Fringe s04e13 Episode Script

A Better Human Being

Previously on Fringe: What's wrong? - I've been getting migraines.
I'm gonna send some medication, a new drug we've been working on.
- You don't have to do that.
- I want to.
I'm the closest thing you have to a mother, remember.
In the dreams you had, the ones I'm in, did you feel like you knew me? You're a stranger.
What would I feel? I love you.
I don't know how to explain.
It feels like there was somebody else in my head.
Hi, come in.
Let me pour you a drink.
What is that that smells so fantastic? Ha-ha.
What do you mean? It's Friday.
I ordered Damiano's.
Whoa, Olivia.
Just be straight with me.
Are you okay? Yeah, I'm fine.
Then why did you kiss me? I don't know.
It just felt like that's what we do.
It just felt normal.
How long have we known each other, Olivia? Three months.
I know who you are and who I am.
I think this may just be some residual effects left over from being in Westfield.
- We should let Walter have a look at you.
- No, I'm fine.
Honestly, I think what I need is just some rest.
I'm sorry that I kissed you.
To be honest, I'm embarrassed about it.
Don't be.
There's no need to be embarrassed.
Maybe I should stay a while, just while you rest, in case I would really like some time to myself.
I think I've got another migraine coming on.
If you still feel this way in the morning, let Walter take a look at you? Okay.
Come on in.
Quiet, quiet.
We're almost there.
It's time.
He's in the kitchen.
Oh, hot, hot.
Fan out.
You two, fan out.
Be careful.
What are you doing here? You should be in bed.
Sean, it's me, Bernadette.
Okay? Come on.
I'm gonna take you to your room.
- He's in the kitchen.
- Let's go.
Come on.
He's coming your way.
Sean, can you hear me? Sean, listen.
The voices that you're hearing, they're not real.
You're okay.
Let's go.
Please, take anything you want.
You don't have to do this.
No, no, please, please! I beg you! No, no, no! Damn it, I'm cut! I'm bleeding! - Charles! - There's three of us and one of him! I need some help, Charles! - This one's severe.
- That's better.
I'm gonna sedate him.
It's over.
He's dead.
It's over.
What's a killing in New York to do with a mental institution in Deerfield? Police are calling the murder a home invasion.
- We aren't? - We have no idea what the killers wanted.
That's not why we're here.
Apparently a nurse here watched the news report this morning.
And last night, a patient with schizophrenia had recounted the entire crime in great detail as it was happening.
There really aren't any normal days in this job.
That's when I told him.
I said, "Tim, it's not what the LSD can do it's what the human mind can do that is truly wonderful.
" Walter, there you are.
Olivia and Lincoln just got here.
- What are you doing? - I'm conversing with my friend, Mister Silbiger, who at this hour believes he's circling Venus.
That's a lovely planet.
How long has Mr.
Keenan been a patient here? Sean.
About three years now.
Although he spent time in at least two other hospitals before we admitted him.
He's been institutionalized since he was 14.
These voices he hears, are they demons or God or? Actually, Sean's hallucinations have never been grandiose or violent.
Last night was the first time I heard him talk like that.
His room is right through here.
I don't understand.
The voices in my head are real? We don't know what to think right now.
Now, this is the man who was killed.
- Have you ever seen him before? - No.
But you know how he died.
I didn't hurt that man.
We know that.
It was the voices.
They - They did it.
- Sean, can you hear the voices now? No.
No, they come and go.
Do they ever come from objects? Say, a tree or a wall? - No.
I see.
So they always come from inside your head.
How many voices do you hear, Sean? I don't know.
I think I recognize eight, maybe nine.
But not always, and some of them I don't hear for weeks.
Last night, how many voices did you hear? Three.
That's what the police suspect, three killers.
One of them left when the other two went to the subway station.
- The subway station? Yeah, I heard them say that one of them was hurt.
He was cut.
He needed to clean up before he got on the train.
Clean up where? He said the bathroom.
That's the last thing I remember.
Then the sedative started working and I fell asleep.
I'll contact the Transit Authority tell them to search the stations near the victim's home.
Son, do the voices speak directly to you? No, they don't talk to me at all.
They only speak to each other? - Yeah.
What are you thinking? Would you be willing to go off your meds if it would help this investigation? Here's what I've been able to get so far.
I can get the rest of Sean's medical records within the hour.
Okay, thanks, I'll make copies.
I believe your diagnosis of the young man is fundamentally flawed.
- Excuse me? The truth is the boy was diagnosed schizophrenic because he hears voices.
But the voices don't persecute him or relate to him at all.
In fact, recent evidence proves that what he's hearing are the real thoughts of other people.
But how is that possible? I'm not exactly sure yet.
I think it may be a case of psychological symbiosis.
Maybe even mental telepathy.
Point is, I believe the voices Sean is hearing exist.
- I'm sorry, what? - There is no delusion.
No psychotic episode.
Sean has agreed to go off his medication.
We're hoping the more he is able to hear the voices that we will be able to catch whoever's responsible for the killing.
Sean is here voluntarily, so if that's what he wants to do I just need to explain this to his prescribing physician.
- I'm happy to come with you.
- That's probably a good idea.
You know what? Why don't you go on ahead? - Hey.
- Hi.
This might be a bit weird, but I was wondering if I could come in and just have a look around? Yeah, of course.
How you feeling? That's where Walter used to sleep.
How did you know that? - To disaster narrowly averted.
- Or at least postponed.
We had that case.
That couple in Apartment 6B.
The woman who lost her husband.
After, I came back here.
And then we went upstairs.
I remember.
That's not possible.
Peter, I remember William Bell.
I remember crossing over to bring you back.
I remember Jacksonville and seeing you shimmer the first time we kissed.
I remember you walking to the machine and getting inside being scared you were going to die.
- I don't know what's going on.
- Something must be wrong.
- I remember it.
I remember us.
I remember everything.
Okay, tell me your name, please.
- Olivia Dunham.
And your home address.
Walter, I know who I am.
Is this really necessary? I am just making sure the machine is calibrated.
And it is.
Let's see if we can figure out what's going on inside your head.
- Give you some peace of mind.
- I'm not scared.
- I keep telling you both.
- That makes one of us.
I know that I should be concerned but I'm not.
I will factor that into the diagnosis.
Now shush, please, both of you and let me do my job.
Olivia, the first time you and I met, where was it? St.
Claire's, the mental institution.
And the circumstances of that visit.
Everything you remember.
My partner had been injured in an explosion.
And I came to see if you were able to save his life.
Peter was with me, because I needed a family member to sign you out.
No, no.
That's how it happened in my timeline.
Now, dear, I want you to think very carefully.
Do you remember going to retrieve me from St.
Claire's by yourself without Peter? Yes, I got lost on the way there, but it's hazy, it's kind of indistinct, like Like an old dream.
Brain scan? Nothing unusual with the brain scan but clearly something is happening.
How can she have memories of my Olivia's life that are clearer to her than her own? - My first thought is empathy.
Even as a child, you were able to intuit what those around you wanted.
Belly and I noticed it during the Cortexiphan trials.
And it's hardly surprising that children from abusive families become highly attuned to the emotional state of the adults around them.
Which, in this case, is you, Peter.
- Me? - Well, I suspect that Olivia may be empathizing with your strong desire to be reunited with your Olivia.
And she meets that need by, in effect, becoming your Olivia.
Walter, no matter how badly I want my Olivia back I can't make this one have memories she didn't experience.
That part still confuses me too.
Perhaps some form of thought transference.
She's channeling your memories.
Or Or what? I don't know.
I lost the thought.
Too many drugs of my own.
It happens.
May I take a few strands of your hair to test? Of course.
Would you hold that, please? - Peter, would you? - Prepare the slide, yeah.
How is she? We don't know yet.
- I feel fine.
- That is two pieces of good news.
Transit Authorities found bloody paper towels at the Roosevelt Street station bathroom, like Sean described.
DNA analysis suggests that we're looking for a Caucasian male.
- So far, no hits from the database.
- May I see the file? Hey, Lincoln, can you give me a hand? Just a minute.
This DNA report.
I've seen one like this before.
Where? Our misdiagnosed schizophrenic, Sean.
This strand of DNA is from Sean and this, from our suspect at the crime scene.
Now, see that? They have the same chromosomal spur.
- Which means what? - The effect of the abnormality? I have no idea.
It may mean nothing physically.
But the point is that a spur like this is incredibly rare.
And they both have the exact same one.
Which, along with their genetic profiles, could only mean one thing: - Sean and our killer are brothers.
- Brothers? Specifically half-brothers.
They only share one parent.
But that gives credence to my theory that Sean is communicating with the killers via mental telepathy.
There are many documented cases of siblings communicating nonverbally.
Typically identical twins, but not always.
That might explain how Sean hears the thoughts of one killer.
He said he hears the thoughts of all three.
What if they're related? - Yes, that would explain it.
- Except it doesn't.
According to his medical records, Sean is an only child.
I'm gonna get my coat.
- Where are you going? - To talk to Sean's mother.
- Should she be leaving the lab? - Nothing wrong with me physically.
So if something shows up in the tests, let me know.
Otherwise, we've got a case.
I know what you're doing.
I know what it's like to want something back that you love.
I have succumbed to that temptation myself.
Walter, whatever's happening to Olivia, I'm not doing it.
I think you are, even without meaning to.
And it's wrong, Peter.
For seven years, he's been treated for schizophrenia.
- Lf that's not it, what is it? - That's what we're trying to figure out.
We already located significant evidence based on what Sean told us he heard.
Sean always told me the voices were real.
Keenan, does Sean have any siblings? No, we only had one child.
Is it even in the realm of possibility that Sean's father could have had another child? His biological father? Yes.
Sean was conceived through in-vitro fertilization.
We used a donor.
What can you tell us about the donor? He seemed impressive on paper.
- And what was the doctor's name? - Dr.
Owen Frank.
A friend recommended him when the first IVF we did failed.
She said he only took the best donors, so that his results were better.
It's strange.
A reporter called and left a message a couple of days ago.
He was doing some sort of a piece on IVF.
What was his name? - Daniel, I think.
- Daniel Greene? Yes, that's it.
I called him back, but he never returned my call.
- So you never actually spoke to him? - No.
I did dig up the file that I kept while I was going through the IVF process.
It's in my study.
Let me get it for you.
Thank you.
So in the department of strange, what are we thinking? One of these children killed Greene because of the story? - Maybe.
- All right, I will contact his editors see if they know about his angle.
- And anybody else he interviewed.
Tragic news this afternoon, the murder of a local hero.
Acclaimed author and journalist Daniel Greene was found dead in his Douglaston, New York, home earlier this morning.
Hey, that's the guy who was here, the reporter.
I heard about this, this morning.
Three men broke into his house and suffocated him with a plastic bag.
You were a doctor.
How long does it take someone to suffocate? I want to go back to my room.
- I'm sorry.
- Oh, it's okay.
Don't know what's happening.
Like I haven't eaten in years.
It's the detox program Walter's got you on to wean you off your medication.
It's just a side effect.
You're pretty, you know.
Thank you very much.
- You trust this scientist? - Walter? Yeah, I do.
You're in good hands.
When you start to hear the voices again, that's how you'll know this is working.
In that case it's working now.
You can hear them again? - Yes.
- Okay.
What are they saying? I don't I don't know.
There are too many of them.
Ghost who walks She's on the prowl For the man she loved He laid her down In the tall grass He kissed her cheek But with a knife in his hand He plunged it in deep She looked at him With pleading eyes He softly spoke My dear the love has died And then he muffled Her desperate cries Under the moonlight I understand that the clinic closed down 10 years ago but that's the most recent address.
Okay, well, if you find something more current, could you let us know? Yeah, thank you for your help.
Thank you.
Turns out Dr.
Frank was not so good at keeping his AMA information up to date.
Do you think you could go through these old utility bills from the clinic? Maybe there's a contact in there that we can follow up on.
Yeah, of course.
What? Maybe I don't remember everything because I don't remember you having this scar.
You wouldn't.
I only got that one a month ago.
- Olivia Ahem.
I think I've had a breakthrough.
Miraculous creatures.
Tens of thousands of them working together to feed, shelter and protect their colony.
And like our suspects they communicate over long distances.
Their glands produce pheromones a chemical compound that acts as a message.
And that message is received by their antennae, and then the bees respond.
Are you suggesting the killers are communicating via pheromones? Not necessarily.
Many forms of nonverbal communication exist in nature: Eels use electrical pulses, whales use echolocation elephants use seismic vibrations.
- The point, Walter? - The point, Peter is however these bees are communicating they are operating as one, doing whatever it takes to ensure the survival of the hive.
If Sean and his half-brothers are linked in a telepathic network then it is possible they have formed a collective identity.
Thank you very much.
Apparently Dr.
Frank is living at an assisted-living facility outside of Roxbury.
You coming? There he is right there.
Thank you.
- Dr.
Frank? - Yes? I'm Agent Olivia Dunham.
I was hoping to ask you a few questions about your clinic.
Of course.
- There was a man killed yesterday Ajournalist.
He came to see me last week.
Wanted to talk about my research.
My work.
This isn't the first time that they have killed.
They? I'm not sure who they are, but I have a suspicion.
Three years ago, I hired someone else, another writer.
I wanted to document my work before I was no longer able to.
But the day before we were meant to start work, he was also killed.
Stabbed to death in his apartment.
I thought it was just a random event.
But now I am quite sure it wasn't.
What makes you think that? The work I was doing at my clinic was merely a means to an end.
A vehicle for my real experiments.
What were those experiments? Genetic manipulation.
The babies that I gave life to, I had altered their DNA.
I thought Heh.
What I thought really doesn't matter.
Suffice to say, I was attempting to make a better A better what? A better human being.
Are you familiar with recombinant DNA? A DNA sequence created in a lab using the genetic materials of different species.
I used that process on my subject embryos that I implanted.
Were your patients aware of what they were signing up for? I promised them successful pregnancies and healthy babies.
And that's what I gave them.
I attempted to reintroduce abilities that we humans have long since evolved away from.
The hardwired instincts that we share with other animal species.
- And would that include telepathy? - Mm.
And a heightened protective instinct? I believe that is why they are killing, yes.
So, what exactly is it that they're trying to protect? Themselves.
If your work went public, people would start to ask questions.
And they'd start searching for them.
They'd wanna study them.
We're gonna need a list of your patients.
The clinic's files are in commercial storage in Back Bay.
I think I have the address here somewhere.
- How many are there? - Subjects? Approximately 200.
Well, that doesn't conform with what our witness said.
He didn't hear that many voices.
I was constantly modifying the process.
With each modification, I created another sample group.
And they're all from the same donor? All 200? Yes.
And his information is in the storage facility also? No.
It's you, isn't it? Can you imagine that? The hubris of trying to improve upon God.
Okay, we're in trouble, this is bad.
Okay, that's good, Sean.
- Just stay with them.
- They're scared.
They're worried.
They feel threatened.
There's a new voice.
He's one of the three.
He's telling the others to wait.
He's coming.
Where is he? I don't know, but he's in pain.
Good God.
I spoke to Olivia.
She's on her way to retrieve Dr.
Frank's files.
It's not important now.
I need you to take me to the bridge.
- What? - I need to see Nina Sharp.
I know what's happening to Olivia.
Walter, Agent Lee, what a surprise.
Hold all my calls please.
- So, what is it? - Olivia has Cortexiphan in her system.
Someone must have found out how to synthesize it, but how? Walter, what are you saying? Dr.
Bishop believes Olivia has been dosed with Cortexiphan recently.
Recently and repeatedly.
- And you know this for a fact? I did a chemical analysis.
The results are irrefutable.
How is she? Have you spoken with her? I examined her.
She's not in immediate jeopardy.
We need to find out how this is happening.
Yes, of course.
Where do you store the remaining Cortexiphan samples? The ones that Belly and I kept.
It's possible someone may have reverse-engineered the formula.
They're at Massive Dynamic under tight security.
- Security can be breached.
No, I don't think you understand.
That's physically impossible.
The vault is biometrically secured.
I am the only one with access.
Could you take us to it? Belly and I numbered the samples before we stored them.
If anyone has tampered with them, I will know.
Fine, I just need to make a few phone calls.
No calls.
The less people who know about this, the better.
Let's go.
Okay, Unit 2251.
It's gotta be down here.
Look, in case you were wondering, it's hard for me too.
You know, I keep expecting to see that look in your eye, and it isn't there.
- Or it is, and you're pulling back.
- As I'm sure you can understand.
I'm confused.
I'm confused too.
I feel incredibly close to you.
Like I know you better than anyone in the world.
And then when you look at me, it's like none of that is true.
- I don't know what you want from me.
- I want you to behave naturally.
I want you to treat me like you know me better than anyone in the world too.
Because you do.
I think that's the one we're looking for.
Last time I opened one of these, it was rigged with Semtex.
- You mean with John Scott? - Yeah.
How'd you know it was Semtex? Because when we were trying to figure out what happened to him we traced it back to a munitions trader in Hong Kong.
Why? Because I didn't know it was Semtex until right now.
Meaning Walter's theory can't possibly be right.
I'm not projecting memories onto you.
You can't have memories I've never had.
I don't understand how this is happening.
I don't understand it either.
But whatever this is, whatever the cause I told you I'm not scared.
I like the feeling.
It's unlocked.
They feel threatened.
They need to stop someone.
Okay, stop who? They're gonna kill her.
Sean, who? Someone got here before us.
- Dunham.
- Olivia, they know that you're there.
- Dr.
Owen Frank, please.
He's on the third floor.
Here, let me show you.
If you're looking for Mr.
Dubrow, he's moved three doors down.
You're You're mine.
He's right in here.
Frank? Boston P.
Frank? Lock down the facility.
I told you, Sean, that's too loud.
I prefer it on.
Will you turn it on? - Turn it on.
- Sean Sean.
What's wrong? I can't hear them.
When I couldn't hear them before, there was a feeling that they were with me.
Like when you know someone's in the room even if you can't see them.
This is different.
They're gone.
There's nothing anymore.
Just silence.
Why? I don't know.
The truth is, we may never know.
But I can understand why silence would scare you.
You're not used to being by yourself.
But this is normal.
It was so loud for you that you couldn't even hear yourself think.
And I bet you have a lot of great thoughts.
So destroying the records and killing the doctor.
You think Walter was right? Think they were just protecting the hive? - Thinking this job can't get any weirder? - Yeah.
That's not what I was thinking.
It's just that now the case is over we would go back to one of each other's houses.
I know that's what we would do.
That was one of the things that we would do.
I know that.
So now I don't know if I'm just supposed to ignore that or what you want.
I guess I just l - Peter, how do you wanna play this? - Olivia You don't have to answer now.
I want you to think about it.
Olivia, I'm thinking about it.
It's all I've been thinking about.
And I'm afraid.
I'm afraid because I have made this mistake before.
I betrayed the Olivia that I love.
What I'm really afraid of is when I look into your eyes, I know it's you.
I know it's you.
I just gotta, um I just gotta go pee.
Biometric hand scanner, like I said.
Second-tier precaution.
Twenty vials, present and accounted for.
- They're all here.
Now let's focus on the real problem.
What's happening to Olivia? We've given you all the details we know about so far.
Where is she? I'd like to see her.
- Can I speak with her? - This is not Cortexiphan.
What are you talking about? It's potassium iodide with food coloring.
Red Number 4.
The Cortexiphan has been replaced.
Excuse me.
The girl that came in here a couple minutes ago, about yay tall, blond? I'm sorry, I didn't see her.
Olivia? Oh, God.
Olivia? Did they hurt you? - Nina? - It's okay.
We're gonna be okay.
We're gonna be okay.

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