9-1-1: Lone Star (2020) s05e01 Episode Script

Both Sides, Now

CHILD: The st-st-stegosaurus
claims his t-t-territory.
But oh, no! Here comes
the pt-pt-pterodactyl.
Ka-kaw! (GRUNTS)
- Hey.
- Ka-kaw! Ka
Get out. We're gonna build a fort.
But I'm p-playing.
Yeah, with your
(GRUNTS) There.
Now you can go play somewhere else.
s-smiles at the s-sky.
Deep breaths, Anthony. Like in practice.
S-Sally s-s-smiles at the sky.
feel like I've been in, in a fog.
And my relationship with my girlfriend,
now ex-girlfriend and, uh
a big decision
I have to make at work, I
I just feel like I'm in a haze.
And I don't know why.
MODERATOR: But you think
it has something to do
with your brother's death?
(EXHALES DEEPLY) Well, I'm sorry.
You're gonna have to be
a little more specific.
There have been a number of them
that have died on my watch.
Um I'm sorry. I-I had no idea.
How could you? The first one
was over 40 years ago.
But I think this particular fog
did roll in around the time
of my half-brother
Robert's death a year ago.
I'm guessing that his death was sudden.
Sometimes unexpected
trauma can freeze us in place.
It wasn't unexpected.
He had Huntington's disease.
We had time to prepare.
But nice try. Heh.
Doo-doo-wop ♪
Thank you for inviting me
to your grief group.
You mean dragging you?
You didn't drag me.
You might have cajoled me
for the last nine months.
Did it help a little bit?
It was good to talk about Robert again.
TOMMY VEGA: Yeah, I know what you mean.
It's been three years and I feel
the same way about Charles.
I, uh, I had no idea about your brother.
- Tyler.
- Tyler. Is that
It's where the T in TK comes from.
He was 10, I was 13.
He drowned at the beach.
I wasn't more than
six feet away from him.
I'm so sorry.
Yeah, well, I seem to have a hard time
keeping my brothers safe.
Tyler. Robert.
My guys in New York.
Judd was lucky to get out
while he could.
Self-preservation was
the last thing on Judd's mind
when he left the firehouse.
Man, I love that guy, but recently,
I'm kinda feeling like he left
me holding the bag a little.
You still have no idea who you're
gonna replace him with, do you?
Well, you heard me, I'm in a fog.
I put the decision off so long,
the chief's gonna step in
and make it for me.
Uh, has anyone good
thrown their hat in the ring?
You could say that.
TK STRAND: Alright, folks, final bets.
The rules are very simple.
First firefighter to roll their
hose into a successful donut
without any kinks wins.
Now we want a nice, clean race.
No kicking, no biting, no spitting.
- No spitting?
- It's Marjan.
And we've all seen her at roller derby.
Hell yeah, we have.
And that's why I'm betting on
Speed Queen Marj.
She may be the speed queen,
but she peters out.
I do not peter out.
Oh, I've seen your last lap
at the derby. You peter.
And that's why all my money's on
- the Big Tortoise!
Let's go. Paul.
Nah, I don't know if I
like the Big Tortoise
TK: Alright. Nancy.
But I appreciate what
you're trying to say.
- Mateo?
- Let's go!
Racers, on your mark.
- Come on, Marj!
- Come on, here we go.
Here we go.
Slow and steady!
Slow and steady wins the race.
- Come on, Marj! Come on, Marj!
- NANCY GILLIAN: Come on, Paul!
- Come on!
That's my girl!
She's petering. She's petering!
Okay, let's go, Big Tortoise.
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Come on, Paul! To the end!
What you got, Paul? What you got?
Photo finish, Nancy!
- 17.6 seconds for Paul.
- Mateo?
For Marjan, 23 seconds and counting
'cause I forgot to stop it.
I'm sorry. It was exciting.
(SIGHS) You know what?
I think Marj squeaked out the W.
Nah, I think you won in that final push.
- Tie.
- Tie.
- Yeah. (LAUGHS)
- TK: You guys are ridiculous.
- How can you be so nice to each other?
- Why wouldn't we be?
MATEO: Because your horns
are locked in the heat of battle.
The battle for the next lieutenant.
Dude, no, it's not like that between us.
We don't care about rank.
Yeah, man, we're barely even
thinking about that promotion.
Keep telling yourselves that, it's cute.
Seriously, we're not gonna
let a little competition
get between our friendship.
Let the best firefighter win.
Ain't that right, Marj?
- Yeah.
- No matter who he may be.
Or she.
Load ain't balanced.
You can tell that just from the
Fine. There was nowhere for
me to put the totes to keep it even.
You could have reconfigured the totes.
There's no time
to reconfigure the totes.
We're already
a half hour late to the bank.
Be a lot later if we flip the vehicle.
Would you just drive, please?
DRIVER: You know,
you need to relax, Stevie.
I read that anxiety is like a virus.
Emotional contagion, they call it.
So what we're a little behind?
Oh, great. Just great.
We're so freakin' fired.
DRIVER: Stop whining.
I got this.
STEVE: You know what? My bad.
You're right.
Stress is contagious,
and I'm patient zero.
Ever since the baby,
I haven't been sleeping well and
Steve. SUV, 5 o'clock.
Tailing too close.
Pull over! Pull over!
- They want us to stop.
Well, good for them. Call it in.
Truck zebra-one-niner,
attempted robbery in progress
on Oriel Avenue.
Matt, they got the roads blocked.
Hang on.
STEVE: What are you doing?
Windshield's inch and
a half thick, polycarbon
Dispatch said there were
two victims trapped inside
at the time of the robbery.
Any idea what they're transporting?
- About a million in cash.
- So a lot of fuel.
Tell EMS to expect
two criticals when they arrive.
Mateo, set the inch-and-a-half line.
Put everything you got
up here on the hold.
- MATEO: Yeah, Cap.
- Paul, Marjan, you're with me.
We gotta get these people
out of the cab now.
Austin PD!
Austin PD! Can you hear me?
Yes! Yes, please help me!
The door jammed in the crash. (COUGHS)
We're gonna get you out of there, sir.
Marwani, extract
from the passenger side.
On it, Cap.
You don't get blood spatter
like that from an accident.
OWEN: Captain Vega.
You may have a GSW.
Copy that. We'll be ready.
Damn thing just broke the jaws.
This thing's like a tank.
OWEN: More like a vault.
STEVE: (COUGHS) Oh, God. I can't
- I can't breathe.
- Cap, what do we do now?
OWEN: Okay, this thing's rolled.
There's gotta be damage somewhere.
PAUL: Hey, Cap.
The bullet hole.
If the driver got shot,
there's probably a hole
in the glass somewhere.
OWEN: We gotta find it.
Use your eyes and your hands.
MARJAN: Hey. Hang on,
I think I found it!
- Hang on, sir, we'll be right there!
- Let me get in there!
- Marj, behind you.
- MARJAN: Sir!
- PAUL: Behind you.
Keep going, it's working!
Keep going!
OWEN: Clear out!
Alright, bring the hook.
Crank it!
Marwani, get the driver.
Smoke inhalation,
internal injuries, Captain.
- Okay, TK, get his vitals.
- TK: Yeah.
PAUL: Got a chest trauma
from the steering wheel
and a GSW in the neck.
It looks like the bullet
severed the carotid.
No pulse. He's gone, Cap.
What you got, TK?
Pulse is weak and thready.
Sat's are 40 and dropping, Cap.
TOMMY: No chest rise.
He's in respiratory arrest.
- You need to intubate him now.
- Copy.
Uh, I can't get through the vocal
cords. They're too swollen, Cap.
Then step aside
and prep the Cric Kit for me.
Okay, that's his cricothyroid.
Nancy, swab right there.
Almost there.
Okay. Come up.
TOMMY: Good.
Start bagging him now.
Come on. Come on.
Come on. Open your eyes for me.
- Come on.
- (MOUTHS) Come on.
TOMMY: Come on.
There you are.
There you are. Alright.
That's okay. Try not to move.
There's a tube in your throat
that's breathing for you.
Blink twice if you understand.
Good job. There we go.
Let's pack him for travel and let
West Park know we're on our way.
- Copy.
- Good save, Captain.
You too, Captain.
Alright, good job, 126.
Let's wrap it up.
APD, scene is yours.
Appreciate it, Captain,
but it's not our scene.
- It's theirs.
- Captain Strand.
- Ranger Reyes.
JUDD RYDER: Right. No peekin'.
Except for you, Charlie girl.
You can look. It's okay.
Dad, is this really necessary?
JUDD: Yes, this is really necessary.
Ain't you ever heard
of a dramatic reveal before?
Alright. Leigh Ann, honey,
you just come right here.
- Okay. (CHUCKLES)
- There you go.
Y'all keep 'em closed.
Okay, open 'em up.
- Welcome home, y'all!
Wait, is this for us?
Yes, you bet it is.
You've got two bedrooms
and a little backyard
for Liam to play in.
Wow, this is so generous.
But how did you even find an
ADA-compliant home on the market?
We've been looking for months.
Oh, no, we didn't.
Uh, Judd here has been renovating it
for, what, six weeks?
JUDD: Mm-hmm.
Dad, when did you even do this?
Well, you know,
I've-I've had 12 hours a day
now that you're busy
with your fancy job.
You-You lowered the countertops,
the light switches,
changed the door handles
He put rails in the bathroom too, so.
Thank you.
Thank you both. Look, Liam.
Hey, this is where you're
gonna grow up, buddy.
Yeah, yeah. That's right.
It's gonna be awesome.
Yeah, it's gonna be awesome.
Mom, don't cry.
I don't think I can help it.
Uh, y'all, let me get a picture
of this for Grace.
- She would kill me if I didn't.
- Oh, yes.
This is the new family
in their happy home.
- Oh, yeah.
- MARLENE HARRIS: Oh, that's so cute.
That's one for the mantle right there.
Look at my grandson.
Gracie told me she's sorry
she can't be here.
Well, I'd say she's got
much more important things
on her plate right now.
Mama's, uh, Mama's
doing the Lord's work.
So what about you, Dad?
What about me what?
What's next for you?
There's There is actually
something that I've been I've been,
I've been puttin' off
for a long time now.
It's, uh, very important.
Yeah? What's that?
Well, I must start
spending Sundays the way
I believe the Lord intended, which is
watching football.
Oh, boy.
At approximately 1400 hours,
the guards noticed they were
being followed by a sedan.
The passenger fires
warning shots into the air,
doesn't stop the vehicle, but
it does serve
as an effective distraction
as they approach a choke point.
Where two more masked
individuals are setting up a roadblock
and waiting with a high-powered rifle.
When the vehicle doesn't stop
I think we've seen
the long and short of it, Reyes.
- CARLOS: Yes, sir.
The plates on the sedan and
truck were bogus, likely stolen.
But we did put out a BOLO
on four males, age 25 to 50
Well, you're ignoring
the most important clue
of the whole bloody show.
Our suspect fired a round
at a moving vehicle
and hit the driver clean
through the windpipe.
Yeah, I know you feel strongly about
looking at people with military
training, Ranger Campbell,
and I don't disagree,
but there is 1.2 million vets
in the state.
Then how do you propose
we narrow it down?
We figure out their MO, sir.
Their MO?
They rob trucks with money in 'em.
What the hell is there to figure out?
There's more to it.
There's a deeper pattern at play here.
Which is?
Um, I don't know yet, sir,
but I, uh, I can feel it in my gut.
You you said your gut?
- Yes, sir, my gut.
- BRIDGES: Oh, goodness gracious.
You sound just like your old man.
With all due respect, Chief,
we've had three
armored car heists in a month.
Now, I held my tongue on the first two
'cause them other drivers
had the good sense to stop
and surrender their payload, but
we got blood on the asphalt now.
This ain't no job for a greenhorn.
There are no greenhorns
in the Texas Rangers.
Come on, man, I know he's the son
of the late, great Gabriel Reyes,
but nine months ago,
he was an APD patrolman
working domestics and DUIs.
Now, Campbell, Reyes did
more than work on DUIs.
You know, he solved kidnappings.
Hell, he even helped
bag a serial killer.
I'm not saying he don't got talent.
Put him on credit card theft
or check fraud.
Let him get some Ranger reps in.
But something's got
these boys' tails on fire.
Alright, you don't do
three jobs in a month
unless you need
a lot of cash in a bad way.
Now, their big score just burned up.
- What's that tell you?
- They're gonna do it again.
Alright, well,
there's one thing we agree on.
If you wanna catch these guys,
let me take over the investigation.
Sir, please do not take
this case away from me.
This is not your case, it's mine.
And I'm in the results business.
Ranger Campbell, whatever you
got on your plate, clear it off
'cause you got on this case full-time.
You both are.
I want you each to work this
whichever way you see fit.
- Then we'll just, uh,
we'll see who comes out on top.
- Breathe and stop for real ♪
- PAUL: Jab. Jab.
And give it what you got ♪
And just, uhh ♪
- Breathe and stop for real ♪
- And cross.
And give it what you got ♪
Damn, girl. Bringin' the heat.
There she is,
the lady with the magic hands.
Yeah, man. You should see this
nasty hook Marj is throwing today.
- PAUL: Woo!
Actually, I was talking about
how she found that bullet hole
on that armored car.
Kinda cool how you used
your hands to guide you
like that blind dude in Don't Breathe.
But we were all working together, right?
No "I" in team.
Yeah, for sure. I'm just saying
it was a baller move,
especially given the circumstance.
What, that there were
victims trapped inside?
And the lieutenant's badge on the line.
I mean, Cap's ready to give
that out any second.
It's a clutch time
to pull a rabbit out of a hat.
Well, I mean, if we're being
technical, it was my idea.
What are you talking about?
It was Cap's idea.
"Look for a crack in the armor."
That's what he said, right?
(SCOFFS) Yeah, but I'm the one
who said, "Look for a bullet hole."
And I'm the one who found it.
Okay, so, suddenly
there's an "I" in team, huh?
Since when do you dive bomb for credit?
Oh, that's rich coming from #FireFox.
- Hey. Alright, alright.
- Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
Maybe you guys should
find a new workout.
And just uhh, breathe and stop ♪
- Hey. Uh, question.
- Hey.
Are you making any headway
on that lieutenant decision?
But I got a couple more days
before the deadline.
You might not wanna wait that long.
I think the pressure's getting to them.
Pressure? Paul and Marjan?
They eat pressure for breakfast.
If this goes on much longer,
they might just eat each other.
Thank you for the heads-up,
but I think you're exaggerating.
Kids like to use this spot for mudding.
Neighbor called in
a drunk driver passed out
behind the wheel doing donuts.
I don't think he's drunk, though.
How can you tell?
The exhaust pipe, full of mud.
This is carbon monoxide poisoning.
OWEN: We gotta get him
out of there right away.
- MATEO: But how?
- Let's bring in the rig,
put it right in front of him,
stop him in his tracks.
Got it, Cap.
Don't bother.
Look at her go.
I was replacing the grease-trap cover
when I slipped and lost my hand.
- It's a prosthetic.
- OWEN: Oh!
Sank right to the bottom.
But the worst part is
my wedding ring was on it.
We'll get it for you.
You want me to grab
a pike pole and fish it out?
No need.
OWEN: Good job, 126.
Cap the hydrant and clear the lines.
- I'll get the fire hydrant.
- I'll clear the lines, Cap.
Oh, no. Cap, I can do that for you.
- Oh, no, I insist.
- PAUL: No, I've got it, Marj.
MARJAN: I insist.
Who does she think she is, Lara Croft?
Nah, man, she's FireFox.
Yeah, he's breathing, Cap.
I think the fresh air is helping.
Bravo, Marwani.
SERVER: Thank you.
- Wait, but
- Your ring.
- Dude, what are you doing?
- I'm helping clear the line.
- Are you though?
- Are you?
Yo. Guys, what's going on?
You opened the wrong gate, didn't you?
- She did it.
- He did it.
- JUDD: Hey.
- Hey.
What are you doin' here?
Well, I was just on my way into work.
Thought I'd stop by
and say hi to my baby sister.
- Oh, yeah.
- What's up, Char Char? Hi.
Wy-Wy! I'm playing train.
Oh, nice.
I need to go poo-poo.
- Okay.
Gotta love a girl who speaks her mind.
Boy, she don't lack
for confidence, that's for sure.
- Yeah.
- You want a cup of coffee?
Sure. Yeah.
So, what, you thought
you'd just, uh, roll through
and see how your old man
was faring without you?
No. No, seriously,
I just wanted to say hi.
Did I interrupt you
doing your taxes or something?
Uh, you got your readers on?
I was just dusting off the old resume.
Really? Yeah? What inspired that?
Last night
after I put Charlie down,
it was the quietest this house
has ever been in the nine years
that we've been living here,
and I just had one thought
that was just
kinda spinnin' in my head.
Yeah? What was that?
Well, you should know
'cause you asked it.
- What's next.
- What's next?
It-it-it threw me for a damn loop.
And, you know,
most of the time, if I get lost
or if I go adrift
I turn to Gracie and
she helps get me back
on solid ground, but
you know, Grace ain't here right now.
I remember her face the day that, uh,
the people from the Mercy Ship
came to our church
and they were pinning up
these pictures of these little kids
from the orphanage,
and it was, you know
and little kids that the
whole world has forgot about.
But little kids,
that once Grace saw 'em,
she couldn't forget about 'em.
She knew it was inconvenient.
She knew that it was terrible timing.
But she felt the touch of God.
And, uh
I can still see her face that day.
Her eyes were
you know, shining with tears
and not just tears, man, like,
this, this, like, fire too, you know?
And I never loved her more
than I did in that moment.
- Wow.
- JUDD: That's what I want for me now.
That kinda purpose.
- Hence the resume.
Hence the resume.
Look, uh, I think that's great.
Honestly, but I doubt Judd Ryder
needs a resume
to get a job as a firefighter.
Maybe not,
but this ain't for firefighting.
Yeah? What's it for, then?
It's for trucking.
Yeah. Why not?
I already got the license
from driving the rig, you know?
I can do short-haul stuff.
I can be back in time
for dinner with my baby girl.
Dad, you and I both know
you were put on this earth
for one purpose,
that's to be a firefighter.
- I retired.
- So unretire.
JUDD: No, it's not that simple.
I already started collecting my pension.
Without special dispensation
from the chief,
I have to go back and start
all over again as a probie.
Well, it's a good thing your best
friend has an in with the chief then.
I'm not gonna take advantage
of my friendship with Owen.
That's, that's a matter of principle.
Yeah, a matter of principle or pride?
Dad, for six months
we did PT in that corner,
and, and every minute of that sucked.
I recall.
I felt so sorry for myself.
Because, you know,
the biggest dream of my life
your dream to be a firefighter,
that was taken from me.
Every time I felt like
waving that white flag,
what did you say?
You said, quit whining
Keep grinding.
You and Grace
you guys pushed me
even when it felt hopeless.
I may never be a firefighter
but thanks to you guys,
I mean, I have a job more meaningful
than I could have ever imagined.
I just, I want the same for you.
You really did just come here
to check on me, didn't you?
Oh, you know, you're my dad.
I appreciate you.
More than you'll ever know.
But, if Owen wanted me back,
he would ask me.
Okay? The 126 has moved on.
And, uh
Huh. Now I gotta do the same.
TK: Babe, I don't know when
we're gonna do this couples' hang.
So Marjan and Joe can do Saturday
but, of course, Mateo and
Nancy are going camping.
Of course.
Paul and Asha can do Sunday,
but not Joe and Marjan,
and everyone can do Friday.
Okay, so let's do that.
No, we we can't do that.
That's your nephew's birthday, silly.
Oh, right, so
Where exactly are you
right now, husband?
I'm sorry. It's this armored car case.
This ranger at the office,
Ranger Campbell,
he called me out in a briefing.
Got the chief to okay
a parallel investigation.
Now I'm in a footrace with the guy.
- Campbell? Like the soup?
- Yeah.
First of all,
that's a really stupid name,
and second of all,
he sounds like a complete idiot.
CARLOS: Except he's not.
He may come from
a different angle than I do,
but it, it it doesn't make him wrong.
Well, maybe he's not an idiot.
I mean, do you have any leads?
I only have 30 minutes with you today.
I'm not wasting it talking about a case.
Babe. Stop.
Come on.
I do have a theory.
The thieves are targeting
trucks two or three stops
after they make a pickup
from a big cash event,
but before they make it
back to the bank.
- When cars are packed to the brim?
- Exactly.
So they hit this one on Alvarado
two stops after it made
a $300,000 pickup
from a flea market.
They got this one after it picked
up 150K from a bingo parlor,
and the last one stopped at a
horse track before it was attacked.
I mean, it had over 900 grand inside.
Okay, well, sounds like
you figured out their MO, right?
Now you just have to find out
when the next big cash event is
and go from there?
But that's the problem. It's Austin.
It's full of big cash events.
Every day there are
concerts or gun shows.
I mean, the, the pool's still too big.
Maybe my gut's just wrong.
Alright, maybe it is.
- Thanks.
- But what about your dad?
Was his gut ever wrong?
- Not once in recorded history.
- TK: Exactly.
And he believed in you, Carlos.
respond to the 500th block of South Lamar.
Signals out all the way to De Zavala.
I'm sorry, baby, uh, I have to go.
Why? They said
a few traffic lights were out,
not that they needed
medical for an accident.
Yeah, but now South Lamar's
gonna be a parking lot
and I'm gonna have to take side streets
all the way back to the firehouse.
That's it.
- That's it.
TK, you're a genius.
What did I do?
I have to go. I love you, okay?
I love you.
Hello, officer?
Ranger Carlos Reyes.
I'm looking for the shift supervisor.
That would be me.
Sara Ortiz.
There something I can help you with?
I'm hoping you can
help me catch a killer.
Each of the armored car attacks
happened in a remote area
within two blocks of a road closure.
A broken water main,
a downed power line.
Do you think these guys created
the problems to divert the cars
- off their normal routes?
- CARLOS: I do.
And I think they call it in themselves
to make sure that the city responded.
I wanna check if there were
any 9-1-1 calls May 2nd
for a broken water main on Alvarado.
SARA ORTIZ: I'll check the CAD.
No, nothing.
How about a downed power line
on Piper Street on the 11th?
No, I don't see anything like that.
WYATT: Maybe you're trying
the wrong number.
9-1-1 is the only one we answer.
Yeah, but maybe it didn't come to us.
So all those sound like
non-emergency city service issues.
The number for that is 3-1-1.
SARA: This is Wyatt,
my newest dispatcher.
He just got his stripes last month.
Congratulations. Carlos Reyes.
I've heard a lot about you, actually.
I'm a friend of your dad's and Grace.
WYATT: Yeah, I've heard
a lot about you too.
You're, you're TK's husband, right?
He was one of the paramedics
who saved my life.
Wyatt, why don't you pull up
3-1-1's database on your station?
Yeah. What was the date
of the first one?
Uh, broken water main,
May 2nd on Alvarado Street.
Yeah. Here it is.
What's your city service issue?
Hiya, friend.
I'm callin' to report a busted pipe
sprayin' like a damn geyser.
Alvarado's totally flooded.
Check on a downed power line
on the 11th.
- Yep, yep.
3-1-1. What can I do for you?
Hiya, friend. I'm callin' to report
a downed power line on Piper.
It's sparkin' like a son of a bitch.
- "Hiya, friend."
- It's the same caller.
See if any calls came in
yesterday on Drew Valley Road.
ACCENT): Hiya, friend.
I'm callin' to report
a gas leak on Drew Valley.
It stinks like rotten eggs out here.
Same caller every time.
He creates a diversion
utilizing city services
and funnels the armored car
to an ambush point.
And I assume you ran the numbers
he used to make the calls.
They're all burner phones.
I've been trying to find out
where they were purchased,
maybe there's
a surveillance video somewhere.
- You're wasting your time.
- Sorry, am I boring you?
Oh, far from it, boy wonder.
That caller's drawl.
Flat As, rounded Os, dropped Gs.
It's an Inland accent.
Predominant in Odessa, Midland, Pecos.
When I cross-reference those hometowns
with all the special ops vets
in our database,
take out the ones
without a criminal record
or currently live
in the Austin metroplex
the pool shrinks from 386 names to six.
Dollars to donuts at least a few
of them boys are our suspects.
You should put a BOLO out on 'em.
Start rounding 'em up, Chief.
Well, uh, this is Texas,
and we just don't go around
arresting folks
for a history of honorable
service to our country.
Chief, Campbell's right.
These guys are gonna strike again soon
the longer they're on the streets
The more likely they're gonna
harm somebody else.
Not if we catch 'em with
their hand in the cookie jar.
What's up, Owen? Come on in.
- I'm not interrupting?
- No, no.
I just, uh, I was clearing
out some of Wyatt's stuff.
I got Charlie at daycare, so
You want a drink?
I would not say no to a beer.
I got you.
So how does Wyatt like his new house?
JUDD: Oh, man.
He-He was beside himself. He loved it.
I wish Grace had been there to see it.
Where in the world
is your lovely wife these days?
Last we spoke, her Mercy Ship
was on its way to the Solomon Islands.
That's amazing.
Yeah, it really is.
(SIGHS) Well, thanks
for taking the time.
Look, time is the one commodity
that I got plenty of these days.
Well, um, I hope this isn't too forward,
but I wanted to talk to you
about your old job.
Well, I'm all ears.
It's no secret you were
the best lieutenant I ever had.
And over the last year,
I know it more than ever.
Thank you, Owen. I mean,
it that means the world to me.
The truth is, you left a set of
boots that Bigfoot couldn't fill.
And that's why I'm here.
Okay, so why don't you tell me more
about, you know, the perfect person
to fill my size 13-wide boots?
Yeah. Not person, people.
You s It's people?
OWEN: Yeah, it's Marjan and Paul.
They've both formally submitted
their names for the position.
They're taking their
written lieutenant test today.
You want me to help
you choose my replacement?
Is this awkward?
- This is awkward, isn't it?
- No, no, no.
It's just that you're
the person whose judgment
I, I, I trust the most, you know?
you know, this last year,
with Robert and Gabriel dying,
I've been in kind of a mental funk,
I think you call it.
Yeah, I get you, man.
I'm always gonna
be here for you, Owen, so
Yeah, where's your head at?
Well, you know 'em better than anyone.
You know their strengths,
you know their weaknesses.
Their strengths, yeah, I mean
You'd be hard-pressed
to conjure any weaknesses.
So you don't see any daylight
between 'em either.
The good news is
you can't go wrong either way.
Well, I'm not sure about that.
You know this competition
has really come between
their friendship,
and I'm worried that, you know,
there's gonna be
some bitterness between 'em.
Between them or, or towards you?
You think this is all about me?
You've lost a lot of people
that are close to you,
family, friends, and
uh, I don't know,
it-it-it-it could be the real
reason that you're so stuck on this
is you don't wanna lose nobody else.
And you're saying
whoever gets passed over
might not wanna work for the guy who
passed 'em over?
It's goin' up like a geyser.
Do it.
Game time.
They're here.
Get in position.
MASKED THIEF 1: Alright, let's do this!
Pull over! Pull over! Pull over!
They're headed your way.
Out of the truck! Now!
Open the damn doors!
The hell are they waitin' for?
I guess we'll never know.
your weapons now and get on your knees!
OFFICER 1: We're good!
OFFICER 2: Go, go!
OFFICER 3: Go, go, go.
Oh, don't look so confused, boys.
Ain't you ever heard of
an old-fashioned Texas bait car?
My, my. How far
we have fallen from grace.
Staff Sergeant Andrew Foster.
How the hell do you know that?
You should really change up your MO.
Thanks to the tireless work
of the Texas Rangers,
four killers will be eating their supper
behind bars tonight.
The old man sure can
lay it on thick sometimes,
if you ask me.
You know, I, uh,
I'd like to take my crow neat
and as fast as possible.
I admit, I thought you was
one of them nepo babies.
I didn't think it was fair you got
to jump the line just 'cause of
Who my father was.
But if you hadn't
figured out that them thugs
was using 3-1-1 calls,
they'd have killed somebody else.
Well, then I guess I should
take a shot of crow myself.
This whole time, I thought
I was in a footrace with you.
But if I had looked at you
more like a partner,
maybe we would have broken this sooner.
Well, let that be
a lesson to you, partner.
You know, I, uh
sat across a desk from
your daddy for seven years.
Just as close as you and I are now.
That much time, this little distance
you gather the full measure of a man.
- And what did you gather?
That he was relentless and brilliant.
But most of all
an insufferable pain in the ass.
Must run in the family.
Alright. (SIGHS)
Good night
Ranger Reyes.
Good night, Ranger Campbell.
Hey, baby.
Hey, what you doing?
Oh, nothing. Just feeding Lou Two.
Are you heading out?
Actually, uh, I'm
I think I'm gonna stick here
a little while longer.
Oh, but, uh
I thought you solved the case.
I-I just saw it on the news.
- Not for that case.
- TK (ON PHONE): Oh.
For "the" case.
TK: Will you just promise me one thing?
What's that?
That you won't eat your dinner
out of a vending machine again tonight?
Uh, don't wait up for me, okay?
I'll leave a light on for you.
Good night, TK.
TK: Good night, Carlos.
WYATT: Uh, is your vehicle stalled?
- Then, sir, you need
to get your vehicle
off the tracks right now.
CALLER: I'm not on the tracks.
Okay, then why are you calling?
'Cause neither is the train.
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