The Unit s04e11 Episode Script


- Previously on The Unit.
- You're being relocated.
I need you both to send your children away and live with relatives, including your baby.
I will be assuming operational control of your unit, and the mission will get done my way.
I carried a weapon.
I was in the sand and in the mix.
If that guy has seen more than an hour of combat I'm gonna have to restructure my entire vision of the world.
I would neither needlessly nor pointlessly dispatch you into danger.
- What happened to Bravo team? - Helicopters go down all the time.
- Betty Blue? - It's just my shoulder.
I'm good.
- Where's the rest of Bravo? - Got ambushed the minute we landed.
- I'm the only one.
- They told us you all died in the crash.
- Who told you? - Metz.
- I radioed in before they took me.
- We've been diverted.
- Grab your gear.
- What's happening? A military coup has been launched against President Bakuto.
I have full command of all personnel on this plane.
- No.
- Gear up, soldier.
It's time to take that hill.
Hatchet, this is Buckboard.
We are a team of four- I repeat, four-shooters.
Estimated touchdown in- Correction.
We are a team of three shooters.
Estimated touchdown in five.
Buckboard out.
Three shooters.
Anybody miss Carlito? He said it was time for us to start seeing other people.
Carlito would be the team member your plan got shot.
All military action, regrettably, has some casualties.
Yes, I would say that is the sine qua non of military action.
- The point is to inflict it on the other guy.
- Stand down! Fella got Carlito shot, two members of Bravo team killed.
Well, he blotted his copybook.
He's gonna have to live with it, isn't he? Where are we? We are about five minutes from touchdown at Lombassa Airfield.
This here's your medipack.
Should you get hit, first thing you want to apply is the pressure bandage.
Sometimes you won't feel the hit, but if you see blood- Very funny.
How long will the plane be on the ground? How long will the plane be on the ground? I applaud your brave decision to accompany actual combat troops into what the initiated call, quote, " battle.
" Now, I've told you about the medipack.
Is there anything else? - How long- - This is a simple extraction.
We will be on the ground approximately one half hour.
You will stay with the plane.
We will collect President Bakuto return to the plane, Lassie barks twice and you can tell all your buddies you were in combat.
You can put in for a medal.
You could cultivate that faraway stare.
New sitrep.
Rebels have taken Lombassa Airfield.
President Bakuto's en route to the military strip under heavy rebel opposition.
We are diverting to that military airstrip and are warned to expect antiaircraft fire.
We got a fire down here.
Warned to expect antiaircraft fire.
Ain't it great to have reliable intelligence? Coming along? Almost done.
How long you been working on this revolver? Oh, most of my free time.
A few years.
Almost done? Then what? - Then it'll be my barbecue gun.
- Then what? - Then I'll wear it to the barbecue.
- Then you're gonna do another? Hadn't thought of it.
What are you gonna do when you get out, Charlie? Hadn't thought of it.
You're spending your whole leave here? Well, where else have I got to go? You turning philosophic on me? Hadn't thought of it.
I think you missed this little curlicue here.
Don't poke another man's fire till you've known him seven years.
- Now who said that? - Your husband.
You're sure you want to spend your whole leave here? Well, I never learned to golf.
Admirable trait.
- And I have known you for seven years.
- Well, time flies.
Tell the president to stand by inside the door.
We will- Why couldn't you leave me on the plane? Rebels got the high ground over the airport.
The plane's a sitting target.
They mortar the plane, you'll be chop suey.
Safer here with us.
We will have you and him in the plane in about five.
Those would be shots fired in anger.
So you can, from this point forward inform your grandchildren you heard shots fired in anger.
You just stay in the Land Cruiser.
Everything will be- Hold on.
Loyalist troops have overrun the embassy.
Step on it.
Yes? May I help you? Yeah.
Well, I hope so.
I got a sick aircraft.
You all right in there? Are we all right? - Come in.
- Thank you.
- Have her open the box.
- Uh, please sit down.
- You have a sick aircraft? - Yep.
That's right.
Uh, what do you have in the box? You want a cup of coffee? That's right.
Open it up.
Let's see what you got.
What did you mean, "Are you okay? " - Of course we're okay.
- Heard a woman's voice.
Kind of a remote area.
Sounded a bit stressed out.
- You stressed out? - We're just a bit careful.
- Careful about your customers? - That's right.
Well, 'cause you're real good at your job, and you got wealthy customers - and you gotta be careful who you let in that door, right? - That's right.
But you gotta make money, don't you? Everybody's gotta bring their pigs to market.
How did you hear about us? Do you like airplanes? - Yes, we do.
- Gonna show you somethin'.
If you like airplanes, this is gonna make your day.
Here she is.
That's- - That's lovely.
- Bet you thought you'd never see one of these.
- No, I never did.
- What would it cost? - To? - Well, can you fix it, or, uh- - We don't actually do this type of work.
- Uh-huh.
You don't? - No.
- Why not? Why wouldn't you do this kind of work? I, uh, finished the servomotors, Miss Bechet, on the, uh- Wow.
What you got there? It's an old piston off a- Let's see.
It ain't a lawn mower.
It's a- You tell me what it is, I'll buy you a beer.
Tell the president we're coming in! Mack, you see that Pinzgauer? See if you can't fix that and fire that up.
Keep their heads down! United States Special Forces! President Bakuto! Code word is Buckboard! Buckboard! We've come to take you out.
President Bakuto! We've come to get you out! United States Special Forces! United States Special Forces.
President Bakuto? President Bakuto? Hatchet, this is Buckboard.
Hatchet, this is Buckboard.
We are on the ground at the deployment point.
And negative.
We do not have hands on the president.
But we are looking for him.
Stay back! Stay back! Get back! They'll kill you out there! - Get back! Get back! - Get down! United States Special Forces! Stay down! Well, this will come in handy.
# Give me your secrets Bring me a sign # # Give me a reason to walk the fire # # See another dawn # # Through a daughter's eyes # # You give me a reason to walk the fire ## President Bakuto! We've come to get you out! Buckboard! Buckboard! You checked out on that.
You know how to use it.
Swing the muzzle towards the enemy and pull the trigger.
You pull the trigger on one of us, it's not called friendly fire.
It's called murder, for which we will kill you.
No, don't go out there.
The rebels will kill you.
- Coming in.
- Come on in.
- Had a little party here.
- Mm-hmm.
Bunch of the opposition.
Where's the president? Hatchet, no joy.
But they said the president was here at the military base.
He probably went to ground.
Swiss consulate, I suspect.
In which case? We are to await further instruction.
How long do they want us to wait? What? You've had enough of the deep camaraderie of arms? You done already? What about combat? You don't want to miss combat.
But if the president is safe at the Swiss consulate- We are to await further instructions.
Someone doesn't realize it isn't safe here.
Well, where else would you rather be? - You like switchblades? - Who doesn't like switchblades? - " Who doesn't like switchblades?" - Well, they're effective they're cool and they're illegal.
Well, I'm an American, ain't I? Uh, what, um- What's wrong with the piston? Oh, uh- You're using the wrong kind of oil.
- That's why the piston cracked.
- Why is it the wrong kind of oil? Well, it's having a reaction with the gasket.
You see? Look here.
What do you mean, the wrong kind of oil? I'm using the best.
- Somebody replaced the gasket.
- We cut it down from a sheet- No, no, no.
You can't do that.
See, the original gasket was pure rubber.
This one's pure rubber.
Who do you think we are? - New gasket's rubber? - Yes.
- You used the original oil? - What's the original oil? Well, the original was probably castor oil.
But here you used synthetic.
With that gasket, it's incompatible.
See, it's building up a sludge, coating the piston, unseating the gasket.
You're using a modern oil, right? How smart is he? So, you got an aviation engine.
- Why an aviation engine? - What the hell you doing here? - Made prior to 1920.
- How'd you know that? Well, it's case-hardened steel, is all.
Anything after 1920, '25, it would be alloy, wouldn't it? Yes, it surely would.
Look here.
Uh, at the serial number.
" C.
"- for Curtiss Wright.
Uh, " U.
"- for army warplane.
So it is a warplane.
You got a piston from a Curtiss Wright warplane of the first World War.
And I would say it is from a Curtiss Jenny.
Cowboy, you can buy me a beer.
You know, I don't generally drink during the afternoon.
Well, lots of things I don't generally do in the afternoon too.
But I have been known to make an exception.
Can you take some time off work? I might.
You want me to show you something you ain't seen before? Sure.
- Okay then.
- You coming on to me? Well, I might, given some time.
But that was not my intention.
- What did you wanna show me I ain't seen before? - Who's next? - That's $12.
- No.
I lost the bet.
- Who's next? - That'd be me.
- Twelve dollars? - Well, I'm broke, ain't I? I gotta win it first.
#It's a common situation # Did I hear " pulling out"? Meantime, how many hostiles you got? None now, but expecting company.
They'll be coming in.
- Robert? - Yo? Beau Geste.
Do what I do.
Come on, warrior.
Grab his weapon.
Grab his weapon.
Grab his arm.
Thank you, gents.
Thank you.
- Comin'.
- I got the one question.
- Feel free to ask it.
- You said you were broke.
- I was.
- What were you gonna pay with when you lost? - But, you see, I didn't lose.
- Mm-hmm.
You said you didn't have money enough to buy the beer.
Well, but now I do.
So all ends happily.
But I want you to go in your pocket and show me the money against which we were betting.
Or, as small and crippled as he is I'd be glad to ask the question of your sweet little companion.
- Hey, hey.
I was gonna pay.
- No.
I want to see what's in her pants.
No, pal.
Look, why don't we just stop this right here, huh? Oh, I'm sorry.
I meant what's in her pocket.
Mister, I gotta go in my pocket you ain't gonna like what I come out with.
Hold on, Cowboy.
I got the floor.
Now, all of you just bet against me once and lost.
I told you the new bet.
The new bet is what's in my pocket.
You want to call? You go right ahead.
If not, my friend and I bid you good day.
# Slow it down You put me on the ground # # I saved up all your letters # # Hold me tight I know we got it right ## What's your problem, soldier? My life has gone off the tracks.
I miss my children.
I miss my husband.
I miss my home.
And I want to go back.
Burn out? Is that your problem, Bucky? That's right.
I'm sick of duplicity.
And I want my life back- or some superior approximation.
And I miss my children.
And I hate everything I've ever done.
I hate the frickin' army, hate war and I hate sacrifice.
- And I want to go home.
- Well, it sounds like you need a vacation.
- I don't want a vacation.
- Well, you signed on for one.
- In a moment of weakness.
- It wasn't a moment of weakness.
- I nagged you to death.
- That's right.
- And why did I do that? - I don't want to go.
Why did I do that? Because you have my best interest at heart.
That's right.
I don't remember when I didn't feel that I was losing my mind.
That's why we're gonna learn how to surf.
You ever seen a worried surfer? You know they say how you can tell when labor has begun in earnest? - When you're in hard labor? - Yes, I do.
- What is that point? - If you can't joke anymore.
That's right, Tiff.
I can't joke anymore.
- But it's spring break.
- Not where I sit.
Well, it's spring break for me, and I'm gonna learn how to surf and play in the sand and unwind.
And you can mope around like the dog died.
Or you can enjoy some well-deserved rest with your friend and just have a drink and ranger on.
'Cause you're so stressed out, you don't know whether to kick the cat or write home for money.
And I'm taking you on this vacation.
Transmission ends.
Now let's go.
In here.
All right.
Set him up behind cover.
Use your artistic talents.
What? - They're dead.
- Well, yeah.
The good things in life don't change.
Got a whole room full of ordnance back in there- claymores, grenades.
All right.
Keep working.
Take that.
Well, ain't that postmodern? - Here you go.
- Yep.
Let's go.
All right.
Now I need you to cut me a 10- foot length, strip the ends.
- What are we- - Well, it's cowboys and Indians, pal.
And we're throwing the Indians a surprise party.
Are we going to be attacked? Yeah.
Yeah, we're gonna be attacked.
What do you want to do? Hit 'em with your doctoral thesis? - But what are we gonna do? - We're gonna kill them.
And you, you're gonna keep your mouth shut and do as you're told - and perhaps we'll get out of this alive.
- How you doin' over there? - Uh-huh.
- Dirt Diver, how we doing? I'll tell you when to start worrying.
You can start worrying now! Roger.
Buckboard out.
- Over here.
- Dirt Diver.
- Yo, boss? - We're getting out.
We're getting out and we're getting on the plane.
We will be leaving from the fourth window on the west side of the south hall.
You coming to me, or am I coming to you? - What are we going to do? - We're gonna make a run for the airplane.
You come to us.
You got an exit? Good.
No, no, no.
Hold one.
Go for Buckboard.
How about that? Dirt Diver, plane is belly up.
Mortar got the fuel line.
No go.
No E.
for repair.
Well, looks like this is gonna be home for a little while.
Well, they say people can only take so much.
It's not that something snaps.
It's just there's nothing there anymore.
When you're young, it's all wonder, sex and adventure.
And then-Then you think, "How could I have married that man?" " Not have married that man?" "Done this, done that?" We are such fools.
All of us.
And the structure we make.
Our families, the government, our lives.
I miss my children so much.
It's okay, baby.
It's okay.
I promise you, it's okay.
And I hate the army.
And I hate my husband for letting our family be split apart.
And you want to tell me how in wartime families are separated? Well that's part of the definition, Kim, of a war.
Why am I so weak? Because you miss your children.
That's right.
Come with me.
Come on.
Come on.
- Where are we going? - I'm gonna learn how to surf.
- Why? - 'Cause Lord knows it's the only way I'm gonna get to walk on water.
Come on! Woo! - Oh.
- Ow.
I'm sorry I hurt you.
There we go.
Hey, this is for you.
- Thank you, Joss.
- You know what that is? That is a war memento.
- Well, yeah.
That's exactly what it is.
- Yeah.
Oh, I lost a snap off my shirt.
It used to be my dad's.
- He's gone? - Why you say that? - The way you said his name.
- Yeah, he's gone.
You know what you are? You're real sensitive.
- I am? - Yeah.
Didn't nobody ever tell you that before? Uh, no.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
Didn't your mama never tell you how kind you were and all? I never really had much of a family.
Well, that's too bad.
Don't you want to set your new watch? Uh, yeah.
I'll do it for you.
- So, what did she have in her pocket? - How should I know? You should've been there, though, Molly.
She had this crazed look in her eye.
You gonna fix her piston? No.
I can't fix it.
- I'm sure she's gonna be brokenhearted.
- No, no, no.
- I'm gonna get her a new one.
I'm gonna take it to her.
- You're gonna take it to her? - Yeah.
I'm gonna spend my leave with her.
- You're gonna get her a new piston for a 1917 biplane? - Yep.
- How are you gonna do that? Bush telegraph.
Sergeant Major Retired Wallace Brent.
Employee of the National Air and Space Museum.
He's gonna swap me one out of the exhibit.
He's gonna take a piston out of a plane from the National Air and Space Museum and send it to you? Yeah.
Why not? Airplane ain't flyin' anymore.
If they catch him doing it, they're going to throw him in jail.
They're not gonna catch him.
He's the head of security.
Charles, why is he gonna do this for you? You're going to trade him your barbecue gun? - Well, you know.
- Uh-huh.
- This girl- - Joss.
She said she was going to show you something that you had never seen before.
I don't want to get too personal.
Okay, here it is.
Uh, outside loop with the Curtiss Jenny.
I'm gonna spend my leave with her.
- So you said.
- And, uh- Well, she won me this wristwatch.
- Betty Blue- - Miss Blane.
Who the hell is this girl? Well, she, uh- Uh- Child, you are in love.
I'm gonna marry her.
Charles, do you think this is a little sudden? You know how your mother always said, "You'll just know"? Yes, I see.
I just know.
He's gonna take your watch.
What? Now we're using the Christmas help? Thought you could use the rest.
You trust this runt? I trust the human desire to stay alive.
- You got a headache? - Yes.
Can't sleep? You can't wake up? You can't spit? - Things gettin' blurry? A little blurry? - That's right.
Get some water.
Get some rest.
Go on.
The smell.
Well, the building's full of dead folk.
That's what combat smells like.
Don't you teach that in your graduate course? My status.
When you're out of everything but the enemy, you're in combat.
In combat, there is no status.
There's just two things.
There's the mission, and there's the men.
- That's the only two things there are.
- I understand.
- You don't understand anything, pal.
- No.
You're right.
Is that a step in the right direction? That ain't a step in any direction.
That's just sound coming out of your mouth.
I have spent my life trying to understand the dynamics of human aggression.
- I know it sounds ludicrous to you.
- Mm-hmm.
But is it too much to think that I, in my own way- To avoid violence, to find the simplest way- You got my partner shot up.
You got my friend killed.
What the hell do you want from me? - You want me to punch your ticket? Is that what you want? - Your team leader trusts me.
Is that what you see? - He trusted me to stand watch.
- Thus? - Isn't that some sort of acknowledgement? - Of what? Oh, he thinks you're lower than Jane Fonda.
Doesn't mean you can't take a watch.
Go for Buckboard.
Plane is good to go.
Let's get out ofhere.
- Dutchman.
- Friendlies holding the airport? So far.
Hey, any good back ways to the airport? What do you think? If we don't take the highway.
Does anybody speak English? - And the president? - What about him? The mission was to escort the president.
If you can magic him out of the air, I'll escort him.
The Swiss have reported that they don't have him, so we're going home.
- So where is he? - My guess? Rebels dispatched him to his particular Valhalla.
And so your whole mission is a failure? No.
We now know that there are a number of locations where the president is not.
Let's move.
Snake Doc, we got movement.
And good night, Mrs.
Calabash, wherever you are.
If they get close, light 'em up.
We're moving.
All right, let's get him out of here.
Metz, walk where he walks.
- There's a lot of ordnance out there.
- What about them? You guys sit tight.
You'll be fine.
Just stay here.
Please! Please! Please help me! It's the president! Get down! Move it! No, they're moving in.
I'm gonna have to- Fat's in the fire.
Movin' out! Nix on the front door! Front door's closed! Feint to the front.
We're going out the kitchen, the way we came in.
President, we're taking you out! - Thank you.
I- - Tell me later! Get in.
- You here forJoss? - Uh-huh.
Joss Morgan.
That's right.
You want to know who I am? I figured if you want me to know, you'll tell me.
I know you aren't her father.
How do you know that? She told me.
Her father's dead.
- What else do you know about her father? - Nothin'.
But with respect, whatever it is, it's not important to me.
What do you got in that box? Apiston.
From a Curtiss Wright engine.
You fixed it? Uh- That your business? Yeah, private aviation.
Interior, exterior, custom modification, reconfiguration.
That's what you bring a-courtin', huh? Yes, sir.
I suppose it is.
How'd you hurt your arm? Uh, a moment of inattention at the shop.
So you're gonna be spendin' a few days with us, huh? Well, that was the invitation.
- You serve? - I beg your pardon? - Military- did you serve? - No.
I did not have that honor.
Well, I can't tell you how glad I am to be here.
What are your intentions toward Joss? Uh, with respect, are you, uh- Who are you? Son, I'm the man who's talkin' to you.
Hey, come here.
- This is Bill.
- Pleased to meet you.
- This is my friend Kim.
- Kim, pleased to meet you.
- Are you one of my students today? - Not today.
No? Perhaps tomorrow? Huh? - All right, now- - Okay.
Don't look at me and make me nervous.
- All right.
What do you want me to do? - Take a walk.
Hey, whoa, whoa.
Where you goin'? - I'm gonna take a walk.
- Do me a favor? - Yes, all right.
- Bring me back a perfect shell.
- Yes, all right.
- And - walk that way.
- Why that way? Perhaps that's where the perfect shells are.
- Pop up.
- Up.
- Stay low.
- Stay low.
Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho.
See that? Mack, check that out.
President, please stay put.
Doctor, watch our 6:00.
Buckboard here.
We are to your south.
I got a side road with unexploded ordnance.
What's the best access to your, uh- to your field? What the hell? - And up.
- Up.
Oh! Take a walk with us, Miss Brown? Let's take a walk.
What brings you here, Colonel? War, Miss Brown, is waste and chaos.
That's what it is.
It is the most profound waste of life, time and spirit and treasure known to man.
War is an obscenity.
And we say, however, that it is preferable to subjugation.
And it is.
The time and place and the cause of war however we may characterize it- most times it's beyond our control.
And they are most certainly beyond the control of a soldier.
All soldiers suffer in war.
Their families suffer equally.
I miss my children, Colonel.
And there they are.
You and your mom and your children, enjoy your weekend.
You'll be protected and left alone.
Thank you for what you did.
Serena! Want a cold drink, there's likely something in the icebox.
Excuse me.
Find your cold drink? Uh, is this Joss? - That's her.
- Is she meeting us here? No.
I expect she's waitin' for us at the big house.
Yeah, that's her and her father.
That other picture there is me and her father.
You served with him.
What are your intentions? I'm in love with her.
I didn't ask you how you felt.
I asked you what you intend to do.
I don't know.
I only know we just met and- - And, uh- - Keep talking.
Go on.
Uh, you know, I don't know.
I only know I met her and, uh- Uh, you know, this is all a little bit accelerated for me, Mr.
, uh- - uh, Carson? - A bit accelerated for you, huh? You say you're in love.
Well, you know, a man's got to make a decision sometimes.
Don't you feel? No, you know, you're right.
And I'll tell you both how I feel and what I intend to do.
I'm in love with her, and I want to marry her.
And if it requires your permission, I would like your permission.
Uh, where is she, please? - Who are you? - I beg your pardon? - Your fingerprints are clean.
- Fingerprints? Yeah.
I took 'em off that water bottle at the airport.
You say you repaired that piston? - Yes.
- Say you're an airplane mechanic of some kind.
Only problem is that the piston you brought here has a different serial number from the one she brought you.
How do you explain that? That piston is unobtainable.
It's new.
Which means that if you could find it it would cost an incredible sum of money.
You don't look like a rich man to me.
You want to explain yourself? Well, that leaves three choices.
- Look, Mr.
Carson- - Number one, you're a criminal.
Number two, you're a spook of some kind.
And number three, which is most likely you're a fortune hunter.
- Now, which is it? - I, uh- Because everything that you have told her and me has been a lie.
And this phony baloney company you say you work for, that doesn't exist.
Now, who are you? Are you gonna tell me, or are you gonna leave me to make up my own mind? " Fortune hunter.
" I love that little girl more than I love my own life.
And there's nothin' that I would not do to protect her.
I would kill to protect her.
Do you believe me? Sir, I would like to talk toJoss.
Boy, I want to know who you are.
- I'm not kiddin' around.
- I know that you're not.
- You know, my whole life- - I need you to tell me who you are! I'm exactly who I say I am.
That leaves me two choices.
One of them is to leave you in the desert.
I'm an honorable man.
And I'm in love with Joss.
And I want to marry her.
Put him on the airplane.
I'm gonna warn her against you.
And she will take my advice, just as she always does.
Just as she swore to her father that she would.
Any attempt by you to contact her again would be pointless as well as dangerous to you.
Now get the hell out of here.
Tell Miss Morgan I'm comin' up to see her immediately.
Miss Morgan, Mr.
Carson's on his way to see you now.
Come on.
Let's go, buddy.
Buckboard with package, unhurt.
Wheels up and outbound for home base.
Buckboard out.
Anybody hit? - Hot time in the old town tonight, Top.
- Oh, yeah.
- Anybody? - Yep.
How's your boy? Well, he's got the shakes and the shivers, don't he? Man.
Anybody got a cigarette? You can't smoke here.
He was going for a gun.
Who's that? - One of the men I killed.
- The civilians? They were rebels.
He was going for a gun.
Was he? Are you sure? I killed two men.
I shot them.
What do you want? You want a medal? I killed two men.
How did it feel?
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