Mission Impossible (1966) s04e12 Episode Script

Time Bomb

Good morning, Mr.
Twelve years ago, this man, Anton Malek, was planted in the Federated People's Republic to infiltrate their atomic research programme.
Now suffering from an incurable disease, Malek is acting independently against his country's orders.
At 4:00, the day after tomorrow, Malek is going to turn a nuclear reactor into an atomic bomb which will wipe out the capital and bring on an atomic war.
Any attempt to expose Malek will only result in his setting off the blast ahead of schedule.
Your mission, Jim, should you decide to accept it, is to stop Malek.
As always, should you or any of your IM Force be caught or killed, the secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions.
This tape will self-destruct in five seconds.
Good luck, Jim.
This is a rough sketch of the real stained-glass window and this is the artist, Ivador Bolkonsky.
This is exactly what Malek's detonation mechanism looks like.
Now, once it's activated and placed in a nuclear pile, Malek will then set his anti-tampering device.
What is that? Wai Lee, anyone trying to remove the detonator or tamper with it automatically triggers a runaway action in the reactor and a nuclear explosion.
You see, only when you take these pins out in a certain order can you then remove the detonator.
And only Malek knows that order.
How about the drug, Barney? Jim, our injection will have two effects on Malek.
One is he will appear to be dying.
The second is he will black out.
After that, the effects wear off.
Were you able to get a timing on the jet, Willy? Yes, Jim.
We'll hear the sonic boom within Good.
Now, Malek is on a suicide mission.
However, I think he'll have a very strong instinctive urge for self-preservation.
If he doesn't, his nuclear explosion will wipe out the entire capital.
All right, go to the left.
Jim, they're coming.
What is the meaning of this? This is Special Convoy Number 43.
We have clearance through all roadblocks.
There has been considerable terrorist activity in this area.
Your papers, captain.
Take it away.
Good, Paris.
- Colonel Malek.
- Good morning, General Brenner.
What are you doing here? Where are all the technicians? I dismissed them.
I wanted to be in here alone.
I do not understand.
It is not easy to explain.
This room has been my life for the last two years.
I wanted to be alone with my thoughts and to say goodbye.
- I hope you understand.
- I do.
Is there no hope? I thought the Austrian scientist was close to a cure.
Medicine advances slowly, cautiously.
Unfortunately, my condition does not.
Once again, thank you for keeping silent about my condition.
It was very selfish of me.
I did not want you taken off the project.
And I would have been deprived of your valuable contribution.
General Brenner.
General Brenner.
Brenner here.
Special Convoy Number 43 is at the main entrance, general.
They're late.
If it were not for the premier's desire that we all work in a culturally satisfying environment, I would not care if they never arrived.
Works of art are for a museum, not for a nuclear reactor complex.
I understand no one has seen her face.
Premier is very protective of his latest acquisition.
Well, the mystery will soon be unveiled.
Now tell me, gentlemen, what do you think? I see a woman with three heads.
- A woman with three heads? - That's what I said.
I have no time for a discussion of abstract art.
- It is not abstract art, it is cubist.
- Whatever.
I have neither the time nor the inclination to continue this ridiculous discussion.
I would not judge General Brenner too harshly, Mr.
He is not artistically inclined.
Yes, I know the general's type very well.
He is the kind of man who would refer to a concert violinist as a fiddler.
Now I have work to do, colonel.
I may need some help with the installation.
- Lieutenant Reigler? - Yes, sir? Give Mr.
Bolkonsky any assistance he needs.
No, here.
This goes in that room.
- Are the TV monitors in place? - They'll be installed in a few minutes.
Thank you, lieutenant.
I'll be waiting for your call.
I will check the cooling equipment immediately.
- Lieutenant.
- Yes.
I must speak to you.
I'm sorry, but whatever it is will have to wait.
- Lieutenant.
- Yes.
If you don't listen to me, it will be too late.
Very well.
What is it? - Can't you hear it? - Hear? The jet, it's coming this way.
Don't you understand? The glass will shatter.
Now, do something.
Do something.
- Yes, major? - I am Major Hauser.
I'm here to see Deputy Premier Voss.
Please be seated.
- The glass was not defective.
- Then why did it shatter? I used a rare Italian glass.
It is very fragile.
But we are in a flight path of jet aircraft.
Then the jet aircraft should have been rerouted.
Why could you not have used more resilient glass? That is impossible.
Only this glass has the ability to capture the muted shades necessary to the feeling of the whole piece.
I am not interested in your muted shades and feelings.
How am I going to tell this to the premier? Premier.
He will be extremely disappointed.
He will also be extremely angry.
Bolkonsky, come.
Oh, yes, major.
No, I have not fixed the cooling system yet.
I'm sorry, sir, but you see, in the excitement, I Yes, major.
Deputy premier's office.
- Karl.
- Yes, deputy premier.
There should be an officer arriving there shortly.
A Major Hauser.
He is already here, deputy premier.
Tell him I will be there in about an hour.
He can use the time to read the Kreger case.
Make a copy of the transcript for him.
Yes, deputy premier.
The deputy premier says he will be here in an hour and that you are to read the transcript of the Kreger case.
I will make you a copy.
I understand your feelings, Mr.
Bolkonsky, but is there some way? No, no, I would have to start again practically from the beginning.
I would have to recapture the whole spirit of the work.
- For this, I need the model, Miasmin.
- We will get her.
That is impossible.
The premier never lets her out of his sight.
That is the only way the window can be replaced.
- We will try.
- Very well.
Deputy premier's office.
This is General Brenner.
I wish to speak to the deputy premier.
This is an emergency.
The deputy premier is with the premier in his office.
I could have the call transferred.
This is Deputy Premier Voss.
What is it, general? There has been an accident at the complex.
An accident? What has happened? The stained glass window has been shattered.
What is it, Voss? The stained glass window has been shattered, premier.
Give me the phone.
What happened? A jet plane or a sonic boom.
Apparently, the sound.
Is Ivador Bolkonsky there? Yes, premier.
It is a catastrophe.
My masterpiece has been ruined.
Ruined! Brenner, you are relieved of command.
Oh, premier, that will not replace what has been lost.
Premier, Mr.
Bolkonsky believes that the window can be repaired.
- Is that true, Ivador? - Yes, but I will need Miasmin.
No, I cannot part with her.
I am even more dependent upon her than before.
But only for a few hours, premier.
The doctors say if I I need her.
She says it will be all right to leave me for a few hours.
- She can go.
- Yes, premier.
Brenner, a Colonel Dietrich of the Elite Guard will accompany Miasmin.
He will make the security inspection of the entire complex.
Premier, does this mean that I am still in command of the complex? Yes, unless I receive an unfavourable report on your competency from Colonel Dietrich.
General Brenner.
Colonel Dietrich.
Colonel Malek.
- Colonel, Miasmin.
- General.
- Miasmin, Miasmin.
- Ivador.
- My dear.
- Oh, how terrible.
Yes, yes, it's tragic, but now that you are here, I feel my inspiration returning.
Has the premier informed you of the purpose of my visit to the complex? Yes.
What part of the complex do you want to inspect? Everywhere and everything.
And I would like to begin immediately.
- Colonel.
- Yes? Yes? Nothing.
It is nothing.
This is our medical section.
I would like to see it.
Colonel Dietrich, this is Dr.
Continue your work, doctor.
This drug is sometimes used to help patients who are suffering from incurable illnesses.
Is there anyone here who requires such medication? No, colonel.
I am using it for experimental purposes.
I see.
Not coming, colonel? Colonel Malek has an appointment with me, colonel.
- Nothing wrong, I hope.
- No.
A routine examination before he leaves for his vacation.
Have you started feeling any discomfort? A little, but the injections help.
I have sent your medical history to the doctor you will be seeing in Switzerland.
I have recommended that the injections be continued.
Thank you, doctor.
- When will you be leaving? - My plane takes off at 3:15.
Colonel Malek, your car is ready.
I will be right there.
Can I help you? - Is something wrong? - Yes.
Well, perhaps General Brenner can help you.
I have to catch a plane in a few minutes.
I am afraid the general cannot help me.
Well, exactly what did you want to see me about? Yes, yes, yes? This is very difficult for me, colonel.
Now, what is it? You are not a well man, are you, colonel? - What? - In fact, you are quite ill.
That is why you are going away.
I am perfectly fine and I am going on a vacation.
That is not true.
I have feelings about these things.
- When I first saw you - I'm sure you do.
But I have to get to the airport.
Now, if you'll excuse me.
I can help you.
But I do not need help.
Yes, you do.
I will not tell anyone.
There is nothing to tell.
You have been mistaken.
No, I am not.
I can cure you.
- How? Are you a doctor? - No.
Then what? My methods are very unorthodox.
I heal.
Ever since I was a child, I've had this gift.
Yes, and I'm sure you've had some amazing results.
Now, I must catch a plane.
The premier did not believe either.
Look, I'll be honest with you.
I do not subscribe to the philosophy of faith healing.
I'm sorry.
- What is it? - Nothing.
It will pass.
I think you ought to lie down.
Just get someone to help me to my car.
I have to leave, have to get out of here.
Call Dr.
Wimmel immediately.
Let me help you.
Call him.
Wimmel, please.
What is it, doctor? It is happening sooner than we expected.
What are you doing here, Miasmin? I came to help him.
Doctor, do something.
I must get to that plane.
I'm sorry, colonel, that is impossible.
Now, please, do not exert yourself.
What is wrong with him, doctor? The colonel is Well - General? - He's dying of an incurable disease.
And how long have you known about it? About one year.
And you did not report it.
I asked him not to.
I see.
Colonel, I can explain.
I am sure the premier will be very anxious to hear whatever explanations you have to offer, general.
Miasmin, you will rejoin Mr.
I'm going to remain.
He needs my help.
But you heard him.
He's incurably ill.
You also heard what the premier's doctor said.
Gentlemen, you must swear to keep secret what Miasmin, in her haste, has just divulged.
General Brenner here.
General Brenner, come to the nuclear reactor room at once.
- Why? What's happened? - The walls are cracking.
Apparently, the foundations have weakened.
It's impossible.
I don't believe it.
It is true, general.
I am looking at them.
I'll be there immediately.
General, wait.
I'm coming with you.
Miasmin, I shall be speaking with the premier shortly.
If you do not come with me immediately, I shall have to inform him of your actions.
Can you get me these herbs? - Some of them, yes.
- Good.
Bring them as soon as you can.
Hurry, doctor.
I do not understand.
The foundations were checked only last week.
Then they were not checked thoroughly, or else sabotage.
In either case, you are responsible.
- Who are you calling? - Col.
Lambert, government engineers.
Colonel Lambert, please.
This is Colonel Dietrich, Elite Guard.
Yes, I have a structural problem.
I want you to send the best man you have available to the nuclear reactor complex.
Yes, this is an emergency.
Who? Mr.
It will take several minutes.
There's hardly any pulse.
His heartbeat is getting stronger.
I do not believe it.
Thank you, doctor.
Do not thank me.
Thank those herbs and Miasmin.
She is responsible for your being alive.
Thank you.
What time is it? Almost 3:00.
I advise you leave the building at once.
- What? - There is a possibility the foundations have weakened.
I can't leave.
My window, my work.
At once, Mr.
Miasmin, I have spoken with the premier.
I've informed him that there are certain structural defects in the building.
It is very dangerous for you to remain.
You must leave.
I cannot leave him.
He will die.
Only I know what rare herbs he requires and how to prepare them.
No! You must let her help me.
He has passed out.
I cannot leave without him.
Have my driver bring the car.
Shambi will require blueprints and specifications of the entire complex, general.
I suggest you get them, quickly.
Well, Mr.
Shambi? I cannot be certain, colonel, but judging by the size of these fissures, one of the main foundations of the building has loosened or weakened somehow.
In any event, the building is unsafe and will have to be evacuated.
I will evacuate the civilian technicians, the military personnel.
The guards will stay.
He'll be coming around in a few minutes.
- You better get ready.
- Okay.
The building has been evacuated.
Shambi is in the nuclear reactor room.
He does not wish to be disturbed while he completes his examination.
Jim? Here, Barney.
Malek is just coming around.
What has happened? All military personnel have been asked to clear the building.
What has happened? All military personnel have been asked to clear the building.
You are wanted in corridor C, doctor.
- Has the plasma arrived? - No, doctor.
Doctor, is she alive? Yes, yes, she was just knocked unconscious.
- She'll be all right.
- What has happened? I haven't got the time, colonel.
You must leave the building.
What has happened? Shortly after you passed out, the building started to collapse.
How do you feel now? - I'm weak.
- Yes.
Once I prepare the herbs, you will be all right.
That will not be necessary.
What do you mean? The time has run out for me.
No, it has not.
I cannot postpone death any longer.
But you do not have to die.
Not now.
Yes, I do.
There is no other way.
- I do not understand you.
- You will.
Colonel, please.
You must continue to keep your will to live.
I have ordered the herbs.
They will be here in just a short time.
- What is it? - Nothing.
Where are you going? There is something I must do.
Where is Colonel Dietrich and General Brenner? They have both been taken to the hospital.
He's going to the reactor room, Barney.
Dead centre.
One o'clock, Barney.
Nine o'clock.
Three o'clock.
Seven o'clock.
- Jim? - Barney, is there anything different about the face on Malek's clock? Yes, Jim, it's got a scratch on it.
He's pulling the pin at 11 o'clock.
Right, Jim.
Wait a minute, Barney.
I think he knows.
I think he deliberately pulled the wrong one.
I can't be sure, but I think it's the one at 5 o'clock.
Whatever you say, Jim.
Understand this, Barney, I can't be sure.
I could be wrong.
I understand, Jim.
- If I am wrong - Jim, we don't have time.
If that's what you believe, that's what it is.
You weren't wrong, Jim.
- The building is safe, Mr.
Shambi? - Yes, it is, general.
The defective beam is in the basement.
I will send a company of engineers to repair it.
Right now, I must make a personal report to the premier.
I will accompany you, Mr.

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