Chuck s04e12 Episode Script

Chuck Versus the Gobbler

ÿþ1 I'm Chuck.
Here are a few things you might need to know.
I will do anything to bring back Chuck's mother.
and to eliminate Volkoff and his organization.
- Sarah Walker, you're under arrest.
- What? It was all a setup to establish my cover as a double agent.
I'm going undercover into Volkoff Industries.
I'm gonna take them down from the inside.
That's how I lost my mom.
That's how you're gonna get her back.
I'm doing this for you, for us.
That all you got? Huh? Hey.
You seen Bartowski? That depends on who's asking.
Sorry, I was just workshopping a tough-guy voice.
I need some more work.
Anyhoo, I have not seen Chuck.
What's up? Walker's been all over Europe as a rogue agent and Volkoff's noticing.
- Wanna make sure Chuck's in the loop.
- That's great.
But seeing how Chuck is not here.
do you have a second to have a little chitchat? Man to man? Yeah, sure.
Sarah's gonna be undercover in Volkoff Industries for a long, long time.
- Chuck could be hurting.
- Feelings.
I see why you came to me.
Whoa, seriously, these situations tend to send Chuck to the dark side.
He'll wind up sitting, moping, sulking, eating Cheetos and watching The View.
Anyways, I need your help in sort of, I don't know, keeping Chuck's spirits up.
Maybe we can tranq him till Walker gets back.
Here's Mr.
Mopes now.
- Morning, fellas.
- Hey.
You two are looking very dapper this a.
How's my crew? Crew? Well, you're chipper today.
I just heard the news about Sarah.
She's well on her way to taking down Volkoff and freeing my mom.
So, what's not to be happy about? Absotootly.
We were talking about the same thing.
We're thrilled and very happy and you're happy.
Happy Chuck.
He's happy.
I see.
I get.
I see what's going on here.
You're afraid I'm just gonna sit around eating Fritos because Sarah's gone.
I thought it might be Cheetos, but, yeah.
Look, guys, I get it.
I appreciate your concern, but I've thought a lot about this.
When my mom disappeared into Volkoff organization, her mission changed her.
She became a different person.
But that's never gonna happen with Sarah.
She'll always remain the same exact Sarah Walker.
Sarah Walker.
Love what you've done with the hair.
Please, sit.
I hear you've turned against the CIA.
- Treason, was it? - It was.
Bit out of character.
Years ago, I told Chuck that I didn't want him to be a spy.
I tried to get him to run away with me.
But despite all your pleadings, he said no.
- He did.
- I knew it.
But I still loved him.
We got trapped in a CIA-run world with no way out.
No exit.
- Unless.
- There's always an unless.
Unless I took matters into my own hands.
I turned on the CIA because I wanna cash out and build a life.
It may sound foolish, but I'm trying to buy a future with the man that I love.
You know, I'm a bit of a hopeless romantic myself.
Paintings, poetry, art of massage, that sort of stuff.
what do you want? - I wanna come and work with you.
Miss Walker.
even if you've told me the truth about your motives, why would I trust you? Fair question.
The reason you're going to trust me.
is because I'm not gonna kill you, right here and right now.
You're such fun.
Thank you.
Welcome to Volkoff Industries.
Now, you and I have to discuss how to best utilize your particular skills.
Yes, let's.
Sarah Walker, a traitor.
This I had to see with my own two eyes.
It shouldn't come as a total surprise.
After all, your actions did serve as a sort of inspiration.
Alexei, may I have a word in private? She's going to betray you.
It depends how you define "betrayal.
" Remember your intentions when you met me? Now you're my right hand.
Have dinner with me.
- Alexei.
- Lunch, breakfast.
a bit of cake with a cup of coffee.
- Alexei, stay focused.
You know I get great pleasure from bending people to my will.
I do.
She could be very useful to us.
What if we had her break Yuri out of prison? That is a wicked idea.
Thank you.
Sarah, we're going to have you break out Yuri the Gobbler.
Now, don't ask why he's called that.
It's because he eats people.
Basically, it's a suicide mission.
I love a good suicide mission.
So do I.
Morgan, dude, come here, listen to this.
- Pretty amazing, right? - Dude, it's all sorts of amazing.
Are you putting Kahlua in your cereal? Buddy, the beeps, that's Sarah.
- What? - She can't use voice communication.
So the CIA developed a tonal language that only we understand.
- Get out of here.
- And right now she just.
She's saying she loves me.
Or planning on buying a Buick.
I can't tell.
- It's a confusing language.
Lot of nuances.
- Beeps and things.
Morgan, can I borrow your T-shirt? But of course.
- I gather things are going well with Alex.
- So well.
This girl is the coolest girl I've ever dated and I've dated almost.
- Three.
- Three.
Hey, Chuck.
Don't freak out, stay calm.
Your girlfriend is wearing your previously unworn.
Zemeckis authenticated Back to the Future T-shirt.
Oh, dear sweet goodness.
- Pizza, orange juice.
Pizza, orange juice.
- What? Hey.
Come back to bed so we can cuddle before work.
- There's time.
You can save that T-shirt.
- No, I'm cool.
- Excuse me? - She looked really cute in it, didn't she? Can I ask you a question? What's wrong with me? Nothing's wrong with you, my friend.
But I have news for you, Morgan.
- I think you're in love.
- What? I'm in love? I'm in love.
Maybe you're right.
Do I tell her? Well, that's a kind of big deal.
Morgan? Are you coming? Let's finish this conversation at Buy More.
I have some more snuggling to do.
And, no, I'm not embarrassed to say that.
On my way.
Stop exactly where you are.
One square meter of land on this compound is never under surveillance.
We are standing on it.
I came here to help take down Volkoff and to get you the hell out of here.
Which is why I want you to break free Yuri.
He's Volkoff's trusted bodyguard, I think he has something to do with Hydra.
- Hydra? - Volkoff's network.
A database of weapons buyers, sellers, his entire infrastructure.
Early on, I realized that Hydra is more important than Volkoff himself.
- So how does the bodyguard fit in? - I don't know.
But since Yuri was arrested.
Volkoff's communications with his network have slowed to a stop.
Oh, we should go.
Sarah, I need you to realize that going undercover in a place like this.
can require certain difficult choices.
- I'm well aware.
You might find yourself becoming someone you no longer recognize.
I'm willing to do whatever it takes.
- I was just coming over to see you.
- Really, about what? I'm having a bit of an issue with Devon and I was hoping that you could help.
I can't get him to stop cooking with no shirt on.
It's not that.
I keep proposing baby names and he keeps shooting them down.
- One after another.
Nothing works.
- That's ridiculous.
I'm sorry.
It's just that naming the baby is the last planning we have to do.
before I can just relax and focus on the birth.
No, yeah, totally.
What can I do to help? Well, I finally picked the perfect name and I don't want him to shoot it down.
It's the most beautiful, unique, precious name for a girl.
Don't keep me waiting.
What is it? Tell me.
- Grünka? - She's gonna name her Grünka.
- Dude? - Dude.
- We can't.
- You can't.
Grünka isn't what you name your baby girl.
It's what you name.
these people.
Ellie said she wants the name to be original, right? I think I may know a way to stop this Grünka in its tracks.
I saw Alex leaving your apartment this morning.
wearing your shirt.
Right, Alex.
Yeah, see, that's because, uh, ahem, she didn't have her shirt.
She, well, what I was gonna say is, she couldn't find her shirt.
She was very cold.
So we wear lots of shirts.
And it's like a shirt party, you know? It's kind of a.
Please don't kill me, okay? I need you to know I am a perfect gentleman with her.
And honestly, I really do care about her.
That is all I wanted to know.
- Really? - Mm-hm.
Any word from Beckman about what's going on with Sarah? Still waiting for contact.
Surveillance disabled.
Whoever's in here, you're about to enter a world of hurt.
A serious world of hurt.
Hello, boys.
- Hi.
- Oh, gosh.
I'm sorry for the drama, but nobody can know that I'm here.
I had to disable the surveillance.
- Wow, Sarah, you look evocative.
- It's so great to see all of your faces.
But I don't have much time before I have to leave.
I'm being sent to Seabrook Supermax Prison.
I need you to create a diversion for me.
Sorry, sorry, you just.
You just.
You look so different.
You know? The hair change, that's.
That's a big.
It's kind of a drastic.
How do you do that.
? - Is that a wash or a wig? - Ahem.
I need you to create a diversion so that I can break out this man: Yuri Gobrienko, a.
Yuri the Gobbler.
- Yikes.
A big mother.
- Well, big doesn't always mean bad.
Here are photographs of his victims.
- Oh.
No, no, no.
- Oh, that's not good.
- That's impressive.
- The Gobbler is Volkoff's main bodyguard.
But your mom believes he has connection Hydra.
I have to rendezvous and find a way into the prison.
I'll meet you inside.
Sarah, wait.
I know you gotta go, but.
I missed you too, Chuck.
It's kind of like I'm cheating on you with you right now.
Call me on the secure line with the plan.
Got it.
See you in prison.
All sections.
- What do we got? - Transfer from gen pop.
The inmates are having rec time.
Careful, it's been almost two days without a stabbing.
We're due.
I was thinking maybe we should just postpone this mission long enough.
for everyone to get the stabbings out of their system.
Chuck, listen to me.
That tattoo on your face belongs to the most ruthless gang in North America.
Well, you just tap on this bad boy right here and.
- Uh.
It's instant respect.
- What have you done? Hmm? Just a little bit of a smudge.
Timing's limited.
We can divert surveillance for a short period of time.
And when you do, signal me as fast as possible.
- I can flash and neutralize the Gobbler.
- Just make sure he's out cold.
He can't know Walker had any help.
No, good.
Good old-fashioned prison fight.
I'm excited, you know? You take out the biggest and baddest dude in that place.
and guess who's top dog.
You are.
All right? You look better without.
All right, listen up.
New dude in here.
Don't mean to interrupt your game of mahjongg.
but we got ourselves a real killer here today.
New guy here likes to fight other dudes.
I would be very, very careful of this guy.
This is the guy you don't wanna mess with, all right? He's dangerous.
Morgan, I think they get the point.
They all look like they wanna kill me.
- You're welcome.
- Okay.
As you were, guys.
which one of you is Yuri the Gobbler? Please, not so loud.
What's going on? What are you doing? What's the eye thing about? The last time I pointed at him, he did this.
Swallowed them whole.
Bartowski, Walker arrives in three minutes.
- Prepare to initiate the fight.
- Oh, boy.
- Surveillance room's here.
- Gotcha.
So listen, Alex, you know, hypothetically.
Very hypothetically.
How do you think she would respond to, let's say, me saying, "I love you"? Stupid thing to say.
- What if I mean it? - No, the words are stupid.
You love someone, show them.
I went into her apartment, built her a shelf.
Okay, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
You've never told your daughter that you love her? I mean, that just seems wrong.
- I didn't ask what you think.
Did I? - No, sir.
You can talk to me.
I know a lot about love.
Yeah, no.
Moving in on the Gobbler now.
The closer you get, the bigger he gets.
Okay, we need this guard off the surveillance monitors.
You ready? It's the only way, right? We gotta do what we gotta do.
- What's his name, again? - Steve.
Oh, yeah.
- Hey.
- Who are you guys? It goes against everything I believe in to interfere with a guard.
protecting American citizens, but this just has to be done.
Happy birthday, Steve.
I know it's a little late, but all the guards down in gen pop.
we wanted to wish you a happy birthday.
You Yuri the Gobbler? What do you want? I want your seat.
It looks comfortable.
You try to make point, huh? Show everyone that you can take me out.
Yeah, well, maybe I am and maybe I just want your chair.
Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you You got 45 seconds.
Take him out.
Then let me give it to you.
Happy birthday to you I need a little more time here, guys.
Stretch it out.
Guess I better get back to the grind.
How old are you now? What the hell is going on in here? Nobody told us there was a birthday.
Oh, cake.
Yeah, it's birthday cake for Steve.
Come on in.
I'm in.
What's the status on the Gobbler? Uhn! He's hungry.
He's hungry.
Who wants a frosted flower? Casey, I need you to unlock the east entrance.
Top dog.
Yeah! Thanks.
I owe you one.
He's in the rec area at the end of the hall.
- You okay? - Hmm? Oh, it's just frosting.
Don't ask.
Hey, sweetness.
That's a mighty fine chair you got there.
I want it.
Oh, for heaven's sake.
Honestly? Right now? I can't just be top dog for a minute? Get up.
Ooh! Damn, that's fine.
- What are you looking at? - Nothing.
- Well, looks like you're top dog now.
- What? It doesn't matter.
Let's go.
Move it.
Come on.
I love sourdough.
I love you.
- Was that weird? That finger-kiss thingy? - A little.
But I love you too.
I hate this.
When you leave.
But it's all gonna be over soon.
I hope so.
Of course.
Of course it will.
We got the Gobbler, that's big, right? It could be, yeah.
Chuck, your mom's been doing this for many years.
It just could take some time.
I'll let you know what we learn.
- Bye.
- Bye.
I'm thinking about a new toaster, babe.
I mean, toaster technology has come a long way.
Hello, beautiful friend.
Can I be of help? We were talking about a new toaster oven.
Toaster oven? More like bun in the oven.
Am I right? - Sure.
- Any thoughts on names, or.
? Actually, we have.
We're naming her Grünka.
- Grünka.
- Grünka, wow.
Wow, I lost my virginity to a girl named Grünka.
Filthy, filthy lady.
Hardly believe she was a grandmother.
- Oh, that's just gross, babe.
- She was gross.
Sticks in the head.
We should rethink the name.
Actually, I'm pretty happy with my choice.
Sorry to interrupt.
Were you guys talking about that famous Armenian serial killer, Grünka Kassabian? - What? - Serial killer? Yes.
Yes, we were.
Don't think that I don't understand what you're doing here.
I'm gonna wait in the car, okay? Mission accomplished.
- Grünka, huh? Love that name.
- I haven't even told you the name yet.
Ask first, then say my line.
So, what are you naming your baby? Yuri.
So good to see you.
I love working with this man, we have a long and storied history.
You know, when you were captured, I was at a complete loss.
My safety compromised.
The one and only agent who has complete access to my Hydra database.
under lock and key.
I am sorry.
Oh, don't apologize, I'm not angry.
Just disappointed.
Disappointed? Well, a little disappointed.
No, very disappointed.
I have a hard time with disappointment.
Feels weird coming back from a mission without Sarah, doesn't it? A little bit.
Could just be indigestion, though.
We ate a lot of cake.
You know, Sarah and I just kind of started this ritual after a rough mission.
We'd order a pizza and play a board game.
Just to unwind, you know? Guess that's not gonna happen for a while, is it? Hey, did we record The View? Oh, shoot.
I don't know if I did that or not.
But it's funny you should mention the board game thing.
We were talking about how we were itching to play a classic board game.
Weren't we, Casey? - We were.
- We were.
Alexei, what did you do? He's the only one who knew about Hydra.
No, Yuri didn't know about Hydra.
Yuri was Hydra.
Just a moment.
Got it.
I hired Yuri to carry this device on him at all times.
It costs him an eyeball, but earned him an unparalleled place in my corporation.
Yeah, but Yuri got careless.
Got himself captured.
So the Hydra device had to be extracted.
So this is your database? Much more than just a database.
This is how I communicate with my people.
None of them knows each other.
None of them are aware of what part they play in my puzzle.
Hydra allows me to see everything.
Hydra is the heart of Volkoff Industries.
But the fact that you're even seeing this proves that it has a flaw.
Human error.
Yuri's shortcomings made me realize what a risk the eye was.
So you just destroyed the whole system? Of course not.
I just downloaded all the data to a more secure backup location.
Good, no more complications.
Now, good work, Sarah.
But before I reward you.
there is one small issue that we have to take care of.
The jet's ready to depart.
Actually, no.
There are two issues.
We've got a dead body on the floor.
Phyllis, clean up.
World domination.
Never gets old.
Thanks for keeping my spirits up, I really appreciate it.
Yeah, of course.
If there's anything else you feel like talking about, feel free.
I'm a good listener, and Casey's.
Well, I get it.
It's hard, you know.
I wish I could bottle my feelings up, not be so vulnerable.
You should tell that to your armies in Australia.
You gotta be kidding me.
Who is that? Is it Alex? Because maybe if we're all in this sort of, I don't know, caring mood.
maybe you could send her a little text that says, "I love you.
" - Would be nice for you.
- Walker, she needs to meet.
- She didn't use the secure line? - Something must be up.
- Okay, fine, let's go then.
- She said alone.
- Volkoff must be in the vicinity.
- No, forget that, she needs us.
Bartowski, this is a delicate situation.
Volkoff knows who you are.
Now, you stay put.
If trouble comes up, I'll be in contact.
When you broke the Gobbler out of prison.
did you by any chance happen to run into this man? I was using him.
He's still loyal to me, why not take advantage of that? Good answer.
Now, let's prove that it's true.
I took the liberty of posing as you in summoning him here.
All I want you to do is go up to the ninth floor and kill John Casey.
Frost will go with you to make sure it all happens correctly.
Oh, by the way, I'll be watching.
So let's make it exciting.
Have fun with it.
There are so many cameras.
How am I supposed to make this look real? I don't know.
But if you find a way, give him this.
I will.
Buy me some time if Volkoff comes up here.
Buddy, I can't take it anymore.
I gotta figure out where Casey is meeting Sarah.
I know you miss your girl, believe me.
but Casey said that we have to stay put.
This is not about me missing her, okay? What if they're in danger? What if they need the Intersect? I'm going to Castle, maybe I can hack into Casey's phone.
Trident Tower, ninth floor.
What? Trident Tower, ninth floor.
Where they're going.
I'm good at the "quick look when you get a text.
but you didn't know I looked" look.
You're angry at me because I withheld information.
I get it, but, dude, I thought I did it for your own good.
And by the way, I didn't even know that you were gone.
so that's interesting.
I'm just pretty much here talking to myself.
My turn.
What you doing, Walker? Thattagirl.
- What are you doing? - I'm supposed to kill you.
Volkoff is watching.
Now, follow my lead.
Something's up.
There are guards.
Casey was contacted off the secure line.
Call you when I have eyes on him.
Chuck, you're just in time.
Just in time for what? There's a particular moment.
when an agent makes the decision to stop pretending.
and to take the leap to join the other side.
It's a game-changing step.
Your mother made it all those years ago.
Now, if you'll come with me.
we'll see if Sarah's going to make the same step.
I think she will.
Come on.
I can't leave here without killing you.
How do we sell this? - Duck.
- Uhn! Retrieve your weapon, shoot me in the shoulder.
I'm not gonna shoot you.
Look who I found.
Chuck, what are you doing here? Well, I thought we had a truce, but I like a little rascal who doesn't always listen.
Truce, huh? You have an interesting way of keeping your end of the bargain.
Okay, then.
- .
throw me out the window.
- What? Throw me out the window.
Look, there's a little platform down there.
It's only 40 feet.
I've done 60, easy.
- I'll be fine, promise.
- Okay, but you better be fine.
Or else I'll really kill you.
- I'm here to find Casey.
Where is he? - I'll show you.
When you get back to Castle, give this to Chuck.
Quite a brawl.
Sarah? I notice your gun's gone missing.
- You want me to finish him? - No.
Kill him, Agent Walker.
- Kill him.
- Is that all you got? Huh? No! No, Casey! No! Aah! It's done.
? - Why? - Why? Don't you see, Charles? She did this all for you.
A bit of advice, you might want to give her a bit of space.
Taking a leap like this is painful for all involved.
But congratulations.
you're one step closer to the woman you love.
- Chuck? - You ready to go? I'm ready.
I'm sorry.
Maybe involving Chuck's cronies wasn't the best idea.
It was the worst idea.
Look, not having the baby named is making me a little anxious.
And I understand if you don't like that name, but you haven't liked any name.
- What? I've liked names.
- Like what? Like, um.
Like Clara.
Well, I like Clara.
- Really? - Yeah.
Is that her name? This is a huge decision.
One that will set her path the rest of her life.
Devon, we are gonna have to make a million decisions like this.
- This is called being a parent.
- This is the first one.
I think I've been stalling just because I wanna get it right.
Okay, I'll make it easy for you.
Clara or Grünka? Clara it is.
Little Clara Woodcomb.
You thought I was gonna name our baby Grünka.
Grünka, the name of the spoons that I bought at IKEA.
- I had you going there for a minute.
- Spoons? - Mm-hm.
- From IKEA? That's right.
It gets easier.
How? Distance.
invigorating work back there.
Let's get home.
How, Morgan? How could she do this? Oh, my God.
He looks awful.
I barely even know him, but I already love him so much.
I know.
I know.
He's gonna be okay.
I promise.
And he loves you too.
Trust me.
More than you know.

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