The Unit s04e14 Episode Script

The Last Nazi

- Previously on The Unit.
- Cowboy - you could buy me a beer.
- I'm gonna spend my leave with her.
- Charles, who the hell is this girl? - I'm gonna marry her.
- Do you think this is sudden? - You know how your mother always said you'll just know? - Who are you? - I beg your pardon? Everything that you have told her and me has been a lie.
And this company you say you work for- that doesn't exist.
The president-elect's motorcade has just been attacked.
Is the president secure? Secret Service has lost communication with their men on the ground.
- I need the last position of that motorcade.
- Sir members of your security detail have betrayed you.
- We are here to get you out.
- Are you a loyal American? Sir, that is one thing in my nature that is not a fault.
Ha! Told ya.
# Give me your secrets Bring me a sign # # Give me a reason to walk the fire # # See another dawn # # Through a daughter's eyes # # You give me a reason to walk the fire ## That's a nice-looking dog.
Is he friendly? Most animals bite if provoked.
I believe that's some line out of a novel.
There are scheduled meetings on Wednesday, Saturday.
- The prime minister.
- Yes.
All day? Mr.
- Can we get you a cup of coffee or something? - Thank you, sir.
I'm fine.
Well, sometimes you've just got to, uh- Sometimes you gotta reach out to a friend.
Always, sir.
Under any circumstances.
What I've got here, Sergeant Major, is the borderline between necessities of state and personal interest.
I flunked philosophy, sir.
You just tell me what you want me to do.
" Elias Brandt: The New Philanthropy.
" Yes.
And part of that philanthropy, as you may know, was my campaign.
Well, sir- all in a good cause.
- Yeah, well, now it's piper paying time.
- Uh-huh.
My friend, Mr.
Brandt is a survivor of the Holocaust.
His family died at Bergen-Belsen.
Klaus Kolben, medical doctor, Berlin, 1938.
Klaus Kolben of the S.
Camp doctor of the Belsen death camp.
That would be the man who killed my friend's family.
We'vejust received intelligence he may still be alive-in Switzerland.
And my friend received the same intelligence and has dispatched his people to find Kolben.
- To kidnap him.
- My understanding is they want to kill him.
I cannot let my friend send an armed force into the territory of an ally.
And politically I can't afford to alienate my biggest supporter.
- Sounds to me like it's time to punt.
- Well, that's exactly right.
That's right, my friend.
My team, sir, is due for a little leave.
- Is that so? - It is so, sir.
Although it can be of no interest to you.
It's great to see you again, sir.
Last known photo of Kolben before his escape.
Computer rendition ofhis possible appearance today.
Here are clean passports for you and your team.
Here are the funds and your contact at the World Court at The Hague.
Get him there, get him off the playing field.
For the love of God, don't get caught.
The last Nazi.
Mister you're about to have some company.
Fella said to the old man " What would you wish for if you were 18 again?" Old man said " Not another thing.
"Jumping out of airplanes " every woman in the world kicking the door down.
" Kicking the door down.
My wife asked me what I would give if I could go back.
- Of course I lied to her.
- Of course you did, sir.
The act of a gentleman.
You know who pinned those on me? Yes, sir.
I do.
I'd like to pin them on you, Tom.
It's been authorized, and it's a fact, if you will accept.
It would mean leaving the Unit.
Unit's a colonel's billet, Tom.
Would you like to think about it? Yes, sir.
I would.
Thank you, sir.
It's a hell of a thing.
So was Phuong Thai, old friend.
Yes, sir.
You gotta be careful what you wish for.
What? Said you gotta be careful what you wish for.
Not in my army? I was raised on this.
I see no reason to switch now.
- What the hell you looking at? - What? - I wasn't looking at- - Not you.
What the hell you looking at, pal? You eyeballing me? What are you, a fruit? What are you, a fruit like your father? - Do you know why your mother left him? - Shut up.
- No.
Leave me alone! - Huh? Huh? - Just leave me alone! - I'm trying to teach the boy something! Leave me alone! I don't know why I stay with you! Oh, yes, you do.
Come here.
Leave me alone.
Canadian Regional Television Service.
I'm sorry.
We had an appointment with Monsieur Sal so-and-so to view the house.
That's right.
Anybody, you muffle the name at you and deliver it to you.
" Oh.
You mean Mr.
" " Uh-huh.
" Ah.
Here we go.
"Fair thee well, Old Joe Clark.
" " Good-bye, Betsy Brown.
" Shut up.
I'm thinkin'.
No good deed goes unpunished.
If this guy is here, we're gonna get him.
- And if he's not? - If he's not, then he's not.
- I- - I'm thinking.
I feel naked without the weapons.
Well, my heart's full of sympathy for you.
All right.
Our man wasn't at the house because the house is no longer with us.
Fire department report.
- You can just go in and get this? - It's Switzerland.
They keep everything.
" House, in spite of efforts of the local, burnt to the ground.
There were no casualties.
" All right.
So, one: Our man wasn't there.
Two: Where was he and why? Mmm.
This is the doctor for our quarry.
He might be able to lead us to Kolben.
- And where's the good doctor now? - Um, hold on.
I got Betty Blue on the line.
He's- Hold one.
Franz Wissen.
Tuesdays he's at the free clinic.
This address.
- All right.
Let's- - News from outlying areas.
Looks like the opposition has shown up.
- Another news truck? - Affirmative.
- Are they real? - No.
Whatever we're planning to do, we'd better do it now.
'Cause I think they just got the same idea.
Let's go.
No friend like an old friend, eh? Ain't that the truth? Did you have something to do with this? I'm not as powerful as you think I am.
- Uh-huh.
- Women are not as powerful as you think they are.
- Is that true? - Yes, that's true.
And I'll tell you one more.
There's not one whit of difference between any of us.
It's just Betty and Veronica.
All an illusion.
If I take this star- If I take this star- If you take the star, you have to leave home.
You have to leave the Unit.
Think I don't understand? You have to leave home.
Everybody has to leave home.
I'm assumin' the reason you came in, you want to join the army.
Well, here's the good news.
You got your birth certificate on you.
When you leave this room, you'll never have to go home again.
Did I guess right? Here's what's gonna happen to ya.
You get to be a man which means you're gonna learn to use a weapon.
In your travels, you will have more women than you know what to do with.
And whatever son of a bitch you've been dealing with should you see him again, I guaran-freaking-tee you you will look upon him with pity and he will look upon you with fear.
And you get to serve your country.
So what the hell are you waiting for? One day if the enemy don't kill ya or you're not blown to bits by your own forces or knifed by a whore or something you may live to be a general.
Snake Doc, the opposition has advanced to square two.
- They are two minutes behind you.
- Roger that.
Excuse me.
Do you speak English? Yes.
I'm sorry to intrude.
It's- It's not my place, as I am not your doctor.
May I? Oh! - No, no, no.
It's okay.
It's okay.
- Please, what is it? Now, if your doctor has discussed this with you, forgive me.
- But you know you have cancer.
- What? As I'm not your physician, I- If you want me to consult with him- I have cancer? Please.
No, no, no, no, no.
It is treatable.
And I think it's likely that we've caught it in time, but- Excuse me.
Put Frau Bergen in her room.
I need Frau Bergen's charts.
- Do you speak English? - Yes.
I will speak to you in a moment.
- May I help you? - I'm looking for Ms.
Molly Bechet.
- Would that be you? - I'm Molly Bechet.
I wonder if I could talk to you about some aircraft.
Well, I'm the administrative head.
I know.
You're the administrative head of, uh AeroDyne Alliance.
Been in the aircraft business long? - Uh, mister- - Uh, my name's Carson.
I've been in the aircraft business some myself.
Carson, how may I help you today? Well, Ms.
Bechet I'd like to buy you out.
You're joking.
When was the last time you heard somebody from Texas joke about money? - Well, I-I don't think the business is for sale.
- Oh.
Well, that's unusual.
What other reason is there for a business uh, except to make money? Or maybe I missed something when I was growing up.
Did you ever notice the similarity between a negotiation and a seduction? I hope I'm not offending you by that.
- Uh- - One person wants one thing.
The other person wants something else.
And both parties have to keep their desires hidden.
- Why do they do that? - Oh, to make a better deal.
Maybe that's why I never married.
- You married, Ms.
Bechet? - Yes, I am.
Your husband have something to do with this business, does he? - Yes.
He's my partner.
- Well, maybe you oughta call him and ask him to come down here.
- He's out of town.
- Oh.
Well, then, uh, maybe you could surprise him.
Tell him all his dreams have come true.
Sadly, Mr.
Carson, he dreams of his career in aviation.
My name mean anything to you? - I'm sorry, no.
- No.
- Man that works for you- he never mentioned my name? - A man that works for me? - He didn't mention my name? - I'm afraid not.
You know the most interesting thing that ever happened to me? Mr.
Carson, why are you here? Uh, a bunch of fellas- and this was in another country- they put me up against a wall.
I believe the technical term for that is a firing squad.
Now, the man in charge I knew was not gonna give the command to fire.
He was caught.
He didn't want to kill me.
But he had orders.
And his head was on the block.
The reason I'm bringing this up is, uh because you have the same kind of expression on your face that he did.
And what is that? My principal has somehow got involved in this business.
And, Ms.
Bechet this business does not exist.
Carson, that's not true.
I'm afraid I'm gonna have to ask you to leave.
Bechet, I am not your enemy.
I am a man who spent his entire adult life in and around aircraft.
Now, this place here- it's make-believe.
I don't know why.
I've got my suspicions, but, uh there's only two reasons in the world to get in the aircraft business.
Number one is money.
Now, that's understandable, but, uh, it's foolish because it's a good way to go completely broke.
Number two is a love of airplanes.
You ain't got any airplanes.
So, that leaves money.
- Now, you look like an intelligent woman to me.
- Mr.
Carson I am an intelligent woman.
And I'll be damned if I can figure what you're getting at.
Well, here it is.
This is my check, and that is my signature.
You fill in the amount.
I'm paying you to go away.
You gotta be careful what you wish for.
What? I said we have to be careful what we wish for.
We have to be careful about everything.
Yes, that's true.
And then what remains? What remains? - Not self-pity.
- Oh, no.
You'd never pity yourself because you have a choice.
I take the star, I have to leave the Unit.
Betty and Veronica, Tom.
It's the same thing.
And a life without illusions? The fact is- Fact is- My poor Tom.
Do you know why people kill themselves? Yes, I do.
They kill themselves because they can't stand living.
Everything I ever wished for was a ruse.
Everything I ever worked for was a lie.
It is what you say it is.
Oh! # And you do as you please # # You say what you like ## All right, gents.
Coming your way.
Redcap, how you doin'? Man inside.
What have you got? Hellhounds coming up.
You guys coming out? No.
We're gonna be here a while.
The last of Mrs.
Bergen's forms.
- Thank you.
- Is there anything else, Doctor? - Yes.
I had an appointment to see Dr.
- Of course.
One moment, please.
Here they come.
Give 'em hell.
What the hell are you doing? What are you doing? - Oh- - Pulled out right in front of us! - Hey, hey.
Everybody okay? - I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to.
- Just bought you some time.
- Need as much as you got.
You need to see Dr.
I'll be with you, Doctor, in one moment.
Well, you know, we were supposed to meet at the community room.
- If you could just- - Of course.
Right down the hall.
Who are you? Danke.
All right.
A lie is no good if you hesitate.
I have heard 60 years of confessions.
Who are you, and what do you want? - You're a soldier obviously.
- Why is that obvious? I was a soldier.
Do you know who this man is? - Of course.
It's Klaus Kolben.
- You know what he did during the war? I believe so.
It was fairly well known after the war.
You know he's still alive.
How do you know he is still alive? He's been seen here, in this village, at the house.
What do you want with him? I want to save him.
There's a team here, come to kill him.
He was a monster.
- Yes, that's true.
- Why do you want to save him? Hmm? Perhaps it is you who have come here to kill him.
Father, I swear to you I am not that man.
Will you swear that to God? I do.
Here's a computer rendition of his probable appearance today.
It is probable, but that is not, in fact, how he looks.
- How do you know? - I've known him since he first arrived here - 40 years back.
- You know where he is? Yes.
He's down the hall.
What? Take it easy? You just pulled out in front of us! - Sorry.
- You hit us! - Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
- No, he's an idiot.
- You guys pulled out.
- Hey.
- Whoa.
- You've been drinkin'! - You've been drinkin'! - Whoa, whoa.
Ho, ho.
They've been drinking.
Hey, hey, hey! - They've been drinking.
They pulled out right in front of us.
- Okay, okay.
- Look.
They pulled out.
- Easy, sir.
Write it down.
- Okay.
- Let's go.
Redcap, the defensive team's going to the slammer.
How you holding? I need a sitrep.
Get to the boss, 'cause we need a whole new exfil plan.
- Can you talk? - Uh, no.
I'm sorry? - Oh, I- I was talking to myself.
- I beg your pardon? No, I was- I was merely saying that I don't know how long we're going to be here.
I got it.
You can't talk.
Are you any closer to the package? No.
Have your communications malfunctioned? I saw your men outside.
You might tell them that the Swiss if they sit in cars must speak to one another earnestly and not sit silent.
Are you armed? The man you seek has not long to live.
He has confessed to me, and it is not impossible he will welcome the opportunity to confess to you.
Well, you know, I don't want to hear his confession.
I just want- This check is for real? I think you know it is.
You said that the aviation business was the best way to go broke.
Bechet, do you know how to design an airplane? No, no, no.
I- I- I know you don't.
So I'm gonna tell ya.
First of all, you leave out anything that ain't the plane because the damn thing has got to fly.
Here it is.
Your Mr.
Charles Garza wants to marry a woman I care quite a bit about.
Hello, Joss.
William? I was hoping we'd be spared this eventuality.
Well, many hopes come to naught.
I guess you're here to see the boy.
Honey, who are these people? They're in the aviation business.
You ask her to tell you the cruising speed of this airplane.
Go ahead.
Ask her.
They're in the aviation business.
- No, honey.
They ain't.
- This ain't like the other time.
Ma'am, let me start again.
What is- I've got to keep my girl safe.
So tell me what you want.
I never asked you for your sad story.
- Do you know why? - Why? Because it's tattooed on your face.
You thought if you thought about it that I loved you for your beautiful act.
- My act, Charlotte? - Yes, that's right.
Because of what you've done.
But I don't love you because of what you've done.
Why do you love me? Well, yes.
That's the question.
If you're a fraud if you're a traitor if you must always, always, always choose wrong - who could love a man like that? - Who? Yes.
Who? You know why I love you, Charlotte? You don't love me, Tom.
You loved me when you thought I was Shiva, destroyer of all worlds.
That's who you could love.
Or some Russian hooker.
That's who you could love, Tom- who ratified your faith in women.
That's who you could love.
The bad girl.
Maybe that's the only kind of woman there is.
Wouldn't that be comforting? Come here, baby.
Oh, yeah, baby.
Yeah, baby.
You like that? - That? - Uh-huh.
What about this? Your man is inside? I don't know what you're talking about.
Are you part of the killer team? Answer me, as if you aren't, your man is in trouble.
- Call him.
- Are you part of the opposition? No.
I'm your ally.
Scout's honor.
Snake Doc.
Snake Doc.
Come in, Snake Doc.
What's out of the ordinary? That's Klaus Kolben.
And I believe they have your friend.
Betty Blue, do you have eyes on a black Mercedes? They may have Snake Doc.
- They've gotJonas? - Who's your friend? Someone who knows the color of the door to your shooting house.
What is the color of the door? There is no door in the shooting house.
Why is that? It was awarded as a prize in a shooting competition.
Between? Your country and mine.
Are you armed? Because I fear they mean to kill your operator.
- Dirt Diver, Cool Breeze, come on.
- No.
They're out of commission.
- Do you have a plan? - Yeah.
I have a plan.
You want to be some help, or am I just gonna use you for parts? We're gonna take him down.
Dirt Diver, welcome back.
- Transpo's waiting.
What's the plan? - One thing at a time.
You're going to assault them on Swiss national soil? What are they gonna do? Send me to Vietnam? All right.
In return for what? Done.
Have the team stand by at the airport.
You- You ram that gate.
- Top! - Good! Cut him loose.
I've been waiting for you.
Yeah? How long you been waiting for me? Sixty years.
How we getting out of here? I believe we can get out the back.
Betty Blue, take us out.
Joss Morgan.
Owner of Morgan Aerospace.
Billionaire with a " B" for " Bravo.
" Debutante dropout daredevil- - This is the girl? - And apparently the woman that our poor Charlie is in love with.
Ain't love grand? William Carson.
William Carson was her father's crew chief in two wars.
- I understand.
- He's trying to protect what is, in effect, his daughter from the ravages of this world.
Our Charlie.
They love each other.
- All the signs are present.
- William Carson know who we are? I think he thinks we're fortune hunters.
- Hmm.
- He wants to buy the business.
Why don't we sell it to him? I'm sorry for everything I've ever done.
I know you are.
Does that make me a fool? - No, you're not a fool.
- Then what am I? You're a man who's tired of loathing himself.
- Will you help me, Charlotte? - Yes, I will.
Come here.
Come here.
It's all right.
My love.
My love.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Three minutes, my men will be here.
Now? And now " I execute you in the name of theJewish people"? Huh? No, old man.
You're gonna stand trial.
- But- - What? Am I gonna have to toss you for him? - Where were you planning to take him? - The Hague.
Is he to die on the way? - Not under my care.
- Top, we're good to go.
- Let's go.
- All right.
Redcap, Redcap, Redcap, break free.
Rendezvous at the airport.
Let's go.
- All right.
Time to pay up, old man.
- I'm not ashamed of what I did.
I could care less.
Let's get us the hell out of this fine country.

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