Rescue Me s04e12 Episode Script


Previously on rescue me Hey,guys.
- Hey,what do you say,pal? - Have a drink with us.
- ***** - No,no,I'm all right.
Try this.
No,I'm fine.
What's with these guys? They showed up for the shift like that.
I think the party's been going on for like 3 days.
Cunningham,hey,how are you feeling,pal? Feeling all right? Ah,yeah.
Is nat all right? She has a new boyfriend.
Next time they have a date,I can show you where.
Here she comes.
This is the guy? Oh,my god,you gotta be shittin' me! This is a joke.
How about I walk over there and pound ashton kutcher's face in? Your new girlfriend came here looking for you,feinberg's daughter.
I'm not doing it.
It's the right thing to do for your relationship with feinberg.
I mean,you take her out,you give her a little kiss,give her a little feel, ma herkeyou know,think that you're interested.
You know,I'm on medication right now.
I'm what you call bi - polar.
Listen,that card,you can charge as much as you want, but I want you to use it for what you need.
Birth control would be on the need list,ok? Not stuff that you want,stuff that you want, you know,would be pretty much anything your boyfriend says he needs.
One night in the not too distant future, my cousin mike and I are going to take you out drinking.
And if we notice that you like to drink and get drunk and drink to excess, and if you pass the shea cousins' driing exam, then you will be called an alcoholic.
You're on.
Hey,so excess is like how many long island ice teas,exactly? Come on,shake it off.
When I first started playing with tommy,he used to make me feel like that.
I learned his,like,weak points,you know? Look at black shawn tkingal to mike.
Me and you,we're a lot alike,you know? Are you saying we're like bros? We're like brothers.
What'd you say to black shawn before? You know I wouldn't say anything bad,tommy.
I jumped off a roof for you,asshole.
Here,tough guy.
Crew wanted to welcome you aboard.
Top shelf.
Well,next to top shelf.
We're between paychecks.
Holy shit! Thanks,man.
That's one of the nicest things anyone ever gave me.
It's booze,the gift that gives back.
What are you doing here? Uh,just filling out some paperwork and stuff.
What's the bottle? From the guys.
Those guys,uh they like to drink while they work,huh? Yeah.
They're old school,you know? Right.
No,they're good,they have a kind of a rep,though.
You know,you just gotta keep your eye on that,you know? It's funny coming from you,t you,tom.
I'm not trying to be funny,mike.
I'm just trying to say,you know I'm not your probie anore,tom.
Know you're not a probie anymore,mike, I'm just trying to give you a little friendly advice.
Well - Hey.
- Hey.
What's going on? Hey.
- How you doin'? - Good.
I was just in the neighborhood,I ran into mike the probie.
He said you were still here.
Just filling out some paperwork.
I thought you might want a ride home.
No,I can't,I gotta get this- - me and paperwork,you know? The probie smells like cheap whiskey.
I know.
By the way,you can't call him a probie anymore.
He's not,he's graduated,so - How about you? - What? - You're not drinkin'? - No,I'm not drinking.
That's that crew,you know,they're tryin'- - old school.
Yeah,well,you've been there,done that,huh? Yeah.
So,what do you say? Do you want to make a regular meeting? No family except me? I gotta be hon- - I really don't think I'm ready for normal alcoholics yet,you know? I mean,no finger pointing,no screamin',no yellin',no fist fights.
- I mean,I'd just be bored shitless.
- All rightAll righty.
- I gotta finish this stuff.
- No,I hear you.
- Uh,I aed.
- Right.
Well,see ya.
Hey,let me,uh can I ask you something? Yeah.
I was watching one of these,you know,religious channels,just flipping through things.
Oh,yeah? So I see this preacher,and he's talking about,telling us when he saw the light, and then he starts taking like a q and a thing with,like,the audience,the flock.
And these people,6 or 7 people got up and told their story about how they saw the light.
Anyways,eventually,they were all singing that "I saw the Iht" igng Yes,spielberg,you know,ripped off god with the bright light thing.
Oh,you know,what's your point? You know what,my point is that you're just so goddamned blind sometimes.
- To what? - To what? God's been giving you signs for the past 6 years, and you've been too drunk or too angry or too crazy to have seen it.
I'm not drunk anymore.
No,seriously,open up your eyes,moron.
>>Y ey m are open.
But I've been sober for- - - Oh,you think so,huh? - Yeah.
You walked out of the towers alive,ok? That would be number one.
And not to mention,not to mention that you've been having conversations with our dead cousin for the past,what,coming on 6 years? If that's not a sign, tom, I don't know what the hell is.
OK You don't think that- - seriously,I haven't gone down on my knees and asked for one more conversation with jimmy? You don't think so? You don't think sheila's done that? Jimmy came to see me again and told me he's not comg to see me anymore.
- Oh,he's not? - No,I got a new guy now.
Oh,well,then maybe that's a sign.
Yeah,I got a new guy.
The reason that I know he's kind of really showing up to me,he,uh you want to talk about signs? He came to talk to me about the hail mary.
How about that? You know,that's like I have a big problem with that.
What? Oh,god! - Hey,baby.
- Hey.
Mike went out to clean the boat again.
We got the whole afternoon to destroy each other.
We need to have a little chat.
No,we need to chow down and get it on.
What's this? Spinach triangle ravioli, stuffed with creamed fava beans and smothered in a brandy and lobster sauce.
You're a cruel woman,you know that? Come on,you know you want it.
I'm- - I'm- - I'm having some trouble with this,latrina.
You know? I just don't think I have the stomach for it anymore.
Oh,I think you do.
You know what I'm talking about,you know? I'm irish.
It's the whole guilt thing.
I mean,mike,he's my cousin.
He's family.
That's why they call them guilty pleasures.
Whether it's food or good lovin'.
Without the guilt,the pleasure's just not the same.
Come on,just take one little bite.
I can't- - I can'T.
I can'T.
>>Ey,if you can't,you can'T.
Wel what are you doing? Cleaning up this mess.
Well,wait a minute,why are you throwing the triangle ravioli with creamed fava beans and smothered in a lobster and brandy sauce away? - Don't do that! - Don't do what? Please don't throw it away.
I don't throw it away,what you gonna do for me? Mm - hmm.
proudly presents On another day,c'mon,c'mon,with these ropes I tied, can we do no wrong? Now we grieve,'cause now is gone, things were good when we were young, with my teeth locked down,I can see the blood, Season04E pisode 12 of a thousand men who have come and gone, now we grieve,'cause now is gone, things were good when we were young,is it safe to say? C'mon,c'mon,was it right to leave? C'mon,c'mon,will I ever learn? C'mon,c'mon,c'mon,c'mon,c'mon,c'mon Guys,I think we've got some whack job surfing the rig.
What? I saw someone on the back of the rig.
Come on,lar,you're losing it.
There's nothin' back there but exhaust fumes.
Hey,chuck,are we carrying any unwanted passengers back there? - 4,lar,we're catchin' up.
Asshole! I thought I saw someone,lar,I can't be sure.
Uh,chief,do us a favor and drop back.
I thought I saw somebody on the back of the rig.
Goddamn thrill seekers.
Mike,slow down so we can check it out.
You're clean,larry.
You sure,chief? I,uh could have swore I saw somebody.
I sd you're clean,larry.
Either you're out of your mind or you shook him on the last corner.
Hey,chief,where's the fire? Hey,sorry to disappoint you boys.
Looks like you're going home clean.
False alarm.
******* C******** Looks like somebody better ease off the fire water,huh? Hey.
Uh,paulie told me u weyo out here waiting,so I know you know I'm seeing somebody.
I caught you spying the other day.
You and richie aren't exactly the a - team.
Now that you've softened me up with some humor, do you want to cut to the chase? I have to go away,just for a week or so.
I've got some interviews lined up in chicago.
Have a safe flight.
Franco Can you lo richie for me? Why don't you have your little hipster boyfriend do it? Richie loves you.
I know he doesn't feel comfortable with anybody else.
Yeah,well,then he can stay at the center.
Well,I would,but he's been talkinabout wanting to marry that bbara girl, the one in the wheelchair.
I'm worried they're gonna run off together.
You know,seeing as howhe can't walk,they probably won' get too far.
Look,I don't want him to make any mistakes.
What,like we almost made? You know,you got a lot of goddamn nerve coming here asking me for a favor,natalie.
Well,fine,then don't do it for me,do it for richie.
You care about him,right? You want what's best for him? So these interviews,I mean,what,you gonna be movin'? I'm exploring my options.
There's some good things in chicago.
But there's some good things here in new york.
Like you.
Oh,here comes the butter.
It's not butter.
Look,I wanted to get married.
I thought we would spend the rest of our lives together.
But now I can't tell you what I nt awamore.
So I'm gonna go to chicago,I'm gonna take some time and I'm gonna figure that out.
But for that to happen,I need you to look after richie.
- When are you leaving? - Tomorrow.
Yeah,all right.
I'll pick him up from the center after my shift.
Happy? I still think about you.
Me and you.
Our thing.
So,I'm not even going to try to talk this time.
We'll just- - I brought fresca with me,so it's like,I don't know, what,5 minutes,tops? Oh! Ok,3 minutes.
We'll go 3 minutes.
Who is she? She? The girl that you had dinner with in soho the other night.
My friend alice is a waitress there,and just so you know, I have eyes and ears all over the city.
You can't get away with anything- And I know that you were kissing her, and I know that you felt her up.
Feeling her up? Who said that I was feeling her up? That hurt! I was not- - ok,let me explain.
Let me explain.
Ok,it's gonna sound strange,but it's true.
My new my new chief at the firehouse,he's jewish- - what was that?! I'm a jew.
Ok,well,I didn't know that.
Listen to me.
- What? - What? Why am I even explaining myself? It's not like this is,like,a relationship.
Like,you know,we've- - Oh,this isn't a relationship? Hmm.
No,it's a booty call.
And you're complaining about this? Yeah,I know,I know it sounds weird,but- - You know,most guys would think that is the perfect relationship.
Do you want a fresca? Yeah.
Is this thomas gavin? Yeah.
I'm calling about your mastercard debit accnt.
Ou there are some charges we need to verify on the card you have in colleen gavin's name.
Yeah? There's a charge for $2,066 to the noise room, and a charge for 5,475 to gerstein jewelers.
Holy shit.
It's a recording studio down in the bowery,ok? Tony wanted to lay down some acoustic stuff, but he didn't have money for session time,so I told him he could use the card.
He's gonna pay me back,though.
He's gonna back me back is what you mean,right? Whatever.
What about this jewelry store charge? What jewelry store charge? Never mind.
Did he buy me a ring? I'll tell you what,if he bought you a ring,I'm buying a gun,ok? Dad I'll call you back later.
He had all kinds of piercings- - eyebrows,nose,ears,lip.
He looked like all the guys who come into this store.
Really? Oh,he was wearing a fake baby head t - shirt.
That's the guy,that's the guy.
Ok,here it is.
An anlet for 39.
99 and a ring for 5,400 and change.
- Jesus christ! - Did she like the ring? I don't know.
Was it a wedding ring? I don't know.
It doesn't say.
How do you not know? - You know what? - ****** Sir,we sell all kinds of rings- - engagement rings,wedding rings.
Can I help you with anything else, 'cause I have a frappuccino waiting for me.
Oh,really? Well,yeah,you can help me.
Next time a guy comes in with, you know,a fake baby head t shirt and a bunch of rings attached to his nose and his eyebrows and he wants to buy an ankle thing, maybe you should check the name on the credit card before you sell it to him,ok? How about that? - Ok,maybe I will.
- Yeah.
Have a good day.
Yeah,I hope your frappuccino is cold.
It's supposed to be cold! Hey.
Clea Is tony around? >>E's hcording right now.
Excuse me.
He's so talented.
He writes all his own songs.
- Who? - Tony.
You know he can't even read music? Really? Yeah.
But neither could john lennon by the way.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Yeah,where's mark david chapman when you need him? - Hmm? - What? - What'd you say? - Nothin'.
Is,this um- - sorry,is this one of tony's guitars? - That one.
- This one? Thank you.
Hey! Whoa,man! Whoa! Whoa,chillax,man! What are you doing? That guitar cost me a lot of money! Whoa,whoa,come on! You think can take my daughter's credit card, - ok,and throw out $5,000- - - What are you talking about,man?! - - An engagement ring,or a wedding ring,or whatever the hell it is, I'm telling you right now,you are not going to marry my daughter.
You understand? There's no way in hell that- - I'm not going to marry your daughter,what are you talking about? - That's right.
- Wait,wait.
I- - I- - I got her- - I bought the ring for janelle here,'cause look,we met a couple weeks ago, and we just,I don'tkn,it's been bliss,man.
Can you understand? Like- - - Is that the ring? - Yes.
- So you're marrying her? - Yeah.
We're in love.
Look,I was gonna tell colleen,I just didn't get back.
I've been- - Cool.
I'm really happy for you.
That's awesome.
- That's great.
- All right.
All right,guys,well,good luck.
And,uh,hey,I hope you have kids.
That's great.
See you later.
Hope the record comes out good,too.
 Wouldn't yYou know vice principal of this place happens to be a very close friend of mine, and he was nice enough to open his doors to us and allow us to have our family meeting here.
We're gonna have to pass the bastard,you know? Come up with enough money to cover the damages.
No more questions,ok? No more suggestions.
Just keep your hands down.
Listen up.
From now on,everybody goes back regular meetgs.
All of us,ok? All of us,and I include myself, are not allowed to attend meetings together for,I don't know, let's say 3 years.
I just want to say one thing.
You know,if sarcasm is a character flaw, then i might as well go buy a gun,shoot myself in the head right now.
Yeah,well,sarcasm is not just a character flaw.
I told you,it's a trigger that sets off one of my character flaws, which is a tendency towards violence.
So what do you want me to do about it? Stop being sarcastic! Well,stop sucker punching people that say something funny.
My weight probl is funny to you? I have a bad heart.
I can drop dead right now.
So go ahead.
You'd lose 265 pounds in a second.
Stop! Just stop! Yeah? Tom? You know,I it just so happens that sarcasm and violence are both triggers for me, so,you know,what am I supposed to do here,you know? Yeah,thank you.
Just for the record,and because it's a program of honesty, he really weighs 268,actually.
He does? Yeah.
- God,he wears it so well.
- Inow,right? Yeah,daddy.
Daddy needs his medicine.
Let's get this party started,huh,boys? Yeah,this should be a real early evening.
You know,it kinda smells like stale beer in here,doesn't it? That's because it's a bar.
You want to smell candles and hair gel, go down to bungalow 8 with the rest of the posers.
You guys eat something before you jWe did.
We had a couple burgers at the bistro.
It's good to have some food in your belly.
This way,when the puking starts,you got something ,yotoknow,heave up instead of the lining of your stomach.
We'll have more tips as the night goes on, like advanced urinal puking techniques.
I don't mean to burst your bubble,boys,but I don't need any tips,ok? I'm full blown.
Oh,really? Oh,really? Full blown beer queer,maybe.
Who are you calling beer queer,pal? >>Eah,ynd what is that,by the way? Yeah,what the hell is that,by the way? It's one of these guys who talks a good game and then starts drinking,and then he says, "oh,I love you so much," you know.
Then he has another couple of beers, and before you know it,he's like,"oh,I love you,man! "Look,pal,I'm not a beer queer,ok? I mean,if anything,I'm a beer steer,all right? So you better watch yourself, get a couple horns shoved up your ass,right? Steers are the ones with horns,right? I don't know,dude.
You know what I say? I say we stop this idiocy and stop talking and start drinking.
All right.
- Ll right,yeah,that's what I'm talkin' about.
- Down the hatch.
Yeah,shawn - O.
Ready? Set? Yh! EaYeah! Holy christ.
Man,I never thought these words would cross my lips, but I'm definitely getting too old for this shit,B.
What shit is that? This shit,you know? This place,these people.
I mean,what are they trying to prove? Well,that guy over there,he's trying to prove that his joint still gets hard.
It doesn'T.
Oh,and that dude over there, he's trying to prove that people like him for more than his money.
They don'T.
Yeah,well,what about us? You know,what are we trying torove p I ain't tryin' to prove shit.
I'm here 'cause the music is stompin' and the bitches is bumpin'.
All right? If you were just standing here and I was another one of these humps, what would you say I had to prove? Oh,that you don't give 2 shits about natalie and you still get your dick wet.
You're good.
I know this.
- Get me another drink.
- All right,pal.
Listen, listen,listen,I was wrong about you,ok? If I were a steer,and a steer was the one with horns, I would never stick them up your ass.
I would never do that to you.
And as a matter of fact,I know that I just met you,but I just- - I think that you and I should be best friends,ok? What'd I tell you? Beer queer.
He's reached level 2 in record time.
It's not a good sign.
There's no levels.
There's no levels.
I don't even- - whoa.
Level 3,comin' up.
She's a real prize,man.
Go talk to her.
You know,I- - no.
She's really too pretty.
Anybody that claims to have a drinking problem has got to pick up a broad in a bar and bring her home and have drunken,uninhibited,naked bar sex.
She's a total skank,dude.
Hey! Watch how you talk about the ladies.
What's a matter with you,huh? You wouldn't know a lady if she sat on your face.
Dude,this one,she's waiting for this.
Started checking you out when you came in.
All right,I'm goin' in.
I'm goin',I'm goin'.
That a boy,sean.
Don't let her looks intimidate you.
You're the man.
New york,new york,new york,new york new york new york his name was new york he could drink more liquor than's human his name was new york that's where he comes out the door, don't you know new york,new york new york,new york New york new york Name is new york.
He come in there, he can drink more liquor then the two of you name is new york Don't you know new york,new york,new york new york,new york,new york [.
Don't you know new york,new york,new york new york,new york,new york New yo Oh.
new york new york,new york,new york New yo Oh.
new york new york,new york,new york New yo Oh.
Good rning! Good morning.
Hey lady,how you doing? You're so silly! - Yeah,that's me,silly! - Is captain happy awake? Uh,no,actually captain happy is very sleepy.
Oh,no! I think captain happy is awake! No,you know- - oh,my god,look at the time.
I gotta- - you know what,I gotta get to work.
It's so late,I really should- - oh.
Ooh! Make yourself comfortable,and we'll get together.
Oh should I leave my number? Yes.
I'll leave my number.
You ok,man? All right,let's go this way.
Hey,cunningham,take her down.
Hey! Oh! You all right? Yo! Shit.
Hello? Lar,hit that.
Anybody in here? Anybody here? Got it? I got it,I got it,I got it! ***** Holy shit! Ok,get your masks on,fellas,get your masks on.
Shit! Mayday,mayday! This is truck 62 on the fourth floor.
What direction is that window facing? Exposure 2,sean,exposure 2! Exposure 2.
We could sure use a ladder right about now.
What do we got? The doorway's locked.
Hey,boys,step over in there.
Let me clear it,hang on.
Can we get out? Someone's clearing it,someone's clearing it! Hey,if you've got a ladder,this would be a really good time.
What the hell is that? Clear.
Someone's clearing it.
Let's go.
We got it.
No vitamins or pomegranates,but still goes down smooth.
What's wrong? Nothin'.
Did the yanks lose? God damn clemens,he's too goddamned old.
I was saying that 5 years ago.
What? I think I saw is is gonna sound so screwed up.
I saw a guy making a save.
He was carrying this guy down a hallway.
It was all smokey and everything,but I caught the name on the jacket.
Jimmy goddamn keefe.
I'm section 8.
I'm section 8,right? That day I thought I saw someone on the back of the rig? Chuckie said he saw something,too.
Made me swear I wouldn't tell nobody,but,uh he saw the same thing.
Did he see his face? No.
No,it was there,and then it was gone.
Like it was I don't know,like a ghost or something.
A ghost? What kind of bullshit is that? Chuckie's a lush.
He's got wet brain.
Hey,it's probably nothin',ght? Come on,you're in a fire.
The adrenalin's pumping,there's shit happening all around you,it's dark,it's smokey.
Your eyes play tricks on you.
You,uh,want some coffee or somethin'? Shaq,t - mac,lebron,arenas,and A.
On the same team? Man,it's a championship,baby.
- Is tommy gavin around? - Hey,col.
He's somewhere inside.
- Hey,col.
- Hey.
Tommy's hittin' them kind of young,ain't he? Easy,killer.
That's his daughter.
Means "don'T.
"I know what it means.
Daddy I know,I know,I know,I know,I know.
Hon,you're gonna- - you're gonna meet somebody else.
Ow! Wh are you kicking me for? For stickg your nose in my own rsonal goddamned busine! I was trying to helyou,ok? I was ilove with him,dad,ok? I know you were in love,but he's getting married to another chick,ok? He bought her a wedding ring.
He bought her a wedding ring with your- - ow! Jeez,what- - stop it! Ow! He's not here anymore,ok? Now I gotta go find someone else - Listen to me - I don't know what you- - Jesus! - Dad! Colleen! Ow! Colleen! Hey! Colleen! Missy! Young lady,don't- - You know,she kicked me in the shins 3 times.
- Tom,quick suggestion.
- Yeah? If you want to take steps to really,really improve your relationship with your daughter, not to mention with your soon- to- be ex- wife,2 words.
- Yeah? - Shin guards.
- So funny.
- Gavin,my office,now.
Come on.
- What's up? - Get your ass up here.
What's going on? What's- - just tell me here.
You want everybody to know? Know what? I got no problem with these guys.
The night you took my daughter out on a date? - Yeah? - She said you molested her.
What? You guys want to give us some,uh No.
I'm good right here.
My daughter,my only child,huh? And you grope her on this date like she's a piece of street trash.
Grope? Grope.
What- What are you looking over here? I said grope.
You're the one one with grabby hands.
Grabby? What- - who- - this is what she said? No,these are the words that I'm using.
Yo with grabby hands.
No? Try to explain it to me.
What happened? Tell me what happened.
Ok! We went out to a bar,a very nice,classy bar,and I hugged her.
It was a hug! Hey,listen to me,it was a hug.
I don't know what she told you,that's what it was.
And my - my hand accidentally brushed up a of her, and she felt a little weird about it.
Weird? You're saying my daughter is weird? Huh? I didn't say your daughter was weird.
I said she felt weird,she felt strange about it.
Oh,so now she's strange? - Yes.
- Yes.
Because my hand happened to,uh,touch her tit,and that's why- - What?! What? Tit.
- I didn't say ti - You said tit.
Don't look at him.
You said tit.
Ok,that was an accident.
I meant to say breast.
My hand happened- - against her- - she's got beautiful breasts.
Come on- - Chief,calm down! Calm down! I'm gonna run your narrow mickey ass.
I'm telling you,you'll be sick- - Chief,chief,hold up.
First of all,a few things.
The mick thing,I don't take that personal 'cau but you should watch what you say.
And I don't think you should be breaking tommy's balls about this.
You're the one that asked h to take his daughter out.
You puhim in a tough spot.
That's true.
Not to mention itas very unprofessional.
I didn't think he was gonnamanhandle her tits! Wait a minute,it was one tit.
Oh,come on.
Hey,hey,what do you want? All right,you set her up with jack the ripper,you can't cry foul when she comes home without her head.
I'm defending you.
Will you please stay out of this? You don't know what the hell is going on,ok? My badge says "chief" too,ok? So now you're chief,right? If it wasn't for 9 11,you wouldn't be wearing that white shirt at work.
So don't try teaching me about firehouse ethics,.
and stay out of things you know nothing about Back off.
I've been checking up on you.
Oh,yeah? - I know all about you.
- Yeah? I checked with ron perrolli.
Ron perrolli's one of the biggest assholes in the history of this department.
I checked with him.
I figured I would come in here,I would be a nice guy.
- You know,trying to be nice,play nice.
- Nice guy speech.
Yeah? But that's never gonna happen.
From now on,there are rules around here,and we're gonna follow 'em.
Yeah,I hope one of them's not datin' your daughter.
- And- - What? If you touch my daughter again or even see her- - Uh- I'll crucify you.
If I touch your daughter again,again,I'm gonna crucify myself.
Hey,chill! - One more move! - It's over! - Walk away! - Jesus christ.
Do you believe this guy? - Well,look at it this way.
- What? You might have grabby hands,but at least you're not dutch.
What? W thehoell's dutch? Where does that come from? Who e they? My mother w parasdutch.
'Sup,bro? We're not bros,bro.
What's your problem,man? What's your problem? I asked you first.
Well,I asked you second.
Yeah,but I asked you first.
All right,if you want to know so bad,I'll tell you.
You tricked me into telling you all tommy's weaknesses in street hockey, and then you used it against him.
No,I didn't trick you into doing shit.
- Yeah,you did.
- No,no,no,I didn'T.
You offered that information up all on your own.
Listen,man,let's cut the shit.
Real talk.
Deep down,you hate tommy gavin.
- I do? - Yeah.
'Cause he's taught you evythier you know about being a firefighter.
And the fact that he's had to save your sorry ass on more then one occasion.
But deep down,despite the fact that he's an egomaniacal,self-centered son of a bitch, you want to be just like him.
You want to be tommy gavin.
You want to be exactly what you hate.
And that's some sad shit.
- Screw you,probie.
- Hey,hey,hey! What you want to do,huh? You want to do something? Come on,bring it! Bring it on,probie! What you want to do? You nt to do something? - ***** - Let him go,let him go.
Let me tell you,this ain't over,punk.
No,it's not over,probie.
I'm gonna catch you,bitch.
You better watch your ass.
- Yeah,whatever.
- Yeah,that's what's up.
Yeah,go home,probie.
So you want to be like tommy gavin,huh? Engine ladder F.
,Wake up,people.
All right,mikey,brian,check out this last door,and then check out the hallway,ok? You got it,lou.
Uh,cunningham,davey,see if there's a way up to 2 on there, there may be a staircase down there.
Check it out for me,all right? F.
,People! Let's go,folks,anybody here? Here,check that door.
See Let's go! Hey,I got one.
You all right? - Si,si.
- Come with us.
Get you right out of here.
Gotta get out.
Hello? Hello? Hi.
How you dn'? You're a fireman.
Yeah,yeah,uh,yeah,I am.
Um,I'm gonna need you to come with me,o no big thing.
What's going on? It's just a little smokey.
Is there a fire? If you don't mind,ma'am- - Save me.
Ok,all right,here's the thing,ma'am,I just- - we need to walk out.
My name is meg.
What's your name? My name.
My name is bobby.
- Bobby.
- Yes.
- I like you,bobby.
- Ok.
I'm just gonna walk- - Kiss me.
Ok,you know,all right,meg,come here.
Is that good? That's good,yeah.
Ok,hang on now,meg.
Here we go.
Holy shit.
Hang on,meg,hang on.
All right,hang on,sweetheart.
Here we go.
I need to find a door,sweetheart.
Is there a door in this room? Ok,sweetheart.
Let's- - let's go.
Ok,meg,is there a door in this room,swee huh,is there? What? Ok.
Oh,meg,meg,come here.
Come here.
Come on.
- Oh,my god! - Like that? No,oh,my god! What? Shit! Damn it,what did I tell you? Ready? Here we go.
Oh! - Oh,god! Thank you! Thank you! That was so- - oh,shit! Hey! Lady,are you all right? I think so.
I don't know.
Jesus christ.
Come on,come on,come on.
So how'd you get out? Coming through! This really cute fireman saved me.
He was tall and handsome with kind of sandy hair.
And he was kind of sweet.
Cute,tall,handsome,sandy hair sounds like gavin.
She said he was kind of sweet,asshole.
And what are you,queer or something?
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