7th Heaven s04e11 Episode Script
Forget Me Not
Man, watching you two is worse than having to sit through a chick movie.
It's stupid.
I'm going to the library.
What's wrong? Maybe I shouldn't go away to New York this weekend.
Come on, you have to find a place to live.
School starts in January.
I still can't believe I'm going to NYU.
I still can't believe it either.
But it's great, you're going, and you need a place to live.
Most guys would be pressuring me to stay.
You are the best boyfriend ever.
Long-distance relationships aren't easy, but I know we can make it work.
You wanted to see me? Your supervisor from the diversion programme called.
- Yeah? - She's very happy with your work.
And so are we.
You passed your 30-day evaluation with flying colours.
- That's great.
- We're really proud of you.
I never would have made it without Robbie.
It really helps to have someone to talk to who understands exactly what I'm going through.
You know, someone who's been arrested and everything.
They're still on separate work shifts down at the programme, aren't they? Yes, but we said Robbie could call her, remember? - Well, that was a mistake.
- Yeah.
Okay, Brad Landers wants to take me out after school tomorrow for a burger to thank me for all the help I've given him in math class.
Wow, there is a B-list, an A-list and then there is - Brad Landers.
- Okay.
So why aren't you screaming or something? Because tomorrow I'm supposed to instal toilets at the Habitat house.
Installing toilets or a date with Brad Landers? That's a no-brainer.
But I just can't cancel on Habitat for a guy, can I? They only have to know you're cancelling for a guy if you tell them you're cancelling for a guy.
You still spending tomorrow night over at Matt's? - It's gonna be great.
- Yeah, you seem pretty excited.
Well, I really miss Matt.
I know he's here all the time eating and stuff, but he never really has time to hang out with me.
But tomorrow night, it's gonna be just the two of us, like it used to be.
What are you just standing there for? There are only two weeks left until the end of the year.
At the end of the year comes the millennium and that's big trouble.
Hey, the millennium is nothing to laugh at.
On January first, all sorts of things could fail and fall apart.
Cars will stop running, people will get trapped in elevators, credit cards won't work.
It'll be bedtime.
I think you mean bedlam.
- What's the difference? - To you, not much.
Ginger, what a nice surprise.
Where's Dad? I don't know.
What? What do you mean, you don't know? What's going on? Annie, honey, your father Well, I don't know where he is.
I hope I'm not worrying the kids.
Well, I told them that Dad had to stay in Phoenix and that he'd probably be here sometime tomorrow.
You can stay in Simon's room and he can bunk in with Ruthie.
- I don't wanna be any trouble.
- You're not trouble, you're family.
Okay, Sergeant Michaels is out looking for Charles.
Plus he's called in a few off-duty officers to help and he's got bulletins out to neighbouring police departments.
Why do you think Dad is heading toward Glenoak? Well, ever since the diagnosis, I mean, he's been talking a lot about you and the kids.
The diagnosis? Oh, I'm sorry, this is not the way I wanted to tell you.
Tell us what? About three months ago, I started noticing some little changes in Charles' behaviour.
- What changes? - Difficulty in buttoning his shirt, trouble saying certain words, feeling lost in familiar places, misplacing things, and So we went to see the doctor.
- And? - And, after a battery of tests, your father was diagnosed as being in the very early stages of Alzheimer's.
I couldn't tell you this on the phone, I just couldn't.
And so I just hopped on a plane and headed here.
Are you saying that my dad has Alzheimer's? I'm afraid so.
- I can't believe it's almost finished.
- I know.
Habitat for Humanity is so cool.
I don't think I can help out after school.
Something just came up.
- Okay.
- We'll all cover for you.
- You will? - Sure, that's what friends are for.
I owe you.
Shut up.
- Robbie, how'd you get in here? - I have my ways.
Shouldn't you be at your school? Yes, but since your parents won't let us work together, this is the only way I can see you.
Maybe not the only way.
I passed my 30-day evaluation and my parents are really happy about it, so I think now is the perfect time to ask them for permission for us to go out on a date.
A "date" date? You're dreaming.
Your parents won't even let us pick up trash together.
They're never gonna let me take you out.
Never say never.
Are you still going fishing with your dad this weekend? Not just fishing, fly-fishing.
My dad's taking me camping so I can earn another merit badge.
He thinks I'm gonna make Eagle Scout before I turn 16.
You can come if you want.
I can't.
I'm gonna hang out at my big brother's apartment.
- We're gonna do guy stuff.
- "Guy stuff"? Well, you know, stay up late, talk about girls, not take showers, talk about girls, eat bad food, talk about girls.
Man, my brother doesn't even talk to me.
You are so lucky.
What's wrong with you? What makes you think there's something wrong? Oh, my mistake.
You often sit around in your pyjamas eating Cocoa Puffs in the middle of the afternoon.
I'm a little depressed.
You hide it so well.
This morning, when I was shaving, I realised that Shana is going to NYU.
- You told her to go.
- I know, but now she's really going.
She's looking for a place to live and there's nothing I can do to stop her.
So have a long-distance relationship.
That's all.
I mean, a lot of people do it.
Well, long-distance relationships never work out.
She'll leave, I'll stay, and for the rest of my life, I'll always think of her as the one that got away.
You're saying that after the millennium there won't be any toilet paper? Yes.
- Stop that, Y2K is serious.
- Y2K? Where did you hear that? My friend Ben.
He has a computer and he surfs it.
You mean he surfs the web? - That's what I just said.
- Oh.
So, what about Ben's parents? Don't they monitor the computer? No.
And he's on the computer all the time.
You know what I think you should do to prepare for the millennium? Stay away from Ben.
I didn't ask you out just to thank you.
I have ulterior motives.
And a good vocabulary.
You were saying? I've had a crush on you since the ninth grade.
Every time I worked up enough courage to ask you out, you were always dating someone.
I'm single now.
I know.
Do you know Susan Gertz from our school? Maybe that's why she and her friends have been staring at us since they came in.
Could you excuse me for just one second? Hi, this is not what you think it is.
I think we all know exactly what this is.
You blew off the project to have burgers with some guy? What kind of woman are you? Is this a bad time to ask for a favour? Depends on the favour.
I was thinking that since I'm doing so well at the diversion programme, maybe I could have permission to go out on a date tomorrow with Robbie.
We won't go far, just out to the pool hall or something.
I don't think so.
You and Mom told me if I did well at the programme, - you'd let me go out with Robbie.
- We said we'd consider it.
Then consider it.
What? - He's been in trouble.
- So have I.
If you go out with Robbie and something bad happens, you could get kicked out of the programme and face sentencing.
- Dad, come on.
- I'm not gonna change my mind.
Why am I working so hard if you're never gonna trust me? Or never let me go out on a date or have fun? - I mean, what's the point? - You're not being fair.
Neither are you.
Dad, is that you? - Yes, honey, it's me.
- We've been so worried.
I know.
I called Phoenix and I talked to Ginger's son.
- Well, Ginger's here.
- That's what her son said.
- Well, where have you been? - Well, I was on the way to Glenoak, then I saw a sign for the Sagebrush Motel.
The motel that your mother and I used to stay at when we took our fishing trips together.
Yes, I know the Sagebrush.
I just couldn't resist the impulse to take a little trip down memory lane.
But when I got to the motel, it was so late that I just decided to get a room and stay the night.
He stayed last night at the Sagebrush Motel.
- Where is he now? - Where are you now? - I don't really know.
Well Don't worry, I'll have Eric come and get you.
Why would you do that? Because you don't know where you are.
Honey, I don't know what city I'm in, but I know how to get to Glenoak from here.
Listen, give Ginger my love and I'll see you soon.
- He's on his way here.
- Oh.
Thank goodness.
I'm so relieved.
- What is it? - It's just that he sounded so, pfft, normal.
Like he always does.
Like my dad.
Oh, sweetheart.
- Hi.
Hello, sweetheart.
Hi, buddy, good to see you.
Come here, come here.
Come here.
- I was so worried.
- Why? - Are you okay? - I'm fine.
- That's good.
- I'm fine.
Um, Ginger, could I talk to Dad alone? Yeah.
Is something wrong with Eric? Is it his heart again? - No.
- Well, then what is it? - I know something's the matter.
- Eric's fine.
- Do you wanna sit down? - No, I wanna know what's going on.
Ginger told me about the Alzheimer's.
She told you? Well, she thought I should know.
Well, I do too, but I'm surprised she said anything.
I mean, she's been having a hard time even accepting the fact that she had it.
- She hasn't even told her children yet.
- Wait.
Ginger has Alzheimer's? Who did you think I was talking about? Ginger said you had Alzheimer's.
Me? No.
No, I'm fine.
Ginger, on the other hand, has been forgetting things, and misplacing things, and You just up and disappeared from Phoenix.
Ginger didn't misplace you, did she? She knew I was coming here.
I told her two weeks ago.
She just forgot.
We've been going through a lot lately and we needed a break.
So I planned a visit to come and see you and Eric and the kids.
I don't have Alzheimer's.
You believe me, don't you? Look, I found the Sagebrush Motel, right? A place I haven't even been to in 30 years.
Now, could a man with Alzheimer's do that? I don't think so.
Don't worry, honey, Ginger's gonna be okay.
She'll be fine.
You wanna go out? Shana might call.
You wanna watch some TV? It'll just make me think of Shana.
Okay, what can we do that won't make you think of Shana? - Everything makes me think of Shana.
- Great.
Oh, man.
Sit down, stay a while.
Please stay a while.
Much later.
Hey, you seem a little low.
I kind of lied to my Habitat friends so I could go out with this really cute guy.
But then my friends saw me with the cute guy - so now they know that - That you lied? Not kind of lied, but lied, right? Yeah, okay, I lied.
And I feel like such a heel and I am really sorry I did it.
Well, don't tell me, tell your friends.
Can we talk? Look, if Robbie wants to spend time with you, he can come over and spend time with you here at the house under our supervision.
I promise, once we've gotten to know him a little better, we'll revisit the dating issue.
That's a pretty fair offer.
I'm a pretty fair guy.
I know.
What am I supposed to be helping you with again? My millennium project.
Ben says to successfully survive the millennium, we need money and canned food.
I also need to learn how to cook over a fire.
Ben says after the millennium, there won't be any more stoves.
Who's Ben? Susan, don't hang up.
Carol and Lisa already did.
That's because you lied to us.
I know.
I'm sorry.
I just thought if I said no to Brad, he might not ask me out again.
Look, we all have things in our lives.
Boyfriends, jobs, schoolwork.
You have to prioritise.
Decide what's important to you.
No one is forcing you to be a part of the Habitat project.
But if you're going to do it, people are depending on you.
So you have to show up when you're scheduled.
If everyone cancelled, where would we be? Ginger's really upset.
She said I should talk to you.
What's going on? - My dad doesn't have Alzheimer's.
- What? And Ginger is upset because I told her I know she's the one with Alzheimer's.
- Who told you that? - Dad.
What? I just spent five minutes with your father upstairs and there's definitely something off.
I've been around people with Alzheimer's and And what? There's something not right with your father.
He's upset, and so am I.
- That's not it.
- How do you know? I mean, here he is, coping with Ginger's diagnosis, knowing that he's the one that's going to have the burden of caring for her in the years to come.
Now, that's an awful lot for any person to handle.
He's a little off because he's stressed.
My father does not have Alzheimer's.
Well, aren't you gonna answer that? I don't want her to know I'm missing her.
That's crazy, you do miss her.
Yes, but she doesn't know that.
Hey, this is Matt and John.
Leave us a message at the beep.
Matt? Are you there? Pick up if you are.
- Pick up.
- Never.
- You're nuts.
- I'm still not picking up that phone.
Okay, I guess you're not there.
Well, I will Don't hang up.
Don't hang up.
I'm here.
Hey, I almost missed you.
Yeah, I was in the bathroom.
- I found a place to live.
What's all that noise? Brett's throwing a party so I can meet some people.
- Who's Brett? - It's a great apartment.
Who's Brett? One of the guys I'm moving in with.
You're moving in with a bunch of guys? You have no idea how hard it is to find a place in Manhattan.
I met Brett and these other guys and they need a fourth, and I'll have a bedroom to myself and Hello? She's moving into a frat house.
So I have some good news.
I got your message.
What's up? We can see each other.
That's great.
But we can't go "out" out exactly.
Um, we can have sort of a home date.
They wanna get to know you a little better and when they do, they'll see how great you are and then - It's not gonna work.
- Why do you say that? Because when your parents look at me, all they see is trouble.
And that's never gonna change, no matter how much time I spend at your house sucking up to them.
Come on, just give it a chance.
I really like you and I wanna spend time with you, but I don't think your parents are gonna ever let that happen.
They're just stalling, hoping you give up and I go away.
Well, I'm never gonna give up.
You mean too much to me.
But you're stronger than I am.
What is that supposed to mean? I think it means that I don't wanna come to your house tomorrow.
I'm getting a really bad feeling here.
Are we breaking up? - Thanks for helping me, Grandpa.
- Glad to be of service.
What exactly are we doing? Learning to cook over a fire.
- Okay.
- First we need to light the barbecue.
I'm not allowed to use matches.
So this is some sort of school project? Kind of.
So what are we cooking? I'll be right back, watch the fire.
Is that? Smoke.
- We smell smoke.
- Yeah, it's coming from the backyard.
There's a fire in the backyard.
Dad! Dad.
- Oh.
Annie, hi.
- Are you okay? I remember the day I taught you to ride your first two-wheeler.
And you fell off and you skinned both your knees.
Dad, the fire? What happened? What's all the commotion? So, what's wrong with Grandpa? Well, he's got something called Alzheimer's.
What's that? It's something that makes it hard for Grandpa to remember things.
Yeah, like watch the fire.
I need to talk to Ruthie.
- I'm in trouble, aren't I? - Yes and no.
I get a choice? No, what I mean is, you shouldn't have lit a fire in the barbecue, but you did ask an adult to help.
- Oh.
- So why did you do it? I have to know how to cook over a fire.
- Why is that? - The millennium.
- There won't be any stoves.
- Says who? Ben, my friend at school.
And who told Ben that? His parents, I guess.
But there's stuff about the millennium everywhere.
I wanna tell you a story.
After the story, will someone be getting punished? Well, that depends on whether someone learns a lesson or not.
I'm all ears.
Well, 60 years ago, an actor named Orson Welles read a story on the radio about an invasion from Mars.
It's called The War of the Worlds.
And a lot of people who heard the story thought that the Earth was actually being invaded by Martians.
Yeah, it may seem funny now, but back then, if it was on the radio, people thought it was true.
- What happened? - A lot of people panicked.
They ran out into the streets, some called the police, others hid in their cellars.
Later, people realised that what they'd heard on the radio wasn't real and no one needed to panic.
Now, I'm not saying the millennium is make-believe, and that there aren't real concerns about problems that could happen on January 1st.
What I'm saying is that not everything you hear or read about the millennium is true, no matter whether it's on the news or in a paper or - In Ben's computer? - Yeah.
Because when the millennium happens, if everybody panics, there'll be a lot bigger things to worry about than A fire in the barbecue? Yeah.
Did I learn a lesson? I just walked away for a second.
I made a mistake, I'm sorry.
We have to talk about this.
There's nothing to talk about.
I'm fine.
I really think that you're overreacting.
Dad, you almost set the house on fire.
I do not have Alzheimer's.
Dad, don't be afraid, you don't have to go through this alone.
I'm here, Eric's here, the kids, Ginger.
I don't have Alzheimer's.
End of discussion.
Dad! I think Ginger and I ought to go home.
- It's too late.
- We'll leave first thing in the morning.
Hey, so is Robbie coming over tomorrow? - Nope.
- Why? Do you really care? Come on, isn't this exactly what you wanted, Robbie gone? If that were true, I never would have invited him over.
Well, it doesn't matter what you want, or what I want, what matters is Robbie doesn't wanna come over here.
How's your father? In denial.
Just like I was.
I really owe Ginger an apology.
We're gonna get through this.
So why did Ruthie set fire to the barbecue? The millennium.
She's 8, what does she know about the millennium? You'd be surprised.
I think I helped her see that there's more than one way to look at the end of 1999.
Oh, Simon called and he doesn't wanna spend the night at Matt's.
He'll have to stay in Ruthie's room.
Yeah, I told him that, but he doesn't care.
- Must be really bad.
- Yeah.
I'll go get him.
Oh, will you stop by the store? We're almost out of milk.
Brad, it's Lucy.
Hey, so I had fun at the pool hall today.
Me too.
Then come to the movies with me tomorrow afternoon.
Look, I like you, but if I say yes to you, I have to say no to something else, and I already did that once.
Is something else another guy? No, there's no other guy.
Then I don't see the problem.
- I can't see you anymore.
- Why? I volunteered for something a long time ago, and I'm committed to seeing it through.
I just wanna take you to the movies, not change your life.
You don't understand.
- I'm Superman and you're kryptonite.
- What? When you're around me, I feel powerless.
I like you so much, I'm willing to blow off other things just to be with you.
And doing stuff like that is the old me, not the new me.
I'm sorry, but it's just the way it's gotta be.
Robbie, right? I didn't know you You didn't know I worked at a grocery store on weekends? Did you know I made the honour roll at my high school or that I'm doing so well in the diversion programme they're considering letting me out early? - No, I didn't.
- Well I guess you don't know me as well as you thought.
I know you about as well as you know me.
But I'm willing to get to know you better.
And you can get to know me a little better, and then who knows what could happen.
Why do you even care? Because my daughter does.
Now, why don't you wanna come over to the house tomorrow? Hey.
I'm going home.
Why? I understand you have different things in your life now, but this weekend was supposed to be like old times, you know, you and me hanging out.
But you know what it was instead? Me watching you obsess over your girlfriend.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry too.
I'm sorry I came.
What's going on? Oh, no way, man, you're way out of control.
Get ready for some tough love.
Give me that stupid cereal box.
So, what happened? - I'd rather not talk about it.
- Okay.
Life is so unfair.
I mean, one minute you have this great big brother, the next, you have some guy who sits in his pyjamas eating cereal out of the box, moaning about his girlfriend.
Well, why does everything have to change? I mean, I know Matt had to move out and go to college, but why can't things be the way they used to be? Change is part of life.
- A bad part.
- No, that's not true.
It's just that you have to keep changing to really keep living.
Change or die? These are my options? Relationships are like school.
You know, there's a new lesson every day.
If you're aware of that, you can learn something all the time, every day.
Brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, fathers, mothers, husbands, wives, friends, teachers, boyfriends, girlfriends, they're all relationships and they're constantly changing.
At what point in this conversation do you start making me feel better? I know now that Dad's not well.
You know, I felt just like you did when I first found out about Charles.
I didn't wanna believe it either.
You don't know how many times that I wanted to call you, and to tell you and talk to you.
I can't imagine what you must be going through.
Well, it's hard.
But I've got my kids, my sister is close by, and And you have us.
You have me and Eric.
And we're gonna make sure that Dad gets the best medical care possible.
That's not the problem.
The problem is getting him to accept the fact that he has to deal with this.
You see, I'm afraid to leave him alone.
You saw what happened with the barbecue.
But if he doesn't believe that there's anything wrong with him, it's hard to convince him that he needs someone when I'm not there.
I mean, what if he takes off again? What if he goes somewhere and forgets how to get home? Or he forgets what his name is? Dad? Sweetheart.
I didn't know I was scaring everyone.
I'm sorry.
It's just that if I agree with the doctors that they're right, then I have to start facing up to this thing.
I don't know if I can.
We're gonna get through this.
We are.
You're not alone.
I almost didn't recognise you without your pyjamas.
- Can I come in? - No.
What if I come bearing an apology? You can apologise from out there.
I'm sorry about last night.
I was stupid and selfish.
Not to mention inconsiderate and thoughtless.
Are you also sorry that because of you, I had to spend the night sleeping on Pokémon sheets surrounded by Hello Kitty merchandise? Yeah, that too.
Okay, apology accepted.
So what happened with Shana and Brett? You mean Brett, Shana's new roommate? Are you guys gonna be okay? Long-distance relationships are hard, but it's not the worst thing that could've happened to us.
So do you want to go to the Crawford football game with me this afternoon? - Really? - Yeah.
And I'm coming too, and I invited Nigel.
Matt and I agree it's time to start a tradition.
Big Brother-Little Brother Day.
- Really? - Yeah.
You might not have realised it last night, but I miss having you around.
If you guys are gonna start getting mushy, I'm out of here.
What are you doing? Spending time with you, any way I can.
I talked to Susan Gertz, your Habitat friend.
She said they could use another volunteer down at the house.
- You'd do that for me? - I am doing that for you.
There's just one problem.
You should know, I almost flunked out of shop.
Which end of this thing do I use? Just stick close to me.
That's the plan.
- Hi, Ruthie.
Hey, Ben.
Hi, I'm Eric Camden, I'm Ruthie's dad.
Hi, I'm Ken, this is my wife, Sally.
Can we help you with something? Ben's been telling Ruthie some interesting stories about the millennium.
What kind of stories? Well, Ruthie almost set fire to our house because Ben told her that she needed to learn how to cook on a barbecue because, after the millennium, there won't be any stoves.
Why are you here? I think there's been a lot of hysteria associated with the millennium, and maybe Ben picked up on some of your anxiety.
We're not anxious, we're calm.
We have CB radios, blankets, food, a water purifier, flashlights, a gas-powered generator, a large first-aid kit, two satellite phones, plenty of cash, and our child knows how to cook over a fire.
Okay, nice talking to you.
I thought you were gonna tell them about The War of the Worlds.
Well, maybe some other time.
What are you doing here? I had a long talk with your dad last night.
You did? - He's not half bad.
- He isn't? He's just looking out for you, being overprotective.
You know, dad stuff.
So I agreed to, you know, come hang out at the house and let your parents get to know me.
Your dad agreed to give me a chance and not to judge me based on my past.
So does this mean we're back together? What do you think? Thank you again for making the time to see us on such short notice, Dr.
Call me Nancy.
Hastings filled me in on your situation.
I don't understand why I'm here.
I have a doctor in Phoenix.
Yes, I know, I spoke with your doctor, who is a neurologist.
I'm a gerontologist, and I think that Dr.
Hastings asked me to speak with you because I see a lot of Alzheimer's patients.
I feel that the hardest part of Alzheimer's is the initial diagnosis.
It's scary and you don't know what to expect or what lies ahead.
It's important to remember that you are not alone.
Every year, thousands of people find themselves in the same position that you're in right now.
There's something that I like to tell my newly diagnosed patients, and it may sound strange, but I think that with every problem, there's a gift.
With Alzheimer's, the gift is time.
It's time with your family, time with your wife.
But eventually, I'm going to lose my memory, right? Yes, memory loss is inevitable with Alzheimer's.
You'll lose your short-term memory first, and for a while, hopefully a long while, you'll retain your long-term memory.
So someday, you may not recognise your wife, but you'll still be here and you'll be able to sit with her on a porch and enjoy a sunset together.
What about later on? I know things are going to get worse, not better.
Alzheimer's progresses very slowly, and luckily, you're in the early stages, and that can last for many, many years.
But you should know that there's a programme called Safe Return that uses ID bracelets and clothing labels to help locate and return memory-impaired loved ones.
Plus, there are many support groups and senior daycare centres all over the country that are there to provide you with some help and assistance.
And you're very lucky, you obviously have a family that's very invested in seeing you receive the best care available.
Give yourself some time to adjust.
And here are some pamphlets from the Alzheimer's Association that I think you should read.
Also my card with my phone number on it.
Call me any time day or night with whatever problems or questions that you might have.
When faced with a physical or medical challenge, a positive attitude is key.
It may be hard to grasp right now.
While it is true that your life is going to change, it's not over.
It's just the beginning of a new chapter.
Thank you, doctor.
- Mom was so beautiful.
- They used to call her the Pink Cloud.
The Pink Cloud? When we were dating, I would take her out dancing.
She had this pink chiffon dress, and the way she twirled around the dance floor.
The Pink Cloud.
I remember when you were born.
I hadn't been a husband that long and there I was, moments away from being a father.
And I was just so scared.
And then the nurse came out and put you in my arms and all my fears just went away.
You did that.
You made everything better.
I love you, Dad.
I love you too.
I think I'd like to rest my eyes a bit before dinner.
It's stupid.
I'm going to the library.
What's wrong? Maybe I shouldn't go away to New York this weekend.
Come on, you have to find a place to live.
School starts in January.
I still can't believe I'm going to NYU.
I still can't believe it either.
But it's great, you're going, and you need a place to live.
Most guys would be pressuring me to stay.
You are the best boyfriend ever.
Long-distance relationships aren't easy, but I know we can make it work.
You wanted to see me? Your supervisor from the diversion programme called.
- Yeah? - She's very happy with your work.
And so are we.
You passed your 30-day evaluation with flying colours.
- That's great.
- We're really proud of you.
I never would have made it without Robbie.
It really helps to have someone to talk to who understands exactly what I'm going through.
You know, someone who's been arrested and everything.
They're still on separate work shifts down at the programme, aren't they? Yes, but we said Robbie could call her, remember? - Well, that was a mistake.
- Yeah.
Okay, Brad Landers wants to take me out after school tomorrow for a burger to thank me for all the help I've given him in math class.
Wow, there is a B-list, an A-list and then there is - Brad Landers.
- Okay.
So why aren't you screaming or something? Because tomorrow I'm supposed to instal toilets at the Habitat house.
Installing toilets or a date with Brad Landers? That's a no-brainer.
But I just can't cancel on Habitat for a guy, can I? They only have to know you're cancelling for a guy if you tell them you're cancelling for a guy.
You still spending tomorrow night over at Matt's? - It's gonna be great.
- Yeah, you seem pretty excited.
Well, I really miss Matt.
I know he's here all the time eating and stuff, but he never really has time to hang out with me.
But tomorrow night, it's gonna be just the two of us, like it used to be.
What are you just standing there for? There are only two weeks left until the end of the year.
At the end of the year comes the millennium and that's big trouble.
Hey, the millennium is nothing to laugh at.
On January first, all sorts of things could fail and fall apart.
Cars will stop running, people will get trapped in elevators, credit cards won't work.
It'll be bedtime.
I think you mean bedlam.
- What's the difference? - To you, not much.
Ginger, what a nice surprise.
Where's Dad? I don't know.
What? What do you mean, you don't know? What's going on? Annie, honey, your father Well, I don't know where he is.
I hope I'm not worrying the kids.
Well, I told them that Dad had to stay in Phoenix and that he'd probably be here sometime tomorrow.
You can stay in Simon's room and he can bunk in with Ruthie.
- I don't wanna be any trouble.
- You're not trouble, you're family.
Okay, Sergeant Michaels is out looking for Charles.
Plus he's called in a few off-duty officers to help and he's got bulletins out to neighbouring police departments.
Why do you think Dad is heading toward Glenoak? Well, ever since the diagnosis, I mean, he's been talking a lot about you and the kids.
The diagnosis? Oh, I'm sorry, this is not the way I wanted to tell you.
Tell us what? About three months ago, I started noticing some little changes in Charles' behaviour.
- What changes? - Difficulty in buttoning his shirt, trouble saying certain words, feeling lost in familiar places, misplacing things, and So we went to see the doctor.
- And? - And, after a battery of tests, your father was diagnosed as being in the very early stages of Alzheimer's.
I couldn't tell you this on the phone, I just couldn't.
And so I just hopped on a plane and headed here.
Are you saying that my dad has Alzheimer's? I'm afraid so.
- I can't believe it's almost finished.
- I know.
Habitat for Humanity is so cool.
I don't think I can help out after school.
Something just came up.
- Okay.
- We'll all cover for you.
- You will? - Sure, that's what friends are for.
I owe you.
Shut up.
- Robbie, how'd you get in here? - I have my ways.
Shouldn't you be at your school? Yes, but since your parents won't let us work together, this is the only way I can see you.
Maybe not the only way.
I passed my 30-day evaluation and my parents are really happy about it, so I think now is the perfect time to ask them for permission for us to go out on a date.
A "date" date? You're dreaming.
Your parents won't even let us pick up trash together.
They're never gonna let me take you out.
Never say never.
Are you still going fishing with your dad this weekend? Not just fishing, fly-fishing.
My dad's taking me camping so I can earn another merit badge.
He thinks I'm gonna make Eagle Scout before I turn 16.
You can come if you want.
I can't.
I'm gonna hang out at my big brother's apartment.
- We're gonna do guy stuff.
- "Guy stuff"? Well, you know, stay up late, talk about girls, not take showers, talk about girls, eat bad food, talk about girls.
Man, my brother doesn't even talk to me.
You are so lucky.
What's wrong with you? What makes you think there's something wrong? Oh, my mistake.
You often sit around in your pyjamas eating Cocoa Puffs in the middle of the afternoon.
I'm a little depressed.
You hide it so well.
This morning, when I was shaving, I realised that Shana is going to NYU.
- You told her to go.
- I know, but now she's really going.
She's looking for a place to live and there's nothing I can do to stop her.
So have a long-distance relationship.
That's all.
I mean, a lot of people do it.
Well, long-distance relationships never work out.
She'll leave, I'll stay, and for the rest of my life, I'll always think of her as the one that got away.
You're saying that after the millennium there won't be any toilet paper? Yes.
- Stop that, Y2K is serious.
- Y2K? Where did you hear that? My friend Ben.
He has a computer and he surfs it.
You mean he surfs the web? - That's what I just said.
- Oh.
So, what about Ben's parents? Don't they monitor the computer? No.
And he's on the computer all the time.
You know what I think you should do to prepare for the millennium? Stay away from Ben.
I didn't ask you out just to thank you.
I have ulterior motives.
And a good vocabulary.
You were saying? I've had a crush on you since the ninth grade.
Every time I worked up enough courage to ask you out, you were always dating someone.
I'm single now.
I know.
Do you know Susan Gertz from our school? Maybe that's why she and her friends have been staring at us since they came in.
Could you excuse me for just one second? Hi, this is not what you think it is.
I think we all know exactly what this is.
You blew off the project to have burgers with some guy? What kind of woman are you? Is this a bad time to ask for a favour? Depends on the favour.
I was thinking that since I'm doing so well at the diversion programme, maybe I could have permission to go out on a date tomorrow with Robbie.
We won't go far, just out to the pool hall or something.
I don't think so.
You and Mom told me if I did well at the programme, - you'd let me go out with Robbie.
- We said we'd consider it.
Then consider it.
What? - He's been in trouble.
- So have I.
If you go out with Robbie and something bad happens, you could get kicked out of the programme and face sentencing.
- Dad, come on.
- I'm not gonna change my mind.
Why am I working so hard if you're never gonna trust me? Or never let me go out on a date or have fun? - I mean, what's the point? - You're not being fair.
Neither are you.
Dad, is that you? - Yes, honey, it's me.
- We've been so worried.
I know.
I called Phoenix and I talked to Ginger's son.
- Well, Ginger's here.
- That's what her son said.
- Well, where have you been? - Well, I was on the way to Glenoak, then I saw a sign for the Sagebrush Motel.
The motel that your mother and I used to stay at when we took our fishing trips together.
Yes, I know the Sagebrush.
I just couldn't resist the impulse to take a little trip down memory lane.
But when I got to the motel, it was so late that I just decided to get a room and stay the night.
He stayed last night at the Sagebrush Motel.
- Where is he now? - Where are you now? - I don't really know.
Well Don't worry, I'll have Eric come and get you.
Why would you do that? Because you don't know where you are.
Honey, I don't know what city I'm in, but I know how to get to Glenoak from here.
Listen, give Ginger my love and I'll see you soon.
- He's on his way here.
- Oh.
Thank goodness.
I'm so relieved.
- What is it? - It's just that he sounded so, pfft, normal.
Like he always does.
Like my dad.
Oh, sweetheart.
- Hi.
Hello, sweetheart.
Hi, buddy, good to see you.
Come here, come here.
Come here.
- I was so worried.
- Why? - Are you okay? - I'm fine.
- That's good.
- I'm fine.
Um, Ginger, could I talk to Dad alone? Yeah.
Is something wrong with Eric? Is it his heart again? - No.
- Well, then what is it? - I know something's the matter.
- Eric's fine.
- Do you wanna sit down? - No, I wanna know what's going on.
Ginger told me about the Alzheimer's.
She told you? Well, she thought I should know.
Well, I do too, but I'm surprised she said anything.
I mean, she's been having a hard time even accepting the fact that she had it.
- She hasn't even told her children yet.
- Wait.
Ginger has Alzheimer's? Who did you think I was talking about? Ginger said you had Alzheimer's.
Me? No.
No, I'm fine.
Ginger, on the other hand, has been forgetting things, and misplacing things, and You just up and disappeared from Phoenix.
Ginger didn't misplace you, did she? She knew I was coming here.
I told her two weeks ago.
She just forgot.
We've been going through a lot lately and we needed a break.
So I planned a visit to come and see you and Eric and the kids.
I don't have Alzheimer's.
You believe me, don't you? Look, I found the Sagebrush Motel, right? A place I haven't even been to in 30 years.
Now, could a man with Alzheimer's do that? I don't think so.
Don't worry, honey, Ginger's gonna be okay.
She'll be fine.
You wanna go out? Shana might call.
You wanna watch some TV? It'll just make me think of Shana.
Okay, what can we do that won't make you think of Shana? - Everything makes me think of Shana.
- Great.
Oh, man.
Sit down, stay a while.
Please stay a while.
Much later.
Hey, you seem a little low.
I kind of lied to my Habitat friends so I could go out with this really cute guy.
But then my friends saw me with the cute guy - so now they know that - That you lied? Not kind of lied, but lied, right? Yeah, okay, I lied.
And I feel like such a heel and I am really sorry I did it.
Well, don't tell me, tell your friends.
Can we talk? Look, if Robbie wants to spend time with you, he can come over and spend time with you here at the house under our supervision.
I promise, once we've gotten to know him a little better, we'll revisit the dating issue.
That's a pretty fair offer.
I'm a pretty fair guy.
I know.
What am I supposed to be helping you with again? My millennium project.
Ben says to successfully survive the millennium, we need money and canned food.
I also need to learn how to cook over a fire.
Ben says after the millennium, there won't be any more stoves.
Who's Ben? Susan, don't hang up.
Carol and Lisa already did.
That's because you lied to us.
I know.
I'm sorry.
I just thought if I said no to Brad, he might not ask me out again.
Look, we all have things in our lives.
Boyfriends, jobs, schoolwork.
You have to prioritise.
Decide what's important to you.
No one is forcing you to be a part of the Habitat project.
But if you're going to do it, people are depending on you.
So you have to show up when you're scheduled.
If everyone cancelled, where would we be? Ginger's really upset.
She said I should talk to you.
What's going on? - My dad doesn't have Alzheimer's.
- What? And Ginger is upset because I told her I know she's the one with Alzheimer's.
- Who told you that? - Dad.
What? I just spent five minutes with your father upstairs and there's definitely something off.
I've been around people with Alzheimer's and And what? There's something not right with your father.
He's upset, and so am I.
- That's not it.
- How do you know? I mean, here he is, coping with Ginger's diagnosis, knowing that he's the one that's going to have the burden of caring for her in the years to come.
Now, that's an awful lot for any person to handle.
He's a little off because he's stressed.
My father does not have Alzheimer's.
Well, aren't you gonna answer that? I don't want her to know I'm missing her.
That's crazy, you do miss her.
Yes, but she doesn't know that.
Hey, this is Matt and John.
Leave us a message at the beep.
Matt? Are you there? Pick up if you are.
- Pick up.
- Never.
- You're nuts.
- I'm still not picking up that phone.
Okay, I guess you're not there.
Well, I will Don't hang up.
Don't hang up.
I'm here.
Hey, I almost missed you.
Yeah, I was in the bathroom.
- I found a place to live.
What's all that noise? Brett's throwing a party so I can meet some people.
- Who's Brett? - It's a great apartment.
Who's Brett? One of the guys I'm moving in with.
You're moving in with a bunch of guys? You have no idea how hard it is to find a place in Manhattan.
I met Brett and these other guys and they need a fourth, and I'll have a bedroom to myself and Hello? She's moving into a frat house.
So I have some good news.
I got your message.
What's up? We can see each other.
That's great.
But we can't go "out" out exactly.
Um, we can have sort of a home date.
They wanna get to know you a little better and when they do, they'll see how great you are and then - It's not gonna work.
- Why do you say that? Because when your parents look at me, all they see is trouble.
And that's never gonna change, no matter how much time I spend at your house sucking up to them.
Come on, just give it a chance.
I really like you and I wanna spend time with you, but I don't think your parents are gonna ever let that happen.
They're just stalling, hoping you give up and I go away.
Well, I'm never gonna give up.
You mean too much to me.
But you're stronger than I am.
What is that supposed to mean? I think it means that I don't wanna come to your house tomorrow.
I'm getting a really bad feeling here.
Are we breaking up? - Thanks for helping me, Grandpa.
- Glad to be of service.
What exactly are we doing? Learning to cook over a fire.
- Okay.
- First we need to light the barbecue.
I'm not allowed to use matches.
So this is some sort of school project? Kind of.
So what are we cooking? I'll be right back, watch the fire.
Is that? Smoke.
- We smell smoke.
- Yeah, it's coming from the backyard.
There's a fire in the backyard.
Dad! Dad.
- Oh.
Annie, hi.
- Are you okay? I remember the day I taught you to ride your first two-wheeler.
And you fell off and you skinned both your knees.
Dad, the fire? What happened? What's all the commotion? So, what's wrong with Grandpa? Well, he's got something called Alzheimer's.
What's that? It's something that makes it hard for Grandpa to remember things.
Yeah, like watch the fire.
I need to talk to Ruthie.
- I'm in trouble, aren't I? - Yes and no.
I get a choice? No, what I mean is, you shouldn't have lit a fire in the barbecue, but you did ask an adult to help.
- Oh.
- So why did you do it? I have to know how to cook over a fire.
- Why is that? - The millennium.
- There won't be any stoves.
- Says who? Ben, my friend at school.
And who told Ben that? His parents, I guess.
But there's stuff about the millennium everywhere.
I wanna tell you a story.
After the story, will someone be getting punished? Well, that depends on whether someone learns a lesson or not.
I'm all ears.
Well, 60 years ago, an actor named Orson Welles read a story on the radio about an invasion from Mars.
It's called The War of the Worlds.
And a lot of people who heard the story thought that the Earth was actually being invaded by Martians.
Yeah, it may seem funny now, but back then, if it was on the radio, people thought it was true.
- What happened? - A lot of people panicked.
They ran out into the streets, some called the police, others hid in their cellars.
Later, people realised that what they'd heard on the radio wasn't real and no one needed to panic.
Now, I'm not saying the millennium is make-believe, and that there aren't real concerns about problems that could happen on January 1st.
What I'm saying is that not everything you hear or read about the millennium is true, no matter whether it's on the news or in a paper or - In Ben's computer? - Yeah.
Because when the millennium happens, if everybody panics, there'll be a lot bigger things to worry about than A fire in the barbecue? Yeah.
Did I learn a lesson? I just walked away for a second.
I made a mistake, I'm sorry.
We have to talk about this.
There's nothing to talk about.
I'm fine.
I really think that you're overreacting.
Dad, you almost set the house on fire.
I do not have Alzheimer's.
Dad, don't be afraid, you don't have to go through this alone.
I'm here, Eric's here, the kids, Ginger.
I don't have Alzheimer's.
End of discussion.
Dad! I think Ginger and I ought to go home.
- It's too late.
- We'll leave first thing in the morning.
Hey, so is Robbie coming over tomorrow? - Nope.
- Why? Do you really care? Come on, isn't this exactly what you wanted, Robbie gone? If that were true, I never would have invited him over.
Well, it doesn't matter what you want, or what I want, what matters is Robbie doesn't wanna come over here.
How's your father? In denial.
Just like I was.
I really owe Ginger an apology.
We're gonna get through this.
So why did Ruthie set fire to the barbecue? The millennium.
She's 8, what does she know about the millennium? You'd be surprised.
I think I helped her see that there's more than one way to look at the end of 1999.
Oh, Simon called and he doesn't wanna spend the night at Matt's.
He'll have to stay in Ruthie's room.
Yeah, I told him that, but he doesn't care.
- Must be really bad.
- Yeah.
I'll go get him.
Oh, will you stop by the store? We're almost out of milk.
Brad, it's Lucy.
Hey, so I had fun at the pool hall today.
Me too.
Then come to the movies with me tomorrow afternoon.
Look, I like you, but if I say yes to you, I have to say no to something else, and I already did that once.
Is something else another guy? No, there's no other guy.
Then I don't see the problem.
- I can't see you anymore.
- Why? I volunteered for something a long time ago, and I'm committed to seeing it through.
I just wanna take you to the movies, not change your life.
You don't understand.
- I'm Superman and you're kryptonite.
- What? When you're around me, I feel powerless.
I like you so much, I'm willing to blow off other things just to be with you.
And doing stuff like that is the old me, not the new me.
I'm sorry, but it's just the way it's gotta be.
Robbie, right? I didn't know you You didn't know I worked at a grocery store on weekends? Did you know I made the honour roll at my high school or that I'm doing so well in the diversion programme they're considering letting me out early? - No, I didn't.
- Well I guess you don't know me as well as you thought.
I know you about as well as you know me.
But I'm willing to get to know you better.
And you can get to know me a little better, and then who knows what could happen.
Why do you even care? Because my daughter does.
Now, why don't you wanna come over to the house tomorrow? Hey.
I'm going home.
Why? I understand you have different things in your life now, but this weekend was supposed to be like old times, you know, you and me hanging out.
But you know what it was instead? Me watching you obsess over your girlfriend.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry too.
I'm sorry I came.
What's going on? Oh, no way, man, you're way out of control.
Get ready for some tough love.
Give me that stupid cereal box.
So, what happened? - I'd rather not talk about it.
- Okay.
Life is so unfair.
I mean, one minute you have this great big brother, the next, you have some guy who sits in his pyjamas eating cereal out of the box, moaning about his girlfriend.
Well, why does everything have to change? I mean, I know Matt had to move out and go to college, but why can't things be the way they used to be? Change is part of life.
- A bad part.
- No, that's not true.
It's just that you have to keep changing to really keep living.
Change or die? These are my options? Relationships are like school.
You know, there's a new lesson every day.
If you're aware of that, you can learn something all the time, every day.
Brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, fathers, mothers, husbands, wives, friends, teachers, boyfriends, girlfriends, they're all relationships and they're constantly changing.
At what point in this conversation do you start making me feel better? I know now that Dad's not well.
You know, I felt just like you did when I first found out about Charles.
I didn't wanna believe it either.
You don't know how many times that I wanted to call you, and to tell you and talk to you.
I can't imagine what you must be going through.
Well, it's hard.
But I've got my kids, my sister is close by, and And you have us.
You have me and Eric.
And we're gonna make sure that Dad gets the best medical care possible.
That's not the problem.
The problem is getting him to accept the fact that he has to deal with this.
You see, I'm afraid to leave him alone.
You saw what happened with the barbecue.
But if he doesn't believe that there's anything wrong with him, it's hard to convince him that he needs someone when I'm not there.
I mean, what if he takes off again? What if he goes somewhere and forgets how to get home? Or he forgets what his name is? Dad? Sweetheart.
I didn't know I was scaring everyone.
I'm sorry.
It's just that if I agree with the doctors that they're right, then I have to start facing up to this thing.
I don't know if I can.
We're gonna get through this.
We are.
You're not alone.
I almost didn't recognise you without your pyjamas.
- Can I come in? - No.
What if I come bearing an apology? You can apologise from out there.
I'm sorry about last night.
I was stupid and selfish.
Not to mention inconsiderate and thoughtless.
Are you also sorry that because of you, I had to spend the night sleeping on Pokémon sheets surrounded by Hello Kitty merchandise? Yeah, that too.
Okay, apology accepted.
So what happened with Shana and Brett? You mean Brett, Shana's new roommate? Are you guys gonna be okay? Long-distance relationships are hard, but it's not the worst thing that could've happened to us.
So do you want to go to the Crawford football game with me this afternoon? - Really? - Yeah.
And I'm coming too, and I invited Nigel.
Matt and I agree it's time to start a tradition.
Big Brother-Little Brother Day.
- Really? - Yeah.
You might not have realised it last night, but I miss having you around.
If you guys are gonna start getting mushy, I'm out of here.
What are you doing? Spending time with you, any way I can.
I talked to Susan Gertz, your Habitat friend.
She said they could use another volunteer down at the house.
- You'd do that for me? - I am doing that for you.
There's just one problem.
You should know, I almost flunked out of shop.
Which end of this thing do I use? Just stick close to me.
That's the plan.
- Hi, Ruthie.
Hey, Ben.
Hi, I'm Eric Camden, I'm Ruthie's dad.
Hi, I'm Ken, this is my wife, Sally.
Can we help you with something? Ben's been telling Ruthie some interesting stories about the millennium.
What kind of stories? Well, Ruthie almost set fire to our house because Ben told her that she needed to learn how to cook on a barbecue because, after the millennium, there won't be any stoves.
Why are you here? I think there's been a lot of hysteria associated with the millennium, and maybe Ben picked up on some of your anxiety.
We're not anxious, we're calm.
We have CB radios, blankets, food, a water purifier, flashlights, a gas-powered generator, a large first-aid kit, two satellite phones, plenty of cash, and our child knows how to cook over a fire.
Okay, nice talking to you.
I thought you were gonna tell them about The War of the Worlds.
Well, maybe some other time.
What are you doing here? I had a long talk with your dad last night.
You did? - He's not half bad.
- He isn't? He's just looking out for you, being overprotective.
You know, dad stuff.
So I agreed to, you know, come hang out at the house and let your parents get to know me.
Your dad agreed to give me a chance and not to judge me based on my past.
So does this mean we're back together? What do you think? Thank you again for making the time to see us on such short notice, Dr.
Call me Nancy.
Hastings filled me in on your situation.
I don't understand why I'm here.
I have a doctor in Phoenix.
Yes, I know, I spoke with your doctor, who is a neurologist.
I'm a gerontologist, and I think that Dr.
Hastings asked me to speak with you because I see a lot of Alzheimer's patients.
I feel that the hardest part of Alzheimer's is the initial diagnosis.
It's scary and you don't know what to expect or what lies ahead.
It's important to remember that you are not alone.
Every year, thousands of people find themselves in the same position that you're in right now.
There's something that I like to tell my newly diagnosed patients, and it may sound strange, but I think that with every problem, there's a gift.
With Alzheimer's, the gift is time.
It's time with your family, time with your wife.
But eventually, I'm going to lose my memory, right? Yes, memory loss is inevitable with Alzheimer's.
You'll lose your short-term memory first, and for a while, hopefully a long while, you'll retain your long-term memory.
So someday, you may not recognise your wife, but you'll still be here and you'll be able to sit with her on a porch and enjoy a sunset together.
What about later on? I know things are going to get worse, not better.
Alzheimer's progresses very slowly, and luckily, you're in the early stages, and that can last for many, many years.
But you should know that there's a programme called Safe Return that uses ID bracelets and clothing labels to help locate and return memory-impaired loved ones.
Plus, there are many support groups and senior daycare centres all over the country that are there to provide you with some help and assistance.
And you're very lucky, you obviously have a family that's very invested in seeing you receive the best care available.
Give yourself some time to adjust.
And here are some pamphlets from the Alzheimer's Association that I think you should read.
Also my card with my phone number on it.
Call me any time day or night with whatever problems or questions that you might have.
When faced with a physical or medical challenge, a positive attitude is key.
It may be hard to grasp right now.
While it is true that your life is going to change, it's not over.
It's just the beginning of a new chapter.
Thank you, doctor.
- Mom was so beautiful.
- They used to call her the Pink Cloud.
The Pink Cloud? When we were dating, I would take her out dancing.
She had this pink chiffon dress, and the way she twirled around the dance floor.
The Pink Cloud.
I remember when you were born.
I hadn't been a husband that long and there I was, moments away from being a father.
And I was just so scared.
And then the nurse came out and put you in my arms and all my fears just went away.
You did that.
You made everything better.
I love you, Dad.
I love you too.
I think I'd like to rest my eyes a bit before dinner.