Dawson's Creek s04e22 Episode Script

The Graduate

Welcome to this rehearsal of Capeside High's cap and gown ceremony for the graduating class of 2001 .
The actual ceremony will take place this Saturday at high noon.
Before the distribution of your hard-earned diplomas the winner of the Capeside Pinnacle Award Ms.
Josephine Potter, will deliver a speech which l am sure will both razzle and dazzle us for many years to come.
Potter, it's go time.
Show us what you got.
My speech isn't quite ready yet.
So l guess l don't really have anything to say right now.
That's okay.
Thank you.
All right.
No one says a word.
All right, a quick reminder for those of you who may be susceptible to dark pagan desires.
lf you are considering pulling a graduation night prank think again.
l can assure you that security will be tighter than Ricky Martin's pants.
All right, some housekeeping details.
The blue parking permits will not be valid at all on Saturday.
-Hey, Pace.
-Look, Mr.
Leery l'm sorry l'm late, but l'm stuck with this history teacher who thinks the bell is her queue to vomit up a 1 0-minute dissertation on who won the Cold War, which was us.
So go, U.
lt's not about your being late, Pacey.
l wish it was.
That sounds vaguely ominous.
-What is this about? -lt's about your grades.
-And what about my grades? -Well, you're-- You're right on the bubble of being able to graduate.
Don't tell me that, man.
l've sacrificed my entire senior year for this, okay? Double class loads.
l've done everything you asked me to do.
l know you've worked hard.
l do.
And it's not over yet.
How well you do on your final exam will determine if you can graduate.
Principal Peskin insists that you spend your time studying rather than attend the rehearsal.
What, so you're kicking me out? Okay, please don't do this to me here, Mr.
l'm really under a microscope right now.
l'm sorry, Pacey.
Believe me, it's not my decision.
You should go home now.
Can l help you with something, Dougie? Or does this just fall under the category of general harassment? A minute ago, l drove right by you.
Now, either you were purposely ignoring me or you just didn't see me.
No, l was just invoking the hard-earned lessons of my youth.
''Avoid eye contact with any and all authority figures at all costs.
'' Even the effeminate ones.
Please, God, may that never get old.
So, Pace, how you doing? -Everything okay? -Oh, yeah.
l've never been better, Dougie.
-How's school? -Apparently right now, my grades are on the bubble.
The powers that be at our beloved Capeside High they don't know if l'm gonna be able to graduate or not.
l'm really sorry to hear that, Pace.
There you have it.
Why don't you run along home and tell the folks that little brother is living down to expectations.
And cancel that huge graduation party they were gonna throw in my honour.
Listen, Pacey when are you gonna know for sure? -lf l graduate? -Yeah.
l have one more final to take.
But it's a big one.
lt's Mr.
Kasdan's lit course which is not exactly my best subject.
Listen l could help you study.
Well, boy, l appreciate that but l'd rather you do something beneficial to all mankind with your time, like, l don't know, solve a murder.
Wait a second, Pacey.
l'm serious here.
You're serious? l'm serious.
Everybody is serious.
Know what l don't understand? Why they won't let me graduate.
lt seems to me, the sooner l get out the better off everyone involved will be.
Dawson, this speech is driving me nuts.
l must have some sort of a block or something.
l'll go you one better.
l bet you that block has a name.
Yeah, so he has been known to occupy my thoughts on occasion.
Seeing him forced to leave his own graduation rehearsal was painful.
l just wanted to go up to him and say something.
What stopped me was knowing that he would resent me for it.
Yeah, l went up to him the other day in study hall and asked if he needed help.
He made it clear he didn't want any.
You'd think after everything Pacey and l could still be friends.
ls that asking too much? Well.
lt is asking too much.
So, what do l do? l mean, he needs help.
Look, the two of you were both in that relationship and you obviously still have feelings.
That said, it can't hurt to let him know you care.
Who knows? lt might even help you write your speech.
Come on.
What's the matter? lt's like you're detailing my spokes in a galaxy far, far away.
-Can we talk about something? -Yeah.
Talking about this may not be the wisest way to go but nobody's ever accused me of being wise.
l'll vouch for that.
What do you wanna talk about? About us.
What we are to each other.
At least what l think we are.
Tobey l've always been honest with you about where we stand.
Well, we are dating.
And if the usual terminology applies that would make me your boyfriend.
You can't say it yet, can you? -You go out of your way not to say it.
-l don't think that's true.
lf you can't say it, how am l supposed to feel? Okay, okay.
l'll-- l'll say it.
-When? -When it's appropriate.
What's your definition of appropriate? When there's nobody else around? At small intimate gatherings? Under oath? Just let me surprise you.
Listen, you gonna be able to get off work early tomorrow or not? Yeah.
What? -What if she doesn't like me? -Oh, please.
Could happen.
Don't make me use this.
Don't even think about it.
lt's me, Drue.
-What the hell are you doing here? -Let me in.
l can explain.
Oh, not so fast, Tex.
l don't really see the wisdom of letting you in.
What do you want me to do, serenade you first? -Yes, that would be lovely.
Why don't you crawl back down, go find yourself a backing band maybe with strings and a bass player.
-God, l love bass players.
-Jen, l'm freezing.
You think l don't know that? -Okay, come on.
-Thank you.
-Oh, God.
-Oh, God.
So what do l owe the pleasure of this little visit? Well, Mother and l we got into one of our debates tonight.
Which turned into one of our more memorable shouting matches.
Oh, yeah? About what? Well the same miserable bastard we always fight about my beloved father.
He said he wasn't going to my graduation.
Been there.
l'm sorry.
And Mom, surprisingly, decided to blame me claiming Dad was fed up with my history of inexcusable behaviour.
And then l, in turn, blamed her for her history of being a cold-hearted bitch.
And now you need a place to crash.
l would be ever so grateful.
l never thought this day would come.
Drue Valentine, actually in need of a little human compassion.
All right.
You get one night.
-On the floor.
-On the floor.
l need your backpacks, your books, and your cheat sheets on the floor.
As promised this final will cover material from all previous tests.
You will have no more than 45 minutes to complete this exam.
Forty five? -Mr.
How may l serve? Do you think l could trouble you for a working pencil -seeing as mine currently is not? -l see.
Still as unprepared as the day you started this class, Mr.
Witter? lt's nice to know, though, that in this ever-changing world l can still count on your remarkable consistency.
Boy, l sure deserved that one.
Good joke, Mr.
Stupid old me.
-Pacey, it was just-- -No, no, no.
l was agreeing.
l mean, l got it, right? lt was about me being stupid? How l'm some lame, know-nothing student who's just slowing down everyone around me? Know what kills me about you people? l show up to class with a broken pencil, okay? You assume that that means l don't care when the reality is, l've been busting my ass in your class for five months just to keep my head above water so l could graduate.
lf you ask me, you're the one who doesn't care.
None of the teachers here care.
For honour students, you bend over backwards but for me, a student who could actually use that help -you can't wait to get rid of me.
-All right, enough! Look, l have tolerated this outburst because l know you need to pass this test, but you are this close to throwing away an opportunity, young man.
You know, maybe you are right.
l must be an idiot, because l cannot for the life of me figure out why l try so damn hard for you.
l mean, l don't know why l bother at all.
Got a minute? Yeah, sure.
Pacey, l heard about what happened in Mr.
Kasdan's class.
You know what? l'd prefer to keep that topic off the discussion list.
Well, could you at least tell me what you're gonna do? l'll tell you what l'm not going to do, namely, graduate.
Look, Pace, l'm sure there's probably time to-- To talk to somebody.
l mean, you could-- You could go to Mitch, You could go to Peskin.
There's gotta be something we could do.
l'm sorry, ''we''? l didn't realize that we were involved in a team sport here, Joey.
l don't think there is a ''we'' anymore.
You know, Pace, l know it's over.
l just wanna be your friend.
l wanna help you.
You want to know what the truth is, Jo? l still love you and l probably will love you for a very long time.
But l can't just be your buddy.
Because, as much as l enjoy the concept of being just friends in reality, it's a bizarre form of torture.
l'm not willing to participate in it.
So right now, what l want to do is just move on and get over you.
The only way for me to do that is to not be around you anymore.
You can't see any time in the future -when you and l could be friends? -l don't want to think about the future.
l guess l should go.
Look, Jo, l know that-- l know coming over here couldn't have been easy for you.
Nothing seems easy anymore.
How's my little speechwriter? You making any progress? Does it look like l'm making progress? No, not really.
l just went over to Pacey's to try to talk to him -and it didn't go well.
-Oh, that explains a lot.
He's so messed up, and he won't let anybody help him.
Not even you? Especially me.
That and having to write the speech from hell.
Actually, that's why l came in here.
Because l've got something for you.
-What is it? -lt's a letter from Mom to you.
She wrote it a few days before she passed away and asked me to hold onto it and give it to you when you graduated from high school.
Oh, my God.
Maybe this will inspire you.
You gonna open it? Yeah, of course.
l just-- l don't really feel up to it right now.
l know.
Take all the time you need.
l'll leave you alone.
Hey, what's with the 50-yard dash? We're on time, early even.
l know her.
She probably booked this flight three months in advance to get a seat by the exit and be the first one off.
You would know this for sure because? Because she's always the first one off the plane.
There she is, there she is.
-Hey, Jack.
-lt's good to see you.
-How was the flight? -Turbulent, cramped and stuffy but l am willing to overlook that assuming we get to attend at least one kick-ass graduation party.
Oh, yeah.
My people are on it.
-l'm sorry.
l don't believe we've met.
Andie, Tobey.
Tobey, Andie.
-Nice to meet you.
-You too.
He's told me volumes about you.
l'm sorry, l don't mean to be rude, but how do you know Jack? Well, Tobey's.
Tobey's my boyfriend.
Oh, my God.
This is great! l can't believe you didn't e-mail me, you big sneak.
l'm sorry, it's just kind of recent.
Sweet Jesus.
Grams, can l just talk to you for one second? Okay, what's going on? l said he could spend one night because l felt sorry for him.
-Why is he still here? -After you left for school this morning, Drue and l had a nice chat.
He explained everything.
Awful situation a father abandoning his family.
Anyway, l-- l told him he was more than welcome to spend another night.
For a price.
l'm not just a naive old softie, dear.
l recognize Drue for the duplicitous, smooth-talking, butt-kisser he is.
And now that you and l have sold this house we're gonna need some poor fool to pack up and box 30 years of junk l've accumulated in the dark of my attic.
l'm so glad you're on my team.
You're a lucky girl, Jen.
A fellow could get used to these accommodations.
Okay, you are creeping me out.
So, what's on your social calendar for tonight? You going to that big senior soiree thing? Anybody who's anybody's gonna be there.
Why? You want a ride over? Yeah, l do.
Though, l was wondering if l could interest you in a little -recreational detour first.
-Oh, no.
Dawson, l need your help with something.
Yeah, sure.
What's going on? ls that your speech? No.
lt's actually a letter written to me from my mom.
She wrote it before she died and Bessie's been saving it ever since.
Have you opened it yet? l tried and every time l go to open it l remember what she was like at the end.
You know, so still and so much pain and suffering.
l just kind of freeze up.
But that being said l still have to know so l was wondering if you would read it for me? l'd be honoured.
Thank you.
'' My darling Joey.
lf you're reading these words, it means you've graduated from high school.
Congratulations, sweetheart.
You didn't have a lot growing up.
You even have been short-changed one mother.
Still, l want you to be proud of your family.
lf our strife has caused you pain remember, it also makes you strong.
Bessie is strong, and l'm sure she's taking good care of you.
Of all the things my illness has robbed me of l count the greatest of them watching you grow up.
You're barely 1 3 now, still a young girl.
And so, l'm left to imagine the woman you've become.
Strikingly beautiful, l'm sure and equally unaware of it.
Quick-witted and strong-willed.
Possessing the deep, soulful eyes of an artist, that shy smile regularly betrays the tough facade you do your best to keep up.
lf any of this sounds remarkably on the nose it's because it's the girl you always were, Joey.
And it's the woman you'll always be.
Whatever you decide to do with your life l know your future will be luminous.
Wherever you decide to go when you leave remember your days in Capeside fondly and keep close those who shared your childhood.
They will always love you in a way no one else can.
And they will always be with you.
Just as l love you and will always be with you.
Love, Mom.
'' -Hey.
How you doing? Better.
-You haven't written it yet, have you? -How did you know? l'm no stranger to the fine art of procrastination.
lt's good to get out of the house.
Well, good.
lf you're gonna avoid work, avoid it in style.
Hey, guys.
Got somebody who's dying to say hello.
Hey, Dawson.
-Oh, Joey.
-You look great.
Oh, thank you.
So do you.
Wow, ltaly must've agreed with you in a big way.
Did you have a good time? Don't even get her started.
Oh, my God.
You guys, it is heaven.
You have to go, all of you, right now.
l think that's code for ''she had a good time.
'' l don't even know where to start.
The architecture, the men, the food.
Did l mention the men? Mr.
May l? Sure.
Come on in.
Well, if you and l have anything to say to each other l can't imagine what it could possibly be.
Fair enough.
l'll get right to the point.
Did you study for that final you so dramatically walked out on? l can categorically say that l studied my ass off, sir.
Care to prove it? You did hear everything that l had to say in class today -didn't you? -Oh, l did.
You're not an idiot or a punch line.
You are why l teach.
Those honour students that turn your stomach they don't need me.
They're gonna forget me as soon as they walk out the door.
But you.
l have a funny feeling l'm gonna be telling this story for years to come.
And if that should turn out to be the case please describe me as a strapping, handsome man, possessed of an immense charity and a great, great goodwill.
l can do that.
Witter, you have 45 minutes.
-You all right? -Yeah.
l think the timing for the sprinkler system's over here.
l've got a bad feeling about this.
And it's quiet out.
Maybe a little too quiet.
Shall l add that to the list of B movie clichés you've been spouting? All right, this is it.
That timer controls the sprinkler settings.
We reset the timer so the sprinklers come on during graduation, soaking the crowd and therefore transforming a rather ho-hum ceremony into a glorious liquid wonderland.
-You aim high.
-As do you, my accomplice in crime.
l would be delighted if you'd come with me.
This is so cool.
Everyone is here.
Oh, perfect.
Thank you.
So, well, l just want to say-- You know, l heard about you and Gretchen and l'm really sorry.
You know what? lt's okay.
l mean, you know, the break-up hurt and l'm sad that it's over, but l don't feel like l have this cloud hanging over my head that won't go away.
Someone's changed.
No endless replays of what went wrong? No dark period of pain and regret? That was pretty much my weekend.
But you know, l got it out of my system and, you know, when l look back on it l don't look back on it with an ounce of regret.
Joey was my first love, but Gretchen was my first mature relationship and she made me realize that l'm capable of loving somebody.
l wish l were a memory like that to someone.
You know, to someone who thinks back on me with a smile even though we've long since gone our separate ways.
l'm pretty sure you are.
Pacey! Hey.
-How are you, Andie? -Oh, great now.
This has been a long time coming for you two.
You've managed to compile quite a dirty laundry list during your brief scholastic careers.
Everything from dabbling in ecstasy to public intoxication rigging yearbook photos, to my personal favourite: Dumping my sailboat in the school pool.
l guess we can colour your parents proud, huh? What if l swear to you l didn't do the boat? Should we add pathological liar to your list of dubious achievements, Mr.
Valentine? So, what, we're hostages? No, young lady.
You're my audience.
lf my audience were to leave early the performer would be deeply offended.
Dude, he's gonna keep us here all night.
We're gonna miss the party.
The party's right here, Mr.
Do you like cello music? l must confess, it's been a lifelong passion of mine.
The chilling lows, the vibrant highs.
Still, l haven't had a lesson in 1 0 or 1 1 years.
You know, Jack's been writing me and, well, he told me about you and Joey.
And l just want to say l'm sorry, you know.
l know how much she means to you.
You know what? l'm gonna be all right.
l know.
lt's just-- You know, l don't wanna see you sad.
lf there's anything l can do for you.
Actually, there is something you can do.
Name it.
Why don't you tell me what it's like out there? You know, when you're out on your own.
Oh, well, it's scary at first, you know? l didn't know anyone, but it took no time for them to get to know me.
And before l knew it, l had all these friends.
And l don't know, l wasn't lonely.
l just.
l realized that the longer l was away from here leaving Capeside wasn't an end.
lt was a beginning.
Okay, l gotta tell you something.
l got an offer a job offer, to crew on a boat this summer.
But it means getting on a plane to Miami because that's where the boat leaves for the Caribbean.
And this is something you wanna do? Yeah.
Yeah, it's something l really wanna do.
l am so glad you're here right now.
l did it.
l did it.
l passed my final exam.
l'm a high school graduate.
Oh, my God.
l knew it.
l knew it.
l knew you could.
Well, that's puts you one up on me.
Okay, why haven't you told everybody else? l mean, they're dying to know.
l don't need to tell them.
l don't need to compare myself to them anymore.
l did this thing for myself.
l just wanna feel good about it.
All l wanna do now is get up on that stage and feel the sun against my face and just know for the first time in my life that l can overcome anything.
So why did you tell me? You were the first person who ever told me that l could be more than l was and believe it.
So l guess that's thank you.
You're welcome.
-lt's so good to see you again, Andie.
-You too.
Oh, God.
So the Caribbean.
Yeah, well, you'll be in Florence.
l don't think.
Glad that you made it.
This was a nice party.
l was thinking about tomorrow.
What about this Tomorrowland? Does it look even remotely bright? lt certainly didn't when it held the prospect of never seeing you again.
How is that any different from the here and now? l think l-- l should probably go off and live my own life for a little while.
That certainly doesn't mean that this is how l want it to end between us.
So hypothetically speaking if l were lucky enough one day to find myself owning a sailboat again and l were to ask the woman that l love to go sailing with me would she? You wouldn't have to ask, Pace.
l'll see you.
l'll see you, Joey.
We're supposed to take pictures and they said no later than 1 0.
You've still got time.
Bessie, l don't want to be late.
You won't be late.
Just hold on.
Hold on.
So did you ever get around to reading Mom's letter? Yeah.
l don't wanna be nosy or anything, but-- lf l told you now, we'd both start crying, But to summarize -she was right.
-What's that? You did a great job taking care of me.
Oh, Joey, you're sweet.
But really, it's not fair.
You deserved a mom.
Bessie, l got two.
And you said you didn't want us to start crying.
l love you.
l love you.
Look there, Lily.
That'll be you one day soon.
What, the happy graduate or the proud mother? Well, why not both? Although preferably not at the same time.
What's this? Oh, just a little something from a couple of proud parents.
You didn't-- l.
Thank you.
-You like it? -Are you kidding? l love it.
Well, there's an inscription on the back.
'' lf you will it, it is no dream.
'' When l brag to people and tell them my son wants to go off to Hollywood to be a filmmaker, they warn me.
They say you'll be eaten alive.
You know what l say to them? l say: ''You don't know my son.
'' Well, l just wanna thank you guys for always believing in me.
lt meant a lot.
l love you guys.
Deputy Doug Witter.
To what do l owe this unprompted intrusion? Oh, l just thought l'd stop by, offer my congratulations and.
What, wish me good luck? Or something like that, yeah.
So tell me you need some money? Not that l'd give you any, but.
l'll be fine.
Just so long as l can store my stuff at your place this summer, l'll be a happy camper.
So another exciting summer ahead for my little brother.
l'm glad.
You really deserve it.
Well, Dougie you came halfway close to sounding like you actually meant that.
Because l did.
You know, l gotta tell you it would be an absolute shame for me to let another day like today pass without ever telling you how much l've always looked up to you as my big brother.
Or mentioned the fact that l do actually think that one day you will make a girl very happy.
Mean to tell me that you've actually accepted my heterosexuality? No, no, l said happy, Doug.
Not sexually happy.
Wait a minute.
You got your tassel on the wrong side.
-lt doesn't matter.
-Yeah, it does.
l'm gonna throw the cap up in the air anyway.
We're not supposed to throw them.
'' Pointy ends might hurt somebody.
'' Oh, yeah, that's right.
Bet you l can throw my cap higher.
Jack, there's something l haven't told anybody yet.
Why, what's wrong? Nothing.
Actually, for the first time in a long while l can honestly say that there is nothing wrong.
Which is why you're going to stay in ltaly.
l deferred Harvard by a year.
lt's just that right now l can't imagine being happier anywhere else.
Andie, l get it.
-You do? -Yeah.
-Really? -Yeah.
You're not upset? You're not gonna try to convince me to stay? -You don't think l'm being idiotic? -ldiotic, yes.
But it's the smartest idiotic thing you've ever done.
Just promise me l can visit.
Only if you bring that man of yours.
-Love you to death, little sis.
-Love you more, little brother.
You look relaxed and radiant.
That's what three hours of cello music will do to you.
By the way, if l haven't said it enough already thank you for understanding.
Well, l'm only too well aware of that man's taste in music.
l think you've been punished enough already.
Besides, you'd have to do a lot worse to undo how very proud l am of you today.
The pleasure's all mine.
Your parents are so cute.
They look like total emotional train wrecks.
Yeah, they are.
You know on occasions like this, it's nice that we can dress up in polyester choir robes and stupid hats and sit in the sun to mark the occasion.
By what fashion Einstein came up with this whole outfit? ls this a hat you wanna be wearing the day you know people are gonna be taking pictures? ls that a smile? Did l get you to forget about your speech at least for a second? -Yes, you did.
-Tell me more.
-l'm out of my A list material.
Sadly enough, that was my A list material.
lt's time for you to go sit up on stage with the rest of the smart kids.
You'll be great.
-See you soon.
-All right.
l'd like to introduce the winner of this year's Pinnacle Award senior salutatorian, Ms.
Josephine Potter.
Principal Peskin our families, my fellow graduates.
l stand here before you, aware of the similarities that we share.
l know that you're feeling outside of my incredible stage fright the same things that l'm feeling.
Pride and accomplishment, closure and regret and a hopeful outlook on the future.
But l don't think you need me to elaborate on those feelings.
lnstead l-- l wanted to share something personal and tell you that there are people in my life who are gone now people l miss very much and people who l am haunted by in different ways.
But whether we're separated by death or merely distance l know that they're still with me because l keep them in my heart.
The truth is, in time that's all that we're going to be to each other anyway.
This population of memories.
Some wonderful and endearing some less so.
But taken together, those memories help make us who we are and who we will be.
Whether you're here with each other now or you're merely in each other's thoughts remember each other on that road ahead.
And I hope that no matter where your travels lead you in this life you'll always take Capeside with you.
Amanda Walters.
Cassandra Whitman.
Pacey Witter.
SDl Media Group
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