Evil (2019) s04e11 Episode Script

Fear of the Future

Are you a happy boy?

Excuse me.
Um, this is from Sheryl.
So, uh
IGNATIUS: Congratulations, David.
Wow. Talk about a promotion!
Pastor Acosta.
Uh, when did this happen?
Just today. I'm retiring,
and, uh, the archdiocese
wanted you to take over.
- Wait. Is ? Can he still be an assessor?
- Yes.
The archdiocese wants you to do both.
- NUN: Father?
You'll be great, David.
Jesus, Father,
you don't take good news well.
[SIGHS] We should leave.
We're gonna be late for the reception.
Wait, wait. Wait, wait, wait.
Why is this bad news? Educate me.
It-it feels like a Black bluff.
I'm sorry. The Black what?
They-they suddenly
promote a Black person
to a position of power
when there's no power left.
When the parish is going under.
Once I had a love,
and it was a gas ♪
Oh, do you remember that time
Sheryl gave the drummer her panties?
- Seemed like the real thing, only to find ♪
Mucho mistrust ♪
Is anyone ever gonna be sad?
They were sad at church.
No, they were quiet at church.
Grandma probably would want it this way,
- don't you think?
When I die, I want people to cry a lot.
- Mm-hmm. In Ireland they pay
people to cry. - [DOOR OPENS]
- LILA: Hey, Ben the Magnificent!
- LEXIS: Ben, hey.
Hey, look at you guys,
all looking formal.
Oh. How's the little kid?
DAVID: He looks pretty happy.
It's having sisters.
Hey, girls, uh, where's your mom?
Uh, in the kitchen, I think?
Love is so confusing ♪
How are you guys holding up?
- You know, we've been better, but
No, I-I actually never did.
- Hey, Ben, would you pay me to cry?
- No, and you're like, "What?"
She hates
- all animals.
- That's what I thought, but she swore she
I've always thought there's
something wrong with her.
Like, how can you hate a cat?
No, you can't. That's
- David, hey.
- ELLIE: Hmm.
There you are.
We don't know a single
person out there. No one.
- Not a single person.
That's why we're hunkered
down in here. This is Ellie.
- Good eulogy, Father.
- Thank you.
Were you friends with Sheryl?
She used to babysit me when I was eight.
Isn't that crazy?
ELLIE: Yeah, I-I
thought she was so cool.
She was cool.
Are are you all right?
Well, I really wasn't,
but then I met Ellie here.
- Oh, we've hit it off.
- We really have.
You know what? I used to
have so many female friends.
- I don't understand what happened to them.
- Yeah.
I guess that's the
problem with having four
Shit. Five kids.
- I don't know how you do it.
- I've got five kids now. Five. Five.
ELLIE: That's too
much. You're incredible.
[GASPS] Kurt! Oh.
This is my favorite doctor
in the whole wide world.
- KURT: Mm.
- Mm. Dr. Kurt Boggs.
- This is Ellie.
- KURT: Hi.
- I'm so sorry, Kristen.
- Mm.
Yeah. Me, too. [SNIFFLES]
Is, uh is Andy coming?
Andy? Oh, no, no, no.
We thought it'd just be
best he stay at the clinic.
My husband had a nervous breakdown.
I know. I'm sorry.
It happens.
- ELLIE: The restroom?
- Upstairs.
- Mm.
- Excuse me.
[SIGHS] She's funny.
Wow. You two look grim.
- Hi.
- Hi.
That lady's been in there for a while.
It's hard having one bathroom.
We almost had another one downstairs,
but Hurricane Lucy blew it down.
Those are yours, right?
Yeah. From art class.
You thinking of going to college?
What? I'm 11.
It's not too young to
be thinking about it.
You should try NYU. They
have a good art program.
- I always wanted to be an artist,
but my mom wanted me to focus
on something more serious.
I better grab it before
somebody else gets it.
So how are you adjusting?
To losing a mother or gaining a son?
I guess both.
Well, I guess I'm just taking
all major life transitions at once.
Saves me time.
Yeah, riding high ♪
On love's true bluish light ♪
Did you believe what you said
about my mom being in heaven?
- In my eulogy?
- Yeah.
So, do you think that's all it takes
is saying you believe in
Jesus, and you go to heaven?
I do.
Seemed like the real
thing, only to find ♪
Even if you've murdered people,
even if you lied and-and
hurt everyone you know,
you just say, "I believe in you, Jesus,"
and God says, "Yeah,
that's good enough for me"?
Love is so confusing ♪
I think it's a little more complicated.
Why do you ask?
I don't know, sometimes
I like that you believe
in something and I don't,
and other times you're just
a mystery to me out of the Middle Ages.
You see that they arrested Leland?
I did, yeah.
And the house next-door is for sale?
I guess you're gonna say,
"God works in mysterious ways"?
But He does.
CORMIER: State requests
bail to be set at $1,000.
JUDGE JETER: As this is
the defense's first offense,
bail will be set at $500.
Next docket.
Docket 14735, Fred Ottmar.
Felony theft. Finding of probable cause
based on sworn complaint.
Public defender is hereby appointed
to represent the defendant.
State, any objection
on pretrial release?
No objections at this time, Your Honor.
We ask for a preliminary
hearing date of August 14th.
Leland Townsend?
Tell me you're my second chair.
Oh, no, uh, Mr. Townsend,
I'm, uh, Henry Stick
and I have been
retained as your counsel.
Are you kidding me?
Seriously, this is the
best they could manage? You?
Oh, no, I-I assure you, I-I
- Hold on.
- JETER: Docket 59036,
Leland Townsend.
Oh, uh, hello. Hi.
- I'm here on the behalf of, uh
- H-Ho
Charged two counts of
aggravated kidnapping,
unlawful imprisonment,
assault in the first degree.
CORMIER: Your Honor, the state
would like to amend that complaint.
The two victims imprisoned
in Mr. Townsend's residence
have since died.
We intend to add two counts
of murder in the first degree.
And obviously we would argue
against pretrial release.
Your Honor, this is a setup.
Mr. Townsend, let your
lawyer do the arguing.
Your Honor, this is a setup.
My client is a-a respected
professional and
and, uh
and has been attacked in jail.
Pretrial release denied.
Docket 54398.
You tell them I want a real lawyer.
After all I've done for
them, I want the One.
I know the 60 are coming
to town. They need me for
- KRISTEN: Oh, my gosh, you're such a darling.
- Thank you so much for doing all that.
- Mm-hmm.
- You didn't have to, really.
- I know.
So, how far do you have to go?
- Ryland.
- Ryland?
That's like an hour away. Did you drive?
No. I'll take an Uber back. I miss them.
[LAUGHS SOFTLY] You miss Ubers?
You don't have them in Ryland?
Let's have a last drink.
So, what, are we sharing
truths about Sheryl or ?
Uh, truths about a lot of things.
- Here we go.
- I don't love tequila straight.
Yeah, I didn't either. I got to like it.
- Okay.
- Just sip.
I like David.
Father Acosta?
Yeah, I mean
I like him, too. He's a good priest.
He's also in love with you.
Why do you say that?
Because I can see it.
All right, let's, um,
change the subject.
Are you married?
You've been to Ryland
before, haven't you?
Uh, yeah, a few months ago, actually.
The particle accelerator.
Uh-huh. How do you know?
Oh, it was news out there for a while.
- Really?
- Your investigation.
Huh. I didn't think it
made any news at all.
Well, not then. A few years from now.
Turns out, there's a chain reaction
of mini-black holes which results
in a controlled wormhole.
Well, you should've brought
that up when Ben was here.
Mm, Ben the Magnificent.
You met?
- I've known Ben for a while.
- Really?
He encouraged me to go
into the field of cosmology.
I had no idea you guys were that close.
We were. We are. [LAUGHS SOFTLY]
The thing about wormholes is,
they stretch space and time,
so if you can focus on a single event,
like Sheryl's funeral
- Mm-hmm.
- you can travel to it.
Right. Is this about assessing?
Because I'm kind of not
No, it has nothing to do with assessing.
Six months from now,
David is going to leave the priesthood
and move in with you.
I'm sorry?
Tomorrow you're gonna find
out Andy's cheating on you,
and you'll divorce him.
This isn't funny.
I'm not trying to be.
Who are you?
I'm not Ellie. I lied.
My name's Laura.
I'm your daughter.
I stepped into a wormhole
in the particle accelerator
and came back here to this moment.
For me, this has happened already.
I I'm from 30 years in the
future and I am telling you,
tomorrow you're gonna find out
that Dad is cheating on you.
David loves you, and he is going
to leave the priesthood for you.
All right, I don't care
how much you've drunk,
but I'm gonna have to ask you to leave.
Lynn is going to become a nun.
She'll break your heart, but she will be
the happiest of your daughters.
Lila will get married and
her wife will be a speculator,
trading in something that's like Bitcoin
but in a medium that doesn't exist yet.
She will be rich and she
will take care of you.
I need you to leave.
You can call for an
Uber from the street.
In another two years, I'll
want to become an artist,
- but you'll convince me to get a degree in
- Yeah, go!
Mom, I am Laura. I'm not lying.
I know I had heart
surgery two years ago,
and Dad tried to harm me
before injecting himself.
How could I know all of
that if I didn't live it?
Because you're insane. Because I'm done.
- Now get out.
- Mom, Dad is cheating on you.
You will be sad for 20 days,
but then you will realize
that you always loved David.
Just so you know, this is hurtful.
Whoever you are,
using someone's emotions
like this is wrong.
I'm sorry.
Now get out!

GEORGE: Yes, dear.
Have you missed me?
[GASPS] Oh, I love these.
This is because of her.
The woman from the
future? I forgot about her.
Good shit.
[QUIETLY]: Move your toes.
Wake yourself up.
GEORGE: Hey, anyone can
say they're from the future.
But then [GASPS]
how did she know all
those things, right?
Just move.
Just a little bit.
GEORGE: Don't worry about
Andy and his cheating.
I'm sure he'll be just fine.
Mommy's here.
Mommy loves you.
Rock-a-bye baby ♪
On the treetop ♪
Speak of the Devil.
When the wind blows ♪
The cradle will rock ♪
When the bough breaks ♪
The cradle will fall ♪
And this is my favorite part.
Down will come baby ♪
Cradle and all. ♪
Yes, I know what time it is.
Yeah, I'm his wife.
Look, if I'm calling at this hour,
of course it's important.
Thank you.
Kristen. How was the funeral?
What's going on?
What did he say?
What did who say?
Boggs. I wanted to explain
before he said anything.
Okay, so explain it to me now.
I met someone.
- Fuck.
- What's wrong, Mom?
Nothing, I just have to go out
for a few hours and
then I'll be right back.
- Mom, you look nuts.
- Yeah?
Well, this is what I
look like in the morning.
Ma'am, these are not visiting hours.
You really don't want to get
in my way right now, lady.
I didn't want it to
happen like this, Kristen.
Oh, my fucking God.
What did you not want to
happen like this, dear?
I'm sick, okay?
And at a certain point,
I'm gonna have more in
common with somebody else
who is also sick.
We have children. Five now!
This is not anything
What do you mean five?
We have a son.
What? Wh-wh
Oh, don't even start, asshole.
So, who is this love of your life?
It's-it's just someone
I met across the hall.
Oh, my, how romantic.
It wasn't intentional, okay?
Nobody wanted
Go on. I'm all ears.
Kristen, you have been
with David just as much
Here's how this is gonna work.
This place costs $20,000 a month.
I'm not gonna pay for
$20,000 hand jobs anymore.
You want them, you can go to a bus stop.
I don't want you calling
me or my daughters.
And I want you out of here in a week.
So that's it? We're not even gonna talk?
This was the talk. Next
talk's with my lawyer.
Hey, hey, hey!
Fuck off!
No, no, no, I want the big guy.
I'm not playing around
with second string.
They want you to give me a chance.
No, I've got to get out of here.
If you fight for another lawyer,
it'll delay your release for a month.
Now, I've been, uh, researching
what the D.A. has against you.
He's got nothing on me. He's got biases.
He fired me from his department.
Well, he has two bodies.
And he also has, um, a video by a person
named Sheryl Luria that accuses you
of draining blood and brain
matter from these bodies.
She's a bitter, unstable woman
who killed herself to hurt me.
Here's what we need to do:
- insanity defense.
- No.
We have you declared insane in court.
- No.
- Then they send you to Health Services,
where we have some people.
And then you will be prescribed
some meds for your delusions.
You'll be out in a week.
Kurt Boggs. Dr. Kurt Boggs.
Uh, who-who is that?
Get him in here, he owes me.
He'll be compliant.
What's wrong?
Hey, hey, hey, hey.
It's just someone from across the hall.
Just some fellow psycho.
He's an idiot.
I've known him for 20
years, and just like that
It's so awful. It's so banal.
I'll kill him.
- How would you do it?
- Poison.
Mm. Maybe just let him get
an STD and die in agony.
- Where are the girls?
- Homework.
And Dr. Boggs knows?
What was that about?
- What?
- He thought Dr. Boggs told me.
And that other lady.
What other lady?
The one at the memorial.
- Ellie? Did you talk to her?
- Uh-uh.
KRISTEN: She said she
knows you. She said
She said she's Laura,
30 years from the future.
Laura, did you take the shirt I was ?
- BEN: What?
- KRISTEN: Yeah.
She said she's Laura
from a wormhole in the
particle accelerator.
What the hell?
KRISTEN: She came
back in time to tell me
that Andy was cheating on me.
And that's when I called him.
Okay, this lady, she
came back from the future
to tell you that your
husband was cheating on you?
Yeah. And that David was gonna
leave the priesthood for me
and fall in love with me in six months.
That's a very weird reason
to come back in time.
Yeah, I'd say.
It makes as much sense
as anything today.
But she was right, which is weird.
What am I gonna do?
I've got five kids.
Thank you.
I'd better go check on them.
You're divorcing?
What did you hear?
Some woman from the future
says you're divorcing.
It's not some woman, it's me.
- Me from the future.
- LILA: Everything's about you.
All right, listen to me.
That woman was nuts, okay?
She's obviously not you.
- She didn't seem like a nut.
- She didn't
- Did you talk to her?
- Yes.
When we were changing Timothy.
- That was her?
- What did she say?
She said that I should go
to NYU and be an artist.
- What'd she say about me?
- She said nothing about you.
- She was talking to me.
- Well, if she's really you
- LAURA: I just met her.
- All right, no, no, no, no, no.
Listen to me. Nobody
comes from the future.
That woman was just crazy.
- Did you talk to her about your operation?
- No.
Did she know about it?
Mom, how'd she know about Dad?
And what happened with Dad?
Is Father Acosta our dad now?
No. No.
Look, Dad and I are just, you know
We're having, we're having
to rethink a few things.
That means divorce.
No, it Listen,
I-I will always be honest
with you, I promise.
A-And at this moment, Dad just
he just needs some time to figure out
what it is that he wants.
But he doesn't want us?
I love you so much. So, so much.
- That's terrible.
- Yeah, you should go to her.
No, why?
You're a friend.
And, you know, she needs
I don't know, some spiritual counseling.
That's not what you're talking about.
[SCOFFS] Oh, my God. Okay.
You know what? Don't go.
She's hurting.
Go to her.
[SIGHS] Look at you.
Suddenly full of compassion.
Wear your collar and talk about Jesus.
Talk about the laying on of hands.
God, every word out of
your mouth is blasphemy.
Meet her in her office,
away from the kids.
If she locks the door,
you know what she wants.

Fuck him.
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
My kids are upstairs.
Do you want to meet me in the office?
- Sure.
- Okay.
Ben told you?
Uh, how are you?
Angry then sad.
And, uh, yeah, then angry again.
Is there anything I can do?
I don't know. Being here helps.
Are the girls all right?
Yes and no, I mean
It's a lot happening.
C-Could you hold me?
You should go.
[SIGHS] Thanks for meeting me, Father.
As I understand it, you're
the pastor of this parish now.
I am.
And as you know,
I'm Aiden Flowers, the parish lawyer,
and this parish, unfortunately,
is not doing well.
The Black bluff.
Due to a financial
situation that has arisen,
you must close down
the assessor program.
The parish contributions are just
not up to pre-pandemic levels.
There's only enough money
left for one more month,
then you must let the assessors go
- Ben Shakira
- Shakir.
Kristen Brouchard.
It's my understanding
our program is successful.
It's not about successful or not.
It's about money.
It's about the parish going broke.
Then we just move it to another parish.
No. The archdiocese
would rather terminate it.
They want a call center
to answer questions about possessions.
They feel they can handle
more cases that way.
That's not a way to
deal with possessions.
Nevertheless, you are now the pastor.
I need you to terminate
Ben and Christina.
They'll be paid through
the end of the month.
BEN: Well, that sucks.
Does Kristen know?
It felt like the wrong time.
Right after her mother died
and Andy did what he did.
She's got five kids and now
she needs to go find a job.
- Oh, my God.
- Yeah.
- I thought we were successful.
- We were.
I-I don't think it matters anymore.
Up is down and down is up,
Okay, I'm gonna go get drunk.
Should we call Kristen?
No. It's too late.
Why are you a fucking priest, David?
- That's a way to put it.
- I mean,
you and her, you're
meant to be together.
Why God? Why this?
- Ben, you don't understand.
- No?
well, tell me. Inform me.
2,000 years ago, maybe Jesus lived.
Maybe he convinced people he was God.
What does that have to do with us now?
It's the reason I know
what's right and wrong.
You know what's wrong. You love her.
I heard you two. Hmm?
"If I had two lives, one would
be for God and one for her."
What is wrong with loving her?
You don't think I think
about this every single day?
I am committed.
I am sworn here.
I am pledged to God.
And if that sounds like
the Middle Ages to you,
then fuck it,
I am the Middle Ages.
Because I am sick of all the
broken promises in this world.
And all the other shit.
The evil.
Five minutes on this computer,
and I want to put my
fucking head in an oven.
Or commit to something above it all.
I will not break this promise.
Even if it breaks me.
Even if I
Even if I need Kristen.
Who is it?
It's Ellie. From the memorial.
Mom isn't here.
Do you know when she'll be back?
I don't. Maybe an hour?
I have a present for Timothy.
He isn't here either.
- What about Lexis?
- Nope.
Can I leave it with you?
It's a thank you for yesterday.
Why is your name Ellie
if you're supposedly me?
Ah, Mom told you.
She thinks you're crazy.
What about you?
What grade did I get last
year in Social Studies?
We call ourselves the B-minus student.
Why are you here?
From the future?
I had a warning for your mom,
but I don't think she wanted to hear it.
Can I use your bathroom?
I had a long drive.
- Go ahead.
- Thanks.

Where were you?
- Outside.
- Why?
Well, you are me. Why don't you tell me?
I always liked that we had guts.
Why are you so interested
in talking to Lexis?
Because I know what's
going to happen in 20 years.
What's gonna happen?
I think I should tell Lexis.
"When I get bored, I like
to stir up some excitement."
Could we cut this short, Doctor?
I have the same training you have.
I know how to trick the MMPI.
Well, if you have the
same training as me,
you know I have to establish
- a baseline for truth
- No, you don't.
I'll tell you the
truth. Do you know why?
Because my best defense is
that I am, in fact, insane.
- Why do you say that?
- Because I believe in the Devil.
I believe he is inhabiting me.
He has inhabited me
since I helped organize
a meeting of the 60
for the end of month.
Who is the 60?
The demonic families that
control evil in the world.
Every 28 years, they gather together
to plan for the end of time.
Well, if you're insane,
you should be committed to an asylum.
Yes, if, in fact, I
weren't highly treatable.
But with correct dosages of
ziprasidone and quetiapine
I should be right
as rain in a fortnight.
That's for the courts to decide.
No, it's for professionals
like you and me.
I am not signing off on that.
You will. You have too much to lose.
What do I have to lose?
The sale of your book.
Your practice. Your life.
In order of importance.
Now, I have a question for you.
This is not your first prison interview?
For an insanity plea? No.
What other lawyer has hired you?
Good afternoon, Your Honor.
Leland Townsend has requested
a substitution in representation.
I'm Justin Trapper from
Schickel and Trapper.
Yeah, I know who you are. Mr. Townsend,
you understand that this
change in representation
will delay your insanity
plea by several weeks, yes?
- CORMIER: There's a chance I'll need you to testify, Kristen.
- JETER: Mr. Townsend!
I'd love to.
- LELAND: Yes, I I, I do understand.
- I have more faith
- in this new lawyer.
- I got to go.
CORMIER: Is everything all right?
- Uh, yeah.
- LELAND: Unlike the last one,
Mr. Trapper is actually
prepared and competent.
Where's the old one?
Uh, Henry Twig. Where is he?
Stick. Mr. Henry Stick.
Mr. Henry Stick.

Could you pace it up, please?
STICK: I apologize for
the delay, Your Honor.
I was only informed of
this hearing minutes ago.
You understand that your client is
requesting a change in representation?
Yes, Your Honor.
I believe he is making
this change in error.
I request a few moments
to consult with my client.
Objection, Your Honor.
It's not his client.
Overruled. Let's make it fast.
You do not want to do this.
Y-You're the evil coming to New York.
You change representation,
and I will eat your brains
out of your skull like soup.
Your Honor, I believe I was too hasty
- in my request.
- What the hell?
What did this shyster say to you?
Your Honor, I am
offended by this language.
I have done nothing wrong
except promise Mr. Townsend
I will represent him to the fullest.
Oh, this has been a waste of time.
I'll schedule a competency
hearing for next week.
Thank you, Your Honor.
Do not fuck with me again.
That's all she said?
She said she wanted to talk to Lexis.
Why me?
She said she knew what was gonna happen
in the next 20 years,
and she only wanted to tell Lexis.
She didn't say anything about me?
Lila, not everything is about you.
[SARCASTIC]: Thank you, Lynn.
Wait, Mom, it could be a bomb.
No, it's too light.
- Boom!
Oh, my God.
- LAURA: Why would you do that?
- KRISTEN: Lila!
- What's wrong?
- My God.
- Seriously.
Aw, wait, it's so
No, no, no, wait. It smells funny.
Oh, Mom, I almost forgot.
I got her license plate. Does that help?
- My God, my kids are smart.
Yeah, Ben, um, uh, I'm
gonna need your help.
Whoa. That was fast.
Hey, the Super Secret Science League,
some of the most brilliant
minds in America
Yeah, who have nothing to do.
Yes. It's organophosphate.
- What?
- Someone doused it.
The same nerve agent
they used in South Africa
during apartheid to
kill opposition leaders.
What'd you find out about the car?
Uh, she stole it. It was
reported missing three days ago.
Come on, Kristen. Pick up, pick up.
- Why does she want to kill a kid?
- I don't know.
- She's just just
- Just, just, just what?
She's a time-traveling
assassin from the future?
Yeah, she's Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Kristen, call me back.
That onesie you gave me, it's poisoned.
What the hell, Ben?
It's a long story.
How long?

Hey there.

LYNN: Who is this?

Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou amongst women
and blessed is the
fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, mother of
God, pray for us sinners
now and at the hour of our death.
Where are we going?
- Hey, sis.
- What are you
- Where'd you come from?
- Over there.
I came back with a warning,
but your mother asked me to leave.
I think I'd better get back.
I really need to talk to
Lexis. Can you get her for me?
You may not realize it now,
but when Lexis is 35 and Timothy is 23,
he will bring about a battle
that will destroy the world.
- I need to talk to my mom.
- No.
I'm a good person, I
don't want to do this,
but I've been sent back to
stop Lexis before she starts.
Lexis hasn't started anything.
No, but you of all people
must sense there's
something wrong with her.
Some evil inside her.
She has been appointed
protector of Timothy,
someone who will elevate him
to the position of world leader:
to lead armies with his voice,
to destroy cities, millions of people.
You're crazy. Mom!
Please, Lynn, don't try to stop me.
[GASPS] Mom!
Mom, they're coming to kill Timothy!
Mom. Mommy.
Where are you, Mommy?
ELLIE: Lynn, come out!
I just want to talk.
Lynn, come out!
No, no, no, no, no.
This time you cannot
move your little toe.

This is getting exciting.


Laura, get out of the way!
I'm you, right? What'll
happen if you kill me?
Wow, Mom, good job.
Wait, wait, wait. Stay back.
- Lynn.
- Mom.
You all right? Listen,
I called the cops.
Okay, that woman Ellie? She's dangerous.
Yeah, Mom got her.
Yeah, the onesie she
got you, it was poisoned.
- Thank you so much, officers.
- Good night.
Well, they suggest I keep
the doors and windows locked.
What a nightmare.
- DAVID: Where are the girls?
- They went back to bed.
You should, too. I'll, I-I'll stay.
Oh, thanks, no, but I-I
can't sleep now anyway.
It's almost morning.
Oh, Kristen, there's, uh, one
other thing I didn't tell you.
Ben, we should talk about it later.
BEN: What?
Everything is a little messy right now.
Oh, no, n-no, it's not that.
- What?
- BEN: Um, nothing.
What are you guys talking about?
BEN: Uh, the-the, um
The stolen car. The license plate.
- KRISTEN: Yeah?
- I followed up on it.
Okay? And?
It belongs to a doctor.
A psychiatric doctor at
the Lexer-Miller Institute.
One of the female patients stole it.
Oh, my God.
Where Andy is?
KRISTEN: That's how she
knew everything about us.
She's fucking my husband.
BEN: Probably.
They left this morning.
Your husband and, uh, someone else.
I took this from her.
She kept watching it over and over.
I'm sorry.
Fuck him.
It's better that it's unambiguous.
What was the other thing?
The thing you thought
Ben was gonna tell me.
We'll talk about it later.
David, come on, you got to tell me now,
otherwise I'll just think
you're dying of cancer.
The Church is ending
our assessor program.
We're out of a job.
What you see behind me is a secret room
in Leland Townsend's apartment.
This is where Leland
drained you of blood
and brain matter for several months.
I need to warn you, Andy.
Your mind isn't always your own now.
You are highly suggestible.
And you need to defend Lexis.
Leland thinks she is a
defender of his son Timothy,
who he believes is
the Antichrist, so
You are my sunshine ♪
My only sunshine ♪
- You make me happy ♪
- [COOS]
When skies are gray ♪
You'll never know, dear ♪
How much I love you ♪
Please don't take my sunshine away ♪
You are my sunshine ♪
My only sunshine ♪
You make me happy ♪
When skies are gray. ♪
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