Evil (2019) s04e12 Episode Script

Fear of the Other


What do you want?
So, how long do we have?
Two more weeks.
And these are all the assessments left?
BEN: So, how should we do
this? Just randomly reach in
- and pick a few?
- Yeah.
- Or we each pick one?
- Or start with the most urgent.
This one.
Excuse me, Sister?
This is your next assessment. Let's go.
Right back in Catholic school.
Doing as I'm told.
Paul, these are the assessors.
This is David, Kristen and Ben.
Hello. Sorry to drag you into this.
Were you one of Sister
Andrea's students?
She didn't tell you?
She's not particularly chatty.
She was the love of my dad's life.
- The nun who got away.
- KRISTEN: Really?
- No, I don't think we need to go into this.
- KRISTEN: Actually,
- I think we need to go into this.
- He never got over her.
He had her photo in his wallet
This isn't important.
Why don't you tell us
what the issue is, Paul?
Uh, well, I'm-I'm not
sure where to start.
Paul needs an exorcism.
[SIGHS] I guess I do.
Up to a month ago, I
was just a happy dad,
good job, real estate, married
to my high school sweetheart.
I'm I'm one of those
irritating people in surveys
who say how happy they are.
And what happened a month ago?
So, I decided
to try a different coffee
every morning.
First one up.
That's espresso with foamed milk.
Not bad.
A bit bland.
Tomorrow, affogato.
I don't understand.
This is why you need an exorcism?
Are you afraid that
you're vlogging too much?
No. [CHUCKLES SOFTLY] That's not me.
What do you mean?
PAUL JR.: That's not me.
That's someone who looks like me.
I'm feeling a little tired this morning.
I didn't get much sleep.
I feel like something's following me.
Do you ever get that feeling?
Like you're being
I might call in sick.
PAUL JR.: His name's Gregory.
He works as a data entry engineer
in Studio City, California.
- How'd you meet?
- I didn't.
I-I just saw him online.
I was scrolling, and there he was.
Something's wrong.
I can't get out of bed.
My muscles hurt.
My mom thinks it's black mold, so,
I moved to a motel, but
I'm still
You're worried he's possessing you?
KRISTEN: Paul, there is something called
a "Doppelgaänger phenomenon."
It's the uncanny feeling you get
when you see someone who looks like you,
and it makes you question your own life.
Show them.

- Oh, my God.
He committed suicide.
Now he's inside me.
Well, I-I guess I should
- sit down and talk to him.
- BEN: My mother always said
that if you ran into your doppelgaänger,
it was a sign you were gonna die.
DAVID: Was that Paul Jr.,
the son of the man
that you told me about?
- Tell them.
It matters.
What matters?
Paul Stolee was a childhood friend.
He killed himself.
KRISTEN: All right, so,
this is generational trauma.
His father committed suicide,
and he's having suicidal ideation.
No, every night at 2:00 a.m.,
this person, this double, possesses him.
That's what he says?
He called me two weeks ago.
He said he was afraid
that he was going to hurt
his wife and his children,
so he moved out, he moved into a hotel.
I was there last night
watching over him,
and there was something.
- I don't know what it was.
- Demonic?
ANDREA: Possibly.
It was 2:00 a.m., and I was interrupted
by Paul's sleepwalking.
He needs an exorcism.
Look, Sister Andrea, I do agree
that sometimes the placebo effect
of an exorcism can work, but
suicidal ideation is
nothing to be trifled with.
An exorcism is not a
trifle, Dr. Bouchard.
I just worry that it would be a mistake
to delay treatment.
I'm sorry.
I have to get to court.
I think you two should
see tonight for yourselves.
- 2:00 a.m.
- BEN: Sure.
Haunted house hours. Why not?
Let's go out with a bang.
JETER: Calling the case of The State
of New York vs. Leland Townsend.
The defendant is present in court today
with his appointed counsel.
Appearing for the state is
the prosecuting attorney.
The court will appoint
a psychiatrist to
evaluate the defendant.
Your Honor, uh, the defense requests
Section 5-2-4 be honored
and you hear testimony of
the defense's psychiatrist.
- And who is this psychiatrist?
- Dr. Kurt Boggs.
JETER: You've evaluated
the defendant, sir?
Doctor. I-I did.
Are you fucking kidding me?
It's my job, Kristen.
Getting Leland off is not your job.
STICK: if a licensed
mental health professional
such-such as our esteemed
I am a twice-board-certified
psychiatrist and author
with my own practice
who has been retained in
a range of criminal cases
to ascertain competency.
STICK: Thank you,
Doctor. And do you have
a professional opinion of the defendant?
STICK: Dr. Boggs,
do I need to repeat the question?

Let me adjust the microphone for you,
[GROWLS] How's that?
In in my professional opinion,
uh, Dr. Townsend suffers
from schizophrenia
and dissociative identity disorder,
two very serious mental conditions
which have rendered him so ill
that he can't realize the
criminality of his actions.
Thank you, Doctor. You may step down.
Uh, how-however
- STICK: Thank you, Doctor.
- CORMIER: Wait.
May we hear the end of his testimony?
That is the rest of his testimony.
No, let him continue. Go ahead, Doctor.
Because of the severity
of Dr. Townsend's mental disorders,
I have determined
that he poses a considerable
threat to public safety,
and should be locked away
in a maximum security mental
psychiatric facility for life.
Well, he's dead.
First things first.
We need to put you on the stand.

could he have found
a creepier place for a haunting?
Do you think we're gonna miss this?
- These ghost stakeouts?
- BEN: No.
I'm sick of this Scooby-Doo shit.
I need lab hours.
That's what you're going back to?
I don't know. I-I
haven't thought about it.
How can you be so nonchalant?
Jobs end.
You know how many times
I've changed careers?
- You got zero feelings about it?
- BEN: I only have two feelings.
Disdain and hunger.
What about you?
What are you gonna do? Adopt more kids?
- I don't know yet, but I got a little bit of time.
You know that billionaire
climber, Tragoren?
BEN: Mm-hmm.
He's agreed to pay us the money.
- Really?
- Mm-hmm.
- How much?
- $800,000.
- You're kidding.
- What?!
- [CHUCKLES] Yeah.
I mean, it only cost me my marriage
and my husband's sanity, but
it'll give us a fresh start.
- What?
What's wrong?
BEN: It's probably some
drunken businessman.
DAVID: Sister, what are you doing?
- Are you okay?
- Oh, the bag broke.
- A little late-night snack, Sister?
No. Bait.
DAVID: We didn't realize
you were joining us, Sister.
Well, I am.
I-I'm not sure the hotel is
gonna be thrilled about that.
Well, demons have a sweet tooth.
How's Paul?
Uh, he was still sleeping
last time we looked.
Can you talk to him
while he's sleepwalking?
KRISTEN: Paul, can you hear me?
Can I ask you a few questions, Paul?
I'm not Paul.
Are you the Gregory who killed himself?
How do you explain that?
If Gregory's dead
how can you be Gregory?
I live in Paul's body.
You're inhabiting it?
Those are your words.
Why did you commit suicide?
He wanted me to.
Who wanted you to?
Do you want to go back to bed?

Paul, are you all right?
PAUL JR.: Where am I?
Who are you?

Hey, can I start buying oat lattes yet?
Um, sorry
to call so early, but you said anytime.
How are you doing?
Well, I think
you're about to tell me how I'm doing.
I paid a visit to Edward
Tragoren's office, and
it's not looking good.
He's broke?
No. Tragoren already settled.
He paid Andy ten cents on the dollar.
$80,000 instead of $800,000.
Tragoren paid Andy?!
Yes, and he has the wire
transfer to prove it.
Oh, my God!
But, Kristen, I want to
talk to you about a suit
- we can bring
- Yasmine?
I have to go.
Kristen, this isn't over.
Yes, it is.
LILA: I could always sell my shoes.
Becca at school said she wanted them,
and her parents are loaded.
You're not selling your shoes, okay?
And especially not to Becca.
LEXIS: We could get Timothy
to be a baby-food model.
- Girls, we're fine, seriously.
- All I said
- You said we were broke.
No, I said we're financially
a little bit tight.
That means we're destitute,
like Oliver Twist.
KRISTEN: Girls, we're gonna be fine.
But there's just gonna
be a transition period
in which we'll have to pinch
our pennies a little bit.
- That's all.
- You could always do an OnlyFans.
No, like, you could just show your feet.
I read online that a girl did it
- Okay, you have some nice feet.
- I don't know where you
Like, I-I would pay for your feet.
Where did you learn what that is?
- trillion billion dollars.
- Oh, my God!
What kind of a monster raised you?
Put on your shoes.
Get to the bus. It'll
be here in five minutes.
This is just like last year
when Julia's parents got divorced.
They had to live out of their car.
We're not gonna live out of our car.
- We should do, like, a GoFundMe.
- [GASPS] Yeah!
Enilia Acrondosky's
cousin made, like, $2,000
when her puppy got sick.
We can make, like,
double that if I'm dying.
- You're not dying.
- My heart it almost stopped.
- LYNN: But it didn't.
- But it could've.
- Come on, Lex.
- LEXIS: Coming!
We could lie about, like, Grandma dying.
- Oh, Grandma didn't die.
- That is terrible.
Oh, my God, she's dead!
That's a good idea.
- Why are you happy about that?
- And Dad running off,
- like, with another woman.
- You're so weird.
- That is so unfeeling of you to say.
- I lie all the time!
- You're really rude.
Dr. Townsend, can you explain
why two men were hooked
up to IVs in your home?
I can.
I'm a doctor, licensed
to practice medicine in New York state.
One of the services I offer
my patients is IV therapy
to remedy dehydration or
vitamin deficiencies by delivering
nutrients intravenously.
But, Doctor, the two men
found in your home later died.
The loss has been insufferable.
Can you explain to the
court who Sheryl Luria was?
My ex-fiancée.
And did she work on the
patients in your home?
Unbeknownst to me.
- STICK: How could you not know, Doctor?
LELAND: Sheryl was obsessed
with her appearance.
So obsessed that she came to believe
that she could stay young by
injecting other people's blood.
Without my knowledge,
she sneaked into the procedure room,
and diverted all the IVs there
to her own purposes.
I see you.
JETER: Sister?
May we help you?
You just lost the element
of surprise, demon.
JETER: Sister, this
is a pretrial hearing.
We're gonna have to ask
you to sit down. Officer?
[QUIETLY]: Sister Andrea?
He's the evil coming to New York.
- JETER: Anything else?
- STICK: Thank you, Doctor.
You may step down.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Someone else is joining
you in the monied class.
Really? Who?
Ben's sister got him a job.
Okay, I got myself a job.
- Doing what?
- BEN: Using AI and quantum computing
to reproduce neurogenesis
in the human brain.
You asked.
They offered him $650,000 a year.
You're kidding.
It's not official yet.
Wow. I
Everything still okay with you
and your billionaire climber?
Actually, a little bit of a hiccup.
BEN: What?
Oh, nothing. They just
They paid Andy already,
ten cents on the dollar.
- Are you kidding?
- But I'm-I'm fine.
Let's just get to work.
What'd you find here, Ben?
Guys, I'm fine.
Look, it's actually better
because I don't want to
fight with Andy over money.
And this way, it's just done.
It's-it's cleaner this way.
Really, I'm fine.
So what's the idea here?
Ben found another doppelgaänger.
- Mm-hmm. Yup.
- Really?
- For?
- Paul.
I thought that if he realized
that there was more than
one double in the world,
and that other double
was happy with his life
Then he couldn't use Gregory
as a conduit for his depression.
How did you find another doppelgaänger?
There's a website.
- Okay, it takes your picture.
- KRISTEN: Uh-huh.
And then it hunts the
web for look-alikes.
KRISTEN: Really?
Yeah. Want to take your picture?
Oh, no. Um, I don't think
I'm ready to see my doppelgaänger.
Oh. David?
Your mother said you meet your double,
and you'll die.
Yeah, but she also said
if you swallow bubblegum,
ghosts will haunt you.
All right, all right,
let's see this other Paul.

Oh, this is my favorite run.
A 5.2.
Who's this?
His name is Jess.
He's a ski instructor from Colorado.
- Your age.
How'd you find him?
Find My Doppel.
It's a website.
it's not unusual for people
to look alike in this world.
It's not magic, it's not supernatural.
Before social media, you'd
just rarely find your doppel.
But, now, you can just find them.
And there's not just one.
Gregory is not your only pathway.
- Okay? This is Jess.
He studied to be a programmer.
During the pandemic,
he decided he was missing
his wife and children,
so he downsized,
and now he's working only half the year
as a ski instructor.
Whoa! [GRUNTS]
And you got to get right back up.
Ow, let's go. Aah
DAVID: We're not only
possessed by one person, Paul.
We get to choose who we want to be.
I want to call Viv and the kids.
ANDREA: I think that's
a very good idea.
Well, you know, I already have an offer
from AWP Industries.
MAN: Yes, and we'd like to
have a chance to beat it.
Can I can I call you back?
Um I have another call.
Please do.
We're prepared to offer you $950,000,
plus perks and benefits, so
Why are you so afraid to succeed?
What are your thoughts
on that, Mr. Jinn?
All right, Mother.
If I join you in heaven,
don't say I told you so.
He doesn't look like me.
Oh, no! The dinosaur's
jumping on top of you.
I'm eating the train. I'm
- No, dinosaur, don't eat Ashad's train.
I'm eating the t Can I eat Ashad?
No, you can't!
- Can I eat Ashad?
- ASHAD: Let me see it.
- Can I eat your nose?
- ASHAD: No. Look.
Oh, what is that? Oh, no!
That's great. Mmm. Yum, yum, yum, yum.
ASHAD: I need to put this pipe cleaner
through the machine.
BAASHIR: Oh, through the machine?

[WITH ACCENT]: You prepare for a fight
the same way you do for
training. [GROANING]
6:00 a.m., run.
8:00 a.m., breakfast. [GROANING]
9:00 a.m., spar.
Rock your body, I'm fearless ♪
Yes, it's intense.
But like anything you do in life
running, partying,
fucking [CHUCKLES]
you do it to your fullest. [GRUNTING]
God gave you this body. You use it.


You sure you don't want us to go into
No, no.
- Paul?
- Viv.
It's so good to see your face.
Why are you calling me?
I wanted to tell you
that I've been doing a
lot of self-reflection,
seeking help, like you always said.
But, mainly,
I just wanted to say I
I'm so sorry
I've put you through so
much stress and strain.
I love you.
What about last night?
What do you mean?
You told me to strangle our kids
and lay their bodies
out in the driveway.
Then drive over them again
until their organs were
smeared into the pavement.
When did I say that?
Luckily, I have a recording.
I submitted it with the
restraining order today,
so leave me alone.
It was Gregory. It's-it's not me.
Just leave us alone,
whoever you are today!
No, Viv, please don't
He's sleeping.
Sister, you need to go
home and get some rest.
You're no use to anyone
if you're exhausted.
I'll stay.
Talk to the archdiocese
about an exorcism.
Are you awake?
Are you sleepwalking again?
Let me take you back to your room.
Oh, I've missed you.
Go back to hell, demon.
It's me. Paul.
- Remember?
- Stay back!
Let me show you something.
Why are you trying to kill your son?

you most unholy demon.
You're burning up.
Kiss me.
My kids are in the other room.
Too bad.
CORMIER: How do you know
Mr. Townsend, Doctor?
I was a psychologist
hired by the D.A.'s office
to determine the credibility
of an insanity defense.
And was Mr. Townsend
involved in that case?
Yes. He advised the
defendant to plead not guilty
by reason of insanity, and
to fake demonic possession
in order to convince the judge
Objection! Your Honor, hearsay.
JETER: What's this?
Emails between Dr.
Townsend and the defendant
detailing how to fake
demonic possession.
- I'll allow.
- CORMIER: And did you
encounter Mr. Townsend after the trial?
I did.
When he began targeting my family.
Objection. Not in evidence.
This is a court-approved
restraining order preventing Leland
from harassing my daughter
Lexis at her school.
Oh, this is all just a lie, Your Honor.
And this is a photo
of Leland harassing my
daughter Lexis at her school.
And this is Mr. Townsend's
termination letter
from the Catholic Church,
after multiple children
playing the online game Bumblebee Valley
came forward, accusing
him of being a pedophile.
I'd like a ruling, Your Honor.
I have objections outstanding.
I really don't think you
do want a ruling, Mr. Stick.
Anything else?
This is a second restraining
order after my mother died
falling from a 14th-floor window,
and Mr. Townsend moved
in next door to me.
Your Honor, this is madness!
This woman is obviously
unhinged and hysterical!
She doesn't seem like the
unhinged one to me, Mr. Stick.
Anything more?
If I have been unduly emotional,
it is only because of the torment
I've endured hearing
my mother's legacy torn
to shreds this week.
My mother Sheryl
[CRYING]: I'm sorry.
She was a kind, loving,
giving mother and grandmother.
Everything she did was for
the well-being of myself
and my four daughters.
Anything else?
CORMIER: I do have one more witness
who's being transported
from county lockup
and will be ready to
testify tomorrow, Your Honor.
Oh, no.
- Hmm?
- They got Leslie to flip.
Oh, Lewis, you didn't have to.
Oh, no, no, no, no. This is not okay.
Mom, we're just trying to help.
Lynn, you're supposed
to be the smart one.
I thought I was supposed
to be the smart one.
Lex, not a good time
to be funny right now.
Mom, you always said we could lie
- if we were desperate.
- KRISTEN: What?!
No. When did I say that?
No, she said we could
always lie to corporations.
KRISTEN: Excuse me.
- Who is "she"?
- LAURA: Sorry.
Mom always said we could
lie to corporations.
No, I did not say that.
Mom, we're trying to help
make money for the family.
All right, here is something I did say
and will continue to say.
We don't ask for charity.
We rely on ourselves.
We make money through our talents,
through what we can
You're still gonna sell your
feet, right? On OnlyFans?
Are we still in trouble?
KRISTEN: I wanted to thank
you for standing up to Leland.
I know that wasn't easy.
- Just told the truth.
- Well,
telling the truth is harder
than anything these days.
I need to ask you a favor.
I've been working on this assessment
that made me realize
how much I miss having my own practice.
And I want to start one right here
in my garage.
- Ah.
Yeah. I mean, I'm-I'm gonna,
you know, fix this all up.
But what I need from you are referrals.
I thought you were
working with the Church.
Yeah, I was, until they laid me off.
Oh, my God, I'm sorry.
I-I think you really liked that job.
I want referrals.
Okay, um, they're sending
me on a promotional tour
for my book, hitting all the comic cons.
- So I'm I am closing my practice.
- Well, that's great.
So then you can send
your patients to me.
- Okay.
- Okay.
Hey, after this tour, who knows?
- Maybe I'll be calling you for an appointment.
David. How'd it go last night
with Paul and his wife?
Not well.
Paul's in a coma.
He swallowed 20 sleeping pills.
Oh, my God.
Yeah, they're pumping his stomach now.
I'm gonna recommend an exorcism.
I'll call you back.
Um, it would be helpful if you and Ben
were there for the exorcism.
Yeah, sure. Whatever you need.
Thank you, Your Excellency
and Archdiocesan Fathers,
for hearing my appeal on behalf
of our very successful assessor program.
As you can see from our proposal,
uh, air rights in our
neighborhood are estimated
at about $210 per square foot.
CongoRun, a delivery conglomerate,
has expressed interest in
purchasing these air rights
to build a 20-floor addition
to their headquarters. If you
Yes, we read your proposal
with much interest, Father.
And we're impressed.
We're so impressed,
we contacted CongoRun,
and we're enthused to hear that
not only are they interested
in buying the air rights
but the church itself for $45 million.
Uh, y-yes, but, uh, we're not
interested in an outright sale.
We are. The archdiocese is.
There are certain financial
pressures on the 296 parishes.
We have to deconsecrate five
churches to make ends meet.
Your parish has been chosen.
Father, we were promised
a certain amount of time
to right these financial difficulties.
Yes, but the archdiocese would like
to expedite the deconsecration process.
Please inform the other
priests and the nun residents,
they'll be receiving their
reassignments in two weeks
and they will be asked to move out.
- Thank you, Father.
- Your Excellency,
this is not fair.
I'm sorry you think so.
Thank you for coming in, Father.

In the name of the Father,
Son and the Holy Spirit.
Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned.
It has been five days
since my last confession.
May God, who has
enlightened every heart,
help you to know your sins
and trust in His mercy.
These are my sins, Father.
I have been [CRIES]
I have been self-righteous.
I tried to stay strong and unchanged.
But I fear that my piety
may have turned someone
I cared for long ago away from God.
And the absence of God's
presence in this man's life
led him to take his own.
I am the reason he is in hell.
Scripture teaches us
to humble ourselves before the Lord.
You're not in control of
what happens to this man.
Only God decides who's
deserving of mercy.
Do you believe that?
But I have doubts.
And He forgives those doubts.
And He can forgive someone
who takes their life.
For penance, say 12 Hail Marys.
And now the Act of Contrition.
Oh, my God.
I am heartily sorry for
having offended Thee.
And I detest my sins
because of Thy punishment.
But most of all
because they offend Thee.
I, an unworthy priest,
by His power given me,
forgive and absolve
you of all your sins,
in the name of the Father,
the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.
- Amen.
CORMIER: Oh, thank God.
I knew she'd show up.
JETER: This is the one
you're telling me about?
CORMIER: Uh, yes, this is the one.
Thanks for your patience, Your Honor.
JETER: Ah, just in the nick of time.
Count your blessings, Cormier.
- CORMIER: Every day.
- Kristen
JETER: We seem to have one more witness?
CORMIER: Yes, Your Honor.
The prosecution calls Leslie Ackhurst.
Ms. Ackhurst, before we proceed,
I'd love to have a little
chat with you in my chambers.
Is that okay?
I'm sorry, Ms. Ackhurst.
My chamber is being renovated.
Previous judge was a Civil War buff.
It's not really my
thing. Please sit, sit.
Listen, I just want
to gauge whether or not
you're being intimidated in court.
I've just never testified
before, that's all.
You know, it's a funny thing.
I can't change the oil in my car,
I speak no other languages,
I am a total wallflower at parties.
22 years on the bench,
and I am an absolute grand master
at knowing if someone is lying.
Now, is Leland Townsend attempting
to intimidate you in any way?
Not directly.
But I know what he's capable of.
This is the hardest part of my job,
but I have to ask you.
Are you still willing to testify?
I am.

I take it, Mr. Cormier, that
your witness is a no-show.
CORMIER: Your Honor, if
you'll just give me time
to find Ms. Ackhurst
I will, and when you find her,
we will reopen these proceedings,
but until that time I
am dismissing this case.
Your Honor, Ms. Bouchard has
a standing restraining order
against Mr. Townsend.
Oh, I know.
And I will admonish Mr. Townsend
to strictly abide by the
conditions of that order.
Yes, Your Honor.
I promise you, Kristen.
You and your family will never see me.
- JETER: We are adjourned.
How'd you do it?
Everyone has a price on their soul.
It's all coming apart, isn't it?
So, where are they sending you?
I don't know.
What about Sister Andrea?
I don't know that either.
And you don't have a choice?
I'm gonna miss this place.
And Leland's exonerated?
Yeah. Not enough evidence to hold him.
So it all comes crumbling down.
And yet you seem fine.
Just when you have no options,
it helps to make big decisions.
I'm gonna start my own practice.
Dr. Boggs is referring
some of his clients to me.
Dr. Bouchard in the house.
I'm gonna send my fucked-up
science friends to you.
- PAUL JR.: Oh, God.
- MULVEHILL: Thank you, David.
- We've got this.
- MULVEHILL: I command you,
unclean spirit, along
with all your minions
now attacking this servant of God.
- Resurrection
- God, hear my prayer.
Harken to the words of my mouth.
and ascension of God.
After all these years,
I found you.
Kiss me the way you used to.
You are not Paul.
You are a demon.
You need to leave his son now.
Andrea, my precious girl.
I loved you more than anyone in my life.
And that is the way that I love God.
I killed myself for you.
You are the evil that killed him,
and you will not have his boy.
We could have had a
beautiful life together.
But you left me. You betrayed me.
I needed you, and you abandoned me!
Why did you do that?!
Leave this boy!
- Leave him now!
- DAVID: Father.
ANDREA: You are the liar.
I command you, unclean spirit,
- whoever you are
Further on!
Uh, uh, God, whose nature is
ever merciful and forgiving.
Why did he leave me?
I was just a kid.
I needed my dad.
[SOBBING]: Why wasn't I
good enough for him to stay?
Sister, keep back.
Why'd he do it?
I don't know.
I wish I did, Paul.
But what I do know is,
no one wants us to
follow them into death.
And everyone
at that instant of extinction
knows they made a mistake.
Hi, David.
Are you ready to tell
me what's going on?
- With what?
- The Church.
The heaviness you're carrying
it has its own gravitational pull.
We're bankrupt.
The building's being
deconsecrated and sold.
I tried to save it.
You never stood a chance.
I thought if I followed
the path of righteousness,
my life would fall into place, but
it hasn't.
I've never been more lost.
Come here.
Give me your hand.
You see?
He's here.
In this very room.
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