FBI: International (2021) s04e11 Episode Script

Veritas Fidelis



Emma, you look amazing.
Way better than those pricks deserve.
Trust me, they won't even notice.
Exactly. A total waste of time.
You should be at the Union
making the rugby guys buy you drinks.
Very tempting.
But this is important.
I just don't understand
why you still have to go
to the stupid events.
Haven't you proved your point?
It's more than that.

Non sibi sed omnibus.
Ad fraternitas fidelis.

Ah, mind topping me off, sweetheart?
Sure, no problem.
Knock it off, mate.
I thought new members
were supposed to respect their betters.
You know him.
All mouth and no trousers.
And I thought you were
all supposed to be gentlemen.
Well, that was your first mistake.
Most of these boys are idiots.
And what does that make you?
- You tell me.
There we go, chaps.

Ah, not yet, pleb.
tonight, we celebrate
the proud legacy of this club
and the honorable men
that have upheld it.
In swearing your vows,
you claim the mantle
of upholding our traditions,
honoring our history,
and safeguarding our secrets.
Fraternitas fidelis.
ALL: Fraternitas fidelis.

It's time to prove that
you really are one of us.

Who would true valor see ♪
Let him come hither ♪
One here will constant be ♪
Come wind, come weather ♪
There's no discouragement ♪
Shall make him once relent ♪
His first avowed intent
to be a pilgrim ♪

Megan Garretson, Europol.
You're far from home.
I work with the FBI Fly
out of Budapest.
Was visiting family in the area
when the call came in.
Well, I hate to say this,
but I reckon you've had a wasted trip.
American DOA?
Student at the uni,
but there's no case here.
Just a bit of drink and some bad luck.
Uh, yeah, just a second.

Some minor injuries.
Bruises, scratches.

There's blood under her fingernails.
From the fall?
[SIGHS] I don't see
how she'd manage that.
Did you check for
multiple sets of footprints?
You think someone pushed her?
I wouldn't put anything
past these kids.
Order an autopsy.
I reckon this one needs a second look.

Hey, what's up?
I think we have a case.
At my old school.

Our victim's name is Emma Byers,
19 years old, from Erie, New York.
She was an International
Relations major
studying at Blackmore
on a full academic scholarship.
Her body was pulled
from the river on campus
with visible head trauma.
We're still waiting
for the full autopsy.
Any indication of sexual assault?
Nothing obvious, but there
were signs of struggle.
Local PD didn't mention that
in the write-up.
The sergeant seemed reluctant
to open an investigation.
Hmm. Is that par
for the course around here?
The entire town relies
on the university.
I doubt the school wants to get
tangled up in a murder case.
Little late for that.
Home office has been fielding
calls from parents all day.
There's a lot of American money
in this town.
Tate's pulling CCTV from around town,
but it's a lot to look through.
Ah, the university has
its own cameras as well.
But we'll need their cooperation
to access that footage
without a subpoena.
OK, uh, did she have a boyfriend?
Was she dating anybody?
No boyfriend, at least
according to her social media.
But Emma did have a roommate
an American.
OK, Vo, you and I will
take the roommate interview.
Smitty, Raines, why don't you
guys go talk to the Principal?
Chancellor. Whatever.
You good?
I didn't exactly leave
Blackmore on the best of terms.
I can't imagine they'll
be pleased to see me.
Good. Get 'em on the back foot.
All right, so what's the story?
Oh, you know.
Just the greatest embarrassment
of my life.
Come on. I've seen you play pool.
That's got to be worse.
Well, I was accepted for
pre-med on a full scholarship.
That was the idea.
It's a very prestigious program.
Ranks with Oxford and Cambridge.
[NORMALLY] So what happened?
Bad luck.
A warden found a bottle
of gin in my room.
My friend left it behind.
The drinking age is 18,
but there's no alcohol allowed
on campus.
I was expelled the same day.
Seems pretty harsh.
Maybe I should have been more careful.
It was a massive
opportunity and I wasted it.
But it wasn't all bad.
I ended up at Manchester,
fell in love with criminology.
I'm not sure Mum ever
recovered, though.
Hey, their loss.

Really, it's such a pleasure
to see you again, Megan.
I could hardly believe it
when my secretary told me.
An agent with Europol
what an accomplishment.
Well, I'm surprised
that you remember me.
Oh, I never forget a student.
Not one in 43 years.
Please, have a seat.
What can you tell us about Emma Byers?
Well, she was very talented.
The Burns Scholarship is
our most prestigious award.
Her loss is a terrible tragedy.
We do warn students about
the risk of excessive drinking,
but accidents do happen.
We're not so sure
this was an accident.
Did Emma have trouble
with any of her classmates?
Of course not. Nothing like that.
We hold our students
to a very high standard.
That includes conduct both
in and out of the classroom.
I'm familiar.
Even so, we'll need access
to the campus CCTV.
I'm afraid I can't
release footage of students
without permission.
The Board of Governors would riot.
You do know we're investigating
the murder of one
of your students, right?
And you have my full support.
But you understand
how these things go.
There isn't much I can do
without a court order.
We'll be in touch.
Really, it's such a relief
to have you here, Megan.
I know we're in good hands
with one of our own.

When was the last time
you saw Emma last night?
Uh, it's around 9:00.
The rest of us went
to the student union
and I tried to get
her to come with us,
but she had that stupid club dinner.
What club?
The Covington Club.
They're supposed
to be a secret society,
but everybody knows who they are.
They're pretty loud about it.
So they're like a frat?
She joined this semester.
- What made her want to join?
She didn't come from money.
And being a member of that club,
it opened a lot of doors.
And what would she do
as a member of the club?
Drink, mostly.
From what we saw on
Emma's social media,
she didn't seem like
much of a party girl.
She wasn't.
Before this semester,
she never even got wasted,
not even at Freshers.
Maybe she was trying
to fit in with her new friends?
Yeah, I wouldn't call them friends.
Look, just because Emma
was allowed to join
didn't mean those guys
wanted her there.
I told her to quit
a hundred times, but
she said they didn't scare her.
Look, I gotta go to class.

The Covington Club.
Founded in 1413,
it's one of the UK's oldest
secret societies.
This thing started
before Columbus sailed?
The legacy is part of the appeal.
Past members include prime ministers,
top executives,
even a handful of royals,
and until a recent amendment,
only men.
- How recent?
- 2013.
It took a few lawsuits
and dozens of petitions
to make it happen.
I signed one of them 20 years ago.
But it looks like Emma was the first
to make it through their
initiation process.
Did you ever come across these guys
when you were a student here?
Their reputation was much
the same back then
exclusive, impenetrable,
famous for their brand
of black-tie debauchery.
They used to make prospective members
burn £50 notes in front of beggars.
And there were nastier rumors as well.
Brutal initiations, physical abuse.
Couple of kids wound
up in the hospital.
But no charges were ever filed.
The victims were always dismissed.
Emma's autopsy came back.
Rape kit was negative,
but she had multiple defensive wounds
and DNA under her fingernails.
Tate's running it through the
database, but no matches yet.
Do we have an official cause of death?
A cerebral contusion
caused by a blunt object
like a rock or a brick.
But there was no water in her lungs,
so she was dead before she went in.
Someone bashed her skull in
and then dumped her in the river.
So much for brotherhood.
Excuse the mess. Maid's in tomorrow.
Big night, huh?
Minor revelry, but we'll survive.
A Covington man knows his limits.
And what about Emma?
Did you know her limits?
Look, I know what you're implying.
But Emma's death is a tragedy.
We're all devastated by
the loss of one of our own.
You got something to add?
well, she wasn't exactly
one of us, was she?
Only joined for her M-R-S degree,
if you catch my drift.
- Elaborate.
- Please.
A girl with her background,
an American
she was husband-shopping,
sizing up net worths,
figuring out who
summers in St. Barths.
Sounds like you were looking
for a reason to kick her out.
Membership is for life.
Most of us take that commitment
Maybe you figured
you'd scare her off instead.
Prove that she'd never
be one of the lads.
We did our bit.
We let her join,
gave her the bloody pin.
- Honestly, Harry.
That's enough.
What happened there?
Courtesy of Dom P.
I, uh, got a bit carried away
last night.
Emma was pretty banged up
when we found her.
Seems like she put up a real fight.
Luckily, she scraped up
some of her attacker's DNA.
We were told she fell.
Not according to the autopsy.
I think that's quite enough.
Mark Sterling, acting counsel
for the Covington Club.
I'm afraid you won't be able to
interview the boys any further.
You represent the whole club?
I do. I'm sure you understand.
We have to protect our interests.
I was class of '06.
Believe we overlapped, Garretson.
We'll need a blood sample
from all of the boys.
And we'd be happy to provide
that with a warrant in hand.
If they weren't involved,
DNA would only exonerate them.

Emma's death is tragic.
But these boys had
nothing to do with it.
So then why do they need you?

A few bar fights, some kids puking.
I've got one guy
streaking down Market Street.
- But no Emma.
- No.
Over half the square
footage of the town
is university property.
Without those camera views, we just
don't have enough coverage.
Poor mother.
Can't imagine.
This was Emma's dream school.
Ever since she was little.
I thought she'd be happy here.
Wasn't she?
At first.
But there was some
trouble last spring.
Emma called me crying in
the middle of the night, and
I figured it was the usual stuff.
Grades, friends.
When she came home that summer,
she just wasn't herself.
She was moody and agitated.
Couldn't sleep, barely ate anything.
I don't know what happened to her,
but something happened.
Did Emma ever mention her involvement
with the Covington Club?
The rich kids' club?
She joined this semester.
She was there the night she died.
That doesn't make sense.
She couldn't stand those boys.
She said they were all jerks.
Her roommate thought
she might have joined
for the connections
internships, that sort of thing.
Emma worked her ass off to get here.
She didn't want help or handouts.
She was a good kid.
A smart kid.
It was always just
the two of us, and
[SNIFFLES] We were a really good team.

All right, what are you thinking?
Well, I think it's possible
that Emma may have
been assaulted last spring.
Those behavior changes
her mom described,
those are all textbook
indicators of trauma.
Insomnia, appetite suppression,
emotional outbursts
those are very common with
victims of sexual assault,
and I saw it all the time in SAPR.
There's no record of
an assault in Emma's file.
And there's not much
movement on local PD.
OK, go finish up with Jen.
I'm going go talk to the sergeant.
I'm getting really sick of
this whole "company town" line.
- Sergeant.
Pretty quiet around here.
You'd think a murder investigation
might shake things up a little.
Can I help you with something?
Yeah, I got some questions
about the Emma Byers case.
Unless you forgot.
Look, I've done my bit.
We canvassed the whole town,
set up a tip line.
Nothing's come up.
We have reason to believe
that she was assaulted last spring.
Did she make any kind of report?
Not officially.
Meaning what?
She came in last April
to make her complaint.
Said something happened
at a school event.
A formal report was never filed.
Most rape cases almost
never make it to trial.
It's a long, painful process.
Best for everyone to avoid
going down that road.
It's best for the rapist, you mean.
If you had taken her seriously,
we'd be matching a rape kit
to the DNA that we found on her.
Look, all you've done
since you got here
is dig up old bones.
How long have you been a cop?
- 32 years.
- Got it.
When did you start phoning it in?
- Excuse me?
- I've known guys like you.
You get comfy with the
desk and the benefits
and you forget the
reason that you signed up
in the first place.
I mean, where's the guy
that gave a damn?
- Now, hang on.
- No, you hold on!
What's the point of your badge
if you're not going to
do something with it?
Why even do this job if not for a girl
that got brained
and tossed in a river?
This is my town, my community.
I look after my people.
Well, then prove it!
We just got a call in.

Hall warden found him
doing the rounds.
They cut him down,
but he was already gone.

Labs came back.
Harry, our DOA,
wasn't a match for the DNA
under Emma's fingernails,
so he is not our killer.
But we know he was at the
clubhouse the night Emma died.
Maybe he saw something
he shouldn't have.
Amanda, you got something?
I've been looking through
Harry's phone.
An hour before he died,
he received a text message
with a video attached.
What kind of video?
[SIGHS] It shows Harry
in a compromising situation.
I'll spare you the details,
but it seems like he was coerced
into performing
some explicit acts on camera.
- Got it.
- It's blackmail.
Clubs like these create leverage
against their own members so that
when one of the lads makes
it to 10 Downing Street,
the old pals can call in favors.
It's meant to be humiliating.
Public indecency,
bobbing for dead rats
all of it recorded for
mutually assured destruction.
Sure, this makes for
a much more compelling bond
than brotherhood.
Maybe Harry couldn't handle
that hanging over his head.
Uh, Amanda, do you have any
trace data from the sender?
Uh, yeah. It was sent
on a burner phone.
We're working on it now.
OK, thanks.
All right, somebody pulled
the lever to keep Harry quiet.
So what did he know?
I think I found something.
I was looking into Emma's student file.
A's across the board,
but there was a significant drop
in her performance last semester.
After the assault.
I found a confirmation email
for a Student Services
appointment in her inbox,
but there's no official
record of it in her file.
The report was erased
by an administrator.
Oh, so someone at the university
is covering for the club.
Can you pull
the administrator's IP address?
Sending it to you now.

- FBI, step aside.
- Oh.
What's going on?
Excuse me, what
what do you think you're doing?
This is highly unprofessional.
[SCOFFS] You had two students
die within a week.
I wouldn't be talking about
job performance.
This is a tragedy.
We are all in mourning.
You can go mourn in the hallway.
This office is now
under investigation.
We'll need access to
all university records
and CCTV coverage, as well
as your personal computer.
That's a breach of privacy.
Lady, this is an FBI raid.
You can either step out,
or I can escort you out in handcuffs.
You pick.

- Anything yet?
Well, the original report
of Emma's assault was deleted,
but I was able to find the
cached file on the hard drive.
Emma reported her assault
to Student Services
the day after it happened.
She was drugged at
the Covington charity ball,
and then assaulted
by a boy from the club.
The school has a
mandatory reporting system.
This complaint would have
gone directly to the chancellor.
Price deleted the record
and any mention of the club.
You think money changed hands?
No, it wouldn't need to be that crude.
These boys come from
very wealthy families.
Their names are on
research labs and libraries.
And Price wouldn't want
to risk insulting a benefactor,
so she buried it.
- Hmm.
Something else?
Another file Price accessed.
About Emma?
About you,
back when you were a student.
Who's Matilde Hoffman?
She was a friend of mine.
Well, at least
she was until she nicked a pair
of 3-carat solitaire earrings
from a girl in our halls.
She tried to blame it on the cleaner,
so I reported her,
but nothing came of it.
According to this, her dad
was on the Board of Governors.
He had a direct line
into Price's office.
Sounds like he wasn't
too happy about his kid
being called a thief.
The gin bottle
and the room inspection
The whole thing was a setup.
My friend left the bottle in my room.
it was an accident.
It was planted.
They got me kicked out.

I went over it in my
head a million times,
wondering how I could
have been so careless.
Of course nobody thought twice,
because I was just
some scholarship kid.

I won't let the same
thing happen to Emma.

All right, so we've got Emma
crossing campus at 1:46 a.m.
- That gives us a timeline.
- OK, let it play through.
- I didn't get their faces.
Check the library.
Makes sense why somebody
wanted to keep him quiet.
- Amanda.
I found something in Emma's laptop.
She had an encrypted file
buried behind some TLS protocols.
It looks like she was
collecting the club's dirty laundry
misused charity funds,
initiation rituals,
property destruction.
There's enough in here
to bring charges against
every boy in that club.
That's why she joined.
Nobody took her assault seriously,
so she decided to get her own justice.
She was trying to take
'em down from the inside.
It's hard to believe
places like this still exist.
Oh, it's really not
all it's cracked up to be.
Maybe not, but I went to Cal State LA.
It's a lot of cement, razor wire.
I got a good education,
but it did not look like this.
Andre told me about what happened.
You holdin' up OK?
Honestly, I'm
I'm not sure.
This whole case feels
like a bad memory.
I know things might
not have worked out
the way you wanted them to.
This team's lucky to have you.
Cheers, Wes.
[SIGHS] We have got to get these guys.
- For Emma.
- Mm.
For me.
I am sick of these pricks
acting like they run things.
Maybe you're not the only one.
You want backup?
No, I got it.
You know, you've got a lot of nerve.
I don't need some American tosser
coming here telling me
how to do my job.
My team found this in one of the bins
near the school where
they were canvassing.
Don't you say
I never gave you nothin'.
[EXHALES] Alistair.
You know I won't speak
to you without a lawyer.
Sure, no problem. When you see him,
why don't you tell him about the
two consecutive life sentences
you're going to get
when all of this lands on you?
Excuse me?
That look familiar?
- No.
- No?
You bought it in town
with your credit card, idiot.
It's a shame the Covington Club
didn't teach you to cover your ass.
Harry killed himself because
of that video you sent.
That's manslaughter.
You add that on top of conspiracy,
you're going away for a long while.
I don't think you have
the stomach for hard time.
Is there something
you want to tell us?
Not here.
Talk. Now.
Keep your hands out of your pockets.
Harry was panicking.
He was going to snitch about Emma.
I couldn't let him
bring the entire club down
just because he grew a conscience.
So you decided to threaten him?
I sent the video.
They have one on me, on all of us.
It was just supposed to be a reminder
of how the brotherhood works.
Fraternitas fidelis.
Secrets are our legacy.
Harry took his to the grave.
What happened the night
Emma was killed?
I don't know exactly.
I was completely blotto. We all were.

- But I heard them arguing.
- Who?

Emma and James.
He tried to make a pass at her.
Emma turned him down, and James
well, he said it didn't matter.
Since he'd already had a go.
She got upset, called him a rapist,
and said she'd make
him pay for what he did.
Make us all pay.
James killed Emma to keep her quiet.
I didn't see what happened.
Emma stormed out.
James and Harry went after her.
I assumed they were
going to calm her down.
When they came back
Harry was shaken up.
And James had blood on his hands.

[POUNDS ON DOOR] FBI, open up!
We have a warrant!
- Break it down.
- Right.

Stay right there!
- What
- Come on. Up.

Fine, fine.
All right? We have a warrant.
What's all this?
James Haylett raped
Emma Byers last April,
then killed her to cover it up.
We have testimony that places
him at the scene of her murder.
I believe that is called hearsay.
It's enough for a warrant.
Something tells me
James's blood is gonna match
the DNA we pulled off Emma's body.
James isn't here.
Where is he?
You bastard.
Always late to the party,
aren't you, Garretson?
You know, that warrant gives us access
to every one of these boys' computers.
That blackmail cache
goes back a few decades.
I wonder what they have on you.
A jet left a private airstrip
in Luton an hour ago.
It's registered to George Haylett.
James's father.
Well, safe bet
James is on that flight.
- Where are they going?
- Moscow.
We lost him.
Right now, they're somewhere
over the Netherlands
three hours from the Russian border.
Do we have any intel on the father?
George Haylett.
He was formerly an executive
at Barclays,
but he moved into private equity,
where he deals primarily
with oligarch assets in the UK.
Most of the dirty money
in the UK comes from Russia.
It's how the capital earned
the nickname "Londongrad."
With his father's contacts,
James will be set
for the rest of his life.
We could divert the plane.
It's a private charter.
We have no governance over it.
Any aircraft is required to divert
if they come under a threat.
And are you planning
on threatening it?
Maybe a little.
Look, Amanda could generate
an air traffic control transmission
notifying the jet of
a red-level threat.
Wes, we would be risking
pissing off a major ally.
And if the UK chafes against
the FBI overstepping,
they could prosecute
on James's behalf.
We can't wait for D.C.
to dick us around on this.
The second the jet
crosses Russian airspace,
James is gone for good.

The jet just entered German airspace.
I can mask the transmission
to make it look like
it's coming from
a nearby control tower.
Ready to transmit.
Standing by for approval.
I'm not starting
an international incident
unless you're on board.
- Do it.
I knew I'd rub off on you. OK.
Amanda, patch it through.

we have received notice
of a red-level threat
aboard your aircraft.
The recommendation is to divert.

Roger, Tower. Diversion confirmed.
OK, what's the nearest airport?
Rostock in Germany.
Do we have a team that can intercept?
I think I know someone.



Who the hell are you?
Katrin Jaeger, Europol.
You hijacked my bloody plane.
There was a security threat.
Like hell there was.
I assure you, there will
be a full investigation.
In the meantime, we'll be
taking your son into custody.
Ana Mathieu! I'm from the BVA office.
This isn't an immigration issue.
- Who called you?
- I did.
I'm here to escort James Haylett
to his new residence.
Haylett is wanted for questioning
by both Europol and the FBI.
I'm afraid that won't be possible.
James is a German citizen.
I have his temporary passport here.

We have a problem.

It looks like George Haylett
has friends in Berlin.
He managed to get James
a German passport.
In two hours?
Germany has an Investment
for Citizenship program.
Wealthy foreigners
can purchase property
in exchange for a passport.
Haylett must have pulled some strings
once he realized
the diversion was intentional.
It was a nice plan while it lasted.

Everything appears to be in order.
As I said.
Europol still has the right
to detain a foreign national.
Perhaps, but you won't
be taking him anywhere.
According to Article 16
of German Basic Law,
citizens are protected against
foreign extradition requests
I have an office in Berlin.
We can conduct our interview there.
No extradition necessary.
You may submit
a formal request to our agency
with the proper documentation.
But for the time being,
James is protected here.
You can tell your friends with the FBI
that they've been outplayed.

You said Haylett's money
came from Russia?
- Almost certainly.
- Can we prove that?
If he's in bed with oligarchs, then
He's in violation of sanctions.
Any funds issued
from a Russian state bank
are subject to seizure
we can freeze his assets.
OK, this is good. Andre, call Amanda.
Have her give us a
full rundown on Haylett.
If he so much as took a shot
of Stoli, I want to know.
On it.
- All right.
- OK, hold on.
Even if we know that Haylett
is managing dirty money,
it could take weeks to get an AFO.
There's a judge in Battersea
who owes me a favor.
I think it's time to call that in.
Haylett's financial services
company is called LJG Global.
They've got an office in Chelsea.
Pull the LUDs and client lists.
Looks like a bunch of shell companies.
And he's shuffling,
so there's no way to know
where the money originates.
Well, we can find out
where it's going.
If Haylett is investing
on behalf of his clients,
we can find a record
of those transactions.
And stock exchange filings
are required to disclose
the company's ultimate benefit owners.
Got him.
Amanda just sent over
Haylett's client list.
Ha, that's a lot of Vlads and Igors.
Smitty, how's the AFO coming?
Still working on it.
Cam, call the BVA.
Tell them to get ready
to kill the deal
the second that order comes through.
- [CLAPS] Let's go.

It appears there's been a discrepancy
in the property purchase.
What kind of discrepancy?
A lack of funds.
That's not possible.
You will have 60 days
to contest the ruling.
But for the time being,
citizenship has been nullified.
And what does that mean?
It means that your son cannot
be protected under German law.
And he is under arrest
for the murder of Emma Byers.
Just a moment!
Sir, I have two sets of cuffs.

Dad. Dad!
No, no, get away from me, please.
Get away from me!
I didn't do anything!
Dad, help!

It's not fair. I didn't do anything.
Dad, help!
Please tell me you have good news.
We have James Haylett in custody.
I owe you. Again.
Next time you're in Budapest,
drinks are on me.
I am down for it, Smitty.
Take care.
It was Jaeger, right? With a J?
I'll have your job for this!
Auf Wiedersehen.

Really, this is absurd.
If you would just allow me to speak
to the Board of Governors
You can call them from the station.
One for the road.
CHOIR: Abide with me ♪
Fast falls the eventide ♪
The darkness deepens ♪
Lord, with me abide ♪
Swift to its close ♪
Ebbs out life's little day ♪
Earth's joys grow dim ♪
Its glories pass away ♪
Change and decay ♪
In all around I see ♪
O Thou who changest not ♪
Abide with me ♪

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