The Unit s04e13 Episode Script

The Spear of Destiny

Seems Kim's new employer is our new person of interest.
- Isaac Reed? - He's the money launderer for the terrorists.
So he was involved with the assassinations? Gaining Reed's trust- that's not something you gotta study.
It just comes natural to you.
Tell me you wanna kiss me as much as I wanna kiss you.
I do, but- - Thank you for saving me.
- Bob will be proud.
Maybe Bob's better off not knowing.
I'm telling you I didn't cheat.
You have to believe me.
Myjob is to discover the truth.
- What is that? - 100% pure Chinese heroin.
What do we know? Cartel soldiers shot down our surveillance plane near the southern Chilean border.
- Any word from our men? - No.
Satellite photos of a 10- mile grid around the crash site.
- What assets do we have in the area? - Fourth Fleet's on standby.
But with gale-force winds in the region, the admiral won't clear the extraction.
You all right over there? I think so.
- Weapons check.
- Just my.
Here comes the welcoming committee.
Hey, hey, hey.
Look at me.
Stay awake.
I need help.
Get some blankets.
Let's turn him on his side.
- We need some bandages and some clean towels.
- Let's lift him.
One, two, three.
- All the way up to his head.
There we go.
- Shh, shh.
He's not breathing.
Thank God.
- No, don't touch him.
- Please.
You are among friends.
- Here.
Put these under his arms.
- And why would I do that? To raise his core temperature and prevent shock.
- Do you have a phone? - When you surrender your weapon.
We do not allow guns in the abbey.
- There are men out there hunting us.
- You are safe here.
- Until the wolf comes.
- Have faith.
You have found sanctuary.
- All the same, I'll keep my weapon.
- In that case, you must leave.
Your friend can stay, but you must go.
- Come with me.
- Wait! Do you have a phone? - Does it work? - It did not the last time we tried.
Colonel Ryan.
I'm getting something through the emergency channel.
It's from the Southcom relay towers.
Patch it through on the speakers.
Snake Doctor to Dogpatch.
- Do you copy? - Snake Doc, go ahead.
This is Dogpatch.
What's your status? Dirt Diver's badly injured.
Requesting immediate medevac.
Snake Doctor, what are your coordinates? We are in St.
Maurice Monastery in the southern Tres Cruces Mountains.
- I can't locate it.
Do you have a grid? - Negative.
We lost our gear in the jump.
The wind blew us pretty far.
Light it up! I want every inch of that mountain range! Snake Doc, we have assets on standby.
- Extraction's on hold for weather.
- Roger.
Will stabilize.
- Call back at 2300 hours for an update.
- Roger.
Snake Doc out.
Get on the horn with Southcom.
Find out what assets we have in the area.
Call the Chilean embassy.
Let 'em know we have a man down.
Any help you could give will be much appreciated.
Thank you.
I'd forgotten how powerful you look behind that desk.
What are you doing here? - May I come in? - Yes, please.
Come in.
You have a man down in the Tres Cruces Mountains.
- Well, I didn't know that.
- You do, and I do.
Such information, if true, would be classified.
Your man is in a monastery.
The monks have something we want.
Who sent you? Secretary of Defense.
- Why you? - I am your mutual friend.
You almost destroyed this unit.
How come these orders didn't come in through SOCOM? The secretary's part of a special committee.
- What's it called? - Wouldn't mean anything to you.
- Who's on the committee? - I don't believe you know their names.
But they know your name.
And they want your help.
- What are you doing? - Checking for brain damage.
This will restore your strength.
- What is it? - Wild-barley lager.
- Beer? - That's right.
All right.
One must always show hospitality to strangers.
" For you know not when you are entertaining angels unawares.
" - You know the Scriptures.
- Enough to get me into trouble.
Excuse me.
- Go for Snake Doc.
- What's the status of Dirt Diver? Stable but critical.
What's the E.
on that medevac? We're working on it.
But I need you to do something.
Let me hear.
Those monks have something we want.
I need you to secure it.
- What's the objective? - It's a relic.
I hear you.
And you want me to bring it back to you? That is correct.
What is it? It's the spear that pierced the side of Christ.
#Give me your secrets, Bring me a sign # # Give me a reason to walk the fire # # See another dawn # # Through a daughter's eyes # # You give me a reason to walk the fire ## The Bible says that one of the soldiers pierced his side with a spear and blood and water immediately flowed out.
History tells us the soldier's name was Longinus.
You're pulling the strings you're pulling for a mantel ornament? It's called the Spear of Longinus.
The Spear of Longinus.
If you believe in its religious significance, it ranks with the Holy Grail.
- You don't believe.
- The people I represent do.
They believe this spear has the power to win battles.
I don't know what they believe.
I know what they asked me to do.
If your committee knew the spear was there, why didn't they send someone? The monastery's existence couldn't be confirmed.
An expeditionary team was sent a few years back, and they never returned.
How did you know my men were in that monastery? I don't know if it was luck or fate that landed your men in that monastery or me here in this room with you.
Some people asked me a favor.
Will you help me? What are you looking for? - My weapon.
- I told you there is no danger here.
Father, I can't assess the danger to a man's soul.
Can you assess the danger to his safety? Come.
Come with me.
- What is this place? - It's a sanctuary.
Every man is in search of something.
And if they find it? - They've found peace.
- Peace? Like you, they had none.
And what do you know about me? I know you are battle weary.
I haven't slept in two days.
You carry a burden here.
- Are you sure? - Yes, of course.
I was once like you, as were all these men.
In Hebrew, the name "Jonas" has dual meanings- " gentle as a dove" or " destroyer.
" Which one defines you? I don't care what the other kids say.
You're not ready to go out and play.
No choice.
That's the school bell.
Unit operators ain't mortal.
Ah, where's my, um- Washed it this morning.
I can see if it's dry.
- A shower will perk me up.
- A shower will get you wet.
It's not quite dry, but- - What's that? - It's nothin'.
That what you need, soldier? Well, how much do I put in, and how do I do it? 'Cause you don't want to O.
Or do you? My last mission, the, uh- The opposition shot me up with heroin and- and I don't know what.
I came home to shake it off.
A couple more days, and I would've shook it but the colonel called a mission, so- - Colonel called a mission.
- That's right.
And I gotta go.
I gotta- I gotta be a hundred percent.
Of course you do.
It's a surveillance mission.
It's- It's delicate equipment.
I can't- I can't hold a pen to take notes, adjust a knob.
- I can't- - Hold a gun steady? That's right.
Then just tell me how to do this.
Do I need a spoon to cook it up in or do I just put the powder in the syringe? Then what, I jam it into your vein? - That how it work? - All right.
All right.
Where are you going? I gotta drive to Kansas City.
Look at you.
You can't drive.
- I'll drive you.
- No.
Then you tell me what happens when your bird of a wife goes to the colonel and tells him one of his elite men's on drugs.
You will be out of the Unit with a dishonorable discharge and a drug jacket and several kids and a wife to support.
You choose.
They're ready for you.
Where's Colonel Ryan? Amen.
Who are you? - Long car ride.
Lie down for- - I gotta work.
Is anybody in that room? Not yet.
About-About an hour.
Let me take care of you till then.
- It's your impression I'm your science project? - Why you? A hundred other guys can do surveillance.
'Cause I'm the only one that can I.
the subject.
Someone else could watch, send you photos.
- You ever hear of mission sanctity? - Yes, I've heard of it.
Then you know what it means.
Take the car, go home.
I'll make my way home.
I'm staying to take care of you.
Well, then let me do my job.
Camera's not working.
I can't fix it from here.
I'll be back.
Kim? - Yeah, babe? - Just checking.
Suck on it slowly.
Let it dissolve in your mouth.
- Sweets will lessen the symptoms.
- Get off.
Let me help you.
They're early.
Oh, we should give her a dose now.
- That's who we're watching- the Reeds? - That's right.
Keep her propped up until it kicks in.
Poor thing.
She's got croup.
His pulse is weak.
The smoke will take him into a comatose state so that his body can heal naturally.
He'll appear worse before better.
We're workin'on the extraction.
What's the status on Dirt Diver? - He's litter critical.
- Understood.
I'll get you out of there if I have to fly you out myself.
What's the status on the package? Mission's a no go.
Impossible without casualties.
Roger that.
Hold one, Snake Doc.
Admiral Cote denied the extraction.
- For what reason? - Weather.
Whose weather report is he looking at? The committee's.
What do you know about this? They won't clear the extraction until your men have the spear.
I'm sorry.
I tried.
I have a man dying out there.
You have no idea how badly these men want that artifact.
- Bad enough to get my men killed? - That is unfortunately correct.
Snake Doc, your chopper is on hold until you get that package secured.
- I got hostiles looking for me.
- Understood.
- You need to bring out that artifact.
- What? - They're holding me up here because they want some relic? - That's correct.
Snake Doc- that spear is your ticket home.
- What are they? - They're what's holding you back.
- From what? - You'll know when you get there.
- I don't understand.
- They're the burdens you carry.
What do you want from me? I want nothing from you.
I'm here to help.
Help how? Take one.
Go ahead.
American soldiers? - Keep going.
- No.
You're running out of time.
What's goin' on? This water's freezing! What are you doing to him? We can't get his temperature down.
- What is it? - It's cranial fluid.
- His brain's frying.
Let me help.
- Let's move him to the bed.
On three.
One, two, three.
Pack that ice under his head.
Take the bullet.
I'm ready.
Why are you doing this to me? Last one.
He needs more time.
Take the bullet! We did it again, bro.
Sniper! You.
You're carrying the burden of my death.
I was rear security.
No one can see everything.
That was my job.
Hang in there, soldier.
No, I don't need it.
The more you drink, faster you flush your system.
Just a little bit of brandy.
- Helps- Settles the stomach.
Might take the edge off.
- - The Reeds got immunity.
- How is this all my fault? The deal gave 'em immunity if they gave us the next guy up the ladder.
- That's why they're here.
- And if they give that person up? Then we follow that guy back to the hive.
He leads us to the next guy or, if we're lucky, to the queen bee.
You know, Kim and I- You what? We- - Did you sleep with her? - No.
- But we were falling in love.
- You were falling in love? It was an act- ordered by Colonel Ryan.
Why didn't I know about this? Mission sanctity.
I had to gain his trust.
It's up to him now.
- What you said earlier.
- Yes? - It was true.
- What was true? - I need peace.
- How would you obtain it? I don't know.
I require instruction.
Brother Gabriel began forging it shortly after your arrival.
How'd you know I would stay? Having come, why would you not stay? Those were left by the others.
How does a sword bring peace? Peace comes through security.
Every warrior must forge his own.
Should you win, you advance.
Should you lose, you'll receive a warrior's burial.
- Do you accept the terms? - Advance to what? Do you accept the terms? I do.
May God be with you both.
Kill me.
Then you shall take my place.
The price is too high.
The mark of a righteous warrior is mercy.
You have passed the first test.
Behold- the secret we protect.
For centuries, men have fought and killed to possess it.
- For what purpose- religion? - On the contrary.
They believed it made them indestructible and granted victory in any battle.
- Who would believe such a thing? - Hitler, Napoleon.
Attila the Hun.
Each achieved great victory while possessing the spear.
- And each were defeated.
- After losing the spear.
Thus the need for guardians.
General Patton? Near the end of World War II, he retrieved it from a Nazi bunker in Nuremberg.
Shortly afterwards, Hitler committed suicide and the war was won.
He was ordered to deliver the spear to the Hofburg Museum in Vienna.
How did it end up here? He brought it to us after the war.
So he, uh, disobeyed a direct order? A warrior hears a higher calling.
And in the end, every man must answer for his own actions.
How did he find you? The spear led him to us, just as it led you.
Why was I chosen? Because men like you will always be in search of the spear.
It takes such men to protect it.
- Snake Doc to Dogpatch.
- Go ahead, Snake Doc.
Proceeding with mission.
Requesting E.
and coordinates for extraction.
- Do you have the package? - Negative.
Package should be secure within the hour.
Tell him to advise when he has it.
They're gonna exfil under fire which means they're not gonna be able to call back.
I need the committee to release the chopper now.
- They won't do that until they have the package.
- The package is secured.
Do you understand me? The package is secured.
They have it.
Please, make the call.
It's not about blame.
But you need to know what went wrong that day.
I screwed up.
Tell me what you saw that day.
- I don't remember.
- Think.
A blessing or a curse-which will it be? I don't want to harm you.
I'm in no danger.
- Step aside.
- You know I cannot do that.
- I'm trying to save my friend! - Blessing or a curse? It's not worth your life! It's not the spear I fight for.
I will not force you to kill me.
Once you cross that threshold, you can never return.
Yes? Come up.
It's about to happen.
It's why I'm here.
- I need to ask you to be quiet.
- He's on his way.
I got a few very nice checks signed by you.
Good to see you.
I'm pulling the plug on the West Coast.
They're closing in.
It's time to go.
- We're being shut down? - No.
We're changing addresses.
It's beautiful.
The weather's gorgeous this time of year.
Destination- Brussels.
Hold for detail.
- And the larger plan? - The larger plan still exists.
How can we help? Need a little money dance.
- Money dance I can do by computer.
- How long? Looks like we got 16 offshore transfers a couple of accounts to close in the States.
- Six hours tops.
- When it's done, you get out.
Let's say, um, 2:00 a.
You'll be met here outside the hotel.
Don't check out.
You'll be met.
Someone will give you papers- new I.
, passports, plane tickets, itinerary.
Come back to the hotel.
Check out first thing in the morning.
- Do not attract attention.
- We understand.
Target, Leon Drake, is exiting.
Do not pick up.
Follow him.
- Pack.
- He said not till the morning.
Yes, that's true.
We need to be ready in case the game changes.
It's always been a game to you, hasn't it, Marian? Play the odds.
Now that Drake has given us an out hopefully, they'll be in our favor.
It's only 9:00.
He said 2:00 a.
, right? Just do us both a favor.
Get into bed and go to sleep.
I'll wake you up.
- I have to see this through.
- I know.
- 1:45.
No later.
- I'll wake you up.
Go for Brown.
Can you repeat the orders? On whose authority? I understand.
- Is everything all right? - Yes.
Everything's fine.
- 1:45.
No later.
- I'll wake you up.
Tell me what you saw.
I said I don't remember! - What do you see? - I was sweeping the street.
What's at your 10:00? A building with several windows on the second floor.
- Open? - All secure except for one.
- What do you see in that window? - A woman and a child.
- What do you do? - I disengage, keep sweeping.
- What's at your 12:00? - An old man.
- Armed? - No.
Keep going.
At my 2:00, I see- - That's it.
- Are you sure? Who was on that street? - I told you.
- Tell me again.
An old man.
- You sure? - Yes.
- Who else? - A woman and her son.
And? - Wait a minute.
- What do you see? - Get this truck moving! - Get us out ofhere! What do you see? The man who killed you.
Hang in there.
You're almost home, brother.
¡Manos arriba! Dogpatch, this is Charlie-64.
We got visual.
Stay alert.
Intel shows heavy activity in the area.
Do they have the spear? Charlie-64, do you have a visual on the package? Affirmative.
Are your men safe? Are they safe? I can't get a pulse! Go! All clear! Bob, wake up.
- Anything? - They were sleeping.
He was on his computer.
Then he went to bed.
They woke up about a half hour ago.
- What'd they talk about? - They didn't talk at all.
- Ain't that a thing? - How are you feeling? A little better.
She's finally asleep.
She's gonna be okay alone? She'll be fine.
We're not gonna be gone long.
This will finally be over with.
There is no " over with.
" We've made a pact with the devil we didn't even know all because you had to get chummy with Kim Cahill.
She listened to me because she loves me.
Is that what you think? - She loves you? - She told me.
It's time to go.
Give her her medicine.
I'm gonna see them off.
I'll be back in half an hour.
- Where are you going? - I just told you.
The mission's over, and you're kicking the symptoms and you're so pissed at some fiction of what you think I might've done you want to go score? You will stay here and you will not follow me.
I'll be back.
Let's get you some medicine and some fresh air.
Do you have an envelope for me? Is this everything? Let's see what's in here.
There should be two passports.
Bob? What are you doing here? Following orders.
I missed it.
You did the best you could.
I got tunnel vision- locked on to a target.
I should've kept scanning and using my peripheral.
Best part of being dead- no more second-guessing.
Time to let go.
Give me the bullets.
Out of time.
#You rush and you run # # To the ends of the earth # Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned.
# Oh, and what is it worth # # Blood on your hands # # Killing a dead man # # Time and again # # Time and again # # Oh, this curse of your name # # Ain't no shower of stones # # That'll wash it away # # So you wander alone # # Blood on your hands # # Killing a dead man # # Time and again # # Time and again # - # Time and again # - Where's the spear? I don't know what you're talkin' about.
Let's go! # Spilt every last # # Secret you kept # I didn't work for them all that long.
But I could see how much they loved each other how much they cared for Ella.
Social Services is here for the baby.
She's sick.
She has croup.
I left her medicine in the room.
It's on the desk.
It's Duderacon.
Anything about what the shooter looked like? He was short, scrawny, curly-blond hair.
I think he might've been some kind of junky.
- Why is that? - He was agitated, sweaty.
His body was jerking like he was on something.
It looked like he was robbing them, and then he just ran off.
It was all so senseless.
It was never the plan to give them immunity, was it? Involved in the assassination of the vice president he tried to kill you- I guess not.
And now Ella's an orphan.
I'm not gonna talk about it anymore, any of it.
And I got you steady enough to pull the trigger.
I wish you hadn't seen that.
A normal man says, " I wish I hadn't done it.
" # Time and again # # Time and again # # Time and again # # Time and again ##
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