One Piece s04e38 Episode Script

The Secret Bond! Franky and Iceburg

You do not make the weight.
Hurry to give us that.
You will stain it blood.
I believed capacity to gain.
In fact… Iceberg-san had said to me to flee as soon as possible.
To throw this trick and to run.
Because… It is a forgery! What? I am wedged! Shit, I am still wedged! Straw hat.
RANKYAKU [Rankyaku = storm of legs.]
It split the wall with a kick! It is what? We have an urgency, we do not have time to chatter with you.
I cannot move! Oi, attaches the other too.
You break! I do not have anything to give you! It is damage.
By where to start? You disappoint me… You, who soon will die.
Lucci! It is you the faulty one.
It is thus because you do not have gave it to the government whereas they asked it gentillement to you.
Kaku! We wanted you to leave, you and this city, without making stories.
Kalifa… I see that you inherited the obstinacy of your Master.
Blueno, the barman.
You all were… Members of the government.
We to dissimulate among the others was not difficult.
But I was astonished by your wisdom.
Then, Iceberg-san… The hiding-place of the sketches of Pluto, the Ancestral Weapon… Say to us, before there are other victims.
The bond hidden! Iceberg and Franky I must make quickly.
The waves and the wind are increasingly strong.
What it fout?! Return it to me.
It is the money… Who will be useful to us… To repair our boat.
With this money… We will be able to finally look after the wounds of Merry! I will not let to you take it! What they said, the 200 million was designed to repair the boat.
It is not with the current for Aqua Laguna, this evening.
It is annoying.
Yosh, with all that… Ca devarit to be good, if I find some boards moreover.
Not need.
Be to you which? Who? Don't Oi, oi, you remember already more ego? Kid with the long nose.
It is the same voice as the other time! What you insane here?! Let us go, go! Do not irritate you.
It would be damage to start a combat here.
This place will be submerged soon by the high tide.
We will have to take your boat to you cherished… As an hostage.
About what you do speak? Nothing important, just a small dilemma with Straw hat… Then I came to kidnap you.
You do not worry, I made use of the back of my blades.
Why you all massacred them?! It is strong, Zoro.
At all events, we dispatch! Zoro, by there! I said by there! How can it be mistaken whereas I passed in front?! It is a miracle! By there? What? Did Zoro leave? A miracle! It was still lost?! Look at, I unwedged my head.
Because I am elastic.
Yosh, brilliant.
Now, releases itself like that! Yosh, it left.
I am free, because I am elastic.
You are gifted.
Good, I detaches.
Yosh, of agreement.
You will pay it to me, the cow and the skeleton! We have been infiltrated for five years.
Do not worry you.
We always did our work correctly.
You have the désenparé air, but… We wasted time like that already enough.
We will make all our possible… To achieve our goal.
You would make better not resist You must surely know the name of Cipher pol.
Commonly allotted CP1 to CP8.
The government placed its secret services in eight places of the world.
Under the orders of the government, they can locate all types of information, anywhere.
I was with the current.
But only until the CP8.
I suspected it.
But we are the CP9.
Ninth Cipher pol.
which should not be.
From our special rights, we cannot be discovered.
*** Rights? Yes.
We always act in the name of justice.
But for those which do not want to cooperate with the government, we have… Right to kill.
Ca does not have any direction! The right to kill is not justified! The government considered the question… Rather than to fear the résurection of the Weapon… They will make it return… In order to put a term at this wave of piracy thanks to the power of justice.
But you did not cooperate until now.
You say not to want to help people… Who suffer under plunderings from pirates.
It is out of the question.
If the Weapon is résuscitée, everyone will tear off it.
Ca will do nothing but worsen the things! You seem not to make confidence with the government.
I know the human nature, kid.
Supervise your words! You are not any more our boss! Kaku, take its pulse.
We raised assumptions presently.
Calm remainder.
We will not tortuerons ourselves.
All that you have to make is to listen to these assumptions.
Your blood will reveal us the truth.
Pay attention while playing.
You could hurt you.
Grandmother, grandmother! One soon will return? Yes, soon.
The wind is strong, a small turning and one returns.
Just what to rack a little.
And you continuous of drinking? Can He, He, you rack while drinking at the same time? Of course.
I decades since, isn't this drinks? Decades? It is odd! Bi-zard! Bi-zard! Bi-zard! Bi-zard! Ah, not of the decades.
Ca makes eight years.
Then lets to us inform you of our assumptions.
First of all, the fact that you us board delivered a false plan.
You had guessed that the government sought it and thought to have found its hiding-place.
But… Ca was not the case.
And if someone else had killed you to obtain them… Then there would have been nobody to transmit truths sketch.
You are not enough stupid to have omitted this detail.
As you knew that… You transmitted the sketches to nobody this evening.
What wants to say that you have already to entrust them to someone else.
In any case, they are not any more in your possession.
It is what we have deduce.
Ca is not used for nothing to resist.
But Ca remains an assumption.
Of course, we do not have any proof.
During the five years of investigation… We did not can anything guess your acts.
Moreover, those to which are entrusted the sketches… Must have necessary competence.
But let us continue with the assumptions.
Ca becomes interesting now.
On the false sketch which we found… While looking at attentively, one sees signatures.
“Tom”, “Iceberg”, and “Cutty Flam”.
And at the end, the name of the companie, “Tom' S Workers”.
You believed to take to speed the enemy with this false sketch.
But you did not think that the enemy was so close to you.
Bad calculation.
For these intruders who sought the sketches yesterday and today, it was only one vulgar bit of paper.
But… For we who have lived in this city for five years, the names on these sketches are very interesting.
Iceberg-san, we have visit.
The legendary company, “Tom' S Workers”, under the direction of Tom… Hide many mysteries.
Although it existed on this island… No administrative paper confirms it.
We needed much time to discover that you were a disciple of Tom.
According to a report/ratio of the government, Tom had only two disciples.
And the government has us to affirm that one of them had died in an accident.
You hear that? Cutty Flam, the violent apprentice of Tom died.
But I already heard this name some share, “Cutty Flam”.
Iceberg-san, we have visit.
He said that you would include/understand if I said, “Cutty Flam”.
It arrived little from time after our infiltration, about four years.
It passed the door of Galley it Company and asked to see you.
He pronounced only this name.
I remember it very well.
Me too.
Do I have to let it enter? Not, make leave it.
What wants to say… Cutty Flam, the second apprentice of Tom, is always in life… Who more is, in this city… UNDER THE NAME OF “FRANKY”! Here funny in way of accommodating me.
Ca… It is what? They is the sketches of the Ancestral Weapon? From now, débarassse of the name of “Cutty Flam”.
It is nothing any more but one matter of time before I would be located.
Take that with you and leaves this island, Franky.
No doubt on top.
I would never have thought that there was a bond between you and him.
It is true that Franky is a man on whom we did very little research.
One to disassemble boat, it is all that we know of him.
I include/understand.
To make imply a death in our research… To scramble the tracks, the idea was good.
Franky Family came to sell its boards with the building site.
And by clearing up you well, you could then transmit the sketches constantly.
When I reconsider there… All that occurred under our nose, without one realizing there.
** If the sketches are not in your possession… I include/understand your heroic attitude better.
If the person to which you had entrusted it were your former companion… I include/understand why you gave it to no engineer of Galley it.
Now, very lights.
Moreover… Your pulse confirms that we saw just! Quickly! Oi! You are sure that it is by there? It is you who asks that?! They are touched hard.
Over there! It is this door opposite! There are many people with ground.
Go, passes first! Cut out the door and sinks! Go ahead! THAT IS ENOUGH! DO NOT GIVE ME ORDERS! Oi, Straw hat! Imbecile, not here! It is the part of at side! What, at side? Not… It is not your fault.
So much of events accumulated this night, that it is normal… That you donot can hide your distress, whereas you are covered with blood.
Thank you to have taken care on us until now.
You are not any more any utility.
Dispatch we to find Franky.
Be made foutre.
WHERE IS ROBIN?! Luffy! Luffy?! Of the intruders.
Robin, I find you finally! Oi, Luffy! Where had you passed? Robin, they is good to re-examine you! He, wait.
What does it occur? Let us go, go… Straw hat! Paulee! Iceberg-san.
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