FBI: International (2021) s04e13 Episode Script
You've Been Greenlit
Agent Quinn, you're off
to work with the Fly Team.
Your brother is in
a bit of a bind.
He was framed for
something he didn't do.
If you happen to encounter
a bad agent in the field,
would you report that agent?
This is her first time
doing high risk field work.
If you need anybody to talk to,
you just let me know.
Thanks, Cam.
Find me something I can
use against Agent Mitchell,
or your brother's phoning in
to Christmas dinner.
HQ asked if I would take you
on as a temporary duty agent.
Look forward to working
with you some more.
Just have someone take the bloody thing.
Two seconds. Nearly there.
Excuse me.
Could we trouble you for a quick photo?
Just hold it down for a focus check.
It'll beep once and it's ready.
What was that?
Over there.
Are you all right?
What's your name, love?
Are you hurt?
What happened?
He killed him.
He just he shot him
right in front of me.
His blood his blood was all over.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, my God.
Somebody help!
We need help!
Don't touch him! Don't touch him.
I'm calling the cops.
You're American, yes?
Whatever you saw today, for your sake,
you didn't.
We need polícia.
Ah, no, that's a practice shot.
Hey, what's your take on Quinn?
So far, so good. Why?
I don't know.
No, really. What's up?
Maybe it's that she's new.
I just feel like
something's weighing on her.
Okay, you want me to dig?
No. It's all good.
These things tend to reveal themselves.
Thanks for the coffee, Quinn.
You were saying? At West Point?
Oh, right.
There was this poster hanging
in a storage room,
and it said
"no light between the shields."
Have you ever heard of that before?
Well, it came from
the Greek phalanx formation.
You stood shoulder-to-shoulder,
shields overlapping.
And if there was any light
in between them,
you really weren't working as one.
Makes sense.
I mean, maybe it's
easier said than done,
but I do like what it says
about trust, you know?
Shoulder to shoulder.
That's the Fly Team.
James Reed, a U.S. citizen,
was shot and killed yesterday
in Bratislava, Slovakia.
No wife, no next of kin,
but a high net worth individual.
Reed was the founder and CEO
of an American company
called Nova Road.
They invented a chemical
product used for road construction.
Nova Road recently won
a government contract
to renovate Slovakia's infrastructure.
Reed was in town the past three months
with his business partner,
ramping things up.
Autopsy report says cause of death was
a single GSW .32 cal.
Guy was targeted on his morning jog.
Shooter's still at large.
He missing his wallet, watch,
any signs of a struggle?
No, nope, none.
So this is a hit.
Any witnesses?
Somebody must have seen something.
Someone did.
Becca Morgan, 23.
Wisconsin native traveling abroad.
She saw the whole thing go down.
Called around,
found no living relatives.
She is being held on
a material witness warrant.
Becca told the local cops she
didn't want to get involved,
but they're gonna keep her
until the assailant is ID'd.
Can they do that?
Perhaps, if their only lead
is deemed a flight risk.
Though it looks like Becca requested
the FBI and the police
still waited over 24 hours
before notifying us.
What the hell for?
Let's just say by-the-book
isn't their thing.
Yeah, it'll become apparent
when you get to Bratislava.
All right.
We already lost a whole day on this one.
Pack it up. Let's roll.
I noticed in the brief you sent,
our liaison here was
investigated internally.
Yes, was.
Until the agency looking into misconduct
was disbanded last year.
Is that the FBI gracing us
with their presence?
You must be Captain Janic.
Wes Mitchell, head of the Fly Team.
Care to explain why your
American witness has gone quiet?
She's impeding an investigation.
Well, I'd be a little scared, too,
if I was being held against my will.
I want to know what she saw.
As do we.
But clearly, Becca has been
through a traumatic event.
The clock has started.
A murder like this
is either solved quickly
or it fades away.
We want to help, but we're
gonna need your cooperation,
starting with a place to work from.
Everything in front of our eyes.
Total transparency, no exceptions.
Yeah, absolutely.
We will also need
a secure place for our things.
Just get your American talking.
Becca, can you tell us what happened?
I saw this bookstore on TikTok.
The café inside's known
for their latte art.
It's the whole reason
I stopped by Old Town.
Normally I have my phone,
but I left it at the hotel that morning.
Got totally turned around.
Then I saw a jogger by the bridge.
You approached Reed?
I just needed directions.
And turns out he was from the States,
and that's why we started talking.
And then what happened?
Someone came up to us.
He had a gun, and
I'm sorry.
It all just happened really fast.
And after he shot that man, he turned,
and he was pointing the gun at me,
but maybe it got jammed or something.
And I didn't know what to do,
so I just screamed
as loud as I could, and the guy ran.
Did you get a look
at the shooter's face?
Mask, no mask?
No mask.
Tell us what you remember about him.
In his 40s, maybe.
Sort of your height.
He had some kind of a scar
just under his eye.
Okay, we're gonna get you
set up with a sketch artist.
And as descriptive as you can
would be a huge help.
Why not share this with the police?
I feel stupid saying it.
They were so mean.
It's my first time
traveling outside the U.S.
I guess I didn't know
who I could trust here.
Yeah, we'll get them to
give you a change of clothes.
They should have taken
that for evidence.
Is there anyone we can call?
Let them know you're okay?
Listen, Becca, local authorities,
they want to hold you until
the suspect is in custody.
For how long?
I mean, I want to help,
but I can't get stuck here.
Reed's shooter, he's still at large.
No mask means he wasn't
planning on leaving a witness.
You getting a look at the shooter's face
could mean there's
a target on your back now.
So you want to keep me locked up?
What if they never find the guy?
It would be for your own safety.
You're telling me I'm a prisoner.
It's not fair.
I haven't done anything wrong.
I'll cooperate however you all need,
but there must be something you can do.
So this assignment that
can keep me out of jail,
- is it permanent?
- Temporary duty.
They're having me rotate
through Budapest for a bit.
Oh, that's great.
Sounds like you just
bought us some more time.
It's good news, right?
Aside from the fact that
I feel like
some kind of a rat, sure.
Hey, you're not a rat.
You are not a rat.
They're just trying to make
an example out of your brother,
and I'm not going to jail over this BS,
so whatever Inspections
is asking for,
you gotta give it to them.
I've gotta find it first.
And what if they're wrong?
What if Mitchell is not the
bad guy they want him to be?
Can I ask you something?
Who are you worried about
right now, hmm?
The agent you've known for,
I don't know, three days,
or your own brother?
How many times
have I been there for you?
Huh? Fort Lauderdale, Boise.
Stuff with Mom ooh, stuff with Mom.
I never said a word
'cause this is family.
Now, I love you, Riley,
but I am asking you
to be there for me, now,
for the first time
and the last, understand?
If this goes down a certain way,
I am looking at federal charges.
You may never see me again!
You know what?
Do whatever you want, okay?
Do whatever you want.
Mr. Hale, what else can you
tell us about James Reed?
We built Nova Road together.
He wasn't just my partner.
He was my best friend.
That's precisely why
we need your insight.
A look into Reed's habits,
routine, vices.
Vices is a stretch.
Jim was one of the most
disciplined guys I ever met.
Every morning started with
a three-miler by the river.
We think whoever planned
the hit knew that
and the route he took.
Did he have any enemies in Europe?
We're not dealing drugs, for God's sake.
We make blacktop for roads and bridges.
Before Slovakia, you had
a contract that hit a wall.
We looked into Montenegro.
Yeah, that country was a lost cause.
Our trucks were
getting hijacked at night,
workers intimidated.
We basically got run out
of town by the competition.
Well, you may not be in the drug trade,
but that sounds an awful
lot like a turf war.
- Was there any fallout?
- No, no.
There'd be no reason.
They won.
Which is why we needed a
different insurance in Slovakia.
Oto Kostra.
Jim and I brought him on
as a business consultant.
A local face to avoid
another Montenegro.
And you needed what?
His blessing?
Jim handled that side.
I just draw up the papers.
Was everybody happy with the deal?
Look, if their relationship
blew up, I was in the dark.
But here's what I do know.
We've been in town for months.
Want to guess how much pushback we got?
People don't say no to Kostra.
Obviously, this is our guy.
Oto Kostra,
a reformed gangster, per his CV.
Keeps it clean, but dig deep enough,
you'll find ties to extortion,
fraud, racketeering.
Kostra's kept a foothold
in Bratislava's construction
sector for years.
It makes sense why Nova Road
hitched their wagon to it.
We found deposits
into Kostra's account
from Reed's company.
These consulting fees
have a trail.
Huh, but the payments stopped weeks ago.
Right, so if Kostra got cut off,
maybe he had a score
to settle with Reed.
It's worth asking him
about it face to face.
Kostra used his email to confirm
a dinner reservation for tonight.
I'll text you the address.
Reed's body's at the ME's office.
We just got clearance.
Great. You and Andre.
Maybe it's worth looping
in the lab Stateside.
I figure since they already
wrapped the crime scene,
TEU can help after the fact.
- All we need is a laptop.
- Smart.
We can patch them in from the morgue.
Cool if I roll with them?
Evidence is your wheelhouse.
Wes and I can handle Kostra.
How's it going?
We interrupting something?
You're too late, Agent Mitchell.
They're out of the veal tonight.
The captain tells me you're
in Bratislava, for murder,
the American shot by the river.
You mean your business partner?
A tragic incident that
Mr. Kostra is grieving.
Yeah, sure.
So where were you that morning?
You think he had something to
do with it in broad daylight?
Well, a witness puts him at the scene.
Well, the girl was clearly
Are you his paid spokesperson?
Can he answer directly?
You know, you've got a lot of motive.
Didn't Jim Reed take
your kickbacks away?
You mean my fees?
Mr. Reed and I worked together, yes.
He needed my services, yes.
But he and I were on good terms.
The payments never stopped.
We just streamlined some things.
Well, you're still short one alibi.
If you must know,
I was in bed that morning.
Well, unless your wife can confirm that,
you are coming in for a lineup.
To be clear, this is not an arrest,
and Mr. Kostra is innocent
until proven otherwise,
so no handcuffs, and he rides with me.
See you at the station.
After you.
Can I see the file?
All right. We're all set here.
Good idea with Trace Evidence Unit.
Patch them in and send them
over the crime scene photos.
You also have access
to the hub's databases
in case you need anything from them.
I'll leave you to it.
As the sole witness,
if you are willing
to confirm the suspect,
a positive ID could really clinch this.
You mean I'll be able to leave?
One step at a time.
Just know that there is a risk.
Outside these walls,
you are not protected.
And if you do the right thing in here,
it means you will be a target out there.
Just thought I'd let you know
before you walk in that room.
I just got out of
a pretty toxic relationship.
The writing was on the wall,
but it took me a while
to speak for myself, to speak out.
I told myself I'd never be
silenced out of fear again.
No one is doubting your resilience.
My point is, I know the risks here,
and I also know I'm
doing the right thing.
Number four.
Are you positive?
I was next to that poor man
when the gun went off.
It was like time stopped.
As long as I live,
I'll never forget that face.
It was him.
Thank you.
Let's see if we can
send you on your way.
You know, when we first met,
you said you didn't know who
to trust here.
Just say the word.
We'll get you protection.
I appreciate it,
but I meant what I said.
They can't scare me
for doing the right thing.
This isn't adding up.
Reed suffered a submental GSW,
and the bullet lodged inside him.
They never found the weapon,
but a .32 snub nose tracks.
It explains the lack of casings.
Revolver changes the venting mechanism.
From under the chin
and with no exit wound,
the gases from the pistol would have
contracted in the head cavity.
There's nowhere for that energy to go.
- So what happens?
- Blowback.
But if that's true,
then the impact angle
and the way the spray hit Becca
makes it impossible
for her to have been standing
next to Reed when he got shot.
Because she wasn't.
She was standing in front of him.
Cam, where's Becca?
Back in holding.
She just ID'd Kostra as the assailant.
There was no assailant. Becca did it.
The lab confirms it,
and we got a pile of data
from the crime scene that proves it.
Wes, is Becca is still there?
No, the cops gave her the
boot, like, ten minutes ago.
- She left the station?
- Yeah, why?
Becca didn't witness a murder.
She pulled the damn trigger.
There's no sign of Becca out there.
She slipped away fast.
And the hotel she gave
the cops has no record of her.
Becca's phone is still offline.
No way to know where she's going.
Okay, BOLO. Red notice.
If she's got a car, I want every
cop in the city looking for it.
When they found Becca
at the crime scene,
she didn't have a gun on her.
She must have ditched
it somewhere nearby.
Okay, I'll push for another
grid search as well.
What the hell was Becca's plan here?
Take out Reed and bail.
But the blowback changed things.
Right, you can't walk away
looking like Carrie on prom night.
So she reinvented a story,
but it roped in the cops,
and then she needed us
to get her out of jail.
It's amazing.
This whole thing was an act.
She even knew how to use Kostra.
I mean, the fact is, we don't
know anything about Becca,
including her motive.
Mr. Kostra was not involved,
as I've expressed to you repeatedly.
And yet the American
that you've been coddling
is now our prime suspect.
We still have a common goal here.
Maybe, but it's my show now.
Talk to me.
We flagged a new credit
card purchase from Becca.
A one-way train ticket,
Bratislava to Frankfurt.
Wait, she used her personal bank card?
For the first time in weeks.
That seems a little
presented, don't you think?
Becca's got to know her transactions
and the borders are being watched.
Yeah, my guess is
she's gone to ground.
She's running dark.
Well, Becca's story was that
she was traveling around Europe.
But what if that's a lie?
What if she landed in Prague
and then came straight to Slovakia?
Becca cleared customs
about four weeks ago.
Ernesto, can you look into
hotels and rental homes
booked over that time span?
341 matches.
No, you know what? Stick with Airbnb.
She's not gonna risk hotel surveillance.
54 hits spread over town.
Any of them booked using
new or unverified profiles,
possibly set up a few weeks ago?
Brand new account
with only one booking so far.
For the past 26 days,
a Jane Doe with no ID
has been renting a spot in Old Town.
Alena Mihalik?
You've been renting your spare
bedroom to this woman. That right?
Becca isn't in here, is she?
She's not come back in few nights.
Is she okay?
She's wanted for murder.
We need to search inside.
Found something.
And Becca hasn't contacted you?
Let us know if she does.
She seemed like nice girl.
Well, we believe she chose your flat
due to its proximity
to the victim's home.
She was stalking him,
so she might seem harmless, but
I understand.
She's no longer welcome here.
We're gonna leave a policeman outside.
Becca took out the SD card,
but look at this.
Camera's trying to sync online.
Maybe the hub can run with it.
How's Becca been getting around?
You can walk many places from here.
I offered to drive her, but she said no.
Did she say anything else about
her visit? Plans she was making?
The girl kept to herself.
When she first arrived,
she need SIM card to call family.
I show her the shop that sells them
two-minute walk.
We just got word.
Becca purchased a phone locally.
Shop gave us the IMEI number
and carrier info
from when they activated it,
but the phone's currently offline.
Meaning we can't trace it.
She pulled the SIM, so no,
but Andre is working on a plan B.
Next time that phone's up,
we'll be on it.
Since around 2018, some digital cameras
started offering cloud backup
to photographers.
It's a key feature on the model
we found at Becca's Airbnb.
All you need is a Wi-Fi connection.
Camera's serial and warranty info
shows that the product is
registered to a Richard Morgan.
So it was Becca's dad's camera?
While he was still alive,
Morgan had a whole cloud storage account
that we've just uncovered.
She knows how to handle a gun, clearly.
Hang on.
Pull up image 968.
Punch in on the card.
It's the registered name
of Morgan's startup company.
Seems like it never really took off.
Searching back far enough,
I see a rejected patent
application under that name.
Patent for what?
A silicone-based polymer.
Silicone's the active ingredient
in Nova Road's product line.
So there's a link
between these three guys.
So Becca's dad took
his own life last year.
But when you look at
the exact date of his death,
it's the same day Nova Road
received $400 million
in VC funding,
exactly when Hale and Reed
became millionaires.
Becca's dad was never
affiliated with Nova Road.
Not officially.
The only time all three of their names
are mentioned together
is a restraining order
against Becca's dad.
And it looks like Hale initiated it.
Keep pulling this thread.
I'll update Wes.
Sorry, I wish I could help.
She's the daughter
of the guy you screwed over.
She was just a teenager when I met her.
You're saying this girl killed Jim?
How did your relationship
with Richard Morgan start?
There was a conference in 2019.
That's where I met him.
The guy had a small startup,
and me and Jim stepped in to facilitate.
And we funded a lab
for him to run his tests.
But at some point, Morgan wanted out,
so we bought him out.
Not my fault he regretted his choice.
Look, we know Morgan's patent
was rejected at first.
Which happens all the time, apparently.
Then what?
You guys found out, and then
you saw it as an opportunity
to take control?
You stole this guy's life's work.
Morgan couldn't fight anymore.
He wanted out.
So you bought his shares for pennies,
and then you rebranded
the company as Nova Road
without Morgan's involvement.
The day you struck oil was the day
he punched his own ticket.
Is any of this ringing
a bell to you, Steve?
Do I have to explain business to you?
The contract is the contract.
Well, if you paid Becca's
dad for what he was worth,
then I think things would have
gone down very differently.
Am I on trial?
You should be finding
my friend's killer.
Someone blew his brains out.
You remember?
Any luck?
Becca's burner is still dead,
but our subpoena worked.
The carrier turned over
the phone's geo history.
We can chart Becca's
movement over the past month
using the towers.
She's been keeping busy.
I'm getting visits
in Ruzinov to the east.
Isn't Ruzinov where
Hale has his apartment?
Andre, what's up?
Hey, Becca's phone data
shows that she'd
been casing Hale's
neighborhood for weeks,
just like she did with Reed.
Would you know if you were
being followed?
What does that have to do
Becca's been tailing you.
So have you noticed anything weird?
Anything out of the ordinary?
Spit it out.
About a week ago, there might
have been a break-in here.
- You didn't report it?
- There was no forced entry.
I couldn't be sure.
But I think something went missing.
A computer.
I thought I misplaced it,
but she must have taken it.
There's no other explanation.
I'm looking at the time stamps.
Even after the burglary,
Becca went back
to Hale's neighborhood several times,
just watching his moves.
She's hunting.
All right. Thanks, Andre.
Tell me what needs to happen.
Stay low! Stay low!
- Get back.
- Shots fired!
We're pinned down. We need backup!
Get back! Stay down!
Hey, don't let them
stick me in the hospital.
I'm a sitting duck there.
This chick's been in my apartment.
She was literally waiting
for me across the street.
She won't stop until I'm dead.
Yeah, that's not gonna happen.
My wife and kids are flying in tonight.
They aren't safe either.
You gotta do something, please.
All right, we will relocate
them to a safe location,
and you will be able
to join them if you're cleared.
This way, sir.
Rooftop across the way.
Becca took off.
She left her shell casings.
Four of them.
Proof she's a terrible shot.
How did she get the rifle over here?
Good question.
We know she's not carrying
around that type of firepower,
- so she's got a vehicle.
- All right.
Cartridge is a ZVS .308,
made in Slovakia.
And the bullet that killed
Reed was also from Europe.
So she's sourcing her ammo locally.
Can we get a lot number for these?
Waste of time.
32 was special order.
Only one supplier in the city
sells both calibers.
I know where to go.
Of course I remember.
An American girl shopping
here is uncommon.
Two weeks.
She said she wanted to go hunting.
Listen, you skirted some regulations
selling her weapons and ammunition.
No license, no waiting period?
What do you want from me?
I sell guns.
She paid a little extra.
I think she deserved to see our forest.
Amazing red deer, boar.
She wasn't hunting animals.
The girl is a murder suspect,
and we're trying to track her down.
It was weeks ago.
What can I do about it now?
Did that thing get a look at her?
It doesn't work.
Only meant to scare people.
What else do you remember?
Did she have a car?
It was nearly 3:00
because we had a big shipment
in that day, and I have bad back,
so she helped me to carry
some boxes inside.
Luka, we all have a lot to lose.
You especially.
Inventory came by truck?
As usual every month.
Listen, I refuse to let a killer
run around my city unchecked.
We have to find her now.
What was the name
of that trucking company?
There was a report
from a Detective Deschamps
about the Fly Team's time in Paris.
Detailing what?
It basically
I don't want basic, Agent Quinn.
Get specific.
What did you find?
The French cops filed a formal
complaint against Mitchell,
plus another agent named Tyler Booth.
Who else knows about this?
Europol, it looks like.
Looks like?
Is Garretson involved or not?
She was named in the document.
Report says it was a B&E
to illegally detain someone.
And the French are pursuing this?
And they're pushing for an
administrative ban on entry.
Deschamps wants it
on the record that Mitchell
not only broke protocol
in a host country, but
He committed a crime.
See? Was that so hard?
Send me what you found.
Got it?
Of course.
Oh, and I'm working
on your brother's thing.
Don't worry.
Hey, how are you holding up?
All good.
These TDY gigs are
like boot camp sometimes.
Where's the bureau putting you up?
This place over by
Liberty Square, I think.
Yeah, District Five.
That's where I was
when I first got here.
There's a pancake place nearby.
You got to try it out.
It's vegan, but they're still good.
My treat when we're back in town.
We got an update.
Our hunting outfitter gave us the name
of a trucking company they use.
This is the dash cam footage of
a delivery made two weeks ago.
You can see here that
just after 3:00 p.m.,
Becca is getting out of the store
and getting into a parked vehicle.
So with that, we now have
her make, model, and plates.
Okay, local cops know about this?
- Yeah, they're working on it.
- Good.
Police just matched the plates to a car
entering Bratislava's
shipping port half an hour ago.
Okay, what do we know about that port?
There's a ferry scheduled
to Vienna tonight
and two more boats headed
to other cities after that.
This could be Becca's exit plan.
Okay, she's got a
30-minute head start on us,
so I'm driving.
We've been monitoring
cell phone activity.
Our friend Hale made an
outgoing call to Kostra
soon after the sniper attack.
Phone logs show
the two guys spoke briefly
44 seconds to be exact.
After the call,
$25,000 gets wired to Kostra,
a one-time payment from Hale.
He already thinks as
long as Becca is out there,
he and his family aren't safe,
so he might be calling
in a favor.
Hale just put
a contract on Becca.
That 25k is a green light.
Got eyes on Becca's car.
Hunting rifle on the back seat.
Ferry terminal's on the opposite end
and plus the boat to Vienna
isn't even due yet.
All right, fan out.
She might still be here.
Remember, there's
a bounty on our suspect.
Kostra's guys might still show up.
Everybody stay sharp.
Becca, drop your weapon.
You've been greenlit.
Kostra's got his men looking for you.
You're better off with us.
Or you can take your chances
on his turf.
Up to you.
Drop it.
Drop the bag.
Hands where I can see them.
I'm seeing that Kostra
made a second call
to an unknown number after
Hale wired him the money.
That's our triggerman
getting the go ahead.
Spoof a message to this mystery number.
We'll ping their location.
What they did was wrong.
They ruined my dad's life.
It's Janic.
Janic is the triggerman.
It's all right there.
He's in Kostra's pocket.
We got to warn Mitchell.
Captain Janic?
Give her to me.
She's in custody.
Shouldn't we call it in?
You're forgetting who's in charge.
You and your colleagues
are on foreign soil.
What are you doing?
If you don't give up the girl,
I'll have to assume
you two are in conspiracy.
Hey, we're taking Becca into custody.
Not your decision to make.
Like hell.
I got Americans in the mix.
That's my suspect.
You don't like it?
Why don't you call for backup?
That's what I thought.
Wes, what the hell is going on?
Hey, how much is Kostra paying you?
I've worn this badge for 20 years.
You're really going to shoot me?
Get everybody
down here right now.
The girl is a killer.
Nobody will miss her.
Step away from the suspect.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Okay, hold on, hold on.
I don't care what you've done.
There's a way out of this.
You and I, we can figure
something out right now.
That's not the way things work here.
Not for me, anyway.
Get her out of here.
Wes, are you okay?
What happened to him?
Listen, he shot at the suspect.
He fired at one of my agents.
I had to return fire.
You did this?
Put the gun down.
This might come as a surprise to you.
Your captain's dirty.
You guys are making a mistake.
- Andre.
- Wes.
Just meet me at the station.
The police are still holding Wes.
We recovered Hale's stolen laptop.
Between that and the phone logs,
we can connect them to Janic.
We got the guy on attempted murder.
So why is Wes still stuck in custody?
They're waiting on Riley's statement.
Wes took down a cop,
albeit a corrupt one,
but we're in a foreign country.
Riley saw the whole thing.
Okay, but we still have
diplomatic immunity.
Well, until the embassy
gets here to play that hand,
the Slovaks will keep him.
The minister of
the interior is on the way.
And if that guy is as
compromised as Janic was,
then we are bollocksed.
It won't be a fair fight.
Just got word Mitchell's
been booked by the locals.
Problem solved.
You didn't see a damn thing.
Don't back him up.
Let him rot.
Just so you know,
the laptop you stole from Hale
is now in evidence.
And we are going after him.
It's over, Becca.
It's time for you to zoom out,
see all the damage you set in motion.
I don't expect you to understand,
not until the laws and systems in place
let you down over and over again.
Well, look where it landed you.
I doubt your dad wanted this for you.
You know why my dad took
such a miserable payout?
Mom was sick.
We needed the money for treatment.
Those men took his desperate moment
and they used it against my family.
And guess what?
Mom died anyways.
Yeah, that doesn't give you
the right to drop more bodies.
I was raised to be a fighter.
Dad would say always
stand your ground.
And that's what he did
until he couldn't anymore.
He was a good man.
He taught me that family is
always worth fighting for.
They're ready for you.
Agent Quinn, tell us what
happened with Office Janic.
From the time we arrived,
Captain Janic made
his intentions and his allegiance clear.
Tonight I saw Agent Mitchell use every
to deescalate the situation,
but it became clear that Captain Janic
posed an imminent danger to all of us.
My superior didn't just
save Becca's life tonight,
but mine as well.
I've heard enough.
You're free to go.
I'm good.
You know, all we got is
the agent standing next to us.
I'm just glad it was you.
You kept your head on straight.
You might be the reason
that girl is still alive.
You were made for this.
One of the best things
of working international
a secret booze drawer stays a secret.
Did I not tell you about Quinn?
Legit, right?
No, I trust her, but something's up.
I got your message.
Is everything okay?
I'm in a bind, Cam.
I don't know what to do.
They're coming after Mitchell.
Agent Quinn, you're off
to work with the Fly Team.
Your brother is in
a bit of a bind.
He was framed for
something he didn't do.
If you happen to encounter
a bad agent in the field,
would you report that agent?
This is her first time
doing high risk field work.
If you need anybody to talk to,
you just let me know.
Thanks, Cam.
Find me something I can
use against Agent Mitchell,
or your brother's phoning in
to Christmas dinner.
HQ asked if I would take you
on as a temporary duty agent.
Look forward to working
with you some more.
Just have someone take the bloody thing.
Two seconds. Nearly there.
Excuse me.
Could we trouble you for a quick photo?
Just hold it down for a focus check.
It'll beep once and it's ready.
What was that?
Over there.
Are you all right?
What's your name, love?
Are you hurt?
What happened?
He killed him.
He just he shot him
right in front of me.
His blood his blood was all over.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, my God.
Somebody help!
We need help!
Don't touch him! Don't touch him.
I'm calling the cops.
You're American, yes?
Whatever you saw today, for your sake,
you didn't.
We need polícia.
Ah, no, that's a practice shot.
Hey, what's your take on Quinn?
So far, so good. Why?
I don't know.
No, really. What's up?
Maybe it's that she's new.
I just feel like
something's weighing on her.
Okay, you want me to dig?
No. It's all good.
These things tend to reveal themselves.
Thanks for the coffee, Quinn.
You were saying? At West Point?
Oh, right.
There was this poster hanging
in a storage room,
and it said
"no light between the shields."
Have you ever heard of that before?
Well, it came from
the Greek phalanx formation.
You stood shoulder-to-shoulder,
shields overlapping.
And if there was any light
in between them,
you really weren't working as one.
Makes sense.
I mean, maybe it's
easier said than done,
but I do like what it says
about trust, you know?
Shoulder to shoulder.
That's the Fly Team.
James Reed, a U.S. citizen,
was shot and killed yesterday
in Bratislava, Slovakia.
No wife, no next of kin,
but a high net worth individual.
Reed was the founder and CEO
of an American company
called Nova Road.
They invented a chemical
product used for road construction.
Nova Road recently won
a government contract
to renovate Slovakia's infrastructure.
Reed was in town the past three months
with his business partner,
ramping things up.
Autopsy report says cause of death was
a single GSW .32 cal.
Guy was targeted on his morning jog.
Shooter's still at large.
He missing his wallet, watch,
any signs of a struggle?
No, nope, none.
So this is a hit.
Any witnesses?
Somebody must have seen something.
Someone did.
Becca Morgan, 23.
Wisconsin native traveling abroad.
She saw the whole thing go down.
Called around,
found no living relatives.
She is being held on
a material witness warrant.
Becca told the local cops she
didn't want to get involved,
but they're gonna keep her
until the assailant is ID'd.
Can they do that?
Perhaps, if their only lead
is deemed a flight risk.
Though it looks like Becca requested
the FBI and the police
still waited over 24 hours
before notifying us.
What the hell for?
Let's just say by-the-book
isn't their thing.
Yeah, it'll become apparent
when you get to Bratislava.
All right.
We already lost a whole day on this one.
Pack it up. Let's roll.
I noticed in the brief you sent,
our liaison here was
investigated internally.
Yes, was.
Until the agency looking into misconduct
was disbanded last year.
Is that the FBI gracing us
with their presence?
You must be Captain Janic.
Wes Mitchell, head of the Fly Team.
Care to explain why your
American witness has gone quiet?
She's impeding an investigation.
Well, I'd be a little scared, too,
if I was being held against my will.
I want to know what she saw.
As do we.
But clearly, Becca has been
through a traumatic event.
The clock has started.
A murder like this
is either solved quickly
or it fades away.
We want to help, but we're
gonna need your cooperation,
starting with a place to work from.
Everything in front of our eyes.
Total transparency, no exceptions.
Yeah, absolutely.
We will also need
a secure place for our things.
Just get your American talking.
Becca, can you tell us what happened?
I saw this bookstore on TikTok.
The café inside's known
for their latte art.
It's the whole reason
I stopped by Old Town.
Normally I have my phone,
but I left it at the hotel that morning.
Got totally turned around.
Then I saw a jogger by the bridge.
You approached Reed?
I just needed directions.
And turns out he was from the States,
and that's why we started talking.
And then what happened?
Someone came up to us.
He had a gun, and
I'm sorry.
It all just happened really fast.
And after he shot that man, he turned,
and he was pointing the gun at me,
but maybe it got jammed or something.
And I didn't know what to do,
so I just screamed
as loud as I could, and the guy ran.
Did you get a look
at the shooter's face?
Mask, no mask?
No mask.
Tell us what you remember about him.
In his 40s, maybe.
Sort of your height.
He had some kind of a scar
just under his eye.
Okay, we're gonna get you
set up with a sketch artist.
And as descriptive as you can
would be a huge help.
Why not share this with the police?
I feel stupid saying it.
They were so mean.
It's my first time
traveling outside the U.S.
I guess I didn't know
who I could trust here.
Yeah, we'll get them to
give you a change of clothes.
They should have taken
that for evidence.
Is there anyone we can call?
Let them know you're okay?
Listen, Becca, local authorities,
they want to hold you until
the suspect is in custody.
For how long?
I mean, I want to help,
but I can't get stuck here.
Reed's shooter, he's still at large.
No mask means he wasn't
planning on leaving a witness.
You getting a look at the shooter's face
could mean there's
a target on your back now.
So you want to keep me locked up?
What if they never find the guy?
It would be for your own safety.
You're telling me I'm a prisoner.
It's not fair.
I haven't done anything wrong.
I'll cooperate however you all need,
but there must be something you can do.
So this assignment that
can keep me out of jail,
- is it permanent?
- Temporary duty.
They're having me rotate
through Budapest for a bit.
Oh, that's great.
Sounds like you just
bought us some more time.
It's good news, right?
Aside from the fact that
I feel like
some kind of a rat, sure.
Hey, you're not a rat.
You are not a rat.
They're just trying to make
an example out of your brother,
and I'm not going to jail over this BS,
so whatever Inspections
is asking for,
you gotta give it to them.
I've gotta find it first.
And what if they're wrong?
What if Mitchell is not the
bad guy they want him to be?
Can I ask you something?
Who are you worried about
right now, hmm?
The agent you've known for,
I don't know, three days,
or your own brother?
How many times
have I been there for you?
Huh? Fort Lauderdale, Boise.
Stuff with Mom ooh, stuff with Mom.
I never said a word
'cause this is family.
Now, I love you, Riley,
but I am asking you
to be there for me, now,
for the first time
and the last, understand?
If this goes down a certain way,
I am looking at federal charges.
You may never see me again!
You know what?
Do whatever you want, okay?
Do whatever you want.
Mr. Hale, what else can you
tell us about James Reed?
We built Nova Road together.
He wasn't just my partner.
He was my best friend.
That's precisely why
we need your insight.
A look into Reed's habits,
routine, vices.
Vices is a stretch.
Jim was one of the most
disciplined guys I ever met.
Every morning started with
a three-miler by the river.
We think whoever planned
the hit knew that
and the route he took.
Did he have any enemies in Europe?
We're not dealing drugs, for God's sake.
We make blacktop for roads and bridges.
Before Slovakia, you had
a contract that hit a wall.
We looked into Montenegro.
Yeah, that country was a lost cause.
Our trucks were
getting hijacked at night,
workers intimidated.
We basically got run out
of town by the competition.
Well, you may not be in the drug trade,
but that sounds an awful
lot like a turf war.
- Was there any fallout?
- No, no.
There'd be no reason.
They won.
Which is why we needed a
different insurance in Slovakia.
Oto Kostra.
Jim and I brought him on
as a business consultant.
A local face to avoid
another Montenegro.
And you needed what?
His blessing?
Jim handled that side.
I just draw up the papers.
Was everybody happy with the deal?
Look, if their relationship
blew up, I was in the dark.
But here's what I do know.
We've been in town for months.
Want to guess how much pushback we got?
People don't say no to Kostra.
Obviously, this is our guy.
Oto Kostra,
a reformed gangster, per his CV.
Keeps it clean, but dig deep enough,
you'll find ties to extortion,
fraud, racketeering.
Kostra's kept a foothold
in Bratislava's construction
sector for years.
It makes sense why Nova Road
hitched their wagon to it.
We found deposits
into Kostra's account
from Reed's company.
These consulting fees
have a trail.
Huh, but the payments stopped weeks ago.
Right, so if Kostra got cut off,
maybe he had a score
to settle with Reed.
It's worth asking him
about it face to face.
Kostra used his email to confirm
a dinner reservation for tonight.
I'll text you the address.
Reed's body's at the ME's office.
We just got clearance.
Great. You and Andre.
Maybe it's worth looping
in the lab Stateside.
I figure since they already
wrapped the crime scene,
TEU can help after the fact.
- All we need is a laptop.
- Smart.
We can patch them in from the morgue.
Cool if I roll with them?
Evidence is your wheelhouse.
Wes and I can handle Kostra.
How's it going?
We interrupting something?
You're too late, Agent Mitchell.
They're out of the veal tonight.
The captain tells me you're
in Bratislava, for murder,
the American shot by the river.
You mean your business partner?
A tragic incident that
Mr. Kostra is grieving.
Yeah, sure.
So where were you that morning?
You think he had something to
do with it in broad daylight?
Well, a witness puts him at the scene.
Well, the girl was clearly
Are you his paid spokesperson?
Can he answer directly?
You know, you've got a lot of motive.
Didn't Jim Reed take
your kickbacks away?
You mean my fees?
Mr. Reed and I worked together, yes.
He needed my services, yes.
But he and I were on good terms.
The payments never stopped.
We just streamlined some things.
Well, you're still short one alibi.
If you must know,
I was in bed that morning.
Well, unless your wife can confirm that,
you are coming in for a lineup.
To be clear, this is not an arrest,
and Mr. Kostra is innocent
until proven otherwise,
so no handcuffs, and he rides with me.
See you at the station.
After you.
Can I see the file?
All right. We're all set here.
Good idea with Trace Evidence Unit.
Patch them in and send them
over the crime scene photos.
You also have access
to the hub's databases
in case you need anything from them.
I'll leave you to it.
As the sole witness,
if you are willing
to confirm the suspect,
a positive ID could really clinch this.
You mean I'll be able to leave?
One step at a time.
Just know that there is a risk.
Outside these walls,
you are not protected.
And if you do the right thing in here,
it means you will be a target out there.
Just thought I'd let you know
before you walk in that room.
I just got out of
a pretty toxic relationship.
The writing was on the wall,
but it took me a while
to speak for myself, to speak out.
I told myself I'd never be
silenced out of fear again.
No one is doubting your resilience.
My point is, I know the risks here,
and I also know I'm
doing the right thing.
Number four.
Are you positive?
I was next to that poor man
when the gun went off.
It was like time stopped.
As long as I live,
I'll never forget that face.
It was him.
Thank you.
Let's see if we can
send you on your way.
You know, when we first met,
you said you didn't know who
to trust here.
Just say the word.
We'll get you protection.
I appreciate it,
but I meant what I said.
They can't scare me
for doing the right thing.
This isn't adding up.
Reed suffered a submental GSW,
and the bullet lodged inside him.
They never found the weapon,
but a .32 snub nose tracks.
It explains the lack of casings.
Revolver changes the venting mechanism.
From under the chin
and with no exit wound,
the gases from the pistol would have
contracted in the head cavity.
There's nowhere for that energy to go.
- So what happens?
- Blowback.
But if that's true,
then the impact angle
and the way the spray hit Becca
makes it impossible
for her to have been standing
next to Reed when he got shot.
Because she wasn't.
She was standing in front of him.
Cam, where's Becca?
Back in holding.
She just ID'd Kostra as the assailant.
There was no assailant. Becca did it.
The lab confirms it,
and we got a pile of data
from the crime scene that proves it.
Wes, is Becca is still there?
No, the cops gave her the
boot, like, ten minutes ago.
- She left the station?
- Yeah, why?
Becca didn't witness a murder.
She pulled the damn trigger.
There's no sign of Becca out there.
She slipped away fast.
And the hotel she gave
the cops has no record of her.
Becca's phone is still offline.
No way to know where she's going.
Okay, BOLO. Red notice.
If she's got a car, I want every
cop in the city looking for it.
When they found Becca
at the crime scene,
she didn't have a gun on her.
She must have ditched
it somewhere nearby.
Okay, I'll push for another
grid search as well.
What the hell was Becca's plan here?
Take out Reed and bail.
But the blowback changed things.
Right, you can't walk away
looking like Carrie on prom night.
So she reinvented a story,
but it roped in the cops,
and then she needed us
to get her out of jail.
It's amazing.
This whole thing was an act.
She even knew how to use Kostra.
I mean, the fact is, we don't
know anything about Becca,
including her motive.
Mr. Kostra was not involved,
as I've expressed to you repeatedly.
And yet the American
that you've been coddling
is now our prime suspect.
We still have a common goal here.
Maybe, but it's my show now.
Talk to me.
We flagged a new credit
card purchase from Becca.
A one-way train ticket,
Bratislava to Frankfurt.
Wait, she used her personal bank card?
For the first time in weeks.
That seems a little
presented, don't you think?
Becca's got to know her transactions
and the borders are being watched.
Yeah, my guess is
she's gone to ground.
She's running dark.
Well, Becca's story was that
she was traveling around Europe.
But what if that's a lie?
What if she landed in Prague
and then came straight to Slovakia?
Becca cleared customs
about four weeks ago.
Ernesto, can you look into
hotels and rental homes
booked over that time span?
341 matches.
No, you know what? Stick with Airbnb.
She's not gonna risk hotel surveillance.
54 hits spread over town.
Any of them booked using
new or unverified profiles,
possibly set up a few weeks ago?
Brand new account
with only one booking so far.
For the past 26 days,
a Jane Doe with no ID
has been renting a spot in Old Town.
Alena Mihalik?
You've been renting your spare
bedroom to this woman. That right?
Becca isn't in here, is she?
She's not come back in few nights.
Is she okay?
She's wanted for murder.
We need to search inside.
Found something.
And Becca hasn't contacted you?
Let us know if she does.
She seemed like nice girl.
Well, we believe she chose your flat
due to its proximity
to the victim's home.
She was stalking him,
so she might seem harmless, but
I understand.
She's no longer welcome here.
We're gonna leave a policeman outside.
Becca took out the SD card,
but look at this.
Camera's trying to sync online.
Maybe the hub can run with it.
How's Becca been getting around?
You can walk many places from here.
I offered to drive her, but she said no.
Did she say anything else about
her visit? Plans she was making?
The girl kept to herself.
When she first arrived,
she need SIM card to call family.
I show her the shop that sells them
two-minute walk.
We just got word.
Becca purchased a phone locally.
Shop gave us the IMEI number
and carrier info
from when they activated it,
but the phone's currently offline.
Meaning we can't trace it.
She pulled the SIM, so no,
but Andre is working on a plan B.
Next time that phone's up,
we'll be on it.
Since around 2018, some digital cameras
started offering cloud backup
to photographers.
It's a key feature on the model
we found at Becca's Airbnb.
All you need is a Wi-Fi connection.
Camera's serial and warranty info
shows that the product is
registered to a Richard Morgan.
So it was Becca's dad's camera?
While he was still alive,
Morgan had a whole cloud storage account
that we've just uncovered.
She knows how to handle a gun, clearly.
Hang on.
Pull up image 968.
Punch in on the card.
It's the registered name
of Morgan's startup company.
Seems like it never really took off.
Searching back far enough,
I see a rejected patent
application under that name.
Patent for what?
A silicone-based polymer.
Silicone's the active ingredient
in Nova Road's product line.
So there's a link
between these three guys.
So Becca's dad took
his own life last year.
But when you look at
the exact date of his death,
it's the same day Nova Road
received $400 million
in VC funding,
exactly when Hale and Reed
became millionaires.
Becca's dad was never
affiliated with Nova Road.
Not officially.
The only time all three of their names
are mentioned together
is a restraining order
against Becca's dad.
And it looks like Hale initiated it.
Keep pulling this thread.
I'll update Wes.
Sorry, I wish I could help.
She's the daughter
of the guy you screwed over.
She was just a teenager when I met her.
You're saying this girl killed Jim?
How did your relationship
with Richard Morgan start?
There was a conference in 2019.
That's where I met him.
The guy had a small startup,
and me and Jim stepped in to facilitate.
And we funded a lab
for him to run his tests.
But at some point, Morgan wanted out,
so we bought him out.
Not my fault he regretted his choice.
Look, we know Morgan's patent
was rejected at first.
Which happens all the time, apparently.
Then what?
You guys found out, and then
you saw it as an opportunity
to take control?
You stole this guy's life's work.
Morgan couldn't fight anymore.
He wanted out.
So you bought his shares for pennies,
and then you rebranded
the company as Nova Road
without Morgan's involvement.
The day you struck oil was the day
he punched his own ticket.
Is any of this ringing
a bell to you, Steve?
Do I have to explain business to you?
The contract is the contract.
Well, if you paid Becca's
dad for what he was worth,
then I think things would have
gone down very differently.
Am I on trial?
You should be finding
my friend's killer.
Someone blew his brains out.
You remember?
Any luck?
Becca's burner is still dead,
but our subpoena worked.
The carrier turned over
the phone's geo history.
We can chart Becca's
movement over the past month
using the towers.
She's been keeping busy.
I'm getting visits
in Ruzinov to the east.
Isn't Ruzinov where
Hale has his apartment?
Andre, what's up?
Hey, Becca's phone data
shows that she'd
been casing Hale's
neighborhood for weeks,
just like she did with Reed.
Would you know if you were
being followed?
What does that have to do
Becca's been tailing you.
So have you noticed anything weird?
Anything out of the ordinary?
Spit it out.
About a week ago, there might
have been a break-in here.
- You didn't report it?
- There was no forced entry.
I couldn't be sure.
But I think something went missing.
A computer.
I thought I misplaced it,
but she must have taken it.
There's no other explanation.
I'm looking at the time stamps.
Even after the burglary,
Becca went back
to Hale's neighborhood several times,
just watching his moves.
She's hunting.
All right. Thanks, Andre.
Tell me what needs to happen.
Stay low! Stay low!
- Get back.
- Shots fired!
We're pinned down. We need backup!
Get back! Stay down!
Hey, don't let them
stick me in the hospital.
I'm a sitting duck there.
This chick's been in my apartment.
She was literally waiting
for me across the street.
She won't stop until I'm dead.
Yeah, that's not gonna happen.
My wife and kids are flying in tonight.
They aren't safe either.
You gotta do something, please.
All right, we will relocate
them to a safe location,
and you will be able
to join them if you're cleared.
This way, sir.
Rooftop across the way.
Becca took off.
She left her shell casings.
Four of them.
Proof she's a terrible shot.
How did she get the rifle over here?
Good question.
We know she's not carrying
around that type of firepower,
- so she's got a vehicle.
- All right.
Cartridge is a ZVS .308,
made in Slovakia.
And the bullet that killed
Reed was also from Europe.
So she's sourcing her ammo locally.
Can we get a lot number for these?
Waste of time.
32 was special order.
Only one supplier in the city
sells both calibers.
I know where to go.
Of course I remember.
An American girl shopping
here is uncommon.
Two weeks.
She said she wanted to go hunting.
Listen, you skirted some regulations
selling her weapons and ammunition.
No license, no waiting period?
What do you want from me?
I sell guns.
She paid a little extra.
I think she deserved to see our forest.
Amazing red deer, boar.
She wasn't hunting animals.
The girl is a murder suspect,
and we're trying to track her down.
It was weeks ago.
What can I do about it now?
Did that thing get a look at her?
It doesn't work.
Only meant to scare people.
What else do you remember?
Did she have a car?
It was nearly 3:00
because we had a big shipment
in that day, and I have bad back,
so she helped me to carry
some boxes inside.
Luka, we all have a lot to lose.
You especially.
Inventory came by truck?
As usual every month.
Listen, I refuse to let a killer
run around my city unchecked.
We have to find her now.
What was the name
of that trucking company?
There was a report
from a Detective Deschamps
about the Fly Team's time in Paris.
Detailing what?
It basically
I don't want basic, Agent Quinn.
Get specific.
What did you find?
The French cops filed a formal
complaint against Mitchell,
plus another agent named Tyler Booth.
Who else knows about this?
Europol, it looks like.
Looks like?
Is Garretson involved or not?
She was named in the document.
Report says it was a B&E
to illegally detain someone.
And the French are pursuing this?
And they're pushing for an
administrative ban on entry.
Deschamps wants it
on the record that Mitchell
not only broke protocol
in a host country, but
He committed a crime.
See? Was that so hard?
Send me what you found.
Got it?
Of course.
Oh, and I'm working
on your brother's thing.
Don't worry.
Hey, how are you holding up?
All good.
These TDY gigs are
like boot camp sometimes.
Where's the bureau putting you up?
This place over by
Liberty Square, I think.
Yeah, District Five.
That's where I was
when I first got here.
There's a pancake place nearby.
You got to try it out.
It's vegan, but they're still good.
My treat when we're back in town.
We got an update.
Our hunting outfitter gave us the name
of a trucking company they use.
This is the dash cam footage of
a delivery made two weeks ago.
You can see here that
just after 3:00 p.m.,
Becca is getting out of the store
and getting into a parked vehicle.
So with that, we now have
her make, model, and plates.
Okay, local cops know about this?
- Yeah, they're working on it.
- Good.
Police just matched the plates to a car
entering Bratislava's
shipping port half an hour ago.
Okay, what do we know about that port?
There's a ferry scheduled
to Vienna tonight
and two more boats headed
to other cities after that.
This could be Becca's exit plan.
Okay, she's got a
30-minute head start on us,
so I'm driving.
We've been monitoring
cell phone activity.
Our friend Hale made an
outgoing call to Kostra
soon after the sniper attack.
Phone logs show
the two guys spoke briefly
44 seconds to be exact.
After the call,
$25,000 gets wired to Kostra,
a one-time payment from Hale.
He already thinks as
long as Becca is out there,
he and his family aren't safe,
so he might be calling
in a favor.
Hale just put
a contract on Becca.
That 25k is a green light.
Got eyes on Becca's car.
Hunting rifle on the back seat.
Ferry terminal's on the opposite end
and plus the boat to Vienna
isn't even due yet.
All right, fan out.
She might still be here.
Remember, there's
a bounty on our suspect.
Kostra's guys might still show up.
Everybody stay sharp.
Becca, drop your weapon.
You've been greenlit.
Kostra's got his men looking for you.
You're better off with us.
Or you can take your chances
on his turf.
Up to you.
Drop it.
Drop the bag.
Hands where I can see them.
I'm seeing that Kostra
made a second call
to an unknown number after
Hale wired him the money.
That's our triggerman
getting the go ahead.
Spoof a message to this mystery number.
We'll ping their location.
What they did was wrong.
They ruined my dad's life.
It's Janic.
Janic is the triggerman.
It's all right there.
He's in Kostra's pocket.
We got to warn Mitchell.
Captain Janic?
Give her to me.
She's in custody.
Shouldn't we call it in?
You're forgetting who's in charge.
You and your colleagues
are on foreign soil.
What are you doing?
If you don't give up the girl,
I'll have to assume
you two are in conspiracy.
Hey, we're taking Becca into custody.
Not your decision to make.
Like hell.
I got Americans in the mix.
That's my suspect.
You don't like it?
Why don't you call for backup?
That's what I thought.
Wes, what the hell is going on?
Hey, how much is Kostra paying you?
I've worn this badge for 20 years.
You're really going to shoot me?
Get everybody
down here right now.
The girl is a killer.
Nobody will miss her.
Step away from the suspect.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Okay, hold on, hold on.
I don't care what you've done.
There's a way out of this.
You and I, we can figure
something out right now.
That's not the way things work here.
Not for me, anyway.
Get her out of here.
Wes, are you okay?
What happened to him?
Listen, he shot at the suspect.
He fired at one of my agents.
I had to return fire.
You did this?
Put the gun down.
This might come as a surprise to you.
Your captain's dirty.
You guys are making a mistake.
- Andre.
- Wes.
Just meet me at the station.
The police are still holding Wes.
We recovered Hale's stolen laptop.
Between that and the phone logs,
we can connect them to Janic.
We got the guy on attempted murder.
So why is Wes still stuck in custody?
They're waiting on Riley's statement.
Wes took down a cop,
albeit a corrupt one,
but we're in a foreign country.
Riley saw the whole thing.
Okay, but we still have
diplomatic immunity.
Well, until the embassy
gets here to play that hand,
the Slovaks will keep him.
The minister of
the interior is on the way.
And if that guy is as
compromised as Janic was,
then we are bollocksed.
It won't be a fair fight.
Just got word Mitchell's
been booked by the locals.
Problem solved.
You didn't see a damn thing.
Don't back him up.
Let him rot.
Just so you know,
the laptop you stole from Hale
is now in evidence.
And we are going after him.
It's over, Becca.
It's time for you to zoom out,
see all the damage you set in motion.
I don't expect you to understand,
not until the laws and systems in place
let you down over and over again.
Well, look where it landed you.
I doubt your dad wanted this for you.
You know why my dad took
such a miserable payout?
Mom was sick.
We needed the money for treatment.
Those men took his desperate moment
and they used it against my family.
And guess what?
Mom died anyways.
Yeah, that doesn't give you
the right to drop more bodies.
I was raised to be a fighter.
Dad would say always
stand your ground.
And that's what he did
until he couldn't anymore.
He was a good man.
He taught me that family is
always worth fighting for.
They're ready for you.
Agent Quinn, tell us what
happened with Office Janic.
From the time we arrived,
Captain Janic made
his intentions and his allegiance clear.
Tonight I saw Agent Mitchell use every
to deescalate the situation,
but it became clear that Captain Janic
posed an imminent danger to all of us.
My superior didn't just
save Becca's life tonight,
but mine as well.
I've heard enough.
You're free to go.
I'm good.
You know, all we got is
the agent standing next to us.
I'm just glad it was you.
You kept your head on straight.
You might be the reason
that girl is still alive.
You were made for this.
One of the best things
of working international
a secret booze drawer stays a secret.
Did I not tell you about Quinn?
Legit, right?
No, I trust her, but something's up.
I got your message.
Is everything okay?
I'm in a bind, Cam.
I don't know what to do.
They're coming after Mitchell.