The Unit s04e18 Episode Script

Best Laid Plans

Previously on The Unit.
- Will you marry me? - Be my pleasure and my honor.
- Who the hell is this girl? - I'm gonna marry her.
Leon Drake approached me.
Drake had me set up the dummy accounts.
He supplied all the money.
Kim, you don't understand what these people are capable of.
Pick it up.
- You have no idea what he's capable of.
- Oh, let me see.
He killed the vice president of the United States.
He launched a chlorine attack on California.
- Am I missing something? - Get on with it.
You promised to flip on this guy.
Now pick up the phone and do what you said you were gonna do.
He's gonna kill us all.
It's me.
- Leon Drake.
- I wasn't sure that I'd see you again.
- Here I am.
- Ticktock, gentlemen.
Are we gonna do this or not? Half a million.
Small bills.
- Looks good.
- What's our timeline? - Passports are en route.
- And they're clean? Oh, they're clean.
You can put any name, picture on 'em.
They'll pass muster- Any border in the world.
Oh, we're gonna need your weapons.
We're highjacking a truck.
They might come in handy.
We'll cover you.
Hands out in front.
Out in front.
They made the breach.
They made the breach.
Roger that.
- Open it.
- State Department doesn't give the drivers the combination.
We got a vehicle approaching.
Some kind of law enforcement.
No one's supposed to be out there.
- Local or federal? - Unknown.
dispatch nets are clear.
- We got company! - Keep an eye on them.
Hey, buddy, you all right? Gun! He's got a gun! ICE agents called for backup.
Get Homeland Security on the line.
Everybody back in the truck.
Come on, get in the truck! Get him.
Get him in the truck.
Pick him up! Hurry, hurry.
Come on.
- Shoot him.
- Hey, hey.
Hold up.
Things just went nuclear out there.
We might require a hostage.
All right, but he's your problem.
We just got federal agents killed.
I have ICE on line two.
Hang up the phone.
- What? - Hang it up.
I could use some help here.
I saw you shoot that agent back there.
Should never have come to that.
- How well you know your partner? - Why? Something's not right.
- And why would that be? - 'Cause those agents didn't do this.
- I don't get you.
- They couldn't have hit him from where he was standing.
Maybe he was in the cross fire.
None of our guns make a hole that big.
- Ricochet? - I don't think so.
Secure his weapon.
- What are you suggesting? - Someone else was there- Which means those feds weren't an accident.
- Meaning? - Someone in this truck can't be trusted.
#Give me your secrets Bring me a sign # # Give me a reason to walk the fire # # See another dawn # # Through a daughter's eyes # # You give me a reason to walk the fire ## This one's K.
He's got a pulse.
Can you assess his injuries? Vest stopped the bullet.
- Snake Doc saved his life? - That is correct.
He just stopped breathing.
Come on.
Come on.
Oh, I need cover fast.
, Denver Division- Pull it up.
- Get your hands on your head now! - He's not breathing.
- I'm F.
- Cuffhim.
Hey, come on.
He's not breathing.
Check his I.
- Nothin'.
- Look, I'm undercover.
- What division? - Denver.
Who's your S.
C? - Denver S.
is Connie Brannick.
- Agent Connie Brannick.
What the hell you doin' out here? Trackin' a load of weapons through four states.
Your agent must have stumbled upon the shipment.
Some sort of shoot-out happened.
I don't know.
Why weren't we notified you were bringing this stuff through our jurisdiction? Look, I was in too deep.
I couldn't make the call.
Call Agent Brannick.
She'll take care of everything.
God! Look at this.
He's not alone.
He's with the French minister's wife.
All right.
Stand by.
They're about to take the field.
You want the over and under? You look well, old friend.
You too, Commander.
I'm happy it is you they sent to help with our mutual problem.
Did you locate him? We have a gun on him this very second.
Redcap, I have a clear shot.
Make the call.
We're ready.
Target's movin'.
I'm gonna lose my shot.
Three seconds.
No go.
No go.
No go.
Stand down.
- You may proceed.
- We're being set up.
Do not take the shot.
Stand down.
We are in agreement? Yes, my friend.
I'll call you after it's done.
What happened? I had the shot.
Everything on the sheet.
Seems the French don't want to look complicit in the death of an Algerian oilman even if he does fund Al-Qaeda.
They were gonna pin it on us and go public.
Mission's still active.
We gotta get him before he leaves the hotel.
It can't look like an assassination, and we can't be caught.
Any suggestions? I have an ex-associate in Paris.
He may be of use.
- Did you break his heart? - I certainly hope so.
What do you got in mind? You have the Bureau's full support and resources to help capture these killers.
And we'll extend your agent every courtesy.
Thank you.
Take the cuffs off.
You're gonna wanna set up roadblocks south of here.
- Well, the tracks point north.
- Yeah, I know.
Those weapons- They're ticketed for Mexico.
They may have started north, but they're gonna fishhook and head south.
Trust me.
I want a 50- mile cordon south of here.
And I want roadblocks all the way to the border.
- What was the color of the truck? - Red.
Hope you got a gold star for me.
Authenticate it.
Paper weight's right.
Watermark's intact.
Passport's clean.
- Authentic.
- Good.
- Now we'll take our money and wish you good day.
- Not so fast.
- Check all of them.
- Look, we need to ditch this truck and scatter.
Dead cops draw flies.
- No one's goin' anywhere.
- Your man's gonna die if we don't split up and get gone.
That problem's solved.
Now we're gonna find out who set us up.
No smiling, Sergeant.
This is him-Victor Lobos.
He's the ringleader.
Wanted for smuggling arms.
Now, intel tells us he's moving a shipment of stingers to the Sonoran cartel.
- Mm-hmm.
- We got roadblocks across his route to the border.
Sheriff's got a bird in the air, but no sign of your truck.
- They pulled off the highway.
- Border Patrol is scouring the desert.
There's no red semis cuttin' through the sage.
- This just came in for you.
- Thank you.
Well, there it is.
Taken less than an hour ago.
There's your red truck, headed south.
Call the State Troopers.
I want that highway locked down.
Excuse me.
- Go.
- D.
's dragging their feet.
They don't want to pull ICE off the case with a dead field agent on the ground.
Okay, I don't know how long I can sustain this.
Bravo Team's en route to help with exfil.
Orders are to keep ICE agents off the boss's scent till then.
- We still want Drake to escape with the passports.
- And what's Bravo's E.
A? - They're two hours out.
- Keep pressuring the D.
Someone over there's got to pick up the phone and give us a little breathing room.
Roger that.
Be back in touch.
So the wedding's gotta be small- You, us, some family.
- That won't be a problem.
- You won't hurt anyone's feelings by leaving them out? All those society friends of yours? No, the fact is, I've got no one I feel bad about not inviting.
- Lucky you.
- I do feel a little awkward planning this thing without Charlie though.
Let me guess.
You can't get ahold ofhim.
Means he's working.
Welcome to the life.
Thank you.
It's good to be here.
You need to pick who's gonna be in the lineup.
- The lineup? - When the bride exits there's six men on either side their military swords raised above- The last man blocks the bride's path with his sword.
And then he gives her a good luck tap on the rump.
- You can't beat tradition.
- No, you sure can't.
It sounds more like fun than a coming-out party.
Hello? Is this Molly Blane? This is Molly Beckett.
Then it would be Molly Blane.
- Who is this? - This is Sgt.
Natasha Andrews Office of Personnel Management, D.
I'm reviewing Jocelyn Morgan's security accreditation.
- Is she with you now? - That's right.
Make an excuse and leave.
- You and I need to talk.
- Where are you? I'm at your home.
How well do you think your Sgt.
Charles Grey - knows Miss Jocelyn Morgan? - Joss.
Well enough for them to plan a life together.
After only a few weeks? - Sometimes- - Who is she inviting to the wedding? We haven't finalized a list.
Would you describe her as a loner? Sergeant, why are you here? Last year an attempt was made on the president elect's life.
The vice president was assassinated.
A few weeks ago a chlorine attack hit this very community.
I was here.
- Where is this going? - I can share this with you.
We know all of those attacks reach back to Russia.
Miss Morgan has connections there.
You think thatJoss is a security risk? She lived in Moscow for two years.
She has vast resources, lives a life of secrecy and never stays in one place for very long.
And yet she is here, set to marry the very Unit operator that helped foil some of those attacks.
Charles Grey would not be the first man to be reeled in by a pretty face.
We want to know who are her connections to Russia where are her loyalties, and can she be trusted.
So you remember where I live.
- What is it they say about absence? - Depends on whom you ask.
Come in.
Oh, we don't mean to intrude.
Do you have company? No.
Please, sit down.
I'm inquiring about the latest flu vaccine.
Well, uh, any drugstore has what you're lookin' for.
Bridget tells me you're a better pharmacist.
A colleague of mine is ill.
I see.
Your colleague- What are the specifics of his health? Smokes, drinks, has a heart condition.
Very dangerous.
Uh- This is what you're looking for.
- You only need a little.
- What, exactly, is a little? One-quarter teaspoon diluted in water.
Even a bodyguard could do it.
And these.
Thank you.
You should visit more often.
- I will.
- Will you? 'Cause it'd be good to see you.
Federal agents don't just stumble onto a hijacking.
Two against nine is not a setup.
It's an accident.
If they knew where we'd be, we'd be lying dead in the road, not them.
Someone in here is a traitor.
If you're gonna start pointing fingers, let's start with him.
- Yeah, me? - Yeah, you had a shot at that fed back there - and you didn't take it.
- Yeah, my gun jammed.
That's a pity.
- Give me your weapon.
- I cleared it already.
Yeah? Jammed once, it'll jam again.
You shut up.
You were 15 minutes late to your pickup last night.
Why? - Met a girl at a bar.
- What was her name? Wasn't interested in her name.
- Stacy, I think.
- You think? I was drinking.
I-I don't remember.
You spent the night before this operation- - You got drunk- - I was just having- and spent the night with an unknown woman.
I was ju- Well, what do you know? Satisfied? Clear the weapon.
Chamber another round.
Shoot him.
Shoot him! He wasn't the traitor but I never liked him.
Perhaps there is no traitor.
What's goin' on? Maybe we're getting pulled over.
We're outta gas.
Watch these guys.
You come with me.
- Give me your gun.
- No, I don't think so.
You're gettin' edgy.
It's gonna get you killed with this guy.
Isn't that what you told me? Act like a terrorist? Look, any second now our guys are gonna swarm in here.
- If they see you holding the gun, you're dead.
- Maybe you need to be dead.
Bullet hole.
No time to fix it.
I say we steal a car and ditch this beast.
He's right.
We're rolling around in a bull's-eye.
- What the hell? - Hey, hey, hey.
Hey! Time to run.
Here's your traitor.
Tried to call the cops.
The hostage got away.
- We gotta get the hell outta here.
- What now? You get the money and the passports.
We'll find a ride.
So what's, uh- What's goin' on with the D.
D? When are they callin' off the hounds? I can't get anyone on the line.
No one wants to take the blame for a mission that went south and got an agent killed.
- That's correct.
- How far out is Bravo? - Thirty Mikes.
- And you got a grid on the team? Yeah.
We're tracking the passports.
Just ping me when they hit the ground.
Roger that.
Passports? Agent Travis.
Come here.
I want you to meet somebody.
This is Special Agent Travis.
He's with the F.
It's a pleasure to meet you, ma'am.
You're gonna help catch my husband's killer? We're doing everything in our power.
Thank you.
Married for 12 years.
Got two young kids.
I gotta get back.
Dogpatch 0- 6.
Front of the building's tight.
Security out back.
Target has a guard in front of his room.
- Stand by for my orders.
- Roger that.
Bonjour, Mr.
and Mrs.
What did she say? She wants to know the next time they're gonna meet.
I think he misses her too.
Does he tell her what he does with his walk-around money? - No.
- Then he's playin' her.
- That what you do with the ladies? - I gave up being a romantic.
- But you're still one.
- Oh, really? How does that compute? Well, you know he's not being honest with the girl but you hold out hope that his feelings for her are genuine.
You have empathy for a lady who's sleeping with a terrorist.
That makes you a romantic.
Now he's blamin' her for bad room service.
Yeah, he's a caring critter.
No, he's, uh- He's teasing her.
Well, maybe she likes the attention.
Hang on.
- Is she leaving? - She's going for cigarettes.
Dogpatch 0- 6.
Woman's on the move in the elevator.
Get ready.
- Excuse me, ma'am.
- How can I help you, monsieur? I don't want to cause a fuss but there's a strange man in my hallway, and he's just sitting there.
- I'm-I'm worried about my kids.
- What's your name, please? Steven Semmette.
Room 628.
- Dr.
Semmette? - Yes.
I stepped out, and my wife called me about him.
- If he's just sitting, I do- - Well, he said something impolite to my kids.
Now they're not leaving the room, and neither is my wife.
- And I want you to check him out, or I'm gonna call the police.
- No, no, no.
- I will send someone up.
- Okay.
Thank you very much.
Now, what about the bridesmaids? I can't say I'm in love with any of these colors.
- Forest green, mocha brown.
- Yeah.
See? I like this color.
Where'd you get this? Oh, it's from a market in St.
- In Russia? - Uh-huh.
It is nice.
When were you in Russia? - Oh, when I was young.
- Business or pleasure? Well, I didn't do much of either.
But I did discover vodka.
You still know a lot of people there? You know anybody who could find some fabric like that? Maybe ship it over? Well, if it makes you girls happy I'll, import the whole damn market.
I mean, what's money if you can't spend it on your own wedding? - You are a philosopher.
- Hmm.
What's going on? - I don't know what you're talking about.
- You're questioning her and she's nervous enough about all this.
All right.
Don't you think this is a little sudden? They barely know each other, if we're honest and now we're planning them a wedding.
Molly Blane.
That is the first time I've seen you balk - at showing a Unit wife some hospitality.
- Is she a Unit wife? Maybe we shouldn't start treating her like one until she's completely vetted.
She is the woman who finally made Charles Grey happy.
Let's clear it.
- All clear.
- We should hole up here until dark.
There's an A.
out back.
- Does it run? - Tank's full, but it's been sittin' a while.
See what you can do.
Leave the passports.
You were running guns from Denver for this guy.
I work for the government.
His I.
checks out.
He really drives for the State Department.
And what the hell is Agent Travis's story then? Hey.
I just talked to my buddy in the Denver office.
He's never heard of you.
Did you call Agent Connie- Check him.
Damn it.
Guard's coming back upstairs.
Woman's headed up too.
Get out of there now.
We gotta go.
Come on.
Rafik! Rafik! Rafik! Police'll set up roadblocks here and here.
Every interstate locked down.
- What about alternate routes? - No dice.
- Sheriff's choppers will be all over the back roads.
- So how do we get out of here? Only way is to cut south through the Indian reservation.
- Then what? - You take a goat road.
- Follow it all the way to the border.
- A.
's up.
- If we head south- - They're here! Keep 'em away from the back! We can't get to the car! Wait! Stay low! Put down your weapons! Check that room.
- Clear! - This one's dead.
You guys all right? Peachy.
- You? - Peachy.
- Drake? - Drake got away with the passports.
Well, then, now it's all about the waiting.
So we'll have the ceremony on this side of the room.
Oh, that's smart.
Sorry to interrupt.
Miss Jocelyn Morgan? Uh, yes? Hi.
I'm Sgt.
Andrews, Department of Defense.
- I'd like for you to come with me, please.
- What's the problem, Sergeant? It's regarding Miss Morgan's pending nuptials to Sergeant Charles Grey.
It's standard procedure.
Nothing to be concerned about.
- It's a security interview.
- Security interview.
We've all done it.
Wouldn't one get advance notice? Just take a of couple hours.
Bring you right back when we're done.
Wish me luck, ladies.
Thank you.
They do schedule those in advance.
- Is it 'cause we're off base? - Maybe.
Well, are we planning a wedding? It's not like they're gonna find anything.
What if they do find something? What would they find? A woman with her options- her money- falls in love with a poor man inside of a week? Well, yes.
It happened, didn't it? - Did it? - What? What? Are you being- After everything that we've been through, can we afford not to be? Are you saying she doesn't love him? - I'm saying it doesn't add up.
- Doesn't everything look suspicious when looked at with suspicion? Joss knows everything about us.
We know nothing about her.
Would you bet your life on someone like that? - D.
can't claim what they didn't sanction.
- Hmm.
They disavow the mission, they disavow the resources.
- Then we're all agreed? - Drake made off with the money.
We're out.
- You handle yourself well.
- You too.
Why's a tough girl like you dressing up as a French maid? Living out my fantasies, same as you.
What are you-What are you doing? Combat isn't the only fantasy I have.
- No? - Job's over, and now we go home.
Church and state.
- Church and state.
- Now you got it.
- You're right.
I'm sorry.
- Don't give it another thought.
Joss? Are you all right? Joss, what happened? They said if I married Charlie, he'll be kicked out of the Unit.
Well, that's not right.
- What was their reason? - Oh, they said I was a security risk.
They asked about my company, my family, about Russia.
Molly, did you know they were looking into me? Did you know? Yes.
- Why-Why didn't you tell me? - They asked me not to.
I thought you were my new friends.
So this was all just to see if I was a spy? Look at it from our point of view.
You have a company.
You have connections, money- None of which you ever speak about.
My company makes planes.
And I don't even run it.
And I travel.
I am no danger to you.
- That's the God's truth.
- I'm sorry you had to go through this.
I just want an honest shot to join this family and to marry Charlie.
And now I have to ask the man that I love to choose between his work and his wife.
Well, I will not ask him to do that.
Do you really love him? Sometimes things are just what they appear to be.
Will you help me? Will you help me? Yes, I will.
- I will too.
- Thank you.
They were married 12 years.
Two kids.
- Are we up? - Uh, satellite imagery is still loading.
What do we expect to see? State-of-the-art tracers on those passports.
We're gonna see how many tentacles Mr.
Drake's organization has.
Wherever you see a red dot, that's where your next mission is.
- We're ready.
- Go ahead.
Light her up.
My, oh, my.
Like a Christmas tree.
Go get 'em.
I love my work.

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