The Unit s04e10 Episode Script

Mislead and Misguided

Previously on The Unit.
We're gonna need to get exfilled out of here rikki-tik.
Shadow-Zero-Zero, you have authorization to cross into Syria.
- You have D.
and State Department authorization? - Affirmative.
What you just did is a court-martial offense.
Seems Kim's new employer is our new person of interest.
So he was involved with the assassinations.
He's a money launderer for the terrorists.
Our old nanny quit out of nowhere.
Just disappeared without an explanation.
Police found a body in the Sierras three weeks ago.
Based on your work, they I.
'd it as Noelle Landers.
- She'd been murdered.
- Oh, my God.
How's it look? Check out the filters.
That ain't air conditioning.
Take a deep breath.
Might be our last fresh air for a while.
Back on the farm, cow would sometimes pick up anthrax go into convulsions- blood pouring out.
Well, that's why they call it a scourge- the scourge of anthrax.
You heard of that? - Yeah, I've heard of it.
- Good.
Work fast, and we're back on the plane by dawn.
Down! Cover me! Gimme your hand! Well, that wasn't pretty.
You're dead.
You're dead.
You're dead.
And my wife is planning my funeral.
I know a place gives a group discount.
They'll even bury you with your medals.
Well, infrared security or no, we need a better plan.
I wish we knew what mistakes Bravo team made.
Whatever they were, we can't make 'em.
Well, this time we make our own plan in this room.
Sergeant Major, I have the deputy undersecretary for you.
I've spoken to him twice already.
He's being rather insistent.
He's on the TelePresence.
Lower this man's blood pressure, please.
- What would you like for us to tell him? - Not a damn thing.
Sit here, please.
- Hello? Are we on? - The network is secure, sir.
Thank you.
Which one of you is Sergeant Major Blane? Sergeant Major Blane is game-planning the mission, sir.
- Who the hell are you? - We're on his team, sir.
How can we help you? You're running out of time.
What's the plan? The situation is being developed, sir.
Spare me the rodeo tricks and cowboy confidence.
I need to hear details of the plan.
- And you look me in the eye when you tell me.
- All due respect, sir Colonel Ryan leaves operational specifics to the team.
Well, what about our plan? Morgan, are you still in D.
C? - Yes, sir.
- Didn't you get them our plan? I faxed it twice.
Sending data version to all screens now.
- Do you have it? - Yes, sir.
We have it.
We dry runned your plan.
It resulted in casualties.
- Acceptable losses? - Not to our children, no.
This is an anthrax lab about to go online imminently.
We will take it out and leave no trace of our presence.
- Yes, sir.
And it's our mission to- - You know what I see? A team leader who doesn't bother to show his face, and two accomplices either too ignorant or too duplicitous to share with me an actionable plan.
- The plan is developing.
- So, now that I've seen this won't get done without me I will be assuming operational control of your unit and the mission will get done my way.
- That won't be necessary, sir.
- Gleason, get my jet fueled up and humming.
- Sir, that won't be neces- - Signing off.
Well, let's break out the tea and crumpets.
Looks like we have company coming.
Colonel, there are some officers here demanding to take Bridget Sullivan into custody.
- Matter of time.
Find her and sequester her in my office.
- Yes, sir.
You gentlemen here to see me? - Sir, Major Paul Grand, JAG Corps.
- All right.
I'm to take into custody, Warrant Officer Bridget Sullivan - for detention pending court-martial.
- What's the charge? I'm not required to disclose any information other than what's on the warrant.
What's the charge? Acting in contravention of orders.
She authorized a trespass of Syrian airspace using an Army helicopter.
Now if you'll have Warrant Officer Sullivan present herself.
- Sergeant, where's Sullivan? - Sir, Warrant Officer Sullivan has not reported today.
- Find her.
- Sir.
Warrant Officer Sullivan has not yet reported for duty today.
We'll find her for you.
Now, operational priorities demand my attention.
- The M.
's out there? - That's right.
- What will they do? - Well, they'll search the base.
It's just the two of'em.
It'll take a while.
Colonel, I'm ready to turn myself in.
- You're getting out of Dodge.
- AWOL? Let me worry about the acronyms.
You're getting off the base and out of the country.
Let's go.
Sir, I knew what I was doing and I'm prepared for the punishment.
Your file and that of the rest of the team have been expunged from the D.
You no longer exist in the military.
The last thing I need is a bunch of greenhorn JAG lawyers churning up your true I.
We spent a lot of money burying you.
We don't want the curious digging you up.
- All the same, Colonel- - Hold up.
Soldier, I need you to post a sentry here for the next 20 minutes.
No one- and I mean no one- is to move beyond this point without my orders.
- Do you understand? - Yes, sir.
We're hopping a C-37 to California.
You're riding in the jump seat off the manifest.
You will travel through to the Philippines.
Instructions will follow you later.
- And how long will I- - " Till death or I cut loose that tie.
" Who said that? Rudyard Kipling, sir.
You saved our ass in Syria.
You did it at risk to your own career.
Well done.
Thank you, sir.
You can breach the south face of the perimeter which is closest to the lab minimizing your open-field exposure this time.
- We're certain the anthrax lab is that building? - Yes, we are.
- You want to tell me the source of that certainty? - All right.
My team has analyzed the sat photos, examined personnel movement, placement of filters- All from 120 miles high.
Well, what the hell difference, Sergeant, the height at which the photos were taken? It would seem to me the salient point is their resolution.
Doesn't that seem the point to you? What about sources on the ground? We don't need some sheepherder telling us what we already know.
With respect, that sheepherder has been living there his entire life.
He's in possession of something that your satellites and listening devices don't supply.
- And that is? - Understanding.
Not only does he know what these objects look like, but he knows what they mean.
Soldier, I would neither needlessly nor pointlessly dispatch you into danger.
- What happened to Bravo team? - What happened to Bravo team is tragic.
But helicopters go down all the time.
They never even made it to their target.
This is your chance to make sure those men didn't die in vain.
If the lab is what you want destroyed, why not just lob in some missiles? Bombing the lab leaves an American footprint on Central Asia at an inconvenient time.
- Well, men leave footprints too.
- Yes, thank you.
No one can know you were there.
I need anthrax samples from these three different sites in the lab.
Now let's run it.
See what we got.
#Give me your secrets, bring me a sign # # Give me a reason to walk the fire # # See another dawn # # Through a daughter's eyes # # You give me a reason to walk the fire ## Clear! Hold it right there.
You've just released 50,000 spores of anthrax.
You're infected.
- He's wearing a mask, isn't he? - No.
A mask can leak, even under the best conditions.
Which this won't be.
Are your vaccinations up to date? - For what strain? There are 89.
- If I had a sample.
Won't help us very much after the fact.
Anthrax is harmless until it's been weaponized.
You've got your seed stock, your centrifuge, your autoclave.
But this, it's the centerpiece there- the lyophilizer.
- It dries the anthrax into a lethal inhalant.
- Thank you.
I'm aware of that.
- Well, if you put a stray bullet through this, it's night-night.
- Don't use bullets.
- Sir? - Use alternative ballistics.
That's an interesting technical term.
What do you understand it to mean? Those frangibles.
They break apart upon impact.
- He's talking about Glaser rounds.
- Glaser rounds.
That's it.
- They're not lethal.
- I understand that they're lethal with a head shot.
Glaser rounds.
Clear! Good.
Go with the Glaser rounds.
That'll make it easier.
- Easier for whom? - Say again? Look, we can bounce Glaser rounds all day long.
But if we engage the enemy in a firefight, they're gonna be shooting hardjackets.
What if their bullet pierced the equipment? Engage them before they reach the lab.
- With only two on overwatch? - They told me you men were the best.
I don't know who "they"are, but I can tell you this current plan's not gonna work.
You bring me more objections.
I don't want to hear objections.
If you want to speak, I want to hear solutions.
- This is a suicide mission.
- Yes.
There are going to be risks.
I understand that.
I carried a weapon in Desert Shield.
- I was in the sand and in the mix.
- You were in the mix, huh? If the Uzbeks are allowed to build an anthrax weapon they'd turn Central Asia into a powder keg.
The population is over 80 percent Sunni Muslim, friendly to the Taliban.
But for the tin-pot dictator keeping a lid on their country they'd be supplying our enemies with bioweapons to use on our men and women right outside that door.
And that won't mean the loss of one man or two, it'd be hundreds.
I don't object to the mission.
I object to the plan.
I gave you a chance.
You came up with nothing better.
Look, I have three men and four hours.
Give me the room and get out of my way! Bob said he was taking over.
He said I wouldn't have to go into Isaac Reed's house ever again.
- That was my intention as well.
- But you sent him on a mission.
Not of my choosing.
He was pulled from me.
Well, you can't expect me to go back into that house.
We need everything to appear unchanged.
The woman who worked there before me was murdered.
Isaac Reed was probably involved in the vice president's assassination.
I have a full protection detail from Pendleton setting up a block down from the house.
They'll keep you safe.
- You don't have enough to take him in? - Isaac Reed, no.
- With everything you know? - To question him, yes.
To scare him, perhaps.
To charge him, no.
The only certain way to flip him is to charge him, and we don't have enough.
To flip him, give up his buddies, not yet.
- He's expecting to see Bob.
- Bob had trouble at the office.
An unexpected sales call.
Reed wants to believe you.
He wants to sleep with me too.
Okay, girlie.
Nap time for bunny rabbits.
- Do you need some help? - We're doing just fine.
Can I get a kiss first? From Ella.
Lighten up, Kim.
That's my big girl.
There we go.
Marian's away until Thursday.
- So you've said.
- Bob's out of town too.
Isaac, I- I don't know.
Bob still thinks we can make this work.
Giving up on a marriage isn't in my D.
- You're just dragging it out.
- What about you and Marian? We were stupid enough to think that having Ella would help.
- We both know it's an arrangement more than a marriage.
- I don't know.
Just tell me that you want to kiss me as much as I want to kiss you.
I do.
But- I told you never to come here.
We need to talk.
We can't talk on the phone.
Your house is being watched.
- That's ridiculous.
- Two guys in a car down the street.
They found the girl's body.
Did you hear that? - I don't know what you're talking about.
- We have to figure this out.
- It's coming apart.
- Not now! - It has to be! - Not now! Get out! Your kid? - Get out! - Who else is here? - Is someone else here? - Get out! I said get- Come here.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
- Are you all right? - Is he- - I-I had to! - Who is he? - What? - What did he want? - I don't know! - I'll call the police! - No! - Why not? It was self-defense.
He had a gun.
The police will understand.
- I need your help here.
- No, Isaac! - No, don't touch anything! - Kim, I need you.
No, we cannot-We need help! Don't panic.
Don't panic.
I will figure this out.
We'll, uh- - We'll wrap him up in this.
- No.
Kim, there are things you don't understand.
I can't explain them now.
I will explain them.
But now I need you to trust me.
Do you trust me? - Yes.
- What? Yes, I trust you.
Then help me move this body.
You take his feet.
Say we're in.
We take out the anthrax.
What's our exfil out of there? We can probably clear the lab in the corridor.
Once we get out in the yard, it's gonna be a turkey shoot.
They're gonna be looking for us to come out the same way we came in.
Let's give 'em more reason to believe.
Suggestions? - A decoy.
- I love a decoy.
- Yeah, with what? - We can't carry much in.
What's already there? I saw wheels.
If I can get to the vehicle, I can send it towards the fence.
- Guards thinks it's us.
- Draws them off of the gate, we exit here.
- Better yet.
- What's better? Send a decoy with plastic on the fuel tank.
Time-delay ignitor.
Guards catch up with the vehicle, boom.
- I'll buy that all day long.
- That works for me too.
Pursuit will still be hot.
We'll need to relink with the helo outside the T.
After what happened to Bravo, I don't think they're gonna want to land a chopper there.
But they don't know if that was mechanical failure or if they were shot down.
I'll tell you this.
The A.
's we got will do 70 at best.
And that's not even over rough terrain.
We'll never make it out of there.
Death doesn't really care about that, does he? All he cares about is his anthrax souvenir bag.
- Who the hell gave him any power? - You heard him.
- He held a weapon in Desert Shield.
- Is that what he was holding? A month's salary says he never made it out ofhis hotel room in Kuwait.
If that guy has seen more than an hour of combat I'm gonna have to restructure my entire vision of the world.
Tells me he holds a doctorate in strategic intelligence.
Ah, Dr.
Richie and Bo were on that chopper.
- Richie, uh, he just marked his fifth year in Bravo? - Mm-hmm.
Almost stepped in for Hector.
Good shooter.
- Bo's wife just had a baby.
- Yeah.
Their first.
- What was it? - Girl.
You know what? This is not the time or the place for a pity party.
The road home for us runs through Uzbekistan.
Okay, ready? - He won't fit.
- He has to.
- Pick up that end.
- Isaac.
This won't help us.
Let me call the police.
- You want me to go to prison? - It was self-defense.
You have to trust me.
I will explain.
I promise.
But we have to get out of here first.
I saved your life.
- Use garbage bags.
- What? To put under the rug, so you don't get blood in your car.
- Your hand? - Rug burn.
Let's go get Ella.
I'm scared.
It's gonna be all right.
It's gonna be all right.
Car's pulling out.
It's okay.
It's just Reed.
Brown's still in the house.
Can I get up now? Soon.
- Gentlemen.
- I got a working plan to show you.
- Hold up.
We have new intel.
- Intel from where? - Our eye in the sky over Uzbekistan.
- Is that the lab? - Taken over the last three days.
- Time-lapse.
We call it coherent change detection.
What do you call it when you're in a hurry? - Looks like they're setting up something around the perimeter.
- A new warning defense.
- Are you sure? - Look at the configuration.
The scattered stationary elements.
That's a seismic intrusion system.
- Seismic intrusion? - It detects soil movement along the perimeter.
- Exactly how much movement? - Every footstep.
- The entire perimeter? - Mm-hmm.
Under everything but the front doormat.
- I need some confirmation on this.
- You're looking at it.
What's your new plan? Well, if what you say is true, that plan's no good.
They'll cut us down before we get to the fence.
If they were smart enough to weaponize anthrax, they probably got brains enough to protect it.
Well, if we can't pierce the system, the only other way is to avoid it.
- Avoid it where? - Front door.
- So, what? Go in soft? - Yeah, but as what? There's about 30 soldiers in there.
They gotta get their food from someone.
We got images here somewhere.
Uh, here we go.
- These trucks here coming in from the village.
- Borrow a truck.
I can do that.
- Military? - From the looks of this, local civilian.
- What do the time stamps say? - 0600 hours, 06 and 20.
- Morning deliveries.
- So now we're talking about a daylight assault.
You got something better to do on a sunny day? Won't give us much time to take down the lab, but we weren't counting on a lot anyway.
Well, if it was easy, everyone would do it.
Let's dry run it.
Hold your fire! Hold your fire! Well, that didn't work either.
Daytime assault is out.
- Too far from the gate to the lab.
We'd never get in unseen.
- So now we're back to night? - Yeah, with no way in.
- No way in without casualties.
- Uzbeks are sending reinforcements to the lab.
- How many? Well, we have intercepts from their 34th Rifle Brigade out of Andijon.
Convoy of 40, minimum.
That figures.
After Bravo team went down, they're expecting another assault.
How much time before they arrive? - They're in the target zone by tomorrow night.
- You want us to move now.
Your transport is loading up on the runway.
We don't have time for this.
Your plan isn't working.
Go with mine.
At least that way we'll get the anthrax plant neutralized.
We don't go in unless we believe we can get out.
Then you develop the situation on the ground.
Isn't that what you said? The mission is of unparalleled importance.
Do you accept the mission or not? Your plane is on the tarmac.
Do you accept the mission or not? All right.
But you remember these faces, sir.
Let's go! Where are you going? Somewhere to bury him.
Somebody's gonna be looking for him.
Oh, God, Isaac! Did you get my husband mixed up with these people? I saved your life! I saved your damn life! That's the only thing you have to know.
Shut up.
I'll go to the police.
And I'll tell them that I killed him.
- I'll say he broke into the house while you were out.
- It won't work.
Yes, it will.
He came after me.
I grabbed a knife.
I killed him in self-defense.
I will do that for you.
- He was stabbed from behind.
- We struggled.
I got behind him.
- Kim- - Listen.
Then you came home.
And you wanted to protect me by disposing of the body.
- Let me out.
- Stop! - I'll walk from here.
I don't care.
- Don't be ridiculous.
I can't let you leave.
I won't say anything.
I swear.
I'm sorry, Kim.
- So now I'm your prisoner? - Kim, I- What the- Kim! Help me lift the rug so I can get the spare.
- Kim! - I want to go home.
- It won't be long now.
- I want to go home! Let's just get this over with.
Stand next to me.
Hey, got a flat, huh? Need a hand? - It's okay.
I got it.
- You sure? - Gas station's quite a few miles out.
- Thanks all the same.
My wife would never let me hear the end of it if I asked for help changing a tire.
Fine by me.
Good luck with that.
Down! Clear! Hold your fire! - The light.
- Top? - The plan! - Yeah? You know what inspiration is? A momentary cessation of stupidity.
I think I got something.
I think I got something.
That's Bravo's chopper.
It looks pretty bad.
You okay? Yeah.
- What is it? - Shell casings.
- Could've fallen from the door of the gunner's bin.
- Not these.
It's from an M4.
From Bravo.
More over here.
And tracks too.
Looks like they were in the fight of their lives.
Radio still works.
Metz said they lost communication when Bravo team went down.
He also said everybody died on impact.
They were cut down here, making a stand.
Where are the bodies? And what else did Dr.
Death forget to tell us? Snake Doc, surprise party was a hit.
Roger that, Betty Blue.
Time to blow out the candles.
Let's go.
There goes the power.
Should take care of their seismic intrusion system.
Betty Blue, we're on our way.
Dancing in the dark.
Shall we? Backup generator.
What the hell? - This is the lab? - Check out this junk.
You see any lyophilizer? Nothing.
What's this? You couldn't bake cookies in here, much less a batch of anthrax.
- Snake Doc, we got a dry hole.
- We got duped.
No freeze dryer, no autoclave.
Over here.
- Poppies.
- Yeah, here's Dr.
Death's anthrax.
Two teams, 8,000 miles for a little smack.
A little sideline for the Uzbek Army.
Everybody needs something to fall back on.
Grab a sample.
Let's get outta here.
- Please quiet her down.
- She's hungry.
- She hasn't eaten in hours.
- Then feed her.
- We didn't bring any bottles.
- Isn't there anything in the car? Look under the seat.
Water bottle? We could stop.
- No.
- What am I supposed to do? - I don't know! Just do something.
- Maybe I- What? - Maybe I put her pacifier in her diaper bag.
- All right.
You're going too fast.
Pull over.
We are not stopping.
- Is it there? - Somewhere.
Thank God.
Top, we got trouble! Stop the Glaser rounds! Lab! Hold 'em back out of the lab.
There's gotta be some reagent around here somewhere.
- Acetic hydride.
- As long as it's flammable.
- Flashbang.
- Top.
Everyone, put your masks on.
This smoke will take you higher.
Let's get out ofhere! Kim, the shovel! - No.
- Now's not the time.
I'm done.
I understand.
You can go.
- I can? - Of course.
Kim! How far do you think you're gonna get? - Please, no.
- I'm so sorry, Kim.
- No.
- I don't want to.
Then don't.
Isaac, put the gun down.
I think I love you.
I really do.
But I don't have a choice, Kim.
- You tell me what choice I have! - Please, Isaac! You love me, and I love you.
I love you.
And I will help you.
No, it's too late.
I'm sorry, Kim, but it's time.
It's time.
Isaac Reed, drop your weapon.
Now! Down on the ground now! Cool Breeze, Dirt Diver, clear us an exfil corridor.
We're moving.
Betty Blue! Coming! Oh, damn it.
Just my shoulder.
I'm good.
- Detour.
- Yeah.
Bo? Top! - It's Bo! - Carlito, Jonas.
- I knew you guys would come for me.
- Where's the rest of Bravo? We got ambushed the minute we landed.
I'm the only one.
- Wait.
They told us you all died in the crash.
- Who told you? - Metz.
- Metz? I radioed in before they took me.
Snake Doctor, we've cleared the run of the perimeter.
I can't hold it forever.
Roger that, Cool Breeze.
We're on our way.
You good to run? Better than him.
I can shoot too.
Come on.
Give him your piece.
Let's go home.
You want to talk numbers now? Because we left here with four, and we came back with five.
Bo! My God! Greatjob, guys! Great job! I can't believe it.
- I bet you can't.
- I had no idea you'd- You lying son of a bitch! I lost my whole team 'cause of you! - What happened was regrettable, but- - You left me to die! - Why would I wanna do that? - Because we wouldn't have to rescue him.
You didn't tell us there was a survivor because you thought that might slow us down destroying the anthrax.
That was the mission! That was always the mission! - The mission was a joke! - Is that my sample? - Yeah.
That's your heroin.
- Heroin? Some bad guys are selling drugs.
We must tell the king.
Then you were looking in the wrong place! The Uzbeks contracted a German manufacturer to acquire high-end anthrax technology! They have the means and the ambition! Here's your seismic intrusion device.
It's a sprinkler system.
That's what they were installing.
Lawn sprinklers! File a report.
I'll find another team to get the job done.
- Another team? - That's right.
- To do what? - To locate and destroy the anthrax! - What anthrax? - You're being shipped home.
- I'll arrange a medevac for your wounded.
- There is no anthrax! - We'll be leaving for Frankfurt day after tomorrow.
- You're coming with us? It'll give us a chance to get our stories straight before the hot wash.
We've got our story straight.
It's called the truth.
One of the men got nervous and knocked on the door.
Getting no answer, they forced entry.
Found the blood and didn't find you.
- Thank you for saving me.
- You saved yourself.
What about him? Well, now we got a lever to turn him, thanks to you.
How you doing? I'm all right now.
Bob will be proud.
Maybe Bob's better off not knowing.
Brown, you are one smart woman.
- All right then.
Thank you, soldier.
- You got it, sir.
We've been diverted.
Grab your gear.
What's happening? Regional alliance wants a fire brigade.
That's us.
What? A military coup has been launched against President Bakuto.
I've received no word.
- New intel, sir.
- How is any of it our concern? - I'm just following orders.
- Where do I deplane? You don't deplane.
This is the plane.
- Fine.
I'll hitch a ride at the field.
- We're going straight in.
- Straight in where? - Airfield at Tajeen.
We're to provide cover fire.
And it don't look pretty.
- I want you to turn this thing around.
- Sir, I cannot do that.
- You'll do as ordered.
- Yes, sir.
I have my orders.
- We're officially a go mission.
- I don't care if we are.
Which means I have full command of all personnel on this plane for the duration of the mission.
- Meaning what? - Meaning I'm a man down.
And men of your experience are in short number.
Men who have held a weapon, been in the mix.
- No.
- Oh, to the contrary.
Gear up, soldier.
It's time to take that hill.

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