The Unit s04e17 Episode Script

Flesh & Blood

Previously on The Unit.
There's a man living in this community they believe might have been involved in the planning of the attacks last month.
- Who is he? - Elliot Gillum.
His wife's named Susan.
Molly, I'll be sober 10 years next month.
When a mission is over, put it down, and this mission is over.
Betty Blue, who the hell is this girl? You know how your mother always said, "You'll just know"? - Yes, I see.
- I'm gonna marry her.
Look, Mr.
Everything that you have told her and me has been a lie.
- I would like to talk toJoss.
- Get the hell out of here.
- Two minutes to L.
- Whiplash, run it down.
Anticipate: 10 minutes for the scoop and run.
You and Dirt Diver.
Me and Cool Breeze at the bird.
Hot exfil when we get the package.
What the hell? Hydraulic failure.
Mack? Look, we're getting shot up.
I'm gonna come around, try to get back to my heading.
- Can you get us to the L.
Z? - Ah, I'm aiming for it, Top.
I just want to find it feet first.
We're clear of the shooters.
Sixty feet above ground! - Brace! Brace! - Pull up.
Pull up.
Really? Whoa.
All right.
- We're here.
Good flying.
- Thanks.
That's a great skill set to have, huh? All right.
Give me a damage assessment as soon as you can.
Mack, you stay with him.
Me and Whiplash, we'll get the package.
Let's move! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! He's a friendly.
- Cruz ever go anywhere without you, Berto? - Not for the last 20 years.
- You been taking fire? - Last few hours.
Sniper keeps popping out.
We can't seem to catch him.
Follow me.
All right.
Well, I got two problems.
Servo sprung a leak.
Hydraulic stabilizer took a couple of rounds, shattered some plastic and we can't fly without it.
- We're grounded till we nurse this bird back to health.
- What do you need? Well, welding torch, I got inside the bird to fix the servo.
The glue I need to fix the stabilizer- that's what I don't got.
I'll let Snake Doc know.
You need someone to help your friends at the helo, Sergeant Major Blane? No.
Got it handled.
Thank you, Teo.
- You remember me? - You were 11.
Aside from the hair on your face- you haven't changed much.
If I didn't see you, I'd know you by your voice.
Cruz, can you hear me? As my son said, that voice is unmistakable.
We're gonna get you out of here.
Just give me the controls to your chopper.
I'll fly us all out of here.
Hell, no.
My boots scraped too many treetops you flying me around in those godforsaken things.
- I got to get out of here.
- Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
Your country needs you, yes.
But I got selfish reasons for wanting you out ofhere.
Put in too many months training you to bury you.
How many are here for the evacuation? We are four.
One helicopter and four men? Four is more than enough.
Any more, we'd just be standing around looking busy.
And this mission was supposed to be a secret.
- What happened then? - They started shooting at us.
You came over the mountains from the north? We made good time till this morning- till my father was shot.
Confirm for me.
Optimal egress is south? - Yes, south.
But time is of the essence.
- Hey, we're here.
We're working hard and fast to get our bird airworthy.
We're not the enemy, son.
That'd be Igor Sikorsky.
You haven't changed very much.
You're outspoken and you're brave much like your father.
And we will get him out.
Never made glue before.
- What does he need? - Surgery, as soon as possible.
Bullet went into his abdomen.
He's bleeding internally.
Can you keep him stable for another hour or so? Till my men fix the chopper? His blood pressure is dropping.
I need I.
Get him packaged up, ready to go.
We can exfil at any moment.
- We'll make a litter.
- Won't need to.
Time comes, get men on all sides, I'll kick out the legs.
I'm sorry, Jonas.
I- I got old.
Everybody gets old, brother.
Everybody gets old except the dead.
An unacceptable solution.
# Give me your secrets Bring me a sign # # Give me a reason to walk the fire # # See another dawn # # Through a daughter's eyes # # You give me a reason to walk the fire ## We're taking fire.
Need a sitrep.
What do you see? I don't see a convoy or battalion.
Shots skidded right by.
I bet my next paycheck we got ourselves a sniper.
Glue's watery, Top.
I need something like alum.
Hey, Top.
Finished the servo.
All I need now is the glue for the stabilizer.
Sooner we get it, the better.
That thing's gonna take a while to dry.
- Hell of a landing.
- Yeah, thanks.
My daddy always told me landing an aircraft's like having sex.
Gotta be able to walk away from it.
- Pablo Maldonados.
- Top, we got a little buddy.
- Mata have a scout? - Hold one.
- Maldonados? - Uh, sí.
- That's affirmative, Dirt Diver.
- What'd you see? The enemy.
They're coming from here.
Top, we got a fair fix on the time from Maldonados.
He said he saw about 40, 50 soldiers moving alongside a creek bed.
- How far out? - Six, seven klicks max.
You think you can rig her sweet enough to fly without the glue? - Uh-uh.
- I don't think so, Lucy.
Well, we'll get you what we can rikki-tik 'cause it appears we don't got a lot of time.
- Son of a- - What's wrong? I can cook you up chicken and biscuits but I can't get this the right consistency.
Got any salt? Baking soda? Give it to Whiplash.
Potassium and sodium- as close to alum as we'll get.
Should thicken up your stew.
They're on their way, but they don't know where we are unless we tell them.
So get a message to your men.
Tell them to hold their fire until those guys are sucking on their barrels.
Terrain is rocky and steep.
We can't walk him out, and opposition's on their way.
Ticktock, Doc.
We gotta do the operation now.
It's not sterile.
I only have local anesthetic.
It's- Well, it looks like the Mayo Clinic now.
- You strong enough to take this? - We'll see, eh? Wait.
We can't operate under these conditions.
Teo, I'd be scared, too, if my daddy was laying there.
But somewhere outside is a very dedicated fellow with a gun and a grievance.
Three-quarters of an hour out, the death squad's on its way and it's your daddy they're looking for.
Several hundred feet away is a chopper ain't moving without epoxy.
Now you tell me- Am I making the right choice? Do it.
And who might you be? Gentleman works for me.
- How'd you find me? - Why have you been hiding? I went to see you.
I got turned away.
You can go.
Well, I know who I am.
Who are you? All right.
I need to talk to you.
All right.
You need to talk to me? - Where's the smile? - What's the smile say? The smile says, " I'm happy to see you, Joss.
I've missed you.
" I am happy to see you and I have missed you.
Well, I've missed you too.
But I had to look for you.
Why have you been hiding? Was it what Carson did? - He was just trying to protect you.
- So what's the matter? - It just isn't gonna work.
- Why? Why isn't it gonna work? Will you tell me? All right.
All right.
Oh, it's so good of you to come.
I live here too.
It's all so awful.
These people.
I mean, everyone is scared and sad since the chlorine attack.
Everything- I mean, it happened so fast.
The chlorine came out of nowhere.
I swear I can still taste it on the back of my throat.
I don't know what to do.
I- I can't sleep.
I don't want to eat.
I didn't know the people who died personally.
I came to pay my respects to their families.
But you knew them all, didn't you? Champagne? You don't want to do that.
Excuse me.
- Maybe I do.
- Look at me.
You're 10 years sober.
You want to sabotage yourself now? What difference does it make? People are dying! The world is upside down! My husband abandoned me.
I- I- I'm so sorry.
It was the day before the attack.
He was just gone.
It was like he knew that something bad was gonna happen, and he left me to face it alone.
- There could be other explanations.
- Right.
And all the people that died will walk through the door in five minutes and tell us it was all a joke.
Even if it were true, it's not worth throwing away your sobriety.
I need you to promise me you will not take a drink tonight.
Not tonight.
And tomorrow, we will deal with it together.
Now, promise me.
- What are you doing here? - How's Mrs.
Gillum? What's this about, Colonel? Before the chlorine attack, your friend's husband took off.
- You think he was part of the conspiracy? - What does she think? - She doesn't know anything.
- We need to know two things.
Where he is and if his wife was involved.
My opinion? She's not.
That's comforting.
But we need certainty.
And you want me to supply this certainty.
- Yes, ma'am.
That's correct.
- How? - Get close to her.
- I am close to her.
Get closer to her.
How? - Get her drinking, if necessary.
- I won't do that.
If you don't do it, it'll still be done.
By someone else.
Twenty Questions.
Question one: Do you love me? - Yes, I do.
- Good answer.
Question two: If you love me- Uh, wait.
Twenty Questions isn't played with qualifiers.
" If" is a qualifier.
All right.
Question two: - Do you have some secret you're afraid to tell me? - Yes.
- All right.
Is it shameful? - No.
Then will you marry me? - You don't even know my secret.
- All right then.
Tell it to me.
- Look, I'm not who I seem to be.
- Who is? All right.
I know who you seem to be.
Who are you, really? I'm in the military.
Sergeant First Class Charles Grey.
- And that's your real name? - Yes.
All right.
- I gave you an alias.
- I understand.
- You wanna know why I gave you a false name? - All right.
All right.
I'll tell you.
Uh, look.
The, uh, area of the military I'm in is Special Forces.
By that I mean I'm in the military but the military I'm in does not officially exist.
Well, you would've had to tell me that sometime when we had kids and all.
- Look, I, uh- - Hey, I'm listening.
- The staff will see to that.
- Uh, well, I'm just keeping busy.
Gillum, I'm Phil Paxton.
I had occasion, through your husband the opportunity to work with a few of the people affected.
I just came by to pay my respects.
Thanks for coming.
It's hard to think things are so permanent and then realize that nothing is.
Makes one feel vulnerable, as I suppose we all are.
- Do you know what I mean? - Yes.
Yes, I do.
Perhaps we could talk.
I'd like to talk.
- Can I buy you a drink? - Uh, I shouldn't- I shouldn't drink.
Will you sit with me while I have one? Look at that.
Thick as generals in the air force.
Get it to your friends.
- Too much blood.
I can't see the field.
- How can I help? Pick up gauze using the forceps.
Put it where I tell you to to soak up blood.
And when it's saturated, start again.
Man's best friend.
Man's best friend's a dog.
- Well, then I stand corrected.
- Taking plunging fire.
Looks like our rifle-heavy buddy found himself a nice little spot in a tree somewhere.
Guy climbed up.
He's gotta stay there or climb down.
Ain't got wings.
Let's hunt him down.
- I climbed trees as a kid.
- Well, I hope you remember your technique.
All prayers welcome here.
My definition of a helicopter: six million separate pieces flying in an unstable formation.
- I hate 'em like the plague.
- Come on.
Think positive.
I positively hate 'em like the plague.
Found it.
It's the superior mesenteric artery.
I think- Apathfinder marking the route.
Probably working with the sniper.
Main body ain't here yet.
Eliminate that sniper now.
He's been shot! The doctor- Is he okay? Dirt Diver, I'm at your 11:00, I think I might know where our pesky amigo is at.
Give me suppressing cover fire.
It's so damn bloody.
I need a clear view.
All right.
Give me another.
There you go.
You know what? I'm gonna clamp this right now.
- You're not.
- Somebody's gotta tie off this artery.
Do you know how? For a friend, I'll learn.
You're gonna kill him! Being a Ranger, you learn a bit about medicine.
Putting pressure on a wound, stitching a cut sinking an I.
You know what the trick is? Staying calm.
Problem ain't a problem until you encounter it.
Your father's wide awake over here.
Bet you he'd profit by a friendly face.
A doctor is just a guy in a white coat.
This doesn't start drying faster you might have to take off with me biting the tail together.
- Don't lose your head over a little piece of tail.
- Who said that? - Benjamin Franklin.
- I hear he was a lady's man.
He appreciated a nicely turned ankle.
- Can you get this thing to fly? - Yes.
But I might need the magic " featha.
" Cruz wants a drink.
Pain and stress must've made him nauseous.
Tiny sips only.
I joined the army, and all I got was this crummy little sniper.
- Explain your action.
- I shot him in the ass.
- In the ass? - For general purposes.
I brought him in 'cause I figured he might be of use.
Not unless he has an inflatable Cessna stashed out there.
Well, okay then.
Nice going, soldier.
He'll know exactly how far away the soldiers are, how much time we have.
Make him radio his men.
Make him ask! - Tell them to retreat! - Hey, my man got him to cease his shooting.
That's the first step.
The second is if the radio even works.
See what you can dredge up.
- I speak English.
- Good for you.
- Where are your buddies, and how soon will they be here? - I don't know.
Is that an actual fact? That's Mata, yes? Is he dead? No.
He is not.
That's the last question you get to ask.
How far out are your friends? They are wherever they need to be to kill him.
- Hey, hey, hey.
- He wants my father dead! - Teo! - I tell you what.
You can bring a man to his knees.
You can pull off his fingernails.
You can leave him screaming in pain.
And he will, I assure you, talk.
But will he tell you the truth, or what he thinks you want to hear? Will he, in agony, swear on his mother that the troops are 30 klicks out when they are only five just so you'll stop the pain? " I got three things to teach: simplicity, patience and compassion.
These are your greatest treasures.
" - Who said that? - Lao-tzu said it.
But I learned it from your father.
I got a band with chatter about Mata.
Men in a helo.
There's a call out for Nasario's position.
Well, let's give it to them then.
- You know what the one problem with this is? - What? Can't do the math on how fast they're walking how much ground they're covering.
So their E.
of 15 minutes might be off.
- So what do we do? - We accentuate the positive.
- Gotta go to Plan " B.
" - What's Plan " B"? I'm working on it.
What's the matter? Did I- - It's not my place to take advantage.
- You don't want me.
Don't confuse all men for your husband, Susan.
- I'm not him.
- Right.
I'm not him.
You're a beautiful and desirable woman.
- But? - But you've been hurt.
I know.
I was married to Donna for six years, and that's not as long as you and Elliot.
But it's long enough to feel a gut punch when she left me for another man.
Weren't you mad? Yeah, I was mad.
I was mad, and I was hurt.
And it's still hard to talk about it.
Could I have a drink? Uh, the dayJen was born, my husband wasn't there.
- Must've been hard.
- Hard, yes.
Unexpected, no.
Hell, he didn't even know about Lissy's operation until six months after it happened.
- But had he been there in the meantime? - Sure.
But he was training for a mission when I planned the surgery.
- And a distracted soldier is- - A dead soldier.
Mmm! But you can't talk to him about anything? Sure you can, but you gotta pick and choose.
You spend half your time trying to figure it out.
Should I tell him this, or should I keep it to myself? And if I don't tell him and he finds out, will he be upset? Mm-hmm.
And it's lonely.
He'll be gone for four or five months at a time.
And when he leaves, I don't know if he's coming home for dinner - or the kids' birthdays, or- - Or if he'll come home at all.
- If he dies- - God forbid.
It won't be a military funeral.
Maybe no benefits.
You have to be off the base in 30 days.
There's absolutely no stability.
But you have your friends, your houses.
Well, you don't get to pick your friends.
You inherit them, and they're mostly Unit wives because everything's secret.
But you've gotta be able to talk to someone.
If you're lucky, you'll like them.
And if you're not- - you'll pretend to.
- Oh! And the housing is military housing, which is no great shakes.
Orders change at the drop of the hat.
You're going along, your kids are in school you're baking cupcakes for the school play.
And then- bam! You're gone.
New people, new schools, new rules.
But there's gotta be some kinda constant.
There is.
Tell her.
It's fear.
Fear that he won't come back.
Fear that you'll be a single parent forever.
Except that's what you are anyway.
Fear that he won't be there if you're sick or one of the kids is.
Fear you'll say the wrong thing to the wrong person.
And as much as you're used to being your own boss running your own life or house your life is not your own.
Your life's gonna be the army's.
And you're gonna have to do without and ranger on.
And the point of all this, you do not come first.
Your children do not come first.
Their work comes first.
Well, if you knew all this at the start, would you still do it again? If I could do it again? I can't say I would.
All right.
She'll fly.
We'll be flat-hattin' it, but I think she'll make it.
Dirt Diver, confirmed.
Enemy will be here in approximately 15 minutes.
- I need you here.
- On my way, Top.
- Cool Breeze says to tell you we got wings.
- Roger that.
Applause to follow.
Wait 10, give her a kiss, whomp her on the ass and tell her to fly.
Donna wanted a guy that would walk over the next guy to get ahead.
- C.
- Mmm.
- I'm just a salesman.
- Elliot didn't want me either.
He tried, but he wanted someone- He wanted someone more- I don't know what he wanted.
I- I don't know why he didn't want me.
You sure he's not gonna come back here and walk in on us? No.
He took everything that was important to him.
He's gone.
He left behind the most important thing.
No, you're not walking.
I'm gonna piggyback you out.
You can't use up all your strength.
You ready? - Good to go.
- We have time.
Why can't we just make a run for the helo? I taught this to your father.
I'm gonna teach it to you.
I don't like the word "just.
" It's like saying " maybe.
" I don't have any intention of maybe making it to the chopper.
I want as close to a guarantee as I can get.
- The master sergeant over there is gonna obtain that for us.
- Then let me help him.
This is your mission, Jonas.
What we got here are grenades, claymores, det cord, trip wire.
We gotta flank 'em, hit 'em, make 'em chase us.
What do you need me to do? You lay out the claymores.
I'll attach the trip wire.
And you know what? - What? - We gotta do it fast.
Ready to go, my friend? Lay chilly.
We're taking fire! You miss him now? I don't know who you're talking about.
That's a good thing.
You, uh- You want to find him, and bring him home, and try to talk things out? Well, what would he say? " I was kidding"? Good lawyer can make him pay you for your hardship.
How? I mean, he emptied his bank accounts, dumped everything on his computer.
I mean, he didn't even take his bags.
I- Babe, I give a rat's ass you're rich or you can keep me.
I got a job.
I pay my own way.
But the man lied to you.
You deserve something.
Get a good detective.
He could- - I think- - Go on.
I think he was dirty.
I think he did things.
Bad things.
I would ask him when he went away " Where you going, and with who?" He'd never tell me.
But he would come back, and the tags on his luggage would be from the strangest places.
- Said, the less I know, the better.
- What did you know? Well, I knew the business was a cover, but not for what.
I had everything I needed.
Big deal, huh? Big damn deal.
You know, I have some connections.
Know some guys who can have a little talk with him.
- You mean- - Give him a stern lecture.
Maybe give you some peace, if you know where he is.
What does it matter anyway? I have you now.
I want to take a shower.
You want to join me? Give me a minute.
Don't be long.
Kayla, I'm leaving now.
I just e-mailed you some photos of some luggage tags.
See if you can run down the flights for me.
You know what? - You love your husband.
- No, I don't.
- Yes, you do.
- But all we've had is strife.
Life is strife.
And you know what? That's not all you've had.
- And you know what else? - What? - No.
- No what? - I don't want to say it.
- Well, it's too late! You love being the bad girl.
Don't you? I wanted to, I could tell your life story.
- Oh, you know my life story? - Yes, I do.
And I wanted to, I could tell you why it is that way.
Somebody in your family beat somebody.
- You want some more wine? - Thank you.
And that is why you married a man of violence.
But-But-But-But here's the kicker.
I'm gonna tell you the good news.
You still with me, Tiff? You married a man harnessed- harnessed his violence.
- Oh, well, he didn't always harness his violence.
- I know that.
But it was a step for you in the right direction 'cause- 'cause look here.
- Whoever beat you- - I didn't say somebody beat me.
A weaker woman would've turned around and done the same thing.
She would've married- - She would have married, and she would have hurt her kids.
- Mmm.
But you, Tiffy- Tiffy, what you did- what you did is you protected your kids and you beat yourself- by cheating on Mack 'cause you love Mack.
No, I don't.
Yes, you do.
And I'll tell you what the story is.
It's that old Sunday School story of the lame man and the blind man.
And they walked each other down the road.
Oh, God.
- That's my marriage? - That's everybody's marriage.
It's easy to blame the army.
If they weren't jumping out of planes, they'd be chasing secretaries or playing golf or something.
Everybody wants a change sometimes.
But the change is happening all the time.
It's growin'old.
There's no woman in the history of the world who didn't say " Where is that young woman, and what have I done?" Sometimes.
Well, what about you? - Me? - Yes.
Ah, well that's a story for another day.
We're 50 meters out.
Coming through the wire.
Tell Mata's men to hold their fire.
All right.
The next men you see will be my man and Teo.
So hold your fire.
Let's go.
- Fuel tank's hit.
- How fast's she losing fuel? Too fast.
If we go now, we'll get three to four miles tops.
- We have enough lift to clear the mountain? - Cannot confirm.
- How many can she carry? - It's overcast with a hard wind.
will allow us to carry six- six max.
Leave me.
Take my son and your men.
I'm slowing you all up! You might want to hustle.
They expect us to fly south to safety.
We can't get over the mountains to the north and we got more opposition to our east and west.
- No, no, no! - Save my men! Save my son! - Are you sure? - Yes, I'm sure.
- Are you strong enough? - I am.
Cool Breeze, get out! Let's fall back! Dirt Diver, you got point! Fight hard! Fight hard! Got a moment for an old soldier? When I was training your father I asked him if he could locate and disarm a land mine.
Being full of himself, as one gets he didn't hesitate to say, " Of course.
" So off we went to a vacant lot known for land mines.
So I let him loose.
He picked his way through the lot, came to a stop and he found one.
Standing right on top of it.
Took me an hour and a half to get to him.
Two hours to dig around it, render it harmless and get him out.
He thanked me and said I gave him his future.
That's what he did for your country and you.
I want to kill the man who murdered him.
Can you teach me? Yes.
In fact, I can.
I'll pick you up at 11:00.
We'll go to a meeting.
I want to hear you say it.
I'll- I'll go to a meeting.
You need me, call right away.
- How is she? - Why would you want to know? I told you, if you didn't get the information from her, somebody would.
Ten years sober, and you undid it in what? Four hours! She called me crazed.
Took me an hour to talk her down.
- She asked for the first drink.
- Did she now? It's a fact.
You brought me into this.
Times of war, Ms.
- Well, you know the rest.
- I know.
I just don't like it.
Believe it or not, I wrestle with it too.
Sometimes I wonder what we're becoming.
You figure it out, keep it to yourself.
My plane was fueled and ready to go.
I was standing right there on the tarmac ready to run away from all this.
But can I come in? Yeah.
Please, come in.
I met your friends.
I heard what they had to say.
I feel like such a coward for sending you to see them.
You were right.
They said some things you couldn't say.
Carson told me you came up to propose to me.
- Yeah, that's right.
- What scared you off? - He told me to leave.
- Well, sure.
He thought you were a fortune hunter.
You could've told him who you were, couldn't you? What scared you off? We're from- We're from such different worlds, you know? Uh-huh.
We're from two different worlds.
You mean, I grew up wealthy? Yeah, I suppose.
Well, then you tell me if you gauge people on how much money they make.
- Do you? - No.
When you're on a mission do you think about money? - No.
- Well, that's all it means to be rich.
That's all it means.
Look, Carson said he wanted to protect you.
Well, of course he did.
He loves me.
- You love me? - Yes.
I do.
But look, I wanted to protect you too.
Well, good.
Because that's what every girl wants in a husband- someone like you.
Don't you know that? Don't you know that? You have anything you want to say to me, soldier? Will you marry me? It would be my pleasure and my honor.

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