The Unit s04e12 Episode Script

Bad Beat

Take your time.
You're rushing.
Makes you sloppy.
Draws attention.
You know, last we heard, you were dead.
- Dewey defeats Truman.
- Bob Brown in particular.
He's most curious to learn of your recovery.
The world turns.
Again, please.
Really? You have large hands- all the better to conceal things with.
Use them.
There was a man named George Devol in riverboat days.
Could do this perfectly with one hand while his other hand was wrapped around a willing female.
The irony is he lost every penny playing faro the crookedest game of all.
A fool and his money.
- What's the point of that story? - The point of that story is I distracted you.
Your turn.
Time is short.
How about that? Almost there.
- Nothing yet.
- Patience.
We gotta reset the circuit.
Can you hold that, please? Betty Blue, we're in.
Now get out.
- Whoa, what was that? - Electrical surge.
Welcome to China.
You son of a bitch.
You really are alive.
A fault I share with all but the dead.
- The general's here.
- Then it's showtime.
This man was our best set of eyes.
We need him back in the fold.
Ready? Good luck.
Good evening, gentlemen.
Mind if I join you? Please.
- I hope your man can pull this off.
- He's a quick study.
- And the rest of you, have you figured out the vault yet? - All we need is a box number.
And how do you plan to obtain it? Bridget Sullivan, meet Agent Kern of a certain agency.
Unfortunately, Miss Sullivan won't be able to take part in this mission.
- Why is that? - She's under an intolerable burden of stress.
- Why is that? - Due to a court-martial back at home.
- For her actions in Syria.
- You've heard of the case.
I believe I've heard of the case.
First we thought the D.
was just being petty.
Then word filtered down your agency was pushing it through.
You want me to call off the dogs and get your girl reinstated.
- With a full pardon.
- You overestimate my power.
I sincerely hope not.
Late in the game to be putting me in the sand, don't you think? Get in or get out.
It's your move.
What's he doing? He needs to bet.
- Not until we give him the word.
- And when will you give him the word? We need to get our girl cleared.
You want us to get your man for you, that's the price.
- Whatever happened to one America? - Call, raise or fold.
Sir, you must either play or pass.
I understand.
You pull this off, I'll make a call.
- No, I don't want you to make a call.
I want our girl cleared.
- All right.
- Do we understand each other? - I said all right.
I guess I'm in.
Welcome back to the world.
#Give me your secrets Bring me a sign # # Give me a reason to walk the fire # # See another dawn # # Through a daughter's eyes # # You give me a reason to walk the fire ## Card.
Another card, please.
Five, eight.
The player wins.
Well, you can't win if you don't play.
Ain't that right? - He lost.
- Yeah.
That was the point.
Do you wish to match, sir? All right.
Think long, think wrong.
Here we go.
You like to gamble.
Oh, everybody likes to gamble.
A card? Yeah.
- Five.
- Yeah.
The bank wins.
You do like to gamble, Mr.
- - Alex Vanderholt.
- Misha Belikov.
- My pleasure.
- Nice to meet you.
You hit on six, Mr.
Lucky no one else was betting.
You'd have to cover them.
It's only money.
Well, if you like to play cards, I have a friend.
He holds a private game every week, and we are playing tonight.
Really? What are, uh-What are the stakes? The buy-in is half a million U.
Perhaps you'd like to join us tonight.
Perhaps you would too.
What are you complaining about? We got the invite, didn't we? It's not the plan that concerns me.
It's extorting me over the girl I object to.
- The price is too high.
- Mm-hmm.
- Tell him what we do to welchers.
- We kill 'em.
Inflation's a bitch, ain't it? Excuse me.
My girlfriend needs assistance.
Here we go.
- How do I look? - You'll do.
It's Cool Breeze.
Eagle's headed down to the vault.
Shall we then? - How secure is your vault? - It is impregnable, Mr.
You have nothing to worry about.
Another guest is retrieving his box.
If you can wait a moment- Of course.
- Mr.
- Hmm.
- Mr.
- And this is? - My special friend.
- Oh, very special indeed.
- Good evening.
- Oh.
- Good evening to you.
- Hmm.
Belikov, don't lose that key now.
You may need it to replenish your bankroll.
- Ah, yes, yes.
- Oh, I'm so sorry.
- No problem.
Allow me.
- Thank you.
A burn job's out.
There's a heat sensor running through the steel.
- We've got it covered.
- What about the elevator? - It comes down, it'll crush you underneath it.
- It's a service elevator.
Every two hours, the security manager takes it down to the vault to make his rounds.
Other than that, never comes near us.
- Relax.
We got it taken care of.
- I hope so.
Come in.
- Colonel Ryan.
- Thank you for coming, Ms.
- It didn't sound like a request.
- It wasn't a request.
- What's happening? - Federal interrogators have spent days going after Mr.
They've threatened him with everything from kidnapping to attempted murder charges against you.
He's told 'em nothing.
But he says he'll tell you everything.
- He wants to talk to me? - The word he used was " confess.
" Was he involved in this conspiracy? Oh, yes.
Then tell me what you need me to do.
I would get up if I could, but- You're afraid of me.
I can't say I blame you.
- You tried to kill me.
- Kim, please.
I don't expect you to trust me.
But you have to know that hurting you in any way is the last thing in the world I wanted to do.
- Then why did you do it? - I'm so sorry, Kim.
I- I- I panicked.
At that moment, if you'd gone to the police, it would've been the end.
For me, Marian, for my children.
And I'm not talking about prison, you understand? They would've killed us all.
Who? Who would? We're talking about terrorist attacks, Isaac.
- The assassination of the vice president.
- Kim, you have to believe me.
I didn't know anything about those attacks or the assassination- What did you think your friends were doing? Look, I pushed around a few dollars.
It's unethical, I admit.
All right, it's illegal.
But I'm an American.
I would never knowingly have gotten involved with anything that would've injured this country.
Then why didn't you come forward when did you find out about it? I wanted to, but- What? But I met you, Kim.
I wanted to be with you, and I was scared to death of anything that was gonna get in the way of that.
- Mmm.
The general travels with an entourage.
- That's right.
- Known him for a long time? - What about you, Mr.
Campbell? - Indeed.
- You're in mining, is it? Well, it's diamonds primarily.
- My firm owns the largest diamond mine in Canada.
- Oh.
Now, I was wearing one until recently.
- Mmm, safety first, darling.
- Oh, but I was wearing it to bring you luck.
You bring me luck.
And you, Mr.
Vanderholt? What business are you in? - Generally the business of minding my own business.
- Huh.
Welcome, honored guests.
I am General Lao, and it is my privilege to be your host.
The game is no limit.
If you choose to match a bet and you do not have the chips to do so you must provide alternative collateral.
And most importantly, this is a gentleman's game.
And as your host, I must ensure the sanctity of play.
I'm sure you understand me.
Let's begin.
The game is hold 'em poker.
Small blind of $1,000.
Big blind of 2,000.
Raise, 10,000 dollars.
Oh, be careful.
You've had some bad beats.
- Get the pot going, why don't you? - Your 10.
Ten more.
Third time's the charm.
My raise.
The bet is now 30,000.
Too much.
- Call.
- You sure? Well, yes, I'm sure.
My money signifies that.
Now fall out.
Let's confuse him.
I think I'm gonna let you two duke it out.
He's representing a flush.
He doesn't have it.
Tell him to go now.
The bet is to you, Mr.
I'm all in.
I'm a little shy.
- Well, you said something about alternative collateral.
- And what do you have in mind? That's a nice watch.
Do the hands work? Hmm! It's Michel Girard.
It's one of its kind.
And what will it fetch at the pawn shop? Will you accept it for $200,000? As long as it tells the time.
I'm in.
I think I just became a believing man.
Straight, ace high.
It's a good hand.
But it's insufficient.
Tens full of jacks.
Vanderholt wins.
- Thank you very much.
- Thank you, sir.
- Hey.
- Hmm.
It's almost midnight.
I say we take a short break.
Here you go.
- I think I'm gonna go up to the room for a bit.
- There you go.
- Excuse me.
- Excuse me.
Man, this is some game.
I ain't been so excited since the barn burned.
Vanderholt, if I were you, I'd be very careful.
The general is very fond of that watch.
- Well, I'm sure he views its loss with regret.
- Mm-hmm.
- Fuzzy navel.
- Cheers.
Remember that first week when you came to work for us? I was falling for you even then.
You gave me that "you're lonely/I'm lonely" bit.
- Isaac, don't do this.
- You came into my home.
I trusted you with my baby, for God's sake.
I would never put anyone's child in jeopardy.
I treated her like she was my own if I had kids of my own.
Well, do you? Oh-Oh, is Bob even your real husband? Oh, my God.
It really was a lie, wasn't it? Who are you? Who are you? Isaac, I am who I say I am.
Before I interviewed to be your nanny, these federal agents approached me.
And I wanted to do the right thing for the country.
They gave me a story to tell you.
It was the hardest thing I ever did, because- I got very close to Ella, to you.
Every day I would tell them how wrong they were about you because you seemed like a good man.
May-Maybe a man trapped in a loveless marriage.
I don't know.
But a good father.
So you tell me, Isaac.
That man I met-Was he real? Or was that the lie? You tell me who was lying.
- You're off script.
- You sent me in there because he was supposed to confess.
- In case you haven't noticed, he's not doing that.
- So you whip up some sob story? I know him, Colonel Ryan.
If he feels embarrassed or played, he'll shut down.
He won't tell me anything.
I need to make him believe in me.
We're running out of time.
We've had this man in custody for days now.
If we don't crack him we're gonna have to let him go or the people he works for are gonna get suspicious.
Then let me do what you brought me here to do.
Very well.
Uncuff him.
Hey, hey.
Hey, hey! I told you.
It is a gentleman's game.
What's this about? Whoa, whoa, whoa.
You think I cheated? You go all in with three of a kind against a flush? - You didn't have a flush.
- But there is no way you would know that! - Look, I caught the boat.
I didn't cheat you.
I beat you.
- Then where is my watch? You don't have it.
We search your room.
There is no safe-deposit box! - Who did you give it to? - What business is that of yours? Collusion is the most common form of cheating.
Working with a partner.
- Who is your partner? - I don't know what you're talking about.
- And we just let this happen? - He can hold out.
And if not? You understand, now you have to win.
You have to be there at the end.
- What makes you so sure that your target's gonna be there with me? - He'll be there.
I hope so.
We're paying a rather high price.
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
Look, I'm telling you.
I'm telling you.
I didn't cheat.
You have- have to believe me.
My job is neither to believe nor disbelieve.
- It is to discover the truth.
- And that is- that is the truth.
I swear to God.
The truth is if you were not cheating you would have your accomplice produce the general's watch.
But then, of course, the truth is why would you have an accomplice unless you were cheating? - Look, you want the watch, I'll give you the watch, okay? - Of course you will.
But first, you must give up your accomplice.
Ah- I'm telling you.
I don't know what you're talking about.
You gotta believe me.
You are very strong.
I think perhaps you are used to pain.
What you may not be used to is someone taking that pain away.
I- I don't like it.
We cannot see what they're doing to him.
He says he can hold out long enough to put the plan in motion.
Pull him out now, you blow the mission, which means you don't get your pardon.
- Oh, this is about me? - Call, raise or fold.
The general wouldn't have given the order to kill him, not until he gives up his partner.
- We hold.
- Then I believe you have work to do.
Did you know that the Yunnan Province is one of the primary sources of opium poppies in the world? - What is that? - This is 100% pure Chinese heroin.
China white.
- You've never chased the dragon? - What? No.
- Wait.
- An endlessly intriguing substance.
But what is truly fascinating are the many ways you can chemically alter the structure of the drug making it no less effective, but vastly more addictive.
It lasts half as long and then you need twice as much.
I expect profit margins to soar accordingly.
With no dilution, I can only give you so much at a time.
Otherwise, it would kill you.
Even so, if we keep going, overdose is inevitable.
Sometimes it takes two or three shots.
Sometimes more.
It all depends on how strong you are and how badly you want it.
Don't be afraid.
You might feel sick at first.
But afterwards- you're going to enjoy every minute of it for as long as you last.
Redcap, make the call.
That thing really cut through concrete and steel? Yeah.
That's what the commercial says.
Dirt Diver.
- Did they buy it? - I think so.
But apparently, the electrical company already sent out a crew to deal with the power surges.
If they reset the circuit again, we could lose the video feed.
Snake Doc's problem.
We're already down to an hour and a half.
We seem to be missing a player.
Vanderholt has decided to cash in his winnings.
My apologies.
Our power grid is not as reliable as it could be.
Luckily the hotel has backup generators.
Technical difficulties.
We lost visual.
You'rejust gonna have to play.
The bet is to you, Mr.
Let's have some fun, shall we? I'm all in.
Campbell? I'll call.
Eights full of aces.
Full house.
What a coincidence.
Aces full of eights.
Belikov wins.
We need eyes fast.
You won't keep it down.
Why are you doing this? Because you cheated the general- your accomplice and you.
I don't have a- I don't have an accomplice.
I don't know what you're talking about.
Right now, you are experiencing acute withdrawal syndrome.
This is perhaps the primary reason heroin dependency is so difficult to break.
Of course, it would be so simple to make it go away.
So simple to give you back the rush.
Although this time it might not be quite as satisfying.
Do- Do you want to feel like that again, Mr.
Vanderholt? - Mm-mmm.
- Or whatever your name is? - Do you want some more? - No.
No more, please.
No matter.
Soon enough, you'll be asking for it.
You'll be begging me for it.
I told you.
The diamond brings you luck.
Let's hope so.
All right.
Here you go.
You want to play, you gotta pay.
- Like the wisdom of Solomon.
- The bet is to you, Mr.
Weak is strong.
All in.
And if weak is strong, is not the opposite also true? I'll call.
Gentlemen? Two pair for Mr.
Trip sixes.
Campbell wins.
Good hand.
Good luck, everyone.
You're surprisingly hard to shake, Mr.
Oh, you ain't seen nothin' yet.
I brought you some water.
Thank you.
Look, Isaac.
I'm no interrogator.
I'm not a federal agent.
You said you'd tell me the truth and you're not talking, so they're making me go.
- I came to say good-bye.
- Kim- I'll miss you.
Kim, wait.
I-I'll tell you.
I'll tell you everything I know.
So you and Marian were both involved? Yeah, but we were on the periphery of this thing.
We moved money around.
That's all.
We didn't know it had anything to do with assassinations or attacks.
How did this happen, Isaac? Leon Drake approached me.
He's the guy that Bob met in Las Vegas.
And the man who came after me, the man you killed? Somebody that worked for Drake.
I didn't even know his name.
I heard him say something about your old nanny.
- What happened to her? - Yeah.
She overheard things, and Drake had her killed.
It was a warning to us.
Kim, you don't understand what these people are capable of.
Yes, I do.
Drake had me set up the dummy accounts.
He supplied all the money.
- I don't know where it came from or who he works for.
- What do you know? Half the time he was trying to buy property in Venezuela.
But in a hurry, it all went straight to Moscow.
What went to Moscow? - The money.
- To who in Moscow? The Russian government? - Not exactly.
But- - But what? But after the fall of the Soviet Union, all those generals? They want to get a foothold here.
They're looking to get a foothold here.
I don't understand.
- Do the math.
- Patch me through to Washington now.
So if you wired money to Moscow, you'd have names, account numbers- And I'll give them to you.
But I can't turn on these people without some kind of insurance.
I'll be dead before the day's out.
- What kind of insurance? - I need immunity- for me and Marian.
I need new identities.
But most of all, I need protection.
Now, the people behind that glass can do that.
So you tell them, Kim, that's the price.
Immunity and protection.
- I'll check.
- Check.
All in.
Walk away.
This one plays tighter than a drum.
She's sitting on two pair.
Caught the boat on the river.
You know, I'm gonna call.
What are you doing? I said fold.
Three queens.
Straight, ace high.
Campbell wins.
Congratulations, sweetheart.
- Thank you, baby.
- Mm-mmm.
You know, we've been here a long time.
Why don't you go for a walk? - See if you can't catch a cool breeze somewhere.
- You know what you are? - What? - You're thoughtful.
- That's it.
- It's too late.
We're out of time.
We're here.
Come on.
Here it comes.
Look out! Carlito? I hope you're not claustrophobic.
I am now.
How is the patient feeling? Mmm, stop.
Stop, stop.
Please stop.
It is you who have the power to stop it, Mr.
You are not who you say you are.
You are working with someone, perhaps with more than one.
Tell me who.
Sorry, buddy.
I can't help you.
At the least, you'll spend your next weeks craving more of this.
At worst, this next shot may be the one that kills you.
What's that? This is Isaac Reed's bargain.
Immunity for he and his wife in return for names up the food chain.
But it's a trick, right? You're not actually giving him what he asks? Ms.
Brown, this is a step the government doesn't take lightly.
He tried to kill me.
I came here to help you put him away, not set him free.
You came here to help your country.
Isn't that right? - And now you're gonna set him free to come after me again? - That won't happen.
How do you know that? You don't know that, do you? Immunity and protection, as you requested.
Go ahead and review it.
You're a smart man.
I'm sure you can figure it out.
What's that? It's a safe-deposit box at Fidelity Republic Bank in downtown L.
Everything I have, it's in there.
That's the paper trail.
The name you want is Armen Kochenko, ex-K.
That's who Drake sent the money to.
He's the highest I ever got.
This is Dogpatch 0- 6.
I need to get a message to Snake Doc.
You understand you can't possibly take any more.
No man could.
The question you need to ask is: How far are you willing to go? Hmm? General Lao invited me up to his suite to wait for him.
Oh, you want to interrupt his card game to ask him? You're Lieutenant Chen, yes? He told me you'd get me a drink.
Very well.
It is, as you Americans say, your funeral.
Wait, wait.
I'll tell you.
I'll tell you who I'm working with.
- Cut the cards, Mr.
- Hmm? You are the big blind, General.
Some disturbing information has just been brought to my attention about the nature of the game.
Turn over your cards, please, Mr.
- General? - Do it now! General Lao, I would never betray your trust.
- Someone has been cheating! - If anyone's been cheating, it's him! Run the cards.
Aces for you.
Kings for me.
After all we have done for you! - The money that we have paid you! - General, please.
- Where is the watch? - I have no idea! If I were you, I would be getting while the getting is good.
That's too bad for you.
Don't move! Hold it! I am so sorry.
You did this for me.
You want to make it up to me? You didn't see anything.
You have to understand.
I didn't want to do this to you.
I regret having forced you to the extremity.
I imagine the general is entering the safe-deposit vault now.
And why would he do that? Oh, to search your box, of course.
And what do you suppose he's gonna find in there? - Who are you? - Well, who I am is not important.
What is important is that you still have friends back in the U.
of A.
- Hmm.
- Misha, you are our best set of eyes in Moscow.
We can't have you peddling your wares to the Chinese.
- You are C.
- Not exactly.
The C.
is anxious to recall you to the fold.
Well, I have an arrangement with General Lao, hmm? Well, if you want to wait here for your friend the general, be my guest.
But perhaps you should see if you retain his friendship.
Well, the game is over.
And I see no reason to remain.
You comin'? For you.
Welcome back, Misha.
We have a lot of catching up to do.
From Dogpatch 0- 6.
Here's a question.
What do you know about a former K.
officer named Armen Kochenko? Did his information check out? We're reviewing it.
The transcripts of this-Who sees them? No one from the Unit's gonna see it.
You have my word.
What's gonna happen to him now? Thank you for your service, Ms.
I came this far, Colonel Ryan.
At least you can tell me where he's going next.
- Why? - Because I asked.
Reed has agreed to have his wife set up a meet between them and Leon Drake.
If we can bring Drake into custody, we can perhaps tie him to this Kochenko.
You know more now than you did before? Thank you for answering my question.
It's chess played in the dark, Ms.
Chess played in the dark.
I just spoke with Sergeant Blane.
They're on their way home.
Bob? Honey? You here? - Kim? - Yeah, babe.
Oh, I'm so glad to hear your voice.
I'll be right out.

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