The Unit s04e20 Episode Script

Chaos Theory

Previously on The Unit.
There's a man living in this community they believe might have been involved in the planning of the attacks last month.
- Who is he? - Elliot Gillum.
He's connected to Leon Drake.
You have no idea what he's capable of.
Drake killed the vice president of the United States.
He launched a chlorine attack on California.
Am I missing something? You know what I could use? A ride home.
Maybe a place to crash for tonight? How does that sound? It sounds like it's not gonna happen.
- Shh.
- Sam! - He tried to rape me.
- Say the name.
He's lost it.
Locals have him in custody until he can be transferred to us.
So, you and your bosses in the State Department are aiding the Chinese? No.
Not- Not aiding.
But you admit they're identifying cult members around the world for the Chinese? - Is that what we're doing? - Yes.
The Falun Gong is not a cult.
It's a religious organization with an agenda to spread love and compassion throughout the world.
Did I say that with a sufficiently straight face? We're just- Thank you.
Look, we're just analysts.
But we have reason to believe that the Falun Gong is working with Muslim separatists to perpetrate an attack on Chinese soil.
So we're not helping out the Chinese.
We're being a good terrorist watchdog for the international community.
- What's the return? - No return.
We- Uh, we agreed that this conversation is strictly off the record, right? - Yes.
- Good.
- 'Cause my boss would skewer me if this ended up in print.
- No tape recorder.
Would you like to check me for hidden mikes? I would, yes.
But my main concern is that this talk is off the record.
It's off the record.
So how do you know the Falun Gong is planning an attack on Chinese soil? Did I say that? Oh, God.
I have had way too much to drink.
- So who do you work for, C.
A? - Why? Who do you work for? - BroadNET News Asia.
- Wow.
And here I thought we were just two travelers in a hotel bar.
What happened to romance? - Tell me- - No.
No more questions.
In fact, I take back everything that I said.
Let's just live in the moment.
- Do you believe in living in the moment? - What about the Falun Gong? Good night.
- All right.
I'll shut up.
- Okay.
I don't think so.
I thought you wanted to live in the moment.
I do.
I'm just beat.
Um, can we meet here tomorrow night? Same time? I head back to Hong Kong in the morning.
Then that is my loss.
Tensions between the Falun Gong, a religious cult- London papers just came out, and three of them are running the story.
- Target media saturation at 99.
- Get me the Snake Doctor.
Sullivan, you and Bravo team are headed to São Paulo at 0600.
- Actually, sir, I have a request.
- Spell it out.
I believe I'd be of more use to Bravo team here in the TOC.
- We can get someone else.
- You'd have to catch them up.
I've already done the homework.
- Colonel.
- Request granted.
The secretary of state.
This is Ryan.
Madam Secretary, I understand the diplomatic risk.
But the Chinese are sitting on a major advance in nuclear submarine technology.
We cannot let them have proprietary knowledge.
Yes, we've been preparing for months.
Thank you.
Target media saturation's at a hundred.
I have Snake Doc for you.
Snake Doc.
Mission is a go.
Repeat- mission is a go.
You are not on today's schedule.
The order says pick up at 7:00.
- Am I going to pick up their chickens or not? - Chickens? Dead chickens.
From the bird flu? - From Yong Li Research Labs? - What the paper says.
And close down the dock for a while.
Why should I do that? Because I have to open up the back.
There are dead chickens in the back.
Don't want nobody getting sick.
All right, everybody clear out.
Dangerous stuff inside.
Come on.
This is dangerous stuff.
Come on.
Six minutes, starting now.
Snake Doc and Cool Breeze are in place.
I have confirmation the office manager has just left home eight minutes earlier than usual.
Leaves us with only one minute in our pockets.
Sam used 20 kilo charges.
- You getting all nostalgic on me, Top? - It's what we rehearsed.
There's a difference between a guy who does the velvet paintings and van Gogh.
And which one are you? I'm the guy who does the velvet paintings.
The other guy saw things funny.
Four, three, two, one.
They just took out the vault power source.
Four minutes before backup power kicks in.
Sorry you got me as the Christmas help? Flyboy instead of a madman? Nah.
Even the best security system in the world needs power.
I'll take the simple life.
Give me an AK-47, a good guard dog, and a nymphomaniac who owns a liquor store.
Three, two, one.
Three minutes, 10 seconds.
The vault wall's been breached.
Cool Breeze is in.
Three minutes to get the goods.
Got it.
That's a record.
You beat Sam by three seconds.
- Well, a professional does his best work under pressure.
- You got that.
Island Line should be here in five, four, three, two- Make sure the office manager was outside the blast zone and any other civilians.
If we laid the groundwork right, the Chinese will be calling us any minute for help.
Hong Kong M.
Best subway system in the world.
Ten minutes to feet wet.
You can use cell phones down here.
You can even watch television.
Our country still has a few things to learn.
- We apologize for the delay.
- What do you think? I figure there's only been two delays on this subway system since they built it.
Suicide jumper on the next station.
- Oh, how dreadful.
- Yes.
And they shut down all the trains on this line.
We could be bloody well stuck here for hours.
Theoretical question.
What's the penalty for espionage in China today? Same as it's been for 2,000 years.
That's gonna hurt.
#Give me your secrets, bring me a sign # # Give me a reason to walk the fire # # See another dawn # # Through a daughter's eyes # # You give me a reason to walk the fire ## We will arrive at the next station shortly.
Chaos theory.
Butterfly flaps its wings in China, the stock market crashes in New York.
- Is that so? - Lady wakes up five minutes late for work.
She misses her regular train.
Catches the next one.
She sees her lover kissing another lady.
Distraught, she throws herself onto the tracks.
Changing the pattern of the system.
- That is correct, Dr.
- Question is, can one reset the system? One can try.
- Got two minutes, 13 seconds.
- Mm-hmm.
I doubt he'd make a preschool error.
But you never know.
The longer he's in the wind, the colder the trail gets.
How did the wounded Greeks last so long at the Battle of Thermopylae? - They focused on the mission.
- Broke and bleeding.
How'd they do that? - They compartmentalized.
- That's correct.
- This isn't personal, sir.
- I have others working on Sergeant McBride.
You need to stand down.
Colonel, there's a situation in Hong Kong.
- Let's hear it.
- We haven't received an " all clear" from Snake Doc.
No, that was not what we agreed.
I'll call you back.
- What are you doing? - I beg your pardon? - You took my photo.
- Oh, I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to.
- Sorry? Sorry? Let me see it.
- I'll erase it.
Is that what you want? - Excuse me.
I don't understand what the problem is.
- Who are you? Who told you to follow me? Is your friend here to break my legs? You were sent to watch me, but I've been watching you.
- Anything happens to me, this entire train is my witness.
- Friend, we don't know you.
We have no business with you.
Please, take your seat.
Would you? Please.
We apologize for the delay.
We will arrive at the next station shortly.
Oh, my God! Victoria Squarejust blew up! I think that's the buzzer at the end of play.
You said in the meeting your drinking was tied to Elliot coming home late at night.
Did you think he was having an affair? I once went to a hotel thinking I would catch him.
Instead, he was talking with two foreign men.
He was furious.
He made me swear that I would never mention what I saw.
That's odd.
Who were they? No idea.
But one of them had a Russian accent.
Excuse me a second.
Oh, my God.
It's him.
Hello, Elliot? Where the hell have you been? What? Yes.
Now? But- Oh, okay, okay.
Just calm- calm down.
I'll- I'll be there.
Elliot wants me to meet him.
- Where is he? - He wouldn't say.
He said I should go to the office and that someone would be there with an airline ticket.
- What does he want? - To be together again.
- So? - I'm going to the office.
- Hold on! He abandoned you.
- Oh, Molly, he was so sorry.
He said that he could explain everything.
He was practically sobbing.
What about when we were attacked? Do you remember? You said you thought he might be involved.
I- I was out of my mind with grief.
- I- I said all sorts of things.
- And so you're going? I married him.
You're overwhelmed.
I'll take you.
Just let me call and postpone a dinner meeting.
Thank you, Molly.
Colonel Ryan's office.
This is Molly Bechet.
Is he available? I'm sorry.
He's not.
Would you like his voice mail? Yes, please.
Tom, this is Molly.
I think I know how we can find where Elliot Gillum is.
Susan's getting on a plane to meet him.
I'll slip my cell phone into her luggage so you can trace her.
Okay, so I couldn't decide.
I got a selection: Monopoly, Yahtzee, and Chutes and Ladders.
I think the kids are a little old for Chutes and Ladders.
Oh, nonsense.
I love a rousing game of Chutes and Ladders.
- Do you? - Oh, yeah.
The thrill, the strategy.
Did you know that Chutes and Ladders is based upon the Battle of Waterloo? - And who won that battle? - We did because we get to play Chutes and Ladders.
You scratch the man, you'll find a boy.
Goofy, bunk lizard, come on out! It's the new, improved family game night! Jen, get off the computer! You're going down! All human conflicts in these games! - When's Lissy getting home? - Uh, she- She was supposed to be home a half hour ago.
I took Lissy to the mall at 3:00 like you asked.
I waited for her friend to show up, and then I left.
- She needed a prom dress.
- Prom? Who's she going to the prom with? Some boy on the debate team asked her.
Well, she's still not answering her phone.
So let's call her friend.
- I'll have to find Ashley's number.
- Ashley? I don't think that was her friend's name.
Short, cute, curly hair? No.
This girl had long brown hair, a cross tattoo on her wrist.
- I think her name was Mia.
- Mia? Are you sure? - Pretty sure.
- What? Mia's a new girl in school.
She started about a month ago.
She was expelled from a private school.
- For what? - She was dealing drugs.
Early speculation in the news is that the Falun Gong was responsible.
- Based upon? - The rudimentary nature of the bomb.
But all trains are stopped because of a suicidejumper at Heng Fa Chuen.
Our men are trapped in a tunnel three minutes out.
Cool Breeze sent a photo.
- They're in Section 29.
- Get me a schematic of the Hong Kong M.
Find an escape hatch now.
Should be a service door about 50 meters east.
Cell phone transmissions will be monitored by now.
Call it in, dress it up, and smoke screen it.
- Listening to you.
- Mr.
- I need to push up our meeting 50 minutes.
- Very good.
Possible exit 50 meters ahead.
- Is your wife all right? - Oh, no.
She has terrible claustrophobia.
She can't stay here much longer.
- She needs some air.
May I? - Certainly.
Bless you.
You're an angel.
- Here you go.
- Thank you very much.
You're welcome.
It ain't gonna happen.
- They can't go east.
- Locate another door.
Hold on.
I just lost their G.
What is it? Phones are dead.
Government's jammed the cell phone signals.
We're on our own.
- If they find us here with the package- - We're done.
- And China declares war.
- Mm-hmm.
Due to an explosion at Victoria Square we are on a security lockdown.
Please remain calm.
Everybody will be questioned by the military police, and then released.
Everyone is to remain here.
No moving between cars.
Please remain calm.
I need to see your identification.
It's the Arabs.
They did this.
You should round up all the Arabs in the city.
" Manfred Chu, 23 Bromley Road, New Territories"? There's gotta be a service door the other direction.
I'll take the package.
- See you across the pond.
- You got it.
Did you know they can kill their own women and children? Their religion allows it.
Isn't that right? - Why is that allowed, huh? - Hey, you! Stop! What are you doing? - Did you come here to bomb us? - Just getting some air.
- No.
That's not what I saw.
You tried to jump.
- You don't belong here! With respect, that's not what you saw.
- Why are you here? - No, no, no, no, no.
- You're still in my country and you don't know why? - Let me see your I.
Hey! Hey! What the hell do you think you're doing? - Release him! - He's Pakistani! Why were you threatening that man? - Release him.
- He's threatening that man.
He was blaming him for the explosion.
This is a dangerous man.
- You're the one who's dangerous! - Quiet! You go down there! Now! Don't move and don't speak.
And you, you stay away from him.
We have to have that door open.
It needs to be open.
- Sir, please.
Show me your I.
- I wasn't going tojump.
- Why would I jump? - Sir? I have no reason to believe they've been captured, Madam Secretary.
There can be no trace of American fingerprints.
My men understand that.
My advice is to sit back and see how the situation evolves.
I'll update you shortly.
Have the Chinese called yet? No, sir.
There's an armed transit cop on every train.
That's a kicker, isn't it? With the military everywhere a firefight in that tunnel, successful or not, will blow the mission.
No luck.
Our key contact in Hong Kong, he's unreachable.
- Who else is there? - No one else high up enough to breach the perimeter.
Derek Chen.
- Come again? - The BroadNETNews Asia journalist.
I trailed my coat at him a few weeks back.
Their headquarters are within the perimeter.
And they're broadcasting.
I'll bet he's got a satellite phone.
Call him.
Promise him your firstborn if he'll help us out.
It's locked.
I don't see anyone.
- Oh! It's Jim Ballard.
- Who's Jim Ballard? He's the company's security consultant.
Hey, Jim.
- Mrs.
- This is my friend, Molly Bechet.
- Hello.
- Elliot told me that you have an airline ticket for me? Actually, there's been a change.
He wants me to drive you instead.
- Where exactly is Mr.
Gillum? - I'd like to speak with him.
You will.
Very soon.
If you'd get in the van.
You need to call Elliot right now.
Tell him if he wants to see you, he needs to come home.
That won't work.
Your lives are in danger.
And I can't explain more.
Now, I need both of you to give me your cell phones and get in the van.
I hear music.
Dahl? What the hell? - Where's my daughter? - I don't know.
Hey! You can'tjust go back there! Lissy, you back here? You were at the mall together.
You said your father was picking you up.
- Where is he? Your father? - At work.
- Does he know about your little pot club? - Yeah.
- He does? - Yeah.
Sometimes he even joins us.
Well, this is not acceptable for my daughter.
- And if Lissy's here, I advise you to speak up now.
- She's not.
She's not here.
- I told you.
- Where is she? I could call the cops and have you arrested for breaking and entering.
You know what? That's a good idea.
I'll call for you.
I'm calling about a loud party.
I think there's drugs involved.
Hang up.
They just turned the music down.
I'll call you back if it starts back up.
Look, Lissy was covering for me, okay? I'm not supposed to see my ex-boyfriend.
So I met him at the mall.
I was with her for literally 10 minutes.
- Where did you leave her? - At the food court.
Hey, for all I know, she was using me.
- How is that? - She was talking to some guy when I left.
- Who was she talking to? - I don't know.
I just saw him from a distance.
He had a beard.
He seemed older.
Good for her.
BroadNET News Asia.
- Is this Derek Chen? - Who's this, please? Celine.
From the Clifton Hotel bar a couple weeks ago.
Tall blonde drink of water.
I think you found me attractive.
You work in mysterious ways.
How did you get this number? - Would you like to know all my secrets? - Very much so I would.
I'd like to tell 'em to you.
But first, can you do me a favor? Sorry, Celine.
Work beckons.
Can you call me back later? We need to contact the consulate general in Hong Kong and brief him.
- Sir, can we risk the exposure? - You have a different or better idea? Sir, I think I can make this work.
Let me try again.
Then do so.
- You're on a work visa, Mr.
- Yes, that's correct.
- What's in the case? - Materials for my company.
Open it.
I would, but I don't have the combination.
Okay, okay.
One minute.
- What is it? - Part of a new jet engine compressor.
We have an agreement to sell a thousand of these to our airplane manufacturer.
And it's due to be concluded in- Within the hour.
If my colleague and I do not get to that meeting the deal is off and they go with a competitor.
So, yes, you're correct.
And I apologize.
I was trying to get off the train.
- You tried to jump.
- Look, this deal is worth $400 million.
If you help us out of here, I will pay you five million dollars.
You're trying to avoid the authorities, Mr.
You don't want to answer questions.
You tried tojump from the train.
Look, look, look, look, look.
I will return from the meeting and answer questions.
You can escort me if you like.
How much money you make a year? Just enough to pay the rent and put food on the table.
Am I right? And with such a difficultjob.
The responsibility the customer service, working underground day in and day out.
Don't you deserve more? Don't your children deserve more? How would you pay me? Wire the money to your account.
How long have we been here? It's stifling.
- You okay? - Yeah.
I just, uh- I'm thirsty.
- Where's your insulin? - Left it at the office.
I didn't think- It was such a short trip, you know? Sir! My friend's a diabetic.
He's going into shock.
He needs insulin now.
Follow me.
Excuse us.
Out of the way, please.
- Can you keep walking? - I think so.
Excuse me.
Out of the way.
Out of the way.
There's a service door in the tunnel about 80 meters back.
Thank you.
You need some blood to your head.
You're in no condition to walk.
My sister has diabetes.
You are not too bad yet.
I have a technique that makes her feel better.
Thank you.
I do feel better.
- What did you do? - The pressure point releases the body's natural insulin.
An acupuncturist taught me.
- We're going back to Central.
- Yes.
Thank goodness, huh? Someone's looking out for you.
I was afraid you wouldn't call back.
I've been watching you on the news.
- Do you like that I've been watching you? - It's crazy out here.
The authorities are going nuts.
The Falun Gong may be responsible.
- So, you were right about that.
- Derek, listen.
I need a favor.
Two of my friends are stuck inside the lockdown perimeter.
- They're trapped on a subway right now.
- No.
- All the trains are being brought back to Central.
- For questioning.
- That's right.
- I need you to help my friends.
- Celine? - Yes? - How are you watching me? - I don't understand.
- You're getting our live feed? - That's right.
But we're not broadcast in America.
I'm in Hong Kong.
I'm on Lantau Island.
I'm just outside the lockdown perimeter, so I can't help my friends.
Are they C.
like you? C.
A? What makes you think I'm C.
A? I'm just that girl in a bar.
I'm going to pass.
I have no desire to find myself in front of a Chinese firing squad.
- What if I sweetened the pot? - I'm listening.
This train will arrive at Central Station in two minutes.
You know, I think I found my insulin.
Yeah, it's right here.
I'm so embarrassed.
Thank you for all your help.
Everyone line up single file to exit.
- Ditch and recover? - No other choice.
Mall security cameras didn't pick anything up.
Look at this.
Lissy's been talking to some guy online for weeks.
- And they made a plan to meet at the mall.
- He goes by Brad99.
He lives in L.
, he plays the guitar, and he's into slasher movies.
What's he look like? There's no picture.
Hello? Yeah, this is Mack.
I need your help.
- We're a little busy right now.
- Code word: Golf Shoe.
All right.
I'm gonna send you an online user profile.
I need an actual name and address.
- I'll see what I can do.
- Thank you.
Jim's been with the company for 10 years.
If he says it's for our protection, I believe him.
Susan, wake up.
We've been driving around for two hours.
And we still have no idea- Ladies, we have arrived.
- Well, at least it's safe.
- Mm-hmm.
Oh, darling.
Darling, I'm glad you're here.
Elliot, what is going on here? Hello, Susan.
And you brought a friend.
Um, would you like to make the introductions or should I? Uh, this is Leon Drake.
He works for Elliot.
Actually, Elliot works for me.
Just be calm.
Be calm.
We haven't had the pleasure.
She's Molly Blane.
Her husband's a Special Forces soldier.
They were assigned to get close to the Gillums, monitor their activities and report back to the army.
- That's interesting.
- Is this true? No, it's not true.
This man is a liar and a psychopath.
Just a month ago, he was on the news on a rampage with a gun.
- That's who this man is.
- Molly.
Game's up.
- Why don't the three of us go talk in private? - About what? Leon wants to ask you some questions.
- Susan! - Just one question, really, Susan.
Who did you talk to about us? - No! No! - Molly! - Susan! - Molly! Susan! No! Line two.
Second line.
- You got a plan for recovery? - Not yet.
Still working on how we're gonna get out of this perimeter alive.
Excuse me! You forgot your coat, young man.
- Thank you.
- And you.
You don't want to forget your case.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
- First line.
Ah, yes, darling.
Proceed to the police barn.
Have your identification ready.
Excuse me.
- I've got Snake Doc.
- You got the photo I sent you? Didn't you? I believe Mr.
Green sent it to you.
- Roger that.
- Manfred Chu has been enormously helpful.
You can reach him at 23 Bromley Road, New Territories.
Hey, you.
You can't use your phone here.
Keep moving.
- Let's go, Dennis.
- Fifteen seconds.
Sir, it's the call.
General Tien from Hong Kong.
General, let me express my sympathy and absolute outrage over the bombing at Victoria Square.
There was what in that building? No, I was unaware that there was sensitive information at the building.
I thought Wang Nuclear Labs was a private company.
It is a private company, isn't it? Sir, rest assured that we will do whatever we can to aid you.
- Done.
- Matter of fact, we may have something for you already.
Hey! Hey! The boss has been looking all over for you! - He needs you now! - Sorry.
We got delayed.
- It's okay.
They work with us.
- We're with the news- Let them through.
They're our news crew.
It's okay.
Hey! Members of the press are now banned from the area.
Return to your vehicles now.
You will be removed from the lockdown perimeter.
- Are you okay? Did he hurt you? - What are you- Did you touch my daughter? You will rue the day you preyed on her.
- Stop it! He didn't do anything! - Lissy! Leave him alone! I want to be with him! - How old are you? - Twenty-one.
You're 21? You realize she's 16? Sixteen! You know what statutory rape is? You said you were 18.
She said she was 18! Tell him.
- Go get in the car.
Wait with your mother.
- No.
- Lissy.
- Don't make me tell you again.
If you ever speak to my daughter again I guarantee you those words will be your last.
You think I'm fooling? Answer me! You think I'm fooling? - No.
- And to your knowledge, what will happen if you talk to my daughter again? - You'll kill me.
- Transmission ends.
Lissy? Lissy! It's my fault.
You grow up with an absentee father you start looking for someone else to replace that role.
You aren't an absentee father.
You're a soldier.
- She's- - You don't let her off the hook.
She's gotta take responsibility.
And she will.
I have to bear a responsibility.
All my sins, Tiffy.
My little girl grew up without me watching.
And that's the biggest sin of all this.
No, it's not.
It's nonsense.
- I wasn't there.
- Well, that's the way of the world.
But we ain't getting in a pity party.
You may have committed a myriad of sins but this isn't one of them.
We have a young girl who is vulnerable like all young girls since the beginning of time.
And we can't always be there for her.
What can we do for her? Go get your daughter and ask her to come in here.
- She ain't gonna want to come.
- You want to apologize for something? Tell her you're sorry you scared her.
And ask her to come back in here for a cup of tea.
And see how that works.
- And you're a smart woman.
- You think so? - I do.
- Go get your daughter.
Everybody knows I'm with Susan.
- My friends, my husband.
- No.
I thinkJonas is on the other side of the world right now.
He actually has no idea where you are, does he? Don't be stupid, Sam.
Turn yourself in.
Whatever activity you're involved in, the Unit- The Unit will track me down.
They tried and they failed.
We brought you into our family.
How could you betray us? How could you betray the Unit? You know what? I'd like to blow that sanctimonious look right off of your face.
What are they doing to her? I imagine they're encouraging her to talk.
- She doesn't know anything about this operation! - And how would you know that? What do you know about this operation? - You son of a bitch! - How could you let them do this to me? The Gillums are tired.
Why don't you help them out? I will.
- With pleasure.
- No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Get rid of them.
And take care of Molly somewhere else.
She can't be found with them.
Give me a hand.
Aw, hell.
For God's sake.
All right, you go that way.
I'll check around back.
Keep it quiet.
You don't have to do this.
I've been in the Unit longer than you have.
I can tell you things you don't know.
The thing is the Unit's irrelevant.
Now get in.
Get in! An early morning bomb destroyed a section of the Victoria Square complex.
Authorities have not released any details- It's from Snake Doc.
We've got the " all clear," and they've got the package.
Whoo! - What did you promise the journalist? - The story of a lifetime.
- About? - I don't know.
Figure I'll make something up.
The operator says Molly Blane was trying to reach you.
She left a voice mail message you need to hear.
Tom, this is Molly.
I think I know how we can find where Elliot Gillum is.
Susan's getting on a plane to meet him.
I'll slip my cell phone into her luggage so you can trace her.

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