FBI: International (2021) s04e14 Episode Script

A Winged Lion for Protection

What if Mitchell's not the
bad guy they want him to be?
I'm looking at federal charges.
Who are you worried about right now,
the agent you've known for three days
or your own brother?
What's your take on Quinn?
So far, so good. Why?
Maybe it's that she's new.
I just feel like something's
weighing on her.
What did you find?
The French cops filed
a formal complaint against Mitchell.
He committed a crime.
Send me what you found.
Is everything okay?
They're coming after Mitchell.
I don't know what to do.

This city is incredible.
Pinuccia wants swatches
for the living room
and the guest bath now.
I already pulled eggshell and ecru,
but did you wanna pull cotton ball?
Look at those lights.
And that bridge.
It's like a perfect picture
everywhere I look.
I could live here.
I could die here.
I guess I'll just bring all three.
Um, I'll see you at 9:00?
- Oh, sure. Thanks, Caitlyn.
- Okay.

You, me, this city.
I just want this forever.
As do I.
We'll have to fight to make it happen.
I would walk through
fire to be with you.
Sei magnifico.
Let me pour you a drink, hmm?


Hi, Marlena.
I swear I put your iPad
in your bag earlier,
but I'm at your apartment,
and it's it's not here.
- I'm coming. One second.




Caitlyn Priolo, 22, was found
dead in an apartment in Venice.
Caitlyn was a dual citizen,
American and Italian by descent.
She graduated Arizona State last year,
and her body was found in the
apartment of her employer,
Marlena Kline, also American.
What business were they doing in Venice?
Building restoration.
Marlena renovates castles,
villas, old family homes.
They just completed their
biggest project to date
renovating a villa for
Baron Dario Caspani.
Is that a nickname like Duke Ellington
or is this guy actual royalty?
Technically royalty.
I thought Italy got rid
of its king a long time ago.
They did, but those with royal blood
are still seen as cultural
symbols by the Italian people.
Police report estimates time
of death around 10:00 p.m.,
so where was Marlena
when this went down?
Not home.
She's being detained
by the Italian police
as a potential person of interest.
Okay, then that's where we're starting.
Let's roll.

When is Zaleski expecting
to hear back from you?
He wants those emails between Mitchell
and the Paris detective.
Do you remember sniper training?
Preparation, patience, and timing.
When all those three meet opportunity,
then and only then do you fire.
We're gonna wait this out,
and we're only gonna make
a decision when we have to.
You trust me?
Right now, you're the
only person I do trust.

Welcome. Prosecutor Isabella Solara.
Wes Mitchell.
This is Cameron Vo, Andre Raines,
Riley Quinn, Megan Garretson
with Europol.
Our coroner ruled Caitlyn
Priolo's cause of death
to be acute asphyxiation
by strangulation.
And Marlena Kline is a suspect?
Not officially.
She is currently under supervision,
but as it turns out,
she's well-connected,
so we're holding her
at the Hotel Calolaio.
By "well-connected", you mean
she was working for Dario Caspani?
If you'll follow me.
The baron has some investment
in this case
since he knew the victim.
And as you already seem to know,
he runs in some very
influential circles.
The murder rate here in Venice is
one of the lowest in the world,
so we may not be as equipped
as most police stations.
We will assist where we can,
but know that my office
moves at the pace we see fit.
Whether or not this is
to your liking is up to you,
but let's agree to keep
each other informed
- at every turn, yes?
- Sure.
Then, to that point,
I forwarded everything
we've gathered from
Miss Priolo's devices
to your office, including phone records
and geolocation history.
Perhaps you'll have
better luck than we've had.
I think she told me to piss off,
but between the smile and
the accent, I can't be sure.
Italian hospitality.
- Enjoy it. Mistrust it.
- Noted.
Okay, Cam, you and Riley, why
don't you go talk to Marlena?
Actually, why don't you
and I go talk to Marlena?
I think Riley can get us set up here.
Smitty, you and Raines
check out the crime scene?
Cool. Copy that.

I'm sorry, you're telling me
even if Tiger Woods comes to Venice,
he's gotta hoof it everywhere on foot?
Yeah, cars haven't been
allowed in Venice
since 400 A.D.
And before you ask
no, not even golf carts.
What if somebody needs an ambulance?
Wes, I gotta talk to you
about something.
Does the name Dave Zaleski ring a bell?
Yeah, he was my Quantico
instructor way back when.
Well, he works in the
Inspection Division now,
and he's been leaning on Riley
to dig up dirt on you.
What's he got against you?
Zaleski and I never got along.
This kid in my class, he was whip-smart.
Zaleski wanted to fail him
no matter what.
He beat the kid down
every chance he got,
and one day, I stood up for the guy
and put Zaleski in his place.
The whole class cheered me on,
and Zaleski took it personally.
That's it?
He's settling a score
over a playground fight?
Well, yeah.
He came after me and Tyler
for Montrose too.
Agents like Zaleski, they are
the scum of the bureau.
They wanna put people down so
they can stand a little taller.
Yeah, but this time it's different, Wes,
because you and Tyler did
break protocol in Paris,
and Riley found out.
I don't have many options here,
and I have to go through
proper channels.
I know.
Thanks for coming to me first.

What's this?
Caitlyn stopped here 52 times
in the last six months.
Something about this guy struck a nerve.
How badass is that?
All you need is your last name
on the damn thing
and a winged lion for protection?
Wes, this is serious.
It's always serious on this job.
I hate to even say the words out loud,
but if Zaleski gets proof that you
and Tyler went rogue in Paris
If Zaleski wants to come
after me, then so be it.
I stand by what Tyler and I did.
I got no problem saying that to whoever
I gotta say it to back at HQ.
Until that day comes, I'm gonna
keep working this case.

The last thing we talked
about was swatches.
As if ecru versus eggshell
was the most important thing
in the world.
And now she's
I can't even say it.
How does any of this make any sense?
Why was Caitlyn in your apartment?
I needed her to get my iPad.
At 10:00 at night?
Couldn't just go back
and get it yourself?
I was occupied. Client meetings.
With Dario Caspani, correct?
So, what exactly is your
relationship to Caspani?
He's a client.
Did he interact much with Caitlyn?
No. No, they barely spoke.
Marlena, Caitlyn was
killed in your apartment.
And as far as we can tell,
you are the only person
who knew she'd be there.
So what is it you're not telling us?
When I met Caitlyn,
she was stocking shelves
in a Hobby Lobby.
I found her. I nurtured her.
And now you think I had something
to do with her murder?
Look, you may have spent
the last six months in Venice
hanging out with the cool crowd,
but allow me to bring you
back to reality,
because if this investigation goes
where I think it's gonna go,
these people who
you think are your friends,
who are putting you up
in this nice hotel,
they're gonna ditch you
faster than you can say arrivederci.
I had nothing to do with her murder.

No signs of forced entry.
Maybe she knew her assailant.
Any security cameras?
The footage was erased,
and we already swept the area
for fingerprints, blood, hair.
Sounds like a professional hit.
On a personal assistant?
Seems like Marlena would be
a more likely target.
It is her apartment.
Killer was face-to-face with Caitlyn,
strangling her for 60 seconds.
He knew it wasn't Marlena.
Fair point.
This is where her body was found.
She didn't go down easy,
that's for damn sure.
Yeah, she fought.
He threw her down.

We're gonna need a full DNA
and prints analysis on this.
So, I've been going
through Caitlyn's devices,
and get this.
In the days leading up to her murder,
she called Caspani seven times.
Well, so much for barely speaking.
Amanda, will you throw up
everything we have on Caspani?
Way ahead of you.
Dario Caspani is a cousin
of the descendants
of Italy's last royal line.
He's leveraged this
association to stay connected
to the rich and powerful
Saudi princes, Russian oligarchs.
His social calendar is
jam-packed full of galas
and boating trips,
presumably on their dime.
Over the decades, Caspani family's gone
deeper and deeper into debt.
Well, Smitty was right.
These royals, they might be
multi-millionaires on paper,
but all their net worth is
tied up in property values.
So that's why he wanted
to flip the villa,
to liquidate.
But if Caspani is surviving
off his deep-pocketed friends,
then how'd he fund the renovation?
Let's hear it straight
from the baron's mouth.
Riley, you're with me.

I know about Zaleski.
I also know he doesn't play fair.
Whatever you did to find out
about Paris wasn't by choice,
so what's he got on you?
My brother's ATF.
They're looking into his department,
and they're saying that
he did a bunch of things
he swears he didn't do.
You believe him?
I don't know.
Regardless, Zaleski says
if I don't do what he asks,
then my brother will
go down for all of it.
He'll be sent to prison.
You know that's a death
sentence for an ATF agent.
Scare tactics. Dave Zaleski special.
Yeah, but if he's right,
if my brother is guilty, what I did
going into that laptop
and swiping those emails,
it's it's unforgivable.
Hey, you ever heard of
this guy, Daniele Manin?
I looked him up.
So back in the 1800s,
Venice was under Austria's thumb,
and even though it was
one of the richest cities
in the world, the Austrians
controlled every penny.
Then one day, Manin,
a civilian, rouses the people.
He starts a revolution.
Austria offers him money, influence,
some top government post.
Dude just says no. Freedom or bust.
I don't like seeing honest
people, young people
who are just starting out
in their careers
getting preyed on.
So worry about yourself.
Worry about your career.
Let me worry about Zaleski.

Hey, Amanda?
Better take a look at this.
Caitlyn had a locked file on her laptop.
We tried to brute force it,
but still couldn't get in.
She multi-part AES encrypted this.
We probably need to break
through two, three more layers
before we can actually read the file.
But why would a personal assistant
need that much security?
I think she knew something.
Something that couldn't get out.
Maybe that's what got her killed.
What was her major at Arizona State?
Interior design, with a minor
in computer science.

All right, let's see what we got here.

There's Caspani.
What do you call that color?
Oh, there's Caspani's wife, Ada.
She was in some of the gala photos.
His and hers tables. That's cute.
I didn't know that was a thing here.

Good evening.
I'm Wes Mitchell with the FBI.
This is Agent Riley Quinn.
Do you mind if we ask you some
questions about Caitlyn Priolo?
It's terrible what happened.
She seemed like a very lovely girl.
Tell us about her.
I didn't know her very well.
Oh, well, why'd she call you seven times
before she was killed?
Probably to ask me
something about crown molding.
Do you know how much time,
money, and phone calls
go into a renovation?
It's funny, though, 'cause rumor has it
you don't have 2 euros to rub together.
So how'd you pay for all of it?
It was partially
subsidized by a charity.
And after I oversaw the renovation,
I donated the villa to them.
You donated your most valuable asset?
Listen, that villa
was built by my family
200 years before America
was even a scribble on a map.
It belongs to the Italian people.
What were things like
between Marlena and Caitlyn?
Are you asking if Marlena
might have wanted Caitlyn dead?
Yeah, let's say she is.
Marlena is a very dangerous woman.
Capable of anything.
When I first met her,
I'll admit, I was charmed.
I'll even admit there was
a dalliance, a brief one
in the early months.
But that was before she went insane.
Do you mind elaborating on "insane"?
She knew I was married.
There were always going to be limits
to how far things could go between us.
But she kept asking for more.
She wanted to know who I was
meeting, what I was eating,
breakfast, lunch, dinner.
And after I ended things,
her behavior only got worse.
So where were you the night
that she was murdered?
I agreed to meet Marlena
because I had to take a stand
against her unhinged behavior.
Is that what you guys
call it here, taking a stand?
I didn't kill her.
Now, there's a dress code here,
so you should probably
come back another time
when you're more
ben vestito.

What's your take?
If Marlena was fudging the
receipts and Caitlyn found out,
- that sounds like motive.
- Maybe.
Any luck getting in touch with
anyone in Caitlyn's family?
Only child. Parents are deceased.
What about boyfriend, girlfriend?
Anything like that?
None that could be determined.
Hey, Cam. What's up?
Got it.
All good?
CIA is here.

- Martin Russo.
- Hey.
So what's so special about this case
the CIA comes crawling out
of the woodwork?
We want charges on Caspani,
enough to threaten extradition.
Anything you got on him
goes directly to me.
If I'm gonna do another
agency's grunt work,
I wanna know why.
Well, in the spirit of
interagency cooperation.
- Of course.
- Caspani's villa donation?
It was all a magic act.
And a half-assed one at that.
This so-called "Italian Cultural Fund"
who received the villa
isn't even Italian.
It's a shell corporation whose
silent owner is Nadim Hijazi,
Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia,
also the largest supplier
of illegal arms to the U.S.
Okay, so you guys have been looking
at Caspani for a long time,
but let's not forget
why the FBI is here.
Someone was murdered.
Yeah, you met him.
I mean, don't tell me you
really believe that his hands
are clean in regard
to this this girl.
This Katie. Is it Katie?
Your DOA.
Our DOA. She's an American victim.
Meaning the CIA and the FBI
have a common goal here.
You Langley guys, you're always
so concerned with the big picture.
You're worried about what's gonna happen
10, 20 years down the road.
Meanwhile, an American
gets her windpipe crushed.
You can't even be bothered
to learn her name?
Unless I hear otherwise
from my superiors,
you're not calling the shots.
Caitlyn Priolo. That was her name.
Caspani is in bed with drug
dealers, arms traffickers,
dirty politicians.
We need this son of a bitch
hung up by his tasseled loafers.
Even if you have to put your
thumb on the scale a little.
Not my style.

That locked file on
Caitlyn's laptop, I got in.
Looks like a Word document.
I guess the file must
have gotten corrupted
during the transfer.
I can ask Andre to get
on her actual laptop.
All right, yeah, let me
port over what I've got.
This thing is massive for a text file.
Let me try something.
Why go through all of that to hide this?
Yeah, doesn't make sense.

- Hey.
- Hey.
How'd it go with Quinn?
You know HQ called me, and they
wanted to talk to me about her?
I told her to worry about herself.
I meant it.
Hub's on the line.
What's up, Amanda?
After Caspani donated the villa,
30 million passed back
into the shell corporation.
Supposedly, it was payment
for the renovation,
but 90% of that money landed
straight into Caspani's pocket.
That transfer was approved
by a recently added
proxy board member, Caitlyn.
At least on paper, she's
the one who signed off
on 30 million euro
being laundered into Italy.
Why Caitlyn?
Why not some yes man
on Caspani's payroll?
He needed someone who
couldn't be connected to him.
Caitlyn's an Italian citizen
with at least one degree of separation.
Do you think Marlena
knew about all this?
I think Marlena is convinced that
she and Caspani are still dating.
Let's go unconvince her.
Thanks, Tate.

Hey, Francesco Vizia,
"Venice Daily News".
Oh, I already have a subscription.
- Thank you.
- Rumor is that you made an appearance
at La Perduta last night.
What does the FBI want
with the Caspanis?
Restaurant recommendations.
Okay, yeah. I'm just
making conversation.
- Whoa, Wes.
- What?
HQ is pulling Riley from the
Fly Team effective immediately.
They want her back on
a plane to D.C. tonight.
Tell them we still need her here.
- She's co-case agent.
- Yeah, they're fully aware.
It says here that she is
currently under review.
That's Zaleski.
Have her send it.
The Paris emails.
Give Zaleski what he wants.
Wes, you can't just throw
your career just like that.
I'm not throwing anything.
I'm not feeding Riley
to the dogs either.
No, you gotta escalate, okay?
Bring it to Deputy Director Adell.
Tell him Zaleski is overstepping.
Tell him why you and
Tyler went to Paris.
I did what I did.
I'm not the one that needs protecting.
Have her send the emails.

You're sure that's what Wes wants?
Yes, and he's not gonna change his mind.
Trust me.

Dario mentioned a nonprofit,
but I don't know anything
about a shell corporation.
Well, Caitlyn's signature ended up
on all of the paperwork.
So either she was going behind
your back or you set her up.
Well, this is the first time
I'm hearing any of this.
You sent Caitlyn to your apartment
moments before she was killed,
and the iPad you had her go get
was never recovered at the scene.
Can you see how a cynic might suggest
you sent her there as a setup?
Dario and I, we were having an affair.
If you had started with that on day one,
then maybe we would have a shot,
but Caspani and his wife,
they were very candid
about that already.
- Ada's involved?
- Oh, yeah.
And I think Caspani's word in
describing you was "unhinged".
Did Caspani have Caitlyn sign
those incorporation documents?
I told myself I was willing
to do anything to be with him.
- Answer the question.
- No, I did.
I gave her the papers to sign.
Dario said that if she'd sign them,
that we could be together sooner,
but that is all I did.
So you committed fraud, knowingly?
No, if I had known that any of this
would put Caitlyn in danger,
I never would have
- What's going on?
- I've heard enough.
- We're not done.
- I am.
She admitted the victim signed
those documents at her behest.
Marlena Kline, you are
under arrest for conspiracy
to commit wire fraud,
financial fraud, and murder.
Oh, please. Please,
you have to believe me.
I'm being set up!

So you believe Marlena?
I do.
I think Caspani used Caitlyn
as his scapegoat,
but she was smarter than he thought.
She figured out he was
using the renovation
to launder money, so he got rid of her.
And Solara is too starstruck
to see Caspani for what he really is.
So she is zeroed in on his mistress.
Yeah, but we have
no killer and no proof.
Caspani ordered the hit.
All we have is Marlena's testimony.
And Solara obviously
doesn't care about that.
Tate. Talk to me.
Hey. Got something.
That letter opener Smitty and Andre
picked up from the crime scene,
Solara's team pulled a partial print.
Okay, when was this?
About an hour ago.
I don't know why they didn't tell you.
I do.

Your team pulled a print
from the crime scene an hour
before you arrested Marlena Kline.
You didn't think I should know?
Ti richiamo.
Apologies for the delay.
I was just on my way to tell you.
Oh, well, I saved you the trip.
So why are you withholding evidence?
We did get a print, but I felt
it would be more helpful
if I could first identify
the person to which it belonged.
You know my team can do
that in, like, two seconds.
Then let us work together
on this moving forward.
I thought that's what we were doing.
Solara's office just
sent us the print match.
Silvio Greco.
Did three years for arson
charges a few years ago.
Since then, he's been
on Caspani's payroll
on and off for security work.
Here's the thing
I pulled phone records,
CCTV from Caspani's home.
Couldn't find a single morsel
of proof Greco and Caspani
even spoke in the last couple weeks,
let alone planned a murder.
Did the results from that
geofence warrant.
Europol issued ever come through?
Yep, we have all of the
active phone numbers
within a mile of the apartment
from the night Caitlyn was killed.
We're still combing through this list,
but there are about 100 numbers.
Without the right intel,
it's impossible to know what's what.
Let me try something.
Oh, how'd you do that?
Did a search for the
phones that didn't log
any active GPS data.
Makes sense.
The killer turned off
his location services.
Two of these lines
are registered numbers,
but this one's a burner.
It's gotta be Greco.
Looks like it's still active.
That number just pinged two
cell towers close to San Marco.
Okay, triangulate these coordinates
and send them over to Andre.

Got a second?
Riley never sent the email to Zaleski.
She's supposed to be getting
on a plane at 5:00.
Just send the email.
My dad died when I was nine years old.
Killed in the line of duty,
stray bullet,
and now my brother's
under internal investigation.
I was gonna be the one
to turn it all around,
that made sure that someone in my family
made it all the way
to the retirement party,
but I'm not gonna do that as a rat,
and if Zaleski wants to
throw me in the basement
proofreading 302s, so be it.
What about your brother?
This is how he got jammed
up in the first place.
His CEO pressured him
into doing one little thing,
and that thing was the thread
that kept pulling him in
deeper and deeper.
You don't owe me anything.
I'm just doing what you said.
I am worrying about myself.
And I am not a rat.
Hub just got a hit on Greco's location.
Okay, you and me.

Got him. Southwest corner.
- Hey!

- Whoa!
- Oh!

Move, move.

You know, these generally work better
if you keep it in your hand.
He put up a fight.
Va bene. Let's get him processed.
Follow me, Agent Raines.
Hey, wait, wait, wait.
Was that the man who
killed the American girl?
Oh, you again? I'm
canceling my subscription.
Come on, man, I'm trying
to make a living here.
Whoa. Hold on.
My Italian stops and starts
between ravioli and gelato.
What'd you say?
He who does not buy or sell
will never move up or down.
I pay for tips.
Call me.
So we're talking about
15 years with a chance
- of an early parole?
- Yeah.
And that's the best you're gonna get.
And you are authorized
by the Italian police
to make this offer?
They're putting together
the paperwork as we speak.

Dario Caspani.
He hired me.

Agent Mitchell. Agent Vo.
You've met Baron Caspani.
So we have Greco on record admitting
that Caspani contracted
him to kill Caitlyn.
So between this and
Marlena's testimony
Baron Caspani confirmed
that Greco was working
for him six months ago,
which is how Greco
met your American victim.
He took a liking to her,
developed a fixation, if you will.
So much so that the
baron had to fire him.
Unfortunately, Greco couldn't
shake his obsession
and must have gone rogue.
And you're gonna go with his version?
Well, it carries more weight
than the opinion
of a vindictive mistress and
a disgruntled employee, yes.
Wipe that smile off your face.
Let me explain something to you
You're done.

I cracked it.
This picture Caitlyn buried
and multi-layer encrypted,
it was embedded with a hidden link.
Weeks before she was killed,
she started collecting
a treasure trove of evidence
against Caspani.
My name is Caitlyn Priolo.
If you're watching this,
something bad has happened to me.
I'm recording this to tell you
everything I know.
Caitlyn uploaded itemized
receipts, account numbers,
wire transfers, signal
messages that detail
how Caspani was cooking the books
on the villa renovation.
One of Caspani's hidden accounts
even matched a crypto payment
he sent to Greco
right after Caitlyn was killed.
All right, so we got
the hit man payment,
the paperwork, and
Caitlyn's video testimony.
Come on, let's charge Caspani's ass.
Hey, Riley, can you download
all that for us?
Already did.
- Thank you.
- What are you doing?
I'm calling Russo.
He who does not buy or sell
will never move up or down.
I'm coming with.

What do you have for me?
Hard evidence detailing
how Caspani was involved
in Caitlyn Priolo's murder,
and the scheme behind
how terrorist funds were being laundered
from the Middle East into Europe.
This is enough to put Caspani
away for a couple lifetimes.
- My compliments to your team.
- Mm-hmm.
What I should be doing
is turning this over
to the Italian authorities right now,
because it's the best shot
we have at locking up Caspani.
And how does that protect
American interests?
All the FBI cares about is
that Caspani is behind bars
for what he did to Caitlyn.
I'm gonna assume that
we're on the same page?
If you've got some agenda
you wanna add to that,
I'll turn this intel over right now.
But there's something
you gotta do for me first.
Agent Vo, we've helped
each other out in the past.
Do me a favor.
Save your friend here
the breath and me the time
and explain to him this
isn't how things work.
Actually, I'd like to see
where this is going.
Yeah, you know, Marty, I'm surprised.
The last time we spoke,
it seemed like you were
down to negotiate.
Or should I say, thumb
the scales a little bit?
All right, let's hear it.
Agent Zaleski in Inspections,
he's breathing down one of
our agents' necks, Riley Quinn.
Get him off her back,
I'll give you everything we got.
Hold up.
Zaleski's also had it out
for Agent Mitchell
- since he was at Quantico.
- Cam.
Shut up.
Zaleski plans on going after
Wes for a minor infraction,
but Wes's actions saved
the life of a fellow FBI agent.
If you clear all that up,
then you get your intel.
I don't believe for a second
that the FBI
would withhold evidence from the CIA.
This was fun.

You know he died in poverty,
exiled from his own country?
- Who did?
- Manin.
After he freed Venice,
the Austrians came back,
but he had to flee. He kept writing.
Never stopped defending their freedom.
He kept fighting.
Come on.
I thought we were negotiating.
I know Zaleski. He's a putz.
Let me make a call.
Both Agent Quinn and Agent Mitchell.
Yeah, you've made that perfectly clear.

Next time, don't get caught.

Thank you.
I just feel like
I should have caught on.
Just take care of yourself.
Just got off the phone with HQ.
For national security reasons,
the DOJ isn't filing
an extradition request for Caspani.
Wait, what?
So nailing Caspani's ass to the wall,
what was that all about, huh?
There are two Italian terrorists
the CIA has been after who,
up until this morning,
were under the protection
of the Italian government.
They just got released
into U.S. custody.
So Russo made a trade.
Caspani for the two terrorists.
CIA, baby.
All right, I'll see you guys tomorrow.
We'll be there.

Agent Vo said I'd find you here.
Apologies for the misunderstanding
regarding Marlena Kline.
I hope you were pleased
to see that we released her.
I take it since you led with that,
you're not gonna charge Caspani.
Well, let's focus on the positive, yes?
The killer is behind bars.
Yeah, and Caspani walks.
He gets to keep going
to his yacht parties,
fake charity galas.
He should have been buried
in the Basilica di San Marco, you know.
That's what the Venetians wanted.
But the royal family said no.
Can't have everything, I suppose.
Enjoy your stay in Venice.

I thought it was called
the bridge of "sights".
- What?
- But it's the Bridge of Sigh.
I know now. I know.
Yo, check this out.
Boom. Fresh off the press.
What does "in flagrante delicto" mean?
I believe that means getting caught
with your trousers around your ankles.
So, Wes, how did this get out?
Damn leaks in the police department.
- Makes me sick.
- Sorry I'm late.
- Hey.
I just got a very warm call
from Agent Zaleski.
He told my ASAC back in Baltimore
about the work I've been doing here,
and they offered me a permanent position
on the Violent Crimes Task Force.
- Oh, my gosh.
- Wow.
Oh, my gosh.
- I fly out tomorrow.
- That is amazing.
- Good for you.
- Riley?
- Thanks.
- Yeah.
This is for you.
- What'd you do?
- It's a thank you gift.
- Manin?
- Manin.
- Aw.
All right.
To Caitlyn Priolo.
She died a fighter.
ALL: To Caitlyn.


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