The Unit s04e15 Episode Script


Previously on The Unit.
It's your daughter.
She's M.
We don't know where they took her or who took her.
We're gonna get her back, but we're gonna have to go into hell.
The country of Syria is a sovereign nation.
Do not cross that border.
This is Redcap.
Colonel Ryan has crossed into Syria.
- There's only one reason why he'd cross into Syria.
- To save Betsy.
Oh! Oh! I need help.
He's not breathing.
Tell me what you saw.
- A woman and her son.
- And? Get this truck moving! - Get us out ofhere! - The man who killed you.
How you doing? - Okay, I'm in.
- Target location confirmed.
How are we looking, Cool Breeze? Should be seeing things now, Snake Doc.
Okay, got it.
Any sign of our suspect on the street? I don't know exactly what we're looking for, but I got a couple of yuppies taking a stroll.
Old lady waiting for the bus.
And a working girl.
That's no girl, Betty Blue.
What about Guitar Hero at my 10:00? I got him.
He's stopping, but that's not a bus stop.
He's checking the place out.
I'm gonna take him.
I got company.
Does this look like a campsite to you, pal? - You new around here? - Just transferred from the home office.
- You got I.
D? - Must've left it in my limo.
Okay, funny guy, let's move it.
Do us both a favor.
Head over to the mission, get yourself something to eat.
Try sleeping inside tonight.
Guitar Herojust got picked up.
He's not our guy.
Local still watching me? I got an empty squad car.
I think that was him.
Our suspect's disguised as a cop! He's in the parking structure next door.
I'm already on it.
He's in the building.
Well, we got some surprises waiting for him.
Betty Blue, Dirt Diver, go ahead and make your way here.
I'm gonna close the trap.
He's avoiding our security cameras.
Dirt Diver, he's somewhere between me and the objective.
Roger that! He's trying to make us provide our own interference.
- I thought you'd locked down the elevator.
- Yeah, we did.
He must've found a way to override it.
Smart boy.
He may be in the elevator shaft.
Eighth floor, ladies' room, near the elevator.
Heads up.
He's in the ventilation shaft.
You're dead.
Pretty good, kid.
Just not good enough.
The task was to sneak in and kill the target.
And I shoot you, the target isn't dead.
If you shoot me, we're both dead.
Because I drop this.
What the hell? - He used a flashbang.
- You can't do that.
- The mission was to terminate the target.
- All's fair in love and war.
That would mean, then, that I have passed.
Help! Help! Help! Somebody help me! Oh, my God! He's on fire! Somebody help me! Betty Blue, call 911.
Mack, clean this place up.
Get him out of here now.
Rendezvous at the safe house.
You all right? #Give me your secrets Bring me a sign # # Give me a reason to walk the fire # # See another dawn # # Through a daughter's eyes # # You give me a reason to walk the fire ## Hey, Colonel.
It's open.
Where's Snake Doc? New assignment.
Does somebody wanna explain this cluster bomb to me? Master Sergeant? A flashbang used on the training mission went off in an adjacent office occupied by two civilians causing a secondary explosion.
An incendiary device was set off in a functioning office building during a training mission? - Yes, sir.
- A mission that was supposed to be performed black in order to test a new recruit's stealthiness.
That's correct, sir.
Which one of you set it off? I did, sir.
- Why wasn't this office floor cleared of civilians? - The floor was cleared.
The guy must've snuck back in to get more acquainted with the secretary.
Yeah, well, that guy just died 20 minutes ago.
What were you doing in possession of a flashbang anyway? Is that an approved component of your mission gear? I've been encouraged to think outside the box, sir.
What's that, the sandbox? Ryan.
Put her through.
- What's the word, Redcap? - We've tracked a possible suspect in Hector's death.
He's driving a taxi for the Travelsong Cab Company in the Makati City section of Manila.
I'm sending the images to the TOC for confirmation.
- And I'm running the aliases.
- Good.
Thank you.
We got a team tracking a suspect that matches your description of Hector's killer.
- Where? - Just surfaced in Manila.
- When do we leave? - Got to get a positive I.
Get me there in person, I can do that.
- We need to clear up this mess.
- And give this guy a chance to get away? - We're monitoring it.
- If this is Hector's killer, then we need to- - What's our next step, sir? - You guys lay low until I put a lid on this.
Too bad you blew the exercise.
You would have had the fastest time on record.
Well, that's one way of keeping score.
- The kid broke the record.
- He blew the mission.
I'll tell you what happened.
They started pushing to get recruits through the program faster.
You lower your standards, you get kids like that.
- I went through the same selection process you did.
- Yeah, but I passed.
- I was trying to achieve the objective.
- Mm-hmm.
Isn't that the job? The job is to achieve the objective.
The job is to protect Americans, and you killed one.
You were tied up and held on the cargo truck for- - Forty-five minutes.
- How do you know it was 45? Not 50.
Not an hour and a half.
You were blindfolded.
Because when they videotaped me, they removed the hijab.
Okay, good.
Use the local language.
- And I glanced at my watch.
- That told you what? That we hadn't traveled long enough to be in Syria.
The Syrians are reporting that you were held in "Abu Kha.
" - Propaganda.
We were in Mosul.
- Never left Iraq? Never.
Simple, not flashy.
So what do you think about, soldier, now that you're back home? I think about my mates.
You're not just thinking about 'em, right? You can't wait to get back.
- All right.
- Say it.
I've been thinking about my mates, and I can't wait to get back to 'em.
But keep it humble.
A hero is humble.
Just make him embarrassed to even ask about Syria.
Her hands.
We gonna have a problem? No, sir.
She'll be fine.
Father's confidence may not cover it, Jonas.
- Well? - She's not entirely comfortable with the new story.
- What does that mean? - The camera will see she's lying.
- Should we reschedule the interview? - Sir, the interview's locked.
Syrians are screaming.
State's all over me to get this off the news cycle.
- We need her out there now.
She needs to sell this story.
- I'll work with her.
Really? You in public relations? Because your team crossing into Syria may have saved your daughter and other American servicemen.
But it was an act of war.
If you don't get your girl to pull off this cover it'll be your team that gets hung out to dry.
Oh, well, then I better do a good job of it.
Thank you, Colonel.
We'll handle it.
Anyone in your convoy leave the pack? No, they did not.
CorporalJohn Hines in your convoy? Then how did his headless remains end up in Syria ifhe's a part of your convoy? Tell me.
I don't know, Daddy.
I can't think of him like that.
Answer my question.
I think you both could use a little break.
Give us a minute.
Your food is on the table, little girl.
You're pushing her too hard.
I am pushing her as hard as I need to.
- She's falling apart.
- No, she is not.
And good for her.
She's a child.
She's been through hell.
She was in combat.
That's where she was.
You know what? There's a quick way we can all get out of this.
I'm listening.
He turns himself in to the cops.
They can't trace him back to us.
- That's not an option.
- Why not? He set off the flashbang.
He started the fire.
Let's see what he's learned about taking responsibility for his actions.
- We don't leave anyone behind.
- He's not in the Unit.
He washed out.
He's never gonna be in.
What is he, like a pledge or something? I didn't wash out.
Look around.
Your objective was to sneak past us and tag the target.
- I did that.
- What kind of crap is that? You don't possess the manhood to see that you failed? Hey, hey, hey, hey.
- I passed your test! - You're out! Deal with it! I've trained my whole life for this.
Well, then your life's been a waste.
Cool off, man.
- You ready to be a TV star? - Yes, I am.
I hear they're sending you back on tour.
They're making you do that? That doesn't seem fair.
It wasn't them.
I want to.
Well, we used to get together like this all the time.
- Life was somewhat simpler then.
- Well, here's to the simple times.
To good times.
May they return.
Oh, my God! What did you-Jonas.
I'll get the gauze.
- Are you okay? - Let me see.
- You okay? - I'm fine.
What's the word, Colonel? A.
's all over this.
The civilian you killed was one David Ellis.
Not only is he a federal judge he was a federal judge that was involved in policy changes following the Oklahoma City bombings.
They're treating this like a domestic terrorist attack.
You all need to disappear.
We got vehicles for you outside.
Some kickin' around money.
- What about our families? - We'll tell them that you're on an extended mission.
- And what about Manila? - We're tracking the suspect to see how high up the food chain it goes.
Where are we supposed to go? Well, I don't know.
I don't wanna know either.
It's in your best interest not to tell each other.
This Unit doesn't exist.
So if you get caught- Well, don't.
Don't get caught.
Don't try to contact us for a couple of weeks.
I got to be honest with you.
I don't know how this is all gonna play out.
If it doesn't- - It's been an honor and privilege, Carlito.
- Likewise.
The truck or the motorcycle? Truck.
Well, newbie, I guess this cancels class.
Stay frosty, good-looking.
You boys get thirsty, I'll be knocking back cervezas in Salsipuedes.
Take you up on that.
Keep your head down, college boy.
You too.
Don't wait for me.
Go, go, go.
I told you to go.
Hop on! Put your hands in the air! Let's try it again.
The bridge was closed, so we had to make a detour.
And then? We took on fire.
I was hit.
I returned fire.
I radioed for help.
Yes, yes.
That's good.
But don't recite.
Recall the story.
Own the story.
I don't know how.
Are you sad? I'm sad to disappoint you.
Did you let your team down? - I don't know.
- Yes, you do.
Did you let them down? - Yes, I did.
- I'll tell you something about cover.
You want somebody to believe you, confess.
Just confess.
Did you let your team down? Yes.
Were you under fire? We were under fire.
We were under fire.
Mayday! Mayday! Requesting air support! I felt something in my leg slicing through me.
It was a bullet.
And I yelled, " I'm hit.
" There was blood and I could feel it moving through my fingers when I tried to radio for help and keep pressure on my leg.
And then there was blood on the radio.
And the insurgents kept coming.
- Where was the attack coming from? - Everywhere.
There were people coming out of houses, alleys.
I fired my weapon until it stopped firing.
Then one of the insurgents grabbed me.
He smelled.
And he held me close.
I kicked him.
My leg was wet with blood.
And before he pul-pulled me out of the Humvee I touched the windshield.
- Why? - To leave a clue.
- For whom? - For the troops coming after us.
How did you know they would? We don't leave anyone behind.
- What were you doing in Syria? - We were never in Syria.
Sounds like the truth to me.
Way to go.
You don't leave a man behind.
And in doing so, you got both of us captured.
- I guess I can't do anything right.
- I don't know.
Can you? - I'm sorry.
- Let's get our cover straight.
Can't the colonel call and make this go away? To do so, he'd have to reveal our identities and the existence of the Unit.
Interesting time of day to do the wash.
I figured I'd do it so you wouldn't have to.
I just washed them yesterday.
Nervous energy, I guess.
You know I love you, right? I never doubted that.
They teach it in boot camp- wash your sheets.
They also teach you to cover your tracks.
- You don't know that.
- Jonas.
Your daughter is wetting her bed.
She's in deep trouble.
She's anxious.
She's anxious about the interview.
It's more than that.
The broken glass.
Look, she's under pressure.
I don't deny that.
But she's got to get through this.
Why? - Are you serious? - Yes.
Because it's her job.
Because other men are at risk here.
She's got to get through it.
Sam McBride, born Riverside, California May 6, 1983.
Born and bred, baby.
Expelled from high school senior year destruction of property.
Arrested for assault, Florida, 2001.
Some guy was roughing up his girlfriend.
Turns out he's an off-duty cop.
His word against mine.
- You joined the army to avoid jail? - No.
I wanted to serve my country.
For real.
Was blowing up a federal judge serving your country? - I don't know what you're talking about.
- David Ellis.
Had a wife and three kids.
Looks like the army did a good job of teaching you how to be violent.
The army also does peacekeeping missions and humanitarian aid.
At least until six months ago.
What happened? I got out.
It was cutting into my surf time.
That's very colorful.
The fire that killed that judge was set off by some sort of military grade explosive.
It has nothing to do with me.
Try again! We have your prints in the building.
And the judge's secretary has positively identified you.
And you were also in possession of a phony passport and several thousand dollars in cash.
- I had a good run in Vegas last week.
- Hey, pal.
You were paid off for a hit on a federal judge and you were trying to skip the country.
Or was it a political assassination? Neither.
Looks like your torch job didn't destroy as much evidence as you would've liked, pal.
It's only a matter of time before we find the rest of your crew.
Okay, funny man? You have one chance of saving your ass, Sam McBride, and this is it.
Clock's ticking.
Nobody was supposed to get hurt.
It was just some stupid training mission.
They were testing me.
To see if I had what it takes.
Sam, Sam, Sam, Sam, Sam.
We are gonna stay at this until you give me what I need and I need you to identify these men, now.
Come on.
His name is Belforte.
They call him the Bishop.
He's from somewhere in Colorado.
He may have been a cop.
He's the only one who really knew how to handle a weapon.
They're based out of Idaho and they go by the name Sons of Liberty.
They're mainly just weekend warriors with a grudge against the federal government.
- That's why they hired me.
- To break into an office building? They said it was a dry run for some other operation they were planning.
They didn't trust me, so they didn't give me all the details.
- I didn't know anything about the judge.
- And the guy in lockup? That's just a local gear head I found to sell me the bike.
That was my exit strategy.
You're lying.
- I swear.
- You're playing us.
Sam, there's a prison van waiting outside to take you to Fort Leavenworth if you don't start telling the truth right now.
That is the truth.
Let's go! We're done.
Get him out of here.
You wanna know the truth? I became a soldier because I wanted to protect my country just like a lot of my buddies.
Guys who got back from Iraq messed up.
And for what? To come home to be forgotten by the same government they were fighting to protect? Our country was born out of rebellion.
And if that's what it takes to get back our freedom, then, yeah, I'm a terrorist.
Just like Thomas Jefferson was a terrorist.
Let's go.
We'll take it from here, gentlemen.
Welcome to the Unit, Sergeant.
We knew you had the physical skills but you also have the reputation of being a lone wolf.
Had to be sure you'd protect the team.
Nicely done, young fella.
What about the judge? Oh, the judge you killed.
Well, he wasn't a judge.
He was a Hollywood stuntman.
We told him we were pulling a prank on a friend - who was about to get married.
- I'm glad you're here.
No hard feelings.
No hard feelings.
Not bad.
You got to throw your hip into it a little bit more.
Kind of hits like Brown.
Hey now.
Oh, yeah.
You're gonna fit in just fine.
- Whew.
- Let's roll.
Your Unit call sign is Whiplash.
You run your own high-end home theater installation business.
And you just landed a contract with AeroDyne to do the same for their planes.
Learn your trade.
Learn your cover.
- Yes, sir.
- I'm a sergeant, son.
Don't "sir"me.
Don't hurt me like that.
- Wanna see yourself disappear? - I guess so.
There you go.
Yo, Whiplash.
Let's go shopping.
Go big or go home.
We didn't come here to hurt people's feelings.
- Wheels up for Manila in 90 minutes.
- About time for some action.
I'll be inside.
Good luck.
We need to talk.
I need to get inside.
Good morning, Jonas, Molly.
- How's your daughter? - You don't want to hear my answer.
- Is there a problem I need to know about? - Not a one, sir.
Very well.
I'll inform Colonel West.
We'll get the show on the road.
You, young lady, have been awarded some medals.
The colonel would like to present 'em to you.
Well, I've got my P.
and my Purple Heart right here, sir.
We'll have to add another one.
The Bronze Star? The Bronze Star is for soldiers like my grandpa who displayed valor and heroic achievement in the face of danger.
That's precisely what you're doing in selling this story.
I'll sell your story, sir but I will not disrespect the men and women who fought and died for that award.
- Betsy, I- - All due respect, sir my daughter said she did not earn that medal.
Give me a minute to finish up here and let's say we start this Ferris wheel.
Colonel Ryan.
What you did, the risk you took for me, sir- - No.
- You're the one who deserves that award.
I couldn't accept a medal for something I didn't do either.
Go get 'em, Lieutenant.
What are you staring at me like that for? What's wrong? Nothing, Daddy.
- You all right? - I'm soldiering on.
All right? I'm all right.
I've been scared on many a mission.
They're waiting for me.
I'm okay.
Welcome to the Philippines, boys.
Staff Sergeant McBride, meet Warrant Officer Sullivan.
I didn't know there were women in the Unit.
- There aren't.
- She's more of a mascot.
They just, uh, take me to games, take me out at halftime.
I'm sure they do.
So where are we? These are the latest surveillance photos of the suspect.
His name is Rami Kantera.
He's a Lebanese soldier.
- Is that Hector's killer? - I don't know.
I got to see him in person.
If he did shoot Hector, it wouldn't be a shocker.
He's suspected of being the mastermind behind a car bombing in Beirut.
Killed an American businessman as well as some local schoolchildren on a field trip.
- Who's the other guy? - The other guy is Muamar Marpuri.
He's a card-carrying member of theJihadist group Abu Sayyaf.
The cab company provides shade so they could drive around the city all day and chatter.
Well, looks like our man found a local terrorist cell to hide out in.
- That means he'll have protection.
- Not for long.
- Is that him? - I'm gonna take a closer look.
We might be leaving here in a hurry, Redcap.
A lot of innocents in the area.
- Be careful.
- Roger that.
I got some wheels that should whisk us through any rush-hour traffic.
It's him.
He's running.
Tally frickin' ho! - What's going on, Cool Breeze? - We met some resistance.
I'm in pursuit on foot.
You see him? Out of the way! Move! Move! I'll cut him off.
Yeah, we got a little held up at the market.
Where the hell is Whiplash? Whiplash, I could use some help! Finita, la commedia, huh? Something very much like that.
I forced the window open, climbed out onto the ledge.
I jumped to the street, and then I ran.
- You must have been terrified.
- I wanted to live.
And then what happened? Then I flagged down the patrol at 108th.
- And they evacuated you.
- No, ma'am.
I led them back to the others.
- To the house in Mosul.
- Yes.
So they never took you to Syria? Syria? No.
I was rescued in Iraq.
You've got a couple of medals there on your chest.
People are calling you a hero.
I know some heroes.
I am not one of them.
I just did my job like I was trained.
Well, the picture you paint is of bona fide hero.
Maybe you are just too modest to admit it.
The real heroes are the people still fighting on behalf of this country.
Rumor has it you wanna go back.
I'm part of a team.
I belong with them.
Really? In Iraq? After all you've been through? - I mean, aren't you the least bit scared? - No.
Not at all.
What was the thing you wanted most when you got back to the United States? My mama's sweet potato pie.
I'm sure she was happy to fix it for you.
And I stuffed myself.
Thank you, Lieutenant.
And thank you for your service.
You're most welcome.
# All the cars on the boulevard # # I watch the taillights disappear# # And all the days that I've been sleeping through # # Awake to remind me that you're still # # Not here # Oh, Hector.
I don't know what to say exactly.
In case you haven't been paying attention to what's going on down here we killed the son of a bitch that did this.
And I sprang for the good stuff being the cheap son of a bitch you always said I was.
Here's to you.
# It's been four years # # Feels like a hundred # # Another world # # A lifetime ago # # You were a good thing # # You were a good thing in a world gone wrong # # You were a good thing # # You were a good thing in a world gone wrong ##
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