7th Heaven s04e22 Episode Script
Love Stinks (2)
- You said you'd be my girlfriend.
- Yeah, so you'd do stuff for me.
You made him cry.
- I think we should see other people.
- You're serious? We're perfect together.
And that scares you.
But I'm tired of waiting for you, so I'm walking away, today.
Shana, how is she? She's moving back for the summer to work at Glenoak Hospital.
Brett? What are you doing here in Glenoak? Brett.
Good to meet you.
Guess who moved to Glenoak for the summer.
- Brett.
- I'm in love with you.
I'm not going to college.
Robbie's getting an apartment when he starts school at Crawford this fall.
Robbie asked me to move in, and that way I wouldn't have to worry about paying you guys rent.
I'm sorry, did you just say you were moving in with Robbie? Don't worry.
While Robbie and I are living together, we are just roommates.
He gave me his word.
Oh, well, when a known liar says that he'll keep his hands off my daughter, well, that's just security I can take to the bank.
Dad, I can't afford to pay you guys rent.
This is a good solution.
- You can afford it if you get a job.
- Yes.
Robbie said I shouldn't take a job that I hate just so I can pay rent.
He's not gonna charge me anything, so I don't have to get a job.
Well, at least not right away.
You're not going to live with that juvenile delinquent Don Juan.
Well, why not? Because he's a juvenile delinquent Don Juan.
- And if you want more, he lies.
- Not anymore.
- How do you know? - He told me.
But he lies! I thought you would be happy.
Happy? That you want to move in with him? I don't even want you to share a fork with him.
A fork, by God.
- Will you say something? - Did you just swear? Not to me.
To her.
Trust me.
I know what I am doing.
Do you know you're making a monumental mistake? Then you don't know what you're doing.
I think Mary should move in with Robbie.
While I don't agree with Mary's decision, I respect the fact that she's a grown woman and has the right to decide how she's going to live her life.
If that's with Robbie, then I wish her luck.
Let us know how we can help with the move.
Why did you just say she could move in with Robbie? Because she wants us to tell her that she can't do it.
I'll tell her she can't.
No, if we do that, she'll just rebel against us, and end up doing something that she doesn't wanna do.
So, what, we just sit back and watch her ruin her life? For the time being, yes.
Driving towards the hoop.
Puts it up.
It's blocked.
And it's deflected thrive in the swampy Everglades of Southern Florida.
Alligators often travel at night seeking their I knew they would.
No, this is right there.
What's wrong? - Nothing.
- You're upset about something.
I was, but I'm better now.
Okay, what were you upset about? Today at school Andrew Nayloss told me he liked me.
You're upset that he likes you? I like Ronald and Andrew's trying to mess that up.
You just met Ronald.
Whose side are you on? Why is this upsetting? Andrew's told you that he likes you before.
It's the way he said it this time.
It was more intense.
More something.
Well, if you don't care about Andrew, why would anything he said upset you? - You don't get it.
- I think I do.
I don't like Andrew, I like Ronald.
How many times do I have to say it? I guess as many times as it takes for you to believe it.
I'm not sure I follow what's going on with Deena.
Join the club.
First she tells me she wants to see other people.
I tell her I don't wanna see anyone but her.
Then I find out she's seeing someone else.
Then I give her a ring, she tells me she's not seeing anybody else, but gives me the ring back anyway and runs off crying.
- You gave Deena a ring? - Promise ring.
- Promising what? - Well, I don't know.
It was for her birthday next month.
But since she was breaking up with me, I gave it to her early.
I didn't know things had gotten serious.
Well, I thought that after I bit her on the neck, you guys had kind of gotten the idea that things were serious between us.
Dad, focus.
Okay, um.
Deena's not seeing anyone else, but she doesn't wanna see you, and she gave you back the ring you gave her.
You are gonna do more than summarise my unhappiness, right? Yeah, uh Yeah.
Bert gave it to me.
I don't want it.
I told him I don't wanna be his girlfriend anymore because he told everyone in class that I loved him.
What did Bert do when you told him that? He cried, a lot.
- And I think his mom might call.
- Why's that? Because later when I saw him in the hall, he said: "You're gonna get it, I'm calling my mom.
" Are you upset because you think you might get in trouble, or are you upset because you liked having Bert as a boyfriend, and now he's gone? Well, maybe I liked him.
Then maybe you have to find a way to get him back.
- I don't know what to do.
- Break up with Shana.
I don't wanna hurt Shana, but I love Heather.
Break up with Shana.
Shana's trying so hard to keep us together.
Even though she must know, like I know, it's totally over between us.
Break up with Shana.
Shana wants me to move to New York.
Which I know she wouldn't want if she knew how I felt about Heather.
Break up with Shana.
I'd be miserable in New York, missing Heather.
Break up with Shana.
Oh, and don't come back here until you do.
Cynthia, what's up? I'm breaking my promise to Deena.
But I can't stand it anymore.
Deena's miserable.
You're miserable.
And you should know the truth.
What is it? What's the truth? Deena doesn't wanna break up with you.
- I knew it.
I knew it.
- Hold the celebration.
The good news is, Deena doesn't wanna break up with you.
The bad news is, she's moving back east and she leaves at the end of the week.
What are you doing here? How was your date last night with Matt? - Go home, Brett.
- No.
Go home, okay? Nothing is going to happen between you and me.
I love Matt.
- Who do you love? - Matt.
I love Matt.
I'm sorry.
Who did you say you love? Shut up.
Ronald called.
Can I meet him at the pool hall for a soda? - Ronald, huh? - Yes.
Ronald, the man I like.
Well, I don't wanna stand in the way of true love.
- I don't like Andrew.
- So you keep telling me.
I don't like Andrew.
- Oh, hi.
- Hi.
I'm Joan Miller.
My son Bert goes to school with Ruthie.
Oh, I'm Annie Camden, it's so nice to meet you.
I'm sorry, heh-heh.
Please, come in.
I'm so sorry to come by unannounced.
I just wanted to talk to you about Bert and Ruthie.
Well, I already spoke to Ruthie about her behaviour at school today.
I don't think Ruthie understands what it means to be in a relationship.
I'm sorry if she hurt Bert's feelings.
Oh, it's not Ruthie's fault.
Bert's too young to have a girlfriend.
But he won't listen to me or my husband.
Is Ruthie like that? Has she always wanted to have a boyfriend? Well, Bert just loves women.
The first day of preschool, he came home and announced he was in love.
Went upstairs, put on his church suit, hasn't been the same since.
And if he really likes a girl, he gives her little presents.
Little presents that he steals from home.
My Steuben cat.
Bert gave that to Ruthie.
Wow, he must really like her.
Ha, ha.
I think the feelings go both ways.
I don't know what to do with him.
If you agree, I think we should give Bert and Ruthie a chance to work this out.
- By themselves.
- Okay.
You know, if Bert's like this at 8, I wonder what he's gonna be like at 18.
Oh, I could tell you, but I think it would keep you up at night.
Just kidding.
Some girl named Cheryl called me.
She wanted to talk about you.
- Did you talk to her? - No, my mom took the message.
Oh, good.
Why good? Who's Cheryl? Cheryl's my ex-girlfriend.
- And she's a little nuts.
- Ex-girlfriend? We broke up a year ago.
She just wants to get you on the phone so she can say bad things about me.
Cheryl figures if you dump me then I might take her back.
She's totally mental.
There's no telling what kind of lies she'd make up about me.
Then I won't call her back.
So, did you tell your parents about us? I didn't tell them everything.
I just told them we're moving in together.
And trust me, I don't think my father could take much more than that.
You have to tell them everything.
- I told my family.
- No, I wanna do it.
I'm I'm just not ready to tell them.
Your parents are gonna find out.
And I really think that they should find out from you.
Let's not start our lives together by lying to your parents.
If you don't tell them, that's what it feels like, a lie.
- I love you, Mary.
- I love you too.
Then tell them.
- I will.
- Call me after you do.
Robbie Palmer.
What, now you're engaged? Oh, no.
No, this is just some bad dream.
You are not gonna marry him.
She is not going to marry him.
- We're getting married.
- Over my dead body.
Some people just say that, but I mean it.
You will have to kill me.
So it's okay to live with Robbie, but not to marry him? - Will you say something? - Congratulations.
So So it's okay that I marry Robbie? Well, it doesn't matter what I think, because it's not my life.
I know, but you know, you can have an opinion.
Well, I don't.
See, I know what you're up to.
You won't tell me what you think because you think that'll drive me crazy and then I'll just call off everything and march off to college this fall.
We ought to start talking about what kind of wedding you want.
You know, small, big, church or civil service.
Again, over my dead body! I am getting married! Okay.
Good for you.
I am.
I'll make you a beautiful dress.
- And I am moving in with Robbie.
- Okay.
I'm not going to college this fall.
If you say so.
Honey, you should know, I can't take much more of this.
You won't have to.
Can't you feel it? The pressure's building.
She'll crack.
She doesn't wanna marry Robbie any more than she wants to move in with him.
And when she does finally crack, we'll find out the real reason why she doesn't wanna go to college this fall.
Why didn't you tell me you were moving away? - I thought you hated me.
- I know how you are.
If we didn't break up when I moved away, you would hold out hope that we could be together.
And you would be miserable and alone.
- I don't want you to be miserable.
- Why are you moving? My mom's boss transferred her back east.
- I hate your mom's boss.
- Me too.
I don't wanna leave.
We'll figure out something.
How long do we have to figure something out? The moving truck is coming Saturday.
The day after school lets out.
I'm sorry about lying to you.
I thought it was the right thing to do.
You're not moving back east.
- What do you find attractive about me? - What? What do you find attractive about me? I don't really know you.
We just met.
But I wanna get to know you.
I think you're really, you know, cool and stuff.
"Cool and stuff"? That's poetry.
I'm glad your parents let you meet me.
Well, there's something going on at home.
They're both preoccupied.
It's probably Robbie and Mary.
Do you know something? You do know something.
You know Robbie asked Mary to move in with him.
What else do you think I know? Robbie asked Mary to marry him.
- Well, what'd she say? - Yes.
Why don't I know this? What else? Well, Mary isn't going to college.
I have to get home, right away.
Get the cheque.
I paid the bill.
We can go.
I'm suddenly very thirsty.
How about one more soda? What happened to getting home? Mary? Mary's not going anywhere, and neither are we.
Shana, we're breaking up.
Shana, we are breaking up.
Oh, no.
Oh, no, no.
Don't cry.
Oh, please, you'll find someone Please don't cry.
School play.
I got the lead.
Okay, I'm gonna stop talking now.
I can't do this.
- Hello? - Hi, Bert.
- Ruthie? - Yes.
I don't like you.
This is gonna be harder than I thought.
- Ruthie? - Yes.
- I don't like you.
- You already said that.
So - Did you call to say you were sorry? - No.
- Ruthie? - Yes.
My mom took back the cat I gave you.
- So there.
- You stole that cat from your mom.
So? Hello? Dad.
- You have to get Deena's mom a job.
- What? Deena's mom's boss transferred her back east.
And unless someone does something, I'm never gonna see her again.
- What? Do you know something? - No.
- Well, you have to help me.
- I don't know if I can.
You've found jobs for other people.
You have to find Deena's mom a job.
If you don't, she's gonna move away and take Deena with her.
I can't make any promises, but I'll see what I can do.
- How long do I have? - Until the end of the week.
That's impossible.
- Can we adopt Deena? - What? If we adopt Deena, she can stay in Glenoak.
Don't you think her parents will miss her? - Simon? - Dad? I just asked you to adopt my girlfriend.
I'm desperate.
Please, do something.
All right, I'll go and talk to the Stewarts.
What are you doing? Go.
That's what you do.
Have you thought about what kind of wedding you wanna have? I know you're not happy about Robbie and me getting married.
Oh, no, I'm perfectly fine with it.
Would you stop pretending like you don't care? Would you please tell me what you're thinking? Okay.
I think by not going to college, you're not living up to your full potential.
And I think by marrying Robbie, you are settling for a life that you will never truly be happy with.
And I think by getting off track with school and with your life, it's a lot harder than you think to ever get back on track.
- Hello? Is Mary there? It's Cheryl.
Yes, hold on.
Just a minute.
It's for you, it's a girl named Cheryl.
Sit down.
Watch the kids? Mary, don't hang up.
Robbie told me all about you and I'm not listening to you.
You think that by telling bad things about Robbie I'm gonna break up with him, so you can get back together with him.
I don't want Robbie back.
I admit that at first I was calling just to mess up Robbie's life, to get back at him for the way he treated me.
- And now? - I'm calling to warn you.
Why would you do that? You don't even know me.
I do know you.
You're me.
Totally in love with a snake and a liar and you don't know it.
There isn't one thing that you could say that would make me change my mind about Robbie.
- I love him.
- Robbie and I just broke up last week.
- What? - Last week.
When did you and Robbie start dating? Seven months ago.
So if Robbie only broke up with me last week, that means Well, you're a smart girl.
Do the math.
Dump the loser.
I don't even know you.
How can I believe anything that you say? The problem isn't that you don't believe me.
It's that you do believe me.
You're getting a divorce, aren't you? Yeah.
What happened? Well, as you know, my wife and I were having marriage problems before Deena got sick.
Back then we were so focused on Deena, our marital problems didn't seem so important.
Now that she's better, well, it's just time.
Jen's family is back east, so it'll make it easy for her to start over.
I put in notice at work, and as soon as I sell the house, I'm going to follow.
Jen and I don't wanna be married, but I'm always going to be Deena's father.
And if that means relocating, then so be it.
You haven't told Deena about the divorce, have you? I've tried.
But it isn't easy.
Jen and I don't want Deena to blame herself for our problems.
Most kids do blame themselves.
I know I did when my parents got divorced.
Camden, what are you doing here? Reverend Camden just came over to remind me that your mother and I need to talk to you about something.
About Simon? No, honey, it's about your mom and me.
- Well, I better get going.
- Oh, yeah.
Nice to see again, Reverend Camden.
I kept your dinner warm for you.
I'm sorry I'm late.
I lost track of time.
Well, when you're in love, that happens.
Ronald dumped me.
He was out on a date with me, and he starts chatting up this other girl.
Well, what were you doing while all this chatting was going on? I was spying on Andrew Nayloss.
Are you satisfied? I was watching Andrew like some crazy, jealous ex-girlfriend.
Oh, my gosh.
I am some crazy, jealous ex-girlfriend, aren't I? I think so.
Don't you get tired of being right all the time? Actually, no, it's kind of fun.
How did this happen to me? I really like Andrew.
Sometimes you don't know how much you like someone until you lose them.
- Do you think I lost Andrew? - Why don't you call him and find out? I can't.
I'll look like an idiot.
Looking like an idiot is the first sign of true love.
I need your help.
I wanna know how to get a guy to like me.
- You're 8.
- You're 13.
So what? I need your help.
- Bert? - No.
I've met someone else.
- Hello? Yes, it's Bert, now help me.
- You really like him, huh? I just don't like people being mad at me.
Plus, everyone at school will think I'm mean and I'll have no one to eat lunch with.
Lunch is a big part of the third grade.
- I think you like Bert.
- I'm going to smack you.
Now I know you like him.
- Okay, I like Bert.
- I knew it.
Well, do you know how I can get him to like me again, Mr.
Smarty-Pants? Huh? Do you know that? Yes, as a matter of fact I do.
Well, I'm waiting.
Tell him how you feel.
Okay, I'm gonna go out and come in again.
And when I do, you better have something better than that.
Got it? Good.
I think you and I need to have a little talk.
Hey, the chain's on.
Did you break up with Shana? - No.
- Then come back when you have.
Very funny.
Let me in.
I've lived through months of your whining about Shana.
And unless you break up with Shana and get together with Heather, there's gonna months of your complaining about Shana and Heather.
- No way.
- I don't whine.
Man, sometime you're like living with a girl.
I live here, you have to let me in.
Not until you break up with Shana.
Which you wanna do, but are just too chicken to do.
- I do wanna be with Heather.
- Then be a man.
Do something about it.
Take action.
Make it happen.
- I tried.
- Try harder.
Because if you don't get this right, then the three of you will be miserable.
Correction, the four of us will be miserable.
- You're serious? - Oh, yes, I'm serious.
What if I can't do it? Then you can always move back home and drive your parents crazy.
I'll miss you, but I'll get over it.
I don't hear you leaving.
Look, Mary and I are gonna be fine.
I have savings, I have a full scholarship, a good job at the grocery store.
All right, what happens if you lose your scholarship, and you and Mary run out of money, and then your good job at the grocery store becomes your career? Because you have to drop out and work so you can support your family.
Mary can work too.
With a high school education, how far can she go? She can go to college.
With what? You can't even afford to put yourself through school.
Face it, you're making life a lot harder than it has to be.
You know I'm right.
And even if you won't admit it, I can I can tell by the look on your face.
Look, I didn't just come over here tonight to try and make you understand that getting married is a mistake for my daughter.
Getting married is a mistake for you too.
I can find my own way out.
By the way, churchgoer that you are, have you prayed about this? No, that's what I thought.
- Hello? - May I speak with Andrew? - Andrew isn't home.
- Are you sure? - What are you saying? - Nothing.
I really need to talk to Andrew.
Maybe he's there and you're saying he's not because he doesn't wanna talk to me.
So are you calling me a liar? Who is this? - Judy.
- No, you're not Judy.
You're that nutty Reverend's daughter, Macy.
It's Lucy, not Macy.
I'm telling you right now.
You marry that crazy girl, I'm not coming to the wedding.
Okay, we'll elope.
Who's there? It's me.
We need to talk.
- Shana? - I'll be right out.
I don't think you're practising for a play.
I called the police.
Okay, thanks for the warning.
- Are you all right? - Yeah, I'm fine.
I just laid down for a nap, alone.
- What are you doing here? - Can I come in? Your neighbour called the police on me.
- What are you talking about? - Well, I'll explain.
Can I come in? Now's just not a good time.
My apartment is messy.
- What's going on? - Nothing.
Why is your shirt on backwards? Is it on backwards? Brett, what are you doing here? Yeah, Brett, what are you doing here? And why is Brett's shirt unbuttoned? Maybe he's hot.
Come on, just tell him about us.
He should know, Shana.
That's okay.
You don't have to tell me.
I think I understand.
Deena called.
Her father told her about the divorce.
I'm sorry.
- You knew, didn't you? - I suspected.
I don't like it when you know things you can't tell me.
- But I'm trying to get used to it.
- Thanks.
This isn't the end, you know.
You and Deena can write.
Maybe she can come back and visit.
I appreciate you trying to cheer me up.
But we both know that when Deena moves away, it'll be really hard for us to stay together.
You okay? I just needed to be alone and think.
You can stay.
When Robbie offered to let me live with him in the fall, I told him that you and Dad would never go for it.
And then he took out this ring and said: "How about if we get married?" And then, bam.
You know, the next thing I know, I was engaged.
I'm scared, okay? I'm scared that I'm gonna screw up my life again.
I'm scared to stay, I'm scared to go.
I'm just scared.
I mean, what if I go to college and I flunk out? What if I get into trouble and there's no one there to bail me out? - What if I? - What if you succeed? What if you do great? What if everything is okay? Now, I'm not going to lie to you, life is hard.
And being an adult means understanding that and embracing it.
But life shouldn't scare you.
It should excite you.
Your father and I are so very proud of you.
You have exceeded all our expectations.
And we're not scared to send you off to school.
Because we've raised you, and we know you're ready to be an adult and make your own decisions.
We trust you.
What if I don't trust myself? I have faith in you.
And I trust that in the end you will make the right decision, for yourself, not for us.
Can you just tell me what the right decision is? No.
And then I'll try a little later.
Matt? I'm sorry.
Please let me explain.
Sorry, man.
I never wanted you to find out this way.
Is that why you came to the door half-dressed and said: "Shana, tell him about us"? Go away.
I'll call you later.
I really didn't want you to find out like this.
We got together in New York.
But I broke it off before I came back.
Then he followed me out here.
When you and I started having troubles, Brett was there.
It just One minute we were studying, the next minute I get the picture.
I came back this summer to make things work between us.
And I am still willing to work things out.
Well, that's gonna be really hard since you wanna be with someone else.
Maybe it was the distance.
No, it wasn't the distance.
We just grew apart.
We changed.
Now I guess it's time for us both to stop holding on to the past.
Let go.
And let each other go.
- What? - It's just When you saw Brett and me together, you seemed hurt and upset.
And now, not so hurt and upset.
Well, I think I just acted that way because it seemed like I should feel that way, but I don't.
I'm in love with someone else.
Heather? Yeah.
I thought so.
Thanks for coming over.
My mom made me.
Okay, I give.
I'll be your girlfriend again.
And I promise not to make you cry much.
You know, until I met you, I thought I wanted a girlfriend, but now I'm not so sure.
We could be friends.
I think I'd like you as a friend.
You can be a friend who does things for me and gives me presents.
I don't have a friend like that.
And maybe you could do things for me and give me presents too.
Maybe, but don't count on it.
I don't know what's so great about being boyfriend and girlfriend.
But around our house, it means you do a lot of kissing and act crazy.
- Maybe it's the kissing? - Maybe.
I kissed a boy once, and got in big trouble for it.
But the kiss was stupid.
Kissing is stupid.
I've never kissed a girl before.
- You can kiss me.
- Really? Cool.
Maybe it's good we missed.
Yeah, maybe we're not ready.
I stole it back for you.
They missed.
I don't think I'm ready to have her kissing boys yet.
Yeah, but I have to say, of all the boys my daughters have brought home, I think I like Bert the best.
- Yeah, he's a catch.
- Yeah.
So you broke up with Shana? We actually broke up with each other.
- And you talked to Heather? - All night.
We talked about everything.
It was great.
It was so great.
- I love her so much.
- I can see that.
Well, come on.
Put some pants on, I need you.
And make it snappy, Heather's waiting.
What do you need my help with? This is the happiest day of my life.
I thought the happiest day of your life was the day we moved in together? Put some pants on.
- How you doing? - Okay.
You know, we're gonna write and call and My dad said you can stay with us any time you wanna come back and visit.
So you wanna stay together? You don't have to.
Maybe we should just end it and then see what happens.
I'm never gonna find anyone like you.
And I don't wanna look.
And even if we're apart, we'll always be together.
You should wear that.
When you look at it, you can think of me.
I don't need a ring to do that.
I'll never forget you.
Lucy? - I've been looking for you.
- My dad told me you called last night.
I saw you at the pool hall, staring at me.
I wasn't staring.
I was Obsessing.
Then what I said got to you, huh? - What about Ronald? - Ronald's out of the picture.
Does that mean I'm in the picture? - Why'd you call me? - It was nothing.
- Never mind.
- Okay.
- Andrew? - Yes.
- I like you.
- Like? I like you and I wanna get to know you better.
And maybe someday I might really like you.
What about love? - Don't push it.
- Like's good enough for me.
Andrew, the kissing part is not gonna be the problem in our relationship.
Maybe if we kissed more, talked less.
All right.
Wanna continue this somewhere else? No.
I'm in like, and I'm not embarrassed if everyone knows it.
Looks serious.
I know.
Your parents got to you.
I got to me.
We're not ready to get married.
You talked to Cheryl, didn't you? Yeah, I did talk to Cheryl, and I believe her.
Look, I dated you guys at the same time.
But that was the old me, not the new me.
That's why I broke up with her.
I just wanted it to be you and me.
If that's true, why didn't you just tell me the whole story? I was afraid if I told you the truth, you'd never wanna see me again.
If you can't talk to me about your ex-girlfriend, what else can't you talk to me about? If you can't be honest with me, we shouldn't be dating, let alone getting married.
Breaking off our engagement is not about you.
Or your lying to me, or the fact that I can't trust you.
And I don't know if I'll ever be able to trust you.
I'm breaking off this engagement because I need to have a life of my own before I can share my life with someone else.
So are you breaking up with me? I'm not sure.
I just I need some time to think.
And I need to figure out me before I can figure out us.
But that doesn't mean that we're over.
It just means that You're just gonna have to have some patience this time around.
We're gonna take it slow and really get to know each other.
Because I think I love you, but I need to have the chance to find out what kind of man you are.
So, in other words, for the first time, I'm gonna look before I leap.
So, are you gonna go to college in the fall? I'm not sure what I'm gonna do.
But when I figure it out, I'll let you know.
And if you don't wanna wait for me while I do all of that, I'll understand.
I'll wait for you forever.
Then I guess I'll see you in church.
Shouldn't we have told our families? No.
They would have said I'm on the rebound from Shana and that you weren't thinking clearly.
We love each other.
This is what you do when you're in love and you know it's forever.
Come on, you two.
Let's go.
This guy isn't gonna wait all day.
You heard the man.
- Yeah, so you'd do stuff for me.
You made him cry.
- I think we should see other people.
- You're serious? We're perfect together.
And that scares you.
But I'm tired of waiting for you, so I'm walking away, today.
Shana, how is she? She's moving back for the summer to work at Glenoak Hospital.
Brett? What are you doing here in Glenoak? Brett.
Good to meet you.
Guess who moved to Glenoak for the summer.
- Brett.
- I'm in love with you.
I'm not going to college.
Robbie's getting an apartment when he starts school at Crawford this fall.
Robbie asked me to move in, and that way I wouldn't have to worry about paying you guys rent.
I'm sorry, did you just say you were moving in with Robbie? Don't worry.
While Robbie and I are living together, we are just roommates.
He gave me his word.
Oh, well, when a known liar says that he'll keep his hands off my daughter, well, that's just security I can take to the bank.
Dad, I can't afford to pay you guys rent.
This is a good solution.
- You can afford it if you get a job.
- Yes.
Robbie said I shouldn't take a job that I hate just so I can pay rent.
He's not gonna charge me anything, so I don't have to get a job.
Well, at least not right away.
You're not going to live with that juvenile delinquent Don Juan.
Well, why not? Because he's a juvenile delinquent Don Juan.
- And if you want more, he lies.
- Not anymore.
- How do you know? - He told me.
But he lies! I thought you would be happy.
Happy? That you want to move in with him? I don't even want you to share a fork with him.
A fork, by God.
- Will you say something? - Did you just swear? Not to me.
To her.
Trust me.
I know what I am doing.
Do you know you're making a monumental mistake? Then you don't know what you're doing.
I think Mary should move in with Robbie.
While I don't agree with Mary's decision, I respect the fact that she's a grown woman and has the right to decide how she's going to live her life.
If that's with Robbie, then I wish her luck.
Let us know how we can help with the move.
Why did you just say she could move in with Robbie? Because she wants us to tell her that she can't do it.
I'll tell her she can't.
No, if we do that, she'll just rebel against us, and end up doing something that she doesn't wanna do.
So, what, we just sit back and watch her ruin her life? For the time being, yes.
Driving towards the hoop.
Puts it up.
It's blocked.
And it's deflected thrive in the swampy Everglades of Southern Florida.
Alligators often travel at night seeking their I knew they would.
No, this is right there.
What's wrong? - Nothing.
- You're upset about something.
I was, but I'm better now.
Okay, what were you upset about? Today at school Andrew Nayloss told me he liked me.
You're upset that he likes you? I like Ronald and Andrew's trying to mess that up.
You just met Ronald.
Whose side are you on? Why is this upsetting? Andrew's told you that he likes you before.
It's the way he said it this time.
It was more intense.
More something.
Well, if you don't care about Andrew, why would anything he said upset you? - You don't get it.
- I think I do.
I don't like Andrew, I like Ronald.
How many times do I have to say it? I guess as many times as it takes for you to believe it.
I'm not sure I follow what's going on with Deena.
Join the club.
First she tells me she wants to see other people.
I tell her I don't wanna see anyone but her.
Then I find out she's seeing someone else.
Then I give her a ring, she tells me she's not seeing anybody else, but gives me the ring back anyway and runs off crying.
- You gave Deena a ring? - Promise ring.
- Promising what? - Well, I don't know.
It was for her birthday next month.
But since she was breaking up with me, I gave it to her early.
I didn't know things had gotten serious.
Well, I thought that after I bit her on the neck, you guys had kind of gotten the idea that things were serious between us.
Dad, focus.
Okay, um.
Deena's not seeing anyone else, but she doesn't wanna see you, and she gave you back the ring you gave her.
You are gonna do more than summarise my unhappiness, right? Yeah, uh Yeah.
Bert gave it to me.
I don't want it.
I told him I don't wanna be his girlfriend anymore because he told everyone in class that I loved him.
What did Bert do when you told him that? He cried, a lot.
- And I think his mom might call.
- Why's that? Because later when I saw him in the hall, he said: "You're gonna get it, I'm calling my mom.
" Are you upset because you think you might get in trouble, or are you upset because you liked having Bert as a boyfriend, and now he's gone? Well, maybe I liked him.
Then maybe you have to find a way to get him back.
- I don't know what to do.
- Break up with Shana.
I don't wanna hurt Shana, but I love Heather.
Break up with Shana.
Shana's trying so hard to keep us together.
Even though she must know, like I know, it's totally over between us.
Break up with Shana.
Shana wants me to move to New York.
Which I know she wouldn't want if she knew how I felt about Heather.
Break up with Shana.
I'd be miserable in New York, missing Heather.
Break up with Shana.
Oh, and don't come back here until you do.
Cynthia, what's up? I'm breaking my promise to Deena.
But I can't stand it anymore.
Deena's miserable.
You're miserable.
And you should know the truth.
What is it? What's the truth? Deena doesn't wanna break up with you.
- I knew it.
I knew it.
- Hold the celebration.
The good news is, Deena doesn't wanna break up with you.
The bad news is, she's moving back east and she leaves at the end of the week.
What are you doing here? How was your date last night with Matt? - Go home, Brett.
- No.
Go home, okay? Nothing is going to happen between you and me.
I love Matt.
- Who do you love? - Matt.
I love Matt.
I'm sorry.
Who did you say you love? Shut up.
Ronald called.
Can I meet him at the pool hall for a soda? - Ronald, huh? - Yes.
Ronald, the man I like.
Well, I don't wanna stand in the way of true love.
- I don't like Andrew.
- So you keep telling me.
I don't like Andrew.
- Oh, hi.
- Hi.
I'm Joan Miller.
My son Bert goes to school with Ruthie.
Oh, I'm Annie Camden, it's so nice to meet you.
I'm sorry, heh-heh.
Please, come in.
I'm so sorry to come by unannounced.
I just wanted to talk to you about Bert and Ruthie.
Well, I already spoke to Ruthie about her behaviour at school today.
I don't think Ruthie understands what it means to be in a relationship.
I'm sorry if she hurt Bert's feelings.
Oh, it's not Ruthie's fault.
Bert's too young to have a girlfriend.
But he won't listen to me or my husband.
Is Ruthie like that? Has she always wanted to have a boyfriend? Well, Bert just loves women.
The first day of preschool, he came home and announced he was in love.
Went upstairs, put on his church suit, hasn't been the same since.
And if he really likes a girl, he gives her little presents.
Little presents that he steals from home.
My Steuben cat.
Bert gave that to Ruthie.
Wow, he must really like her.
Ha, ha.
I think the feelings go both ways.
I don't know what to do with him.
If you agree, I think we should give Bert and Ruthie a chance to work this out.
- By themselves.
- Okay.
You know, if Bert's like this at 8, I wonder what he's gonna be like at 18.
Oh, I could tell you, but I think it would keep you up at night.
Just kidding.
Some girl named Cheryl called me.
She wanted to talk about you.
- Did you talk to her? - No, my mom took the message.
Oh, good.
Why good? Who's Cheryl? Cheryl's my ex-girlfriend.
- And she's a little nuts.
- Ex-girlfriend? We broke up a year ago.
She just wants to get you on the phone so she can say bad things about me.
Cheryl figures if you dump me then I might take her back.
She's totally mental.
There's no telling what kind of lies she'd make up about me.
Then I won't call her back.
So, did you tell your parents about us? I didn't tell them everything.
I just told them we're moving in together.
And trust me, I don't think my father could take much more than that.
You have to tell them everything.
- I told my family.
- No, I wanna do it.
I'm I'm just not ready to tell them.
Your parents are gonna find out.
And I really think that they should find out from you.
Let's not start our lives together by lying to your parents.
If you don't tell them, that's what it feels like, a lie.
- I love you, Mary.
- I love you too.
Then tell them.
- I will.
- Call me after you do.
Robbie Palmer.
What, now you're engaged? Oh, no.
No, this is just some bad dream.
You are not gonna marry him.
She is not going to marry him.
- We're getting married.
- Over my dead body.
Some people just say that, but I mean it.
You will have to kill me.
So it's okay to live with Robbie, but not to marry him? - Will you say something? - Congratulations.
So So it's okay that I marry Robbie? Well, it doesn't matter what I think, because it's not my life.
I know, but you know, you can have an opinion.
Well, I don't.
See, I know what you're up to.
You won't tell me what you think because you think that'll drive me crazy and then I'll just call off everything and march off to college this fall.
We ought to start talking about what kind of wedding you want.
You know, small, big, church or civil service.
Again, over my dead body! I am getting married! Okay.
Good for you.
I am.
I'll make you a beautiful dress.
- And I am moving in with Robbie.
- Okay.
I'm not going to college this fall.
If you say so.
Honey, you should know, I can't take much more of this.
You won't have to.
Can't you feel it? The pressure's building.
She'll crack.
She doesn't wanna marry Robbie any more than she wants to move in with him.
And when she does finally crack, we'll find out the real reason why she doesn't wanna go to college this fall.
Why didn't you tell me you were moving away? - I thought you hated me.
- I know how you are.
If we didn't break up when I moved away, you would hold out hope that we could be together.
And you would be miserable and alone.
- I don't want you to be miserable.
- Why are you moving? My mom's boss transferred her back east.
- I hate your mom's boss.
- Me too.
I don't wanna leave.
We'll figure out something.
How long do we have to figure something out? The moving truck is coming Saturday.
The day after school lets out.
I'm sorry about lying to you.
I thought it was the right thing to do.
You're not moving back east.
- What do you find attractive about me? - What? What do you find attractive about me? I don't really know you.
We just met.
But I wanna get to know you.
I think you're really, you know, cool and stuff.
"Cool and stuff"? That's poetry.
I'm glad your parents let you meet me.
Well, there's something going on at home.
They're both preoccupied.
It's probably Robbie and Mary.
Do you know something? You do know something.
You know Robbie asked Mary to move in with him.
What else do you think I know? Robbie asked Mary to marry him.
- Well, what'd she say? - Yes.
Why don't I know this? What else? Well, Mary isn't going to college.
I have to get home, right away.
Get the cheque.
I paid the bill.
We can go.
I'm suddenly very thirsty.
How about one more soda? What happened to getting home? Mary? Mary's not going anywhere, and neither are we.
Shana, we're breaking up.
Shana, we are breaking up.
Oh, no.
Oh, no, no.
Don't cry.
Oh, please, you'll find someone Please don't cry.
School play.
I got the lead.
Okay, I'm gonna stop talking now.
I can't do this.
- Hello? - Hi, Bert.
- Ruthie? - Yes.
I don't like you.
This is gonna be harder than I thought.
- Ruthie? - Yes.
- I don't like you.
- You already said that.
So - Did you call to say you were sorry? - No.
- Ruthie? - Yes.
My mom took back the cat I gave you.
- So there.
- You stole that cat from your mom.
So? Hello? Dad.
- You have to get Deena's mom a job.
- What? Deena's mom's boss transferred her back east.
And unless someone does something, I'm never gonna see her again.
- What? Do you know something? - No.
- Well, you have to help me.
- I don't know if I can.
You've found jobs for other people.
You have to find Deena's mom a job.
If you don't, she's gonna move away and take Deena with her.
I can't make any promises, but I'll see what I can do.
- How long do I have? - Until the end of the week.
That's impossible.
- Can we adopt Deena? - What? If we adopt Deena, she can stay in Glenoak.
Don't you think her parents will miss her? - Simon? - Dad? I just asked you to adopt my girlfriend.
I'm desperate.
Please, do something.
All right, I'll go and talk to the Stewarts.
What are you doing? Go.
That's what you do.
Have you thought about what kind of wedding you wanna have? I know you're not happy about Robbie and me getting married.
Oh, no, I'm perfectly fine with it.
Would you stop pretending like you don't care? Would you please tell me what you're thinking? Okay.
I think by not going to college, you're not living up to your full potential.
And I think by marrying Robbie, you are settling for a life that you will never truly be happy with.
And I think by getting off track with school and with your life, it's a lot harder than you think to ever get back on track.
- Hello? Is Mary there? It's Cheryl.
Yes, hold on.
Just a minute.
It's for you, it's a girl named Cheryl.
Sit down.
Watch the kids? Mary, don't hang up.
Robbie told me all about you and I'm not listening to you.
You think that by telling bad things about Robbie I'm gonna break up with him, so you can get back together with him.
I don't want Robbie back.
I admit that at first I was calling just to mess up Robbie's life, to get back at him for the way he treated me.
- And now? - I'm calling to warn you.
Why would you do that? You don't even know me.
I do know you.
You're me.
Totally in love with a snake and a liar and you don't know it.
There isn't one thing that you could say that would make me change my mind about Robbie.
- I love him.
- Robbie and I just broke up last week.
- What? - Last week.
When did you and Robbie start dating? Seven months ago.
So if Robbie only broke up with me last week, that means Well, you're a smart girl.
Do the math.
Dump the loser.
I don't even know you.
How can I believe anything that you say? The problem isn't that you don't believe me.
It's that you do believe me.
You're getting a divorce, aren't you? Yeah.
What happened? Well, as you know, my wife and I were having marriage problems before Deena got sick.
Back then we were so focused on Deena, our marital problems didn't seem so important.
Now that she's better, well, it's just time.
Jen's family is back east, so it'll make it easy for her to start over.
I put in notice at work, and as soon as I sell the house, I'm going to follow.
Jen and I don't wanna be married, but I'm always going to be Deena's father.
And if that means relocating, then so be it.
You haven't told Deena about the divorce, have you? I've tried.
But it isn't easy.
Jen and I don't want Deena to blame herself for our problems.
Most kids do blame themselves.
I know I did when my parents got divorced.
Camden, what are you doing here? Reverend Camden just came over to remind me that your mother and I need to talk to you about something.
About Simon? No, honey, it's about your mom and me.
- Well, I better get going.
- Oh, yeah.
Nice to see again, Reverend Camden.
I kept your dinner warm for you.
I'm sorry I'm late.
I lost track of time.
Well, when you're in love, that happens.
Ronald dumped me.
He was out on a date with me, and he starts chatting up this other girl.
Well, what were you doing while all this chatting was going on? I was spying on Andrew Nayloss.
Are you satisfied? I was watching Andrew like some crazy, jealous ex-girlfriend.
Oh, my gosh.
I am some crazy, jealous ex-girlfriend, aren't I? I think so.
Don't you get tired of being right all the time? Actually, no, it's kind of fun.
How did this happen to me? I really like Andrew.
Sometimes you don't know how much you like someone until you lose them.
- Do you think I lost Andrew? - Why don't you call him and find out? I can't.
I'll look like an idiot.
Looking like an idiot is the first sign of true love.
I need your help.
I wanna know how to get a guy to like me.
- You're 8.
- You're 13.
So what? I need your help.
- Bert? - No.
I've met someone else.
- Hello? Yes, it's Bert, now help me.
- You really like him, huh? I just don't like people being mad at me.
Plus, everyone at school will think I'm mean and I'll have no one to eat lunch with.
Lunch is a big part of the third grade.
- I think you like Bert.
- I'm going to smack you.
Now I know you like him.
- Okay, I like Bert.
- I knew it.
Well, do you know how I can get him to like me again, Mr.
Smarty-Pants? Huh? Do you know that? Yes, as a matter of fact I do.
Well, I'm waiting.
Tell him how you feel.
Okay, I'm gonna go out and come in again.
And when I do, you better have something better than that.
Got it? Good.
I think you and I need to have a little talk.
Hey, the chain's on.
Did you break up with Shana? - No.
- Then come back when you have.
Very funny.
Let me in.
I've lived through months of your whining about Shana.
And unless you break up with Shana and get together with Heather, there's gonna months of your complaining about Shana and Heather.
- No way.
- I don't whine.
Man, sometime you're like living with a girl.
I live here, you have to let me in.
Not until you break up with Shana.
Which you wanna do, but are just too chicken to do.
- I do wanna be with Heather.
- Then be a man.
Do something about it.
Take action.
Make it happen.
- I tried.
- Try harder.
Because if you don't get this right, then the three of you will be miserable.
Correction, the four of us will be miserable.
- You're serious? - Oh, yes, I'm serious.
What if I can't do it? Then you can always move back home and drive your parents crazy.
I'll miss you, but I'll get over it.
I don't hear you leaving.
Look, Mary and I are gonna be fine.
I have savings, I have a full scholarship, a good job at the grocery store.
All right, what happens if you lose your scholarship, and you and Mary run out of money, and then your good job at the grocery store becomes your career? Because you have to drop out and work so you can support your family.
Mary can work too.
With a high school education, how far can she go? She can go to college.
With what? You can't even afford to put yourself through school.
Face it, you're making life a lot harder than it has to be.
You know I'm right.
And even if you won't admit it, I can I can tell by the look on your face.
Look, I didn't just come over here tonight to try and make you understand that getting married is a mistake for my daughter.
Getting married is a mistake for you too.
I can find my own way out.
By the way, churchgoer that you are, have you prayed about this? No, that's what I thought.
- Hello? - May I speak with Andrew? - Andrew isn't home.
- Are you sure? - What are you saying? - Nothing.
I really need to talk to Andrew.
Maybe he's there and you're saying he's not because he doesn't wanna talk to me.
So are you calling me a liar? Who is this? - Judy.
- No, you're not Judy.
You're that nutty Reverend's daughter, Macy.
It's Lucy, not Macy.
I'm telling you right now.
You marry that crazy girl, I'm not coming to the wedding.
Okay, we'll elope.
Who's there? It's me.
We need to talk.
- Shana? - I'll be right out.
I don't think you're practising for a play.
I called the police.
Okay, thanks for the warning.
- Are you all right? - Yeah, I'm fine.
I just laid down for a nap, alone.
- What are you doing here? - Can I come in? Your neighbour called the police on me.
- What are you talking about? - Well, I'll explain.
Can I come in? Now's just not a good time.
My apartment is messy.
- What's going on? - Nothing.
Why is your shirt on backwards? Is it on backwards? Brett, what are you doing here? Yeah, Brett, what are you doing here? And why is Brett's shirt unbuttoned? Maybe he's hot.
Come on, just tell him about us.
He should know, Shana.
That's okay.
You don't have to tell me.
I think I understand.
Deena called.
Her father told her about the divorce.
I'm sorry.
- You knew, didn't you? - I suspected.
I don't like it when you know things you can't tell me.
- But I'm trying to get used to it.
- Thanks.
This isn't the end, you know.
You and Deena can write.
Maybe she can come back and visit.
I appreciate you trying to cheer me up.
But we both know that when Deena moves away, it'll be really hard for us to stay together.
You okay? I just needed to be alone and think.
You can stay.
When Robbie offered to let me live with him in the fall, I told him that you and Dad would never go for it.
And then he took out this ring and said: "How about if we get married?" And then, bam.
You know, the next thing I know, I was engaged.
I'm scared, okay? I'm scared that I'm gonna screw up my life again.
I'm scared to stay, I'm scared to go.
I'm just scared.
I mean, what if I go to college and I flunk out? What if I get into trouble and there's no one there to bail me out? - What if I? - What if you succeed? What if you do great? What if everything is okay? Now, I'm not going to lie to you, life is hard.
And being an adult means understanding that and embracing it.
But life shouldn't scare you.
It should excite you.
Your father and I are so very proud of you.
You have exceeded all our expectations.
And we're not scared to send you off to school.
Because we've raised you, and we know you're ready to be an adult and make your own decisions.
We trust you.
What if I don't trust myself? I have faith in you.
And I trust that in the end you will make the right decision, for yourself, not for us.
Can you just tell me what the right decision is? No.
And then I'll try a little later.
Matt? I'm sorry.
Please let me explain.
Sorry, man.
I never wanted you to find out this way.
Is that why you came to the door half-dressed and said: "Shana, tell him about us"? Go away.
I'll call you later.
I really didn't want you to find out like this.
We got together in New York.
But I broke it off before I came back.
Then he followed me out here.
When you and I started having troubles, Brett was there.
It just One minute we were studying, the next minute I get the picture.
I came back this summer to make things work between us.
And I am still willing to work things out.
Well, that's gonna be really hard since you wanna be with someone else.
Maybe it was the distance.
No, it wasn't the distance.
We just grew apart.
We changed.
Now I guess it's time for us both to stop holding on to the past.
Let go.
And let each other go.
- What? - It's just When you saw Brett and me together, you seemed hurt and upset.
And now, not so hurt and upset.
Well, I think I just acted that way because it seemed like I should feel that way, but I don't.
I'm in love with someone else.
Heather? Yeah.
I thought so.
Thanks for coming over.
My mom made me.
Okay, I give.
I'll be your girlfriend again.
And I promise not to make you cry much.
You know, until I met you, I thought I wanted a girlfriend, but now I'm not so sure.
We could be friends.
I think I'd like you as a friend.
You can be a friend who does things for me and gives me presents.
I don't have a friend like that.
And maybe you could do things for me and give me presents too.
Maybe, but don't count on it.
I don't know what's so great about being boyfriend and girlfriend.
But around our house, it means you do a lot of kissing and act crazy.
- Maybe it's the kissing? - Maybe.
I kissed a boy once, and got in big trouble for it.
But the kiss was stupid.
Kissing is stupid.
I've never kissed a girl before.
- You can kiss me.
- Really? Cool.
Maybe it's good we missed.
Yeah, maybe we're not ready.
I stole it back for you.
They missed.
I don't think I'm ready to have her kissing boys yet.
Yeah, but I have to say, of all the boys my daughters have brought home, I think I like Bert the best.
- Yeah, he's a catch.
- Yeah.
So you broke up with Shana? We actually broke up with each other.
- And you talked to Heather? - All night.
We talked about everything.
It was great.
It was so great.
- I love her so much.
- I can see that.
Well, come on.
Put some pants on, I need you.
And make it snappy, Heather's waiting.
What do you need my help with? This is the happiest day of my life.
I thought the happiest day of your life was the day we moved in together? Put some pants on.
- How you doing? - Okay.
You know, we're gonna write and call and My dad said you can stay with us any time you wanna come back and visit.
So you wanna stay together? You don't have to.
Maybe we should just end it and then see what happens.
I'm never gonna find anyone like you.
And I don't wanna look.
And even if we're apart, we'll always be together.
You should wear that.
When you look at it, you can think of me.
I don't need a ring to do that.
I'll never forget you.
Lucy? - I've been looking for you.
- My dad told me you called last night.
I saw you at the pool hall, staring at me.
I wasn't staring.
I was Obsessing.
Then what I said got to you, huh? - What about Ronald? - Ronald's out of the picture.
Does that mean I'm in the picture? - Why'd you call me? - It was nothing.
- Never mind.
- Okay.
- Andrew? - Yes.
- I like you.
- Like? I like you and I wanna get to know you better.
And maybe someday I might really like you.
What about love? - Don't push it.
- Like's good enough for me.
Andrew, the kissing part is not gonna be the problem in our relationship.
Maybe if we kissed more, talked less.
All right.
Wanna continue this somewhere else? No.
I'm in like, and I'm not embarrassed if everyone knows it.
Looks serious.
I know.
Your parents got to you.
I got to me.
We're not ready to get married.
You talked to Cheryl, didn't you? Yeah, I did talk to Cheryl, and I believe her.
Look, I dated you guys at the same time.
But that was the old me, not the new me.
That's why I broke up with her.
I just wanted it to be you and me.
If that's true, why didn't you just tell me the whole story? I was afraid if I told you the truth, you'd never wanna see me again.
If you can't talk to me about your ex-girlfriend, what else can't you talk to me about? If you can't be honest with me, we shouldn't be dating, let alone getting married.
Breaking off our engagement is not about you.
Or your lying to me, or the fact that I can't trust you.
And I don't know if I'll ever be able to trust you.
I'm breaking off this engagement because I need to have a life of my own before I can share my life with someone else.
So are you breaking up with me? I'm not sure.
I just I need some time to think.
And I need to figure out me before I can figure out us.
But that doesn't mean that we're over.
It just means that You're just gonna have to have some patience this time around.
We're gonna take it slow and really get to know each other.
Because I think I love you, but I need to have the chance to find out what kind of man you are.
So, in other words, for the first time, I'm gonna look before I leap.
So, are you gonna go to college in the fall? I'm not sure what I'm gonna do.
But when I figure it out, I'll let you know.
And if you don't wanna wait for me while I do all of that, I'll understand.
I'll wait for you forever.
Then I guess I'll see you in church.
Shouldn't we have told our families? No.
They would have said I'm on the rebound from Shana and that you weren't thinking clearly.
We love each other.
This is what you do when you're in love and you know it's forever.
Come on, you two.
Let's go.
This guy isn't gonna wait all day.
You heard the man.