7th Heaven s05e01 Episode Script
Here We Go Again
I signed up for school today.
What school? College.
I want to get my teaching credentials in Early Childhood Education.
Now? You do know we have seven kids now, right? We have the twins and Ruthie.
But Simon starts high school tomorrow.
Lucy graduates high school this year.
Mary's out of high school and working.
And Matt is out on his own.
Matt is hardly out on his own.
I mean he sleeps out on his own.
He's still a kid.
Oh, stop it, he and Heather are practically married.
No, they're not.
That's just what we tell each other every time we get nervous that those two might be shacking up.
And And Mary is going to college.
She's going to go to college, eventually.
I-I I hope.
Now, as soon as she figures out that she doesn't enjoy minimum wage jobs.
Unfortunately, I think Mary's quite happy with her stint in the world of minimum wage.
Well, I'm not happy with it.
With my luck, she'll probably decide to go to college when Lucy decides to go.
And then with Matt's we'll have three tuition's to pay.
Oh, plus yours.
And uh, by the way, who says that Lucy won't have the kind of senior year that Mary had? And Simon is starting high school.
Do you remember what it was like when Matt started high school? High school boys are well, they're high school boys.
And we shouldn't forget Ruthie, who is well on her way to being more difficult than all the other kids rolled into one.
Oh, and bonus.
The twins are entering the terrible twos.
They're not entering they are there.
So what are you saying? That the whole family is so dangerous that I can't take one or two hours away from them to take one course? I'm going back to college.
You're going to college and I I'm going downstairs.
Go ahead, but you might want to get some sleep because I have class at 8:00, and I need you to watch the twins for a couple of hours in the morning.
Of course.
When were you going to tell me this? As you were backing out of the driveway tomorrow morning? No, I planned to tell you just when I told you.
Well, thank you, Mrs.
7th Heaven When I see their happy faces Smiling back at me 7th Heaven I know there's no greater feeling Than the love of family Where can you go When the world don't treat you right? The answer is home That's the one place that you'll find 7th Heaven Mmm, 7th Heaven 7th Heaven.
How am I suppose to get to my new job? What job? I have a new job.
You've had a new job every week all summer.
That's not true.
I was a day camp counselor for almost three weeks.
Oh, how could I forget.
Three whole weeks.
Just because you're mad at Mom doesn't mean you have to take it out on me.
I'm not angry, the word is angry, with Mom and I'm not taking it out on anyone.
Well, at least I'm not dating that loser, Robbie, anymore.
At least.
I got a job at the pool hall waitressing.
Oh, so now it's waitressing, is it? Yes.
And what is wrong with waitressing? Nothing but can't you waitress somewhere where I don't hang out? Well, you're not going to have time to hang out.
Mom's going back to school.
Oh, very funny.
What time do you have to be at work? or something before the lunch rush starts.
I'll drop you off.
Um, no offense, but I don't want my Daddy dropping me off at my new job.
You know, it won't look very good so I'll drop you off.
Oh, so you can just park my car in a parking lot all day when I actually have a hundred things to do? I don't think so.
What's wrong? I need the car.
Well, I'm taking my car to school and Lucy's using the other car to take the kids to school.
Why didn't anyone tell me that school was starting again? Other car? My car? Lucy's taking my car? Unless you have some objection.
At some point today I have to go to work.
Well, you can take my car when I come home which should be 9:30 or 10:00.
Until then you can't go anywhere anyway, right? Hello, is anyone listening? I need a car.
Hello, earn money and buy one.
You bought Matt a car why can't you buy me a car? Matt was going to college.
You, on the other hand, are not going to college.
You're working, so you can buy your own car.
How much money have you saved over the summer? Saved? On what I make? Please.
You guys are forcing me to buy on credit.
You are and you can stop talking about school, because I'm not going to college until I figure out what I'm going to college for.
For, to someday earn a living, so you can have your own house and drive your own car.
Maybe I don't want to own my own home.
You don't own your own home, this is the church's home.
But this house is a benefit of my job, which I was hired for after five years of college.
And we do own a car, two cars in fact.
Well, three if you count the one we bought for Matt who's in college.
Um, anyway the twins have been fed, Simon is putting on clean shirts for them, and they may want a snack before I get back.
They're sort of on a banana kick.
So just peel one, cut it in half, and there's juice cups in the refrigerator.
Remember me, the daddy.
I know they're on a banana kick and I know where we keep juice cups.
Are you two still fighting or is it safe to come in? We're not fighting.
We're not fighting.
All I know is what everybody else tells me.
We're not fighting.
Wow, are you getting a divorce? We're not fighting, Ruthie.
Uh, we're just having a little disagreement, not even a disagreement.
A difference of opinion.
Well, it's not a difference of opinion.
We both think that Mom should be able to go back to school if she wants I I just don't understand why she wants to, especially right now.
That's basically a difference of opinion.
No it's not.
You know, I don't know why you're making such a big deal out of this.
It's a minor adjustment in our day, two or three days a week.
That's all it is.
A minor adjustment minor.
They're all the same, don't mess them up.
You okay? No, I'm not okay.
It's my first day of high school.
Nigel's in another school district, Deena's in another state and I have no one.
First day is always tough.
But you'll make new friends.
Not the new friends speech again, please.
Yeah, Lucy will be there.
Lucy will show you around.
Dad, what do I look like? A total geek? I don't need my big sister to show me around.
I remember my first day of high school.
We all do.
You told us about it a thousand times.
Thank you for remembering.
What if high school is just not a good experience for me? What if what if I'm unpopular? What if I can't make good grades? What if I never have a best friend in high school? What if I never have a girlfriend again? What if this happens? What if that happens? You're gonna drive yourself crazy with that.
Not to mention me.
Don't play "what if.
" Don't you wonder, "What if my wife "meets some college professor, that she wants to run off with "so she can get away from me and seven kids and all that church stuff"? Yeah, that could happen.
And if it does, what are you going to do? What are we all going to do? Hey, Luce, you better get a move on.
Wish me luck on the best senior year ever.
Good luck.
Later, dudes.
Uh, is Andrew Nayloss back from Europe for his best senior year, too? I'm counting on it.
Does he realize that you had your best summer ever? We had an agreement.
Don't ask don't tell.
And now for something not completely different.
You think Andrew Nayloss's father just spent thousands and thousands of dollars to send him halfway across the world, to keep you away from him and suddenly that's going to change? Dad, why do you think I'm dressed like this? I think you're dressed like that because you assume I have absolutely no say in what you wear.
Okay, why did you dress like that? Because not even Andrew Nayloss's father will be able to keep Andrew from this.
What? No, no, I just I just want to see something.
It's okay.
Let me see Perfect.
And I wish you'd choose your words more carefully.
I don't like that "this.
" Don't like it at all.
What? How's Heather? Why do you ask? Why shouldn't I ask? Well, I'm just wondering why that's the first thing you ask.
Why shouldn't it be the first thing I ask? I don't know.
I don't know either.
Could you ask how am I, first? How are you? Fine.
And Heather? Fine.
Uh, where's Mom? Why do you want to know? Why wouldn't I want to know? She's my mother.
Now, is there something specific you need from her? Something that I can take of for you? Sandwich or, you know, help with your laundry problem with Heather.
Yeah, I can make my own sandwich.
I can do my own laundry.
And I'm not having a problem with Heather.
Because? Because Why aren't you having a problem with Heather? Why would I be having a problem with Heather? Why don't I just ask you what I really want to know? I have no idea, why don't you? Maybe I will.
Go ahead.
Be my guest, ask away.
Are you and Heather living together? We, uh did a really stupid thing.
It was stupid.
Do you Heather take Matt to be your lawful wedded husband? Do you Heather take Matt to be your lawful wedded husband? Uh thank you.
Uh, do you take me to be your lawful wedded husband? Uh, maybe if you write it down.
I'm sorry.
I need a minute.
Oh, oh, no-no, uh, thank you, but I think that was a "no.
" And so we didn't get married.
So back to what I really wanted to know when I found out so much more, are you and Heather living together? We're not living together.
I mean, we're together a lot, but we're not living together.
Don't ask, okay? You're only going to make me mad.
It's-it's "angry," not "mad," and are you ever going to get married? To Heather? Yes, to Heather.
You know, I don't think I'd ever ask her again.
And if she asks you? I'd have to say "no.
" There was a time when you forced Heather and her fiancé to be honest with each other.
Maybe it's time you forced yourself.
I-I can't; I just can't, I mean, if I was going to break up with her, I should have done it after the wedding that didn't happen.
Now, it's too late, she has to break up with me.
Oh Hey, what if you Not a chance.
I'm not breaking up with Heather for you.
But what if you just talk to her? About? About you know, how angry you are that she left your son standing at the altar, huh? No.
I'm not the one who's angry, I'm not the one who needs to talk.
I'll wait it out.
Hello, everybody, I'm Mr.
Russo, your new principal, and today is my first day, too.
Unfortunately, your new teacher was moving here from New York, and at the last minute she changed her mind, so we're reshuffling the deck and drawing a new card this morning.
We should have it all worked out here shortly.
Oh, no, it can't be.
Some of you will remember.
Riddle from last year.
Well, she's been promoted to the fourth grade along with you.
Isn't that wonderful? She called me "stupid" last year.
She called me "moron.
" She called me an "imbecile.
" May I be excused, I'm sick? Hello, Ms.
Ruthie? Hey, have you seen Andrew Nayloss? No, haven't you heard? Haven't I heard what? Well, I hate to be the one to tell you, but I think he found a girlfriend in Europe.
So, this is America.
I heard he's not coming back.
What? Andrew Nayloss is just going to stay in Europe and miss his senior year? Please, that can't be.
That's the rumor.
But he has to come back, even if he met someone over there.
Over here I am his girlfriend and it's our senior year! Don't yell at me, I had nothing to do with it.
You know who did have something to do with it? His father! Camden, how's it going? Jim, I can't believe it; I'm so glad to see you.
You're the first person I've seen from our old school at What happened to your foot? Pre-season football practice.
Got another week before I can get the cast off.
Then they'll let me know if I can get back into the game.
In the meantime, me and some buddies are going to go TP one of the cheerleaders houses tonight.
You want to come? Hi, uh, you think you can let me off for a couple of hours? Is it an emergency? Uh, no but the lunch rush is kind of over and I'm not really needed.
Don't you think you should make yourself needed? You know, so we don't feel like we're paying you for nothing? Oh, you don't have to pay me for the time I'm not here.
I see.
Well, I'd have to give my boss, the owner, a good reason for why you left.
Do you have a good reason? I do, I'm going to buy a car.
Lunch tips must have been pretty good.
Yeah, $20.
And so I was thinking that in a whole day I can make $50, at least, and 50 times five is $250, and that's, like, $1,000 a month.
Plus, my minimum wage.
I can easily afford a car, right? Don't forget taxes and social security.
I get social security? No, you have to pay into social security.
And don't forget, you're not going to make $50 a day in tips every day.
Especially if you don't work a whole day.
And besides, don't you think maybe you ought to make sure you really like your job before you buy a car? I love the job.
You've been here three hours.
Yeah? You've got a lot more hours to put in before you know if this is really gonna work out.
It'll work out.
It'll have to work out.
I'm buying a car.
So what kind of car you buying? Whatever kind someone will sell me.
Oh, and can I borrow your car to go look for the car? I'm a very good driver.
Hey, you can take an hour for a meal, but that's it.
No, no, no.
I hate her! Ruthie, you don't hate her.
You hate being in Ms.
Riddle's class, and we're going to do whatever we can to get you out.
By tomorrow, because I can't go back there tomorrow.
Don't be an idiot.
Did you just call me an "idiot"? Yeah, I did.
No wonder you don't have any friends.
Uh, Simon, that was uncalled for.
Ruthie, we know how upset you are, but you Where are you going? I'm going upstairs, I have homework.
And where are you going? I'm going upstairs to make new friends.
Maybe after that I'll make some gold.
Who wants pie? Pie? Yes, apple pie.
You had time to bake a pie? Yes, I had time to take a pie out of a box and bake it, yes.
It's a perfectly good pie.
Why don't you go get it? Could you please get the pie? Oh, sure, I can get the pie, yeah.
Uh, we're out of toilet paper, I'm going to go get some and bring it upstairs in case we run out again.
Um, it's the laundry room cabinet.
Did Heather tell you that we're in class together? Yes, she did.
Oh, oh, I get it.
She told you we almost got married.
Yes, she did.
Yeah, I told Dad.
I know.
Well, did she mention the part where she left me standing at the altar? I know you're very angry with her.
Maybe, a little.
But when you think about it, it was a very brave thing she did when she walked away.
Yeah, I imagine it gets easier and easier the more times you do it.
Matt, do you still want to spend the rest of your life with Heather? You know, something's not right.
What, something's not right with the relationship? No, no, something's not right with this conversation, what's going on? Nothing, we're talking.
No, we're not just talking.
Heather asked you to talk to me, didn't she? Well You're breaking up with me? Oh.
I can't believe my Mom just broke up with me.
Matt, hold on.
He's gone.
I think you ought to go get him.
He and Heather just broke up.
What? How did that happen? You broke up with Matt for Heather.
Yet, if I broke up with Heather for Matt Eat your pie.
I need you to do me a favor.
Find out if Andrew Nayloss is still in Europe and why.
Sure, no problem.
Except I have no way of getting that information.
Unless of course you call his house and when he isn't home you ask why.
What's going on? Andrew Nayloss isn't at school.
And I suspect it's because his Dad somehow tricked him into staying in Europe by getting him a girlfriend that's better than me.
Well, first of all, there is no girl in all the world who's better than you.
And secondly if you really cared about Andrew Nayloss, maybe you wouldn't have been binge dating all summer.
I just went out with those other guys because I was angry with him.
Oh, well, maybe that wasn't the best way to express your anger.
You have to be somewhere? No.
Dad, you were saying.
Uh, yeah, I was saying that you don't want to put the person you're angry with on the defensive.
You have to figure out how to be heard and get what you want.
Now, what do you really want? If it's not too late, I want Andrew's dad to stop interfering in his life and give me a shot at being his girlfriend.
He hasn't been very fair to me at all.
Well, if that's what you want, then you're going to have to confront Andrew's dad.
And if you do that you might want to think about how to take responsibility for his not giving you a fair chance even if you're not to blame.
Is there anything you'd like to tell me? No.
You haven't said a word about school today.
Everything okay? Everything is fine.
Was it as bad as you were expecting? Pretty much, yeah.
But maybe it'll get better.
That's what I like to hear.
It's all about attitude.
Um Uh I'm just trying to make some friends.
That's what you wanted, right? Hello.
Hi, Mr.
This is Lucy Camden.
I was hoping you'd answer.
Why's that? Because I wanted to apologize to you.
Apologize for? For whatever I did to make you think that I was so bad that you had to send your son away for the summer.
I heard you were out every night this summer with a different guy.
To be honest, I did it because I was very angry that you sent Andrew away.
And I was angry that he left me here after telling me how much he wanted a relationship with me.
Well, I thought sending him away was the best thing to do.
And I'm sure I must have given you some reason for you to think that.
And I wanted to apologize because whatever I did it makes me very sad to think that I cut myself out of a really wonderful senior year with a very classy guy.
This girl is either a she-devil or a saint.
I'm sorry, too.
Really thanks.
Um, is Andrew there, I heard he might be staying in Europe.
No, he's flying in this evening.
I'll make sure he gives you a call.
Bite me.
I did something really stupid.
That's right.
I don't know what your so upset about.
You're taking it back.
I can't take it back.
Well, you're not driving it without insurance.
I got insurance.
You want to see my new car? Yeah.
This is all your fault.
Me? How is this my fault? You're the one who told her to buy the car.
If you hadn't been at school you could have stopped her.
Oh, this is all about my taking one course, one lousy college course.
Yeah, it's always the mother's fault.
The mother's always the one to be blamed for anything, if anything goes wrong.
Well fine.
I'm going to bed.
Good night.
It's unbelievable.
It's just what I always pictured myself driving.
And how did you picture yourself paying for it? I'm working.
This week.
Well, if the job at the pool hall doesn't last, I'll just get another one no big deal.
Hey, look at my new car.
How are you going to pay for this? That is not your problem.
Well, I was going to grab my bike but you want to give me a ride? I'm just going a couple of blocks.
To do what? I'm meeting some of my friends to TP a house.
No, really.
Dad gave me permission.
What? Just don't tell Mom.
How was dinner? Dinner was great.
Dessert was a disaster.
My Mom broke up with me.
I didn't want you and your mother to break up, just you and me.
I can't believe this.
Why? That's why you went to talk to your father this morning, wasn't it? That, that's not the point.
The point is that you've been angry with me all summer.
Only you keep trying to pretend that you aren't angry.
You've never been angry with me.
Want me to tell you why? Because I'm deaf.
You think you can't be angry with me because I'm deaf and that translates to you feel sorry for me.
That's not true.
If it isn't true then go ahead and say what's on your mind.
Why don't you say what's on your mind.
I love you.
But marrying you is just not the right thing to do.
Yet you said yes to the proposal.
I wanted to get back together with you but I never thought that you wanted to get married right away.
It took me by surprise.
What? I surprised you into saying yes? You could have said no.
But you were so surprised you said yes! Even though you meant no, you rather not, or you'd like to wait, you were so surprised you said yes! Well, excuse me for popping the question.
What is, is so funny? From a distance angry people always look a little funny to me.
I'm sorry.
I can't see what you're saying.
I I'm sorry, I forgot.
Please don't apologize.
That's exactly what I want you to do.
So, so what now? Frankly, I need a break.
And it's too soon to be friends.
Thank you.
No, thank your mother.
Um, see you on campus.
I just can't believe it's over.
Hello? I called to apologize.
I should just have taken of my problems with Heather myself and then no one would have interfered.
Oh, Matt, it probably wasn't the right thing to do, but I just couldn't take watching you go through what you just went through with Shana last year.
I mean, you're a young man with a tough road ahead.
And you should get as much enjoyment out of life as possible.
Oh, and-and Matt, one of the reasons that Heather wanted to let go was because she was constantly paranoid that you asked her to get married right away because you were angry with Shana.
You know, maybe she's right.
I don't know.
Well, if you and Heather are meant for each other, you'll find a way back.
Just give yourself some time.
I will, thanks.
Oh, and, Matt, there's one other thing.
What? If you do ever marry Heather or any other woman, I want to be there.
Good night, Mom.
And your father wants to be there.
Good night, Mom.
Oh, and he should marry you and whoever your marrying and it should be in our church.
Good night, Mom.
And Matt Good night, I love you.
Oh, so that's why you broke up with Matt for Heather.
You were upset that you weren't invited to the wedding.
Oh, like you weren't.
And if this is a conversation about misdirected anger, I think I might want to say something about that.
I think you're angry with someone other than me.
No, I'm angry with you.
I'm angry with you.
And I came in here to tell you that I did a really stupid thing.
What stupid thing? I told Simon that he could TP a house with his buddies tonight and he should have been home by now.
What? Why would you do something like that? Uh, I did mention that I'm angry with you didn't I? I mean I'd like to say that I just thought it was a harmless way for Simon to make some friends but that wouldn't be the truth.
That's that's nuts.
Not to mention childish.
Not to mention irresponsible.
Not to mention that it's not like you at all.
I said I shouldn't have done it, and I should have had a conversation with you about this school situation, but I didn't.
So now my going back to school is a situation.
Face it.
You're not that angry that I'm going back to school.
You're angry that Mary's not going to school.
The bad news is, these guys got caught TP-ing a yard, and they'll be expected to clean things up first thing tomorrow morning.
But there's good news? The good news is, I'm the one who got the call, so no one's looking at this as destruction of private property.
And bonus I made a friend.
This is your fault.
All your fault.
I thought it was my fault.
Simon could have run off with the other guys, but I dropped my crutches, and he waited for me, and that's how we got nabbed.
Well, I couldn't just leave you there.
Yeah, you could have.
The other guys did.
I'll let you sort this out.
And if you don't mind, Jim asked if you could call his mother.
Guys, we have to talk.
Can we do it over apple pie? Uh, if you want to punish yourselves, we could start there.
My dad just picked me up from the airport.
Could I please see Lucy? What's going on? I'm surprised to see you.
I should have called.
I just got in, though.
I have to tell you something.
No, don't do that.
Don't, uh Don't smile at me.
I did a really stupid thing.
Well, you see, I, um I met a girl.
I'm not asking anything.
Don't ask, don't tell.
Yeah, but the thing is, I I asked.
I asked some of my friends how you were this summer, and they all said the same thing.
Busy, really busy.
So, I got kind of angry with you, and I got really angry at my dad for sending me away this summer, and I got even angrier with myself for going.
And I, uh You met a girl.
I didn't just meet her.
We Okay, that's enough.
That's more than I ever would ask or even need to know.
I know, but But what? Why are you telling me this? Because we got pregnant.
And I'm going back to France.
To live.
She's from Ohio, but she's got family in Provence.
Yeah, my mom got married again.
She married the guy I got hooked up with in my Big Brother Program.
Oh, no kidding.
Well, you you liked him, right? He's a big football fan.
Yeah, but I liked him as a big brother, you know.
I felt a little betrayed when I found out my big brother was dating my mom.
I mean, my dad passed away just three years ago.
And to tell you the truth, yeah, I wanted to get into a little trouble just so I can make both of them as mad at me as I am at them.
Um, I think it's "angry.
" See? Now, I feel kind of stupid.
I shouldn't have said anything.
No, no.
I meant I feel stupid about rolling the yard.
Except, if you don't mind, I'm just going to take responsibility for myself, and I'll make the call.
Good luck.
I'll just, uh, step outside for a little privacy if you don't mind? I was wrong here.
I knew that when you gave me permission.
But I'd had it up to here with the make-new-friends routine, so I went ahead and did it anyway.
I know you and mom are never on separate teams, and mom would have never said okay.
Tell Jim I'll drive him home.
I I just want to go apologize to Annie.
Should I ask? Thanks to me, there's a pregnant teenage girl in France.
And thanks to me, Andrew Nayloss will be completing high school in her grandfather's village while living with her family and working in a boulangerie.
Well, you never know what will happen when you do something out of spite.
Hey, what's with the doorbell? What's up? Nothing much, other than, uh, Lucy's apparently responsible for some young woman in France getting pregnant.
Yeah? Oh, well, anyway, um, I'm sorry if I just got mad at you guys and went out and bought a car, but I do work, you know.
It's "angry.
" The word is angry.
And I am angry with you for just giving up on college.
And now, unfortunately, I'm even angrier, because you bought a car, and that particular car.
Did you know that I worked my way through college, and I've worked for more than 20 years, and a sports car is my dream, and I can't afford one? Yes, I know that, but can I help it if I can afford it? One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
You bought it, you pay for it.
I'm going to let you be responsible for you, even if it makes me absolutely crazy.
And by the way, uh, when you do decide that you can't stand working at jobs that have no meaning or purpose for you, and you want to go to college, you're still going to have to pay for the car.
If I decide to go to college, I'll sell it.
Not for what you paid for it.
Well, great.
If I can make money off it, then I'll put it towards my tuition.
Look, if I never go to college, are you really going to be this mad at me the rest of my life? Yes, because you're too smart not to learn all you can as long as you can.
What about Mom? Does that go for her, too? She's in the doorway, isn't she? Yes.
Go to bed.
You're right, I'm angry at Mary.
I feel like I've talked to her and talked to her, and at some point I gave up.
I let all my anger start festering inside me.
I'm very good at telling other people how to handle their anger, you know? But taking my own advice It's harder.
You're absolutely right.
I-I-I-I-I I used the first opportunity I had to pick a fight with you.
You don't need any reason to go to school other than that you want to go.
I could have said that when you first told me instead of acting like a big fat jerk.
You know I'll do anything to help you or anyone in this family get an education.
Oh, yeah? Would you let me get some sleep? It's a school night, and I've got to get out of that woman's class tomorrow.
She's mean.
She's really mean.
And she makes me want to do something really, really bad.
Oh, come on, come on.
You know, I can understand that.
I mean, it's-it's Look, it's hard to know what to do when you're angry, especially when you can't talk about it, or you do talk about it, and you feel like no one's listening.
We're listening to you, sweetheart, we hear you.
That's it.
What's it? Class, before we begin the work that we will now probably have to do during recess, our new principal, as well as Ruthie Camden's parents, insist that she be allowed to express herself.
This isn't just about Ms.
Riddle and me.
When I thought about it, I'm not just angry that I'm in her class again.
I'm angry about a whole lot of stuff.
Are we tired of being told to be quiet? Yes! Are we tired of being made feel stupid when we don't know something? Yes! Are we tired of not being able to ask questions? Yeah! We're tired of having no choices and having grownups making bad choices for us.
Yeah! We are tired of bad school food.
Ketchup as a vegetable? I don't think so.
Yeah! And why do we have to be here at the crack of dawn? Yeah! And if we have to learn about the stuff that doesn't interest us, why can't we also learn about the stuff that does interest us? Is it too much work to give us individual assignments if we're willing to do them? Yes! And why can't the adults do something about school safety? Aren't you scared that someone is going to shoot you, or someone at school is going to get shot? I am.
There are a lot of angry kids around here.
And why can't someone help them do something with their anger? I can tell you, it helps just to talk.
And why can't someone help the kids who come to school hungry? It's not their fault their parents can't feed them.
And why can't someone do something for the kids who get hit every night when they go home? Can't someone protect them? Won't someone help us? I don't just need a new teacher, we need a revolution.
Yeah! Yes! Yes! Yeah! Ruthie! Ruthie! Ruthie! Ruthie! Ruthie! Ruthie! Ruthie! Ruthie! I'll do what I can to get her out.
That's all we're asking.
Ruthie! Ruthie! Ruthie! Ruthie! Ruthie! Ruthie! Ruthie! Ruthie! Ruthie! Ruthie!
What school? College.
I want to get my teaching credentials in Early Childhood Education.
Now? You do know we have seven kids now, right? We have the twins and Ruthie.
But Simon starts high school tomorrow.
Lucy graduates high school this year.
Mary's out of high school and working.
And Matt is out on his own.
Matt is hardly out on his own.
I mean he sleeps out on his own.
He's still a kid.
Oh, stop it, he and Heather are practically married.
No, they're not.
That's just what we tell each other every time we get nervous that those two might be shacking up.
And And Mary is going to college.
She's going to go to college, eventually.
I-I I hope.
Now, as soon as she figures out that she doesn't enjoy minimum wage jobs.
Unfortunately, I think Mary's quite happy with her stint in the world of minimum wage.
Well, I'm not happy with it.
With my luck, she'll probably decide to go to college when Lucy decides to go.
And then with Matt's we'll have three tuition's to pay.
Oh, plus yours.
And uh, by the way, who says that Lucy won't have the kind of senior year that Mary had? And Simon is starting high school.
Do you remember what it was like when Matt started high school? High school boys are well, they're high school boys.
And we shouldn't forget Ruthie, who is well on her way to being more difficult than all the other kids rolled into one.
Oh, and bonus.
The twins are entering the terrible twos.
They're not entering they are there.
So what are you saying? That the whole family is so dangerous that I can't take one or two hours away from them to take one course? I'm going back to college.
You're going to college and I I'm going downstairs.
Go ahead, but you might want to get some sleep because I have class at 8:00, and I need you to watch the twins for a couple of hours in the morning.
Of course.
When were you going to tell me this? As you were backing out of the driveway tomorrow morning? No, I planned to tell you just when I told you.
Well, thank you, Mrs.
7th Heaven When I see their happy faces Smiling back at me 7th Heaven I know there's no greater feeling Than the love of family Where can you go When the world don't treat you right? The answer is home That's the one place that you'll find 7th Heaven Mmm, 7th Heaven 7th Heaven.
How am I suppose to get to my new job? What job? I have a new job.
You've had a new job every week all summer.
That's not true.
I was a day camp counselor for almost three weeks.
Oh, how could I forget.
Three whole weeks.
Just because you're mad at Mom doesn't mean you have to take it out on me.
I'm not angry, the word is angry, with Mom and I'm not taking it out on anyone.
Well, at least I'm not dating that loser, Robbie, anymore.
At least.
I got a job at the pool hall waitressing.
Oh, so now it's waitressing, is it? Yes.
And what is wrong with waitressing? Nothing but can't you waitress somewhere where I don't hang out? Well, you're not going to have time to hang out.
Mom's going back to school.
Oh, very funny.
What time do you have to be at work? or something before the lunch rush starts.
I'll drop you off.
Um, no offense, but I don't want my Daddy dropping me off at my new job.
You know, it won't look very good so I'll drop you off.
Oh, so you can just park my car in a parking lot all day when I actually have a hundred things to do? I don't think so.
What's wrong? I need the car.
Well, I'm taking my car to school and Lucy's using the other car to take the kids to school.
Why didn't anyone tell me that school was starting again? Other car? My car? Lucy's taking my car? Unless you have some objection.
At some point today I have to go to work.
Well, you can take my car when I come home which should be 9:30 or 10:00.
Until then you can't go anywhere anyway, right? Hello, is anyone listening? I need a car.
Hello, earn money and buy one.
You bought Matt a car why can't you buy me a car? Matt was going to college.
You, on the other hand, are not going to college.
You're working, so you can buy your own car.
How much money have you saved over the summer? Saved? On what I make? Please.
You guys are forcing me to buy on credit.
You are and you can stop talking about school, because I'm not going to college until I figure out what I'm going to college for.
For, to someday earn a living, so you can have your own house and drive your own car.
Maybe I don't want to own my own home.
You don't own your own home, this is the church's home.
But this house is a benefit of my job, which I was hired for after five years of college.
And we do own a car, two cars in fact.
Well, three if you count the one we bought for Matt who's in college.
Um, anyway the twins have been fed, Simon is putting on clean shirts for them, and they may want a snack before I get back.
They're sort of on a banana kick.
So just peel one, cut it in half, and there's juice cups in the refrigerator.
Remember me, the daddy.
I know they're on a banana kick and I know where we keep juice cups.
Are you two still fighting or is it safe to come in? We're not fighting.
We're not fighting.
All I know is what everybody else tells me.
We're not fighting.
Wow, are you getting a divorce? We're not fighting, Ruthie.
Uh, we're just having a little disagreement, not even a disagreement.
A difference of opinion.
Well, it's not a difference of opinion.
We both think that Mom should be able to go back to school if she wants I I just don't understand why she wants to, especially right now.
That's basically a difference of opinion.
No it's not.
You know, I don't know why you're making such a big deal out of this.
It's a minor adjustment in our day, two or three days a week.
That's all it is.
A minor adjustment minor.
They're all the same, don't mess them up.
You okay? No, I'm not okay.
It's my first day of high school.
Nigel's in another school district, Deena's in another state and I have no one.
First day is always tough.
But you'll make new friends.
Not the new friends speech again, please.
Yeah, Lucy will be there.
Lucy will show you around.
Dad, what do I look like? A total geek? I don't need my big sister to show me around.
I remember my first day of high school.
We all do.
You told us about it a thousand times.
Thank you for remembering.
What if high school is just not a good experience for me? What if what if I'm unpopular? What if I can't make good grades? What if I never have a best friend in high school? What if I never have a girlfriend again? What if this happens? What if that happens? You're gonna drive yourself crazy with that.
Not to mention me.
Don't play "what if.
" Don't you wonder, "What if my wife "meets some college professor, that she wants to run off with "so she can get away from me and seven kids and all that church stuff"? Yeah, that could happen.
And if it does, what are you going to do? What are we all going to do? Hey, Luce, you better get a move on.
Wish me luck on the best senior year ever.
Good luck.
Later, dudes.
Uh, is Andrew Nayloss back from Europe for his best senior year, too? I'm counting on it.
Does he realize that you had your best summer ever? We had an agreement.
Don't ask don't tell.
And now for something not completely different.
You think Andrew Nayloss's father just spent thousands and thousands of dollars to send him halfway across the world, to keep you away from him and suddenly that's going to change? Dad, why do you think I'm dressed like this? I think you're dressed like that because you assume I have absolutely no say in what you wear.
Okay, why did you dress like that? Because not even Andrew Nayloss's father will be able to keep Andrew from this.
What? No, no, I just I just want to see something.
It's okay.
Let me see Perfect.
And I wish you'd choose your words more carefully.
I don't like that "this.
" Don't like it at all.
What? How's Heather? Why do you ask? Why shouldn't I ask? Well, I'm just wondering why that's the first thing you ask.
Why shouldn't it be the first thing I ask? I don't know.
I don't know either.
Could you ask how am I, first? How are you? Fine.
And Heather? Fine.
Uh, where's Mom? Why do you want to know? Why wouldn't I want to know? She's my mother.
Now, is there something specific you need from her? Something that I can take of for you? Sandwich or, you know, help with your laundry problem with Heather.
Yeah, I can make my own sandwich.
I can do my own laundry.
And I'm not having a problem with Heather.
Because? Because Why aren't you having a problem with Heather? Why would I be having a problem with Heather? Why don't I just ask you what I really want to know? I have no idea, why don't you? Maybe I will.
Go ahead.
Be my guest, ask away.
Are you and Heather living together? We, uh did a really stupid thing.
It was stupid.
Do you Heather take Matt to be your lawful wedded husband? Do you Heather take Matt to be your lawful wedded husband? Uh thank you.
Uh, do you take me to be your lawful wedded husband? Uh, maybe if you write it down.
I'm sorry.
I need a minute.
Oh, oh, no-no, uh, thank you, but I think that was a "no.
" And so we didn't get married.
So back to what I really wanted to know when I found out so much more, are you and Heather living together? We're not living together.
I mean, we're together a lot, but we're not living together.
Don't ask, okay? You're only going to make me mad.
It's-it's "angry," not "mad," and are you ever going to get married? To Heather? Yes, to Heather.
You know, I don't think I'd ever ask her again.
And if she asks you? I'd have to say "no.
" There was a time when you forced Heather and her fiancé to be honest with each other.
Maybe it's time you forced yourself.
I-I can't; I just can't, I mean, if I was going to break up with her, I should have done it after the wedding that didn't happen.
Now, it's too late, she has to break up with me.
Oh Hey, what if you Not a chance.
I'm not breaking up with Heather for you.
But what if you just talk to her? About? About you know, how angry you are that she left your son standing at the altar, huh? No.
I'm not the one who's angry, I'm not the one who needs to talk.
I'll wait it out.
Hello, everybody, I'm Mr.
Russo, your new principal, and today is my first day, too.
Unfortunately, your new teacher was moving here from New York, and at the last minute she changed her mind, so we're reshuffling the deck and drawing a new card this morning.
We should have it all worked out here shortly.
Oh, no, it can't be.
Some of you will remember.
Riddle from last year.
Well, she's been promoted to the fourth grade along with you.
Isn't that wonderful? She called me "stupid" last year.
She called me "moron.
" She called me an "imbecile.
" May I be excused, I'm sick? Hello, Ms.
Ruthie? Hey, have you seen Andrew Nayloss? No, haven't you heard? Haven't I heard what? Well, I hate to be the one to tell you, but I think he found a girlfriend in Europe.
So, this is America.
I heard he's not coming back.
What? Andrew Nayloss is just going to stay in Europe and miss his senior year? Please, that can't be.
That's the rumor.
But he has to come back, even if he met someone over there.
Over here I am his girlfriend and it's our senior year! Don't yell at me, I had nothing to do with it.
You know who did have something to do with it? His father! Camden, how's it going? Jim, I can't believe it; I'm so glad to see you.
You're the first person I've seen from our old school at What happened to your foot? Pre-season football practice.
Got another week before I can get the cast off.
Then they'll let me know if I can get back into the game.
In the meantime, me and some buddies are going to go TP one of the cheerleaders houses tonight.
You want to come? Hi, uh, you think you can let me off for a couple of hours? Is it an emergency? Uh, no but the lunch rush is kind of over and I'm not really needed.
Don't you think you should make yourself needed? You know, so we don't feel like we're paying you for nothing? Oh, you don't have to pay me for the time I'm not here.
I see.
Well, I'd have to give my boss, the owner, a good reason for why you left.
Do you have a good reason? I do, I'm going to buy a car.
Lunch tips must have been pretty good.
Yeah, $20.
And so I was thinking that in a whole day I can make $50, at least, and 50 times five is $250, and that's, like, $1,000 a month.
Plus, my minimum wage.
I can easily afford a car, right? Don't forget taxes and social security.
I get social security? No, you have to pay into social security.
And don't forget, you're not going to make $50 a day in tips every day.
Especially if you don't work a whole day.
And besides, don't you think maybe you ought to make sure you really like your job before you buy a car? I love the job.
You've been here three hours.
Yeah? You've got a lot more hours to put in before you know if this is really gonna work out.
It'll work out.
It'll have to work out.
I'm buying a car.
So what kind of car you buying? Whatever kind someone will sell me.
Oh, and can I borrow your car to go look for the car? I'm a very good driver.
Hey, you can take an hour for a meal, but that's it.
No, no, no.
I hate her! Ruthie, you don't hate her.
You hate being in Ms.
Riddle's class, and we're going to do whatever we can to get you out.
By tomorrow, because I can't go back there tomorrow.
Don't be an idiot.
Did you just call me an "idiot"? Yeah, I did.
No wonder you don't have any friends.
Uh, Simon, that was uncalled for.
Ruthie, we know how upset you are, but you Where are you going? I'm going upstairs, I have homework.
And where are you going? I'm going upstairs to make new friends.
Maybe after that I'll make some gold.
Who wants pie? Pie? Yes, apple pie.
You had time to bake a pie? Yes, I had time to take a pie out of a box and bake it, yes.
It's a perfectly good pie.
Why don't you go get it? Could you please get the pie? Oh, sure, I can get the pie, yeah.
Uh, we're out of toilet paper, I'm going to go get some and bring it upstairs in case we run out again.
Um, it's the laundry room cabinet.
Did Heather tell you that we're in class together? Yes, she did.
Oh, oh, I get it.
She told you we almost got married.
Yes, she did.
Yeah, I told Dad.
I know.
Well, did she mention the part where she left me standing at the altar? I know you're very angry with her.
Maybe, a little.
But when you think about it, it was a very brave thing she did when she walked away.
Yeah, I imagine it gets easier and easier the more times you do it.
Matt, do you still want to spend the rest of your life with Heather? You know, something's not right.
What, something's not right with the relationship? No, no, something's not right with this conversation, what's going on? Nothing, we're talking.
No, we're not just talking.
Heather asked you to talk to me, didn't she? Well You're breaking up with me? Oh.
I can't believe my Mom just broke up with me.
Matt, hold on.
He's gone.
I think you ought to go get him.
He and Heather just broke up.
What? How did that happen? You broke up with Matt for Heather.
Yet, if I broke up with Heather for Matt Eat your pie.
I need you to do me a favor.
Find out if Andrew Nayloss is still in Europe and why.
Sure, no problem.
Except I have no way of getting that information.
Unless of course you call his house and when he isn't home you ask why.
What's going on? Andrew Nayloss isn't at school.
And I suspect it's because his Dad somehow tricked him into staying in Europe by getting him a girlfriend that's better than me.
Well, first of all, there is no girl in all the world who's better than you.
And secondly if you really cared about Andrew Nayloss, maybe you wouldn't have been binge dating all summer.
I just went out with those other guys because I was angry with him.
Oh, well, maybe that wasn't the best way to express your anger.
You have to be somewhere? No.
Dad, you were saying.
Uh, yeah, I was saying that you don't want to put the person you're angry with on the defensive.
You have to figure out how to be heard and get what you want.
Now, what do you really want? If it's not too late, I want Andrew's dad to stop interfering in his life and give me a shot at being his girlfriend.
He hasn't been very fair to me at all.
Well, if that's what you want, then you're going to have to confront Andrew's dad.
And if you do that you might want to think about how to take responsibility for his not giving you a fair chance even if you're not to blame.
Is there anything you'd like to tell me? No.
You haven't said a word about school today.
Everything okay? Everything is fine.
Was it as bad as you were expecting? Pretty much, yeah.
But maybe it'll get better.
That's what I like to hear.
It's all about attitude.
Um Uh I'm just trying to make some friends.
That's what you wanted, right? Hello.
Hi, Mr.
This is Lucy Camden.
I was hoping you'd answer.
Why's that? Because I wanted to apologize to you.
Apologize for? For whatever I did to make you think that I was so bad that you had to send your son away for the summer.
I heard you were out every night this summer with a different guy.
To be honest, I did it because I was very angry that you sent Andrew away.
And I was angry that he left me here after telling me how much he wanted a relationship with me.
Well, I thought sending him away was the best thing to do.
And I'm sure I must have given you some reason for you to think that.
And I wanted to apologize because whatever I did it makes me very sad to think that I cut myself out of a really wonderful senior year with a very classy guy.
This girl is either a she-devil or a saint.
I'm sorry, too.
Really thanks.
Um, is Andrew there, I heard he might be staying in Europe.
No, he's flying in this evening.
I'll make sure he gives you a call.
Bite me.
I did something really stupid.
That's right.
I don't know what your so upset about.
You're taking it back.
I can't take it back.
Well, you're not driving it without insurance.
I got insurance.
You want to see my new car? Yeah.
This is all your fault.
Me? How is this my fault? You're the one who told her to buy the car.
If you hadn't been at school you could have stopped her.
Oh, this is all about my taking one course, one lousy college course.
Yeah, it's always the mother's fault.
The mother's always the one to be blamed for anything, if anything goes wrong.
Well fine.
I'm going to bed.
Good night.
It's unbelievable.
It's just what I always pictured myself driving.
And how did you picture yourself paying for it? I'm working.
This week.
Well, if the job at the pool hall doesn't last, I'll just get another one no big deal.
Hey, look at my new car.
How are you going to pay for this? That is not your problem.
Well, I was going to grab my bike but you want to give me a ride? I'm just going a couple of blocks.
To do what? I'm meeting some of my friends to TP a house.
No, really.
Dad gave me permission.
What? Just don't tell Mom.
How was dinner? Dinner was great.
Dessert was a disaster.
My Mom broke up with me.
I didn't want you and your mother to break up, just you and me.
I can't believe this.
Why? That's why you went to talk to your father this morning, wasn't it? That, that's not the point.
The point is that you've been angry with me all summer.
Only you keep trying to pretend that you aren't angry.
You've never been angry with me.
Want me to tell you why? Because I'm deaf.
You think you can't be angry with me because I'm deaf and that translates to you feel sorry for me.
That's not true.
If it isn't true then go ahead and say what's on your mind.
Why don't you say what's on your mind.
I love you.
But marrying you is just not the right thing to do.
Yet you said yes to the proposal.
I wanted to get back together with you but I never thought that you wanted to get married right away.
It took me by surprise.
What? I surprised you into saying yes? You could have said no.
But you were so surprised you said yes! Even though you meant no, you rather not, or you'd like to wait, you were so surprised you said yes! Well, excuse me for popping the question.
What is, is so funny? From a distance angry people always look a little funny to me.
I'm sorry.
I can't see what you're saying.
I I'm sorry, I forgot.
Please don't apologize.
That's exactly what I want you to do.
So, so what now? Frankly, I need a break.
And it's too soon to be friends.
Thank you.
No, thank your mother.
Um, see you on campus.
I just can't believe it's over.
Hello? I called to apologize.
I should just have taken of my problems with Heather myself and then no one would have interfered.
Oh, Matt, it probably wasn't the right thing to do, but I just couldn't take watching you go through what you just went through with Shana last year.
I mean, you're a young man with a tough road ahead.
And you should get as much enjoyment out of life as possible.
Oh, and-and Matt, one of the reasons that Heather wanted to let go was because she was constantly paranoid that you asked her to get married right away because you were angry with Shana.
You know, maybe she's right.
I don't know.
Well, if you and Heather are meant for each other, you'll find a way back.
Just give yourself some time.
I will, thanks.
Oh, and, Matt, there's one other thing.
What? If you do ever marry Heather or any other woman, I want to be there.
Good night, Mom.
And your father wants to be there.
Good night, Mom.
Oh, and he should marry you and whoever your marrying and it should be in our church.
Good night, Mom.
And Matt Good night, I love you.
Oh, so that's why you broke up with Matt for Heather.
You were upset that you weren't invited to the wedding.
Oh, like you weren't.
And if this is a conversation about misdirected anger, I think I might want to say something about that.
I think you're angry with someone other than me.
No, I'm angry with you.
I'm angry with you.
And I came in here to tell you that I did a really stupid thing.
What stupid thing? I told Simon that he could TP a house with his buddies tonight and he should have been home by now.
What? Why would you do something like that? Uh, I did mention that I'm angry with you didn't I? I mean I'd like to say that I just thought it was a harmless way for Simon to make some friends but that wouldn't be the truth.
That's that's nuts.
Not to mention childish.
Not to mention irresponsible.
Not to mention that it's not like you at all.
I said I shouldn't have done it, and I should have had a conversation with you about this school situation, but I didn't.
So now my going back to school is a situation.
Face it.
You're not that angry that I'm going back to school.
You're angry that Mary's not going to school.
The bad news is, these guys got caught TP-ing a yard, and they'll be expected to clean things up first thing tomorrow morning.
But there's good news? The good news is, I'm the one who got the call, so no one's looking at this as destruction of private property.
And bonus I made a friend.
This is your fault.
All your fault.
I thought it was my fault.
Simon could have run off with the other guys, but I dropped my crutches, and he waited for me, and that's how we got nabbed.
Well, I couldn't just leave you there.
Yeah, you could have.
The other guys did.
I'll let you sort this out.
And if you don't mind, Jim asked if you could call his mother.
Guys, we have to talk.
Can we do it over apple pie? Uh, if you want to punish yourselves, we could start there.
My dad just picked me up from the airport.
Could I please see Lucy? What's going on? I'm surprised to see you.
I should have called.
I just got in, though.
I have to tell you something.
No, don't do that.
Don't, uh Don't smile at me.
I did a really stupid thing.
Well, you see, I, um I met a girl.
I'm not asking anything.
Don't ask, don't tell.
Yeah, but the thing is, I I asked.
I asked some of my friends how you were this summer, and they all said the same thing.
Busy, really busy.
So, I got kind of angry with you, and I got really angry at my dad for sending me away this summer, and I got even angrier with myself for going.
And I, uh You met a girl.
I didn't just meet her.
We Okay, that's enough.
That's more than I ever would ask or even need to know.
I know, but But what? Why are you telling me this? Because we got pregnant.
And I'm going back to France.
To live.
She's from Ohio, but she's got family in Provence.
Yeah, my mom got married again.
She married the guy I got hooked up with in my Big Brother Program.
Oh, no kidding.
Well, you you liked him, right? He's a big football fan.
Yeah, but I liked him as a big brother, you know.
I felt a little betrayed when I found out my big brother was dating my mom.
I mean, my dad passed away just three years ago.
And to tell you the truth, yeah, I wanted to get into a little trouble just so I can make both of them as mad at me as I am at them.
Um, I think it's "angry.
" See? Now, I feel kind of stupid.
I shouldn't have said anything.
No, no.
I meant I feel stupid about rolling the yard.
Except, if you don't mind, I'm just going to take responsibility for myself, and I'll make the call.
Good luck.
I'll just, uh, step outside for a little privacy if you don't mind? I was wrong here.
I knew that when you gave me permission.
But I'd had it up to here with the make-new-friends routine, so I went ahead and did it anyway.
I know you and mom are never on separate teams, and mom would have never said okay.
Tell Jim I'll drive him home.
I I just want to go apologize to Annie.
Should I ask? Thanks to me, there's a pregnant teenage girl in France.
And thanks to me, Andrew Nayloss will be completing high school in her grandfather's village while living with her family and working in a boulangerie.
Well, you never know what will happen when you do something out of spite.
Hey, what's with the doorbell? What's up? Nothing much, other than, uh, Lucy's apparently responsible for some young woman in France getting pregnant.
Yeah? Oh, well, anyway, um, I'm sorry if I just got mad at you guys and went out and bought a car, but I do work, you know.
It's "angry.
" The word is angry.
And I am angry with you for just giving up on college.
And now, unfortunately, I'm even angrier, because you bought a car, and that particular car.
Did you know that I worked my way through college, and I've worked for more than 20 years, and a sports car is my dream, and I can't afford one? Yes, I know that, but can I help it if I can afford it? One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
You bought it, you pay for it.
I'm going to let you be responsible for you, even if it makes me absolutely crazy.
And by the way, uh, when you do decide that you can't stand working at jobs that have no meaning or purpose for you, and you want to go to college, you're still going to have to pay for the car.
If I decide to go to college, I'll sell it.
Not for what you paid for it.
Well, great.
If I can make money off it, then I'll put it towards my tuition.
Look, if I never go to college, are you really going to be this mad at me the rest of my life? Yes, because you're too smart not to learn all you can as long as you can.
What about Mom? Does that go for her, too? She's in the doorway, isn't she? Yes.
Go to bed.
You're right, I'm angry at Mary.
I feel like I've talked to her and talked to her, and at some point I gave up.
I let all my anger start festering inside me.
I'm very good at telling other people how to handle their anger, you know? But taking my own advice It's harder.
You're absolutely right.
I-I-I-I-I I used the first opportunity I had to pick a fight with you.
You don't need any reason to go to school other than that you want to go.
I could have said that when you first told me instead of acting like a big fat jerk.
You know I'll do anything to help you or anyone in this family get an education.
Oh, yeah? Would you let me get some sleep? It's a school night, and I've got to get out of that woman's class tomorrow.
She's mean.
She's really mean.
And she makes me want to do something really, really bad.
Oh, come on, come on.
You know, I can understand that.
I mean, it's-it's Look, it's hard to know what to do when you're angry, especially when you can't talk about it, or you do talk about it, and you feel like no one's listening.
We're listening to you, sweetheart, we hear you.
That's it.
What's it? Class, before we begin the work that we will now probably have to do during recess, our new principal, as well as Ruthie Camden's parents, insist that she be allowed to express herself.
This isn't just about Ms.
Riddle and me.
When I thought about it, I'm not just angry that I'm in her class again.
I'm angry about a whole lot of stuff.
Are we tired of being told to be quiet? Yes! Are we tired of being made feel stupid when we don't know something? Yes! Are we tired of not being able to ask questions? Yeah! We're tired of having no choices and having grownups making bad choices for us.
Yeah! We are tired of bad school food.
Ketchup as a vegetable? I don't think so.
Yeah! And why do we have to be here at the crack of dawn? Yeah! And if we have to learn about the stuff that doesn't interest us, why can't we also learn about the stuff that does interest us? Is it too much work to give us individual assignments if we're willing to do them? Yes! And why can't the adults do something about school safety? Aren't you scared that someone is going to shoot you, or someone at school is going to get shot? I am.
There are a lot of angry kids around here.
And why can't someone help them do something with their anger? I can tell you, it helps just to talk.
And why can't someone help the kids who come to school hungry? It's not their fault their parents can't feed them.
And why can't someone do something for the kids who get hit every night when they go home? Can't someone protect them? Won't someone help us? I don't just need a new teacher, we need a revolution.
Yeah! Yes! Yes! Yeah! Ruthie! Ruthie! Ruthie! Ruthie! Ruthie! Ruthie! Ruthie! Ruthie! I'll do what I can to get her out.
That's all we're asking.
Ruthie! Ruthie! Ruthie! Ruthie! Ruthie! Ruthie! Ruthie! Ruthie! Ruthie! Ruthie!