The Unit s04e22 Episode Script

Unknown Soldier

- Previously on The Unit.
- You have no idea what Drake's capable of.
He killed the vice president.
He launched a chlorine attack.
- Am I missing something? - You brought a friend.
- Her husband's a Special Forces soldier.
- That's interesting.
Colonel Ryan knows your wife is missing, and he instructed me not to inform you.
I have some concerns about Colonel Ryan's judgment.
Drop it,Jonas.
Make it look good.
You put my wife in danger.
My wife! And Sam McBride- He's been working with you all along.
Sam is on the inside.
From now on we'll know whatever he knows.
- 37 kilograms of enriched U-235 weapons-grade uranium.
- Enough for multiple bombs.
If there's an attack in America and Russian elements are behind it, you know what that means.
If you're ever ready to leave this place, you come find me.
I was told I can find what I'm looking for here.
I profoundly hope so.
Very nice.
Any more on the menu? I would be surprised if we can't suit your taste.
My, oh, my.
You keep looking at me like that, you might give a girl ideas.
And what will you give me in return? Whiplash.
- You still on the team? - Never left it.
That's quite a cover you built for yourself, Whiplash.
- Thank you, Sergeant.
- Rapist, spree shooter, terrorist henchman.
I stepped on a couple of toes during the pantomime.
I only regret what I put Bridget through.
You were on a mission.
- Drake's waiting on me.
- Where is he now? He's down the road.
I told him I needed to relieve a little tension.
- He sympathize? - He seemed to.
This uranium-Tell me about it.
Thirty-seven kilos of Russian U-235.
- Drake says it's been weaponized already.
- Weaponized where? He says it's stashed in some storefront in Atlanta.
We're driving down tomorrow to meet up with the rest of the team.
I'll tail you to Atlanta.
- If I may? - All right.
This guy's good.
He picks up on you, he'll abort the plan.
Step up in Atlanta.
We'll be together there.
- What's the target? - I don't know.
- You don't know? - He hasn't told me yet.
- Don't he trust you? - He's working on it.
I'll see you in Georgia.
See you there.
, please? Helo touches down in Atlanta with Alpha Bravo in 10.
I need to see every little crook and nanny in a five-block radius up on that board.
Sir, the commander of Georgia State Patrol has 12 units ready to move.
- Atlanta SWAT with four more.
- Is he deaf or disrespectful? I told him no outsiders on this one.
Mayor's office is on line five.
He'd like to clear residents from the block.
Drake sees anything out of the ordinary, he'll flinch.
- Sir, the mayor's concerned about collateral damage.
- Is he now? - Sir, he is.
- That'll be a drop in the bucket if we don't do this right.
We'd better push it if we're gonna make Atlanta before sundown.
- We're running late.
- Uh-huh.
- Give me your phone.
I'll call ahead.
- No.
Not necessary.
- What is this now? - Gotta shake things up.
End of the road.
I thought the end of the road was Atlanta.
- No.
The end of the road's here.
- Smart.
Thank you.
Last looks, gentlemen.
If you have any questions, share them with me.
No? Your cash, itineraries out of the country secure phones.
Directions to your targets inside.
Louis, Philadelphia, Dallas.
Park your vehicles where instructed and get out of the blast zone quickly unless you want the mother of all tans.
There you go.
- I thought there was only one bomb.
- I know you did.
In the backseat, where you can keep an eye on the weapon.
Drive the speed limit.
Don't run any reds.
And for God's sake, easy over the potholes.
- None for me? - You and I have other business.
Let's hear it.
We have a friend in high places who's been very helpful to us.
- A mole.
- Now it's time to return the favor.
When the attacks go down, suspicion will eventually fall on him.
We're gonna get him out of the country first.
- " E" and " E.
" That is your specialty? - That is correct.
Well, that is what you're gonna do.
Who is he? You'll recognize him.
Surf's up, baby bro.
Could you move a little faster? What do you do when you see Indians? Be careful.
What do you do when you don't see Indians? Be twice as careful.
I hear you.
Betty Blue, we have eyes on.
Bravo 3 is at your 9:00.
Roger that.
No movement down here.
Just a couple of kids on skateboards.
I saw that.
We're not getting a very good look from inside here.
It's all quiet.
You'd think there'd be some activity by now.
Advance man or something.
This is not right.
- Yeah, we should gas up for the trip.
- Okay.
- I'll pump.
You get some food? - Sure.
I should probably hit the head too.
- You in there.
- Occupied.
Take it easy.
! Hey, what the hell? Let go.
! All right.
! I'm coming.
! God.
! What the hell's wrong with you, man? - Do you have a cell phone? - Yeah, yeah.
Take it.
It's in my back pocket.
Shut up and listen.
I don't have a lot of time.
I am a federal agent.
This is a phone number.
I need you to call it the moment I walk out that door.
- These are all Carolina license plates.
- All right.
You tell them you got this information from Whiplash.
They'll put you on a secure line, and you give 'em this.
- You're a government agent? - That's right.
And I need you to make that call.
Let's go.
I waited for this jackass.
Still no movement in or out.
- Bad intel? - I think we're being conned.
- By Drake or by Sam? - Does it matter? Let's break this down.
Bravo Team in the back.
Betty Blue, Dirt Diver, meet us out front.
Go for Snake Doc.
- Operation's scrubbed.
You're looking at a decoy.
- Is that so? New intel.
The meet's already taken place somewhere outside of Louisville.
- I understand.
- We got three plate numbers and three cars.
And here it is.
Each is carrying a nuclear device.
- Three bombs? - That is affirmative.
We can be wheels up in 10.
Is Whiplash gonna lead us in? - Negative.
Whiplash and the bombs are in the wind.
- We got three bombs in the wind? That's right.
Remember when your mama said it could be worse? This is what she was talking about.
# Give me your secrets Bring me a sign # # Give me a reason to walk the fire # # See another dawn # # Through a daughter's eyes # # You give me a reason to walk the fire ## Snake Doctor, we have local units in and around Louisville tracking the vehicle tags.
Traffic cams and roadway surveillance are now also operating in surrounding states.
We're over I-65 now, looking to put feet down fast.
Give me a target.
We're trying to get you one.
Interstates are shutting down.
That should force them off onto surface streets.
Too many ways to slip out of the city.
- Like snakes through a picket fence.
- Yeah.
No doubt.
- Redcap, any other intel on the third target? - Negative.
Whiplash was only able to give us two out of the three cities.
- St.
Louis and Dallas.
- Roger that.
Louis and Dallas only.
We'll get you a sitrep when we land.
- Dallas? - I know your children are in Dallas.
- Yeah, that's right.
- With Kim's parents.
There's a lot of people in Dallas.
Kim, which box do these linens go in? Behind me.
Joss, you don't have to- And miss the chance to inventory your wardrobe? I mean, look at this.
Oh, baby.
Well, keep it for your trousseau.
I don't think I could squeeze into that thing after my third baby.
- Oh, please.
You're gorgeous.
- Never thought I'd be happy to see Fort Griffith again.
- Things change.
- You think they'll have us in the same neighborhood, Molly? I really don't know.
Well, if they end up kicking Charlie out of the Unit for marrying me I'd at least like the royal tour.
Would you do me the honors, Molly? I'd like to,Joss, but that won't be possible.
- Why? - I won't be coming back to Fort Griffith.
- I don't understand.
- I'm leaving the army.
But you and Jonas-You're splitting up? I asked him to go with me.
Well, wouldn't that sort of be an ultimatum? No.
It's calling in a debt.
When I wanted to leave Mack, you talked me out of it.
- That's right.
- But? Jonas intends to live and fight forever.
This soldier's tour is over.
I'm stunned.
- I really am stunned.
- Well- That's not my intention.
How do we stop these bombs? Sir, in the last hour, my team has hit the ground and fanned out.
We're attempting to track the vehicles as they reach their destination.
I don't understand what that means- you're " attempting" to track them.
- We are attempting- - You have local law enforcement cooperation? - Yes, we do, Mr.
- What about using the news media or AMBERAlerts? If we notify the public, then the terrorists know we're onto 'em.
Wouldn't want to give them a reason to alter their plan as we know it.
A reason to panic and detonate right then? We want to hit 'em before they know the fight has begun.
This is high stakes poker.
High stakes poker, yes.
Play the cards you're dealt.
You play the player, and we don't know who that is yet.
Steven? - Sir? - Get Homeland Security in here.
Sir, if in the next few hours, we don't have them in our sights- In the next few hours, we may be at war with Russia.
Sir, word from Moscow.
They're denying any involvement.
They're denying it's their uranium.
- It may be theirs, but in the hands of others now? - Who did control it? - Former K.
- What's his name? - Armen Kochenko.
- And how do we find him? We snatched him at Grand Central Station in New York waiting to board a train.
He'll be on the ground at Edwards in 90 minutes.
Then I want you talking to him.
Yes, Mr.
Do I make the extent of my request clear? Yes, sir.
You do.
All right, guys.
Anderson County sheriff confirms that the vehicle with matching plates is headed north on the U.
Picked up at the Lawrenceburg tollbooth.
Dirt Diver and Betty Blue will intersect at Taylorsville.
All right.
I'm getting a second hit now on the 18 crossing northeast into West Virginia.
Must be headed to Philadelphia or New York.
Picking up the coordinates now.
If Snake Doctor heads east and gets off at Blackburn he can get in front of him and fishhook.
- How much farther? - About four klicks.
- Two lane? - Hold on.
- Look for high ground.
- I'm searching.
- Give me something.
- Trestle bridge.
- That'll do.
- He's passing Beckley now.
- Local units setting up roadblocks.
- No, no, no, no.
Call 'em off.
Call off the helos too.
- We can tie him off at Covington Exit.
- Call off all pursuit.
- I want him to think he's got daylight.
- Roger.
Tallyho! You know, coming this way doesn't get him to Texas.
Well, wherever he's headed, he's about to get slowed down.
Unless he's a suicide bomber.
Maybe they all are.
Call your family.
Get 'em out of Dallas.
That violates some protocol, Top.
- Not if it's an order.
- Is it an order? It is.
- Is it a lawful order? - Call your family.
- Do you have a danger code word? - Yes, I do.
Use it.
- Thank you very much.
- There you go.
He's coming up the block now.
Blue Suzuki.
- Ah.
- God bless.
Tags match.
Nice and easy.
Go, go! Move it, move it! Right there.
Please do not move.
- Get them off the sidewalk.
! - Hey, get back.
! It's here.
Kim, listen.
I need you to call your parents.
- Tell them to put the kids in the car.
- In the car? Kim, listen to me.
Tell them to head west and that you'll meet them.
Meet- Meet them where? What are you talking about? Alas Babylon.
Did you hear me? Alas Babylon.
I understand.
Just have them drive as fast and as far as they can out of state.
- I understand.
- Get them out ofTexas right now.
- Bob? - I gotta go.
I tried to take him alive.
- Detonator? - No.
It's not on him.
Huh? - His target's Philadelphia.
- Yeah.
Not anymore.
- Give me a hand with this.
- Yeah.
Scratch St.
Louis off the target list.
Basic gun-type construction.
High explosive at one end.
Uranium core at the other end.
But which is which? That's a good question.
Too many wires.
Some decoys, some booby traps.
- It's rigged.
- Mmm.
- Okay.
Talk me through.
- All right.
Betty Blue, give us the play-by-play.
We'll, uh-We'll do it together.
Tell Jonas to feel underneath the cylinder for a device.
Here's the pressure that you want, as if he's poking around a throbbing tooth.
- You understand? - Careful.
- Uh- See something that looks like a Bluetooth.
- Exactly.
That's the trigger for the detonator.
It can be detonated by a cell phone.
- Is this thing hot? - No way to tell till we open it.
We should move all those folks back a ways.
Save your strength.
No matter how far they go, won't make a difference.
This is for our highly placed friend? It's an exit strategy.
So where are we sending the lucky bastard? Ah.
Lovely Caracas.
Qué bueno.
There's one in there for you too.
Venezuela? The phrase you're looking for is " thank you.
" Thank you.
- Not answering.
- Who's not answering? Other two cars.
Where the hell is everybody? Something happen to them? Hey, you hear from the others? All right.
Look, uh, we have a problem.
They may be locked on to you.
New plan.
Uh, we're looking at a green wire connects to a digital timer.
- It's redundant.
It's a dummy.
Cut it away.
- You sure? - Cut it and see.
- All right.
Hold on.
Stand by.
All right.
We're good.
Hold that.
Cool Breeze.
Have Top look for a heavily shielded wire beneath the right side.
Mine's yellow.
- Does mine have to be yellow? - No.
- I have a white one, heavily shielded.
- Okay.
Look, brothers.
This cut oughta be the one.
I'm gonna keep talking as I go.
If my comm suddenly goes dead, tell Snake Doc to cut the black wire instead.
We're gonna be fine.
I, Charles Lewis Grey take you,Joss Morgan to be my lawfully wedded wife.
In the presence of God, our family and friends I offer you my solemn vow to be your faithful partner in sickness and in health in good times and in bad till death do us part.
Buddy, if she won't marry you, I will.
Make the cut.
- Pager five.
- Yeah.
- What? - Isotope isn't weapons grade.
- It's not uranium? - Not U-235.
- Check Betty Blue's.
- Betty Blue, we, uh-we got a dummy nuke.
- What's your readout? - Negative.
- Both are fakes? - Isn't that clever? - Three suitcases, two of them are dummies.
- Yeah.
But the third one, it's got the magic prize.
Right now there's a nuclear device being driven toward Dallas, Texas.
- Call it off.
- Whom exactly do you expect me to call? Leon Drake, his men or the bastards you're working for.
I am retired.
But you know that.
There's a hell of a lot of former K.
's like yourself pedaling nukes for their 401 's.
Better than the stock market.
Call it off.
Even if what you are saying is correct I don't control Drake or his people.
I'm a blissfully ignorant middleman.
- But you can lead us to him.
- In exchange for freedom, I could try to help.
I'm not authorized to make that deal.
Of course not.
You're not authorized to make a deal.
That's correct.
Then I suggest you take my offer to the real power, quickly.
Tags match.
Yeah, the engine's still warm.
Must've switched vehicles.
Which means he knows we took down the other two cars.
Which means he's been in contact with Drake and that he knows.
- Pass the word to Snake Doc? - Yeah.
When we touch down in D.
- The car's empty.
- Well, he's not getting far with a 70-pound duffel bag.
- He might have hitched.
- There's not much traffic out here.
Sir, we got a call in.
There's been an incident up the road a ways.
I don't like the sound of this already.
- Carjacked.
- Double tap to the chest, no signs of struggle.
Not much of a fair fight.
Witness inside said she saw a man with a large duffel wandering the parking lot.
Run his license, get a make on his vehicle, see if anybody saw which way he went.
You know which way.
He's going to Dallas.
- How sick is he? - What do you mean it's closed? - Can you get it open? - Well, can you get one of the neighbors to help? No, Mom.
I cannot explain.
But you and the kids need to get out of there now.
All right.
I'll call you back in 10 minutes.
And that's closed too? - He's too sick to travel.
- Your father? Even if he could, my mom says the interstate's closed in the area.
Well, they've closed the Dallas-Fort Worth Airport.
They've grounded all planes in or out.
- If they're shutting down the airports, it must mean- - I know what it means.
I have to get my kids.
Okay, listen.
If I hightail it now to Van Nuys Airport, I can get a Lear 35.
Make it to Dallas and back in five hours.
- Who's gonna fly it? - I'll fly it.
If there is a threat, you can't go flying into the middle of it.
Yes, I can.
Call your parents.
Tell them to get ready.
Joss, they've closed the airports.
Well, then I'll have to use my own.
All right.
Your deal's approved.
But only after we get Drake and only if we stop the remaining bomb from detonating.
Then we go.
This is my best man.
Where do we find Drake and the bomb? I must go with you.
If I'm not there, Drake won't show.
I don't believe that's how this mission is going to proceed.
You tell us the location, we'll decide who goes with.
We have to hurry.
If you don't have me on a plane out of here within the hour you will miss him and lose your bomb.
- Where is it? - You have a quick temper.
I have a quick temper and unofficial authorization to kill you if you don't tell me where that bomb is! You are quick to lose your temper.
- That's one of the many things your file says.
- My file, huh? The one back in Russia.
You think someone in your position doesn't have a file? You drink too much.
You've made mistakes.
- You've had failures.
- What do you know about my failures? - I know they led to the events of today.
- How's that? Venezuela.
- Venezuela? - You had a mission to assassinate President Ortiz.
- What? - Colonel, word travels.
Your mission had flaws.
Your men failed.
And worst of all, they showed their hand.
President Ortiz was displeased.
- President Ortiz? - Who do you think paid for the uranium? Who do you think contracted Drake to kill your vice president? That madman from Venezuela.
You understand we're just two men talking.
Of course, if you had succeeded in killing him your country wouldn't be in this position.
Now get me on that airplane, or you're about to lose one of your cities.
Alpha Team touched down in Sherwood.
En route now.
out of Little Rock is reporting the vehicle belonging to the carjack victim is entering Route 67.
Betty Blue, local units clearing the highway now.
- All right.
Give it to me.
- Up ahead, hard right onto Wildwood.
Think I can take him out with a pit maneuver? Last resort.
We don't want to upset the package.
- He's heading towards downtown.
- Yeah, yeah.
We're pushing it.
We're pushing it.
- That's him up ahead.
- Yeah, that's right.
Come on.
Go for it.
- He spotted us.
- If it detonates in the city- Yeah, I know.
I know.
Get me a little closer.
- Steady.
- Take him out! Might upset the cargo.
Then we've all had it.
Lot worse if it happens downtown.
You are one altruistic son of a bitch.
He's coming up on the right.
Steady! Steady! Steady.
- Here we go! - Hold on.
! Well, no mushroom cloud.
Three cars down.
No nukes.
Where's the uranium? - Do you have the plane ready? - Yeah, it's ready.
- Question first.
- You don't have time for questions.
- You were picked up at Grand Central Station.
- Yes.
- With a ticket to Chicago in your pocket.
- That is also correct.
Well, here's my question.
Why did you get to the station three hours before your train departed? Because I did not want to miss my train.
Are you going to let a nuclear bomb explode in your country as this man satisfies his curiosity? You know, your concern for our country's safety is touching.
But I think the ticket to Chicago's crap.
- Where were you really headed? - You would do well to listen to me.
- Your country is in danger.
- We have new intel that the bomb was intended for Boston.
- We don't need you.
- You don't know where in Boston.
Fly me there, and I might still be able to stop it.
There is no new intel about Boston.
You're lying.
The nuke is headed here to Washington, isn't it? The one thing you were desperate for is to get out of here.
We're in a blast zone, aren't we? Redcap, cancel the plane.
We won't be needing it.
You are going to lose millions of lives if you don't get me on that plane.
I think you're gonna lose yours right along with the rest of us! Come on! - Where are you taking him? - We're going for a picnic out on the Mall.
Nice view of the D.
Me and him, we're gonna ride out this storm together.
Yes! All right! The bomb is coming here to Washington.
- When? - Soon.
Maybe already here.
I was to meet him, leave the country with him.
- Who? Leon Drake? - Yes.
Meet him where? Your friend not here? I think the Tomb of the Unknowns is around here somewhere.
Any hints on who we might be waiting on? Someone once said- Who was it? " During wartime " truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies.
" I believe it was Churchill who said it on D-Day.
Very impressive.
Someone's shot.
! - Oh, my God.
! Oh.
! - What in the world? - Thanks.
- Well, I haven't saved us yet.
The bomb's here somewhere.
- What about the other three cars? - Decoys, all of them.
Drake said we were here to meet his mole, his insider.
There is no mole.
He was gonna kill you and make you look responsible.
- There's no bomb in the car.
- It's here! Somewhere where Drake could get at it.
It's not in the car.
It's a part of the car.
This is ground zero.
- has yet to approve- - Nothing on the news about an incident or attack in Texas.
Why hasn'tJoss called? She probably left your parents' a little while go.
- Maybe they're back in the air already.
- Maybe Molly has it right.
- Look, we've been here before.
- Exactly.
And we'll be here again if we keep letting the army push us around the board like checkers.
You see your kids, and this feeling will just fade away.
It won't, Tiffy.
Say it.
Whatever's bothering you,just say it.
Since Bob and I joined the Unit, one thing gave me comfort.
- Do you know what that is? - No.
If Molly and Jonas could make it, so could Bob and me.
And now she's gone and said out loud the one thing we do not ask our husbands.
You tell me what that is.
Which do you love more the job or me? That's right.
- Find anything? - Not yet.
The others were 70 pound cylinder- The drive shaft.
- Fresh welding.
- Any trigger device? The other three were Bluetooth, call activated.
Drake's cell.
He dialed someone before.
He's already activated it.
- Then the clock's ticking.
- He would've given himself time to get out of the blast range.
No way to know how much time that gives us.
Time to earn our pay.
Listen, Top.
If the bomb is in the driveshaft it's gonna be the same gun-type design.
- The target at one end and the uranium bullet at the other.
- What about the detonator? - No time.
Your only choice is to cut the cylinder in half.
- The drive shaft? Yeah.
Break the shaft in the middle.
Keep the bullet from hitting the uranium core.
It won't disarm the bomb, but it'll keep it from going nuclear.
I've got nothing that'll cut steel.
I got it.
You're gonna have to get under that car somehow.
You're gonna have tojack it up.
Well, we've come to the right place.
Hold one.
Betty Blue, we're a go.
Jonas, before you do it, know this.
Once you make that first cut, you're gonna be exposed to radiation.
How much? - Ninety seconds.
- Ninety seconds.
- Any more than that, and the radiation will- - I get it.
Don't want to dig my own grave.
Godspeed, man.
- Thirty seconds gone.
- Almost there.
Come on, come on! Ah! - Saw's caught in the cut.
- Push it! Fifty seconds gone! Brake's slipping! The car's gonna fall on you! Hey.
I can't get out! The radiation- Get out of here.
You first! Snake Doc here.
It's done.
It's over.
The bomb has been neutralized.
That's it.
Good work.
Dodged a bullet, didn't we? 37th Fighter Wing confirms, Mr.
Scrambled a squadron of B-2s out of Panama.
They'll be over Caracas in an hour.
We'll see then if our friend in Venezuela owns up.
- Sir, if you want my team- - Thank you, Sergeant Major.
We've got it covered here.
We're also getting further intel from the Russians.
President, Kochenko was right about one thing.
- The assassination attempt.
- Yes, sir.
God knows what else I've inherited I don't know about yet.
- Sir, any responsibility for- - Yes.
I understand.
Sergeant Major, your country appreciates all you've done.
Thank you, Mr.
You still got something you need to sort out, Sergeant Major? - You know where I stand, Colonel.
- There ain't a pulpit big enough to- You lied to us, and that cannot pass.
That lie saved you, me and a hell of a lot of people.
So what's that make me? A brigadier general.
Do you think I'm not fit to command the Unit? You know it.
The Russians know it.
Sometimes the man looking in the mirror is the last one to know it.
As long as he finally figures it out.
- See, there's one right there.
- Yeah.
I see it.
- You know what that is? - Not exactly.
I'd like to see a little bit more.
- Can we zoom in on that right there? - Yeah.
Could I have a minute? Are you addressing me? Warrant Officer, with permission.
- What is it? - Look, I gotta say something.
Yes? I am sorry about what occurred between us.
I read the report, Sergeant.
You were just doing as ordered for your cover.
That doesn't quite fix it, does it? No.
Not quite.
I suppose it doesn't.
I appreciate the words though.
# He fight and he pray He love and he bleed # # To know satisfaction was not his need # # And when he walks Stands tall as he can # # For he's a man Yeah, he's a man # # And when he crumples Resolve to the ground # # Like burnt bits of paper life flutters round # - # All eyes turn away, no one wants to see # - Daddy! - Hey! Oh, my goodness! Oh! - # A man who's lost # - Hey, baby.
- # In the fight to be free # - # For we've been # - Yeah? - # Out running # - Hi, cutie.
I'm home.
# For all of our lives # # No chance # # In stopping # # We'd surely lose sight # # In the back ofhis mind is a smiling face # - Charles Grey! - Charles Grey! # The one who said "You know, it's no race"# # The one who says, "You got time to breathe # # 'Cause, child,you were born We're all born free"# # For we've been # # Out running # # For all of our lives # # No chance # - # In stopping # - I'm a go.
# We'd surely lose sight # Please stand.
# In the back ofhis mind is a smiling face # # The one who said "You know, it's no race"# # The one who says "You got time to breathe # # 'Cause, child,you were born We're all born free"# - # But the back ofhis mind is the back of a room # - Please be seated.
# So dust enshrouded and no dust broom # - Congratulations, General.
- # Stands a chance to clear the cobwebs away # # So there in the back In the dark it'll stay # # And we've # # Been out running # # For all of our lives # You may now kiss the bride.
# No chance # # In stopping # # We'd surely lose sight # # Tell me, son What are you livin'for# # Tell me, boy What are you livin'for# # Tell me, son What are you livin'for# # Tell me, tell me What are you livin'for##
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