Beverly Hills, 90210 (1990) s04e28 Episode Script

Acting Out

Hey, if I knew I was gonna get a present, I would have tried out for a play a long time ago.
The Method by Lee Strasberg? It sounds like some kind of birth control, but it's an acting technique.
Marilyn Monroe used it.
And now that you're the next big thing Guys, I just got a callback, and I think it was beginner's luck.
Look, don't fight it.
You've got the gift.
There's no law that says you have to be a Theater major like Brenda.
I'll get it.
Hi, come on in.
We were just talking about you.
You got a callback.
Yeah, I saw your name up there too.
What a surprise.
- Hi, Bren.
- Hi.
I mean, all last week, when I was helping you find the nerve to audition, remember? You told me you were going for the part of Mae.
I was, but then Roy Randolph asked me to read for Maggie.
And I suppose he asked you out for coffee after the audition too? Yeah, he did.
And everybody else who was still stuck there.
Well, if Roy Randolph forced you into it, why didn't you tell me? Honestly, I was afraid of how you would react.
Stab me in the back, I bleed.
You guys, could you keep it down? You're scaring the puppy.
What do you expect me to do, Brenda, drop out? Make more room for you? - Kelly, it's not your part.
- What makes you think you own it? Why don't you get a life of your own and stop trying to steal mine? - I've got a life of my own.
- Yeah, I know all about it.
I cannot believe this.
Spirited performances.
I give them two thumbs up.
David, this isn't funny.
No, Bran.
You know Laura Kingman.
Hi, Laura.
- Hi.
- I didn't mean to interrupt.
- I thought we had a game at 2.
- We do, and I'm there.
- I was just - Warming up? Thank you.
You make me feel better.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Don't say a word.
Let me guess, you were playing baseball.
You kiss her on the strikes and she I know I said there wouldn't be any body contact, but when you're rehearsing, stuff happens.
That was no rehearsal I was watching.
We were taking a break, okay? Mostly, I work with her.
I do.
And you know what? I'm good at it.
I think I've found my calling.
What, hopping into bed with actresses? I love show business.
Jeez, it's the chancellor.
Behave yourself, all right? Behave myself? - Brandon.
- Chancellor.
I'd like you to meet my good friend Steve Sanders.
- It's an honor to meet you.
- You're a friend of Brandon's? Tell him it's time he stopped going behind my back.
Excuse me? Clare told me.
About her senior prom.
I'm glad you're taking her.
She's very excited about it.
I think she's out shopping for a new dress.
- Well, Friday night, then.
- Friday night.
Nice to meet you.
Clare, huh? I guess you finally figured that a girl who handcuffs herself to your bed is someone you wanna get to know a little better, huh? Not exactly, Steve.
This is the first I've heard about the senior prom.
The chancellor's daughter.
Clare strikes again, huh? Well, Kevin and Suzanne are both taking the day off, and it's Erica's first time at the beach since she learned how to swim, Kel, okay? You can't back out now.
This is important to me.
When I said I'd go, I didn't know that I'd be doing callbacks right now.
- That's important to me.
- No one says it isn't.
- Nobody except Brenda.
- What do you expect, Kel? You guys rehearse together all week, supposedly it's for her, as it turns out, it's for you.
The director asked me if I would try out.
I know what the director said, okay? But think about it from Bren's point of view.
Why don't you ever look at things from my point of view? There's your man.
- Brandon.
- Clare.
Your friend was just reading my palm.
She spotted my heart attack.
- Oh, just a little late, I'd say.
- Steve, Clare.
Clare, Steve Sanders.
If you ever need a date for the prom in the future, please consider me.
Oh, no.
You've been talking to my dad, haven't you? Yes.
Well, I guess you two have a little catching up to do.
Thanks for the reading.
Great load off my mind.
I wanted to tell you myself.
You know, Clare, usually it's customary to ask somebody if they wanna go out with you.
Especially if you're talking about going to a prom.
- Yeah, but you would have said no.
- Still, it's traditional.
Another reason not to do it, right? Do you know Clare? Intimately.
We were roommates when I went to that retreat with Brandon.
Well, did she bring her handcuffs? I don't think I wanna hear this.
Fortunately I have to get to the theater.
I thought auditions weren't for a couple of days.
They're not.
But tonight we get one-on-one direction from Roy Randolph.
But tomorrow we're at the beach, right? Hey, tell Laura Kingman I say hi.
You know I'm coaching her, don't you? Coach all you want, it's a free country.
- Well, not according to Brenda.
- I know.
She acts like she has some special claim on the lead.
Which is ridiculous when you consider the fact that Laura's the one with the résumé.
- Unlike me, you mean.
- That is not what he said, Kel.
So Laura has Steve, and Brenda has you.
Tell me, Dylan, who do I have? - Kelly.
- Let her go.
The theater beckons.
- Callbacks.
- Yeah, Brenda's comatose too.
Well, Laura's stopped eating.
See? Compared to an actress, I'm a bargain.
Listen up, all of you.
The scene isn't just Maggie angry that Brick's living at the bottom of a whiskey bottle.
It's not just this.
On the contrary, she's trying to hold things together.
What else can you do when you find yourself wading through the seamy underworld of an alcoholic? I take it you're acquainted with the subject? Yeah, both my boyfriend and my mom are recovering now.
Thank God.
So you tell us.
What's going through Maggie's head? If she could reach Brick for just one honest second, she could save them both.
- At least that's what she thinks.
- And of course, he'll have none of it.
Kelly, you're up.
Reach him.
Take it from "Silence about a thing.
" Silence about a thing just magnifies it.
It grows and festers in silence, becomes malignant.
Give me my crutch.
Lean on me.
Just give me my crutch.
Lean on my shoulder.
I don't want to lean on your shoulder.
I want my crutch.
Are you gonna give me my crutch, or do I have to get down on my knees on the floor and? Here, take it.
Take it.
That was it.
This girl's an actress.
Yeah, she pretends to be your friend.
I know that the lab test says everything's okay, but I don't know, I still feel strange.
Andrea, didn't Dr.
Haller say every mother-to-be gets anxious at one time or another? But, Jesse, I feel anxious all the time.
Well, then, I have got exactly what you need.
One exercise video for those with child.
Yeah, you relax, you stretch, you stop worrying.
This is your solution? To put me in front of the tube? I hope you don't have this planned for our offspring.
And, you know, I would not be going to San Francisco if I had any choice.
Yeah, I know, I know.
This is the price you pay for your federal clerkship.
No earthquakes while I'm gone, okay? - I'll call tomorrow night.
- All right.
- I love you.
- I love you.
Both of you.
See you.
This yours, little boy? - I didn't think you were coming.
- I wasn't.
Last night, I was rehearsing this scene.
- And everybody was watching - Hey, Dylan, come here.
Okay, I'm coming.
Just a second.
It was the strangest thing, Dylan.
I'll tell you what, Kel, why don't we increase the peace here? We don't discuss the play.
I wanted to tell you how my rehearsal went.
You can do that later.
Right now, I want you to meet Kevin.
Come on.
Kevin Weaver, this is Kelly Taylor.
- Hi, Kelly.
- Hey.
- Yeah, I've seen you at the Peach Pit.
- It's no surprise.
It's sort of become home base since I met Suzanne.
Listen, Kevin and I were gonna take a little walk down the beach here and see some of that sludge that rolls out into the bay.
You came to the beach to see sewage? It's an occupational hazard.
I'm an environmental chemist.
Excuse me.
We'll be gone about an hour.
Can you live without me for that long? - Definitely.
- Thank you.
Sure, we girls will have a blast.
Come on, let's go.
It's just an hour, okay? Don't forget the Peach Pit sorority meeting tonight.
Oh, I have auditions tomorrow, I can't.
Sorry, no time for socializing.
- You mean socializing with Kelly.
- You said it, I didn't.
Although she did hit an all-time low when she pulled out her lost-child-of-an-alcoholic act at rehearsal.
She was crying so hard, I thought we were gonna drown.
Yeah, well, it must have been pretty painful for her.
Yeah, it really hurts being the director's favorite.
There's Roy and Laura now.
I suppose Laura's a sleaze now too? No.
She is just trying to keep up with the leader.
Which is exactly what I should be doing.
I just love eating alone.
So you're telling me that bacteria can eat up all that sludge we just saw down there? Absolutely.
You just have to build yourself the right kind of organism.
Well, get to building that organism, will you? Every time it rains, I can't go in the water for two weeks.
Yeah, the bay sure looks beautiful today, doesn't it? Not in this bottle.
You know what else is beautiful? What is it that girls always talk about anyway? - I don't know.
- Let's go find out.
- Hey, sorry we took so long.
- What kept you? Well, it was kind of my fault, actually.
I got talking to Kevin about his job.
And I'll tell you, it's pretty fascinating stuff.
Well, if I'm not mistaken, you promised to take me for a walk up the beach, Mr.
I never break a promise.
Then will someone go swimming with me? - You wanna go swimming? - With us? We could take you swimming.
Swimming, to the ocean.
I was beginning to think your sister was part of a government plot to drive me nuts.
Kel, what is it with you lately? I mean, yesterday, you're bagging on Brenda and Steve.
Today you can barely be civil.
Well, I came to the beach to be with you, not be dumped with Suzanne and Erica.
Well, if that's the way you feel about my little sister, you shouldn't have come at all.
You know, the minute I tried to talk to you about my rehearsal I don't wanna hear about the same fights you've been having with Brenda for two years? - No, I don't.
- No, that's not what this is about.
Well, then what is it about, Kel, huh? Is it about the play? The twit director? The way you come alive in the glow of the spotlight? Come on, you're behaving like an actress, and you know what? - I'm not really that interested.
- I know you're not interested.
I know.
It's okay for Brenda, but it's not okay for me? That is exactly what I'm talking about, right there.
Thanks for listening.
If you're gonna clean up the bay, maybe you should start with yourself.
You know, with Jesse gone, I've been climbing the walls.
I can't tell you how great it is to talk to another human being.
Thank you.
It's too bad Brenda and Kelly aren't speaking, or you could have had all three of us here.
Well, callbacks are tomorrow.
- It'll be over soon.
- I don't know.
You should have heard the way Brenda was dumping on Kelly at lunch.
It just was kind of scary, it's like whatever held us together in high school is gone, and everyone's different, and it's just all catching up to us now.
Well, if it's any comfort, despite my ever-expanding waistline, I'm still the same.
Are you kidding? You've changed more than anyone.
No, I haven't, not deep down.
Not where it's important.
Andrea, a year ago, you were a virgin on your way to Yale.
And then there was Dan, and then Jesse, now you're pregnant.
I don't think the girl you were a year ago would even recognize you now.
Look, Donna, if you want to see me as someone who slept around and got knocked up, I can't stop that.
That's not what I meant.
Yeah, but that's exactly what you said.
Look, I liked being virgins with you, okay? I really did.
But I can't keep that going anymore.
I'm pregnant, I'm married.
I know, and that's all I was saying.
Look, I just needed somebody to talk to today.
- Andrea.
- No.
It's been real.
- Brandon.
- Chancellor.
- Come in.
- Thanks.
Clare will be down in just a second.
I hope this isn't awkward for you, because it's not for me.
- I'm delighted.
- No, no, no, I'm I'm delighted too.
Well, is someone gonna say something? You look beautiful, honey.
Seldom wrong and right again, chancellor.
Oh, Brandon, you shouldn't have.
It's beautiful.
I've got to get a picture.
Just a second.
I can't believe you bought me one of these wrist things.
You are so funny.
Actually, you know what's funny is that I don't dance at all.
So I hope you don't mind standing around drinking punch all night.
You don't actually think I'd waste an all-nighter at a high school dance, do you? Okay.
I'll make this as painless as possible.
All right, smile.
Well, that was nice, but could you just move a little closer together? You're in for a wild ride.
Clare, you finally made it.
Yeah, we had to stop off at the prom for our official Kodak moment.
Wow, one of those high school dance corsages.
- Yeah.
Brandon, this is Renee.
- Hi, Renee.
Where's Peter? Tequila makes me crazy.
- How you doing, man? I'm Brandon.
- Oh, yeah.
Peter, Peter, Peter.
Clare told us she tricked you into coming, huh? Thanks, you promised you wouldn't tell anyone.
Well, you both already know.
Our song.
Dance with me.
Come on, let's get some champagne.
Actually, Clare, I'm not big on drinking and driving.
I wrapped my car around a truck about three years ago during a party just like this one.
So you did have a wild and crazy period.
Just think, if you hadn't given that up and become a model citizen, I would never have met you.
Clare, come on.
Why don't you dance, though? Traumatic dancing accident? - Clare - No, it's fine.
I mean, I'm happy just being here with you.
- Clare, come on.
- No.
Yes, come on.
Go ahead.
- Are you sure? - Absolutely.
When in Rome I wish you could talk to me.
And I don't mean dog biscuits and liver treats.
You got a pal there? Well, at least he pretends to listen.
I'm not in the mood for Tennessee Williams tonight.
Well, I wish you could have come to the Peach Pit with me.
You could've stopped me from tormenting Andrea about getting pregnant.
Why did you do that? I don't know, I had all these feelings about her sexual revolution.
And then all this horrible stuff just kind of burst out of nowhere.
Well, I know that feeling.
Yeah, I guess it's going around.
Brenda has it too.
Tell me about it.
The only reason I am in this whole mess is because I thought it would be fun to try out for a play with Brenda.
And it was fun, until the director decided that he liked me as the tortured, desperate Maggie character.
- Well, you're great at it.
- I don't wanna be great at it.
I wanna forget about it.
Crying on cue is not my idea of a good time.
So, then why are you doing it? I mean, it's just a college play.
I don't know.
Maybe the only reason that I'm hanging on is because Brenda told me I should forget about it.
So it is Brenda.
And when Dylan sides with her, it drives me crazy.
Well, no one says you have to be a martyr.
Just back off World War III.
Hey, I'm not the one who came howling in here.
Look, Brenda is not a threat to you.
It's more like the other way around.
That's the way you see it.
No, actually, that's the way she sees it.
She told me.
She said she's still screwed up about losing Dylan to you.
And now with the play, I mean, think about it, who's under attack? I don't know.
The poor pregnant woman you tortured? Well, I guess tequila makes Clare crazy too, huh? No, she doesn't really drink.
She doesn't need to.
You mean she's naturally perfect? Hey, Brandon.
Come on, dance with me.
- Oh, right, you don't dance.
I forgot.
- Especially not for strangers.
They're not strangers.
They've been gawking at me for like 10 minutes.
Hey, doll face, what's the room number up there? Wouldn't you like to know? Ladies, maybe we should relax for a minute here, huh? - It's 308.
- Are you crazy? Hey, big guy.
Thirsty? Oh, my gosh, they're coming in.
Come on, we gotta lock the door.
- Oh, man.
- She's insane.
Oh, isn't it great? Open up the door.
Come on, we wanna party.
Listen, guys, if we're quiet, maybe they'll just leave, okay? Yeah, right.
Does it really sound like they're gonna leave? - Sorry, guys, this is a private party.
- Yeah, well, we were invited.
I think there's been a misunderstanding.
Am I some kind of joke to you? Is that what I am? Come on, nobody thinks you're a joke, man.
Oh, yeah? Well, your skanky friend does.
Look, why don't you just leave, all right? Or what, huh? What were you trying to show me under that dress? Listen, guys, I think it might be better if you just left, okay? Hey, hey, break it up, break it up.
Gentlemen, if you leave quietly right now, we can forget the whole thing.
That gentleman just tried to kill us.
- Big damn joke.
- I said quietly.
Right now.
- You okay? - Yeah, fine, thanks.
Quite an expensive mess.
I'm gonna call my father, all right? He'll take care of it.
- No, we are not calling your father.
- You're doing something.
- We'll take care of it.
- Fine.
Everyone else, the party's over.
The doorman will be putting you in taxis.
Let's go.
Now, before I lose my patience.
Alone at last.
Take everything over to your right.
Stretch over.
Make sure both fingertips are reaching out, top of the head is reaching down, drop over here.
Keep it lifted, keep the shoulder back.
Now circle that top arm back.
Can I come in? On one condition.
We forget what happened at the Peach Pit.
- Well, then you'll miss my apology.
- And you'll miss mine.
I'm sorry, Donna.
I was gonna call you.
My hormones have been raging lately.
No one's safe.
Would you like some ice cream? Always.
Are you all right? Andrea, what's wrong? I think I'm going into labor.
- Okay, where's the doctor's number? - It's by the phone.
Yes, Dr.
Haller, please.
Yes, could you page her? Andrea Zuckerman.
Oh, no.
When she calls, can you tell her we're leaving for the hospital right now? Thanks.
Oh, this isn't supposed to be happening.
- They said I was all right.
- You'll be okay.
Don't worry.
- I think I'm losing the baby.
- No, you're not.
Just hang in there.
We're on our way.
Come here, Laura.
Now, soak it up.
It'll be just like this tomorrow.
Why am I so catty? Because I'm consumed with envy and eaten up with longing.
Dare to be great.
Hey, just show him what we both know you've got.
Now, there's just one final touch.
- I don't think it's me.
- It's not you.
It's Maggie.
You mean wear this to the audition? Well, my mom got rave reviews in it when she did Tennessee Williams.
This is it, Laura.
A good actress has to take it all the way.
We'll be done in 30 seconds, okay? - How do you feel? - Like a cat on a hot tin roof.
Come on.
Brandon, can I come in? - I straightened the place up.
- Congratulations.
It's a good thing I got my friends to leave dough, huh? Yeah, they only came up $300 short.
I told you, I'll pay you back, okay? Look, you know, I should have just called my dad like I said.
And told him what? That some guy you flashed from a hotel balcony decided to take you up on your offer? Or that I was stupid enough to let it happen? No, I thought we could just make something up, okay? Yeah, you would.
It's been a rough night.
You know, the balcony didn't work out so well for you last time.
- Maybe you wanna get off? - Yeah, maybe I should just jump off.
God, I hate my life.
I hate it.
I just want you to care about me.
I do care.
No, you don't.
You just said that you don't.
So you wanna go home now? I wanna strangle myself with my own hands.
I don't think that's physically possible.
You know, a hotel room like this is a terrible thing to waste.
It's already been wasted, Clare.
Maybe I should just take you home, huh? - Yeah.
- Come on.
This is a terbutaline injection to stop the labor.
We'll put you on a pill form tomorrow.
Andrea, are you listening? I knew everything wasn't fine.
Well, you might feel a few more flutters, and you've got some heavy-duty bed rest in your future, but everything should be fine.
That's exactly what my OB told me the day before yesterday.
She might tell you that again when she examines you tomorrow.
I know this is not very comforting to hear, but these things happen.
I wish Jesse was here.
We'll keep you a few hours, then you'll be on your way.
And then what? I will watch you every second for the next three months till the baby's born.
You've got a good friend there.
Thank you, Donna.
- I don't know what to say.
- Just rest.
- Brenda? - I got it, Dad.
Shouldn't you be getting ready for your big callback? I'm dropping out.
- You are? - Brenda, who is it? It's just Kelly, Dad.
You can go back to sleep.
Anyway, I just thought you should know.
Good luck.
Whoa, wait a minute.
- What did Randolph say? - I haven't told him yet.
Well, look, I don't wanna change your mind, believe me, but I don't want Randolph thinking that I sabotaged his favorite actress.
I don't wanna be an actress.
I never wanted to be one.
So then why did you put yourself through all this? I don't know.
It's like every time something good happens to you, part of me feels like I'm getting left behind.
I don't know.
Forget it, I can't explain it.
Well, how do you think I felt in high school when you were voted, like, Spring Queen, and Most Beautiful and everything else? I thought you said that stuff didn't matter to you.
I couldn't let you know how jealous I was, now, could I? I should have known we were in trouble.
First day we met.
Remember, we went shopping after school, and you spotted that amazing spangly jacket, and I was the one who ended up taking it home.
Yeah, well, I would have been totally crushed if you didn't think it was worth having.
I always wanted you to have the role of Maggie.
And I still do.
So if there's anything I can do to help, or whatever Well, if you're offering to help me rehearse, I'd love it.
- You would? - Yes.
And we can compare notes on what it's like to have an alcoholic boyfriend.
Yeah, we can put the "fun" back in dysfunctional.
Come on.
When we're done, Randolph won't know what hit him.
Breakfast is served.
You know, I was trying to find a passage in there that would tell me what happened to me was common, but I don't know, I just can't find it.
Well, don't start worrying on me again.
- Jesse.
- Baby.
I'm so sorry.
Oh, I'm so glad you're here.
- It's okay to hold you, isn't it? - Yes, I'm fine.
At least that's what Donna keeps telling me.
She's starting to convince me too.
Thanks for calling me up here, Donna.
Andrea's always told me how you're everyone's guardian angel.
Yeah, some angel.
Donna, what's wrong? I just started thinking last night that Maybe all that stuff I said to you in the Peach Pit caused this to happen.
Donna, I knew something was wrong before Jesse left.
- It had nothing to do with you.
- Donna, you got her through it.
You got her smiling for the first time in weeks.
Well, I'm just glad you're having this baby.
Yeah, me too.
Remember, the operative word is desperate.
Good, because I'm feeling pretty desperate.
You'll be fine.
Guess what.
It's showtime.
Laura and Roy look pretty cozy.
Don't worry about it.
You're the one to beat.
Hail, hail, the gang's all here.
Eddie will take you down into the theater.
I'll see you all shortly.
Well, destiny awaits.
Someone else's destiny.
I've decided not to try out.
- You can't be serious.
- Yeah, I am.
I wanted to come and tell you, and also thank you for everything.
I'm only going to say this once, so listen carefully.
I can lift you out of your frivolous little life of sorority parties and study dates.
I can make you into something.
I've done it before.
All you have to do is be smart enough to say yes.
The only reason I was ever trying out was because Do what you have to, but spare me your little rationalizations.
You could have been a contender.
Is it safe yet? What a weird guy.
- Brandon, what happened to you? - I went on a date with Clare.
Oh, was it fun? Hardly, but I think she's finally realized I'm after a Clare-free environment.
Come on, I think they're gonna start.
Laura, I'll take you first.
Good luck.
When you're ready.
Take your time.
You were a wonderful lover.
Such a wonderful person to go to bed with.
And I think mostly because you were really indifferent to it.
Isn't that right? Never had any anxiety about it.
Just did it naturally, easily, slowly.
Absolute confidence and complete calm.
- More like you were opening the door - That's Laura? I told you I've been working wonders on her psyche.
I'll say.
She must have felt just fine about herself when she picked out that dress.
Strange, but true.
You know, if I thought you would never, never, never make love to me again, I would go downstairs to the kitchen and pick out the longest, and the sharpest knife I could find and stick it straight into my heart.
I swear that I would.
But one thing I don't have is the charm of the defeated.
My hat is still in the ring, and I am determined to win.
What is the victory of a cat on a hot tin roof? I wish I knew.
Just staying on it, I guess.
That was fantastic.
Brenda, you're up.
Same piece, please.
At your leisure.
You were a wonderful lover.
Such a wonderful person to go to bed with.
I think mostly because you were really indifferent to it.
Isn't that right? Never had any anxiety about it.
Did it naturally, easily.
Your indifference made you wonderful.
I'm sorry, I think I left out a few lines.
Could I start over? Bren, Bren, Bren.
Brandon, let me go.
I know what's going through your head right now.
Don't do this to yourself.
Brandon, this was my one chance to turn my life around and I blew it.
Only an idiot would choose me over any of the others.
Maybe Randolph will give you a second chance, huh? Yeah, right.
Well, it's been a rough 24 hours for the Walsh kids, huh? You know, I really wanna thank you two for your help out here.
Thank you very much, really.
Come on, this was definitely a brother and sister moment.
Brandon, I wouldn't have known what to say.
- Brandon.
- Oh, man.
Hi, guys.
Was that your sister? She seemed kind of tormented.
Yeah, it runs in the family.
How'd you know I was here? Well, I went by your house.
Your mom and dad told me.
Clare, do not go by my house.
Do not call me.
Do not trick me into going out with you.
Do not talk about me with your father.
In fact, don't talk to me at all.
If you do all of these things, you and I will get along fine.
Do you understand that? I'd love to stick around and hear the rest of this, but I gotta bail.
So do I.
I know you didn't really mean what you said.
- I hope you're glad to see me.
- Of course I'm glad to see you.
Look, I don't want to bring up a sore subject, but how'd your audition go? It didn't.
I dropped out.
Kel, I hope that I didn't It had nothing to do with what you said.
I know it's every little girl's dream to grow up and become a star, but it's not mine.
I hate acting.
And that is what I was trying to tell you yesterday.
Well, if I'd known that that is what you were trying to tell me, I would have listened.
Unfortunately, the way it works is that you have to listen first.
I know that.
I will.
I'll try.
Think you can live with seeing Brenda's name in lights up all over the campus? Oh, I could have, but she choked at her audition.
What, you're kidding me.
After all that? She's not as strong as she seems, is she? Well, it always amazes me how people think Brenda is so strong.
I mean, in reality, she's pretty fragile.
I wouldn't worry about her though, she's just like a cat, always lands on her feet.
What can I do for you? I know you don't believe in second chances, but I want you to know that I can play Maggie the Cat.
Show me what you've got.

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