City Homicide (2007) s04e14 Episode Script

Twilight Zone

(DOOR CLICKS, HINGE SQUEAKS) (BREATH ES SHARPLY, MOANS) (GROANS) (LAUGHS) Hey, hey, hey! Where are we going? Where are we going? Oi! I said Take me back.
No! Ah! (SCREAMS) G'day, Sarge, Detective.
What have we got? Elderly male, Caucasian.
ALLIE: We got a name? Yeah, Mr Branko Budjman.
Multiple contusions and lacerations to his back, shoulders and legs.
I reckon he probably bounced a couple of times on the way down.
So the fall killed him? Most likely the sudden stop.
Rectal temp gives approximate time of death at around midnight.
Any chance it was an accident? Or suicide? At his age, it's not like he's got a lot to live for.
I don't think so.
Very little muscle mass in his arms and legs.
That's a heavy chair.
I doubt if he could push himself around in it, let alone open that fire door and launch himself down the stairs.
So he had help.
OK, it's on our books now.
So who's in charge here? (SCOTTISH ACCENT) Oh, it's Lady Macbeth.
(SCOTTISH ACCENT) I was on duty myself, it was a quiet night.
And no-one raised any alarm? No.
You don't have any security cameras.
This is a retirement village, not a prison.
Actually, at the moment, it's a crime scene.
We have to see it.
No sign of a struggle.
It's got that old-people smell.
It's a Webster-pak.
Divides the week's medication into daily doses.
Helps them keep track.
My dad's got one.
He's in a place like this - not as flash.
Hmm, 'flash'.
So Branko would take all them in just one week? There must be 50 tablets there.
Oh, it's not unusual.
Most of our residents are on a range of medications.
He took last night's dose.
We'll need a full list.
Of course.
Rocket fuel.
ls this allowed? He's over 18.
But with his medications Well, as long as there's no harmful interaction.
Branko was Croatian.
He enjoyed his slivovitz.
Was Branko able to get himself out of his bed, into his wheelchair? No.
He would need assistance.
Did he have any enemies? Any that you're aware of? You said your father was in a retirement village.
Well, then you'd know - there are always squabbles and personality clashes, but nothing I'd describe as potentially lethal.
Did he have any family? A son - Andro.
Theydon't really get on.
I assume you will inform him? Yes.
Do you have his contact details? In my office.
We'd also like to talk to the residents and staff.
Which ones? All of them.
Well, this time of day, I suggest you start in the activities room.
'Activities'? One day, my dear girl, it might be you in a place like this.
I'll be taking the pills a long time before then.
(TOY MIAOWS) There's a lot worse places.
Like where your dad is? He seems happy enough.
I'm serious - I'd top myself first.
Well, what about your mum and dad? Just Mum.
How's she travelling? I don't know.
I don't care.
(RELAXING PIANO MUSIC PLAYS) So where do we start? With them.
ALLIE: Oh, yeah.
(TOY MIAOWS) Excuse us.
I'm Detective Sergeant Ryan and this is Detective Kingston.
We'd like to ask you a few questions about Branko Oh, he was a lovely man.
Bill and Branko were very close friends.
So was I, of course.
You are? Posy Pollard.
None of us will rest easy in our beds till you catch his killer.
You and Branko were close? Y-yes.
I mean, we were mates.
Do you know if anyone held any grudges against him? Any recent arguments? No.
He was generally well liked.
He was a gentleman.
European, but not rough at all.
Did you notice anything unusual last night? Did he seem anxious about anything? Branko liveslived in the main building.
He liked to be closer to facilities.
He was in a wheelchair.
My wife and I, we have a garden villa and wewe go to bed quite early.
Oh, sorry! I have to go and pick her up.
Would you excuse me? You two aren't a couple? Oh, heavens, no! No, no, no.
Bill's wife, Wendy, she's having her hair done.
He's devoted to her.
(CHUCKLES) She's unfortunately gone quite mad now.
I might mingle.
I'll be with you in a sec.
Yeah, Branko was a self-made man.
You don't hear that much anymore, do you? He was well off? You have to be to get decent treatment around here.
(EUROPEAN ACCENT) I've lived here for only six months.
And what can you tell me about Branko? For one thing, he was sleeping with your partner's new girlfriend.
(LAUGHS) The guy was in a wheelchair.
His arms and legs weren't working very well, but as for the rest, you'll be surprised what goes on in these rooms after dark.
Thanks for your help, Mrs Pollard.
Did I mention Branko was also my fiancé? No, you didn't.
I was to be a June bride.
Oh, well.
Plenty more fish in the sea.
You have an accent, Mr Marsh.
Yeah, Russian.
My name was Marisovitch.
'Marsh'? Well, it's much easier.
And how did you get on with Branko? it's no secret - we were not friends.
So you clashed? No, no, no, no.
It's not difficult to avoid a man confined to a wheelchair.
His limbs being what they were, I had to do most of the work, but he was still a caring lover.
Ooh, I hope I haven't scandalised you, Detective.
(GIGGLES) After all, we're not dead yet.
Yeah, that's my father.
That's Branko Budjman.
I'm sorry for your loss.
Ah, don't be.
Miserable old bastard.
Hated my guts and I hated his.
You know he had a girlfriend, don't you? (SCOFFS) At his age.
I bet she's responsible for this.
Why? After his money.
I'll take you back the office now, Mr Budjman, to make a statement.
Grieving son.
Any surprises? Uh, yeah, he survived the fall.
Someone finished him off with a couple of blows to the back of the head.
Blunt object? Heavy-toed boot with someone's foot inside.
How do you know that? Depressions in the skull.
Ha, they weren't wearing carpet slippers.
His killer followed him down the stairs, saw that he was still alive, and kicked his head in.
That's about it.
They used a lot of force too.
It was a vicious attack.
I visited him regularly but I didn't get any thanks for it.
Last time I saw him, he told me to piss off.
“Well, gee, thanks, Dad.
” Was he spending a lot of time with Posy Pollard? Like he had a choice.
She was all over him like a bloody rash.
You're saying Posy was only interested in your father for his money? No.
She was after his incredible good looks and his body.
(SCOFFS) Of course she was only after his money.
So what did you do about it? I complained to the Scottish cow.
She wouldn't do anything about it.
At the moment, Andro, you're the one who stands to gain the most from your father's death.
So? But if he married Posy, she'd have a claim over his fortune, right? Every chance you'd be left out in the cold.
Where were you at about midnight last night? In bed.
Can anyone confirm that? No.
MATT:: There's no love lost between Branko and Peter Marsh.
Jealous lover takes out his rival? Rival? From what we saw, Posy chases anything with a pulse.
Maybe Posy got a younger stud like Peter Marsh to get rid of him.
Please tell me you've got more than a plot from a B-grade geriatric porno, because the thought of 80-year-olds bumping uglies does not do it for me.
Oh, I don't see anything wrong with older people having sex.
Mapplethorpe! Well, I don't.
Is there a cut-off age? Personally, I don't plan on giving it up.
Do you, sir? Moving on, moving on.
OK, according to Branko's son, Posy was only after his money.
So if that was the case, then it's in her best interest to keep him alive, at least until after they had tied the knot.
What about Nurse Penelope? Because several people I talked to said that Branko made threats against management.
About what? Level of care.
Seems he was always complaining about something.
She could've shut him up by shoving him down the stairs.
Fact is anyone had access to his room.
We've got nothing in the way of prints from his room or wheelchair.
Yeah, and there's no security.
Anyone could've just walked in.
At the moment, my money's on the son, Andro.
What about the murder weapon, the boots? Well, we searched Andre's apartment- nothing.
Yeah, his place wasn't flash.
He could use some money.
And Crime Scene's search of the retirement village came up empty.
No heavy-toed boots in the entire complex.
MATT:: Arggh! What? What? There was a garbage truck at the retirement village this morning.
Tell me you stopped it before it took any evidence away from the crime scene.
Well, it had already picked up.
So tell me you impounded it.
I just saw it leaving.
We weren't looking for a weapon at the time.
It was assumed that the fall had killed him.
Well, you've got a lot more digging to do, including the tip, Sergeant.
(MOBILE RINGS) Keep me informed.
Detective Kingston.
Mattie, do you want me to organise uniforms to start searching the tip? Thanks, Jen.
It would be good if you and Rhys were there to coordinate the search.
I'll change my shoes.
ALLIE: Good.
Thank you.
Posy Pollard's daughter's on her way up.
Who gave you the right to interrogate my mother without my permission? This is a murder investigation, Miss Pollard.
We don't need your permission.
You're upset.
Just take a moment to calm down.
You don't seriously think my mother is a murderer? She is a pensioner.
Your mother told us that she was engaged to Branko Budjman.
Branko's son accuses her of being a gold-digger.
Yeah, well, he would, wouldn't he? All he cares about is his father's money.
Your mother didn't? No.
My mother loved Branko.
He gave her companionship.
From what we've heard, he gave her a whole lot more than that.
(SCOFFS) Four years ago, my mother had a mild stroke.
She was very lucky not to have any serious physical effects.
But what happened is that she lost her inhibitions.
So basically, she doesn't have any control over what she does.
Do you know what I think? Good on her! At least now she's having a bit of fun.
And I bet those old blokes at the nursing home aren't complaining either.
But to insinuate that she would deliberately hurt Branko is absurd.
Was Peter Marsh ever one of your mother's boyfriends? I have no idea.
You'll have to ask someone at the home.
So there could be a whole footy team of lover boys who have kicked a goal.
Yeah, but does it give them motive? What's the deal with old people and gardening? It's like some kind of weird geriatric impulse.
Hang on.
There's good-looking azaleas.
Ah! Well, you know your flowers? My dad's a keen gardener.
Sweetheart! Oh, this is my wife, Wendy.
How lovely to see you.
What a lovely surprise! Why didn't you tell me Susan was coming? I'd have cooked something special.
Mrs Lalor, I'm And who's this handsome young man? I'm Susan's mum.
This is Matt.
So pleased to meet you.
You too.
Sweetheart, have you heard our news? A poor man was murdered here, uh, la .
lalast night.
Last night? Yes.
Yeah, I heard.
Did you know him? Of course.
He and your dad were good mates.
(MOBILE RINGS) Danny? I heard this rumour that he had a girlfriend.
Oh, he did! Oh, it was so romantic.
They were such a lovely couple, weren't they, William? Yes.
Yes, yes.
I also heard this rumour that she might've been cheating on him.
I don't believe that.
Branko was her champion.
What do you mean? She'd had a fall the other day in her bathroom She slipped.
That's all.
It was nothing.
Come on, love.
Come on.
It was nothing, but Branko got very upset and he marched into Mrs McVeigh's office and he read her the riot act, said that he'd sue her for every last cent.
And he was just the man to do it too.
Yes, yes.
Of course, love.
Come on, let's go and pop the kettle on, shall we? Yes, yes! That's a good idea.
Yes! Did you hear that about Penelope McVeigh? There's also a discrepancy in her books.
What sort of discrepancy? The amount she's paying out in wages doesn't fit with the number of staff she's got on her roster.
She's got her hand in the till.
I never stole from anyone.
Running a place like this is always a juggling act.
There is never enough money.
This is a high-end establishment.
Some of our residents are well off.
Others aren't.
Those who can afford to pay for all the extras Like Branko.
they pay.
But for the others, I allow a little flexibility.
Meaning what exactly? I take the money allocated as wages and I use it to make up for the shortfalls in their monthly fees.
Why go to all that trouble when you're the one running the place? Because I have to answer to my financial masters who, like you, think they're never going to grow old.
The one thing they can't argue with is staff wages.
There are minimum numbers that have to be employed.
That's the law.
You've been running the place without the required number of staff on duty.
I take those shifts myself.
Unpaid, of course.
And that's why you were on duty last night.
It is.
You really expect us to believe you're acting out of the goodness of your heart? I don't care what you believe, Detective.
We will be going through your personal finances with a fine tooth-comb.
Go ahead.
Nowif you're finished wasting your time and mine What's this? When a resident dies, I go through any personal effects we're holding in safekeeping.
Those are Branko's papers, including an updated will drafted three weeks ago.
His son, Andro, gets nothing.
It all goes to Posy Sarah Pollard.
And it's witnessed by Bill Lalor.
Why didn't you tell us about the will, Mr Lalor? I witnessed a legal document which I believed to be confidential.
Did you know that his will had recently been changed? That means I get a lot of money, doesn't it? ALLIE: You kept quiet even though you knew we were conducting an investigation into his murder.
You didn't think it might've been relevant? Posy wouldn't kill him.
God, she wouldn't hurt a fly.
DUNCAN: You were the only one who stood to benefit from his death.
Well, he wasn't very well and he wanted me looked after.
(GASPS) it's so exciting being here in a police station.
Posy Why's that, Mrs Pollard? Kojak! MATT:: “Book 'em, Danno.
" Remember that? 'Hawaii Five-O'.
And my absolute favourite - 'Police Woman', Angie Dickinson! Blonde hair and long legs that went all the way up to the top floor.
People used to say I had great legs.
You want to see? BOTH: No! Mrs Pollard, please sit down.
And of course, there was always the grumpy old sergeant.
You got one of those too? I dunno.
Do we? (CLEARS THROAT) Now, if that's all, I really should be getting home to Wendy.
I don't like leaving her on her own.
She sometimes wanders.
Especially of an evening.
They call it sundowning.
It sounds romantic.
It isn't.
According to the people we spoke to, your wife's condition is getting rapidly worse.
Is that right? Alzheimer's is a terrible thing.
Yeah, it must be heartbreaking watching someone you love lose their grip.
Especially when you're healthy.
You're very fit for your age.
I've been lucky.
Posy Pollard's a notorious flirt, huh? At times.
I suppose, with Branko out of the way, she's back on the market.
She's ready, willing, able, rich to boot.
You know, you do look a bit like our Susan.
But she had a kind soul.
I met my wife 52 years ago.
I sat next to her one day on the bus and I knew straightaway that this was the woman I was going to marry.
She took some convincing that I was worth the trouble but I finally won her heart.
I have never loved another woman and I never will.
I know her time is running out.
And the thought of losing her is And I will do everything, everything I possibly can, to make these days special for her.
Posy Pollard means nothing to me.
Nowl would like to go home to my wife.
So, when do I get Branko's money? That's not up to me, Mrs Pollard.
Oh, pity! (G-le-G-LES) I know you'll look after me, Detective.
Still, it's comforting.
DANNY: What is? Getting Branko's money.
Now my daughter will be looked after: You have children, Detective? DAN NY: No.
You? MATT:: No.
Oh, when you do, you'll understand.
A parent never stops worrying about their children.
Doesn't matter how old they are or what they've done, you never stop loving them - never! (chuckles) Hey.
Background checks on the Lalors came through.
Just personal stuff.
No priors or anything like that.
What about their daughter, Susan? (SIGHS DEEPLY) They lost her to cancer about 10 years ago.
See you guys later.
Not going for a drink? No, just home for a shower.
I still stink a bit of the tip.
How did that go? Hopeless.
Needle in a haystack.
Hey, found some other cool stuff.
It's amazing what some people chuck out.
Gonna make some fast cash on eBay.
See ya! Yeah.
MATT:: Thanks for today.
Yeah, no worries.
So, uh, Posy made absolutely no attempt to hide her knowledge of the will or her delight about it.
She's hardly been the grieving fiancee from the start.
What about Bill Lalor? There's nothing in it for him.
From what I saw, he seems like a decent bloke who loves his wife.
Allie? Hmm? Bill Lalor wouldn't be high on your list, would he? No.
But Posy knew about the will, so it's odds-on her daughter did too.
Then why not just wait? Let nature take its course? Branko wasn't gonna last forever.
Branko's limbs were rooted but his heart was strong.
He might've kicked on for years.
If Michaela Pollard was struggling, she might not have been prepared to wait.
Yep, so we've applied for a warrant to access her records.
What do you reckon? Michaela Pollard our killer? But does she own a pair of heavy-toed boots? Well, that's what we need to find out.
And if she does, was she acting alone or with Mum's knowledge? Posy said parents keep loving their children no matter what they've done.
Believe that, you'll believe anything.
Look, Michaela Pollard had a motive if she knew about the will.
Andro Budjman had one if he didn't.
Good point.
Let's get them both in first thing.
Do you own a pair of boots - hiking or work? Yeah, lown a couple.
They're at home.
Heavy-toed? I don't know.
Is it true, Michaela, you're in desperate financial circumstances? No.
No, that's not true.
It's not true? No.
Your mother said you are.
I won't deny things have beentricky.
I lost a bomb in the GFC.
It's been a long climb back.
My mother might think that I'm in dire straits, yep.
Why would she think that if you're not? Because I don't own my own home and I don't have a husband.
It's justit's how her generation think.
Michaela, we can access your financial records.
So we will find out.
Yeah, don'tdon't waste your time.
You really can have anything you want.
I told you, it was difficult each time I saw him, but I didn't kill him.
When you unsuccessfully tried to get power of attorney over your father's affairs, you claimed he was mentally incompetent.
In my opinion, he was.
He was banging that Pollard woman.
He was always accusing the retirement village of some sort of abuse.
And he was losing grip on reality.
He thought that the Serbs who had killed his nephew were coming after him.
The what? Yeah, he must've thought he was in Croatia, back in the war.
His nephew, my cousin, was killed in the massacre of Vukovar, 1991.
Were you aware that he'd changed his will? What? Is thisis this real? That's real.
Oh, my God! Oh, my God.
That's wonderful.
Over my dead body! The new will was a complete surprise.
I'll get a uniform to take her home and collect her boots.
But if she did use the boots to kill Branko, they're not gonna be sitting in the wardrobe.
RHYS: Andre's gonna contest the will.
So what do we do - eliminate Michaela Pollard as a suspect and keep looking at Andro Budjman? Well, that's my inclination.
if only we had those bloody boots! Where are we at, exactly, with the tip? Well, finding the exact search area's proving to be a bit of a challenge, so we're heading back out there now.
NICK: Got something, Sergeant.
Allie, you spoke to Peter Marsh, right? He said he was Russian.
Marisovitch, or something? Yeah.
Why? His real name's Peja Marjic.
He's Serbian.
Branko Budjman was a Croat.
OK, Andro Budjman just told us that his father thought the Serbs who had killed his nephew were coming after him.
His nephew? Yeah.
Apparently, his nephew was killed in some massacre by the Serbs in Vukovar in '91.
Marjic was fighting on the Serbian side in the same area at the same time.
So looks like we've just found ourselves a war criminal.
In 1991, Branko Budjman fled the war zone and resettled in Australia.
Peter Marsh - Marjic - came a year later.
Six months ago, he retired and moved into Beaconslea.
Where he ran into this Branko character.
Who thought he recognised Marjic as the man who killed his nephew.
What if old Branko was off his tree? I mean, how credible is this? Well, every indication is that he was still mentally fit.
His son couldn't get power of attorney.
And Marjic? Silencing Branko is a strong motive.
Look, if he's guilty, let's nail the bastard.
We'll have another chat with Peter Marjic in the morning.
And go hard on Branko's girlfriend.
There may have been some pillow talk.
Ugh! Almost creeped myself out! (KNOCK AT DOOR) Sarge, Penelope McVeigh isn't the model of compassion she'd have us believe.
What, she been feeding them bread and water? I knew she was no saint.
DUNCAN: Far from it.
She has history.
Eight years ago, she ran a nursing home.
It was closed down.
Systematic abuse, misappropriation of funds, fraud.
It's not true.
Which part? All of it.
I was the manager of this retirement village.
I blew the whistle on the owners for chronic underfunding and understaffing that led to several unfortunate incidents.
They tried to turn it back onto me in the press.
Can you prove that? Yes.
There was a full investigation and I was officially cleared.
The paper was forced to print a retraction six months later.
I'm guessing you haven't dug that out, have you? No.
No-one ever does.
It was buried - a wee paragraph on page 17.
And the mud had well and truly stuck.
I was unemployable in the industry in Britain.
So I moved as far away as I could think.
You see, I do care about these people.
It's my job.
it's what I do.
MATT:: Look, bottom of page 17.
“Retirement village director cleared.
” How did we miss this? It didn't come up in the search.
I'm sorry.
Mate, you made us look like bloody idiots.
it's not good enough.
Hey, even with this, you would've still had to interview her.
Mattie, don't let the stripes go your head.
You would've made the same call.
Take her off the list.
So, what next? Fresh start in the morning.
'Night, Sarge.
You're off already? In the middle of a case? Not much more we can do tonight.
I've still got a life to live, Sergeant.
Personal training sesh at 8:00, then I'm gonna hit the beach for a good long run.
You think all that exercise is gonna stop you getting older? It happens to all of us, Allie.
I'm not gonna end up in the vegie villa.
Let me give you a tip.
When you come in here tomorrow, drop the geriatric gags.
Don't take it personally.
I'm not talking about you.
This is a murder case.
These people may be old.
They may not fit your narrow definition of 'attractive'.
But they deserve to have a full life as much as anyone.
(WHIMPERS) What? What are you doing here? (CAR ALARM BEEPS TWICE) Peter Marsh isn't in his room, he isn't in the activities centre, he isn't anywhere.
How can he just take off without anyone noticing? I've told you, Detective.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's not a prison.
Danny, Marsh might've done a runner.
He's not in his room and his bed hasn't been slept in.
Yeah, issue a KALOF.
We're about to talk to Posy now.
Mrs Pollard's unit.
Posy? (GAS PS) Oh, my God.
Oh, look! Visitors.
(CLEARS THROAT) You told us you had no romantic interest whatsoever in Posy.
I don't.
You're doing a pretty good job of faking it.
Let me assure you, Detective, nothing about that was romantic.
POSY: I needed comfort.
You young people! You think just because we're old, we're dead from the waist down.
Well, that's just not true.
Branko's body wasn't even cold and you jumped into bed with his rival.
A moment of weakness.
You know what she's like.
I went to offer my condolences and she threw herself at me.
Against my better judgment, I weakened.
I'm but a man, after all.
This didn't just happen, Peter.
This relationship has been going on for some time.
Since before Branko was murdered.
No, no.
No! You conspired with Posy to do away with your rival once you knew he'd changed his will.
Oh, that's a horrible thing to suggest.
I want to see the other detective - the nice one.
Bad luck.
You're stuck with us.
You're not Russian.
You're Serbian.
And your name isn't Marisovitch.
it's Peja Marjic.
That's right.
POSY: Branko had a lot of trouble with Peter's name.
For some reason, he couldn't say 'Marsh'.
He used to call him Ma 'Mesar', the Croat name for 'butcher'.
Branko was living in the past, not me.
I came to this country to escape the ethnic violence.
Branko said he was evil but, you know, he was European and they feel things deeply.
It's one of the things that makes them so attractive.
Did he mention knowing Peter before he came to Australia? Yes, he No.
Oh, I don't know! Why would I waste my hate on an old cripple in a wheelchair? Why? Because he knew who you were, what you'd done? The truth is Branko used to go out of his way to avoid Peter.
I think he was afraid.
Afraid? Of losing me.
He could be a very jealous man.
Yes, I was in the Serbian Army.
Yes, I was at Vukovar.
But as a supply sergeant! I never fire a shot! LI'll give you the name of my battalion.
You can check my records.
We'll definitely be doing that, Mr Marjic.
Look I didn't kill Branko.
(STAMMERS) And I don't know who did.
Are you looking for more junk today? One man's junk is another man's treasure.
Last lot's already up to $87.
50 on eBay.
It's junk you scrounged off the tip.
It's all about seeing the beauty in small things, Jen.
Trust me.
Some of this stuff is gold.
Well, you'd better hope you get rid of it all because I don't think Aunty Bernice will see it as gold.
How much longer do you reckon Matt's gonna keep us looking for these bloody boots? As long as he likes.
Really should just be Crime Scene or or uniforms doing it, don't you reckon? It's up to them.
WOMAN: Trish! It's me! Jen, is she talking to us? Don't think so.
Trish! Jen, she is.
(MOUTHS) Yeah, OK.
Can you just wait here? Hi.
Hi! Oh, wow! How are you? I'm sorry.
I didn't see you How's Wesley? Yeah, he's fine.
He's a cute guy.
Is he a friend of Wesley's? JEN: Uh, no.
Oh, wow, you're all dressed up too, gorgeous.
He's, umhe's cute, right? Yeah.
Really cute.
Young too, you cradle snatcher.
Gina, please, please, please don't tell anybody that you saw me here, OK? Alright, alright.
You naughty girl.
Just be careful.
'Cause, you know, you fool around and get caught, things can get ugly.
I'll see you soon.
Oh! OK.
Good to see you.
It's a nickname.
So an old friend? Yeah, sort of.
Are you a swinger, Jen? Hey, it's fine by me.
Where were you? Thought you were supposed to be at the tip? We just went to get a coffee and she was there.
Rhys has no idea? I don't think so.
What did you say to Gina? I told her as little as possible.
She thought I was fooling around.
What? With Rhys.
Of course.
It all came flooding back, so I had to come here and tell you.
Are you OK? Yeah, I'm fine.
Rhys? Sent him back to the tip.
They found Posy Pollard and Peter Marsh together.
Together together.
Oh! I'm OK.
I put in a call to Canberra.
Immigration screened Peja Marjic before he entered the country.
His story checks out.
He was a non-combatant military personnel.
That still doesn't mean he's in the clear.
DUNCAN: No, but (TESTILY) What? Well, Crime Scene reckon that Branko went willingly with his killer.
ALLIE: There's no sign of struggle in his room.
Branko wouldn't have gone anywhere willingly with the guy that he thinks killed his nephew.
Drugged? He was on a stack of medication.
Not according to the toxicology report.
There were no sedatives in his system.
What about her? She's no longer a suspect, sir.
Well, what's she still doing up on the bloody board?! Come on, pull your finger out, you lot! Money is still our biggest motive.
If Ivan the Terrible didn't top him, then find out who stands to gain or lose the most.
Sir! Next time I come down here, I want a result.
OK, guys, let's re-interview all the residents and staff at the home and go from there.
You and your money-grubbing mother planned this from the start.
I don't need to listen to this.
You won't get away with this.
It's my money! Yeah, well, you can speak to my Lawyer.
Hey, don't you dare walk away from me.
Do not! Hey, you won't run away like this.
I won't let you steal my father's money.
You can't! (STARTS ENGINE) What's going on? Stop! ALLIE: Oh! No! MATT:: I'll call an ambulance.
What's? I didn't see her.
Yeah, I need an ambulance.
Beaconslea retirement village.
(STAMMERS) Susan? Don't try and move.
No! What happened? What in God's name happened? Bill? Bill! Help her.
For God's sake, help her.
No, an ambulance is on its way.
Oh, look who's here, Bill.
Shh, my love! My love! Uh, uh, Susan? Yeah, I'm here.
I'm here.
I've missed you so much.
Try not to talk, my love.
(SOBS) Hang on, please! No! I want to see my wife.
One more time.
That won't be a problem.
Is there anyone you want me to contact? No.
No, there's no-one.
Andro Budjman will be charged.
He'll be held to account for this.
Why? It wasn't his fault.
It was mine.
I left Wendy alone and she wandered off.
You can't be expected to watch her every second of the day.
Well, why not? It was my job.
God, all for nothing! All for nothing.
What? (FOOTSTEPS APPROACH) Oh, Bill! My dear Bill, I just heard.
I'm so sorry.
It wasn't Michaela's fault.
It was the Budjman Get away from me.
Leave me alone.
But, Bill Leave me alone.
I just want I don't care what you want.
(MOBILE RINGS) Wendy was a lady, not a tramp like you.
She was my friend.
She never was.
Now, get out! Get out! MATT:: You sure? MATT:: Hmm.
I'll call you back.
I'm a stupid old woman.
He's upset.
No, he's right.
He's right.
(SOBS) I think I'll I think I've been taken advantage of in more ways than one.
How? Oh, God! God, help me.
What have I done? Bill Our savings were almost gone.
Mrs McVeigh said we might have to leave.
I needed money quickly.
I just wanted to give Wendy the best life I could, that's all.
I did the wrong thing.
I'll tell you what you want to know.
I'll tell you everything.
Bill Lalor told us you approached him about a way to secure your joint financial futures.
Bill is grieving.
He doesn't know what he's saying.
And you used Posy to make it happen.
Make what happen? Posy says that you persuaded her to get Branko to change his will.
What?! She's clearly suffering from dementia.
Once you got Branko out of the way, you intended to marry Posy, take charge of her finances and split the inheritance with Bill.
No, no, no.
This is speculation.
We're satisfied that Posy wasn't involved in the plan to murder Branko.
She was just the bait.
She had no idea what you were up to.
Branko went willingly because he thought he was going to a sexual rendezvous.
Which is why there was no sign of struggle in his room.
Sorry to disappoint you, Sergeant, but everyone knows Branko will never go anywhere willingly with me.
He hated me.
We're not saying he went with you, Mr Marjic.
ALLIE: Bill Lalor got him out of bed into the wheelchair.
He thought he was gonna go and see Posy.
Bill wheeled him past the lift to the stairwell.
That's when you appeared on the scene.
(SPEAKS INAUDIBLY) (TENSE MUSIC) You pushed Branko down the stairs and when the fall didn't kill him .
you kicked his head in.
Any other witnesses to this fantasy? Hmm, no.
I was in bed asleep at that time.
I'm more than happy for that to play out in court.
Are you, Mr Marjic? Yeah, of course.
Thank you.
'Cause we found your boots, Branko's blood all over them.
Hey! Good result.
See you tomorrow.
See you.
Nobody here can ever find out.
They won't.
Do you think this is the end of it? That can wait till the morning, if you want to go.
I'd rather get the paperwork off my desk.
You know .
they've gotta fix that old-age thing before we get there, 'cause it sucks big-time.
I'm gonna go and see my dad this weekend.
it's been too long.
Do you think that he'll recognise you? If he's having a good day, he might.
Anyway, I'll just sit with him, talk about old times.
I owe him that.
Have a good night.
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