The Unit s04e16 Episode Script

Hill 60

- Come on, Jen! Come on, Jen! - All right! - Come on, Sharks! There you go! - That's right! Molly, what time's the barbecue? Jonas said he'd be home by 5:00.
What'd I miss? You're missing your daughter annihilating the opposition.
Come on! Let's go, Sharks! I'm sad that Tiffy couldn't see this.
Well, she's detention monitor.
She'll make the second half.
What's so fascinating, Mr.
Highsmith? Okay.
Then perhaps you can tell us where the first Constitutional Convention was held.
Frazier never makes us do homework in detention.
Too bad for you, Mr.
Frazier isn't here.
You did read the assignment though, didn't you? Because if you didn't, that might be grounds for more detention.
First Constitutional Convention? Fine.
Um, Washington, D.
Was there a Washington, D.
, in 1787? How 'bout you, Caitlyn? - Philadelphia.
- Philadelphia.
Well, at least somebody read the assignment.
Philadelphia, May to September, 1787.
It was four months that shaped our country.
- Come on, guys! - Come on, Sharks! Put it in! - Come on! - There it is! All right! All right! All right! Get in there! Come on! - You okay? - You smell that? - Sprinklers.
- What is it? - It's chlorine gas.
- Dad! - We can make it to our cars.
- We don't know how far it's spread! It's safer inside! - Where's Lissy? - I think she's at the pool.
- TakeJen! Get her inside! - Let's go! Come on! - All of you inside now! - Come on! - Take care of them! I'll get Lissy! - Move! Let's go! Come on! - Get inside! Lissy! - Dad! Come here! Get under the water! Breathe out of this! Breathe out of this! - Mom, she's upstairs! - I'll get her! Now, who can tell me the purpose of the- Attention, all students and staff.
We have an emergency situation.
Please remain in your classrooms- - Yeah, I'm outta here.
- Hey, sit down! Sit down! Stay calm and sit down.
All right.
We need to shut these air conditioning vents.
- What are you talking about? What do you mean? - Hurry.
Just do it.
- Miss Dahl, what's going on? - Call 911.
- What's happening? - I don't know yet.
- Circuits are down.
- Try it again.
This does not have a handle.
I can't close it.
Okay, okay.
Just take that construction paper behind the filing cabinet.
Get some tape from the desk and seal it off.
And I want you to take this modeling clay.
- We need to seal off this door too.
- Wait.
What do you mean? Just do it.
There's some kind of gas out there.
All right? I don't know what it is.
Get this clay and seal off that door! Oh, my God! - Wait.
Where are you going? - I'm gonna shut off the air conditioning.
If I'm not back in five minutes, seal off this door as well.
Do you understand? Seal off this door.
# Give me your secrets Bring me a sign # # Give me a reason to walk the fire # # See another dawn # # Through a daughter's eyes # # You give me a reason to walk the fire ## Everybody inside! Close your windows! Seal them off if you can! Turn your A.
Turn the heat on.
- You're sealing us in here.
- No.
I'm sealing the gas out.
Chlorine is heavier than air.
Heat creates positive air pressure.
- Yeah? How do you know that? - Just do what I tell you.
- What's happening? - Come this way.
Bechet? What's happening? Mrs.
Come with us! Sit down.
- Our place is in the other building.
- Ours too.
All right.
Come in with us.
It's too dangerous out there.
If you cannot make it to your own apartment, come on in with us! - I need a hand! - Mack, come on! - Go, go, go! - Get some water! - Oh, my God! - Get some water! Jen, no! Turn that off! That's the way it's getting in, through the water supply.
- Don't touch that.
- My God, Dad! What's going on? - Where's Mom? - Honey.
Take this to your sister.
Do it now.
I thought you were running six miles.
What's wrong? - What's wrong? - Lock it down! Do you want me to get Dogpatch 0- 6? No.
No, I need my men.
I need locations.
Get a sitrep now! Help! Help us! Somebody! Hold your breath.
- Wait! I gotta get my son! - I'll get him! You get in the back of that refrigerator truck.
That's the only place we're gonna be safe! Hey, bud.
Don't breathe.
Your dad's right over here.
Okay? Listen.
Hold your breath.
I'll get you to your dad.
Don't breathe.
Here you go.
All right.
There we go.
Hey, hey.
Make sure this door stays shut.
I'm okay! I'm okay.
Dad, we need to find Mom! Your mother's smart, sweetie.
She's a survivor.
- You need to find her! - I'm trying.
See me trying? - The lines are down.
There's nothing going through.
- Can't get on the Web either.
Cell towers are jammed.
Building doesn't have Wi-Fi.
- Where the hell are the cops, the fire department? - Overwhelmed.
We just gotta hold out until help arrives.
Ah, it is hot in here! Chlorine gas produces an acid when it comes into contact with moist tissue.
You gotta flush it out of your system.
Stay hydrated.
Where'd you learn all this stuff? You some kind of survival nut? I'm a hobbyist, fella.
Stay hydrated.
- It's an attack! It's gotta be.
- Hold on.
I'm going with you.
- We don't know that it's an attack.
- Well, what else could it be? Oh, my God.
My kids.
Hey, I'm not staying here.
Hold on to that.
No, no, no.
I'm out of here, man.
- No, no, no.
You're not going anywhere.
- I have children.
If you want to see them ever again, you will stay right where you are.
- Let go! - If he wants to go, let him.
More oxygen for the rest of us.
All right.
Give me this.
Take this, put it over your mouth, over your nose at least until you get to the car.
Once in your car, turn the heat on and recirculate the air.
You understand me? - Recirculate that air.
- Yes, yes.
Go! Give me the tape! Give me the tape! Lady! Lady! Get over here! It's not safe out here.
I can help! - Come on! Get out! Get out! Get your kids! - What? Get in that truck.
Let's go! It's poison gas.
Now get in the truck.
Let's go, guys.
Come on.
Don't breathe.
Come on.
Don't breathe! Don't breathe! Hold your breath.
Let's go.
Come on.
Get on in there.
Move, move.
Be careful.
All right.
This is an airtight environment, so we might be okay in here until the gas dissipates.
- What do we do in the meantime? - In the meantime, we wait.
- We have to stay here.
- You all right? They're coming after us again.
It's why we moved here, and they've hit us again.
We don't know that.
All I can think is, is thank God the kids aren't here.
But Tiffy's kids are and she's not.
I can't reach Snake Doc or the TOC, and I gotta ask the question: What are we dealing with here? I mean, is this a leak? - Do you believe in coincidence? - Do you? Like I believe in God, I believe in it, but I've never seen it.
Now, this happens anywhere else, I'd say maybe.
But where we live- the heart of the conspiracy? - I find it hard to believe this is a coincidence.
- Dad, where's Mom? Jen, I told you, she's at school.
She's gonna be fine.
How do you know? You need to find Mom already.
- Come on, Jen.
- What have you been training for this whole time? Why do we have to put up with you being gone all the time if you're not gonna save Mom? - Honey.
- Just- - She's right.
I gotta go.
- Who's gonna go out and find you lying in the street? Look, right now the title of this mission is survival.
This is my day off.
I'm not on a mission.
Remember? Look, I just got my wife back.
I ain't gonna lose her again.
Now, there's N.
suits at AeroDyne.
There's gas masks.
- If we can get to them.
- That old lady out there's got an oxygen tank.
- She might miss it.
- Hey, man.
Things are rough all over.
Brown, I gotta get my wife.
You understand that.
Let's see if we can find some news.
- This is my favorite dish.
- Seduction by the water's edge.
50,000- They cut the power! They're coming for us! - No one's coming for us.
Please calm down.
- Mom.
It's gonna be okay.
We'll figure it out.
- Why is it- - I don't know.
- Forget it.
I'm going.
- Mack, wait.
The seal's failed.
Everybody, get back into your apartments! Get inside! Mack! - I have to.
- No, not like this.
You go out there, you will die.
We'll both die.
Okay? Come on.
We'll do this, but we'll do it the right way.
Come on! Everybody, get inside! Somebody help us, please! He stopped moving.
Is he- Oh, God! Oh, please, no! Shh.
You've got to come with me where the air is sealed off.
All right? - I can't get up.
- Yes, you can.
What's your name? - Amber.
- Amber, stay with me.
Damn it.
Help me! Help me get her inside.
Miss Dahl, what's happening? - Seal this door.
I told you.
- We were waiting for you.
- Oh, my God.
- Seal the door! - Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
Caitlyn, get it together now.
All right? Where's Greg? He and Amber were working on the yearbook together.
Greg's fine.
He's safe.
He got out all right.
Just help me with Amber.
Take herjacket off.
All right.
We're gonna need to loosen her collar too.
All right.
Do you know C.
R? - Uh, we had to take it in Health.
- Okay, good.
I want you to do the compressions five at a time a second apart when I tell you.
Come on, Amber.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
And now.
Come on, Amber.
Come back.
Come on.
There you go.
Good girl.
No joy, Top.
I can't reach anyone.
- Try my wife at home? - The lines are down, too, with the power outage.
The thing is, gas wouldn't affect the electric supply.
Not unless there was an accident or there was- Where was she when this went down? Soccer game with Mack and Bob.
Well, she's all right then.
Generator outside should've kicked in automatically.
- I'll go take a look.
- Thanks.
- Battery's dead.
- How 'bout the air? Almost 800 parts per million.
Not good.
And now I know why.
It's coming from the sprinklers.
All right.
Fix up the battery and get back here.
I'm on it.
Get on the computer.
See what you can get.
Dogpatch, this is Snake Doc.
We have an ongoing chemical incident.
What the hell's going on out there, Snake Doc? - We're getting all sorts of confetti on your situation.
- It's chlorine gas.
It seems to be coming through the water supply.
Accidental, or do we have an incident here? I don't believe in coincidence.
What other assets are we bringing to bear on this? Locals are overwhelmed.
They got two hospitals they're trying to evacuate.
National Guard's been deployed, but they're a couple hours out.
- We ain't got a couple hours.
- I understand that.
- I'm being told they lack the proper equipment.
- Come again? Gas masks.
They don't have enough of'em.
Well, ain't that useful? Snake Doc, what's the status of your team? Right now it's Whiplash and myself.
The others are unaccounted for.
But we do have access to our gear.
Then I'd advise you to try to dissipate that gas by whatever means that entails.
- Look, I know this hits close to home.
- Understood.
Snake Doctor out.
Yeah? Well, the boy who stood on the burning deck- that'd be us.
- We're out of water.
- Try the cabinet over there.
What do you got all this for? I mean, what the hell's going on? This ain't normal.
What, are you president of the yearbook committee? Just do what I tell you.
- What's going on? - Excuse us.
- Listen to this.
- There's a guy- Purvis, I think.
I talked to him once in the mail room.
He's a scuba diver.
He's got tanks in his apartment.
You're good? You're good? Ah.
Help! No, wait! You'll let the gas in here! And what if it was your kid out there? All right, look.
You close this door behind me as quick as you can.
- I'll be right back.
- Help! Anybody, help! What are you doing? Locking the door.
Come on! Open the door! Come on! It's him.
You have to let him in.
No! It's not safe.
Don't breathe! That man saved our lives! Don't breathe! Come on! Come on.
Let's go.
We're all frightened.
Totally understandable.
But we're gonna have to work together on this if we're gonna get through this.
We all clear? Hey! Are we clear? Yes, we're clear.
Have a seat.
Oh, my God.
- We're all gonna die in here, aren't we? - No, we're not.
I want you both to take your seats.
Sit down.
Let's go.
In your seat.
Highsmith, in your seat.
Thank you.
All right.
Where were we? - Anybody remember? - What? Philadelphia, May to September, 1787.
And who can tell me why the Constitutional Convention was called? - Are you kidding? - No.
Come on! This is easy! Why did those men go to Philadelphia that summer? What were they supposed to do? Revise the Articles of Confederation.
That's right.
See, the delegates intended just to tweak the old system, not come up with a new one.
But that's exactly what they did.
They drafted a document that created a whole new country.
Now, what were some of the biggest issues they faced? Let's go.
- Slavery.
- Exactly! Good, Highsmith.
The most contentious issue of all.
Let's talk about that.
All right? Hooked up the sat phone to the laptop.
NARAC shows prevailing winds from the northwest.
But the gas is all around us.
Any data on a probable source or cause of release? Not yet.
They've got a plume map of the current affected areas.
That's gotta be six square miles.
How are we gonna stop this thing? There's no way to stop it from in here.
There's no way to stop it from out there either.
Not unless we figure out where it's coming from first.
There's no plume over that reservoir.
And the affected areas are immediately downstream from that.
- Let's find out what's there.
- Roger that.
You ready? Go, go, go! Hurry! They're tapped.
Under the Articles of Confederation Congress couldn't levy taxes to raise an army for defense.
They had to come up with a whole new government so that- - Amber? - Where's- - Where's Greg? - Careful.
Don't sit up all at once.
- No, no.
Where's Greg? - He made it out.
He's safe.
Right? - Wait, wait.
That's what you told them? - Amber.
He's dead! He died there right in the hallway, and you couldn't save him! It was all I could do to get you in here.
- You should've gone back for him! - He was gone.
I'm sorry, Amber.
He was dead.
You lied to us.
- My job is to keep you safe until help comes.
- And what if it doesn't come? Look, I get it.
You were trying to keep us calm and focused.
Highsmith's right.
We need to get the hell out ofhere.
- Our only chance is to stay here.
- No.
Forget that.
- I'm leaving.
- Do you want to die? 'Cause I'm sorry, but that's what's gonna happen to you if you go out there.
And if you so much as open that door, you put everybody in danger.
Oh, God, please.
No, please don't do it.
Hey, yo, Josh! Josh, man! We couldn't have made it this long without her.
Just come back, dude.
- How'd you make it over there? - Hook and crook.
- How'd you get inside a locked apartment? - Are you with the Census Bureau? - Ask me later.
- What kind of guy knows all this survival stuff? A Renaissance man.
You just found one.
You're a lucky man.
We gotta go.
Seal the door as soon as we leave.
- We will.
- You come back, you hear me? Yeah.
You two, you do exactly what Kim and Molly tell you to do until we get back, okay? I'm gonna get Mom.
I promise you.
Both of you.
Where the hell are you two going? - We're gonna get help.
- You two are the only ones keeping us alive here.
If I didn't think you could survive, would I leave my daughters in here? You'll be fine.
Both of you stay put.
Let's go.
Ridgeline Pump Station.
Below the reservoir.
That's where the filtration system's located.
Filters use chlorine gas.
If it's coming through the water, that's gotta be the source.
Question is, why hasn't the Water Department fixed it by now? Who says there is a Water Department anymore? Even if there is, would they have thought of it? See here? City's main water's run out of Crystal Lake.
They would check that first.
Might be hours before they get to Ridgeline.
Which means, if I was planning an attack, that's exactly where I'd do it.
We're gonna need the mop suits and breathers.
If it is an attack, they may be ready for us.
Oh, no.
They're ready for someone, but they ain't ready for us.
Let's get the damn suits.
- It's getting hard to breathe.
- Yeah.
The oxygen's getting low.
- We need to slow our breathing down.
- Okay.
Alison? Here.
It's okay.
It's okay.
It's just fatigue combined with the low oxygen.
She'll be okay.
But we got to keep her off the floor.
The gas will stay close to the ground.
- What are you, some kind of doctor? - I'm a paramedic.
All right.
Now, listen up.
We need to relax and conserve oxygen.
Relax? How the hell do we relax? It's like a death trap in here.
- Come on, bud.
I'm gonna take you home.
- No, no, no.
- Look, you can't go out there.
- The gas could be gone by now.
- And if it's not? - It's better than suffocating in here.
Ifhe wants to go, let him go.
- He was gonna let you die out there.
- No.
Look, you want to risk your own life, go ahead but you're not gonna risk your son's life.
Mister, I appreciate all your help, but you need to get out of my way.
- Sir, please.
- I said get out of my way.
It's okay, bud.
He's just sleeping.
He'll use a lot less oxygen this way.
He's all right.
Okay? He's all right.
Two minutes just to see if she's okay! Two minutes! The point is, it was messy.
People were scared, just like we are now.
They couldn't agree on anything.
It was far from perfect.
It still is.
But those 55 men came together.
They drew up a document and they wrote it out by hand, and we still live by it today.
Good people died to defend it.
And if that isn't remarkable, I don't know what is.
Miss Dahl.
Tiffy, you gotta seal off the windows and the vents if you can.
We did that already.
- How's your air? - It's holding.
Should I- Leave the door sealed.
The girls are fine.
They're with Kim and Molly.
Are you okay? - I need more tape.
- That's it.
No more tape.
- We're out of water too.
- We're gonna be all right.
We just gotta hang in a little longer.
Help's bound to come.
We're running out of clean air.
We gotta get outta here.
Now, we go to the roof.
Those survival freaks said that the gas stays low to the ground.
- Yeah.
Until the wind picks up.
- You have another plan? - No.
But that's a stupid idea to go to the roof.
- What do you know about it? Quiet! Quiet! Listen! I repeat.
This is the National Guard.
Go to your window so we can see you.
- Hey! Here! We're in here! - Hey! Hey! Do not open your window.
- They can't see us.
They're gone.
- We've gotta stop them.
They're right there.
Somebody's gotta stop them.
Kim! - Think of your children.
- I am thinking of them.
Take it.
Take it.
This is the National Guard.
I repeat.
This is the National Guard.
Wait! Wait! Come back! Hell, yeah.
This is the layout.
No windows.
Front entry to the main chamber housing the water filter.
There's another building in the rear.
There should be two large compressed gas canisters of the chlorine in the back.
Nasty but not combustible.
But once you hit those canisters with live rounds good luck getting the gas back in there.
Snake Doc, I think you got some company.
There's a truck about a half klick north of the facility.
It's camouflaged in behind some trees.
- How many we talking about? - One that I can see.
He's got his eyes on the prize.
No good approach then.
But I think we can give him a little care package.
Dirt Diver, Whiplash, you're with me.
This is the National Guard.
If you can hear us, go to your window so we can see you.
Repeat: Go to your window so we can see you.
Do not open your window.
Hey, hey.
- You need to stay alert.
- I'm trying.
- Look, we got help on the way.
- You don't know that.
But I believe it.
You need to believe it too.
Why would they do this to us? I don't know.
I didn't do anything to them.
My children didn't do anything to them.
- I know.
I know that.
- I don't want my children to die.
Hey, hey, hey, hey.
Hey, look.
Nobody is going to die here, all right? Okay? We're all gonna be okay.
I count at least two bogies on the other side.
They're not the Water Department.
That doorway's a kill funnel.
- That's the only way in.
- What about the water? There's gotta be a way for the water to get in.
- We could use that to create a diversion.
- Check it out.
What's the time delay on this thing? Not exactly a precise science.
Five seconds for the paper to break down and release the detonator.
Another second and a half for the fuse.
Roger that.
On your call.
Three, two, one! Go! - Go.
- Five, four, three, two, one.
- Clear left! - Clear right! Get down! Room is clear! Look alive! - Put your hands where I can see 'em! - Stay back! Don't move! You're dead if you so much as twitch! The pin's still intact.
- Room is clear! - Turn off that chlorine.
Hands up.
Don't move.
Oh! My God.
Am I glad to see you.
I barely made it out alive.
I've been holed up here.
Have you? Don't you worry.
The cavalry's here.
How's the air? Levels are back to normal.
These are prison tats.
Aryan Warlords.
Antigovernment militia types.
Look at this filter.
It's not certified for chemical agents.
That guy wouldn't have made it - I don't think he was supposed to.
- Patsies.
Somebody sold them a bill of goods about the revolution so there'd be a hand on the wheel keeping the gas flowing.
- Nobody to tell the tale.
- So who's the somebody? Who, indeed? Well, well.
Snake Doc to Dogpatch 0- 6.
- Go for Dogpatch.
- All clear.
Four enemy K.
One captured.
- Gas release terminated.
- Roger that.
- Your hostile talking? - As of yet, he's incapacitated.
- Any word on Betty Blue? - Affirmative.
His cell phone signal puts his last location at the grid being sent to you now.
Got it.
Snake Doc out.
Let's roll.
No man left behind.
Power's on.
by local authorities.
Reports are sketchy at this time.
It's still unclear what is happening in Sierra Ridge or the extent of the casualties.
We will keep you updated on any new developments.
- - We will stay on top of this story- Stay where you are.
We will find you.
- Please, stay where you are.
- It's okay.
The air is clear.
- Mrs.
Garrigus? - She's in the back.
You okay? Where's my mom? This is the spot.
- There's his truck.
- Recon the area.
Betty Blue! Anyone! Mack! Take a breath, brother.
Take a deep one.
There you go.
There you go.
- How bad is it? - We don't know yet.
- How you doing? - Kevin! Top? Go! Breathe deep.
Tiffy, let us in! All right.
It's all over, kids.
What happened? When I saw you at the door- I'm just gonna take your pulse.
- You all right? - Yes, sir.
Federal interrogators are working on the subject you delivered as we speak.
If he knows anything, I'll let you know.
- Is this an isolated incident? - Right now we're not sure.
- Mom! - Girls, come here.
Hey! - We made it.
- We all made it.
I want to personally say how sorry I am that any of you had to endure this.
What these people here were planning- This was part of it, wasn't it? It's probably a test case.
The elements that were here have now scattered which validates that theory.
- What do we do now? - You start packing your bags.
As soon as we confirm that the threat here has fled, you're moving on.
- Does that mean- - Yes, Ms.
You'll be reunited with your children.
We've learned everything we could here.
We've learned what we could, but not everything we need.
This ain't over.

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