The Circle (2020) s04e13 Episode Script

A Winner Is Crowned

[suspenseful music playing]
[Michelle] Previously on the show
where anyone could be anyone
We have made it to that point, honey.
I am taking home that money.
I don't give a damn.
Game freaking on.
[Michelle] Tensions rose,
and so did the prize fund
-[Frank] Oh my God!
-[Alex laughing]
as a virus infected The Circle.
The player that I'd like
to pass the antivirus on to is
Gotta put myself in the mind
of a 22-year-old horned up boy.
"I'm chilling in bed thinking
about how it would be so much better
with someone else here."
"This hot tub is big enough for two."
Imani is flirting hard.
I just chopped him up
and fed him to the wolves.
My God, what is wrong with you?
I'm so sorry. You're blocked.
I can't believe they did that.
It sucks to lose this late in the game.
[Michelle] Plus, Frank has
a super-secret decision to make.
"You must now decide
which player to block."
Oh my God!
[music stops]
[tense music playing]
[Michelle] There's just one spot left
for that coveted Circle finale
All right, let's let's stamp it, honey.
[Michelle] and it's about to go
to Eversen or Nathan.
This is make or break.
All right. All right.
This is my slot. Come on.
This is my slot. This is me.
Oh my God, who is it?
Here it comes. [groans]
What's up, baby? What's up?
What's up, baby?
Oh, it hurts.
I've worked so hard to get here.
[shouting] Eversen!
Great job, brother! Great job!
All right, Eversen,
I have saved your life.
Mama! Mama, we made it.
Mama, we in the finals.
That means Nathan is blocked.
Oh my God. No.
[groans] I survived so much
just to fail here.
[sad music playing]
Oh, Nathan. Oh, sweet Nathan. Oh.
Oh, man. He's gotta be so hurt.
I think some of my most fun moments
in The Circle
was just flirting with Nathan.
Whether or not we were fake flirting
with each other or whatever it was,
somehow he got my humor, and, like,
we met each other somewhere mentally.
I don't know
who the Secret Super Influencer was.
I don't even care. I'm just glad
that I've influenced them enough.
It was a smart move, whoever did it.
I just don't know they understand
how smart of a move it was.
I had a great shot to win this game.
"Before you leave,
you can meet one player face-to-face." Oh.
This hurts 'cause I just wanna be
in their spot so badly. Oh God.
I could go see my number one ally, Rachel.
'Cause if it's not me that's gonna win,
I hope it's her.
I could go see Yu Ling.
We were also very good allies.
We had a flirt-mance.
She might be a little surprised
to see that I'm not Nathan.
I could go see Frank.
He really touched me today
with talking about his family.
I think I know what I have to do
and who I have to go see.
Okay, let's do it.
[calm music playing]
[Michelle] For the last time this season,
someone's about to get a knock
on their door.
Look alive, guys.
[alarm blares]
[all] "Alert!"
-"Nathan is on his way"
-"to meet one of you now."
Are you joking me? Oh my God.
[dramatic music playing]
I had a good connection with Nathan.
It is super possible that Nathan
could be coming to see me right now.
I don't know. He might wanna cry, so
You just never know.
I will put Nathan out
a cute ol' cupcake, honey.
I'm making him one big cookie.
[screaming] No!
Oh shit!
-Oh my God.
[gasps, shouts] Oh my God!
[Yu Ling screams]
I'm Nathan, kind of.
-Hi, Nathan.
-Can I give you a hug?
-Of course. Of course.
Oh, Nathan. Oh my God!
My real name's Alex.
Oh, Alex!
-Oh. How are you?
-Oh my God.
-This is wild.
-I know. I know. Yeah.
Oh my God!
Don't feel bad. I literally
Well, it was super fun flirting with you.
-Okay. Okay.
-So hopefully it was fun flirting with me.
It was so awkward for me.
All I could think about was my girlfriend.
Oh my God. What's her name?
-Her name's Nicky. She's amazing.
She gave me permission
to do whatever I needed to do.
I was like, "Oh, I'm in bed."
And I was in my bathroom,
shaking in the corner.
I was like,
"I'm in bed wearing just underwear."
This is why part of it,
I was like, "He's, like, so sweet!"
Well, that was part of my strategy
as a catfish.
I'm a young, single guy. I want people
to think I am here to meet girls.
Because that was the furthest thing
from the truth.
I actually had no clue
'cause when you sent that picture,
I was like, "Oh shit."
-It was a good picture, right?
-Right, it was.
And then I was like,
"He's got gray sweatpants on."
"He's got, like, the abs," you know?
I fell off my bed.
I was like, "Oh my God."
But then also I was kind of,
in the back of my head,
I was like,
"Mm, he's a little too smooth to be 22."
Bru said he believed me.
Bru is the most gullible.
He is literally the sweetest.
He is. He was a really super sweet guy.
-He's so sweet, and I'm like, "Bru, stop."
-Get your head in the game.
[Alex laughing]
[serene music playing]
[Michelle] While those two
chew the catfish fat,
the others are realizing that
Nathan ain't knocking for them tonight.
Nathan has not come to see me.
I can put my hummus away, everybody.
Don't worry.
I fucking knew it. I knew it.
And I'ma eat my damn cupcake.
[Alex] So it wasn't you, though.
You weren't the Super Influencer?
I was not the Super Influencer.
I thought if it was you or Rachel,
that I was safe.
-So I think it was Frank.
-I have a feeling it was Frank.
He is playing one hell of a game.
Like yourself, though.
-Oh, thank you
-Yeah. Yeah.
-Did you draw my portrait?
-I did not.
I've been trying to figure out
who drew your portrait,
and I had a suspicion whoever drew it
was trying to frame me, though.
-With the #FakeFlirtAlert.
I was like, "Whoever drew this
was trying to frame me."
-I thought it was
-I knew you'd think it was me.
-I knew you would.
Yeah, damn it. They got to you.
Yeah, it was not me.
It did.
-Your portrait was so harsh.
-It was really harsh.
I look like a tarantula's anus.
What the literal hell?
I was like, "Excuse me?"
I think it was Eversen.
I really wish you
the best of luck tomorrow.
-You have a good chance to win.
-Thank you.
I think Frank has a good chance
to win too, though,
so you gotta be careful.
-I I hope you bring home that money.
-Thank you.
It was a pleasure flirting with you.
Best wishes.
Thank you for everything.
I'll give you a hug goodbye.
-Thank you! Oh my God.
-Good luck. Kill it.
-[squealing] Thanks, Alex!
-Oh, man!
Goodbye! Oh!
Alex was so sweet.
[chill music playing]
[Michelle] So the guy playing Nathan
wasn't such a smart Alex.
After a tactical campaign
with more backstabbing
and double-crossing than a telenovela,
he's gone,
which leaves the final five, Imani,
Eversen, Yu Ling, Rachel, and Frank.
And they're all toasting
to their last evening in The Circle.
Here is to the finale, baby.
Come together ♪
As one ♪
Come ♪
[Michelle] Bonjour, bitches.
It's the finale, and I am so excited.
I had a whole speech prepared,
but you know what?
I'ma let Yu Ling speak for me.
-[Rachel] Good morning, Circle.
-[Frank] Good morning, Circle, girl.
I'm in the finals.
I'm in the finals. What's up, baby?
I'm a freaking finalist.
I can smell the 150K.
It smell like cupcakes
and vanilla ice cream, girl.
That's how good I can smell it.
Yes, ma'am.
Somebody is winning 150K today,
and it better be me.
What's that? Morse code coming in, Circle.
[makes morse sounds]
It says, "Eversen is a winner today."
Oh, boom.
Let's do this.
[alarm blares]
[laughs] Did I do that?
[chuckles] I feel like
I feel like I manifested that.
-[Eversen] Come on, I just got up.
-[Yu Ling] "Alert!" What?
Circle, you cannot be mean to us no more,
girl, so what is the tea, honey?
Good morning, players. It's Michelle.
-Hey, Michelle!
What's up, girl?
You should be so proud of yourselves
for making it all the way to the finale.
I am.
Tonight, one of you
will be crowned the winner
and walk away $150,000 richer.
Whoo! That's me!
Just one thing stands in your way,
and that is your beloved Circle family.
Oh. Wow.
Later today, you guys will rate each other
for the last time
to decide who will win The Circle.
Yes, ma'am.
But before all that, I sent you guys
a little something-something
to take the edge off. You're welcome.
I definitely need a little champag-ne
to take the edge off
or a little tequi-qui, honey.
Oh, can't wait to see what she sent.
[Yu Ling gasps]
-[Rachel] Oh my God!
-[Trevor] Yes.
[Frank] This is nice!
Oh, look at this little picnic basket.
Aw, thank you, Michelle. Ooh, ooh!
This is what we should've been getting
every morning
after having to deal
with Miss Circle, honey.
This is exactly my shit.
Fresh fruit. Oh, what a bad bitch!
Some mimosas for the morning?
I'm down for that.
I am living. [giggles]
Cheers, honey.
[screen chimes]
Oh damn.
"The Newsfeed has been updated"?
[chuckles] Okay.
Circle, please take me
to today's Newsfeed.
"Bru has left a message for The Circle."
Oh, Bru!
I'm hoping he's him,
and he's as sweet and lovely as he seems.
Baby, let me tell you something.
If Bru is not Bru,
I'ma have to come through the screen.
Circle, please play Bru's message.
-[Bru] What's going on, guys?
My name is Josh Brubaker,
but y'all know me as Bru.
Oh, Bru!
Look at this guy's jawline.
He should be a model.
I'm proud of my performance in this game
because I stayed true to myself,
100% real and authentic,
and I wouldn't have played it
any other way.
I really wanted to come into the game
and prove that, like,
nice guys could finish first
[chuckles] But look where it got me.
Some nice guys finish first,
but unfortunately, not Bru.
Oh, it hurts to be blocked.
I really wanted to make it to the end
with you guys,
but I'm off partying
with Alyssa and Momma Carol,
so who's the real winner?
Guys, it's been an absolute pleasure.
Good luck the rest of the way,
and I can't wait to hang with y'all
at the finale.
I like him. [laughs]
Bru is actually Bru.
That makes me feel good.
That's how you leave with class and style,
and I'll drink to that, Bru.
[Yu Ling] Oh my God.
"Nathan has left a message
for The Circle."
I'm excited to see what Nathan has to say.
He definitely seems
like a 22-year-old boy.
That's that's what comes off to me.
I don't fully believe
that Nathan was a catfish.
I think he was just really wise
beyond his years.
Was Nathan actually Nathan?
Circle, please play Nathan's message.
[Alex] What's up, party people?
It's Nathan.
That's not a 22-year-old boy.
Just kidding. It's just me, Alex.
[screaming] Oh shit!
I was a catfish.
[chuckling] What?
Coming into this game, I really thought
the big threats would be getting blocked,
so I wanted to dumb down my profile
and not come across as threatening at all.
Just make friends. Be a party dude.
I'm just here for good times and chicks.
[whispering] "Chicks"?
[Alex] But in the end, that wasn't enough
to get me to the finale.
I am a huge fan of this game.
I've had so much fun with all of you,
and I wish you guys the best of luck
in the final.
I am shocked. [laughs]
How did I miss that? Like
Takes one to know one,
and I knew you weren't for real.
I can't believe
that Yu Ling was flirting with him.
Yu Ling told that man
that he could take her clothes [laughs]
I think everyone experienced
a secondhand embarrassment for me
when they saw that.
I gotta go see
what the hell Yu Ling is saying,
'cause I know
she is still tore up from the floor up
about Nathan not being Nathan, honey,
so I gotta see.
[both] Circle, take me to Circle Chat.
Message, "First of all,
good morning, finalists."
"It was so nice
to see Bru's smiling face."
"But can we just talk about 'Nathan'
for a second?"
"I'm dead. Crying laughing emoji."
I cannot wait to see
what they have to say. [laughs]
Message, "So happy to be at this point
with all my favorite people."
"I picked my jaw up off the floor
after seeing Nathan wasn't Nathan."
Whoever did that damn picture of Nathan
had it to the nail, honey.
Message, "Yes, look at this final five."
"Definitely hated to see two go
at this point in the game,
but I'm really glad to be here."
"Yu Ling, I know your jaw is on the floor
right now. Laughing emoji."
"Because you wanted Nathan
to take your clothes off
and feed you grapes. Are you okay, sis?"
[playful music playing]
Exactly what I wanted to know.
I already know. She is not okay, honey.
So embarrassing.
Frank, I feel like,
if you're worried about Yu Ling,
somebody might have to resuscitate
my man Eversen once he sees Imani.
Message, "When I tell you
my eyebrows were incinerated
when Nathan walked into my room"
[shouting] Oh! He went to go see her.
Like, I would've loved to have been
a fly on the wall for that conversation.
Message, "Every time
I aggressively flirted
with this sweet man,
he was in the corner shaking."
"He had a girlfriend too. LOL."
You flirted with, not only a catfish,
but somebody that had a girlfriend?
Damn, Yu Ling.
"I just can't believe
I practically told 'Nathan'
he could park that censored
into this censored. Crying emoji."
"I don't think I'll ever live this down."
"Regardless, I can't tell you
how much it means to be here,
but each and every one of you,
this is such a special moment."
I want to appeal
to the Secret Super Influencer,
whoever that was in there,
let them know that, like,
"Yo! Appreciate you."
Message, "On another note,
#ShoutOut to the Secret Super Influencer
for saving your girl."
"#IOweYouMyLife. Love heart emoji."
And send.
Baby, you are welcome, honey.
You are very welcome.
Message, "Yes, shout-out
to the Super Influencer
for keeping me in."
"I feel incredibly blessed
that I was able to make such an impact
in my short time here."
"Lit emoji, lit emoji,
lit emoji, lit emoji, lit emoji."
Yes, it will.
Oh, he did five lit emojis
'cause it's five of us.
Okay, I see what you did there.
I like that.
[chill music playing]
I love chats like that. It ain't messy.
Nobody's really trying to figure out
who the Super Influencer is,
'cause I'm sure they either already know
or don't give a damn.
They just glad to be here in this spot.
This is a good finalist group.
It's a good finalist group.
This was the point.
All the work you put in was to get here,
so you better be happy,
and I think everybody is.
[Michelle] Oh, we are, honey.
In fact, I'm so happy,
I'ma send y'all one of these.
[alarm blares]
-Oh, shicky-dicky now, honey!
Oh damn.
Come on, baby.
I think this might be the moment
we've all kinda been waiting for.
[tense music playing]
"Players, you must"
-"Players you must"
-"now make your"
This is it. This is everything
we've been leading up to.
Everything is roaming around.
Imani, Frank, Rachel, Yu Ling.
"Your final ratings"
-"will decide the winner"
The Circle."
I am not sure how other folks
are going to be making their ratings.
Like, I feel like I made
a real good connection with Rachel.
But how tight is Rachel with Frank?
I truly, truly, truly believe
that the other players
are voting with their hearts.
Strategy, strategy, strategy.
How can I put Imani
in the best position to win this game?
[loudly] Baby! Let's do it, Circle!
[suspenseful music playing]
If I had to name a threat,
I would definitely say
that you have Yu Ling.
Yu Ling has been
such a strong player here.
She's done a really good job
of kind of spreading herself to
across the board.
She's a big personality
in a very little person.
You can feel her jumping out the screen
at you.
Yu Ling is the wild card for me.
I don't know how she'd vote.
[Frank] Then you have Rachel.
She has potentially rubbed some
of the other players in the wrong way.
What you say to Rachel
doesn't stay with Rachel.
It goes to whoever she's aligned with.
She's honest. She's outspoken.
Heart on her sleeve.
She is calm, she is zen, she's so chill,
but she also just tells it like it is.
Frank has positively impacted
probably everybody on The Circle.
So I do know
that that's a big threat to me.
And I feel like he can connect
on deep levels with people.
That's also a worry of mine
when it comes to Frank.
Frank has a hold on this game.
That is evidence that he is incredible,
and simultaneously puts a target
on his back.
Not only has Frank been accused
of being a backstabber
but also a snake and shady.
Man, Eversen has been a complete joy
in this game.
I just think his energy
is through the roof.
Everyone just seems to have fun
whenever he's around,
but I just don't know,
necessarily, how he might feel about me.
I know his energy is amazing,
and he has a really fun personality.
Eversen, like, we came in the game
the exact same time.
As far as I'm concerned,
you know, like, Eversen's an ally.
I have had a genuine connection
with Imani,
but if Imani was one
that was a catfish, I'd be crushed.
If I'm looking at where
I'm gonna place Imani,
I have to take into account
that she is new in this game,
and there are players
that have been here longer than her.
She has shown herself to be
such a strong, smart, wonderful person.
Clearly, she's made great connections
with people
because she's an easy person
to connect with.
I just don't know anything
about her alliances
and what has happened thus far.
["Making of a Legend"
by The Phantoms playing]
I hope that every player
makes the decision with their heart
and not with their head.
Oh ♪
I'm really feeling the gravity
of this decision right now, man.
I'd be lying
if I said I wasn't really nervous.
Big moment. This is it.
Give me number one.
Oh ♪
Ah! First.
My winner. This is an easy one for me.
I'm gonna reach my decision analytically
but also honestly.
She's been loyal and honest with me,
but she has been here
since day one with me.
So for that reason,
I have to place Yu Ling
in my first position.
Oh ♪
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus! Second, baby. Ooh.
Oh ♪
Here's where things get a little tricky.
I didn't think
this was gonna be this hard, actually.
You know, this person
and I have gotten along really well
from our very first conversation.
I've appreciated everything
that they've brought to this game.
I feel like I have
a really great connection with her.
I see how big of a heart she has.
Circle, in my second position,
I would like to place Imani.
[singing] Third.
It's a hard decision having to choose
between these next two players.
You know, she felt safe with Imani,
felt comfortable enough
to say that she felt safe.
Even though I'm a catfish,
there was a a sisterhood being formed.
I'd like to place Rachel
in third position.
Circle, rate Frank my third rating.
He's here obviously
because he made people feel good.
But are you doing that genuinely?
[Rachel] Fourth position?
Oh. There it is.
I have not gotten to know him well enough
to place him any higher than that.
I definitely wish that I could place
this player much higher,
but unfortunately,
I only have one spot left.
I didn't think
that this player could play dirty,
but the only person that makes sense
to have drawn that hideous portrait of me
was someone
who was at risk of being blocked.
So, for that reason,
I have to put Eversen in fourth.
Circle, submit my final ratings.
That was, ha!
That was that was something.
It feels really bittersweet in this moment
because this is my very final rating.
It's just scary to think
how this could impact everybody else.
Hope I made the right decision.
I really hope the person I put in first
is who they say they are.
Ain't no going back now, baby!
[music stops]
[Michelle] They've laughed together,
cried together, argued together,
and thrown down shade together, honey,
but they've actually never met each other.
But that's about to change.
I can't believe
that I've made it this far.
That is pretty cool.
They're gonna see that I am confident,
honey, and that I am cute as hell.
To, like, go home with that money,
whoo, yo, that would be life-changing.
[relaxed music playing]
I feel like
this is a sick-ass finale look.
Yes. Yes, yes, yes.
Circle winner, honey.
I'm nervous to meet these people.
I can't wait to see the faces
behind the profile pics.
You know, I hope they're ready
to see the person behind Imani.
Oh my God! It's happening.
I'm ready. I'm coming for you.
[suspenseful music playing]
[whip snapping]
[Michelle] There's never been
a dull moment
on The Circle with this queen,
and that's not just
'cause of her eyeliner.
She's flirty. She's funny. She's fierce.
She's Yu Ling.
[music fades out]
[screaming] Oh my God!
This is ridiculous.
[chill music playing]
Get ahold of yourself.
I'm, like, terrified.
[alarm blares]
[Yu Ling] "Alert!"
Oh my God, what? Circle, what is it?
"Frank is on his way to meet you now"?
Fabulous. Perfect. Um
[laughs nervously] I'm gonna hide.
[Michelle] He's bossed us since day one
with empathy, kindness,
and the greatest collection
of catchphrases The Circle has ever seen.
I'm gonna scare the living bejesus
out of him, you know?
[tense music playing]
[Michelle] He's loud. He's proud.
Ooh, honey, did we mention he was loud?
Oh, child, it's Frank.
[music fades out]
Baby, it's so
-[Yu Ling screaming]
-[Frank screaming]
-Frank! Oh my God!
-[falsetto] Oh my God!
[both screaming]
-Oh my God! Oh my God!
-Oh my God! Oh my God!
-You look so good.
-Oh oh my
You're really short, bitch.
What did I say? My profile didn't lie!
-[whispering] Oh my God.
-It's wild that we're here right now.
It is The fact that we became
just an alliance, and we killed it.
We literally killed it.
And we weren't even trying to.
We were just playing a game.
And like, I feel like
we were just all, like, vibing.
And I'ma be honest. I said, "The person
that Yu Ling was giving the first day"
When it was just us four,
me, you, Carol and Alyssa,
I felt like when everybody else came,
you kind of pulled back a little bit.
And I was like, "I really want"
I said, "I don't know if she's shy,
or if she's being strategic."
-I said, "I really want to see"
-who she is.
"all of her," 'cause I knew you had
a big personality, like, big like mine.
I could tell from the pictures
and everything.
So I'm like, "She holding back."
"And I don't know if she being strategic,
or it's gonna take her a while
to open up."
Okay, here's my thing, though, Frank.
There's five of us. You and me are real.
I knew that, though.
I was like, "Frank's genuine.
Frank is just real as hell."
But you know, I think Rachel's real too.
That's what I was gonna say.
If not, whoever played her
played the hell outta her.
-What if Imani's not real?
-I would be the most shocked about that.
-Imani's real as hell.
-She feels so genuine.
But Eversen
If anybody's a catfish,
I feel like it's him.
But I literally feel like
everybody's real.
[alarm blares]
-[Yu Ling] "Alert."
-Oh shit.
[Yu Ling laughs]
-"Rachel is on her way to meet you now."
[Michelle] She's our ghost-busting,
catfish-hunting, accordion-playing legend,
and one of H-Town's finest.
Oh my God, I'm so scared.
-Can she hurry up? Rachel, girl, come on!
-Yeah, Rachel, where are you?
[Michelle] When you need a friend, wisdom,
or just a laugh, who you gonna call?
It's Rachel.
-Oh my God.
-Oh my God.
[all screaming]
[Yu Ling] Oh my God!
[all screaming]
[Frank] Oh my God!
Oh my God, look at your dress!
-Oh my God. Oh.
-Oh, Rachel!
-[Yu Ling] Oh my God!
-[Frank] Oh.
[Rachel] Oh my God! Do you feel my heart?
-[Frank] Oh my God!
-I'm dying.
Oh my God! Look at you!
-[Yu Ling] Oh my God.
-[Frank] My God. Isn't she little?
Now, I was expecting to see pink hair,
but I'll take this!
The whole time I was like,
"They think I got pink hair."
Oh my God.
-[Yu Ling] I really did.
-I know. It washed out, okay?
-[Frank] Okay.
-Okay, understood.
-[exhales] Look at us.
-[Yu Ling screams]
[Frank] I think we gotta sit down
before we get in trouble.
-We did it. We did it.
-We freaking did it.
And I don't even think
I think it's amazing that we did it
'cause I really think we just formed
genuine friendships and connections.
-Then we ended up here.
-I know.
I don't think
anybody was being super strategic.
-[Yu Ling] No.
-No. This is a good final table.
-[Frank] It's so good.
[Rachel] It's good.
I think I really felt us
when they extended the antivirus to me,
I wanted to save you first,
and I was like,
"I hope Rachel does not feel like
I'm throwing her under the bus."
No, no, no.
I had to use that moment
and test this little one right here.
And I knew it too.
'Cause I said,
"If she's loyal to me and Rachel,
she's going to save Rachel right now."
And I felt it in my heart.
No, and I'm so grateful that you did that
'cause you know, I thought
When you gave that to Yu Ling,
I was, like, ready to pack my bags.
And when you saved me,
it was just like, "And that's a rider."
Like, "And that's it, and that's it.
Like, there's no turning back from that."
The way that it worked out is
exactly how it was supposed to.
Yeah. That's so true.
I think my only regret
was saving Nathan over Alyssa.
It was just because I had never had
a private conversation with her.
And you know, Nathan and I did have
some good chats, and he was like
And I'm so easy.
He was like, "Move-in buddies,"
and I was like, "He's right!" [laughing]
[Alarm blares]
-Oh shit!
[Yu Ling screaming]
-[Rachel] Okay.
-[Frank] Okay.
[Yu Ling] Oh my
[Rachel] Yeah!
"Imani's on her way to meet you now."
-[Rachel] It's my people.
I love Imani.
-I'm ready to see her.
-[Frank] Me too.
[suspenseful music playing]
-I'm nervous.
-Don't be. This is gonna be her.
Imani's gonna be real.
[Michelle] She's a classy man.
He's a performance coach
who played his wife's homegirl.
I feel like she smells good.
-She does smell good.
-I know she smells good.
She takes care of herself,
she's got manicured nails.
[Michelle] And he's the only
Circle catfish in the finale. It's Imani.
Oh God.
My heart is thumping.
[music intensifies, fades out]
-[Yu Ling screaming]
-What's good, Circle family?
-[Yu Ling] What?
-[Frank] Oh my God!
-[Yu Ling] Oh my God!
-[Rachel] Who the fuck?
-I want my mom!
-Oh my!
-How are you?
-[indistinct yelling]
You're so cute!
How you doing? How are you?
-Oh my God! What?
-[Trevor] It's so nice to meet you.
-How you doing?
-Oh my God! You're incredibly hot.
He's so hot. What the fuck?
Give me a hug, man.
-How you doing?
-[Trevor] It's so good to meet y'all.
-[Frank] Oh my God. I am shook.
[Trevor] I am not Imani.
-Who are you?
-[Yu Ling] What's your name?
I'm Trevor.
-[Yu Ling] Trevor.
Trevor, why the fuck
did you not come in as yourself?
So, I actually couldn't come in as myself.
-[Rachel] Why?
My wife played me
I was about to say,
you're DeLeesa's husband.
-You're Trevor!
You're Trevor! [screaming] Oh my God!
-You are a legend.
-[Trevor] Thank you.
-[Frank] Y'all did that.
-What the hell? Need a kid? 'Cause I'm
-They got a kid.
-Trust me.
She already wanna have a third.
I'm straight.
No, you gotta give her one more.
You are a lucky man.
-Thank you.
-[Frank] Yeah.
[Trevor] Oh my gosh!
It's good to meet y'all.
We not talking about Imani.
We talk about DeLeesa.
[Yu Ling, Rachel] I'm shocked.
Y'all really didn't suspect?
-I was like, "I am so confident"
-No. I was so sure.
"that this is a strong, smart woman."
Everything I am as a man
I am because of a woman.
-That's right. That's right.
-Mm. Wow.
I've got so much respect
when I meet a strong woman,
that's how I got here.
But honestly, any man that can be
that good of a woman, good on you.
-But did you see how his wife played him?
-[Yu Ling] That's true.
-[Rachel] I know.
-Legendary and iconic.
-[Trevor] Thank you.
-Iconic. Tens across the board.
Oh. I really I was like,
somebody had to be onto me.
-No. Like, 100% sure you were her.
-I was positive.
Oh! That makes me feel so good.
There was times I said,
"I don't know if I can pull this off."
Oh my God. Who is Imani?
So Imani is actually
a friend of my wife's.
I am absolutely shaken
by this information. [laughing]
So, let's talk Portrait Mode.
-[Yu Ling] Okay.
-Whose you do?
-[Frank] Nathan's.
-[Rachel] Oh!
-How did you know?
It was one thing he said to me
in the Toga Party Chat.
It was his sexy pose. He's like, um,
you know, "Mine would be The Thinker."
-I said, "Bro, if I'm 22, The Thinker?"
-The Thinker?
"Mine would be The Drinker.
Like, I'm not saying nothing like that."
And I was over here, like, "Yeah,
I can see that! He work out! I see it!"
I was over there like this and everything.
Like, oh. It went right over my head.
-[Yu Ling] Oh my God.
-[Trevor] No, no.
Can we talk
about that that guy was that smooth?
-Yeah. I was [gags]
-Well, he got a girlfriend.
-[Rachel] That's true!
-It's true. It's true. It's true.
When I said, "You did a great job, sir,"
he said, "Oh, really?"
And I was like, "Well, to be fair,
I flirt with anything that moves, so"
I was close to flirting with Imani
but said, "Imani's flirting with Eversen."
Honestly, I came in. I was like,
"I'll do whatever I gotta do."
"I'll flirt with whoever I need to."
It's wild.
Yeah, I was so excited. I was, like,
planning you and Eversen's wedding.
-I was like, "I want Circle babies."
-I mean, shoot.
-Oh my God.
-I don't know.
You think it's a she?
You think Eversen's not real?
-No, I don't.
-Wait. Is Eversen DeLeesa?
[Trevor] No.
-I mean, shoot, who's watching my kids?
-[Rachel laughs]
-Y'all y'all can pay for a babysitter.
-[all laughing]
-Oh my God!
-[Yu Ling]Oh my God!
[alarm blares]
[all] Oh!
[Rachel] We're about to find out today.
-I need a quick sip. Gotta take a sip.
-Oh my God. Oh my God.
[Frank, Trevor]
"Eversen is on his way to meet you now."
-[Rachel] I know.
[rock music playing]
[Michelle] He entertains cruise passengers
for a living,
and now he can add every one of us
to that list.
I'm hoping, if it is the real guy,
like if it's that dude,
he's not too mad.
[Michelle] He's an extrovert,
an expert flirt in a tux and shirt.
It's Eversen.
[both women giggling]
Well, a very good evening ♪
I said good evening ♪
-What up? What up?
-[Frank] I knew it.
-What's up? How you doing?
-I'm doing great, man. Nice to meet you.
-Oh my God!
-How you doing? Good to see you.
[unintelligible chatter]
Frank, how you doing, man?
-Nice to meet you.
-Nice to meet you too.
-Look at this Look at this suit, baby.
-Oh my!
-You see it. You see it!
-Damn! Damn!
[Frank] I should've stayed at home, child.
[upbeat music playing]
So, we got Wait a minute.
Hold on. Wait. [laughs]
I just had to realize that that little
tiny lady, is that your sister?
-Who was that?
-I said Nice to meet you, man.
-Trevor? Eversen. Nice to meet you.
-Nice to meet you.
-You know who that is?
-Well played. I wish I knew who it was.
He's a legend.
Let me tell you a little background. Um.
His wife was on this show,
and she played him.
-Oh, you Trevor?
-[Trevor] I'm Trevor.
Yes! See? See? You gotta bring it on home!
Now I know. Now I see.
Hey, man,
it's been a pleasure talking to you.
When I said I said,
"She won't out-flirt me."
"We'll make this flirting look good."
I wasn't really expecting you
to come out swinging the way you did.
-Oh! Hey!
-In the chat, you threw a couple in there.
I was like, "Oh! Okay,
my man just wants to"
-"He putting it out there right now."
-I gotta go. I'm coming correct. You know?
After that, I was like, "All right,
I gotta get my mind right." Like
"What am I gonna say?
How am I gonna say it?"
I was like I was losing sleep
'cause I was like, "I can't mess this up."
I think, to try to
to try to at least match your energy
or make it believable enough for you
was the biggest challenge.
You know what I mean? I think I did okay.
Okay, who was the Secret Super Influencer?
-[Eversen] I have a really good idea.
-I have a really good idea.
Hi, baby. Hi, my sweet boy.
-[Yu Ling] Yup!
-[Frank] Hi.
-[Trevor] It was?
-I definitely thought it was Frank too.
Well, I I was like
That was hard.
Nathan and I had a conversation,
um, uh, and he basically let me know
that Bru told him to watch out for me
-because I had sent Paul home.
He was like, "I'm apologizing to you
because I've been avoiding you
for that reason."
"And I feel like you been
so positive in this game,
and I haven't gotten a chance
to get to know you because of that."
But like, I felt like,
at this point in the game,
it's just a little too late
for me to just trust you.
Even though I just met y'all,
I already felt like I knew more
about y'all than I knew about him.
-[Rachel] Yeah.
-[Yu Ling] Literally.
"I have to go with my gut."
[relaxed music playing]
I just wanna say
that I am really just so happy
to be in this room with all of you.
-[Rachel] Ditto, yeah.
-The feeling's mutual.
Each and every one of you, I believe,
deserves a piece of this prize, so I
Nobody could take this shit from us,
all right? We are bonded.
-Straight-up joined at the hip forever.
-[Eversen] Yes, forever.
And we're good, like,
we're so much better now and after this
than before we came into The Circle.
And I think that is really,
really, really fucking dope to say.
[alarm blares]
-[Trevor] "Alert!" Game time!
-She's back, baby. She's back.
-[Frank] Oh, these alerts, child.
-Thought it was over. Thought it was over.
I never am calm.
No. No.
I feel like we'll be used to 'em,
but they get worse and worse.
Good evening, finalists.
-Hey, girl.
-[Trevor] What's up?
Earlier today, you guys rated each other
for the last time,
and now y'all met face-to-face.
Are you surprised?
Well, there's only one thing left to do.
Come meet me in the penthouse
where we will crown the winner
of The Circle,
and find out who's going home
with that life-changing $150,000.
-Oh my God.
-See you soon!
[all cheering]
Baby, it's time to go see
what's going on with this money, honey.
Let's do it, and I'll cheers to that!
[all] Cheers!
So I guess we got to.
-[Frank] Let's do it.
-All right, yo.
[Rachel] Whoo, baby.
-Oh. Everyone is so tall.
-It's okay.
I got I got I got a pocket for you
-I got a pocket for you. Don't worry.
-I'll hop right in. Thank you.
[Eversen] Imani, come on.
[Frank] It's so dope
that we can walk out together.
Baby, in our wildest moments
We could be the greatest ♪
We could be the greatest
Baby, in our ♪
[Michelle] It's all come down to this,
The Circle finale.
Our finalists are on their way up
to the penthouse.
Let's greet those players
we lost along the way.
And Paul, aka Parker,
might have been the first out,
but she's the first up to this party.
-[bottle pops]
-Ooh! Whoo! Did it!
And here comes basketball badass, Crissa.
-[laughs] Oh my goodness.
No way! You're real!
Hi, Crissa! Oh my God.
-Nice to meet you.
-Nice to meet you!
-Oh my God!
-Girl, why didn't you come in as yourself?
Our next party-going player is Alyssa.
-[gasps] Hello!
-[Parker] Hi!
-[Crissa] Oh, this chick!
-[Parker] Girl!
I'm Alyssa!
-I'm so sorry.
-How you doing?
-I'm good. How are you?
-Hi, pretty!
-Oh my God. You are beautiful.
You are beautiful.
-It's so nice to meet you.
-It's so nice to meet you.
I was dying to talk to you.
-What are you doing here?
-That's what I'm saying!
[Michelle] Okay, break it up, ladies,
'cause here comes Momma Carol, aka John.
-I'm Momma Carol!
-[Alyssa screams]
-Stop it! Oh my God!
-I knew it!
Yeah, I'm John.
I'm Carol's son in real life.
I was like, "It's Victoria or John."
-We played the same game.
-[John] Yes.
[Michelle] Guess who? It's your boy, Bru!
-[all screaming]
-[John] Oh my God!
-Bring it in, bro.
-It's my sweet mother.
[John] What's up, baby?
-Alyssa, oh my gosh, how are you?
-How are you?
[Michelle] From Bru to bro,
here comes Nathan, played by Alex.
Oh no!
-Who is this?
Hi, everyone. I'm Nathan.
Nice to meet you guys.
[all screaming]
-Shut up!
-Are you kidding?
My little bro?
-It's me.
-What's up?
-Nathan! How are you, my sweet?
-Good to see you.
My real name's Alex. So Alex, not Nathan.
Nathan is just a 22-year-old frat bro.
He's my brother's roommate.
I was playing the game hard.
I didn't want people to see I was playing.
Yeah, yeah.
[upbeat music playing]
-Oh hell yes!
-[contestants cheering]
You guys!
Oh my goodness, you guys are so cute.
Take a seat. Take a seat, everybody.
Would you guys stop flirting back there?
Don't make me have to break up the class.
I have to say,
you guys did a fantastic job.
-This was a good season!
-[Bru] Oh, all right, guys!
And Jersey represented.
Look at you wearing a white blazer
with no stains.
Momma Carol would be proud.
So, I have to start with you,
Parker, aka Paul.
-You went in as your dad.
-I did.
-[Michelle] You did not do a great job.
No. I did so bad.
It was a better idea on paper.
Yeah, because when I got in there,
I was like, "I'm not 56-year-old man."
I didn't know what to say.
My favorite is that when you
you went to go meet Momma Carol,
and both you guys
were playing your parents.
-I mean, what was that like?
I had a boob feeling Carol's a catfish.
I just had this gut feeling.
I said, "I wanna go see her."
But then I saw him, and I was shook.
I was like, "Okay."
-What you mean shook?
-I absolutely knew she was a catfish.
Will there be a family dinner happening
with the parents anytime soon?
-We talked it through.
-[John] We made plans.
[Michelle] Okay. Parker,
there's so many things that you missed.
-[Parker] Fully.
-Do you remember a player named Jared?
Okay, well that was a player
that was being catfished
by two of the Spice Girls
named Emma and Mel B.
They were in The Circle,
and they lasted long enough
to add to the pot, right,
of the grand prize, $50,000.
And I got blocked first? Oh!
So, Alyssa, what was it like
when you met the Spice Girls?
They were so nice.
And just, like, the energy was insane.
I couldn't believe that they were there.
Like, I will never forget that
as long as I live.
I love that.
Crissa, let me ask you something.
I'ma be honest.
It felt like you were doing really well.
-[Michelle] You were well-liked, popular.
-You were popping, dynamic.
-Where do you think it shifted for you?
-I'm still trying to figure that out.
-I'm gonna tell you what I think.
-When you were voted the player to win
-Yes. That was game over.
that's when the target was on your back.
Wouldn't you agree, Alyssa?
-Yes. So, I'll tell you
-Ooh! Oh! Oh, Michelle!
You weren't giving enough in the chat,
so I thought you were gonna be a player
that was gonna play so close to the chest
that I would never get trust from you.
Right. And I feel like
you had a ton of notes.
-You are a studious person.
-Yes. Yes.
It was a lot of notes.
It looked like A Beautiful Mind
in my room.
[all laughing]
Carol, aka John,
how hard was it for you to play your mom?
Because at one point,
you're getting sex tips from Alyssa.
-Yeah, that
-Oh my God!
I gave you sex tips
about your mom and your dad.
-Yes, you did. That happened.
-[Michelle] Yes. That happened.
-I was clutching a pillow. It was brutal.
-You played along so well.
Now, Bru, you had
probably the hardest decision this season
where you had to pick
between your Circle girlfriend
and your Circle momma,
and you proved to everybody
you're a momma's boy.
-Had to do it. Had to do it.
-[John] Thanks, man.
I knew I was sending home
such a strong alliance.
These were my number one or my number two.
After meeting Alyssa, though,
it was like, such a Oh my gosh.
We clicked so well. It's so wild
how different it is from the game
How well did y'all click?
I mean, we only had a few minutes.
-[Michelle] Y'all gonna be clicking later?
-[all laughing]
-I was so sad.
Nathan, aka Alex.
-I do prefer Alex.
-[Michelle] Okay.
Where do you think you tripped up?
I was so focused on the strategy
and surviving another round
that I maybe didn't make
as strong of connections
with the other players as I needed to.
There was a good trio
of Frank, Rachel, and Yu Ling
that I kept trying to break into.
And do you think that they were
such a strong triangle in The Circle, LOL,
because they were being real
with each other?
That would be my guess. I was being fake.
I was throwing shade where I could.
I was lying a ton about everything,
and that probably is what hindered me
from making my way in.
So now you guys have all met each other.
-You ready to meet The Circle finalists?
-I am.
-[all cheering] Yes!
First up is The Circle style icon.
It's Yu Ling!
-Oh my God, hello!
-Long time no see.
Long time no see.
Oh my God! Alyssa, she's so hot.
[Alyssa laughs]
-Oh my God.
-Hi, Michelle.
-Hi, boo.
It's all about the good vibes, tequila,
and titties with our next finalist.
Please give it up for Frank!
[shouting] Yeah! Oh my God.
That's what I'm talking about!
Oh my God! Hi!
Hi, nice to meet you!
-[Michelle] Hi, boo.
She manifested her way
into The Circle finale. It's Rachel!
[cheering, applauding]
-Hi, guys! It's so nice to meet you!
-[Alex] Nice to meet you!
I am I am so sorry. I'm sorry.
[John] Hug it out.
-I just I knew.
-Everybody did. Everybody did.
Next up, it's our cruise ship director
that sailed his way into the finale.
It's Eversen.
[cheering, applauding]
Thank you. Thank you.
-Hello, Carol. You all right?
-[Parker] Hi! I'm Paul.
-Nice to meet you, Paul.
-Nice to meet you.
-I love you. So handsome. So handsome.
Next up,
this player might look slightly familiar.
Have we seen her before? Or him?
Our final finalist is Imani, aka Trevor,
aka DeLeesa's husband,
-the winner from season two!
-[all screaming]
Yo, what's good, everybody?
-[Trevor] How you doing? Nice to meet you.
What's up, yo? How are you?
Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, y'all.
-[Parker] Oh my God!
-Wait. What the heck?
We have to give it up for our finalists,
thank you so much
for playing a great game.
-Good job, guys.
-You guys did it.
Okay, so, Trevor, I mean, I'm shooketh.
I can't believe you came,
and you catfished.
-You played a great game.
-Thank you.
Seeing what your wife went through
-Obviously, the money is amazing.
But what was your motivation, really,
for coming to The Circle this season?
How many people can say that, right?
Like a a husband and wife
to come on this show and, you know
Regardless of the situation
or the outcome, I'm so happy to be here.
Did your wife give you any tips?
I actually just followed my wife around.
I let her do her thing.
I was like, "I'll take notes."
But, uh, at the end of the day,
you get in the zone.
So, it it just kind of flows.
-He got too in the zone with me, though.
-I mean!
-[Trevor] We took it there.
-We took it there.
Yes, you guys had a flirty chat.
It was eggplant emoji.
-[Parker] Oh!
-[Trevor] Yeah, it really was fun.
I was like,
"Yo, I'm a whole woman right now."
I was up in the hot tub feeling fabulous.
Like, "Ooh, I like this. This is cool."
Yu Ling, you had
a couple of different alliances, right?
-You fell in love easily with people.
Let's say you had friendships.
You were in a throuple.
-Then you were in a whole other alliance.
-Yep. It was the Inner Trust Circle.
-[Michelle] Yes.
-And it felt more like this trio was
They were the two people
I knew I could trust,
and I think after that move that I made,
where I saved Rachel, I was like,
"I know everyone hates me
in here right now."
And I retreated back to them,
and I tried to repair
as honestly as I could.
I will say, leaving that game,
I was so mad at you.
-I And I knew it. I felt it.
-[Alyssa] I was so mad.
I didn't consider
that the thought process was,
"I'll pick her because I know
she'll pick this person,
then they'll save her."
I should have thought, "You have
a lot of alliances with a lot of people."
"It's not always gonna be me
that you're gonna choose."
"And ultimately
we only got to pick one person."
Did you use your heart
when flirting with Nathan?
-[Yu Ling shouting] Oh my God!
I terrified the man.
I will say there was a nasty portrait
that was drawn of me,
and there was one #FakeFlirt and, um
Whoever did that framed me.
You did a great job.
Who drew the portrait?
-That gave me nightmares.
-Gonna have to say it was me.
Oh my God!
Listen, let me tell you.
Yu Ling is so on brand.
Every message is well placed.
She ain't got a word off,
but the way she said something to Nathan,
I was like, "She flirting with Nathan."
"Nathan a little boy.
He don't know what's going on."
"She got him in her little pocket."
I said, "Fake Flirt Alert."
I was like, "#FakeFlirtAlert."
You didn't have to make her look
like a gremlin.
[Eversen] That's what I said!
I didn't expect the portrait game
to be like beast mode.
-It was so mean.
-Oh, baby.
Do we know who, um,
drew the the picture of Frank?
That was me.
-[Rachel vocalizes]
-[Yu Ling] Oh!
I drew Frank the snake.
-[Rachel] Why?
-[Yu Ling] Nathaniel!
-It created doubt.
-[Frank] I was floored.
That's what it was it's supposed to do.
Frank, you went into The Circle,
and your vibe was positivity,
and everybody felt that,
and that's how you wanted to play.
Was that the move all the time?
Well, it's not really the move,
'cause that is really, like, genuinely
who I am at least 90% of the time.
I try to just be positive.
My favorite compliment is
when people say, "I love your energy."
I don't care about people saying,
"Oh, you look nice." Or, "You're cute."
I saw you change
when Bru called you a ray of sunshine.
-Yeah, that meant a lot.
-No, I'm the same as you.
I just love taking the opportunity
while you have it.
You never know
what life's gonna throw at you,
so always tell people how you feel
and the things you appreciate about them.
Just feeling that energy, and him
being able to be, you know, vulnerable,
and see me for my full self
regardless of the fact
that I'm a Black, gay male,
like, that meant a lot to me
because it means that I'm connecting
with more than just people
that look like me,
talk like me, and walk like me.
Take us to church, Frank.
Rachel, I gotta get to you
because you know,
you came in as a newbie, right?
What was your strategy going in?
Even though it may seem it,
nothing I did was strategic.
I just kind of spoke from the heart,
and if Nathan
-Excuse me, young lady.
-[Rachel] What? What?
[Michelle] When you roasted Momma Carol
[Rachel] I'm so sorry.
you got all the high fives
from everybody else.
And that, I think,
gave everybody like a, "huh?"
That #MommaCarol thing,
it felt like branding to me.
But when I saw John come up,
I was like, "Yeah, correct."
John, did you have, like, any idea
that people were so onto you?
Oh yeah. Are you kidding?
But now you're a finalist.
How does it feel, everyone?
How does it feel to be a finalist?
-Oh God.
[Eversen] Feels great.
It's just incredible to see
so many, like, genuine people up here.
So congratulations to you guys.
I mean, you played an amazing game.
And you're all finalists,
but there can only be
one winner of The Circle.
Only one winner
to take home that $150,000 prize.
Please stand.
Earlier today, you guys rated each other
for the last time, and the results are in.
[suspenseful music playing]
In fifth place
Thank you so much for your time
in The Circle.
And in fourth place
[scoffs, chuckles]
In third place
Yu Ling.
Oh wow!
Imani, Trevor, it's down to you two.
One of you will be crowned
the winner of The Circle
and take home $150,000.
How are you guys feeling?
I can't breathe.
Right? I don't know which way is up
right now.
-Come on, brother. I'm sorry. It's sweaty.
-Mine too.
And the winner of The Circle
and taking home $150,000 is
[music intensifies, stops]
[contestants screaming, cheering]
[Rachel] I'm proud of you.
Frank, congratulations!
You're the winner of The Circle.
How do you feel?
-[Parker] Oh my God.
-Aw, Frank.
-It's okay. Take your time.
-Oh my God. Um.
It just means the world to me
because, like, I've been fighting
[voice breaks] Like, trying to just be me
and just fight through everything
that I've been through,
and I just feel like
-You did it.
-Congratulations, Frank. You did it.
Everybody, let's hear it one more time
for your winner
of this season of The Circle, Frank!
[all cheering]
Go Frank, go Frank, go Frank.
[all] Go, Frank, go Frank,
go Frank, go Frank, go Frank, go Frank.
[shouting] Yes!
Oh my God!
[Parker] I met you
and was like, "I like him."
-I was like, "He's a good vibe."
You could maybe get Paul's approval.
We'll see about that.
-Carol will have to have a conversation.
-Oh, will she?
-She's gotta vet everybody.
-Does she?
She's an Italian mom.
-You think she'll like me?
-I think so.
Did you see my Bruberry
my strawberry Brubarb?
-You did that!
-That was me.
I said, "I want it rolled up
and delivered."
"I wanna hang it in my apartment."
I knew it was you.
You did, right?
I was like, "It's the pun." I was like
Brubarb, I've never heard that.
-[calm music playing]
-I have won the show that I love.
And I said, years ago, I said,
"Baby, The Circle needs me,
and I need to go on there, and win,
and give them a little Frank, baby."
And I have given y'all all of me,
and you all have given me so much more.
I have won The damn Circle.
[falsetto] Can you believe it?
Oh my God. I cannot wait
to call my best friend
and tell him what has happened.
Tell them.
I have won $150,000.
[friends, contestants cheering]
We did it!
-I told you!
-You did it!
[Frank] Period.
Baby, I will be home soon
with my money, honey.
It's up. It's up.
It's up, baby. It's up! Yes, ma'am, girl.
[Michelle] Circle, message,
"You've proved
you don't have to catfish to get far."
"You've proved that sometimes
being yourself is the best tactic,
and, Frank, you've proved that sometimes,
nice guys do finish first."
"Heart emoji." Send.
[screen beeps]
[theme music playing]
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