The Unit s04e19 Episode Script


Previously on The Unit.
He's not breathing.
Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned.
- What are they? - They're the burdens you carry here.
I just got my wife back.
I ain't gonna lose her again.
- Welcome to the Unit, Sergeant.
- Staff Sergeant McBride, meet Warrant Officer Sullivan.
- I didn't know there were women in the Unit.
- There aren't.
- Whoa.
What are you-What are you doing? - You're right.
I'm sorry.
Don't give it another thought.
They took the bait.
That's him.
The wind shifted.
- Target's green.
- Team ready? - Ready.
- Ready.
In five.
Put it down! Daniel Miller? Things you learn in the Philadelphia public school system.
- Your family's been looking for you.
- My family wishes I was dead.
Not your uncle.
Your Uncle Sam sent us for you.
You won't make it out of this canyon alive.
You'll be shot down like dogs.
Get in! You're alone, outmanned, under armed.
And we are legion.
We have sarin gas.
We have anthrax.
You take my point? Americans in action.
- Hear, hear.
- Hear, hear.
What is this, a race? You got a decade head start on me.
Really? Another round? - Uh, mission briefs.
- Mission briefs? What is that? Like a thong? - Oh! - Oh, God.
- Oh, boy.
You know what? Um- - Come on.
- This girl's turning in.
Good night.
- Good night.
- I was joking.
- This boy too.
What time's your mom want you home? Road trip with the wife, first light.
Hands on the wheel at all times, Sergeant.
Last message not received.
You guys can go.
I got this.
- Yeah? - Yeah.
- Hey.
- Hi.
- I thought you left.
- Oh, I'm leaving now.
You know what I could use? A ride home.
Maybe a place to crash for the night.
- How does that sound? - It sounds like it's not gonna happen.
Well, we could do this.
We could have a few more drinks- Hey, listen.
You're at a tactical disadvantage, mister.
I'm not interested.
And you're way off base.
- Let me say one more thing.
- Hey, hey, hey.
You're new.
So you get one warning.
One warning.
And this is your warning.
Knock it off.
All right? - Bob- - Go exercise your charm somewhere else.
Briefing at 0700.
- Hey.
- Pal, seriously.
- I want to apologize.
- Do it tomorrow.
I worked it out.
It's good.
Would you do me the honor of hearing my apology? Tomorrow.
Go home.
It's hard for me to meet women I don't work with.
I mean, I can't exactly take out an ad.
" Six foot, blue eyes, kills for a living.
" Take your self-pity and sleep it off.
I can't sleep until I make this right.
Whether you sleep or not is of no concern to me.
- I guess I'm just confused.
- Really? I keep hearing you're on the team.
You're not on the team.
You're just visiting.
- You don't belong here.
- That is fascinating.
But pathetic, pal, okay? How dense are you? No, no, no, no, no.
I want- I want to get this straight.
You're not one of us, right? Oh, you help out, but you're not a shooter.
So the rules don't apply to you.
So that means the rules don't apply to me.
Sam! - Shh.
- Sam! Sam, what the hell? Shut up for a second.
All right.
Didn't want to do it this way.
Hello? What's goin' on? I saw him.
I saw him.
Oh, my God.
- Are you all right? I'll call 911.
- No.
I'm okay.
Thank you.
I'm fine.
- I'm okay.
- But- I'm okay.
The subject is confirmed inside.
When Charlie team reports affirmative, we'll proceed to condition green- where Alpha team will activate Operation Indigo Blizzard.
You got something on your face.
I, uh- lost a barbell this morning.
Good morning, Warrant Officer.
- I'm sure your watch is slow.
- Sir, I've adjusted it.
Thank you, sir.
Sergeant Major, you're still short one man.
Yes, sir.
And when I see Sergeant McBride, I will make the appropriate corrective.
Operation Indigo Blizzard, sir.
Operation Indigo Blizzard calls for eight men plus support PAX.
You'll get an in-country through friendlies in the Port of Augustus.
Meet up with your contacts in a farmhouse 70 klicks to the southwest.
The farmhouse owner will be paid at your discretion.
Now, we've used this guy before, but he's gonna keep his hands open.
Sergeant Major, does your team need the room? Yes, sir.
Thank you, sir.
- Look at me.
- We should resume the briefing.
Say the words.
He surprised me at my car.
He threw me down.
He tried to rape me.
Say the name.
Cool Breeze, you're with me.
Open this door now, Sergeant.
Go bag's gone.
Ditched his wallet and his phone.
- No calls out since 3:00 a.
- He's bugged out.
Inform the TOC.
Kill his passports and hideaways.
Flash his vitals to F.
, N.
, D.
Where is he? Hasn't had time to build up assets or networks, and he can't use ours.
He's either hitchhiking out of town- Or he's still here, holed up with friendlies.
Get me the contacts out of that thing.
Give me a list of most likelies.
I need that list now.
What's that look? He's trained to evade an army.
I helped train him.
I know what he's trained for.
I'm gonna bring his ass back.
# Give me your secrets Bring me a sign # # Give me a reason to walk the fire # # See another dawn # # Through a daughter's eyes # # You give me a reason to walk the fire ## No.
I-I appreciate the absence of the M.
I appreciate the Unit handling this itself.
I just want to know, why did Jonas go alone? Look.
Sam is trained to spot surveillance and pursuit.
We use this training to identify our enemies, whether it's, uh, counterintelligence or antimilitary strike teams, before they act.
They labor so hard to make themselves invisible to make everything appear normal that the absence of the abnormal gives them away.
So, in Sam's case, if we send five, six, 12 guys after him we might as well send a marching band and a drum major.
Of course.
So, as Jonas says, it's a mission for a thousand men.
- Or one.
- Mm-hmm.
That's right.
Soldier, it's time you and I had a conversation.
An injury report is required for this investigation.
- Sir, I don't want an investigation.
- I don't recall asking you.
Sir, I don't want this on my record.
I don't want to be the victim.
Now get yourself down to the med shed.
Yes, sir.
Where do you think you're going? You gonna hold my hair back? Look.
I should've landed on the guy when I saw him step out of line.
I should've stepped in.
You're not the rapist, and you're not the victim.
So just relax and enjoy the show.
Thank you.
This place is old enough to be Lincoln's summer home.
Yeah, but it's got character.
Well, if you're interested in keeping the place, you'll want these.
These outline the various taxes and fees.
You sign this deed, have these notarized and per the terms of your husband's great-aunt's will, the house is yours.
Excuse me.
You know what we struck? We struck gold.
- I didn't know gold came in anything this small.
- Okay.
So it's cozy.
But see here.
It's got a great front porch.
The master bedroom gets morning light and there's a shed in the back for whatever it is that men do in sheds.
It's tempting.
The plumbing is a biblical disaster.
The girls would have to share a bedroom.
The girls share a room now.
We could make a home here.
What's your objection? You can't say the money's not right.
Sweetie, I wish I could see it.
The nearest base is- I'm talking about after the army.
And when is that, precisely? I'm not rushing you.
But someday, we're gonna have to jump off that train.
And we could land here.
Think of it as an exit strategy.
We deserve it.
I deserve to know that it's here.
We don't have to decide everything now, do we? Will you consider it? - Will you? - I'm considering considering it.
All right.
That's good enough for me.
I didn't know anybody was here.
I haven't been for a long time.
What brings you back? Well, what usually brings people back to church? So, naturally, you've come to beg forgiveness? I don't know if begging will do the trick.
I got a lot to answer for.
Like what? Well, vandalism for starters.
Mack Gerhardt age 10, carved his name into a seat.
Was that an act of vandalism? What else you call it? A desire to be remembered.
That's why you came back too.
- Why is that, ma'am? - To see if there's still a remembrance of you - in church.
- Is that true? Well, you know it's true.
Did you come back to apologize for something? Is that why people come back to church? Yes.
As I understand it.
I thought they came to pray for guidance.
Nobody prays for guidance because they've done right.
You ever hear of that? I don't know if I believe in God.
You confused? - Yeah.
- And do you think that somewhere there is understanding? - I don't know.
- Would you like there to be? Yes.
That's what it means to believe in God.
That's all it means.
I've done so many bad things in my life.
So have I.
You? What have you done? Well- my daughter died.
- Sorry.
- It's a long time ago.
How old was she? She died three hours before she was born.
- I'm so sorry.
- Mmm.
I didn't know how to go on without my beautiful baby girl.
My husband couldn't go on.
I asked God for answers but he didn't give me any.
- And so? - So I did something about it.
I decided rather than to bother God, I'd do something myself.
What'd you do? I found another one.
Is he inside? Okay.
I'm not here to hurt you.
I've come for Sam.
If he's inside if he's come to you for help, you might nod.
Open the door.
Sit down.
Who are you? He's not here.
I haven't seen him in months.
And he called you this morning? Yes.
- You his girlfriend? - Ex.
- What'd he say to you? - Nothing.
- Oh, he said something.
- He wasn't making any sense.
He's gonna need cash, I.
's, transportation and friends.
What'd he ask you for? - We're not friends.
- Oh, you're not? He got a new assignment, and he started acting strange right after that.
He's acting strange.
He's got a place where he keeps everything he needs in an emergency.
Can you think of a place like that? Tell me.
He and his buddies keep a storage locker, somewhere up north.
- Is he gonna be all right? - I don't see how.
You're not the pastor, are you? No.
Who are you? My name is Nora.
I'm Mack.
Nora, this is my wife, Tiffy.
- Tiffy, this is Nora.
- Hi, Nora.
My wife found me at church.
She must have looked everywhere else first.
That's right.
Why'd you tell me you were the pastor, Nora? I never said I was the pastor.
You said your daughter died and so you found another one.
- That's right.
- How'd you find another baby? She found another baby? I explained it to you.
That's right.
You explained it, and then you told me about God.
You came here to speak to someone, didn't you? Yes.
To speak to the pastor.
Maybe you can speak to me.
- Why you? - Well, you said you believe in God, right? Maybe God sent me here.
Are you a nurse? No.
I went to the hospital.
I went in a room.
This woman had a baby girl last night.
I told her how lucky she was.
Then I put on the lab coat and I walked past the nurses' station at the shift change.
I went to the mother.
I told her I was a doctor.
And I told her a phrase that I'd practiced all day.
" We've detected a bacterial infection and we need to test her for sepsis.
" She handed me her baby.
And I took my new baby, and we walked out.
Where's the baby now? Yeah.
Oh, no.
Son of a gun.
Who packed this thing in here? Well, that was fast.
- Put the gun down.
- Whatever she said, it's not how it happened.
- Explain it from the pavement.
- I didn't mean to push her.
- The only reason I did was I needed to keep her quiet.
- Please.
Let the man go, put the gun down and get on the ground.
I didn't mean for this to happen.
It's over, Sergeant.
It's all over.
Not like this.
You better take cover, Jonas.
You all right? Sam, I don't want to shoot you.
Are you okay? Hey.
Wait a minute.
Oh, my God.
Are you all right? - Move.
- Get out.
Everyone get out.
Check the break room! - Call the police! - Sam! Sam! Stay back! It's not like she said, Jonas.
- I don't care what it's like.
Open the door.
- I would have come in- eventually.
I wanted some time to think! Is that insane- that I wanted time to think? You're gonna get a lot of it.
Stay back, pal! Stay back! Or I'll shoot! Next one's going into something soft.
All right.
All right! Nora, tell us where the baby is.
- I- - Tell us where the baby is.
Is the baby with you? - No.
- Where is she? - Is she alive? - Yes.
She's alive.
- Is she safe? - Yes, but- - But what? - I'm not sure.
Do you understand? - That God wants me to give the baby back.
- Who's in here? I'm a federal officer.
What's the church doing open? - Isn't the pastor here? - The pastor's on vacation.
- What are you doing here? - I'm just rattling doorknobs.
- Hey.
That's the girl that took the kid from the hospital.
- That's right.
That's right.
- You've got the child? - The child's not with her.
I'm gettin' to her.
Just leave me with her for 10 minutes and I'll find the child.
How? She's talking to me.
Well, why is she talking to you? I'll be damned if I know, but she is.
You just made detective.
Call your sergeant.
You got till my sergeant gets here.
She'll tell the pastor where the baby is.
Well, that's good.
Thank you, Nora.
Because the pastor will know what to do.
That's right.
She will.
- Because the baby may need some care.
- Of course she does.
- She needs her medicine.
- Of course.
We should see she gets it.
SWAT's probably gonna go straight through that front door, maybe from over the top.
Lieutenant, think about anything but posse comitatus for the next hour.
We're just two locals with something in common.
- Tell us where you want us, Colonel.
- Secure yourselves a flight down.
We'll bring you up if it comes to that.
Time is not our friend, Jonas.
We can't keep these cameras in the dark for long.
Too many witnesses saw him come through here.
His cover's not gonna hold.
We gotta close this down.
He's talking and not shooting.
That's a start.
- No.
He's lost it.
- I can talk him out.
- Can you? - Yes.
- I want him alive.
- Yes, sir.
But ifhe endangers the public you have a green light to terminate.
Sam knows what'll happen to him if he takes another shot.
I can talk him down.
But if I can't those guys down there- they don't notch him.
The adjacent building has an unobstructed view into the office.
High enough for a vantage, and if necessary, a shot.
I'll go.
I'll get my kit and set up.
- I hear you talking.
- Yeah.
Get back! In Greenwood we have reports of shots fired at a car dealership.
- We have Ted at the scene.
Ted, what do you have for us? - Hello? - Hey.
It's me.
- Sam.
Where are you? Are you okay? I guess you're not watching the news.
holed himself up in the manager's office.
This is you? Shooting at people? You're gonna hear things about me that aren't true.
They may even try to pretend this never happened.
Well, you tell them that Sam McBride was a good soldier.
Oh, my God, Sam.
Ple- Don't let 'em forget.
Officials are on scene.
What would you like to do, Sergeant? This is the part where the hostile asks for a helicopter.
Well, let's skip ahead.
Go ahead and tell me how it was all a misunderstanding.
- Well- - Start changing the facts.
- Open the door.
- All I wanted to be was an operator.
You were, Sam.
Hell of an operator.
I saw your legs finally got away from you.
- How's the ankle? - Perfect.
- I heal fast.
- Why don't you let me get a look at it? You could give me 15 minutes.
Fifteen minutes alone- to think.
And then all this would be over.
Can't do it, Sergeant.
It's the best way.
It's safer.
You come for me, I will shoot.
- You saw the box in my locker? - Yeah, I saw it.
Well, it's lightened since then.
I'm showing your sniper- Is it Bob? I'm showing him a concussion grenade.
One concussion grenade.
I'm three corners blind and red.
I have no shot.
There's three more he can't see.
You read me? Yeah.
I read you.
You try to come through that door, Jonas you can call it the Fourth ofJuly.
Details are scarce, but a woman identifying herself as the suspect's ex-girlfriend has confirmed the gunman as Samuel Simmons McBride a second-year member of the U.
Army Logistical Studies Unit.
And there it is.
The suspect was witnessed brandishing a firearm in several locations prior to barricading himself in the car dealership behind me.
Colonel, news has him I.
Thank you, Sergeant.
- Do you have any further information on the gunman? - I've heard enough.
- Show me new business.
- Sure.
Bring up Operation Valentine Cross and update sat image.
For our own safety, we're being kept at a distance.
We're told negoti- Clock's run out, Jonas.
Any means necessary that avoids civilian casualties.
All right.
Bring 'em up.
Copy that.
Kid's gotta have epinephrine on the hour.
She's got the meds.
But you must have taken the baby with you.
- Did you take the baby with you? - I'd like to tell you.
You know I would.
Nora, we need to find the child.
The pastor's coming.
I'll tell the pastor.
- The pastor has been delayed.
- The pastor's not here, Nora.
When you came here, the church was locked.
That's right.
I broke in.
- And what did you do with the child? - It wasn't with me.
- Why not? - I was afraid.
- Yes? - That the pastor would take it from me.
Why would she take it from you? If it was the right thing to do.
If she said it was the right thing to do, then you'd give her the child.
If she said.
- Why? - Because it would be the word of God.
- Nora, the police are coming.
- I won't tell them.
I will only tell a person of God.
Nora, I am a man of God.
God sent me here, Nora, to be with you.
How do I know that? Who else would've sent me, Nora? Do you believe in God? Do you believe God sent you? I know it.
Why? To save that child's life.
Do you have children? Yes, I do.
Swear on their lives.
Swear that God sent you.
I swear on my children's lives that God sent me to answer your prayer.
And are you free of sin? No.
Then how could you have been sent by God? I renounce my sin.
Swear it.
God I renounce my sin.
I am most heartily sorry for having rejected you.
And you acceptJesus? Do you accept him? Tell me.
I accept him with all my heart.
Then there's one question that I must ask you.
Tell me where the baby is.
Ma'am, come with us, please.
This way.
That way.
I'll get my jacket.
Cool Breeze.
Don't fire unless he fires first.
You do not have a shot unless Whiplash shoots first.
Breach in 60.
Sam, let's get you out of there.
Just stand up - walk to the door and open it.
- Sure, Jonas.
I walk to the door and open it, and Bob bags me.
I'll call him off.
It's nice of you to say anyway.
I wanted to earn your respect.
- You had it.
- I let you down.
I'm sorry.
You forgive me? - Ask me in the car.
- I can't go to prison.
A soldier takes responsibility for his actions.
Respect that.
You do what you gotta do, Snake Doc.
It was a pleasure having served with you.
No grenade blast.
Move, move, move! I can't even do that.
She told me I carved my initials here so I'd be sure God remembered me.
Is that why you carved them? Didn't seem so at the time.
- How did it seem at the time? - It seemed as if I was defying God.
What did she ask you before she gave up the baby? She asked me for a pledge.
What was the pledge? I told her God sent me here so I could help her.
Could it be true? What was the pledge? - We're locking up the church.
- Yes.
Thank you.
Just my opinion, but " don't ask, don't tell" don't work.
I would have used the team's women's locker room, but- Hasn't been built yet.
Just so you know locals have him in custody until he can be transferred to us.
- Good.
- He's being debriefed right now.
- He says he'll plead guilty.
- He is guilty.
- He surprised us all.
- Mm-hmm.
What a waste.
- You're back on duty.
- I keep my commitments, Sergeant Major.
Yeah, well, you do that.
Floss after meals, vote the straight ticket, and I'm sure you'll go to heaven.
Well, now we've done it.
We just bought a house.
Well, you know what? I was wrong.
This house is exactly the size it should be.
- What's that look? - What look? You're smiling like a baby angel.
You like it out here that much? I do, but that's not why.
Why? 'Cause I love you.
That's why.
What was that pledge she asked you to make? Let's take a walk.
# Does anybody know where we're really gonna go # # I was wondering if we've got that real soul # # You know, the thing you cannot trade or ever own # # Does anybody know where we're really gonna go # # I was wondering if we've got that real soul # # You know, the thing we cannot trade or ever own # # Solitude # # The sacred mood # # Appalachian Springs # # All my things # # Took a step to the left # # Took a step to the right # Mind if I smoke? Yeah.
If you can find cigarettes, go ahead and smoke 'em.
You believe this guy? Have a smoke.
Where in the hell did you get those? - Hey.
I asked.
- # Does anybody know where we're really gonna go # - Pull over.
- # I was looking for answers in a soul # # In the feelings that a man can't control # # I let the fire burn bright in the dead of night # # Disappointed she'd get I told a lie # # I said that I would never be on their side # All right.
What else you got on you? # Took a step to the left # Who are you? The magic man? # And I saw myself# # And it wasn't quite right # At least it's over.
# Took a step to the left I took a step to the right # # I keep it together# # Yeah # # I took a step to the left # # I took a step to the right # # And I saw myself# # And it wasn't quite right # # Yeah # # Slip into the dreams # # Slippin'out Slippin'in and out # # Of the dream ##
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