The Circle (2020) s04e10 Episode Script

A Plea for Survival

[chill music playing]
[Michelle] Good morning.
Good morning. Good morning.
And in case you didn't hear me
[Eversen] Well, a very good morning
I said good morning ♪
Come on and good morning
'Cause it's a good morning, I said ♪
[all] Good morning, Circle.
[shouting] What's up, baby?
Oh my gosh.
Let's get into it.
[grunts] All right.
Breakfast brownie
Only a little bit stale ♪
[Michelle] Get those brownies eaten,
get those beds made,
and get those clothes on
'cause we got a big day.
What the hell
do you have in store for me today?
[Michelle] Oh, plenty, girl,
but I'm gonna hand it over
to Captain Eversen
to answer that question.
All right, Circle. So I've been thinking,
today, I wanna give everyone a taste
of what it's like
to be on a cruise with Dr. E.
This is an opportunity
for me to bond with them.
This is an opportunity for me to express
my true personality and who I am.
So can you invite everyone
to a group chat,
and can we call it Circle Cruise?
[screen chimes]
[both] Ooh!
Ooh. "Eversen"
"has invited you to the Circle Cruise?"
All aboard.
I couldn't think of a better way
to start my morning
than on a morning cruise.
[music fades out]
Toot, toot.
Message, "I'm a cruise director.
Y'all already know this."
"But what you don't know is"
"what it's like to be at sea
with the good Reverend Dr. E."
"Is everybody ready for some fun?"
Yes. I love it.
"It's time for the Circle Cruise
Scavenger Hunt."
"Scavenger Hunt"?
This guy's my energy.
I can already feel it.
Message, "All right, Circle fam,
these are the rules."
-"The first one back"
-"to the spot they're in right now"
"with the item requested
wins the points."
"Get ready to get me"
Message, "Dot, dot, dot."
"something animal related."
"And to complete this one,
once you get back to your spot,
you have to do the impersonation
of that animal."
Caps, "G-O!
Exclamation point, exclamation point."
[upbeat music playing]
Oh, man. Oh, man. Oh, man.
Oh! Oh!
I don't think
I have anything animal related.
Um. Message, "I have a ceramic bird."
"A ceramic bird."
I wonder what she sounds like.
I don't know what animal chorizo
I don't think I have anything
Oh, I got a duck. Oh!
Message, "Duck." Message, "Duck."
Quack, quack, quack. Damn it!
Come on. Why are people so fast?
What is this, a llama? "Llama! Llama!"
[bleats] No, that's a goat.
Okay. "Cheetah cup." [roars]
That's my best cheetah impersonation.
[stammers] Message, "Cheetah pants." 
Damn it. "Chicken breast."
Imani, "Chicken breast." [laughing]
Message, "This is hilarious."
"The points this round goes to
Dot, dot, dot. Carol."
Good job, Miss Carol.
I really like Eversen. I I see him being
just a ball of joy in real life.
Message, "Get ready to Dot, dot, dot."
"Get ready to"
"put on seven additional items
of clothing."
"First one back wins."
-[John] One.
-Oh my God.
We got two.
-Pants, dress. Whoo!
-[Yu Ling] Five.
[John] Six.
It's pants, but it's on my arm.
Ooh! I look good.
We're gonna count each sock.
What? Rachel already won?
How the fuck are y'all moving so fast?
You believe that?
[falsetto] No! They're cheating.
Message, "I give up.
You guys are too fast."
"I barely got on pants and my socks
before the first message came through."
I have never in my life looked better.
Message, "The winner of this round is
Dot, dot, dot."
"Asterisk, drumroll please."
"Drumroll please."
"Ra, hyphen, with the chel,
hyphen, Rachel."
I won!
"Great game, guys.
I had so much fun with y'all."
"#CircleCruise. #MeetYouByThePool."
[Yu Ling] "Congrats to all the winners.
That was a freakin' blast."
"Thank you, Eversen."
"Thank you, Eversen." Thank you, Yu Ling.
Message, "This has been
so, so fun, Eversen."
"Thanks for always bringing the party."
"Thanks for the fun game,
and great start to the day,
Reverend Dr. E."
"Prayer hands. Confetti emoji." And send.
I think this is great. I'm so glad
I got to have fun with them this way.
I am so glad for this Eversen energy
that he has brought.
Starting the day off like that
is just going to make me have
even more allies within The Circle.
I feel like they really feel my energy
and my positive vibes.
Great start to the day, a lot of fun,
but everybody knows that
when the day starts good in The Circle,
it can only get bad.
[Michelle] Oh, okay.
Look out, Circle Cruise.
Carol-shaped iceberg dead ahead.
[happy music playing]
[birds chirping]
But Frank's still riding a wave
of good vibes
as he checks in on Bru unplugged.
[guitar strumming]
Gather around, everybody.
Bru brought his mom, Carol got drunk ♪
Frank went overboard
And Nathan is crunk ♪
It's the Circle Cruise ♪
-[screen chimes]
"Frank has invited you to a chat" ♪
We'll see what he wants to do. [chuckles]
Wow, Frank.
Where'd this come from?
Circle, take me to the private chat.
Circle Cruise ♪
I feel like this chat is needed
just to make sure that me and him
are still cool as a cucumber, child.
Message, "Bru, good morning.
Sunshine emoji."
"I hope you've had time
to catch your breath
after that crazy scavenger hunt.
Crying laughing emoji."
"How's everything going for you?
Question mark."
Oh my God.
It's like, where has this been?
If he keeps this whole conversation
just surface level and, like,
doesn't really open up or,
you know, wanna share anything,
let's see if he gives anything.
Message, "You were on my mind
because I can't imagine
how you felt having to send Alyssa home."
"She was playing a genuine game
in my opinion,
and I hate that I didn't get a chance
to know her more. Heartbreak emoji." Yeah.
Message, "It has been so stressful,
especially the other night."
"It was really tough seeing Alyssa go."
"It was the biggest struggle
of the game for me."
"I appreciate you checking in, though,
because that decision has still been
weighing heavy on my mind."
"You stay a ball of positive energy
this whole time. What's your secret?"
"#RayOfSunshine." Oh my God!
So, my friends call me a ray of sunshine,
and that is so sweet, Bru. Wow.
Love to you, Bru. I appreciate that.
I love good compliments about my energy,
about how I make people feel
because it was not always easy
being this person,
and I definitely went through a lot.
I try to wake up and be just thankful
and positive every day
because every day isn't promised.
So I'm just super glad
that he made that comment,
and I kind of wanna be vulnerable,
and I feel like I want people
to know this part of who I am. Um
Message, "I'm so positive in this game
because I've been through a lot in life."
"So each day I'm thankful to be here."
"I lost both of my parents
when I was young
and learned early to appreciate
every day I was given."
"You noticing the positive energy
really means the world to me."
Oh, Frank.
Oh, man, buddy.
Talk about opening up.
I mean, there it is.
I never ever thought
that I would make it through life
without having parents.
I was jealous of other people
when they had parents,
and there's not a lot of people
that had to grow up
and figure out life
without both of their parents.
But I don't waste time feeling like
the negative is gonna overshadow
the positive in my life,
because I'm just really, really grateful
that I wake up every day,
and that is the secret
to me being a ray of sunshine.
Let's message, "Frank, your bravery
to go through each day
with that attitude is incredible."
"You should be so proud that every day,
you make people
feel good about themselves,
and with everything life throws at you,
you still have a smile on your face."
"Thank you for sharing. I'm glad
that throughout all this craziness"
"we've maintained the good vibes
between us. Heart emoji."
Aw. Bru, that was so sweet.
Would've never guessed that about Frank,
and for him to open up,
really it really means the world.
This chat feels real. I feel like
I'm having a real conversation.
Just being able to open up with him
in that moment means a lot to me.
Message, "Bru, I really appreciate
your kind words,
and this just solidified the bond
I knew we always had since day one."
"I've always had
a great level of respect for you,
and that has increased after this chat."
"Can't wait to continue
getting to know you,
and let's chat soon."
"#MeetYouAtTheBar, beer-clanking emoji."
And that just puts a bow
on what was an unexpected
but incredible chat with Frank.
Game aside, I mean,
just the the feelings for Frank
now have changed completely.
Just like [smacks tongue]
Oh, what a what a thing to share.
And I know it's tough for him
because it's something,
you know, he probably doesn't wanna have
to look back and talk about,
but he chose me to share that with,
and it just means a lot
that he would share that info.
[relaxed music playing]
[Michelle] It's afternoon in The Circle,
and Nathan
is sniffing out the competition.
[Alex] Boom. "I can smell the win."
We are almost there,
and I can [inhales]
start to smell it.
[Michelle] Okay, you know a player's brave
when they fry bacon up in lingerie.
And Imani's feeling the heat too
as she hits up The Circle hot tub.
[moaning, laughing]
[Michelle] And she's about to say
"aye, aye" to the captain himself.
[screen chimes]
"Imani has invited you to a private chat."
Okay, Imani. What's up, Imani?
I think this would be a really good time
for me to get a little bonding in,
hopefully, a little flirting in.
Ah! You know what I'm saying?
You know what I'm saying?
[Michelle] Yes, sweetie.
We all know what you saying.
Let's go. Message, "Hey, good Reverend."
I see the dots going up on the screen.
I can't wait to see
what kind of message she brings to me.
"You definitely put me in vacay mode,
so I had to come up to the hot tub."
And send.
Oh! You in the hot tub right now?
Okay. I like it.
I'm definitely enjoying the image
she painting with the two-piece on.
She is a good-looking lady. I do
I do want to get my flirt on with Imani.
Message, "So you in the hot tub
right now?"
"Side eye emoji."
"So I guess you weren't lying
about that chicken breast either?"
"Question mark. Ha Laughing face emoji,
laughing face emoji." Send.
[Trevor laughing]
Yeah! See? I knew it. That's that's
that's what I expected, like
That is so Eversen. You know,
he just gonna get right to it, you know?
Oh, man. All right. How are we gonna
come back here? How we gonna come back?
Message, "Honey, I'm a lot of things,
but a liar is not one of them."
"Now I need you to be honest."
"We both know chicken
is not the breast on your mind."
"You ain't slick."
Catch your composure. I know.
I know I knocked
your socks off with that one.
Your glasses probably fogging up
right now.
Message, "I'm just trying to stay abreast,
inspector, detective emoji,
smiley face with the teeth out emoji,
of your situation! Exclamation point.
Laughing face emoji."
[Michelle] Nothing sexier
than a titty pun, am I right, ladies?
Oh, I feel so sexy right now.
I feel really, really, really fabulous.
[Eversen] I like that she's always honest.
She's speaking as she is.
Oh. Imani typing.
She's typing.
Let me see what she typing 'bout.
"This hot tub is big enough for two."
"Besides, I feel like
it could be a little hotter."
Oh! "#GrabYourShorts. #OrDont. LOL."
Okay. Imani's flirting hard.
Yo, I never thought
pretending to be a woman
would be this much fun.
Message, "Who needs shorts?
'Cause, baby, I'm a merman."
"I'm bringing the heat."
"Fire emoji, fire emoji,
tongue out winking emoji."
"#MakingWaves. #GrabYourLifeJacket
if you're too afraid to go deep." Send.
Eversen, you naughty boy. You are naughty.
I definitely think that my flirting game
is the strongest. I mean, come on.
-[music fading out]
-[birds chirping]
[funky music playing]
[Michelle] It's afternoon in The Circle,
and Yu Ling is laying it on thick
in a marathon makeup session
while Rachel is trying to build
a reliable structure up in here.
No, no, no, no, no.
[Michelle] Hmm.
Wonder if that's symbolic in any way.
[alarm blares]
"Alert." Oh.
I've come to disdain these alerts.
Right when I was in the middle of ruining
a perfectly good house of cards.
Oh shoot! What?
"Players, you must now rate each other."
Oh, man!
[Eversen] "Rate your fellow players
from first to seventh."
Oh, man! This is like
this is so stressful.
You know, this is the first time
I'm doing the ratings,
and it's the first time
I'm getting rated also.
Let's do it. Let's start rating.
Circle, take me to my ratings.
[suspenseful music playing]
I'm gonna rate Yu Ling first
because she's had my back in here,
and I know that if she is an influencer,
she's not gonna send me home.
Circle, I'd like to put Yu Ling
in first position.
Bru had my back in the virus,
had my back throughout everything.
He has promised me safety,
and I promised him safety.
I'm hoping I might be
at the top of his because obviously,
he lost Alyssa in this game.
So, Circle, please place Bru
in my first spot.
Circle, place Carol
in my first position, please.
It's a weird dynamic.
Do I think she's a catfish? Probably.
Do I trust her, though? 100%.
There's no chance in the world,
if Carol became an influencer,
that she would get rid
of her Baby Bear Bru.
We came in together. We also had to make
that tough decision together.
She deserves this first spot.
And I know that if she's an influencer,
she'll protect me.
So, Circle, please put Imani
in first place.
Circle, lock in Rachel
in my first position.
We align strategically,
and I know she has my back
at this point in the game.
Circle, please place Yu Ling
in my first position.
I have to put someone
that I feel like I can trust in this game
and someone who has been loyal to me
in this game.
Ugh. Second place is so important
because top two
are probably gonna be influencer.
So, Circle, I'd like to place Bru
in my second position.
Bru really does have my back,
and he's also someone
who votes with his heart.
In my second place spot,
I wanna put Frank.
Frank is Imani's boo. Like
That's that is my other Black king.
Yesterday we bonded
on so many different levels.
I think I'm gonna put Frank
in my third spot.
I have a middle-of-the-road relationship
with Frank,
so it's a safe bet to put him third.
Circle, please lock in Frank
in my third spot.
Circle, I would like to place Nathan
in my fourth position.
In my fifth place spot,
I'm going to put Nathan.
Circle, please lock in Eversen
in my sixth position.
Circle, please lock in Frank
in seventh place.
I really like the guy.
He's funny,
but nothing scares me more than a player
where I don't know where their head's at,
and so I can't risk
Frank becoming an influencer.
In my last position,
I would like to place Carol
because I know she's rating me low,
and she's bringing my average down.
So, please go.
In last place, Yu Ling.
You snapped at me in the Circle Chat
when I was bringing some truth.
Circle, please lock in Yu Ling
in my seventh spot.
-Submit my ratings.
[Yu Ling] "Ratings complete."
I feel good about who I have up top.
I feel really good about that.
Those are people that I trust.
I just don't know
where I'm gonna land in any of this.
[mellow music playing]
[Michelle] With the time-honored tradition
of ratings done,
it's time for another one,
the classic scrambling
to secure alliances before the blocking.
Take it away, Nathan.
I really need to touch base
with my number-one ally in this game,
I just need to let her know
I still got her back.
Circle, open a private chat with Rachel.
[screen chimes]
Oh my God. "Nathan has invited you
to a private chat."
Circle, take me to a private chat
with Nathan.
Ooh, that's fun.
[screen whirs, dings]
Message, "Rachel, thank you so damn much
for saving me during that annoying virus."
"Strong arm emoji. I owe you one,
and fully plan on returning the favor."
"#YouDaBest. How's it going for you?"
That's so nice of him to say.
Like, I wanted to show him that I meant it
when I said I was in it with him,
and I'm glad that he sees that now.
If you're ever in danger, Rachel,
you bet your ass
Nathan is gonna stick up for you.
Message, "I got you, dude."
"Today is going okay."
"Gotta say the ratings
had me pretty shook,
but luckily so far,
I know who my people are."
"Speaking of our people,
I had a cheeky chat
with Yu Ling last night,
and I'm so here
for whatever the hell y'all got going on."
"The Jewish mother in me is loving this."
[chuckles] I hope I don't embarrass him.
So she brought up Yu Ling
as a shared ally of ours,
which is great
because I was gonna bring up Yu Ling.
Rachel is always one step ahead of me.
It's so funny.
Anytime I wanna verbalize something
to her,
she beats me to the punch.
I love that about her.
Message, "Yu Ling and I are very tight."
"She's super cool
and obviously really cute."
"I was stoked when she saved you
'cause I didn't know
you guys were close like that."
"Prayer hands emoji.
You both are my number-one gals."
"How are you feeling
about the two new players?"
I haven't had a good opportunity
to chat with the new players,
so I'm hoping Rachel has some insight
that she can share with me.
Message, "I've gotten the chance
to chat with Imani, and she is so dope."
"I told her my speculations about Carol,
and she was appreciative,
but clearly she's new
and didn't want to say too much."
Love that. Okay. New message,
"That's great to hear about Imani."
"The more people who don't trust Carol,
the better IMO. Crying laughing emoji."
"I was shook
when Bru saved her over Alyssa."
"Bru and Alyssa had been flirting a ton,
so I thought Carol was a goner."
Dude, same.
Bru gives so little realness
that I have no actual clue
if he's playing a strategic game.
This is a very subtle way
for me to let Rachel know,
hey, you might need
to be a little wary of Bru
if Carol is wary of you.
That rhymed. [giggles]
Message, "Dude, yes! Exclamation point."
"I was shocked that he chose Carol,
especially because he knows
other people's suspicions of her."
"Not gonna lie, I've had a couple
really cool chats with Bru,
and I like him a lot,
but his relationship with Carol
gives me pause."
That is a great read, Rachel.
He does not trust you.
Message, "Oh my God, same. Bru is my boy,
but his relationship with Carol
is a bit of a red flag."
"Carol is like the catfish
with nine lives."
"I'm so, so, so glad
you and I are on the same page."
"Star-eye emoji."
"Always here if you need to chat.
Okay. Hell, yeah!
I'm so happy he feels this way
'cause I feel the same way about him too.
Confirmed Nathan is an ally. Confirmed.
She remains on top,
undisputed, number-one ally.
I wish I rated him a little bit higher,
but there's always next time.
We're not going home.
That's right, Nathan.
We're not going home.
Not today, Satan, not today.
[happy music playing]
[Michelle] It's afternoon in The Circle,
and the players
are entertaining themselves,
attempting not to cut themselves.
Please be careful.
And, um, talking to themselves.
Things are good. You know.
Been cooking a lot. Went to the gym today.
Made friends
with a nice guy named Eversen.
Might have to take you on a cruise again
because Eversen seems to think that
he could change the tide on cruise.
No pun intended.
Miss you a little bit, Ma.
Hopefully, I'll see you soon,
but not, uh, too soon.
[Michelle] And Yu Ling and Imani are using
their time far more constructively.
Yeah, that's right, honey.
We got ourselves
a good old-fashioned girls' chat.
Message, "Hello, hello, hello, Imani.
Sparkle emoji."
"How's the baddest B
in The Circle doing today?"
"You really gave me the confidence
to slide into Nathan's DMs yesterday,
and Dot, dot, dot.
#ThingsWereSaid. #ItWasHot."
Oh, okay.
I I like this, a little bit of girl talk.
Message, "OMG,"
like all caps, bunch of E's.
"I need all the tea ASAP."
"So glad we gave you that push."
"Now you gotta tell me how hot it got.
Fire emoji."
"Hot pepper emoji."
Man, it's so crazy, like,
the more conversations I have
talking like Imani,
the more it feels so much more natural,
like we've really become one.
Message, "Okay, so Dot, dot, dot."
"I, like, somehow accidentally sent him
a picture of myself in a hot outfit
and don't know how."
Ooh! "Then he sent a photo back,
and this man has been hiding
a mountain of abs from me."
Ah! That's crazy. [laughs]
Yu All right. All right. All right.
All right. All right. I mean
"This man" She's Okay.
"Laughing emojis. You are too much."
"TBH, I didn't think
Nathan had that in him,
but I like that he went for it."
"Sparkle emoji, heart emoji."
"BTW, I need to fill you in
on my conversation with Eversen
after the Circle Cruise!"
"Let me paint this picture for you."
"Your girl grabbed her bikini
and jumped in the hot tub looking good."
"I was #FeelingMyself
and slid all up in his DMs."
"All I had to say was
that I was in the hot tub,
and he was hooked. Laughing emoji."
Oh my God!
The fact that she's comfortable enough
to open up to me about her and Nathan,
that means I've gotta be playing
a pretty solid game.
[calm music playing]
[Michelle] As evening descends,
Rachel and Eversen are enjoying
some fun reading and writing exercises
up in The Circle.
"What I want and desire is mine
because I am divine."
I wonder if I can spell elephant.
[alarm blares]
I am nervous.
I'm not done playing just yet.
What's going on, Circle?
Oh, man, it's ratings, isn't it?
"The ratings results are in."
All right, here it is, guys.
We find out, like,
where we stand in the game,
and hopefully our adversaries are
at the bottom,
and our alliances at the top.
-This is the moment of truth.
"The top two rated players
will become influencers."
Oh my God.
It would be fantastic
if I were an influencer
because I could just get rid of people
that I know won't be helpful
to my game plan,
but I don't think it's gonna happen.
All right, eighth.
This is the first time
that I felt nervous in The Circle.
I've been playing, trying to stay
under the radar, seem non-threatening.
I just don't wanna be
the bottom of the ratings.
I don't wanna believe
that my game plan hasn't worked.
Just don't do it to me.
Just don't give me eighth.
If I'm in the bottom, like,
my heart's gonna sink.
I would be surprised if I were eighth,
but expect the unexpected.
-Come on, Circle. Tell me who it is.
[music intensifies, stops]
[sad music playing]
[shouting] Yes! Yes! Oh my God! Yes!
Dude, I rated Momma Carol first,
and even that got her in eighth place.
That is not good.
How are we being rated so low?
It's just Oh my God, dude.
I know she's gotta feel really, really,
really sick to her stomach at this point.
Definitely don't love that.
Kind of had a feeling
we weren't in a good spot.
I am so happy I'm not dead last.
It's really heartbreaking.
Well, if I'm in seventh,
mom and son packing up together. [laughs]
I think Bru is the closest with Carol.
Like, he kind of shot himself in the foot
with that a little bit.
It's not over yet.
Seven is on the low end.
Circle, tell me who's in seventh place,
but don't tell me it's me. Okay?
Baby, I wanna be far away
from that position.
I'd be really, really,
really stressed out.
I don't want this to be me.
Please don't be me.
[music intensifies, stops]
Oh no!
Oh, damn it.
Oh, my top two. There, one and two.
Oh, man. Nathan's got to be really upset
he's in seventh.
How is he so low?
It's not last place,
but that's really not good for my game.
That's rough.
Six. I don't want to be
behind door number six. No, ma'am.
Three through six is like a wild card.
I need my allies to be up at the top now.
I I wouldn't be shocked at anything.
Don't be me.
Oh my God, it's me. Why? We are just
we're doing something wrong.
Damn. That's someone
who I really thought would keep me safe.
New players just got here,
and they're already higher in the rankings
than you are?
Look at us.
Three best friends at the bottom.
Least I'm with good company.
We haven't seen my name yet.
That's pretty cool.
Where are the new players in this?
Need to do better than fifth. All right?
I do not feel comfortable with that.
I wanna see myself further up,
even as a new player.
Fifth is, like, safe,
but it's not confident.
This has to be, like, Yu Ling or Rachel.
Oh, I'm in fifth place.
Eversen in fifth?
Nah, people are playing strategic, man.
I feel safe with Rachel, Yu Ling, Frank,
and Imani, I feel like will protect me.
I wouldn't be mad at fourth.
I feel a little bit better than fifth,
obviously, but I don't want fourth.
I really hope this is Frank.
Please be Rachel or Imani.
I'm surprised at every turn
that it's not me.
Oh, man.
Imani! Okay.
[squealing] Okay.
Girl, call me Miss Cleo!
Frank, Yu Ling, we did it.
We got top three.
Imani and Eversen hopped Carol,
Nathan, and I.
Her toga party must have been insane.
Top three. That's good.
Next one is the game changer.
Who it's gonna be?
Third place.
Clearly, what I'm doing is working,
and that's fucking cool.
Please, please do not be me
behind door number three, please.
This tells us who the two influencers are.
[music intensifies]
-[Frank screaming]
-Oh my God.
I'm so happy to see it.
I put my trust
in the right people, I think.
I wanted you to be an influencer so badly.
-[Frank screaming] Yes!
-Oh my God!
First and second.
It's me and Frank, baby.
Frank number one. Yes, baby!
And me number two!
Frank is number one.
Bet you feel good.
I bet you feel great right now.
Safe again.
Get it, Frank. Yes.
Ah! I feel like I'm dreaming.
Nobody dislikes Frank.
He's just a great guy.
Mr. Nice Guy Frank tops the charts.
That is just shocking to me.
Oh my God!
Look at that boy up there.
He did it again.
[Yu Ling roaring] Yes!
Both influencers for the second time.
Come on, guys. I need y'all
to do the right thing tonight.
Frank being in first place
after I gave him the antivirus yesterday,
I feel like I'm safe.
My game is in the hands of Yu Ling
with my awkward flirting. [chuckles]
I don't have the connections,
uh [inhales]
that I would've hoped
to have at this point.
Your boy's sinking like a rock.
Frank being first and Yu Ling being second
is whipped cream on top of shit.
I'm still at the bottom.
I don't know if we're out yet,
but we're very down.
[alarm blares]
[all] "Alert!"
We got another alert?
These alerts make me wanna poop myself.
Oh no, what's going to happen?
Is this going to be Oh no.
I feel good, girl. So what is it?
"It's now time for the influencers"
"to decide who to block."
Oh, God.
"Frank and Yu Ling"
-"must go to the Hangout"
-"to make their decision." All right.
I just pray it's not Nathan.
Think smart, show mercy [chuckles]
and keep your buddy Bru around.
I would not be feeling good right now
if I were Carol.
My fate is in the hands
of Frank and Yu Ling,
and there's absolutely nothing myself,
or anyone can do about it.
[ominous music playing]
[Michelle] Influencers Yu Ling
and Frank are frequent flyers
up here in the Hangout,
so they know the drill.
Big entrance, then down to business.
[Yu Ling screaming]
Girl, it feels good to be back.
I can't believe I'm an influencer again,
and I can't believe that I'm in here
with my baby bestie Frank.
[Michelle] But just before
they get too comfy cozy
[alarm blares]
[all] "Alert!"
Wait, what?
I don't remember getting an alert
when I was in the Hangout the first time,
so I wonder what the hell this means.
"Tonight one player will be blocked
from The Circle."
Something juicy's right around the corner.
I can feel it in my bones.
"But first, Frank and Yu Ling
must each choose"
"two players to save."
[dramatic music playing]
You never done it like this before, girl.
So we each need to choose two people
that we are saving.
So four players are gonna be saved
before the block.
What about the other two?
"The remaining two players
will be at risk of being blocked."
Any one of us could be going home.
You just got to hope your relationships
are ironclad and solid.
"Go to Circle Chat now."
Wait, we about to do it right now,
live in front of everybody?
I haven't even written my notes.
Oh my God.
I gotta I gotta take my sweater off.
[all] Circle, take me to Circle Chat.
I'm ready to rumble.
[music fades out]
[ominous music playing]
"Frank and Yu Ling, you must now reveal"
"who you would like to save." What?
All right, here we go.
[exhales] Moment of truth.
I'm sure I would've made a connection
with at least one of the two, if not both.
Make the right decision here.
Just make the right decision.
[Frank] "Frank, which player
would you like to save?"
There are actually a few players
that I definitely feel would save me,
so I just don't know
who I'm gonna go with first.
I hope he picks me. I don't know anymore.
I know nothing. You know?
One shot. One time, Frank.
Just have my back.
Circle, I've made my decision.
Oh my God. Frank's typing. Okay.
The first player I'm going to save is
Snap, crackle, pop. Come on.
[shouting] Frank! I love you so
I love you so much, Frank.
I just wanna cry.
Oh, man. Rachel, damn you.
I don't know how you do this.
You got a spell on people.
Frank is always honest to his heart.
That's why everybody loves Frank.
Frank and Rachel are close?
I had no idea.
I'm very glad to be able
to save my biggest alliance, Rachel.
"Yu Ling, which player
would you like to save?"
This is going to be interesting.
Nathan, Nathan, Nathan.
Yu Ling, do you look past our little bit
of a blip the other day with the virus,
and do you reconcile
and prove to me that this is still real,
and that we got something here?
I almost feel like
I need to show Imani that I'm loyal,
but I could also save Nathan
who I feel like is in love with me,
but then there's also Bru,
and I told Bru that what went down
in the antivirus blocking
was just an absolute misunderstanding,
and I did not mean
for Alyssa to get blocked.
I don't know where the hell
this is about to go next.
Circle, I have made my decision.
-Here she is. She's typing.
-Oh my God. What is she typing?
Come on, Yu Ling.
Oh! She picked me. Thank you, Yu Ling. Oh!
Why Bru? What is going on?
It was important for me to make sure
that Bru knew I've got his back.
[Michelle] Yu Ling and Frank now have
just one more player each to save.
"Frank, which player
would you like to save?" All right, child.
Frank and I have been here since day one.
We've been influencers together.
Maybe that means something.
I feel like this player needs to know
that I have a sense of loyalty to them
so that they will be able to remember that
later in this game
and remember that I saved them.
If Frank doesn't say my name,
I'll be crushed, man. I'll be so crushed.
I am feeling a little worried now.
Circle, the player I want to save is
[music intensifies]
[shouting] Yes! Yes! Yes, Frank!
Imani. Okay, that one at least
makes sense to me, Frank.
I knew he was gonna save Imani.
It's the right thing to do.
It definitely, uh it definitely sucks.
I wish I had
a better relationship with Frank,
but take it in stride, and we keep going.
[Michelle] Three players are now safe.
Yu Ling has the final call
to keep either Nathan, Carol,
or Eversen from the blocking.
Oh my God! "The Circle. Yu Ling,
which player would you like to save?"
This is it. This is the last chance
to see whether or not you're safe.
One spot left.
Right now, my game is to make sure
that there are people who stick up for me.
Yu Ling,
please do not let me down like this.
I need one of the Bru Crew members.
I need Carol, I need Nathan.
Show me one of their names. I'll be happy.
I'm gonna have a goddamn heart attack.
The next player I would like to save is
[music intensifies]
[shouting] Yes! Oh my God! Yes!
Safe again. Oh, Yu Ling, thank you.
All right, honey.
Well, well, well.
That leaves me at risk of being blocked.
Eversen and I are at risk,
and that's okay.
That feels good.
For me, that was all about the heart.
"Carol and Eversen,
you are both at risk
of being blocked from The Circle."
Yes, Circle, I'm aware,
but thank you for making it clear.
Baby, I would not wanna see
that message right there, honey. Whew!
Is it just me,
or is it getting hot in here?
"You must now make a plea for survival."
Oh! Don't make me beg,
even though I ain't too proud to beg.
[screaming] Girl!
What kind of mess is this, girl?
All right. Well, if there's one thing
I'm good at, it's words.
This is my last chance
to put it all out on the table.
We're gonna fight,
we're gonna claw, we're gonna scratch.
It might not make a difference,
but we're gonna try. So let's do it.
Okay. I must plead my case.
It's now time
for a strongly worded letter.
Message, "Frank and Yu Ling,
I've thoroughly enjoyed y'alls energy."
"I understand how I got to this point,
and I understand the pressure on you guys
to make this decision"
"as I was in this position not long ago."
"I feel like I chose wisely."
"Our chemistry immediately made me feel
like part of our #CircleFam."
"I really don't want our fun to stop here.
"To be honest,
I haven't had the same amount of time
as other people to make connections."
Message, "I don't wanna leave."
"So humbly, I ask please, don't make me."
[Yu Ling] Oh, Eversen!
That's a good message.
It's just so positive and upbeat.
That was a cute message.
I like how he made his message
very personable to Yu Ling and I.
Oh, man, y'all. If Eversen goes home,
that's so bad for my game.
If I was Frank,
I would feel like I owe Eversen one.
Him and Imani gave him
the antivirus software first.
I'm hopeful that my message
has done enough
to persuade them to keep me here.
[slow music playing]
[John] I'm shutting Carol off
for this one. This is all John.
When it's the last thing you could say,
you want it to be from you
and from the heart. So, here we go.
Message, "This game has been
the most incredible
and life-changing experience."
"I've built great relationships
with some of you,
and frankly, others I haven't."
"All of that said,
everything that I've said,
every friendship that I've made,
and everything that I've ever thought
has all come from the heart."
"I know this is a game, and sometimes
that has gotten the better of me,
but I've always been authentic
every step of the way."
Message, "Regardless of anything
that's ever been said about me,
you've all had a glowing impact on me."
"I'm a fighter, so I know I can get fiery,
but it comes from love."
"I love this group of people,
and I love this game."
"I still have so much more heart
and fight to give it."
I really like that message.
It seems really genuine,
and it seems like it, you know,
is really coming from the heart.
Dang, maybe she's a real mom
because she is so good with the words.
Love that. Love that.
She's being really honest here
about maybe her hiccups,
and what has happened and transpired,
and yet she leaves it on a positive note.
You know, at this stage,
we both put our hearts out there,
and anything could happen.
It's a waiting game.
[alarm blares]
[all] "Alert!"
I've had 89 alerts today.
What the hell is this all about?
"Carol and Eversen are both at risk
of being blocked from The Circle."
[Rachel] What?
"They must go to the Meet Room now"
"to await their fate"?
Eversen and I are going
to the same room together.
This has never happened before.
All right, it's time
to go meet Christmas Carol.
I wish I had time to put on a
a real shirt to meet my elder.
Eversen's the first one to find out if
if Carol is real or not.
I'm just gonna make sure
I don't smell terrible
because I'm about to sit next to a person.
[Eversen] I feel, Circle, you're throwing
a lot of new things my way.
[dramatic music playing]
So this is what purgatory looks like.
I can't believe
that they are actually meeting,
because if either one of them
is not who they've been playing
can you imagine?
[exhales] Okay.
[dramatic music playing]
I really thought that I had sort of
an inkling as to who would be going,
but this is just really difficult.
I don't know even
what side I'm on right now, child.
I feel like I'm just here.
[music intensifies, fades]
[Eversen] Oh! Come on, man!
[theme music playing]
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