Gintama (2005) s04e39 Episode Script

We Know It's Best to Finish Yearly Tasks Before the End of the Year, But then You Put It Off Till Next Year for a Fresh Start. That's How the End of the Year Goes / Radio Exercises are Socials for Boys and Girls

History is written by the victors.
But even if the radiant sunlight hides the lights of the smaller stars, even if those lights never reach the people, there exists a star, who risks its life to shine brightly.
This is a story about one such star.
Quitting the business to live in retirement, eh? Not bad.
But I wouldn't be able to stand such a backwards place.
What would a reporter want with me now? Well, I was hoping to talk a bit.
I shouldn't need to tell you that I'm researching the Anti-Foreigner War.
I would love to hear your perspective as a military reporter who was embedded with the Amanto, Bakufu, and the Anti-Foreigner Faction during the war and saw many different sights while surviving many perilous situations.
I saw nothing No, you would know, Nagai-san! As a journalist during the Anti-Foreigner War, you must have encountered that enigmatic figure Only rumors remain Now considered a myth You would know about that man You're not one to leave even if I told you to, are you? ["It's better to take care of this year's business within the year, but once the year is about to end, you figure that you might as well put it off till next year for a fresh start.
That's how the end of the year goes.
It began twenty-some years ago.
The Amanto ships arrived in Edo and began their attack, using overwhelming military force to compel the opening of Edo.
A number of unequal treaties were signed.
The samurai lost their patience with the Bakufu's soft foreign policy and sensing the crisis at hand, they gathered under the Anti-Foreign ideal.
They fought, but their actions only led to much death.
However, the war unexpectedly reached a stalemate.
The Amanto had an overwhelming technological advantage, but the efforts of the Anti-Foreigner Faction allowed them to at least put up a fight.
That was largely because they avoided direct battles and adopted guerrilla warfare.
But the main reason was because they were samurai.
Even if their weapons were clearly inferior, they fought without any fear.
The highly advanced Amanto were unable to understand the desperation of the samurai.
Samurai The Amanto feared their existence.
But that served to prolong the war as it became a quagmire.
That's right.
A very long period of war existed, during which the Anti-Foreigner Faction were labeled traitors, but there was still hope.
This was when a group of young people began distinguishing themselves.
The unstoppable noble, Kotaro Katsura.
The leader of the Kiheitai, Shinsuke Takasugi.
A master swordsman, Tatsuma Sakamoto.
An impressive bunch.
The Faction regained their morale as they saw these men risk their lives in battle.
Soon, a large number of young men had assembled around them.
On the surface, correct? How much do you know? Technically, I know nothing.
But I have confirmed that he existed.
An enigma, who wielded unparalleled influence for a person who never appeared in the pages of history.
Blazing across the battlefield in a flash of white as he cut down sturdy Amanto with one swing.
Admired by allies as a pillar of support while instilling terror in his foes.
He was known as the "White Devil.
" The White Devil? Yes.
'Course, he was called by many names.
So you do know of him! Please tell me about him! What will you do with that knowledge? You should understand.
As a journalist, I wish to know the truth! The first time I saw him was back then I didn't expect an ambush here! We must retreat immediately or there will be more casualties! Are you insane? We'll be wiped out if we turn our backs and run! However! Are we out of options? Don't be foolish! We still have him! He will surely come! Him, huh? What was that?! Ships 3, 6, and 7 have been shot down! He has come! Th-The White Devil Yes, he was the White Devil Gundam! Wait! Gundam, my ass! You've got the wrong show! I-it's for the 30th anniversary! [Note: 2009 is the 30th anniversary of Gundam.
That doesn't matter! Are you just making up a story so you can talk about Gundam? [Mobile Suit Gundam 30th Anniversary Special Extra #2.]
I-It wasn't me! It was the staff of this show! That's even worse! Kabukicho radio exercise #1.
Ready I'm off! ["Radio Exercises are Socials for Boys and Girls".]
Okay, we're done.
I'll stamp your card, so line up.
That's impressive, Kagura-chan.
You have perfect attendance so far.
But if you keep barely showing up on time, you'll miss out one of these days.
Sleep deprivation really hurts your beauty.
Women need every minute of sleep they can get.
I can see how you're able to walk around in public with that haystack on your head.
But you're really amazing.
The kids in Kabukicho have become know-it-alls and don't even bother coming.
We only get health freaks and senior people.
You're the only kid who comes.
Oh, there was one more.
That's Hisashi Hongo-kun.
He also has perfect attendance so far.
I heard that he's participating for health reasons since he's not very strong.
He's a good kid.
He always shows up fifteen minutes before the exercise begins.
Well, that will come to an end today.
Today's Friday night movie slot is "Kiki's Delivery Service".
A kid could never ignore Kiki and go to bed.
Stay up all night to dreams of Kiki.
Kabukicho radio exercise #1.
Ready Lift your arms up and stretch your back.
Less people are showing up.
I guess they all went on vacation for Obon break.
Kagura-chan, are you going anywhere during Obon? Kagura-chan? You have bags under your eyes.
It's nothing.
It's just the baker's husband being so awesome.
What baker's husband? You watched it? You watched Kiki? You stayed up late then? Lift your arms up and stretch your back.
Bend your knees with your arms at your side and motion like a ca[beep.]
ret girl pouring liquor.
Now drop to the ground like a sxxp girl greeting a customer.
Now spread your legs like a str[beep.]
Then we'll see you again tomorrow.
["Visiting my family.
Please stamp the card yourselves.
" - Tanaka.]
U-Uh The stamp I heard that he wasn't coming today, so I brought one.
If you'd like, I could stamp yours.
You aren't going anywhere for summer vacation? Is your family also poor? It's not so much money as I have health problems so I have to visit the hospital on a regular basis.
I can't take any extended trips.
I see.
You have the money, but your body won't do what you want it to.
Nothing works out in this world.
My body's perfectly fine, but I have no money.
It's better that way.
With my health problems, I can't do anything very long.
I don't even get to go to the temple school as much.
That's why I wanted to see this through to the end of summer.
It would be sad if I wasn't able to accomplish anything after being born into this world.
Anything will do.
I just wanted to see something to the end.
That's pretty ominous.
You sound like you're about to die.
S-Sorry I have a bad habit of being pessimistic about everything.
But I'm glad that you're here.
I would have been lonely all by myself.
Kagura-chan, will you come again tomorrow? Of course.
Once I've made up my mind, I'll come if it's raining cats or dogs or spears.
If you're a man, stop whining and finish what you set out to do.
You'd better come, even if you have to drag yourself here.
I can't be motivated if I don't have any competition.
Thanks, Kagura-chan.
Let's do our best together.
Yeah! Kabukicho radio exercise #2.
Ready Relax your entire body while hopping.
Stick your right hand in the air while hurling like a drunk.
Can't you tell that I have a hangover? That's our Gin-chan! He's like the real thing! [Sakata.]
Spread your arms and flex like a gorilla.
That's our boss lady! Looks just like a gorilla! [Shimura.]
Wave your arms and legs while sprinting like an Anti-Foreigner Faction man.
Wait! That's our Zura! Catch him already! It's Katsura, not Zura! [Katsura.]
Get on all fours like a [beep.]
waiting to be punished.
Smack me! Smack me all you want! [Sarutobi.]
Lie flat on your back on the ground, like a man without a job.
This isn't exercise! I'm not doing anything here! [Hasegawa.]
Kagura-chan, I never knew how fun it was to accomplish something with someone else.
What are you saying all of a sudden? I always blamed my inability to do anything on my illness, my poor health.
If only I had a normal body If only I was healthy I was being jealous of other people for it.
But that wasn't what I needed.
I'm glad I joined in these radio exercises.
I learned that the hard things can be fun when you're with others It's all because I made a friend like you.
A-Are you stupid? Why are you so happy? Your card hasn't been completely stamped yet! A field trip isn't over until you've made it home and greeted your parents! Radio exercises aren't over until you've gotten your last stamp and gone home to take a nap! Don't relax until you've gotten through the last spurt, goody two-shoes! Right! Canceled?! What do you mean? I didn't hear anything about that! What is there to hear? What kind of fool would go exercise in this rain? This fool right here! A little rain won't be enough to stop me! The radio exercise itself is canceled.
Kids don't do radio exercises when it rains, just as girls don't participate in swimming class when it's that time of the month.
B-But after I got all these stamped I'll stamp it for you later.
Doesn't count if it's raining.
Like an unearned win.
That's not the issue here! We want to see this through! Doesn't change the fact that it's been canceled.
This is a good opportunity for you to rest.
Isn't that kid unhealthy? Don't push him too hard.
Kabukicho radio exercise #1.
Ready He collapsed?! Why?! He was fine just the other day He was exercising with me! Our son doesn't have long to live That's what the doctor said.
Though we never told him.
He must have realized He suddenly said that he wanted to accomplish something.
The doctor said to have him rest, but he kept begging us to let him go exercise.
But I never thought that he would have gone out in that rain He said he'll go even if it's raining cats or dogs or spears.
That was the promise he made with his first friend.
I broke our promise I said I would come if it was raining cats or dogs or spears.
I promised Sorry If I hadn't said that It's okay.
I would have gone, even if you hadn't promised.
It would be frustrating for rain to get in the way of everything we've accomplished.
But I guess it was no good.
It was no fun exercising by myself.
It wasn't any fun without Kagura-chan.
Sorry, you helped me this far.
But it looks like I won't be able to see this through to the end.
That's not true.
You can't give up yet.
I'll keep exercising and getting stamps until you come back.
Did you know? You can get a stamp on a rainy day because it's like an unearned win.
So So come back.
We can exercise together again.
It won't stop raining until you come back.
I'll be waiting The whole time Kabukicho radio exercise #1! Ready! Hey, I said ready.
Or I won't stamp you.
Gin-chan First, lift your arms up and stretch your back! Yes! Okay! Now line up! No cutting! Hey, kid.
What do you think you're doing? Want me to brand you instead of a stamp? It stopped raining [Preview.]
Hey, hold on.
We're just here to catch Hoichi, the boss of Kabukicho stray cats, right? So why? So WHY?! Why do I look like THIS?! The next episode "When Looking for Something, Try Using its Perspective.
" [We'd like to believe that pure, young children who believe in Santa Claus watch this anime.
[Next episode, the Kabukicho Stray Cat arc begins.
Gin-san is cursed and turned into a cat!?.]
[See you next time.

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