
Come on in.
Um, hon, it's all right.
You want to go into the kitchen? Yeah.
I'm really sorry I woke you guys up.
That's okay.
It's all right.
Go on back to bed, sweetheart.
I have an appointment for my abortion tomorrow.
My mom knows.
She's coming with me.
So, why do I feel so weird? 'Cause it's a hard thing.
This is a hard situation.
(SIGHS) Have you thought about what you want? We don't have any money.
I'm in the tenth grade.
It was my first time.
And I threw it away, and I don't want to throw my life away.
It's just It's just really obvious that my mom wants me to have this abortion.
Because Because I was her mistake and she has to struggle and hurt every day.
And she wanted better.
And I knew better.
Then I was just thinking, you know, forget what she wants, like, what do I want? And maybe I could take care of this baby and maybe I would be good at it.
And I could love it and I would be there for it.
And then I just think about how awful it would be if I had the baby and then I spent the rest of my life resenting him or her.
Do you think I'm going to hell if I have an abortion? No, honey, I don't.
(SNIFFLING) What would you tell your daughter? I would tell her (SIGHS) to think about her life and think about what's important to her and what she wants.
And I'd tell her that she's in a real tough spot.
And then I would support whatever decision she made.
I can't take care of a baby.
I can't.
You guys want a ride? No.
How are you doing? No, we'll be okay.
(SPECTATORS CHEERING) WRANGLERS: Break! Come on, 35! Go! MAN: Come on, focus, guys.
JESS: Let's get this thing back! Come on! Hey! 75! JESS: Come on, 44.
Come on, 44.
Push him to the side.
Get that ball through! Come on! (WHISTLE BLOWS) Okay.
Caleb! Okay, Caleb, how many times I got to tell you? Get him to cut back inside.
Push your man inside.
Okay? You got to use the sidelines and force him into the middle, so that he can't use the speed.
Push them inside, okay? Look, hey, that's the third time that they've run that sweep play.
You got to be ready for it.
Hey, Caleb! You have fun out there, you hear? Uh-huh.
All right.
(EXCLAIMING) (WHISTLE BLOWS) (LAUGHING) Visiting hours are between 4:00 and 7:00.
And group starts in about 10 minutes.
So, I'll give you a few moments, okay? I appreciate that.
You know, I'm going to be home real soon, okay? (STAMMERING) And I don't want you worrying about me.
Listen to me, I believe in you.
You can do this.
I know I can do this.
Come here.
All right.
Come on, Mama.
It's okay.
Thank you.
Good luck, Vince.
(SOFTLY) It's going to be okay.
For today, the total bill will be $4,000.
How did you want to pay for that? There you go.
Okay, thank you.
Thank you.
I got you, man.
(ENGINE STARTING) Listen, I'm sorry it's been so hard for us to talk the last couple of days.
I just Listen, Becky, if I'm sorry if in any way I've made you feel like this whole thing is just your problem.
Because it's not, okay? I guess I just really need you to know that That you're not That I will be there, no matter what.
Okay? I will, um Like, help us raise our kid.
Or help you.
Um, and I know that we're young, and I know that we don't know each other very well right now.
But, uh But that doesn't matter.
What matters is that you need to know you're not alone in this.
Luke, I took care of it.
Hmm? So you don't have to worry.
Are you Are you all right? Yeah, I'm fine.
It was It was the right thing to do.
Yeah, um Thanks for calling me.
I'll see you at school.

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