The Unit s04e21 Episode Script


Previously on The Unit.
You have no idea what Drake's capable of.
He killed the vice president.
He launched a chlorine attack on California.
- Am I missing something? - You brought a friend.
She's Molly Blane.
Her husband's a Special Forces soldier.
- Well, that's interesting.
- Game's up.
- How could you betray the Unit? - The Gillums are tired.
Why don't you help them out? - With pleasure.
- No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
- And take care of Molly.
- Get in.
Who is it? You have the money? As requested.
In Euros.
How'd you, uh- How'd you slip Russian surveillance? - I'm not certain I did.
- Well, we appreciate the risk you're taking.
Where's the information? - That's the information? - An address in Los Angeles.
- Yes, I can see that.
- To which a Russian Spetsnaz team has been dispatched.
Vega group.
Very secret, very lethal.
- You're sure? - How long have we done business? Okay.
So what are Russian shooters doing here in Los Angeles? - I don't know.
- Well, we'll double the price to find out.
What good is money to a dead woman? It's too dangerous.
I'm sorry.
Anya, look.
If there's gonna be an attack in America and there are Russian elements behind it, you know as well as I do what that means.
Is that what you want for your country? 'Cause it's not what I want for mine.
Go back to your consulate.
Find out everything you can.
If I go back to my consulate, they might be waiting to kill me.
Well, then I suggest you order room service and you make some phone calls.
Nine-millimeter, armor-piercing.
Spetsnaz standard issue.
Guess the Russians got more than they bargained for.
Room's clear.
- These aren't Russians.
- No.
They're targets.
- The Russians were sent to kill whom, exactly? - I don't know.
Whoever they were, they mapped out every national security target east of the Mississippi, planning some attack.
You're saying the Russians did us a favor by taking them out? They didn't take them all out.
Seven cots, five bodies.
This attack is still a go.
What ho? Check this out.
We got a blood trail.
Leading downstairs.
We got survivors.
This isolated enough for you? Ballard.
Hold on.
It's the boss.
- Yeah.
- I just heard from two of my men.
A Russian hit team just took out our safe house.
- Where are your men now? - Trying to get to the backup location.
- But one of them's hurt.
- Hold on.
- Why are the Russians after us? - That's not important right now.
Good news is my men think they took them all out.
Yeah, well, if there's a Russian Special Forces team on our soil I guarantee you the Unit won't be far behind.
Why do you think I'm calling you? It's time for you to start earnin' your keep.
I'll call you back.
Turn around.
- What do you want from me? - You and Jonas married all those years, you must have some code - in case of emergencies to get ahold of each other.
- No, we don't.
No? Well, that's too bad.
I guess you're no use to me after all.
Even if we did, why would I tell you? - You're gonna kill me anyway.
- If you don't, I'm gonna kill you right now.
Think about it.
What if I lie? What if it doesn't work out? My strong advice for you is to make sure it does.
The point is you want to get my husband's attention.
I'm the only way you can do that.
So you need to keep me alive.
He taught you well, didn't he? Get in the trunk.
Sir, Kim Brown's calling in.
It's about Molly Blane.
Put her through.
Brown, this is Colonel Ryan.
- Molly's missing, Colonel.
- Missing? - How do you mean? - She's been gone over 24 hours.
Not a word to anyone.
She's just missing.
Perhaps she's just visiting some friends.
She would've told us.
We're in her apartment.
Something's not right.
- Who else knows about this, Ms.
Brown? - Just me and Tiffy.
- And when was the last time you saw her? - Yesterday morning.
We went grocery shopping together.
I'm sure there's an innocent explanation.
She's not anywhere.
Her car is still parked outside.
I'll look into this matter.
In the meantime, I want you to put it out of your mind.
Everything's gonna be okay, Ms.
I appreciate you bringing it to my attention.
- What'd he say? - Not to worry.
Just getting a reading right now.
Any location on Molly Blane? Not yet, sir.
We're still looking for her.
Colonel, should we inform Sgt.
Blane that his wife is missing? Men in the field don't need distractions.
- Yes, sir.
- Everybody keep looking.
Blood trail runs out.
These footprints in the sand- This groove here- One of them's on foot dragging the injured one.
I got a wounded soldier.
No vehicle nearby, or I'd have taken it.
What do I do? I gotta run over here.
Hope no one finds me, hope I don't bleed out.
You steal a car.
- It's empty.
They were here.
- They still are.
Listen up! If you're injured, we can help you! Give yourselves up! Get down! Put your hands to where we can see 'em! - He's lost a lot of blood.
- All right.
We know you're planning multiple attacks.
Tell me when and where.
He doesn't tell us anything.
Who doesn't tell you anything? Who you working for? Is it this man? Leon Drake? Hey, you don't have to die for Leon Drake.
He's responsible for multiple terrorist attacks in this country.
We can get you to a hospital.
You can cut a deal.
Go to hell.
This is Snake Doctor.
Get me Dogpatch 0- 6.
Snake Doc, this is Dogpatch 0- 6.
What's your status? Blood trail has led us to a dead end.
Last two hostiles K.
Hey, I got something.
He plugged a location into the navigation system.
Ten klicks from here by the harbor.
I stand corrected.
We've got a lead.
Snake Doc, based on the initial analysis of this map there could be multiple attacks in the works.
That's what the situation reads here.
Any connection to Leon Drake? That's not confirmed yet.
Well, you're the man on the ground.
Next move's yours.
Roger that.
Let's go.
Get to your contact.
See what kind of game the Russians are playing.
#Give me your secrets, bring me a sign # # Give me a reason to walk the fire # # See another dawn # # Through a daughter's eyes # # You give me a reason to walk the fire ## Your hit team is taking out domestic terrorists in America.
Why? It sounds like the act of a friend.
Or it's a cover-up of Russian involvement in terrorist attacks in my country.
My government has nothing to do with any attacks.
Of that, I'm certain.
Well, there's a connection here somewhere, Anya.
Your government didn't secretly send a hit team to America as a favor.
- All I know is a team was sent to stop something or someone.
- Stop them from doing what? I don't know.
And the deeper I dig, the more dangerous it gets.
- You understand? Please.
I am telling you the truth.
- No.
Here's the truth! You need to find out what your people are up to or I'll turn you over to the F.
with a list of every secret you have ever sold us.
- You'd have me killed? - I would have you killed.
The devil makes me do it.
It's like cigarettes.
It's easy to start and hard to quit.
It's called an addiction.
Okay, wait.
I have a contact in Moscow I can try.
Somebody from Kochenko sector.
- Armen Kochenko? - He's old guard.
Former K.
Whatever this is, I'm sure he's involved.
From those to whom much is given, much is expected.
- When? - 4:00.
If I can get the information, I'll leave a newspaper outside the door.
And if there's no newspaper? Then you should run.
This doesn't feel like quite the thing.
- It's not snooping.
- What is it? Helping.
I'm gonna feel a lot worse if we don't find her.
Wait a second.
Look at this.
Yesterday, she had an A.
meeting with Susan Gillum.
The colonel told her to stay away from the Gillums.
Why is she doing this? It doesn't make sense.
Yes, this is Kim Brown again.
I need to speak to Bridget Sullivan.
It's urgent.
How are you? Has Colonel Ryan told you that Molly Blane's missing? He has told me that, and he's told me he's not concerned.
He's not concerned? - No.
- If you're not gonna take this seriously I'd like for you to put me in touch with her husband.
He is out of contact right now.
I'm sure you understand.
Yes, I understand.
Unfortunately, I do understand.
- What are you looking for? - I'm calling the police.
Kim, our identities are still supposed to be secret.
Is that so? Yes, hi.
I'd like to report a missing person.
What if they start asking you questions that you aren't prepared to answer? I am not going to blow our cover.
But Molly could be hurt, or worse.
Okay, then we go to Tom again, and we tell him what we found.
The same Tom Ryan who sent us here in the first place? You of all people should know that he does not always have our best interest at heart.
- Excuse me? - Are we just Unit wives? Is that all? Or can we act like normal people for a minute and help someone in trouble? Yes, hi.
My friend is missing.
My friend, what have you got? Two hostiles outside.
Other than that, it's just like the last place.
Cameras all over.
The doors, windows appear to be alarmed.
- Inside? - At least five, maybe more.
I guess this must be the place.
After the Russians, they'll be expecting anything.
Let's give them something else.
College boy, where you at? I'm coming into your 6:00.
It's unguarded, but they got video back here too.
All right.
Get closer.
I'm in position.
Roger that.
Get those two away from the stairs.
What was that? On your call, Dirt Diver.
On two.
- How we doing, Dirt Diver? - All clear so far.
Hold on.
We got company.
We got men down! We got men down, west entrance- They're onto us.
Pull back.
Pull back! Just hold tight and wait to hear from me.
The backup location's taking fire.
No more element of surprise.
We go in strong before they get backup.
Take as many alive as you can.
Go for Snake Doctor.
Hey, Snake Doc.
How you doing? Sam.
Where'd you get this code? Where are you? My whereabouts are not as important as the company I'm keeping.
- If you're thinking about taking out our safe house- - Your safe house? A man goes where his skills are appreciated, Sergeant Major.
It's not your skills we had issue with.
It was your employment of them.
Ancient history.
I'm all about the here and now.
Well, you have it your way.
You put your lot in with the people that are trying to destroy this country, you were never one of us to begin with.
And I assure you, that trail is coming to an end right quick.
- Now, I got work to do.
- You might wanna rethink that course of action.
And why would I do that? - Say hello.
- Jonas.
Molly? - Are you all right? - I'm okay.
Listen to me.
Sam killed Susan Gillum and her husband.
He's working for a man- Leon Drake.
- Where are you? - I don't know.
- That's enough.
- I'm on the highway! - Just off the highway! - Enough! Jonas! If you ever want to see your wife again, you do exactly as I say.
You or your men assault that safe house you touch anybody inside, she dies.
Are we clear? - Are we clear? - Oh, yeah.
We're clear.
- Good.
- As long as we're being clear you know what happens to you if Molly ends up with even a hair out of place.
- You feel me? - Yeah.
Well, you have a nice day too.
Change of plans.
Sam's working with Drake and the terrorists.
He's got my wife.
If we don't back off this safe house- What do you want to do? The safety of my family does not come before the safety of this country.
Look, these are just mercenaries in there.
And most likely, they have no idea what Drake is planning.
You get to Sam, you get to Drake.
All right, we split up.
Get a handle on these Russians.
- Yeah.
- Can you hold this down? - Hell, yeah.
- Surveil.
Do not engage until you get my say-so.
- What if they engage on me? - Then you respond in kind.
I'll be in touch as soon as I can.
- You sure about this? - Oh, yeah.
He'll do anything to save her.
This way, we not only get our shooters back we take out the guys coming after us too.
Just like any snake, you cut off its head, the body dies.
We're in position.
Let's get a move on, shall we? Get up.
So you said your friend's name is Molly Bechet? Yes.
It's spelled B-E-C-H-E-T.
- You wanna file a missing persons report? Is that right? - Yes.
I mean, I guess so.
We're afraid something may have happened to her.
Well, if she was going somewhere, she would have told us.
And she knew the Gillums? Susan and Elliot Gillum? Um, she knows Susan Gillum.
They had an appointment to meet last night.
- Do you know the Gillums, Miss Cahill? - Not personally, no.
- What about you, Ms.
Dahl? - No, not at all.
Why? Highway Patrol found their bodies this morning.
They were both murdered.
Oh, my God.
Um, was there any sign of Molly? No.
They only found two bodies.
In Molly's relationship with the Gillums were there any problems that either of you two were aware of? What do you mean? What kind of problems? Personal problems? Business disputes? Ms.
Bechet and her husband run a luxury aircraft business.
Is that right? Mr.
Gillum owns such an aircraft.
They ever have arguments over money, perhaps? Something like that? You think Molly is a suspect? She's a victim.
- And you've gotta find her.
- You're concerned about your friend.
I understand that.
I'm trying to solve a double murder, and she might have been the last person to see Susan Gillum alive.
Now, I hate to say this, but in my experience, it usually means one of two things.
Either she met the same fate they did or she had something to do with their death.
- I can't believe this.
- And, Ms.
If you're protecting her, it's my job to inform you- It's your job to help people.
Isn't that right? - All right.
- Then listen up, Detective.
I want you to file a missing persons report for Molly Bechet immediately.
I want it transmitted to every law enforcement agency in Southern California.
And I don't want to hear from you again until you find her alive.
And I understand that's what you want.
What I want is your cooperation.
May I have that? Get out of here.
Both of you.
- Snake Doc.
- Redcap.
I need you to track somebody for me.
How quickly can you do it? - Depends.
Who is it? - Sam McBride.
We've been looking for him.
We're nowhere.
What's going on, Snake Doc? He's got my wife and he's working with the terrorists.
- Tell Dogpatch I need all available resources.
- Hold on.
I don't think you want to do that.
- Excuse me? - Colonel Ryan knows your wife is missing.
He's known since yesterday.
He set up an investigation to find her.
And he specifically instructed me not to inform you.
- I have some concerns about Colonel Ryan's judgment.
- I understand.
Listen to me clearly.
All communications going forward are between you and me.
- You get me? - Affirmative.
All right.
Can you get me what I need without raising alarms? I think so.
What do we have to go on? Almost nothing.
But I'm pretty sure Sam called me from a cell phone.
Sam's too smart for that.
Yeah, I know.
Or maybe he didn't have time to take precautions.
There was no way he didn't disable the G.
But if he didn't have time to mask the call, we may be able to tap into DCS-NET.
Give me a few minutes.
I gotta go.
Me too.
- What do you got? - C.
found the bodies of Susan and Elliot Gillum.
Molly wasn't with them.
- Thank God.
- But we picked up chatter on the police band.
Kim Brown's reported Molly missing, and the police are investigating.
This is Cool Breeze.
Get me Home Base.
Cool Breeze, this is Dogpatch.
I've got an exponentially increasing body count - and I need cleanup ASAP.
- Roger that.
What's your location? Okay.
This is as close as I can get.
I'm sending you the coordinates now.
Redcap, I need to know exactly where he is.
- Can you use satellite imagery? - Negative.
He didn't tap into the satellite to make the call.
There is something else we can try.
Put your phone on the dashboard.
- Okay, and now? - We're giving the antenna clear access to the signal.
Now, I'm gonna link you into a remote triggerfish.
We're using your phone as a cell site simulator.
If Sam's phone is on, and if he hasn't replaced the SI M card yet it'll connect to you.
- How about that? - Let's do it.
Park View and Seventh.
It's an apartment building.
- I got it.
- There's one problem outstanding.
- What's the problem? - The problem is I don't like it.
Sam's too good at this.
There's something wrong.
- What's wrong is it feels like a trap.
- That's because it is a trap.
- Snake Doc out.
- Any word? Not yet, sir.
I'm disappointed in you, Anya.
After all that we've been through, you just break up with me like that? - How did you get in here? - Well, I doubt that they're looking for a dead man.
- I don't understand.
- You sent men to kill me.
No, you must have been followed.
- Kochenko's people- - I promise you I wasn't followed.
You sent men to kill me.
You know what that is, darling? It's insincere.
It was your life or mine.
I'm sorry.
- As am I.
- I can make it right though.
I can make everything right.
No, that might make it pleasant, but it won't make it right.
Then I can't help you anymore.
Do you understand? This is bigger than you think.
Much bigger than I realized.
- Is it bigger than a breadstick? - I told you, they'll have me killed.
In Russia, people disappear all the time.
Notjust in Russia.
I can get you what you need.
You know, we're into the penalty phase of the entertainment here, Anya.
I can get you what you need.
- When? - Tonight.
But I need political asylum.
Otherwise, I won't make it till tomorrow morning.
- What's this? - Symphony tickets.
They're playing Tchaikovsky at 8:00.
Just the thing a homesick Russian girl needs.
You get me the information, the fat lady sings.
Oh, and, Anya.
If you don't show, the fat lady sings " So Long.
It's Been Good to Know You.
" - Okay, where am I going? - Give me a second.
White Charlie Two.
I got it.
I can have backup there in half an hour.
That'd be a half hour too late.
I'm going in.
Dry hull.
Nobody here.
Snake Doc, get out of there.
Hold on.
- Found her.
- Is she all right? Not yet.
- Jonas.
- I know.
- How many? - One that I can see.
There's two.
At least two.
What? What are you doing, Snake Doc? Listening to you.
Let's hear it.
Do what I say, you both can walk away from this.
Now, I have five- repeat- five men walking out of that safe house.
They are not to be harmed.
They are not to be followed.
If they are, you know what happens.
If they're not, then when they're safely in the wind you and Molly can go on your merry way.
You have me in your sights, Sam.
Why would I believe you'd let us go? What happened to trust? I want whoever's there to dump their weapons in the street in front of the safe house.
I want their hands up where my men can see them.
Make the call.
Dirt Diver.
Go ahead, Snake Doc.
You will be having five hostiles - exiting that location.
- Roger that.
You are to drop your weapons in the street and raise your hands.
I repeat, you are to drop your weapons.
- Do you receive? - Loud and clear.
I'm so sorry about this, Molly.
He's not gonna let us go.
So what are we gonna do? - It's all right.
- Coming out now, boss.
Headed for the vehicle.
When I give the word, I want you to get down behind me on the slope.
Dirt Diver.
Getting in the vehicle now, boss.
On your call.
Do it.
Now! Go! Leave it.
Keep going! Don't do it! What are your targets? What are your targets? Tell me.
This way.
We'll shoot Molly dead! Drop it, Jonas.
You took out Ballard.
You got the jump on me, but I was too fast.
Make it look good.
Do it! Hurry! Do it.
Come on! - Detective Renner.
- Thank you.
- Did you file that report yet? - No, ma'am, I did not.
Well, then what are you doing here? According to her employer, Ms.
Bechet's out of town in Hawaii.
Her employer? You mean AeroDyne? That's right.
So I did some follow-up.
She and her husband were on a flight yesterday afternoon.
I have copies of their tickets - as well as the hotel they're staying at in Maui.
- No.
- There's some mistake.
- I spoke with them, Ms.
Jonas, Molly Bechet- Nice couple.
Felt embarrassed interrupting their vacation, but- Excuse me.
- Hello? - Kim.
It's Bridget Sullivan.
Look, I don't have a lot of time, but I wanted to call and tell you Molly is alive.
And she's okay.
We found her.
- She's okay.
- Thank you.
- Pardon me.
- That's all right.
I'm glad everything turned out well.
I'm sorry to have wasted your time.
You have a nice day, Ms.
Do you have it? Well, all right then.
Get in.
Come on.
Coordinate with Washington.
As soon as we get the intel processed I want a direct channel to Homeland Security and the president.
Give us the room! If you don't want to face a court-martial for insubordination, Sergeant Major you'd best get your hands off me.
You put my wife in danger.
My wife! - She put herself in danger.
- You made her do it in the first place! Just like you did with Kim Brown, and Sam McBride.
- He's been working for you all along, hasn't he? - Yes.
- He has! - We needed someone to infiltrate the terrorist organization and do it credibly with a legitimate ax to grind.
Well, is that what you call ordering the assault of a young woman who put her life on the line? - And sent the rest of us out chasing after ghosts? - It had to be real.
And for it to be real, no one could know.
Well, I'm sure that's of great comfort to Miss Sullivan.
I regret her pain.
But there could've been a mole within the Unit.
Only Sam and I could know.
Do you realize the extent of the damage you've done? My job description is to do whatever is needed to protect this country, Sergeant Major Blane.
And it worked.
Sam is on the inside.
And whatever's left of that cell is on the move.
From now on, we'll know whatever he knows.
Congratulations on a job well done.
I can deal with your contempt, Sergeant Major, and your insubordination to this point.
I will remind you, I am in charge here.
You know what the sick truth is here? I don't believe you're capable of comprehending just how far you've gone.
Thank you for your opinion, Sergeant Major.
But it's about sacrifice.
Oh, yes, it is.
But this time, the final sacrifice is going to be you.
Because when all this is over, you will have lost the Unit forever.
I can't believe they'd manipulate us like this.
This is what they do to outsiders.
But us? What's that? The army giveth, and the army taketh away.
The moving company's confirming our move date for next week.
Which means the orders officially came through.
We're going home.
- Cryptanalysis has decoded the intel from my source.
- What is it? Transfer and sale authorization.
- Of what to whom? - The who we don't know.
It's been redacted.
There's no way to find out.
The what is what we have to worry about.
Thirty-seven kilograms of enriched U-235 weapons-grade uranium.
That's what the people behind these attacks have their hands on.
Thirty-seven kilos.
That's enough for multiple bombs.
Oh, easily.
Debriefing's over.
Something like this will never happen again.
- This should never have happened.
- Jonas, stop.
Jonas, stop.
I know the only thing you've ever wanted to do is serve our country.
And I've accepted and respected that.
I can't do this anymore.
- Yeah, you were scared.
I understand that.
- No.
It's not about fear, Jonas.
You're not the only one who's willing to give their life for someone else.
All things come to an end.
You promised me a finish to all of this and I've come to collect.
Well, some things are unfinished.
They'll never be finished.
You're not the only soldier in this building.
You've served your time.
I've got to go, Molly.
When I get back, we'll talk about this.
The time for talk is over.
We either go together or we go apart.
Are you coming with me? When and if you're ever ready to leave this place you come find me.

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