Boardwalk Empire s04e11 Episode Script

Havre De Grace

When we first met, I told you I wasn't married.
The day after I met you, I began divorce proceedings.
You made me feel something I haven't felt in a very long time.
- What's that? - Happiness.
I understand you've bought a policy.
- What are you doing here? - I like to know what my clients are insuring.
You should thank your father.
He knows that in an instant, everything he loves can be gone.
Watch out! Chalky-- Go! Go! Mr.
Masseria and I have recently embarked on an arrangement wherein he will supply me with product via Tampa.
Using my trucks for delivery.
I want my fucking share.
I will require you delivering your Mr.
White to me personally.
I need you to send two sheriff's deputies to get Chalky White out of town.
Bader's turned.
He's in Narcisse's pocket.
He's locked inside his office preparing a statement.
- Why are you here? - He's doing his job, Eli.
Why else would I put him next to Bader? - This is the life you want? - Isn't it what we do? We cross over yet? Little ways back.
How much longer? How Oscar keeping these days? Well, some and some.
Ain't nobody getting younger.
Natural fact.
How you come to know him? He ain't say? Say come pick you up outside Wilmington.
Get you some clean clothes.
That's what we done.
- How you see the road? - Don't need to see it.
You all wait here now.
They're just being careful.
You worked for Mr.
Boneau? Got myself in a knockdown with some corner boys.
Way I was then I looked for a fight any old how.
Never even felt that razor.
Looked down hand full of blood, like like I put 'em in a bucket.
Didn't even know it was mine.
Just kept ragin'.
- What happened? - A man come out.
I ain't never seen no one like him before.
Folk just-- just move out his way.
Them boys fly off.
I said, "Sir, thank you kindly.
" Hat back on.
Ain't had the legs to walk three feet.
Take me away 'fore the police come.
Put me to work.
Taught me everything I know.
That Oscar.
Haven of Grace.
Huh? That's what it means.
You can come on out.
Come on.
You Mr.
- Who are you now? - Ain't you Mr.
White? - Who else I gonna be? - I'm Winston.
Everybody call me Scrapper.
I don't know why.
My uncle told me all about you.
There's a skunk in your cellar.
Who is this? Wouldn't you like to know his name? Means.
Is that you? $50,000.
You, check upstairs.
What are you talking about? A fair price, considering - the incendiary nature of the revelation.
- Means! You wake me up at-- what time is it? You just said 50.
Did I? Are you drunk, Means? Sober as a judge.
What are you trying to sell? Information, regarding a certain individual I am uniquely qualified to provide.
Open up! Tell me a name, Means.
- I'm hanging up.
- Half a million dollars! I am unarmed and defenseless.
Who has sent you grim-visaged thuggees? Secretary Mellon? The Attorney General? That unweaned whelp Hoover? United States Capitol Police.
What is the alleged transgression? Perjury before a Senate committee on March 14th of this year.
To what precise aspect of my testimony is exception being taken? All of it.
Everything okay, boss? Smell any skunks out there? I don't think they walk on sand.
What river? Susquehanna.
Flow into the Chesapeake.
Then where? Out the ocean.
'Cross the world.
Anywhere it want.
Ain't that water lucky? Chair's right there.
Where you at? Right here.
Well, come closer.
I wanna see you.
I know what you're thinking.
- What? - "The fuck happened to him?" Got old.
Ah, as old as I'm gonna get, boy.
- Don't know about that.
- Yeah.
When was the last time you was here, Albert? My littlest was born.
Oh, seven years? Nine.
She the one getting married? You don't marry off no nine-year-old.
I seen it, though, back on Queen Street over in Charleston.
They fought the war over that.
That's not why they fought the war.
You're too smart to be that dumb.
What's your name? Daughter.
That's your name? Yes, sir.
Had me a bluetick coon once and didn't call him Hound.
- What you look like? - Sir? I can't see my hand in front of my face.
You got to tell me.
- I - She a beauty, Oscar.
I don't doubt it.
I do not doubt it.
Hey, Weems? You there? - Yes, sir.
- Well, Ayleese show up yet? Her day off.
Hey, uh, Bluetick, you cook? If I have to.
Well, you best get to it.
The rest of y'all go with her.
You want me to stay, Uncle? Ah, if I want that, I say that.
I'll show you where everything is.
- Hope there's an apron.
- Yes, ma'am, we got that.
What you come here for, Albert? What you told me.
Well, I told you a lot.
Don't know what you heard.
Never trust no buckras, no matter what.
Never trust no browns neither.
You was right on both counts.
You need to be realistic.
There isn't a house like it within 50 miles.
That's not to its advantage.
And you've needed a buyer who's not inclined to ask too many questions.
That's what we have here.
$37,000 is a substantial sum.
- For someone like me.
- For anyone.
The Commodore wouldn't think so.
Louis would make the best of a bad situation.
I'll have to raise a child on it.
Support myself for the rest of my life.
- Isn't there a new companion? - I'm sorry? What are his intentions? That's really not your concern.
This isn't about love, it's about finances.
I've never known you to be foolish about those.
- Well, maybe I've changed.
- That rarely occurs.
If that's how you feel, Leander, I pity you.
I urge you to take the offer.
Ferry, what if I lose? Overall, our case is still very-- But what happens? Appeal, of course.
New concerns regarding the suitability of the Sagorskys, positive change in circumstance.
The sale of the house, just for example.
With enough resources, we can tie it up for years.
- And where is Tommy during all that? - With you.
With them, a benevolent institution.
Those are all possibilities.
The Trenton Home for Friendless Children? I couldn't say what particular institution-- Do you know what it's like there? - There's no point-- - Because I do.
I do.
This conversation is about the future.
Childhood doesn't last.
Nothing lasts.
He won't even remember.
Years? The way you win things like this: time, money, and persistence.
Grab on and just don't ever let go.
Knowing the opposition's limited ability to incur ongoing costs, the longer we can draw it out Joe Masseria, Meyer Lansky, Luciano-- Lucky, Charlie-- and the one in Florida.
Vincenzo Petrucelli.
Nothing to say.
I never met him.
Your brother? Put the whole thing in place, didn't leave him a choice.
This dinge they got, the doctor they're running it through him.
Nucky takes orders from a colored.
That's the story you're telling? The money, he-- He can't walk away from that.
- Chicago? - Not part of this.
to Torrio and Capone? Just paying off a debt.
All right.
New York, Atlantic City, Tampa.
That'll have to be enough.
Get to work.
- He won't bite.
- I need them all in a room, Eli, making plans to operate in collusion across state lines.
That's what I came for.
You don't know how Nucky thinks.
- You said he likes the money.
- That won't stop him.
He talks about peace.
He doesn't mean it.
He never has.
You admire that? You grow up in our house? Newspapers for blankets, stolen potatoes for supper.
Or nothing.
That night or the next.
You don't forget.
You're not starving now.
- He's my brother.
- He's not the father of your son.
Kept him out of jail, didn't he? I wouldn't bet on that.
Clayton Davies' trial's coming up.
What happens if his attorney finds out about the evidence somebody was paid to suppress? Make the meeting happen, or don't-- the consequences are for you to live with.
But just bear this in mind-- whatever your excuse, you and I are down this road together.
Explain that to a man who never forgets.
You smell of whiskey.
- What's it to you? - Lay off it.
You're no good to me like that.
Crunchy toast? It's raspberry jam.
That does sound good.
You know me, don't you? You're Mima.
But who am I? Am I your mother? No.
Where is she? She's gone.
And your father? Where is he? I don't know.
I don't either.
Isn't it terrible? Would you come to me? Please? Don't touch him.
- You live here.
- You don't.
You wouldn't.
Not in front of him.
You just need to leave.
Is this how you planned it with her? To take everything away that matters? I didn't plan anything.
But it happened anyway.
They're Jimmy's.
Shouldn't he have something to remember? Wouldn't that be right? Keep these safe.
There's a ring on your finger.
And you'll both take good care of him.
Okay, then.
Are those men coming to dinner too? They keep an eye on things for Uncle Nucky.
Lovely day for the beach.
What's wrong? Haul all the way out here.
He's making a gesture.
Bigger effort for us than for him.
Honestly, the two of you.
Ahoy, mateys.
- Permission to come aboard? - Permission granted.
You probably need a hand in the kitchen? No, everything's been taken care of.
Who's up for a swim first? I am! Me first! Me! You tend to that roof yet? I'll get around to it.
- It don't fix itself.
- Natural fact.
House goes to you, Winston.
You mind that.
A lot to look after, I tell you what.
House belonged to my sister Eulalia.
- How that? - Don't keep nothing in my name, not a damn thing.
She my mother.
- When did she pass? - 12 year now.
And Winston needed raising.
I'd have made a place for you, Oscar, you know that.
I don't know that.
Set you up proper in town.
I didn't have to.
I came here because I meant to.
When you're done, you're done.
Ain't that right? - Natural fact.
- Mm-hmm.
Tell you what.
Set me up, with the mess you make.
Don't never do no business with no ofay smile you don't have to.
He's your friend? Not your friend now.
Yeah, don't ever go near no biggity da-da-da from New York.
- A lot of sugar up there.
- What you know about it? - Just a tangle of vipers.
- It different now.
It ain't different, Albert.
It ain't different.
You're all lit up and faster, but ain't no different.
And you forget who you are.
You come runnin' down here with some easy rider woman by your side.
'Cause you don't know which way to turn.
Ain't that so? Huh? I come to you for help, Oscar.
Look around you.
How we gonna help you here? Huh? We all go down the shore.
And do what? Wash them boys away.
Where your sense at? Don't scare me none.
'Cause you ain't never done it.
Ayleese! This chicken dry as Grandma's snatch.
- Ayleese! - She ain't here today, Mr.
Well, who's that standin' over there? Who are you? The easy rider.
Easy-- ah! Bluetick.
Sure hope she worth it, Albert.
She sure can't cook worth a damn.
- You're here.
- Yes.
I was gonna call as soon as I-- I wasn't in.
I've been out.
Just walking everywhere.
Places that I haven't been in years.
It's all remarkable.
Are you all right? Of course.
- You're not, uh - No, no.
'Cause that's something you need to fight, - no matter how strong-- - Roy, it's not that.
It's I feel I'm free.
I'm finally free.
I know it's not convenient out here.
Not a problem.
Under the circumstances.
- And we still keep everything-- - Looking normal.
Cocksucking Chalky.
He made his bed.
The fuck happened in that car? He's on the lam, facedown in a ditch somewhere.
For what? Didn't I warn him? And now I'm sitting across from whatever he is.
- Doctor or something.
- He's telling me what I have to do? - Telling me.
- Like you're his boy.
There is no goddamn peace.
We squeaked by last time.
You ready for that again? I just roll over? That's what you suggest? Hear me out.
Let's get everyone to sit down-- us, New York, Florida.
- Work out terms.
- Just a friendly little-- You said it yourself that night in the Ritz, all work together, take the next step.
Maybe now's the time.
Get the rules in place, put an end to this.
I'm not in the Ritz anymore.
Don't you want it back? I want it back.
All of it.
Set it up now, Nuck, while there's still a hand to play.
Who don't you trust? - Huh? - On our side, who don't you trust? Why are you even asking? Because I'm curious.
Bader's nothing.
I'll deal with Bader.
Means told me there's a skunk in my cellar.
The Justice guy? He's a bunco artist, start to finish.
Believe that? - There you go.
- But what's he got? Pay him and find out, you think it's worth it.
The Prohee.
- Knox? - You had concerns.
Uh that was just during the whole Eddie thing.
Who knew what was going on? What's your take, though? Far as I can see, he likes the money.
Be your headache one day.
Mine? And you can deal with all of it.
You off somewhere? Ma wants to know where you keep the chafing dishes.
It's a fraction of what it's worth, but it doesn't matter.
You said it yourself-- it's too big.
It's too big for here.
Those people don't come to town anymore.
And it's a substantial sum, after all.
I mean, how much does anybody really need? And he'll be better off.
He will be.
It hurts to say it, but I know it's true.
And maybe someday I'm nattering.
Not an appealing quality.
I'm stopping.
I'm eating.
Good girl.
Well, you made the right decision.
I'm happy for you.
You don't look happy.
I don't? That's funny.
Got what I wanted, finally.
What's that? Merger's going through.
A&P's gonna buy us out for a pretty staggering price.
It had me on edge for-- well, more than a little, I can say that now.
Turns out it was Hewson who was standing in the way.
I-- I don't-- While we had drinks with him and his wife? - When you and I were married? - Yes, from Indiana.
Anyway He was pouring honey in my ear, but he was against it from the start.
The muckety-mucks gave him the boot.
He didn't go quietly, but after that, smooth sailing.
The lawyers signed off yesterday.
Big bonus for me.
Why aren't we celebrating? I don't know.
I hate when things end.
What's ending? What I came here for.
Where are you going? Wherever they send me.
Have you been lying to me? - About what? - Your wife.
I didn't lie about that.
Then what are you saying? You have been through so much, things I can't even imagine.
You're very brave.
I mean that.
And right now you look so beautiful.
What an awfully gallant good-bye.
I'm not saying good-bye.
I do have to leave.
I want you to come with me.
I want you to marry me.
Really marry me.
That's what I want.
What's stopping you from asking? Hell, I thought I just did.
- What does he do? - I'm not supposed to talk about it.
- If you can't tell your family - Should I? I'd say we're all pretty good at keeping things close to the vest.
- Not sure about you.
- I can keep my mouth shut.
- No, you can't.
- You just said something.
- I didn't know we started.
- Tell us.
Well, he shuts his office door, walks around with his trousers off.
The mayor? Doesn't want to get 'em wrinkled.
Sounds to me like a winning campaign strategy.
I don't know.
I think Bacharach might beat the pants off him.
Pretty good, huh? Next stop: the Steel Pier.
"Beat the pants off him.
" He could be in vaudeville.
Kronkheit! Dr.
Kronkheit!" "I got rheumatism on the back of my neck.
" - That's him to a T.
- What's that supposed to mean? Every little sniffle, it's the end of the world.
- This is not me at all.
- That insurance salesman sure had your number.
- Huh? - Played him like a fiddle.
"What happens to your family? Mr.
Thompson, I know a fella just like you--" Nothing wrong with planning ahead.
Real blue-eyed baby face, you know? Choirboy type.
Wouldn't think all he wants to do is sell you the most expensive-- June, just shut your goddamn trap for once.
Okay? Just shut it.
Enough with the teasing.
That's all.
Got me a "round-day-voos" in "Balmer.
" Get away from me, boy.
Don't let me keep you.
- Ain't for another hour.
- Get your hands off me.
- Then play like you playing.
- Stop.
Can't get settled.
He doin' all right in there? He get real tired around now, but he don't like to lay down.
- Old man and a baby.
- What's that? Different and the same.
Baby got their whole life in front of 'em.
Plus he ain't got to pay to suck on no tittie.
Keep your problems to yourself.
You gonna make a move? You win.
I'll see you browns later.
Ain't driving down to fetch you this time you get all lushed.
Gonna play? Call it.
You're black.
All right now.
So you the biggety man? - How that? - Uncle say.
- I do my business.
- Tell me all about you.
That so? Like you blood.
Well we go back.
I ain't afraid or nothin'.
Your move.
Why don't you play a while? Doesn't like my cooking.
From a different time, that all.
Is he, though? What are we doing? - Waiting.
- For what? You got a family, a girl getting married.
What that matter to me now? You only think you quit.
Don't I know what I feel? You want those men dead.
The one who's your enemy and the one you called a friend don't you? You wasn't nothing but a baby in that Storyville crib.
- No.
- Who the man that save you? I told you.
The doctor.
And who the man steal your mama life away? I didn't know my name.
He called me Daughter, and that's who I am.
Let's leave.
Right now.
Let's run and never look back.
All you gotta do is say it.
Uncle looking for you.
He real restless.
- Do you get to choose where? - Well, where would you like? Whatever is farthest from here.
- Japan.
- Closer, please.
Uh, California.
What's our house gonna look like? It'll be smaller than the one you have now.
- No, but not too small.
- No, I'll make sure it suits you.
I'll have my own money, you know.
You're gonna hold on to that for when you need it.
You want me depending on you.
I want you to feel as free as you do right now.
We should go.
I'll pull up.
It'll be easier to get in.
The key's hiding somewhere.
- Roy.
- Yeah.
- What brings you here? - Celebrating? Just having dinner.
- You and your whore there.
- Hey, that's over the line.
I'm over the line? I lost my job because of you, you backstabbing prick.
After 15 years.
- Roy, don't.
- What do I have now? I'll show you how it feels to have your life ruined.
- You back off.
- Roy, no.
- Roy.
- I'll show you how it feels to lose everything-- I thought he would-- I thought he had a Roy, we need to go.
- We need to go.
- I should hang on to that.
You need to drive.
Get in.
You're caught.
Don't worry, we'll both go down together.
What do you think that was about? I wouldn't take it too seriously.
It's always been pretty easy to get your father's goat.
Really? Just mention Mary Anne Nolan to him.
- Who's she? - Eighth grade crush.
He wrote her a poem.
Happy day when I found it.
Can't blame him for worrying, though.
You have to think about what's gonna happen after you're gone.
For the sake of all of you.
That insurance fella, though-- sounds like a real sharpie.
I didn't hear very much of it.
- You met him? - Just for a minute.
Like your mother said? - What? - Baby face? Yeah, I guess.
Ever see him before? No.
You're sure now? Whatever you tell me, Will, it's just between us.
That's what we agreed to.
Uncle Nucky, I Shit.
I don't notice anything.
Just taking in the breeze.
The girls and I put everything away.
You didn't have to do that.
I feel better knowing the place is tidy.
I can't hardly sleep.
All this, uh, extra time, you know, when you get old, you ain't got nothing to do with it.
You said done was done.
Yeah, but it don't mean I have to like it.
Got the boys runnin' some action.
You know, a little moonshining, some numbers-- eh, but it don't amount to much.
Where your money go? I didn't make half as much as you think.
I took in what the Commodore let me take in.
I had no choice.
He gone now, three year back.
Man, I don't miss him.
I do not miss him.
But you did your business with the Thompson boy, though.
- Help him plenty.
- Mm-hmm.
Now how did that buckra pay you back? What I do now, Oscar? You stay here, you build something up.
That's for your nephew.
Winston ain't never gonna amount to nothing.
You stay here, and cut that woman loose 'fore she do you in proper.
She ain't to blame for this.
And if she ain't, then you are.
Well, damn, you do what you want.
It all winds up the same anyway.
What that mean? The day come, everybody gonna run out of road.
- Any parting words? - Like what? - We - We thank you, sir, - for having us.
- Long overdue.
Anyway, your mother wound up doing everything.
All right, you're free.
He's drinking again.
I wish he wouldn't.
Puts him in a mood.
Willie quitting school.
Would you like me to talk to him? No.
It'll all be fine.
Thank you for a day off.
What's up? "Tell me what you want to hear I'll whisper softly in your ear All the things I'll pledge to do To prove to you my heart is true.
" Ah, come on.
Bringing that up for? To see how you react.
I was 13.
She was cute.
Maybe I was jealous.
You were? I didn't win the beach patrol cup.
You were good at other things.
What you suggested-- the meeting.
I thought it over.
You put it together, soon as you can.
I think it's the best way out of this.
I'm awake.
It feels so funny.
How that? Like a cloud that's looking for the sky.
Tomorrow, we do what you say.
First light.
What? We go.
Don't turn back.
I thought I heard a car, but there's nothing out there.
No one saw us, I'm sure of that.
You haven't touched your drink.
- What? - Go ahead.
You need it.
What did I do? - What did I do? - He was going to kill us.
- I don't know that.
- Why else was he waiting there? I don't know what he was gonna do.
There wasn't a gun.
I killed a man.
I took his life.
How do you do this? Do what? Do I call the police and wait here-- You're not calling the police.
- He's lying on the pavement-- - You can't call the police.
You can't go away.
- You hear me? - It's too late.
I have to, I'm sorry.
No one was there.
No one knows.
You can just let it go.
- What? - Just let it go.
Get away with it.
No one saw you.
I saw me.
- God saw me.
- You can live with it.
- You can't know that.
- Yes, I can.
I don't understand.
There was no one for me.
No one coming to save me.
There were things I had to do to survive.
What are you saying? I It wasn't my son who died here.
It was a boy.
An innocent boy.
I drowned him.
I made up a story.
Turned his body to ash.
You and I are here together.
That's all that matters.
Don't leave me.
Who was he? His name was Roger.
You can make yourself live with anything.
You get that? I did.
- David? - Loud and clear.
- Gillian.
- Roy? I need you to listen carefully.
I'm with the Pinkerton Detective Agency.
These men are my associates and a witness your confession to first-degree murder.
- But we're going to California.
- As they will duly testify - in a court of law.
- We're going to California.
We are not.
I was hired to do a job.
And now that job's done.
I owed Louis something.
I'm sure you can understand that.
You really are a courageous woman.
No, you don't! I got her arm.
Get her other arm.
Don't go no further.
It's me, Albert.
What you doing out here? Can't sleep.
Why you got the shotgun? Your Bluetick gone.
What? She gone.
How you know that? I know every sound this house make including the leaving kind.
You ain't stop her.
Why would I? Stay, Emmett.
Don't want you underfoot.
What you doing? Oscar.
Weems ain't go to no Baltimore.
Don't walk off in the dark.
What you want? This ain't your place.
Why you here? You best announce it.
The girl! Ain't no girl here.
Then we take the other one.
You might try it.
- Fuck! - Go around! Get him now! Get down! Get down! Don't go and act foolish now.
Come on! Your nappy head on the doctor's desk! Aah! - Look out! - Oh, jeez! Run now! Motherfucker! I told him how I was.
Told him.
I thought we said these calls were gonna be earlier.
Lost track of time.
Doin' what? Thinking.
The later it gets, the worse that is.
Well, what's on your mind? It's not a conversation unless you say something.
I want out.
I had a dream last night It filled me full of fright I dreamed I was in the dance hall Where the devil danced at night I saw the sweet Mrs.
Devil Dancing in her hall I saw the sweet Mrs.
Devil Dancing in her hall She was out with the devil Where he was giving a ball.

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