The Circle (2020) s04e12 Episode Script

Just When You Thought You Were Safe

["Blue Monday" by New Order playing]
Good morning.
Last night's portrait game reached
new levels of shade in The Circle, honey!
Good morning, Circle!
Good morning, Circle.
[Michelle] And Yu Ling's starting the day
like all the best troubled artists.
Good morning, Circle!
Guess who had haunted dreams
about that portrait last night?
This girl.
It seems like people are really trying
to throw some doubt out there,
and have people really question
their connections and relationships,
which is great for my game.
After the chat Frank and I had last night,
I did throw Bru pretty hard to the wolves.
I will do whatever I gotta do.
I still cannot believe that Bru tried
to say negative things about me.
So I really don't know
if Nathan felt like it would be strategic
to show me his cards.
How does it feel  ♪
To treat me like you do? ♪
[Michelle] And while the others
start the day with their morning routines,
Frank has decided
he wants to start his with a chat.
[music stops]
[screen chimes]
Oh! "Frank has invited you to a"
"group chat!"
I'm not sure if I'm gonna tell them
about the situation
where Nathan told me about some things
that Bru has said about me.
I just don't wanna bring
that negative energy to my girls.
So I just want to check in,
see how they're feeling,
and make sure the girls are all good.
Message, "Good morning, sunshines,"
with the sunshine emoji.
"I hope
your morning is starting off amazing."
"How are y'all doing? #MissedYa!"
Message, "Frank!
Exclamation point, exclamation point."
"I'm so glad you reached out today."
"I wanted to hug y'all so bad
after last night," with a heart emoji.
That was a hot mess, honey.
Like, it was actually insane
what they did.
Message, all caps,
"Frank and Rachel, my two besties."
"I'm having homemade dumplings
this morning and chatting with y'all."
"So, obviously, I'm amazing."
"Not gonna lie, though."
"I was in my feelings yesterday
about those portraits."
"Why did they have
to do us like that? LOL."
Exactly. Like, what did we do?
Why y'all being weird to us?
After yesterday, I was starting to get
a little, like, in my head about Yu Ling,
and I think checking in
is really important for all of us.
Message, "I trust you both wholeheartedly
'cause you've been nothing but real
and genuine this whole game."
"Can I ask you both
for your honest opinion,
in parentheses, no sugarcoating,
LOL, about Nathan?"
"I have no idea who drew my portrait,
but I've realized I've been flirting
with him this whole time."
"I have a little voice in my head
that it could be him?"
I kind of agree with her.
I don't want to throw Nathan under the bus
because we do have this alliance.
But I am glad she asked. I'm gonna
[spluttering] I wanna tell her the truth.
Message, "Dude, I'm glad you asked
because his portrait had me reeling.
Crying laughing emoji."
"I had never considered the fact
that he could be a catfish,
but in the very little we've spoken,
I have thought, 'Wow.
This kid is wise beyond his years.'"
Rachel is letting me know
that this guy has shown
that perhaps he is a little bit older
than what his age is stating.
Message, "I was so confused
what yours was trying to depict, Yu Ling."
"It was really gross."
"As far as Nathan is concerned,
we had our first private chat last night."
"He wanted to reach out
because he was feeling a little down
about his portrait depicting him
as a potential catfish." And send.
That's interesting
that he would literally reach out to Frank
for the first time
to talk about what his portrait meant.
That, to me, sounds strategic.
Message, "I had my suspicions
because I thought
he was really smooth for a 22-year-old"
"and super sweet
as a contrast with his frat-boy profile."
Totally with you on that.
Message, "My experience talking to Nathan
has been pleasant,
but I don't know him on a deeper level
like I do y'all." Send.
Rachel and Frank have spoken to this guy,
and yet we all have no information
on who the hell he is as a person.
If he's a old man, and he came to me
just to spread some lies
and fallacies, child,
then he needs to go on back home
because that is just not nice.
Message, "Thank you both
for sharing how you feel with me."
"I love our #InnerTrustCircle
and y'all both so much."
"I keep spiraling about this,
but one thing I don't doubt is
that you two are my #RideOrDies."
"Heart emoji. Stars emoji."
[sighs] That makes me feel really good.
I have had questions about Yu Ling,
but I'm not going to be disloyal to her
'cause she has shown me
nothing but loyalty.
Yes! Not only did I just reinforce
the inner trust circle,
but I got some information about Nathan.
[Michelle] Wow, Yu Ling's breakfast
ain't the only spicy thing this morning.
And speaking of hot stuff,
Bru and his beaky bath buddies
are about to hit up Nathan.
-Do we think Nathan's a catfish?
Watch your mouth.
-What if he is a 45-year-old man?
[screen chimes]
Ah! "Bru has invited you
to a private chat."
I hope that he doesn't know
that I just chopped him up
and fed him to the wolves yesterday.
Message, "Good morning, my guy."
"Yesterday was an interesting day.
The Portrait Mode game got intense quick."
"I thought I'd check in to see
how you're doing. Strong-arm emoji."
Okay. This is good.
He's just checking in with me.
All right. Message, "Morning, my dude."
"I won't lie.
I was kinda bummed about the portrait,
but I'm not gonna let that keep me down.
Strong-arm emoji."
"Crappy feeling
like someone's out to get me."
"You have any idea on who painted that?"
Tricky question!
Guys, who do you think did that?
You're Nathan. You can't
I'm talking to myself.
I trust you the most in here.
You're me. I am you. We are a team.
Who do we think did that?
-[ducks squeak]
"I'd be bummed too
if my portrait was questioning who I was."
"So I get it."
"On the bright side,
at least you weren't painted
as a demon like Yu Ling." [chuckles]
"Laughing crying emoji.
#ThatWasWild. #StuffOfNightmares."
I completely agree.
Message, "OMG. Hers was legit terrifying."
"I've never seen
anything like that before."
"Laughing crying face.
It also was just really mean."
"I don't think
Yu Ling is a fake flirt at all."
"In fact, she's pretty good at flirting.
Side eyes emoji."
"I don't think our relationship
is just for the game."
"It feels pretty real to me." Whoo!
Oh, man. He didn't answer
my last question. So let's try this again.
Let's just see
if we can press him a little more.
Message, "I really have no clue
who made Yu Ling or my portraits."
"I don't know much
about the two new players. Maybe them?"
"How do you feel
about Eversen and Imani?" Send.
Nathan, you're feeling a little strategic
this morning, this fine morning.
You have a good bowl of Wheaties
or something?
I've asked the question twice now.
"Who do you think made the portraits?"
Message, "I was in a group chat last night
with Eversen and Imani,
and I've never felt like
more of a third wheel."
"Them two are in love.
Crying laughing emoji."
"Other than that, I'm not too sure
how they feel about Yu Ling."
"So maybe them?"
It's getting cold in this tub.
So please ga gather for warmth, my ducks.
[Alex] Message, "Interesting
about Eversen and Imani."
"Nothing worse
than feeling like a third wheel."
"I feel like it had to be one of them
that made the portrait
since they know me the least."
Message, "Well, your day-ones know
that you're the #RealDeal. Flexing emoji."
"When I find out who painted that,
I'll handle them. Crying laughing emoji."
"Dude, I feel the same way."
"That's why
I was dying to reach out to you."
"Great talk. It's so good to know
we have each other's backs."
Ooh! Poor Bru. He doesn't know
that I don't have his back. [grunts]
Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay.
Message, "Totally agree.
"I'm about to hit the gym.
So I'll catch you later." Send.
I do feel a little bad lying to Bru,
but it's the name of the game.
I'm here to win $150,000.
I don't want Bru winning it.
I don't want Frank winning it.
I don't want Yu Ling winning it.
I want Nathan winning it.
I got your back. I got yours.
No, I got yours. I got yours.
[ducks squeak]
[chill music playing]
As our players distract themselves,
and before Eversen realizes that
that puzzle is too big
for that table, boy,
The Circle has a very special distraction
of its own.
[alarm blares]
[all] "Alert!"
-Oh! We got an alert!
-Child, it was quiet!
Oh, stop. What's going on?
Ah! Okay.
Hit me with it, Circle.
What do you have in store for us?
"Players, for making it this far
in the game"
"you will each receive
a message from home."
Oh my God.
[atmospheric music playing]
I get to see my babies!
Oh, man. I can't wait.
Oh my God. I'm already emotional
just thinking about this.
If I just see them,
it's just gonna remind me of
why I came here, and why I have to win.
I already know
that I'm about to be inconsolable.
Oh, man. You wanna see a grown man cry?
Sit tight.
[oven dings]
Turn my cookies off.
[Michelle] First up is Eversen
with a message from his mom.
[calm music playing]
[screen beeps]
[shouts] Mama! [laughing]
Hi, Eversen!
-Hey, Ma! [laughs]
-It's Mom, and I miss you so much!
I'm so proud of you, son.
I'm so proud of you.
I can't wait to give you
that big bear hug.
Don't quit on yourself,
don't ever doubt yourself,
and know you are created for this moment.
You can do this, son.
And I can't wait to spend
some of it! [laughs]
I do like my mama spending the money.
-And I love you! I love you so much!
-I love you too, Ma.
-Can't wait to see you again! Real soon!
-I'll see you soon, Ma.
Love you, baby.
Oh my God!
I can't believe it. I can't fail now.
She sacrificed so much for me in my life,
and I wanna be able to
to give back to her, you know?
Just thinking about it makes me cry.
You always wanna make
your mom proud. [sobs]
And I really wanna make her proud.
[laughing, sniffles]
[Michelle] Next to view is Bru
with a message
from his mom, dad and sister.
-[screen beeps]
-[Sister] Hey, Bru!
-[Dad] We miss you!
You may be Bru in The Circle,
but you're always our Josh at home.
Oh, man.
Bru, I think my favorite thing about you
is your personality,
and your, um, ability
to just make people smile
and make people feel welcome around you.
Your accomplishments are overwhelming.
Uh, we knew it from day one,
when you were born
Oh, man.
you'd go pretty far,
so very proud of you, dear.
We have one piece of advice
we wanna give you.
And that's just to be yourself.
[Dad] We know you're bringing home
the money.
You're this close to winning it.
Go get it.
Bru, you gotta bring that money home.
You know I'm going to college.
We gotta pay the bills.
[Dad] You do need a new car.
-[Mom] True.
-Oh no.
-Love you, Bru. Can't wait to see you.
-Love you, Bru. Good luck.
Love you, Bru. Good luck, bud.
My dad's never called me Bru in my life.
It's so funny he said Bru.
He's never once called me that. Man! Oh!
I love those guys so much.
Look at Chewie. His tongue's out and all.
They've always believed in me so much,
and my sister is one of my best friends.
Ah. Miss those guys,
but that's what we need.
We needed that boost.
-[gentle piano music playing]
-[birds chirping]
[Michelle] Next is Rachel
with a message from her parents.
Pull yourself together, woman.
-[screen beeps]
That's my mom and dad.
Oh my goodness. Look at them.
Hey, Rach, it's Mom and Dad.
[chuckles] God. They're so freaking cute.
We are far away,
but we are with you right here.
We know you're doing great.
You know we've always been proud of you,
but this is, like, beyond being proud.
I can't wait to hear about it.
I can't wait to see your face.
We love you so much. We miss you so much.
You're nothing but joy.
-We know you've got what it takes.
And you're coming into the end here.
Give 'em hell.
-Give 'em hell, Rachel.
-[dad] Win it all.
-[mom] Win it all.
[sniffles] Damn.
That was really nice. [laughs, sniffles]
It's given me that reminder that I need,
and while it may be hard,
and I may be confused a lot,
I'm sure of one thing,
and that's of myself.
So I'ma keep going for them.
[serene music playing]
[Michelle] Up next is Nathan,
otherwise known as Alex,
with a message from his girlfriend.
[sniffles] Oh God.
I haven't even seen it yet, and I'm
Oh, wow.
[screen beeps]
Oh my
Hi, Nathan! Or, I mean, Alex.
You are you. You are a catfish.
I mean, in my mind, you are not a catfish.
You are the love of my life.
I love her so goddamn much.
I miss you so incredibly much.
I think about you every day.
Throughout this entire journey,
I am so incredibly proud of you,
and no matter what happens,
I'm always gonna have
those same feelings about you.
You mean so much to me.
I love you so dearly.
I just want to look at her face forever.
I hope that you are obviously making
good alliances in there.
Just do whatever you need to do
to get to the end.
Do not think with your heart.
Think with your head
because I know
that's who you are as a person.
I am gonna try not to cry
-It's okay. I'm crying.
-talking about this.
I love you. I love you so much.
You mean the absolute world to me,
and I can't wait for you to get home.
Oh, I needed that so bad.
I needed to hear that so badly.
Oh. I love you too. I love you so much.
[exhales] It's nice hearing my name.
I get called Nathan all the time,
and, you know, I'm Alex.
Seeing this message from my girlfriend
is really just the motivation I need.
If I want to win this game,
I have to fight.
I will see you soon,
and hopefully I am $150,000 richer for us.
[Michelle] Next, it's Imani, aka Trevor,
with a message from his wife
and former Circle winner DeLeesa
and their two daughters.
Oh boy. I can't wait to see them.
[screen beeps]
-Can you say, "Hi, Daddy"?
-Hi, Daddy!
-[DeLeesa] Say, "I love you, Daddy!"
-Love you, Daddy!
-[DeLeesa] Say, "I miss you, Daddy!"
-[girl] Miss you, Daddy!
-Oh, I miss you!
-Can you blow him a kiss now?
Blow him a kissy!
They're so much bigger.
[Trevor laughs]
Yes! Good job!
No matter what,
just know, like, we love you so much.
And this is an experience
that now we share together.
I know that you can do it,
and when you come back, babe,
we are celebrating.
We're gonna make baby number three.
And that's that on that. Okay?
-[makes kissing sound]
Can you blow a kissy?
Oh, I love them so much.
I love them so much.
[inhales deeply, sighs]
That's everything right there.
Everything that means anything to me
is right there on that screen right there.
I'm not gonna let them down.
[inhales, whispers] Oh gosh.
[sniffles] Oh.
I gotta bring it home for them.
I am so, so, so blessed.
[music stops]
-[calm piano music playing]
-[birds chirping]
[Michelle] Next, Frank has a message
from some of his besties.
My stomach is in my knees right now, like,
I can feel my heart beating so fast.
[screen beeps]
Frank, what's up? We are here
to say hello and congratulations.
I know your mom, and your dad,
and your grandmother, and your grandfather
are smiling down on you, uh, tremendously
right now.
We are all proud of you.
[woman] I miss you so much.
This is the longest
I've been away from you since I met you.
So this is a little hard.
Jesus. I should have had the tissue ready.
I'm so proud of you for even going,
for even stepping out on faith.
-And the tequila is ready, like
-That's right.
[woman] I have hardly drank
since you've been gone, baby.
Doesn't feel right!
All right, look who's here to say hello
and wish you luck.
-Miss you. Come back.
-[woman] Say, "Good luck, Uncle!"
Say, "Good luck, Uncle!"
"I'll see you when you come back!"
I love you with my whole heart.
I cannot wait to see you.
I love you so much, baby.
Love you. Love you. Love you. Love you.
Love you. Can't wait to see you.
And, um, bring it home.
Oh my God!
Those are some of my very best friends.
Josh is the little brother I never had.
I really had to develop friendships
that became family
because I have lost so many people,
like, on this journey in life,
and it has really propelled me
to just be who I am.
And that's why I try to be so positive
and be so happy.
We did this. Not me. But we, we did this,
and we did this together.
[Michelle] And finally, it's Yu Ling,
who has a message from her mom,
sister, brother-in-law, and nephew.
-Congratulations! Yay
-Congrats! You made it this far!
[screams, laughs]
Hi, Yu Ling. I'm so proud of you.
And we love you!
I just wanted to let you know
that we're super proud of you.
-You have so much to offer the world.
-Oh, sis!
You're multitalented
in all ways and super confident,
unapologetic about who you are.
And so, we're just really glad
that the world gets to see you for that.
Being you has got you this far in life.
Don't change the game plan,
and continue to be genuine.
As is true with everyone that meets you,
they'll fall in love with the true you.
You're in the final stage.
Time to use your head
and strategize who's truly your friend
and who's the catfish.
We hope you win it,
and we have no doubt that you will.
So show them what you've got
and make us proud.
-And we love you!
-We love you!
-Miss you. So proud of you!
-[mom] We miss you!
You got it!
Oh-ho-ho! That's my nephew!
You know, my parents came here
because they thought
that that would give my sister
and I a fighting chance.
Maybe they don't make a lot of money,
but, like,
they never complained for a minute,
because they said it doesn't matter
as long as I'm putting food on the table.
So, this money there is a lot
that I want to just give back to them
to pay off the house
that they've been trying to pay off
for so long.
I want them to have a real savings account
so they can stop
so they can stop working to the bone,
because all they've done their whole lives
is just work, work, work.
Oh my God.
[Michelle] With those emotional messages
still ringing in their ears,
our players are getting back
to the usual Circle pastime
[ethereal music playing]
[Michelle] trying and failing
to do things.
[shouts] No!
I mean, how the hell am I supposed
to start on a puzzle with 500 pieces,
and I gotta flip over 500 pieces first?
This is why kids today play video games
because of stuff like this, honey.
I don't know! I got old man hips.
They don't move like they used to.
[Michelle] I hate to interrupt
this fun childhood regression, but I will.
-[screen beeps]
-[Yu Ling gasps]
[all] "Thanksgiving"?
I love Thanksgiving!
-"As your Circle journey"
-"is nearly over"
-"it's time to look back"
-"and give thanks."
I like this.
I feel like this is gonna be so cute.
"So today"
"you'll be celebrating Thanksgiving."
I love a good Thanksgiving dinner.
So where is my turkey? Where is my ham?
Mashed potatoes.
[Michelle] Stop saying things,
and pay attention.
[both] "Go to your doors and collect
your Thanksgiving provisions."
-[Rachel, Yu Ling gasp]
-[Bru] Ooh!
-Oh yeah.
-Do I smell something?
Let's see what you got me.
[all gasping]
-[Yu Ling] Wow!
-[Alex] Ooh! Okay.
Oh. This is getting me in the spirit.
[festive music playing]
The leaves fallin'.
[all] "Your Thanksgiving meals are ready
for collection at your doors."
Yes! 'Cause I'm hungry!
Well, well, well.
Guys, this is next level!
It smells good too!
-[Yu Ling] Wow!
-[Bru] Oh my God. Oh, it smells so good!
"Happy Thanksgiving!"
"Time to eat!"
Yes, ma'am. Yes, sir.
[music stops]
Circle, you outdid yourself.
Thank you, Circle.
[relaxed music playing]
-[screen chimes]
Oh! "Circle Chat is now open!"
Let's have some dinner talk.
-Circle, take me to the Circle Chat.
-[Yu Ling] Take me to Circle Chat, please.
This is so exciting.
Message, "Oh my God.
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday."
"So not only is my heart full,
but my stomach is full too."
"I'm still not over my message from home."
"Was I the only one literally in tears?"
No, you weren't! No, you weren't.
I was in tears too.
Message, all caps,
"Happy Thanksgiving, everyone,
in parentheses,
except Christopher Columbus."
"Laughing face emoji."
"I'm so thankful to be here with you all."
"This meal is the cherry
on top of a heartwarming day."
"Especially after our sweet messages
from home,
which got me emotional,
even though I promised I wouldn't be."
Yu Ling on brand.
That Christopher Columbus joke,
oh, classic, classic!
Message, "Y'all. Crying emoji.
I spent most of this morning in tears."
"I can't tell you what it meant to me
to see my parents' faces."
"Family is everything to me."
"So to those of you who have been
that surrogate family in here,
I'm so grateful."
Message, "Gobble, gobble, gobble!"
"Gobble, gobble, gobble."
[Bru] "Happy Circle Thanksgiving,
"I'm so grateful for the message
we got from home today."
"Thankfully, this stuffing
is drying up my tears."
[laughing] That's funny.
[Frank] Message, "This is my personal
love letter to all of you."
"I hope that this is a safe space
to share,
but I am really grateful for all of you."
"Holidays are something
that are joyous to me,
but also really hard."
"I lost both of my parents
when I was really young."
"I lost my grandmother two years ago."
"And my grandfather passed away
right before I came to The Circle."
Oh my God.
[sad music playing]
That was Wow. That's crazy.
I can only imagine
how that must have felt.
[smacks tongue]
"It was very hard for me in the beginning,
choosing to come here
despite what I had going on at home."
"Although we have all had
our ups and downs here in The Circle,
you all have made this experience
so worthwhile."
"I'm truly thankful
for each day and all of you because you"
"never know when it's our last."
That really hit hard for me.
My family is super important to me,
and I lost my grandpa last year too.
And that's only one grandparent.
He's lost both his parents
and both his grandparents.
I can't imagine
what he must have been going through.
Message, "Frank, your strength and bravery
inspires me so much."
"Always here for you."
"I'm thankful for The Circle,
for allowing us amazing people
to meet and connect,
and for giving us
a once-in-a-lifetime experience."
I love that so much.
Despite Bru
throwing a little salt on my name,
I think I've come to the realization
that I can't hold people accountable
for what they've done in their past.
I definitely feel like
Bru and I can put that behind us.
And I'm willing
to give Bru a second chance,
and I'm really glad
that he is still in this game.
Message, "Frank, the fact
that despite all these hardships,
you still chose to come here
and approach every moment
with love is just inspiring."
"I can tell that the spirit of your family
just lives through you."
[Frank] "You are a constant light
in The Circle. We love you."
Tears, back up, girl!
Back up 'cause Uh-uh.
Not right now, girl. Oh my God.
-[chill music playing]
-[birds chirping]
[Michelle] Well, this has been delightful.
We've hit all the holiday traditions,
covering everything in decorations,
eating copious amounts of food,
and crying.
All that remains is perhaps the greatest
of all holiday traditions,
half-heartedly cleaning up.
[Rachel] Think smarter, not harder.
[music fades out]
[alarm blares]
-Ooh! "Alert!"
Circle, I should have known.
"Players, you must now rate each other."
[sighs] I'm not ready.
[sighs] This is going to be challenging.
I was at, basically,
the bottom of the ratings last time.
I came in seventh.
The only person below me was Momma Carol.
[Rachel] "Rate your fellow players
from first to sixth."
[in Russian accent] Okay, here we go.
Oh my God! "The lowest rated player
will be blocked tonight."
Oh my gosh.
Oh no!
They don't even have a chance
to fight for themselves?
Oh, jeez.
I feel like I have to be very strategic
in my vote tonight.
This rating is not
about who is gonna be an influencer.
The most important position tonight
is the last place rating.
I gotta give myself
a fighting chance here,
so I gotta be really smart
about where I place people.
Circle, please take me to my ratings.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Bru] Oh God, first place.
All right. Putting Yu Ling at the top.
She did me a huge solid the other day.
She saved my life in the last blocking.
She decided to keep me around.
In my mind, I know
she'll rate me somewhat high.
I can use my bottom votes
to have a little more punch.
So that is why I'm locking in Yu Ling
in my first position.
First place, I'm thinking Imani.
I'm thinking Imani
because we came in together.
We had to make a decision together.
We've been flirting real hard,
and if she's in first place,
I feel like she gonna have my back
if it ever came down to it.
So, Circle, let's make Imani
my first place.
In first place, I want to put Rachel.
Rachel has been an ally of mine
in this game time and time again.
She saved me
at a very critical point in the game.
So I owe her one.
Circle, I would like to rate Frank
in my first position.
He has shown me nothing but an honest
and real genuine person from the start.
I just have to go with my heart here,
and, um, it's really all I can do.
Circle, I'd like to place Yu Ling
in my first position.
I feel like
she is going to rate me fairly highly,
and she is someone that I definitely want
to see in the finale.
So I have to put my girl Yu Ling
in first place.
Circle, please place Frank
in first position.
This is a no-brainer.
He is real. He is genuine.
I just know that he's got me,
and I've got him.
Okay, second position.
I'm really deciding
between Yu Ling and Imani,
but I my gut is telling me
to go with Imani.
Circle, I would like to rate Imani
in my second position
because I fear that she hasn't made
as many strong connections,
and I really wanna secure her spot
going forward.
Circle, please rate Bru
as my second rating.
Circle, please place Bru
in third position.
Circle, lock in Frank in fourth position.
Circle, I'd like to place Eversen
in my fifth position.
Circle, please place Nathan
in sixth position.
Somebody wrote "fake flirt"
in my portrait.
I've only ever flirted with Nathan.
There's just something not adding up
to me.
At this moment,
I think there is a big possibility
that I end up in last again.
So I'm hoping I have done enough
to make Bru look like the bad guy
in this situation.
That is why I am putting Bru
in my last place.
I really think that it's me versus Bru.
Circle, place Eversen in last place.
This is tough.
Listen, I love the dude.
I love Eversen. I think he's fun.
Love his story, but I just can't be last.
That's the thing. I cannot be last.
That's why, if someone has to leave,
I'd rather it be one of the newer players.
I just have the least connection
with them.
Circle, there's only one name left,
and although I like her,
I heard she's a game player.
So please rate Yu Ling as my sixth rating.
I'm feeling good about this.
-Circle, please submit my ratings.
-Circle, submit my ratings.
Oh. "Ratings complete."
It's a done deal now. It is a done deal.
All right. Nothing else to do now
but wait, right, guys?
At least I'll have you no matter what.
You'd you'd rate me first, right?
[ducks squeak]
They said yes if you were wondering.
[atmospheric music playing]
[Michelle] It's dinnertime in The Circle,
and Yu Ling is preparing hers
with what looks like a sword,
Frank is smelling something fishy,
and no, it's not Nathan, honey.
And Bru is preparing the dish of the day
[in Italian accent] Spaghetti Brulognese.
[alarm blares]
-[Yu Ling gasps]
-[all] "Alert!"
This isn't just an alert.
This is the alert.
-Is this the one we all been waiting for?
-It's showtime!
[both] "The ratings results are in."
It is never fun seeing this screen.
We are so close to the end.
It's very possible that people are
rating tactically versus with their heart.
Protect Daddy from all bad ratings.
No bad ratings for Daddy.
[ominous music playing]
"The lowest rated player will be"
"immediately blocked from The Circle."
Like immediately.
Nobody can save you. Nobody can help you.
Not a whisper goodbye.
Not even a memory. Just gone.
Circle, savage.
"That player is"
[tense music playing]
Oh! They're going right in!
They're not even gonna go through it
one by one!
-Oh my God!
-Oh! Oh!
-I don't even wanna see this.
We've been plottin'. We've been schemin'.
Time to see if all our work paid off.
I don't know. I'm no mathematician.
I have no idea how these averages work.
[tense music playing]
Who's leaving?
Oh my God, please not me!
I don't know I can watch this.
Oh, please don't say Bru.
Girl! [exhales]
-[Bru] Oh, come on.
-[Alex grunts]
[music intensifies, stops]
[Bru] No!
It was me.
[Alex screaming]
Oh my God!
-Bru's going home.
Whew! Oh, it's so nice to not be last.
Oh my God!
[Yu Ling] No!
-Damn, Bru.
[sighs] Dang.
That's it.
I'm done.
That's something you never wanna see.
Holy shit!
I pulled it off!
I had a bad feeling about it,
and there it is.
Couldn't make it out of this one.
Another OG!
I'm glad I'm still here, though.
Come so far, but it hurts more
than I thought it was gonna.
I just really didn't think
he would be going home.
I'm outta here. Hit the dusty trail.
Didn't even get to wear these clothes.
[alarm blares]
What's this? My last supper?
"Before you leave,
you can meet one player face to face."
Who deserves the visit? [chuckles]
I could go and see Nathan.
Said we'd have each other's backs.
Frank is accused as the Mr. Nice Guy
and just playin' the game
to please everybody,
and maybe that's true
if if this was the result
of being in an alliance with him.
So, could ask him what's up.
I could go see Yu Ling, be like,
"What happened? I thought we were closer!"
And it's disappointing. So I don't know
where or who I went wrong with.
[suspenseful music playing]
I know who I'm gonna see. Let's do it.
[music fading out]
[alarm blares]
-[Alex] What the heck? An alert!
-[Rachel] "Alert!"
Girl, what is it now?
[both] "Bru is on his way
to meet one of you now"?
Like, we doin' that, like, right now?
[Yu Ling] You better freaking come
because I have so much food left.
[dramatic music playing]
Oh. It's probably gonna be Yu Ling or me.
He's gonna want to know everything.
I hope Bru comes to see me, man.
If Bru walks in and sees me,
he he probably won't know what to do.
Oh my God. Oh my God.
[Yu Ling] Why is my heart racing?
Just so I don't smell
like a freaking mess.
I think that's nice. So I'ma just
Oh, I feel sick.
[music intensifies]
-[door opens]
-Oh my God!
Well, well, well!
Look what the cat dragged in. [laughs]
-Nathan! Who are you?
-My name's Alex.
Oh. I had a feeling
you were on your way here.
Well, let's talk about it. [laughs]
-It's nice to meet you, first of all.
-Nice to meet you. Yes.
My name is Bru. I am, uh, who I am.
So it's so nice to meet you.
-My Circle bro.
-[Alex] Yes. Oh my God.
-[Bru] Wow.
-So close.
-I know, man.
I [grunts]
[Alex] I have to apologize to you
first and foremost.
I With this blocking twist,
I was very much under the assumption
it was gonna be you or me.
Really? So, what'd you do? Tell me.
I rated you last today.
Oh my God! I'm looking for a weapon.
No. Um.
-Oh, man! I thought that too.
-I'm sorry, dude.
-You're so smart. You're so smart, and
-That's the whole reason I'm catfishing.
I play a very strategic game,
I'm very game-oriented,
but I wanted to dumb down my profile.
[Bru] Absolutely. I mean,
you play the frat bro effortlessly.
-It was so good.
-Thank you.
I've been playing this game
almost too wholesomely,
and that was obviously the demise.
I was too nice.
I'm sorry, man. I knew that was I knew
I just had a feeling
because it was Carol then me.
Yeah. I know!
I was like, "If nothing changes
this rating, I'm a goner!"
Today, for me,
was, like, strictly survival mode.
[Bru] Okay, which painting did you do?
-I did Frank's. [laughing]
-Oh, I knew it! I knew it! [laughing]
-I did Frank's. Did did you do Rachel's?
Yes, I knew it! Just looking at Rachel's,
I go, "I think Bru did this."
"I don't know why,
but I feel like Bru did this."
That's wild
because I tried to do it so well.
I was like,
"Maybe they'll think it's a girl?"
That's what I was trying to do,
but my handwriting was so shitty.
I was like, "Okay. He's either gonna think
it's Bru, Eversen, or myself."
[Bru laughs]
[screen whirs]
[Frank] What is it?
Why don't nobody want to see me?
I am highly offended.
He's not coming.
[relaxed music playing]
I might Fuck that. I'm mad.
I'm 'bout to eat your cupcake, Bru.
I wonder who he went to see.
My strategy, though,
is I want to go into the finale
being the lowest level threat.
Just don't let people know
that Nathan is smart and cunning.
-Here. Come and look at this board I have.
-What do you got here? What is this?
[Alex] Here on the wall, I've been mapping
different relationships in, like, notes.
I just was looking at this,
and I was like, "These two are fucking"
Look at all these strings
they have going from here!
Yeah. "Anti-Frank. Friend."
Now Yeah. I was un-Anti-Frank
the past two days, but you know what?
Now it's it's so tough to know.
You you still don't know
where you stand with him.
Well, uh, the bad news keeps coming.
I did tell Frank what you told me.
Oh my God! What is wrong with you?
Why would you do that?
-I was in survival mode.
-Okay. How'd you phrase it?
I told him last night.
To be fair, I held on to it for a while.
Right after
we had the deepest conversation yesterday.
You ruined it all.
God, I love and hate you at the same time.
So I was worried
if Frank became an influencer again,
which seems likely,
that he was gonna block me.
I feel guilty, but, like,
I love this game, and I wanna win.
[Bru] Oh wow. That's tough.
I had you at the top of my ratings
every other time,
but it was like,
"If I'm at the bottom again, I'm gone."
[Bru] You're doing so well.
Obviously, you have the strategy,
so just keep going with it.
You're so close. I love it
I can't tell you how good it is to hear
you have a good spirit about this.
-It's all that matters.
-I wouldn't change it, but I feel bad.
You're such a cool dude.
The honesty is too much,
but it's great to meet you.
Keep it going. Don't let it rattle you.
I'm on your side, I'm pullin' for you.
Alyssa passed it to me.
I pass it to you now. So like
-I appreciate that.
-Ah. So nice to meet you.
-And screw you, buddy. Just kidding.
-[both laugh]
-Nice to meet you. Good luck.
-Nice meeting you.
-See you soon.
-I'll see you very soon.
-All right, dude. Peace out.
-Take care, man.
See ya.
[Alex] Oh, wow.
[Michelle] Brutopia has come to an end,
and while he wanders off
in the neon hallway,
looking for more words
to rhyme with his name,
it's sinking in with the others
that they're almost at the finish line.
I don't need friends.
I need $150,000. I need the win.
I'm one step closer to the finale
and one step closer to my check, baby.
Oh, it feels so good to be safe,
and it feels really good.
It's like I feel like I'm just, like
I'm inching toward the finale.
Like inching.
It's right there. Like, I can see it.
[alarm blares]
[all] "Alert!"
What is it?
How many more alerts
we gonna get today, Circle?
"Players, tonight is a"
[all] "double blocking"?
[falsetto] What the fuck?
[groaning] There it is.
There's the bomb. There it is.
"The top rated player will become
the secret super influencer."
Oh my God.
This is wild, man.
Oh, I'm sick to my stomach.
I did my ratings
based on who was gonna be last,
not who was gonna be first.
"They will decide"
"which other player"
"to block tonight."
Well, I'll be a monkey's ass, honey.
If that one player isn't a fan of Nathan,
I'm gone.
I feel very vulnerable right now.
I I don't know who this person will be.
I know I have a big personality.
That can be threatening
to somebody who wants to win.
One person gets to decide
who will be blocked tonight.
"The secret super influencer
will be notified"
Come on! Please be me! Please be me!
God, I have to just put out good energy.
I'm hopin' for a miracle here.
Circle gods, be on my side right now!
[tense music playing]
[music intensifies, stops]
[gasps, screaming]
I guess I'm not it.
[sighs] Okay. It's not me.
My fate in this game is in the hands
of any one of these folks right now.
Back to being stressed out.
"You are the secret super influencer!"
Girl, what? [squeals]
"You must now decide
which player to block."
I have to get this decision right
because this decision impacts me
and impacts my game.
"The Circle will never reveal
your identity."
I feel like a spy or something.
I have been playing a genuine game
since the beginning.
I haven't been doing much strategy,
and that has gotten me to this position,
but it could be a good decision
for me to take out someone right now
that does usually rate a little higher
to increase my chances
at that finish line.
"Please lock in your decision now."
Ooh, Jesus, thank you. Thank you.
[suspenseful music playing]
Circle, I'm ready to lock in my answer.
The player I have decided to block is
-[alarm blares]
[all] "Alert!"
What is it? Just give it to me.
"The secret super influencer
has made their decision."
I'm pretty sure everybody's
in their apartments as anxious as I am.
"The players who survive
will become finalists."
Oh shit!
I am so happy that I already know.
Finalists! That is freaking insane, dude!
I like the way that sounds.
Please let it be me.
I just wanna be one of 'em.
"In no particular order,
the finalists are"
Oh, come on!
This is evil!
Come on, Circle. Come on.
I don't want this journey to end
just this close to the finish line.
Here we go. Here we go. Who is it?
Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God.
All right. Let's see
who's behind door number one, baby!
I want this so badly.
Please, please, please, please, please,
please, please, please, please, please.
[screaming] Oh! That's me! Oh my God!
Oh my God! [laughing]
You've gotta stop making me cry
in here, man! It's hurting my heart!
Oh! Rach! Yes, honey!
Yes, ma'am, Miss Rachel! Yes, ma'am!
Congratulations, Rachel.
One down. Four to go.
Finalist number two, who are you?
Come on, Circle.
Don't leave me hanging. Come on!
I wanna see Nathan's face.
I wanna see Nathan's face.
[shouting] Yes!
Yes! Yes! Yes!
We did it! We did it! We did it!
Yeah, Imani!
That's a bit worrisome.
I was thinking she might be
one of the people that got blocked.
[Trevor] God, that's a beautiful sight!
Yes, man! Yes, yes, yes!
[grunts] Only three more spots.
I cannot wait
until my name spins around, honey.
I need to make sure
'cause The Circle might change
her mind, honey.
[loudly] There he go! There he go! Yes!
My baby!
[Michelle] With just two more spots
for that finale,
and three players remaining,
it's either Nathan, Eversen,
or Yu Ling going home.
So far, three of my favorite people
have made it into the finals.
[loudly] Come on, Circle! Come on!
My heart has left my body.
There is no pulse.
[dramatic music playing]
[music intensifies, stops]
[screaming] Oh my God!
Oh, baby, I know my girl is over there
screaming to the very, very top
of her lungs, honey.
[shouting] Yes!
Yes, Yu Ling!
[ominous music playing]
[Michelle] Yu Ling has made it
into the finale, leaving just one spot,
and it's now all down
to Eversen or Nathan.
Oh, we're down to a fifty-fifty chance.
Come on, I'm a finalist.
I know I'm a finalist.
[spluttering] I feel sick
to my stomach right now.
The last ticket to the dance.
Don't leave me outside in the cold.
I'm on the VIP list.
Come on, get me inside.
Oh. My heart is gonna explode
out of my chest right now.
Circle, come on! Come on!
I need this result. Oh, I need this.
Oh my God, who is it?
Here it comes. [groans]
[music intensifies, fades out]
the secret super influencer
makes a big decision.
Let's stamp it, honey.
This is my slot. This is me.
This is make or break.
"Your final ratings will decide
The Circle, honey."
[all cheering]
The players finally meet face-to-face.
[dramatic music playing]
But who will win?
The Circle,
and taking home $150,000, is
[theme music playing]
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