FBI: International (2021) s04e12 Episode Script

Blood Doesn't Become Water


Heard you're running
point on this one, Riley.
Who called it in?
That fisherman found the
victim face down by the water.
Think it's the kid
everybody's looking for?
The medical examiner just ID'd him.
He's getting started on cause of death.
What about the mom and stepdad?
Still on the run.
The reason BPD requested
extra resources.
I put a BOLO out on the missing vehicle
and issued an AMBER alert
for the victim's brother.
The father?
En route.
I'll check in with the detective.

Let go of me! Let me through, damn it!
- Nobody beyond on this point.
- Hey, let him go.
- Let go of me, damn it!
- It's okay. Let him go.
I'm Jason Portillo. I'm Dillon's dad.
Is it him?
Is that my son?
I am so sorry.
My boy. You have to let me see him.
Not like this.
Are you sure it's him?
It's him.


The DOA's mom and stepdad skipped town.
They took his brother Liam with them.
Airline records have
them on a one-way flight
to Istanbul that left two days ago.
I'll issue a Red Notice.
Add the parents' names
to the Most Wanted List
for unlawful flight to avoid
prosecution and filicide.
Has the Fly Team been notified?
Already sent them an EC request.
I'll be in Budapest by
the time they wake up.
Uh, how old was the DOA?

- Agent Quinn?
- Yes.
Dave Zaleski.
I'm a section chief in
the inspection division.
Okay. Nice to meet you.
I'd like to, uh, have a
word before you head out?

So you're off to work with the Fly Team.
That's that's impressive
for an agent your age.
Thank you.
I've been with the
bureau for two years now.
1 1/2 on the evidence recovery team
and 2 months here in Baltimore.
Why did you join the
bureau, Agent Quinn?
Law enforcement's in my DNA.
- Mm.
- My dad was a Lieutenant.
Denver PD.
He was killed in the line of duty.
I was practically raised in a squad car.
Isn't your brother with the ATF?
I understand he's in a bit of a bind.
Maybe that's why you
failed to mention him
along with your dad?
For what it's worth,
he was framed for something he didn't do
by someone on his unit,
someone he trusted.
Sounds like you already know that.
Can I ask you a favor?
Can you just lay it all out there,
or do we have to keep talking in code?
If you happen to encounter
a bad agent in the field,
would you report that
agent to the bureau?
That's exactly why you're
perfect for this job.

The ones who say they would?
They're the easiest to spot.
You are gonna help me
bury Agent Mitchell.

Everyone, this is
Special Agent Riley Quinn.
She's overnight from
the Baltimore Office.
Welcome to Budapest.
I heard you caught a hell of a case.
She did.
All right, murder victim is
Dillon Portillo, age six, American.
A fisherman found his body near a creek.
Mother and stepfather
are persons of interest.
They fled to Istanbul with
Dillon's biological brother,
Liam Portillo, age eight.
He was taken against paternal wishes.
So we're looking at
parental kidnapping too.
Fugitives are Monica Bashar,
Dillon's mother, American,
and Ahmed Bashar, Dillon's
stepfather, Syrian-American.
He has dual citizenship.
Married ten months.
Initial cause of death was
blunt force trauma to the head,
but other injuries on the DOA's body
showed signs of
prolonged physical abuse.
What about Dillon's brother, Liam?
- Any evidence of abuse?
- Not that we're aware of.
Dillon was diagnosed with
ADHD and conduct disorder.
A shrink back in Baltimore
thought this might be a case
of family scapegoat syndrome.
One kid became the target
of the parents' anger and resentment.
Do we know who killed
him Monica or Ahmed?
It's a coin toss.
Dillon was reported missing a week ago
by his biological
father, Jason Portillo.
What's with the mug shot?
He's on parole after doing
three years for grand theft.
During visitations, he noticed
his son's arms were covered in bruises.
Dillon said he fell at the playground,
but you don't get
circumferential bruising
from falling off the swing.
- Why didn't Jason report it?
- He did.
CPS dropped the ball.
His ex-wife used his record
to paint him as unreliable,
but he did get an early
release for good behavior.
Wasn't enough to take
him for his word, though.
Okay, nine out of ten filicides
end in a conviction stateside.
We are not gonna let this
be the one that doesn't
because these scumbags thought that they
could hop across the
pond to avoid prosecution.
Let's haul their asses
back to Baltimore.
Let's go.
I pulled Quinn's file,
and this is her first time
doing high-risk field work.
She was with ERT before this.
You want me to keep an eye on her?
More than that.
It's a rough case, even
for an experienced agent.
So, partner up.
Be a mentor.
Like you were to me.
Not exactly like me.
So a little more honey,
a little less vinegar.
You know what? I'll leave that to you.
Our liaison, Tolga Celik
with Turkish intelligence.
- Agent Mitchell.
- Yeah, this way.
My unit's at your disposal
should you need them.
- Appreciate it.
- Okay.
I understand that the U.S.
and Turkey don't always
see eye to eye, but
the director of security
is willing to set aside differences
given that a child's
well-being is at risk.
We'll try not to step on any toes.
The Bashars' flight landed
9:04 a.m. on Tuesday morning.
Have their accounts been frozen?
Yeah, but not before they
pulled 4K from ATMs in Baltimore.
So Ahmed has a Syrian passport.
He has relatives in Aleppo.
We're thinking Turkey is just a pit stop
because Monica and Liam
didn't have time to get visas.
If they cross the Syrian
border, they're ghosts.
And worse, we lose any
chance of bringing Liam home.
We were able to put
a Red Notice in place.
They won't make it through
official checkpoints.
Well, hopefully, that'll slow them down.
But there are other ways
to cross that border.
Okay, then let's get out there,
start shaking some
trees, see what falls out.
You okay, Quinn?
Been pretty quiet ever
since we left Budapest.
Yeah, I'm fine.
Okay, well, if you need
anybody to talk to you,
just let me know. We've all been there.
- Thanks, Cameron.
- Yeah.

I got something.
Monica and Ahmed left
the passenger pickup area
with Liam at 10:02 a.m.
They flagged down a taxi.
- The driver?
- Never got out of the car.
Zoom in on the plate.
- Read me the number.
- Mm-hmm.
IST is one of the smartest
airports in the world.
Security uses license plate
rec to monitor the vehicles
coming and going up to the second.
I've been to Istanbul airport.
A robot scanned my ticket,
told me my flight was delayed
and how to find the nearest bar.
It's getting weird out there.
Our taxi entered the passenger
pickup area five minutes ago.
I'll notify Vo.

I will never forget Mitchell's advice
the first time I worked a case
involving a tender-aged DOA.
He said cases like this,
they can either make or break an agent.
So don't try and bear the brunt
of it alone because you aren't.
So, Mitchell, what's your take on him?
I heard he's new to the team.
Yeah, we had a rocky start
when he was my training agent,
but he is very solid.
What happened?
I left a classified
document on the printer,
and he left me in a windowless room
doing wire monitoring on the
graveyard shift for a month.
- Oh, brutal.
- Yeah.
But you know, looking back,
I'd probably do the same.
Tough love breeds discipline,
and it's all part of the process.
That's our plate number.
- FBI.
We need to ask you a few questions.
[LAUGHS] Okay.
No, thank you.
Oh, come on!
He smokes in his car.
American cops scaring my customers away.
Why should I talk to you?
What, would you prefer that
we chase off your next clients
and the ones after
that while we sit here
waiting for the Gendarmerie?
Or you can make it easy on both of us.
What do you want?
Two days ago, you picked
up an American couple
with an eight-year-old boy.
We need to know where he took them.
Lady, I take tourists everywhere
every day, all the time.
How am I supposed to remember?
Maybe I take them to railway station.
- I don't know.
Could be another family.
What's up, Smitty?
Now, if we are all done,
I'd like to get back to work.
All right, got it.
Let's go for a ride.

Care to explain why you've
been using a stolen identity?
Perhaps it's because you've been driving
an unlicensed pirate taxi.
Or the fact that you crossed
into Turkey illegally.
We found your son's social media page,
who still lives in Syria.
Your name isn't Emir Aslan.
It's Samir Bashar,
and your cousin, Ahmed Bashar,
is wanted for child abduction
and the murder of his
six-year-old stepson.
Tell me where he is, or
I'll have you deported
for aiding and abetting a fugitive.
For Syrians, blood doesn't become water.

Ahmed lived in Syria
with his extended family.
He moved to the U.S. to start
a towing company in his 20s.
Naturalized when he married Monica.
Why the hell isn't this guy talking?
Samir knows we won't deport him.
Look, Turkey has come under fire
for its treatment of Syrian migrants.
And we can't risk a political nightmare
over a man picking up his
cousin from the airport.
Without proof he knew
Ahmed is a wanted fugitive,
we have to release him.
Okay, what else do we have on this guy?
I brute-forced his iCloud account.
He got an encrypted message on Telegram
two minutes after he picked up
his relatives from the airport.
"Confirming our arrangement.
"Deliver to the parking
lot in ten minutes.
Wire 5K per unit."
It's a drop point.
If Samir entered Turkey illegally,
he would have connections to coyotes
that could smuggle his
family back into Syria.
Yeah, makes sense.
Americans can't just
road trip to Aleppo.
There are different factions
HDS, ISIS. They'd need protection.
The drop point was sent from an
apartment complex in Tarlabasi.
Um, IP address is registered
to a Kerem Dogan, 42, Turkish national.
He's wanted in connection
with a smuggling ring
suspected of transporting
ISIS recruits into Syria.
Sounds like our guy.
Hold on.
Zoom in on that building.
That's Zerdali Tower,
Turkish Mafia territory.
We are not setting
foot in that building.
Hold up, we're not just gonna
let these people slip away.
Look, when I say we, I
mean me and my department.
You wanna go in there?
You're on your own.

We gotta scoop up Dogan now,
find out everything he
knows about Monica and Ahmed.
Look, I can't get you
support from the Gendarmerie.
Criminals who operate
out of the Zerdali Tower
have cops in their pocket.
What happened to your unit?
I thought they were at our disposal.
Six months ago, uh, we got a tip
that narcotics were being
moved through the building.
And when we reached the
seventh floor, we were ambushed.
Four hostile were shooting SMGs.
One of my men bled out before
we could call in a medevac.
Look, sorry about your
guy, but we're gonna need
every police report from Zerdali Tower,
anything the Gendarmerie has on file.
Look, if I were you,
I'd sit on the building
and wait for Dogan to leave.
He's right.
A raid would be too risky.
Are we really gonna sit
and wait for this guy
to walk his poodle?
The mom and stepdad
could be halfway to Syria
right now with Liam.
I hear you.
So here's what we're gonna do.
When we enter the building,
we're gonna fly under the radar.
We're gonna catch this
guy flat-footed, okay?
I, uh I may have a
source that can help you.
His name is Eymen Kaan. He's a fixer.
He grew up in the Zerdali Tower.

I don't make deals with law enforcement,
not after Agent Celik
decided to raid the building.
Just take me to see Kerem Dogan.
It's gonna be the best
deal you ever made.
The Mafia has five men on watch.
They find out I brought an American Fed
inside the building, the
only way we'll be leaving
is in a 50 gallon barrel.
I'm trying to save a little boy.
His parents beat his
six-year-old brother to death.
Now they're trying to
drag him into a war zone.
You can help me bring him home safely.
Dogan, yeah?
I'll get you to the back staircase.
But once you're in, I'm out.
Like we never met.

Camera's up.
But we're blind on your
side of the building.
Eyes are just on the front entrance.
Wes, Zerdali Tower is a black hole.
You're gonna be going
in with limited comms,
no cameras, no backup.
Are you sure you're cool with this?
Nobody gets to murder a
six-year-old and skate.
I'm going in.
We're all set, Amanda.
You get those police
reports from Zerdali Tower?
Sending to you now.
Everything's in Turkish.
One sec.

Modern technology. There we go.
Wes, we are a go.
I'll get their attention.
Once they turn their backs,
you're gonna have about five seconds
to get up to that apartment.
All right. Got it.

Shh, shh, shh.

Kerem Dogan?
You need something?
Yeah, actually I do.
Wes Mitchell, FBI.
You are in the wrong
place, Wes Mitchell.
Am I? 'Cause I'm pretty
sure you're involved
in smuggling two American
fugitives and a kid.
I'm in the right place. Where are they?
Drop the gun, now.
Cops are not welcome here,
especially American cops.
Hey, hey, hey!
Don't move.
- Amanda, any word from Wes?
- Nothing yet.
All right, you got two options.
One, you tell me where they are.
And what's the second option?
The second option is,
my team comes in here,
and they arrest you for smuggling
ISIS recruits into Syria.
What do you wanna do?
These Americans you're looking for,
I'll tell you which
apartment they were moved to.
No. You're gonna show me.
Then arrest me for smuggling
ISIS recruits into Syria.
Because the life expectancy
for a rat in this
building is 30 seconds.
Okay, then tell me.
Seventh floor, apartment 705.
Great. How do I get up there?
- Stairwell.
- No.
Did that once today. Too many residents.
There's another one the Mafia uses
to run drugs to the top floor.
Residents don't use it, but
[CHUCKLES] Well, residents don't use it.
There's no telling who you run into.
Cam, are you there?
Yes, we're here. Are you good?
Okay, Dogan says that
Liam and his parents
were moved to an apartment
on the seventh floor.
I barely made it to the second.
I don't know how I'm
gonna get to the seventh.
And make it out with
Liam and his parents.
Okay, best tactical move is to
land a helicopter on the roof.
Do a hot extraction through the window.
That is a lot of risk if we
don't have any verification.
First things first, we
gotta get you out of there
before somebody comes
knocking on Dogan's door.
Wes, hold your position.
I'll loop in General Finley
with the DOD about a chopper.
No, we don't have time for a chopper.
I just checked the hallway.
There's guys patrolling.
I need backup.
Amanda, do we have a
layout of the building?
I couldn't track down schematics.
It's been standing for decades.
Hey, I'm not trying to
play Russian Roulette here,
so let's come up with a plan B.
What about tactical deception?
During World War II, the
U.S. had a special unit
called the Ghost Army.
They duped German forces
by diverting attention
away from troop movements
by using inflatable tanks,
sound effects, phony
radio transmissions.
They pull a gun, we pull a fake gun.
Hold on, I read the police
reports from the building.
One of them said that the
Mafia monitored the police comms
and that 200 pounds
of heroin disappeared
before the doors were kicked in.
If they think that one
of their stash houses
has been hit, then they would
move manpower to retaliate.
That can give us a window
to breach the seventh floor.
Okay, have Celik put out a fake call.
Just get that other stairwell cleared.

Looks like the Mafia took the bait.
Five hostiles just left
the building in a truck.
We're green.

Remember, slice the
pie, cover your sector.

Wes, you're clear.
Meet us in the east stairwell.
For whoever finds you.
Don't ever say I didn't
do anything for you.

Okay, let's go.
- FBI!
- Gun!
On the floor.
Hey, buddy. Hey.
Agent Wes Mitchell, FBI.
You're gonna be okay, Liam.
Where's your mom and stepdad?
They're gone.
Look, I know you're scared right now,
but you gotta come with me.
I have to stay here.
I-I think she's
she's coming back for me.
They've called our bluff.
Hostiles are circling back.
You've got two minutes before
that stairwell is a no go.
Get out of there now.
Copy. Stand by.
I promise you, I'm here to help.
But you gotta trust me. Can you do that?
If I leave, she'll be mad.
No, she's not gonna be mad at you.
Your mom, she's just lost right now.
I gotta get you someplace safe.

That's your mom's name, right?
Let's go find her together.
Come on, let's go.
Wes, there is no chance
we're making it down
that stairwell in time.
You know what?
We don't have to go
sneaking around anymore.
We have Liam.
We're gonna walk right
out the front door.
Hey, fellas.
You guys have any information
as to why this American citizen
was unlawfully detained
in your building?
Guess not.

Hey, Liam.
You hungry, dude? I got you a sandwich.
Um, Liam, we really need your help.
Can you tell us where your parents went?
My mom said I
I shouldn't talk to the police.
Well, it's a good thing
we're not the police.
We're the FBI.
It's our job to protect people.
She made me promise.
His mom probably coached him.
Children of narcissistic
parents always have trust issues.
You think that's what this is?
I grew up just like Liam.
Walking on eggshells, never knowing
who you can rely on,
who's looking out for you.
That must have been really hard.
We gotta make him feel safe.
Maybe his dad can help.
Good. Yeah, call him.
- Hello?
- Jason, it's Riley.
I have good news. We found Liam.
Oh! Thank God.
Is is he okay?
He's a little shaken up, but he's good.
Monica and Ahmed are
still missing, though.
I need your help convincing
him to tell us where they are.
Of course. Whatever you need.
Hey, Liam.
I have somebody on the phone for you.
Hey, bud.
I'm so glad you're okay.
I really wanna be with
you. When am I gonna see you?
As soon as I can. I promise.
But for now, I need you to do
whatever Agent Quinn asks, okay?
She's trying to help
us be together again.
Can you do that for me?
Yeah, yeah, I can do that.
You're being so brave, bud.
I love you.
I'll see you when you get home, okay?
Love you too.
- Bye!
- Bye, buddy.

Do you think you can tell
us where your mom went?
If I tell you, promise
you won't tell her I said?
You have our word.
Um, we were waiting for this
truck to come pick us up.
And while we were waiting,
this scary guy with a gun
came in and started yelling at Ahmed.
I I couldn't understand him.
What happened after that?
my mom took me to the
room, told me to stay there.
She said they'd be back
and they needed more money.
Did they say where they were going?
No, but Ahmed kept
talking about a cemetery.
Liam, how long did they
leave you in that apartment
before we found you?
Was it a little while,
or was it a long while?
it was two hours and 38 minutes.
There was a clock on the wall.
Dude, your dad's gonna be so
proud of you for helping us.
Can you call him back?
I forgot to say hi
to my brother, Dillon.
Uh, yeah. Yeah, we can do that.
But you know what?
It was so hard to get ahold of him
because of the time difference.
You know, it's nighttime there.
So, um, you just hang tight,
and, uh, we're gonna
focus on finding your mom.

What should we do?
Let's hold off telling
Liam about his brother.
File a request ASAP
to get Jason out here.
That kid needs his dad.
I'll call HQ and see what they can do.
Yeah, good.
If you get any pushback,
just let me know.
I'll weigh in.
So you wanna be an FBI agent, huh?
I think Ahmed must have gotten
into an argument with
one of the handlers
after their assets were frozen.
Yeah, adds up.
There was a failed
wire transfer for 15K.
Why go to a cemetery for cash?
When I ran the taxi's plate number,
it was registered under a front company
to avoid regulations
an auto wrecking yard owned
by Ahmed and Samir's uncle.
The company's name is Motor Mezarlik,
which translates to
motor cemetery in English.
It's only a 20 minute walk
from the Zerdali Tower.

- Clear.
- Clear.
Everybody split up.
They could be anywhere.
FBI! Open up!
What the hell happened?
Office is clear, but
there is blood on the desk.
Monica and Ahmed may
still be in the premises.
Copy that.
We're sweeping the west
side of the yard now.
I've got the exit.
We've got the tower.
Okay, everybody stay alert.

Tower is clear.
FBI. Show me your hands, now.
Show me your hands.
Step out nice and slow.
Walk towards me. Walk towards me.
It's over, Monica.
Where's your husband?
It's too late.
He's in Syria.
Dillon was having one of his tantrums,
but he was so out of control,
he fell down the stairs.
I heard Ahmed screaming,
and that's when I found him lying there.
Will you cut the crap, Monica?
Your son didn't fall down the stairs.
When we talked to the medical examiner,
he said he thought the kid
would have played for the NFL
judging by the CT scan.
Why don't you protect your son right now
the way you didn't when he was alive?
I didn't kill my son.
Ahmed did.
He did it. He
he lost control.
Yeah? Did he lose control with you?
Did he bust your lip up?
Ahmed hired some guys
to get us to Syria,
but the payment fell through.
Is that why you came here?
We needed money from his
uncle, but the shop was closed.
Ahmed got mad.
He said we'd have to
make a break for Syria
and leave Liam behind.
I couldn't. [SOBS]
Please, they're holding
him in some building.
They said if we didn't come
back with the money, they'd
You have to save him.
We have your son.
And if you ever wanna see him again,
you're gonna tell me right now
exactly how Ahmed's getting to Syria.
He took one of his uncle's cars.
Half hour ago.
Where are we at with
this stolen vehicle?
Finally got ahold of Ahmed's uncle.
He restores cars.
He'll flip the classics,
but the beaters
he'll rent those out as taxis.
When we went through his fleet,
we realized that the only
vehicle currently running
is a brown Lada 1200.
We've been monitoring the traffic cams
along main routes to Syria.
Spotted the vehicle on Highway D825,
just west of Yayladagi, Turkey.
Okay, when was this?
53 minutes ago.
He's headed for the
Kassab border crossing.
They have a voluntary return
program for Syrian refugees.
If Ahmed crossed through
that town an hour ago,
he's already in Syria.
All right, here's the unofficial
border crossing where
Ahmed crossed into Syria.
We can't just let him go.
I was at the crime scene. I
saw what he did to that boy.
We don't have much of a choice.
The U.S. military
doesn't operate in Aleppo.
Okay, he's driving a Lada 1200.
I bet Ahmed is still at least
two hours from any no go zones.
We could track them with
a reconnaissance drone.
That is gonna be a serious op.
We are talking Delta Force extraction,
and that could take hours to plan.
Well, the helicopter for
the building extraction
finally showed up,
for what that's worth.
If we're gonna go through with this,
we'll need multiple clearances.
The State Department, Turkey, the DoD
How far are we willing
to go to get this guy?


Ahmed's five kilometers
from the danger zone.
30 seconds to target intercept.

FBI! Let me see your hands!
Step out of the vehicle.
Keep your hands where I can see them.
Move to your left.
Vehicle approaching.
Road will be clear for
the next three minutes.
Let's go, let's go. Move!

Amanda, target in custody.
Agent Mitchell,
Ahmed and Monica are being held
at a local detention facility
until further notice.
So where do we go from here?
Armed escort back to the
U.S. where they'll face charges.
Yeah, well, I'll coordinate
with Ms. Garretson.
Your intel made the investigation.
Couldn't have done it without you.
Thank you.
Liam's dad just got in.
He's waiting to see him in the lobby.
Where are we going?
Someone's here to take you home.
I missed you so much, Dad.
Oh, buddy.
- I love you so much.
- I love you too.

It's okay to feel it.
You can still be a
human being on this job.

Thank you.
Look at you. Look at you.
Where's Dillon?
Sit down, son.
We need to talk about your brother.
You did a hell of a job
on your first heater case.
And I have seen the bright
lights get to a lot of agents.
They start to fall apart.
But you didn't.
Thanks, Cam. That means a lot.
Hey, it's been hectic.
Sorry I haven't checked in.
Find anything?
What about Syria?
Above board, tip to tail.
Do I need to remind you
of what's at stake here?
You either do your job
and you find me something
I can use against Agent Mitchell,
or your brother's phoning
in to Christmas dinner.
Mitchell's a damn good agent.
Maybe one of the best.
Oh, really?
Based on your two years at the agency?
Just do what I asked you to do, Riley.
I'm trying.
But the fugitives are being
turned over to a marshal,
and I'm headed back home
stateside tomorrow morning.
Mm-mm. I made some calls.
You've got another at-bat.
Now, eyes on the ball.
I want you to dig into
Mitchell's recent cases.
Paris, Ukraine, England
he must have slipped up somewhere.
What exactly is the reason
you're going after him?
Not your concern.
Quinn? You got a sec?
Of course.
So I just got off the horn with HQ,
and they're singing your praises.
They asked if I would take you
on as a temporary duty agent.
Any interest?
It'd be an honor.
All right.
Look forward to working
with you some more.

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